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Author Topic: The Chronicle  (Read 3131 times)


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The Chronicle
« on: 19 Apr 2007, 20:52 »

Has anyone heard of this show? It was apparently on the sci fi channel (which I don't have because I'm Australian) in 2001. It had one series. A friend converted me to it the other week, and I have to say I am really enjoying watching it!
I really like the concept, and it's funny but not full on comedy, and I like the characters.
It's about a man who recently graduated- he's a journalist/reporter. But he graduated in disgrace, because he believed these girls saying that their lecturer had indecently assaulted them, and ran a story on it. It wasn't true, and he ruined the lecturer's life. Now, no newspapers will take him. So, out of desperation, he goes to join The Chronicle which is a tabloid newspaper of the 'Elvis sighted!' 'there's a demon in my toilet!' 'Alien lovechild!' variety. And he finds out that everything that the Chronicle writes is absolutely 100% true. The Chronicle reporters investigate all sorts of completely crazy stuff going on, and then report the truth to the general public- who of course, mainly don't believe them. And at the same time, they save the world quite a lot, because they're the only ones who know about it to be able to do it.

It's really good, in my opinion! It also has nice friendships/partnerships/teamwork between the three main characters- Tucker, Wes and Grace, and for ONCE they actually have a good female character! I've noticed that a lot of times, there's a female character there so that women will watch the show, BUT then they try and make that woman be 'everything' rather than letting her have her character and personality and sticking with it. Grace is great!
It's got a sort of Men In Black feel to it ... because no matter what, if the characters go around trying to claim this stuff is true (to people other than the readers of the Chronicle who are usually either crazy, an alien or something themselves, or just read it for the laughs) they'll just be considered insane.

Has anyone seen it?

I don't have any clips to show you, but here are two fanvideos. They're only using clips from the first four episodes though.
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