Hey guys, are internet providers able to prevent wireless routers on an internet connection, and if so are they known to do this? I can't get my new wireless router working reliably, and I'm starting to wonder if Comcast expects me to pay an extra "enable wireless" fee. I mean, I wouldn't put it past them to come up with some crap like that.
There is no way for them to set up anything on their end to "block wireless routers" unless they were in cahoots with the router manufacturers, and got MAC addresses of every router that rolled off the assembly line, and even still a MAC spoof setting would bypass that. The only extra fee Comcast has for Wireless is if you rent the Wireless router from them. if you bought your own router, there is no fee. Also, I use Comcast with a Linksys WRT54G v6 and with a WCG200 at another house. Both work flawlessly (though they had some issues maintaining a connection due to BitTorrent, but updating the firmware in both fixed that problem in both).
You're apparently not the only one having this problem. That is so fucked up. If it is indeed against the EULA for multiple people to connect over the same connection, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Do you have access to other providers or DSL?
The URL you posted is some dude's speculation about what is going on and is not based on any true evidence, and is actually false altogether. Comcast has security measures in place to make sure people aren't stealing their neighbors' cable by tossing a splitter on it. What they do is when you first sign up for service, it will learn the MAC address of the device you plug into the cable modem. From then on, it will only let that MAC address connect, but they also put a 24-hour timeout on that MAC, so if you do switch to a router, or a new router, removing your old device for 24 hours, will remove the old MAC from their list, and allow it to learn the MAC of your new router. You can also call Comcast and request they manually remove the old device's MAC, so you can switch the devices without waiting 24 hours. This is done by almost all cable providers I have seen, including COX, (the ex-) Adelphia, and others. It is not a conspiracy, or some sort of trickery, it is good business.
Another comcast + third party wireless router user chiming in. I've got the ubiquitous Linksys WRT54G (sadly, the 5th gen one that sucks, not 1-4 which were awesome).
I have seen both early revision and late revision WRT54G routers do very well, AFTER you update their firmware. The shipping firmware on most has had major issues. Just get the new one off their site and update the router, and you should be fine.