It will be interesting to see if either of them can handle this relationship. But of all the possible matches, Sven (for all his womanising past and the trust issues that will bring) seems the best.
- Angus was a terrible choice - he was encouraging the worst in Faye, apparently interested in a verbal sadomasochistic sort of relationshio.

- Marten, although now maturing into a great friend, was basically too unsure in himself. His social ineptness led to him accidentally calling her an alcoholic, f'instance.
- Sven's been consistently portrayed as being a source of good advice. He doesn't encourage her self-pity, but asks her practical and quite insightful questions about why she does what she does and what she wants to do about it. At the same time, the whole fake guitar thing showed he's able to take being in the wrong, that's he's a very self-aware guy. Sven has an emotional maturity which can be really helpful to Faye.
The problem is, he's hardly been mature in the past in his own treatment of women. He's taken the easy route all the way, and been consistently selfish. She made him confront that, and he's been trying to change, but doing _anything_ with Faye is a huge leap for Sven. She's like the antithesis of the easy one-night stand. She has built-in Dora consequences. And she's someone he genuinely cares about as a friend. Responding to her kiss in any way is going to be scaryhard for him. And going into a relationship where he actually _cares_ about his partner will probably be one of the most frightening things he's done in his life.