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Author Topic: Nobody Understands!  (Read 13727 times)


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Nobody Understands!
« on: 15 Sep 2007, 16:20 »

I'm sure we've all been there at some point. Isn't it sorta crushing when nobody wants to listen to the same things as you? When a person has no interest in an album that is really close to your heart?

There have been a few 'spill overs' and a few of the bands you like have gotten popular, it gives you hope! You were right about that one band, folks know that! Maybe they'll try out that other band now too? Nope.
When you're out with friends, when you're meeting new people, trying to mingle, one of the first things that comes up is always 'So what kind of music do you like?'. How do you answer that question? I always get blank stares. Liking the music you like is a social handicap. You can't always just say 'I have the worst taste in the world, you wouldn't like it'. It turns people off just as much as a 10 minute discussion of trying to describe the sound of the Dirty Three. Which ends up being something like 'Nirvana without the singing' or something ridiculous.

After people haven't heard of your favourite bands, they'll always try to guess. That's depressing too.
"Oh, I know! You like Zep?"
"I guess I have enjoyed them in the past..."
"No!? You GOT to like Queen!"
"I don't."
"GOT IT! The Chilli Peppers. Everybody likes the chillis."
"Not me."
"You're pretty weird. Listen, I...I'm gonna go over there somewhere...have a nice night!"

I guess the thing to do in these conversations is to either avoid music completely, or pretend a little.
How do you try to describe your music to somebody who is clueless to anything that's even remotely similar? To a person who's knowledge of music comes from the Top 40?

I recall an event when the Dinosaur Jr reunion was just announced. Not long afterwards they were playing at a festival. Several stages. They were playing the small one in the tent, probably more intimate. I couldn't go, I was pretty bummed out by this.
"Dinosaur Jr are great you guys, they made one of my favourite albums of all time, the soundtrack to the last few years of my life."
"Cool. What do they sound like?"
*description of dinosaur Jr, their influences, bands they have influenced and the period they were culturally significant8
"...So like Nirvana? Might check them out."
These people all went to see Pete Doherty's Baby Shambles or something while DJR played. One of the girl's father DID check out the band on my recommendation and told them "Hell of a guitarist, probably one of the best bands here."

They still haven't listened to YLAOM from start to finish.*

It hurts me a little that the people I know would rather hear Evanescene and think Amy Lee is the best song writer around, that Korn is the most heartbreaking music available and that Limp Bizkit has the perfect 'rocker' attitude.

Not only are they missing out on great things, they also couldn't care any less about this thing which is really dear to me.
It's terrible. Because you can't describe your music to a person, because you don't like Queen or the RHCP, you're boring and not worthy of a person's time.
So sad.


*The final track on YLAOM is Poledo and I'll shoot any person who says otherwise, even if the cure cover was pretty good.

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #1 on: 15 Sep 2007, 17:00 »

God, darryl. This is pretty pathetic.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #2 on: 15 Sep 2007, 17:06 »

I do not have it so bad because I like most types of music, at least a few songs from most types. However I do have a preference for game music, as it has the most effect on me emotionally. It is very hard to ask most people to listen to any music from a game written only for that game. So I do somewhat understand what you are talking about.

C Patrick Carolan

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #3 on: 15 Sep 2007, 17:08 »

For the most part, I've given up on having conversations about music with all but a select few of the people I know in real life. I'm lucky enough to have quite a few friends with reasonable taste in music, though.

And at work... I've been working in a major chain music store (HMV) for about a year and a half now. At this point I don't even have it in me ot be polite to customers whenit comes ot their shitty taste in music. When I'm asked if the new Kanye West, Timbaland, or 50 Cent CDs are "any good" I flat out tell people they're asking the wrong guy and that I hate that shit. A customer buying a gift for her son (or whomever) asked me a few weeks ago which Nickelback CD was my favorite, and she didn't seem to understand what I meant when I told her outright that I don't like any of them. Which always leads to the "Oh, so what do you listen to?" question... and I hate to be the record store snob character, but my answer is usually "Oh, lots of stuff... but pretty much nothing you've ever heard of."

We're supposed to be nice to people and all that, but I just can't do it anymore. The best I can do when I'm asked those questions is "it's not my kind of thing, but we're selling a lot of copies of that CD" (as if sales = quality).

There have been a few decent moments, though. At least twice in the last few weeks a couple of customers have asked me for recommendations and actually bought the CDs I suggested... I even managed to sell a copy of the latest Black Rebel Motorcycle Club to a woman in her mid/late 40s. She said she was thinking about buying some AC/DC but decided that trying somehting new might be more fun, and it was such a refreshing thing ot hear in an HMV that I damn near wept. (okay not really)

It all really comes down to laziness, I think. It was kind of depressing to see how many people came in to buy the Blaqk Audio CD, just because it's two guys from AFI... but the same people would never listen to Mesh or Neuroactive or Iris, even though it's all pretty much exactly the same thing. Bon Jovi put out one of the weakest albums of the year (I can only say I've heard it because of the head office mandated in-store playlist) but it sold like mad because people have always bought Bon Jovi's albums. The local rock radio station hasn't updated their rotation since 1993, so of course we still sell piles of AC/DC, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Nirvana CDs... to 15 year old kids. Nothing against those bands, but people are just really lazy when it comes to music and they'll eat up pretty much anything that's spoon-fed to them.



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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #4 on: 15 Sep 2007, 17:34 »

Guys, it seems I did this whole thing wrong.
Here are some bands that are popular, as dictated by the internet, in order of the most hits.

The Beatles
Pink Floyd
50 cent
Led Zepellin
Green Day
The Doors
Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Tomorrow, I will make a list of bands that have quiet chicks infront of microphones, because that is how we roll on the QC forums.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #5 on: 15 Sep 2007, 18:26 »

In my entire life, I have met less than half a dozen people that have the same taste as music in person. And for about half of them, I introduced them to a lot of the bands.

*sigh* It sucks living in a town filled with "hardcore" kids and wannabe gangsters.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #6 on: 15 Sep 2007, 18:39 »

Yeah man, high school sux.

I did write a Deerhoof and Menomena review for my school paper though. Of course, I did have to put a part that said "Yes, these bands DO actually exist."
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #7 on: 15 Sep 2007, 18:39 »

I think most towns are like that.  At the University I attend, it's mostly rap (which I can tolerate and even listen to on occasion) and Fall Out Boy.  I've only met a few people who listen/like metal (Go figure, a metal head referencing a Nordic figure) and even fewer who listens to my favorite band.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #8 on: 15 Sep 2007, 20:57 »

With most of my close friends, I've been able to at least get them to appreciate what I like. But most people don't like what I like. Part of it is that I like music that isn't terribly accessible, and part of it is that I listen to some music that isn't really all that great in the first place (see avatar). Plus my favorite genres, industrial and IDM, have been in a pretty serious decline since their 90's peak.

I actually have the opposite problem to what it seems like everybody else is experiencing. I have friends that are more into what's popular, everybody does, and they're the people I can easily bend to my particular tastes, but I also have friends who I'm sure would feel right at home here in the QC music forum, and they generally seem to know much more about current music than I do. It's slow going catching up, as I'm fairly inexperienced and it takes me awhile to absorb new music (I'm one of those people that listens to a new album for a couple of weeks before really starting to get a feel for it). So I'm just now starting to bend my ear towards Menomena and Pinback and whatever else, but some of my friends are way ahead of me, they probably always will be, and I likely embarrass them just as all of your musically ignorant friends embarrass you.

But still, it's damned irritating whenever my friends would rather listen to Modest Mouse instead of ambient music, and I have never met anyone outside of the internet who appreciates Autechre or Boards of Canada as much as I seem to.
« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2007, 21:00 by Kid van Pervert »
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #9 on: 15 Sep 2007, 22:23 »

Man, there is nothing wrong with IDM at all. If you listen to that and they listen to Menomena, I would say you're ahead of them (Not that I have anything against Menomena. I don't.)
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #10 on: 15 Sep 2007, 22:35 »

Oh, I love IDM, unabashedly. And most of it's pretty great. What I was more referring to was the industrial (or post-industrial, if you wanted to get technical) music, because so much of it flows into nu-metal and the genre's really died out in a big way because of it. Too aggro.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #11 on: 15 Sep 2007, 23:30 »

I say "I like annoying indie-pop music!" then I ask a question to direct the conversation to other things. Though I don't have the same problem you do-lots of people who hang out at the same places I do have similar tastes.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #12 on: 16 Sep 2007, 03:33 »

Wait, are you saying you don't like Queen? I don't think we can be friends!

I find that if someone asks me what music I like I just say "The Beatles" and we know where we stand in relation to each other music wise.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #13 on: 16 Sep 2007, 05:12 »

Nah, pretty much everybody I've met my age or younger doesn't have a clue about what the Beatles actually are besides '60s hippie shit'.
Hat, I have actually been told 'I don't think we can be friends' for not liking Queen. When I came out of the 'I don't actually like queen' closet, I was ridiculed for months. Like when I was about 12 and said 'Guys, I don't actually like Blink 182...' and they were pissed off with me for weeks. Wouldn't even talk to me.They couldn't understand, it took one of my girlfriends to get angry at them to make them realise they were being cocks, then it took years for me to get comfortable with them again.

We're not judged so much on the things we like as much as we are judged on the things we don't like. Saying 'I don't like the artic monkeys' is a good way, in the UK, to ensure you'll never get laid.

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #14 on: 16 Sep 2007, 06:40 »

That sounds like a horrible, horrible place.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #15 on: 16 Sep 2007, 07:02 »

Yeah, the UK is a strange place. You can be a complete jerk and treat people like shit and get away with it as long as you sing along to 'Under the Bridge' when it plays. But once you say 'Nah, this isn't my thing' you might as well have said 'I want to fuck babies'.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #16 on: 16 Sep 2007, 08:41 »

I've gotten used to pretty much all of my friends being instantly dismissive, or at least disinterested of and in the music that I listen to, after all, if it's not been on the radio or music television, then how could it possibly be good? They will, however, concede that in some select circumstances, I have miraculously been right about a band, if they break through into the 'real world'. But these occurances are rare, and every other band that I listen to is shit.
My friends and I have figured out that we're just never going to see eye-to-eye on matters of music, so we don't bother trying to talk about music that often. When we do, it'll usually involve me saying that a band is absoloubtly fucking amazing and unmissable, and them saying that they're shit. Or they'll mention a band ("I love the new XXXXXXX song.") and I'll tell them that I haven't heard them, and chances are, haven't heard of them. They fail to notice that I'm not particularily interested in hearing the band, since we have never before liked the same music, but still they'll force it on me. I'll politely tell them "They're okay..." and perhaps mention some bands I listen to that are sonically similar.
But there is one guy, who actively, every time I see him, goes out of his way to tell me that the music I listen to is shit because nobody else has heard of it.
Once, I mentioned to him that, actually, the Shins and Modest Mouse did pretty well in the US, and got really high on the billboard 200. His comeback to this was that there are too many Americans, so the charts are, somehow, scewed towards making it look like unpopular bands are popular.
One day, I plan on sitting down with everyone, and telling them politely, that, to me, the music I listen to isn't all that obscure. It just so happens that the community and people I get my reccomendations for music from aren't here. It's effectivley a different culture, and to me the music that my friends listen to is pretty obscure, since I haven't heard of half of it.
I do not listen to the radio, I do not like the songs that I like to be ruined by being overplayed. I do not watch music television, I have never found a channel that plays music I like . I discover new music by listening to the opinions of people who like music similar to mine.
Why is that so wrong?


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #17 on: 16 Sep 2007, 09:37 »

When I converse with people, the topic of music rarely comes up. When I am asked however, I am just as clueless as you lot. The yoke of nerdery.

Next time though, I am going to use a good one, I heard some time ago: "Anything with a steady beat!"

It would be a lie of course but one has to keep up appearances eh?


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #18 on: 16 Sep 2007, 10:41 »

Once, I mentioned to him that, actually, the Shins and Modest Mouse did pretty well in the US, and got really high on the billboard 200. His comeback to this was that there are too many Americans, so the charts are, somehow, scewed towards making it look like unpopular bands are popular.

Man, that would frustrate me so much. Who taught this guy math? In what backwards universe does his logic work?


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #19 on: 16 Sep 2007, 10:57 »

Man, there is nothing wrong with IDM at all. If you listen to that and they listen to Menomena, I would say you're ahead of them (Not that I have anything against Menomena. I don't.)

I have a lot against Menomena. If you want stereotypical BTS rip off Indie-Rock, why not listen to Modest Mouse? They did it first, better, and have a much less retarded name.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #20 on: 16 Sep 2007, 11:01 »

Guys it is really hard for me to meet people I like. I mean what the fuck why haven't they heard of folk acts who put out 3 singles 50 years ago and indie noise electro bands who sell like 15,000 records a release.

I mean shit if a girl doesn't know all about Black Dice I sure am not sticking my dick in her.

What I am saying here is get over yourselves, your taste is not inherently better than anyone elses, just because someone likes music you think is shitty doesn't mean you're smarter than them, and by the way Amy Lee from Evanescence is really hot.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #21 on: 16 Sep 2007, 11:08 »

Guys it is really hard for me to meet people I like. I mean what the fuck why haven't they heard of folk acts who put out 3 singles 50 years ago and indie noise electro bands who sell like 15,000 records a release.
Nobody's been complaining about that.

I mean shit if a girl doesn't know all about Black Dice I sure am not sticking my dick in her.
People have been complaining about a large portion of people who act like that, except substitute Black Dice for something that is in the charts.

What I am saying here is get over yourselves, your taste is not inherently better than anyone elses, just because someone likes music you think is shitty doesn't mean you're smarter than them,
We know that. The entire point of the thread is to complain about people who think that their taste in music is inherently better than 'ours'.

and by the way Amy Lee from Evanescence is really hot.
Occasionally, you manage to be right. Well done.

In conclusion: read the thread.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #22 on: 16 Sep 2007, 11:22 »

The point of this thread was actually to post things that weren't list, insults or personal attacks. There are one or two people I am surprised didn't pick up on that.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #23 on: 16 Sep 2007, 11:33 »

Guys it is really hard for me to meet people I like. I mean what the fuck why haven't they heard of folk acts who put out 3 singles 50 years ago and indie noise electro bands who sell like 15,000 records a release.

Nobody's been complaining about that.

I mean shit if a girl doesn't know all about Black Dice I sure am not sticking my dick in her.
People have been complaining about a large portion of people who act like that, except substitute Black Dice for something that is in the charts.

What I am saying here is get over yourselves, your taste is not inherently better than anyone elses, just because someone likes music you think is shitty doesn't mean you're smarter than them,
We know that. The entire point of the thread is to complain about people who think that their taste in music is inherently better than 'ours'.

and by the way Amy Lee from Evanescence is really hot.
Occasionally, you manage to be right. Well done.

In conclusion: read the thread.

This thread, you sanctimonious androgynous fuckstick, is about people trying to make themselves feel better about their superiority. They are doing this through complaining that other people don't like the weird ass shit they think is amazing. It's a giant circle jerk of sanctimonious bullshit and you know it. If you're trying to deny that, then you're more deluded than I ever could have expected a human being to be.

When I am trying to explain to other people why they should like my music, I typically go with finding out even the slightest overlap in my taste with theirs. If they're a Clash fan, I can almost definitely recommend them the Exploding Hearts. If they like The Beatles, I can suggest Lucky Soul or something else with that awesome 60's Pop sensibility and harmony they'll appreciate. Then, I can move them towards bands like Circulatory System and Dr. Dog gradually, since they are already wetting their feet in music that could expand their horizons a little.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #24 on: 16 Sep 2007, 11:54 »

Kieffer. Chill the fuck out and stop insulting people, you're being a dick.
Even if we are all just jerking eachother off in here (which really, we're not, you're imagining things) it wouldn't kill you to make lighthearted fun about it instead of saying 'Fuck you, you suck, you're ugly, I'm awesome, you're not'.
The only person who seems to think they're superior here (alright, there are a few) is you. Anybody else types some of the shit you do, they'd get banned. Fuck, you do often get banned. Most of us here are nice to eachother, and when somebody does something we don't approve of or understand, we're diplomatic about it. You're not. You only seem to be nice to people who'll stroke your dick.

Not everybody thinks what you say is hilarious. I do, I personally loved it when you told that guy who started a blog thread that he should hang himself because he'll never get laid. It was a riot. He hasn't posted since then, that's pretty funny too.

I guess I should just make a list of bands to recommend to somebody in one of the other threads, this one clearly isn't working. Try to engage in a discussion about prejudice and people will jump on you. Lesson learned. No more discussion in here.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #25 on: 16 Sep 2007, 12:07 »

Kieffer is overreacting.

I'm confused by this thread because I am actually really uncomfortable talking about music in real life.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #26 on: 16 Sep 2007, 12:15 »

Yeah, the UK is a strange place. You can be a complete jerk and treat people like shit and get away with it as long as you sing along to 'Under the Bridge' when it plays. But once you say 'Nah, this isn't my thing' you might as well have said 'I want to fuck babies'.

I don't know where the fuck in the UK you live mate, but even if there are big separations in what music people listen to I've never seen anything at this level of assholery.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #27 on: 16 Sep 2007, 12:15 »

I was sarcastic, Schimmy was rude, I got angry, I feel justified, I am going to go listen to the mountain goats.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #28 on: 16 Sep 2007, 15:05 »

I actually read an essay by Isaac Asimov the other day, written in the 50's, predicting that within 50 years, technology would allow people to communicate only with people who they had direct common interests and that humanity would probably turn into a giant bunch of arseholes if this was the result.

Basically, Isaac Asimov predicted the internet, right down to this forum, and this thread.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #29 on: 16 Sep 2007, 16:24 »

Darryl, you're at university now, aren't you? The odds that there are groups of people who actually care about the music you do are pretty good, then.

If you desperately need to relate to people based on music, it's either that or listening to the radio.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #30 on: 16 Sep 2007, 18:41 »

I am going to go listen to the mountain goats.

oh snapppp
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #31 on: 16 Sep 2007, 19:28 »

I'm confused.  I think Kieffer is right?  I've never figured out how music was a sticking point in friendships and relationships, if you don't have music in common there are plenty of other things to talk about.  I can't say I've ever met anyone who judges a person's character entirely on their musical tastes, and I'm pretty sure that if such a person did exist they'd be an asshole who complains a lot about being lonely.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #32 on: 16 Sep 2007, 20:54 »

I usually handle the music talk much like how Tommy described he does, or sometimes I mention a few names, and then when I get the blank looks or inquisitive stares, I usually move onto something else.  It really depends on who I'm with.  Sometimes I'll say something kid of edgy but easy to argue, like "Guns N Roses are pretty terrible."  I usually can argue that one without people really getting on my case.  If I'm really starved to talk about music with someone, I'll start with some popular music that I actually to enjoy at least a little, like Pink Floyd or Radiohead.  Then I'll test them and see what they know with some slightly more obscure bands.  Basically Kieffer's strategy.

Where I come from, we usually just shorten that to "yee-haw!"

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #33 on: 16 Sep 2007, 21:26 »

just because someone likes music you think is shitty doesn't mean you're smarter than them

P.S. You've muddled objective and subjective judgments here. I can separate liking a record from thinking it's good or bad. A lot of people can too. I mean, shit, son. Metacritic.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #34 on: 16 Sep 2007, 21:28 »

just because someone likes music you think is shitty doesn't mean you're smarter than them

P.S. You've muddled objective and subjective judgments here. I can separate liking a record from thinking it's good or bad. A lot of people can too. I mean, shit, son. Metacritic.

I usually like a record because I think it is good
Where I come from, we usually just shorten that to "yee-haw!"

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #35 on: 17 Sep 2007, 16:49 »

Example: I don't like Skynyrd. I really don't. "Freebird" is still a classic song for obvious reasons though.
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #36 on: 17 Sep 2007, 18:00 »

Some people like to listen to Dave and Bruce.  You can give them a band that sounds just like Dave or Bruce and they won't be interested.  Who knows why?  Probably, because Dave and Bruce meet all their musical needs.  And they are happy.  Good for them.  They are the passive listeners.

Some people like to listen to a whole bunch of different stuff.  They tend to like discovering new bands -- they find this process thrilling.  They find it stimulating to discuss why they enjoy or dislike these new bands.  These music hobbyists have made a decision to spend their time listening to new music and discussing it rather than, say, playing hockey, or tailgating, or playing Halo 2, or reading Proust.  It's not a better or worse choice morally, just different.

Something I've learned the hard way is that a music hobbyist who tries to talk to a passive listener about music is almost always going to end up frustrated.  Even if they like what you give them, they aren't going to be much inclined to talk about it or find out more from the same band, because they would rather spend their time doing something else, like hockey, or tailgating or reading Proust.

Something else I've learned is that very few people are music hobbyists.  Even fewer are music hobbyists that cross broad musical genres.  If you find another musical hobbyist in any of the genres you enjoy, I've learned, you try and stay in touch.  This is someone you can go to shows with, trade new albums with, and talk about music with.

The point I'm making here is that it's not the knowledge base that matters, it's the attitude and the inclinations.  A music hobbyist will usually to talk about with another music hobbyist even if they don't know many of the same bands.  I know it's a cliche, but it's not the destination, it's the journey.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #37 on: 17 Sep 2007, 19:06 »

When people ask me what music I listen to, I generally just make it clear that I like heavier music than they do (and probably heavier music than they would tolerate given the choice).  If they know who Kyuss, Dead Meadow, or Electric Wizard are, we become friends pretty quickly.  If they're curious, I play "Whitewater" for them and their reaction basically determines whether or not we continue to talk about music.

Most of the time just telling people that I'm into "superheavy sludge doom metal" is enough to weed out the pussies anyway.
also at one point mid-sex she asked me "what do you think about commercialism in art?"


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #38 on: 17 Sep 2007, 19:07 »

I just figure if I ramble on about the Wu Tang Clan and Neil Young long enough someone will give me a high five.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #39 on: 17 Sep 2007, 21:31 »

Kai, that's the best thing I've heard all day.
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #40 on: 18 Sep 2007, 10:42 »

Example: I don't like Skynyrd. I really don't. "Freebird" is still a popular song
Where I come from, we usually just shorten that to "yee-haw!"


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #41 on: 18 Sep 2007, 11:41 »

Example: I don't like Skynyrd. I really don't. "Freebird" is still-OH GOD FUCK YES THE GUITAR SOLO OH SHIT WIDDLY WIDDLY BOW WEEEEEEEEE
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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #42 on: 20 Sep 2007, 16:37 »

My experience with conversations like that always seem to go the same way.
"Hey what music do you listen to."
"Oh, indie or experimental music, you know, underground stuff"
"Ah, like who?"
"Animal Collective for one, or Deerhoof."
"What do they sound like?"
"Awww crap."

I usually just end up going on a tangent and music nerdery.
I've learned that just answer by saying "Oh I listen to many bands"
Lady, step inside my Hyundai...

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #43 on: 20 Sep 2007, 19:16 »

"Why don't you name some of them"


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #44 on: 20 Sep 2007, 20:49 »

"Cause I'm a pedophile'

Gaurenteed to stop all conversation.

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #45 on: 20 Sep 2007, 23:56 »

9/20/2007  10:53:31 PM  carlos kolchak says: who do you like better fifty cent? or sean paul?   
9/20/2007  10:54:35 PM  cash says: who's sean paul?
9/20/2007  10:54:35 PM  carlos kolchak says: he sings that song "temperature", you know, it's been out forever? 
9/20/2007  10:54:50 PM  cash says: you mean that guy that sounds like a long line of grunts and yelps? 
9/20/2007  11:23:07 PM  carlos kolchak says: yes. sure. him.
9/20/2007  11:23:14 PM  cash says: no i dont like either of them.
9/20/2007  11:23:31 PM  carlos kolchak says: what do you listen to then? 
9/20/2007  11:23:32 PM  cash says: well... at the moment I'm listening to the shins.
9/20/2007  11:23:36 PM  carlos kolchak says: what's 'the shins'?
9/20/2007  11:23:44 PM  cash says: 40 minute long recordings of migrating whales.
9/20/2007  11:23:46 PM  carlos kolchak says: are you a hippie or somethin?

that's about it.

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #46 on: 21 Sep 2007, 00:33 »

You are aware that in his opening line there he asked you whether you prefer genocide or mass rape.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo

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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #47 on: 21 Sep 2007, 00:49 »

i thought he was asking me if i preferred getting my throat slit to costarring in granny midget donkey porn.
aw darn, it was all just a misunderstanding :(



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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #48 on: 21 Sep 2007, 01:08 »

Hmm, I don't really have this problem/dilemma/circumstance at all.

A lot -- probably the majority -- of my friends like interesting music. Some of them are into drum n' bass, some are into hip-hop, some like obscure lo-fi folk, some like electro-pop, whatever, but nearly all of them overlap in some ways. I see them at gigs all the time, they'll listen if I make them a tape, they won't bat an eyelid if I put Electrelane or Sleater-Kinney on the stereo if they're at my place. Not all my friends are like this -- some are obsessed with Tool, some will happily listen to mainstream radio all day and their music collection consists of a couple of hundred mp3s of their favourite songs. We still get along fine!

Basically what I am saying is get new friends.


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Re: Nobody Understands!
« Reply #49 on: 21 Sep 2007, 01:11 »

i thought he was asking me if i preferred getting my throat slit to costarring in granny midget donkey porn.
aw darn, it was all just a misunderstanding :(

Would you be the granny, the midget, or the donkey ?
With every small decision: if you change a heart, you change the world.
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