Hey there, thread's so juicy I had to join in.
Um, shedding sucks!
Seriously though, I'm kind of concerned about this whole "accessible" debate that was going on a few posts ago. I don't happen to think that shredding is particularly inaccessible myself. Just 'cause most of it sounds horrible (to me) doesn't mean it's difficult to grasp. Dude's just playing fast. So what?
I think a big part of the stigma (and it's inevitable defensiveness) associated with shredding has to do with the socioeconomic background of it's fanbase *cough* mullets *cough*. For example, while free jazz is arguably just as wanky as shredding metal, it enjoys a lot more artistic legitimacy, precisely because of it's yuppie fanbase.
Oh yeah, to re-insert the racist overtones that originated this argument, I'll just say this:
Ever notice that the further you get away from African culture, the crappier the music? The exception of course is contemporary Rap, but thats just because the Jews are running it now.