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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 770575 times)


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The day before I left for Wisconsin, I lost my wallet. I didn't discover this until we were on our way to the airport. It is still missing.

Today I was looking for it, and after becoming exhausted, I gave up, and called my mother. I asked her where she thought it might be. She didn't know, and we changed the subject. A little later(as in, I walked up the stairs, and sat down) she called me again, and said basically the same things, and then brought up the subject of her getting a tattoo. I said I'd go with her, at which point she informed me that I couldn't get anything done because I don't have an id. I said I knew, and said I didn't want to talk about it. She then made jokes about it, saying that my aunt could give me one of her old ones, and so on and so fourth. She kept talking about it, knowning it was a sore subject for me. Finally I yelled "shut up!" saying that I didn't want to talk about it because not only do I not have an id, and only two cigarettes, but my phone bill is due in less than a week and I can't pay it because I don't have my debit card. I've lost $400, since I had $100 in my wallet, and $300 in my bank and can't get to it now. My phone is going to be shut off, and there is nothing I can do. And It's going to make my credit worse, and they won't let me wait awhile to pay it because I have terrible credit thanks to some parents getting bills in my name, and ruining my credit. Because of my bad credit I have to pay my bill early, and it is $50 more than it should be.

So now, on top of feeling like shit for my having my wallet and not being able to pay my phone bill, I feel like shit for having a panic attack and yelling at my mom. But she knew I didn't like talking about it. And she knew it would upset me. I don't know how to feel. Am I a complete ass for yelling at her?
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?

Johnny C

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llady that I used to be mad crushin' on for the longest damn time and who is now legal drinkin' age

Wait, are these actually supposed to be connected?

No it was just her birthday and I was excited for her to be nineteen.

[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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Oh god, I will have a post for this thread tomorrow, I'm drained and tired and just had a long ass night tonight and I think its vaguely interesting enough to post here, because eventually when I'm rested enough I'll need to vent. Right now I'm just too tired to yell.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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I just spent the vast majority of my weekend camping in the Australian Bush. The time had come for my school's cadet unit to completely satisfy its field requirements for the year.
I spent Thursday night hurriedly packing my kit bag and making sure I had everything ready for Friday. It's fair to say that I was more than prepared but my very nasty cold, raised some doubt as to whether I'd be able to go or not. So, I called my G.P. and organised an appointment for 7pm that night. I get there at 7:03pm with my Mother, either that or catch a bus for now, and he's just locked up and was about to head out the front door, he knew we were coming but decided to knock-off cause we were three minutes late. I understand that he has a one year-old boy at home but what he did was rather poor of form. The appointment consisted of the usual Doctor-y things and me getting annoyed at him again for addressing me as if I can't tell the difference between a hairline and a greenstick fracture. I'm a fairly well-educated eastern suburbs teenager so there is no reason to and he's been my G.P. since I was 2, he understands that I'm not an idiot but treats me as one anyway. He then needed to find out how much I weigh, I stepped onto the scales and found my-self to be 82.5kg - this isn't bad at all, I've lost a shit-tonne of fat in the past year and grown a good 1/2 foot since I was 96kg. The Doctor, who, considering the way he addresses me is aptly named Mordecai, then remarks that I'm a "very big boy". I wish he'd stop transposing his body dysmorphic disorder onto every other person he sees because I'm definitely not fat. I leave $70 out of pocket and relatively agitated, I take my pills and then go to sleep.

Friday comes with heavy rain and cloud cover, I get a lift with my Dad. Drops me off at school just before they close the Q-store, I was lucky just to get my bags in there in time - thanks Dad!. I haven't brought anything for my classes today but taht doesn't matter, I just sat and wrote my Ext. 1 Eng. essay in Eng. Adv., bummed my way through German Studies. I did have my maths textbook in my locker so my double period of 3 Unit Maths didn't turn out to be a colossal waste of time. The lunch bell rings but I'm annoyed that I've had to sit through 110 minutes of really simple integration and the inadequacies of my Maths teacher. I grab my lunch, wolf it down and get my bags from Q-store. Finally left just before 5th period but didn't get to Douglas Park until 3:30pm (right on schedule), set up my tent  said hi to everyone and set up the campsite. It was very, very cold  but I had both my jumper and vest on, started a fire at nightfall but got fed up with everyone singing/dancing to Soulja Boy. I left for the R.A.P. - Regimental Aid Post - as a medic/signalman I've spent of lot my time at camp here looking after bites, sprains, blisters, cuts and stings. I'm one of the more logical and reasonable Medics so I get along well with the C.U.O. of Medics/Sigs (Fitzy). I've already made it known that I want that post and most people reckon it's a definite possibility that I'll get it.

A silent and quiet night, I turn on my mp3 player and listen to some music waiting for something to happen but it doesn't. Yay? Eventually my friends in the year below come along and we all sit around in R.A.P. talking shit. A large number of my friends are in Year 10, I'm in Year 11 but I don't know just down really fit in with my year group. After a while the O.O.C. comes along, he is a living caricature of the gentlemanly English officer, I command everyone to stand fast and greet him appropriately as the most senior cadet in the tent, I'm a Sgt. they're Cpl.s. He comments that things are quiet here. He jokingly offers to "drum us up some injuries". I reply in mock horror that it would negate the purpose, one could never considering harming so one could heal. He is evidently impressed with me tells those sitting on crates to grab chairs from the C-tainer and to enjoy the rest of our evening. We wish him the same, I feel like I've made another good impression on the O.O.C. - a very good thing. Now with us all on chairs we contiune our low-brow discussion until Fitzy comes back and asks us what we're all doing in here. I tell him we've formed a healing circle and are currently discussing our tender, manly feelings. Much laughter ensues, I soon stumble sleepily back to where all the Abseilers and Medics have there tents, we wait out the last post and head off to our tents looking forward to Saturday.

I'll post the rest tomorrow or something, I'm knackered and Doctor Who is one now.

Much Love,



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I watched two episodes of Doctor Who yesterday on BBC America and I decided that I love it. I guess I am going to have to buy the DVD box set once I get my next paycheck.


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I have no idea who or what that is. I just saw one where they get teleported to the moon and the police (rhino-men) come and start marching all over the place and ther is a VERY PRETTY OMG WANT lady in it, dark-skinned (is black PC? I have no idea what to call people anymore...). And the one before that had one with a giant spider bitch in it.


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Last night, after stressing out because I have to come home from work everyday to babysit 7 small children, I went out with a lady. We went to this moderately lame party(there were people there huffing cans of air. Where would you even think that was a good idea?? And a small child running around. Because, you know, I want nothing more to than to babysit this unknown child while his parents are off fucking huffing cans of air, while I am high/drunk as fuck. That is a genius plan!). But yeah. I was out with this lady until 6 in the fucking morning. We watched NekRomantik, and giggled our butts off.

But now my throat hurts from smoking too much and drinking.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


  • William Gibson's Babydaddy
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Right so, this is the tale of me being an enormous idiot.

so it basically runs down as me and my brothers and some friends decide to go to an old abandoned Insane Asylum out in the middle of nowhere for kicks. Its a place called Henryton Sanitarium and it opened in 1920 originally as a Tuberculosis Hospital. After major vaccines were developed that pretty wiped out the white plague in developed countries the place was turned into a school for the mentally disabled. In 1985 it was abandoned and like most places like it in Maryland is pretty much erased from the map. Most major road Atlases don't even list the road its on in outer Maryland, and there is very little information on it to be found on it. But a lot of people know about it, its been a creepy place for kids to go at night for years, and so we wanted to check it out.

The place is like a small city. We park at the entrance since we don't want to take the long way in by the train tracks (which is the recommended way to go, by the way) and proceed to walk 500 or so yards into the main courtyard of the lower complex. Its huge, we basically spend about two hours exploring this place, a lot of its in really bad shape and covered in graffiti but its still pretty cool. Then we run into another group of like eight people (we're six people) and we talk to them for a little while. They warn us that its a terrible idea to park at the front entrance because that's the first place cops go to look for trespassers, and this really bothers me. Not so the other person who drove there 9we took to cars) or any of my brothers or friends. So I walk back alone to the entrance, and when I get to just before the last turn I hear voices. I turn off my flashlight and go up slowly, thinking that its the cops and they're putting a boot on my car or something. But when I get up close I see that its a group of kids gathered around my friend's car. I yell out and they all freak out and pile into their car and run off. I run up to where we're parked and see that the front passenger window of both our cars is busted, her's completely so. They had had the door open and were looking through her glove box and her car looking for valuables I guess. My window is smashed too, but it just has a hole in it and the safety glass is completely spidered out, but the hole isn't big enough for them to have broken inside any further (nothing of value in there anyway, goddamnit).

I call up my older brother and tell him what happened, and they all come running up about ten minutes later. The girl who the other car belongs to starts screaming in rage, I hand her her drivers' license which I found on the hood of her car (who keeps it in the car anyway? seriously) Then a couple of the guys we'd been talking to earlier come up and see what happened, after hearing the noise from us. They tell us that the cops are coming from the other direction and we panic, hopping in our cars. Apparently if you get caught out there its a 400 dollar trespassing fine and  you get arrested. So we get in and drive off, but the other car doesn't get far. All of a sudden the rear passenger door of it opens while they're moving and we hear screaming (since, you know, the permanently rolled down passenger window) that car stops all of a sudden and my older brother (who was riding with them) gets out and storms off. They take off, and me, my younger brother and my best friend are just stopped in the center of the road from shock, but then that passes and I throw the car into park, hop out and try to get my older brother into my car. He's pissed, starts screaming at me, and pushes me back, and after about five minutes we give up. He's angry and stronger than me and once he makes a decision he's set in it, so we drive off. We get home, and the other girl's called my parents, and freaked out on them. So they're up and waiting, they're a bit angry, but mostly just tired. I wish I could say that this type of stuff has never happened before, but they're kinda used to my brother at this point. True, this is a relatively unique situation, but hey. We basically stay up for about half an hour, talking and arguing some, but its all in a defeatist way. My insurance is at like a 500 deductable, so its not gonna cover the window, so that's gonna be like 175 bucks including installation. Great.

So me and my friend hop in my car and I start driving him home. I live in Reisterstown and he lives up in Westminster which is about half an hour away. But we only get to Finksburg and my older brother calls me (At this point he's been off by himself for about an hour).  he asks me if I can pick him up, and being his brother, I say yes. long story on that drive short I spend the next two hours solid on the road, getting to know the middle of nowhere areas of Maryland pretty well. I pick him up and drop him off at home, then drive my friend out to Westminster (we turned around where we were, panicked a bit so I didn't take him home first). and then drive back to my house. At this point its 5am, I'm tired, and yet I can't sleep. This is about the point I leave the post above, and then search the internet for about an hour before i can finally fall asleep. Man, long night last night.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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The last half of that sentence means nothing to me, but cool! I have only seen those two episodes of Doctor Who ever, so I am going to be looking for more on BBCA.


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He saw the one with Martha, the Judoon and the plasmavore.

P.S. Dan, If I may call you as such, I accept usage of the terms caucasoid, negroid and mongoloid because they are used in anthropology to descrbe or denote the three major, i.e. larger, racial classifications for humans. If you start to define someones actions and attempt to use race an excuse to limit another person's options in society then you should reallly look back and learn the Woodrow Wilson was not a hero but a racist who invaded Nicaragua and Haiti countless times and is inadvertently responsible for some of the crap that's gone on there in the past 70 years or so. Don't be Woodrow Wilson.


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KvP health watch, day 5 -

Damn, I lost 10 pounds this week! Maybe I should be stricken with illness more often.
I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
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I sneak that shit
And liek


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P.S. Dan, If I may call you as such, I accept usage of the terms caucasoid, negroid and mongoloid because they are used in anthropology to descrbe or denote the three major, i.e. larger, racial classifications for humans. If you start to define someones actions and attempt to use race an excuse to limit another person's options in society then you should reallly look back and learn the Woodrow Wilson was not a hero but a racist who invaded Nicaragua and Haiti countless times and is inadvertently responsible for some of the crap that's gone on there in the past 70 years or so. Don't be Woodrow Wilson.

Ok, not entirely sure if what I am about to respond is really a direct response to your post, so just a heads up.

I wasn't defining her by her actions, just denoting her skin color, as saying "their was an attractive woman in it" would be the paramount of totally non-helpful in trying to identify her. Not to mention their was another woman who was Indian and could be considered attractive (although I don't think so) so even "dark-skinned" would, again, be rather non-descript.

I don't really classify people by race, as much as looks. As in, how much I want to get it on with them. I a shallow on a sexual level, and think that being shallow on a racial/ethnic level is dumb and boring. Think of all the hot people you will miss out on. Sure, this may offend people on a larger scale, but it's not like "you're ugly, I hate you" but rather "mmm, hot stuff, me want."

As for calling me Dan, you may, although no one in real life does. People cannot seem to resist calling me Danny, Dan, Danno, Devito or what have you on the internet, but I guess that is because I ask them not to. So go for it, it just looks a little odd to me. I have never been anything besides Daniel, except when people call me by my last name (Hint: 6ft tall invisible rabbit friend of Jimmy Stewart. He towered over Jimmy Stewart in that movie, even though Jimmy is much more than 6ft.)

PS If the heroine is called martha then good god, that is the first Martha I have ever seen I have been attracted to. And my god she is hot.


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I found an apartment! In St. Louis! Within walking distance of two record stores!

I hope to god they call me back. I want to live somewhere else. It would be 8 kinds of awesome if they called me.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?

Jimmy the Squid

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even though Jimmy is much more than 6ft.)

This was, due to the positioning of the page, the first part of your post that I read and I was momentarily shocked because I'm not that much taller than 6ft. I mean, I think I'm maybe 6ft even on a good day.

Emaline, I too have found and applied for a nice new place (with Lunchbox, no less!) so hopefully we hear from the real estate people some time this week. Especially since if we don't hear back until after friday and we do, by some miracle, get the house than I will have to pay rent for the time that I am at my current flat and the new place. That would be most uncool.
Once I got drunk and threw up in the vegetable drawer of an old disused fridge while dressed as a cat


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I think I need to get a shirt made.

Hey guys, Sydney is awesome! I am employed and making money! One day I will have a room of my own! Hooray!


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"One day I will have a room of my own! Hooray!

? ? ?


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PS If the heroine is called martha then good god, that is the first Martha I have ever seen I have been attracted to. And my god she is hot.

Obviously I know nothing about your taste in women but Martha Wainwright is pretty hottt

It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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That woman is wearing a rather odd ensemble.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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She's a singer-songwriter. Dressing outside the norm is part of their deal.
Ho, ho, ho!


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Of course until you showed me that pic I didn't even know who Martha Wrainwright is. Plus I don't think she looks terribly attractive in that picture.

Scrambled Egg Machine

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Skills Status: I can now reload rifle cartridges. Now I shall start on basic first aid. Does anyone have any ideas for some good skills to have?
SEM gained 3 skill points!
Not so sure about these things anymore.

Scrambled Egg Machine

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I'm using a reloading bench. It is a tool made specifically to reload cartridges. I will try for the fire making, maybe I can do something like in Castaway. Also, you can find propellant and bullets, and primers as well in most gun stores.
Not so sure about these things anymore.

Johnny C

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Plus I don't think she looks terribly attractive in that picture.

[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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Well Jens, if it's happened to you a bunch of times, has there ever been one of those times where the person told you, and you felt okay with it? If so, just do what that person did.

This is pretty horrible advice?

Really, I think the way you explained yourself above shows you aren't malicious, and you're pretty sensitive to her feelings. If you more or less say to her what you just posted above, a reasonable person should take that quite well. Just be honest.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Hmm. I guess I should stop using glove-puppets and funny voices whenever I have that conversation, then.


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I usually just take them out to dinner and say "everybody who likes their dinner companion as much as they like you raise their hand" and then when they raise their hand you say "whoa, whoa, slow down there" and then I break it to them.

Seriously though, be on the level and do your best to convey that what you're saying is not a rejection of this person, as a person. And don't be hesitant or appear as though it's difficult for you to say what it is you need to say. It's sort of the same as asking someone out, confidence goes a long way. As someone who's been on the receiving end of many a "I like you but I don't like you" I can say that it's much, much easier when the person saying it does not look apprehensive or distressed. You have to approach them as a friend who needs to be told something very important, not as a problem to be solved.
I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
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I sneak that shit
And liek

Johnny C

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I ran into a girl who had asked for my number but she lost her phone or somethin', it wasn't explained.

She has my number again.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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So I've got a friend, a friend I've had since... 6th grade. Long story short, 2 years ago a rather controlling, ugly, insane woman got ahold of him and pulled him from our social circle, and from his life goals. He used to have aspirations as a filmmaker and artist, but he has abandoned those aspirations. He now wants to be a cop, apparently, which wouldn't trouble me except for the fact that exes of this woman all confirm that it is her apparent life goal to marry a cop, and all of her boyfriends had, before she left them, given up on their plans and left their friends to eventually pursue the life of a policeman.

Now, the only real reason I'm still friends with this guy (girl moved on a whim to Aurora 50 miles away, he followed) is that we go to shows together. That's how we maintain the last remaining threads of our relationship. The way it usually goes is I buy him tickets and call him, and against his girlfriend's strong protestations he goes with me to the show. Problem is the last show I bought tickets for is for an act we have gone to see together since high school every time they've been through, and he says he cannot make it. There are no shows coming up for another few months at least. And he's working two jobs now. So in a nutshell, our friendship is finally over. I won't be able to finagle him into going to see shows with us anymore, he won't have the time or the gas money to come see us, he'll marry the girl or she'll get pregnant or something and I'll never see him again. Even if he leaves her (and we're hoping he will, he has been calling all his old friends a lot lately and she thoroughly disapproves of this, which might be an indicator of discontent on his part) he's pretty much stuck in Aurora with no real impetus to go to school or make anything of himself. It's sad, really.

Blah. It was a long time coming, I suppose. Now I just need to figure out what to do with this free ticket.
I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
Quote from: Andy
I sneak that shit
And liek


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KvP health watch, day 5 -

Damn, I lost 10 pounds this week! Maybe I should be stricken with illness more often.

you trying to lose weight? or are you just sick and can't keep anything down?
Well yes but (sorry andy) she doesn't look half as fucking bad ass as this motherfucker in Poland.

Dude is hardcore.

Alex C

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Seriously though dude in what scenario would you consider being able to reload rifle cartridges to be useful?

It's useful if your a firearms enthusiast and are interested in potentially saving 50% off the cost of ammunition. In the big scheme of things it's not really that much more dangerous than owning a firearm in the first place anyway.

Does anyone have any ideas for some good skills to have?
SEM gained 3 skill points!

Maybe you're already handy around the house, but consider getting something like the Reader's Digest Complete Do It Yourself Manual. It covers all sorts of stupidly simple but not always obvious maintenance and repair solutions for all sorts of crap. It's just the thing for any young person with more confidence and ingenuity than practical experience.
the ship has Dr. Pepper but not Mr. Pibb; it's an absolute goddamned travesty


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SO I had a really bad day yesterday.  To cut a long story short, a bitch at work made up shit about how I don't do anything and I'm too slow at my orders (not that she would know, she has never DONE an order. Also I have created a way that makes it FASTER but whatever).  She got my 2 bosses togetehr (hot store manager and lovely grocery manager) and told them how shit I was basically.  I mean, it didn't do her any good. Shane apparnetly just sat there the whole time looking at her and Minette has no idea where she came up with this petty shit.  So it is not like I got in trouble or anything.  I am just PISSED.  Like seething with rage, because I have no idea what it is about me that makes people say this stuff about me (it has happened once before, but back then I had a crazy pregnent boss who then yelled at me for like half an hour). 

So I was full of anger yesterday. Oh I still am, but I know she wont eb at work today so thats ok.  Anyway I went home and was having a bad day and was all, oh I should weigh myself and see how much bigger my butt has gotten over the last million years since I last weighed myself.

Annnnnd I have lost like 4kgs and I am all WAAAH.  I should start remembering to eat again.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
Quote from: ViolentDove
But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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I smoked Hookah for the first time ever yesterday. We got like, 3 bongs and 3 flavors for ten dollars because my friend's cousin was working, so we saved about $50. So that was cool. It was pretty cool but even though they showed me how to take the hits right and stuff I didn't get the hit I normally do from tobacco, which wasn't really the point, I guess. Anyways, it was pretty chill, just smoking hookah for an hour or two, talking.


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KvP health watch, day 5 -

Damn, I lost 10 pounds this week! Maybe I should be stricken with illness more often.

you trying to lose weight? or are you just sick and can't keep anything down?
Nah, I just ate what amounted to a very light meal every day for four days, and a regular meal on the fifth (I didn't really have an appetite for that time). That doesn't really account for the weight loss on its own, but I'm pretty sure my sickness was the cause. I guess sweating out a fever burns a lot of calories.
I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
Quote from: Andy
I sneak that shit
And liek


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Here's a conversation I overheard tonight, while watching the Olympics opening ceremonies with my family (we recorded them, apparently, and watched them together... I don't know. I was just there for the pizza):

Grandma: Look at all those Orientals. They all look the same. We could never do that in America.
Mom: Unless we used blacks.

 :cry: I didn't say much the rest of the night.

p.s. they are not usually like that. I don't know where it came from.


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And the automated birthday emails from all the forums I never post in start rolling on in...
I review, sometimes.
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I love this vagina store!
Quote from: Andy
I sneak that shit
And liek


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Are you trying to tell us something?


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I'm not fishing, if that's what you're asking. The people I'd want to hear well wishes from already know anyhow, through facebook or the like. I just hate having a crowded inbox. It's odd, actually, I'm one of two people I know who actually minds his email and the other person is obsessive compulsive.
I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
Quote from: Andy
I sneak that shit
And liek


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I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
Quote from: Andy
I sneak that shit
And liek


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It was my friend's birthday today too. Happy Bday!


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God damn it all, I just found out that my best friend is a Loose Change nut. It's like finding out your best friend is addicted to crack. I have so much love for her but I still want to just scream my fucking lungs out at her until she gets some sense. She's such a brilliant girl, I'm just flabbergasted. I mean the only people I respect less than 9/11 conspiracy theorists are the Christian Right, and that's only a marginal difference. They have the same contempt for logic and the same evangelical fervor.
I review, sometimes.
Quote from: Andy
I love this vagina store!
Quote from: Andy
I sneak that shit
And liek


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...I have no idea what it is about me that makes people say this stuff about me ...

This reminds me of when I used to work in a big ol' factory. There was a part where it was all olderish ladies, and they were notorious for being really really mean to the college kids (who were usually girls) who'd come in during the summer to work since that's usually the time people want to take vacations.

The only thing I could figure out is that the girls they were mean to were all really young and pretty. They didn't bother with some of us; even if we were were slower than the people they were mean to.

I only got it once; this one woman used to talk with this guy Ben all the time. I was in the same stall so I got to know him too; after he started flirting with me, she told my supervisor about how I was sooooo lazy and never did anything, which wasn't true at all. I ended up getting moved to a different stall and those people stuck up for me to the supervisor because I consistently went above and beyond our duties. I didn't do anything different!

So uh, judging from my past experiences with people in jobs, it could have something to do with you being pretty and therefore being an easy target for a person with low self-confidence ("oh she has it SO EASY" I think is a common myth).
What about orgasmic chemistry.

I can expand the definition of that if anyone wants to roll around to my Fortress of Love.


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Dear blog

I found out that internet is pretty scary place but utterly hilarious. Like couple days ago me and my friend were were chating.
Me: hows things?
Friend: not much
Me btw you do like mythbusters right?
Friend: yeah but those new episodes suck
Me: do you want to know fun fact about that show?
Friend: sure
Me: go to encyclopedia dramatica and use search function to find Adam savage and let me know when you find it

about two minutes later

Friend: oh righty then
Me: mwhuhahahaha
Friend: okay how the hell did you find that?
Me: just hitted random page and that came on.
Friend yeah right

But nothing else hasn't happened.

« Last Edit: 26 Aug 2008, 05:25 by Dollface »
Barfy: he needs to get on the sucking of some dick


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So you basically ruined my day... ugh. That is enough to turn a gay man straight.


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Deer Blaugh Treade:
Encyclopedia Dramatica is horrible. It is 4chan boiled down to its core components.

That is all.


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i am visiting my parents for the week, and they have this dog, rolo, that they got right about when i started having a short term memory, so he's been around pretty much my entire life and i grew up with him. he is 16 now and has almost no teeth left. he has become completely deaf since the last time i saw him and has cataracts in his eyes so he will probably be blind soon too. i have been walking him every day and it's so difficult now because i need to stay really close to him at all times, otherwise he panics and gets really overwhelmed from having no idea where he is or what's going on. he's otherwise in really good health but i think i need to start coming to terms with the fact that he is probably going to die really soon.

sorry to make the blog thread all depressing and shit, guys. this is kind of bumming me out and i wanted to get it out somewhere :/
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Dear Blog Thread,

For the first time in years, I'm happy with all the classes I have. I got accepted in the advanced science class, the advanced english class, the music class, the advanced math class. Also, I signed up for another month of violin lessons.

That's all folks,

Sometimes I look at Achewood archives while listening to Spoon.

Johnny C

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God damn it all, I just found out that my best friend is a Loose Change nut. It's like finding out your best friend is addicted to crack.

I found out that my temp-drummer/full-time friend is a Loose Change fan as well (along with various other conspiracy theory Internet films). I had a lengthy debate with him about it on Saturday and basically tried to tactfully have a discussion with him. It ended well, actually.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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You can tell it's a bad day when you get six emails, five of which are spam and one is about the Gay Pride Parade which happened last week, so it's not like you can even look forwards to going to it.

I went into town today to collect a dozen spotlight bulbs. I also caught a shrew. Tomorrow I am going to the cinema. My life is truly full of thrills.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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I went to the dentist today and my jaw seized up when they injected the local anesthetic. I didn't realize how bad it was until lunch when I tried to eat a cheeseburger and found that I couldn't open my mouth enough for it to fit. Hell, I could barely eat the french fries. It's now dinnertime and my jaw is still stuck; I'm starving but I'm not sure what I can eat.


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Joe, you should be able to eat those fat fried noodles we were talking about.

Tania, sorry to hear about your dog.

I am concerned that I am adjusting so well to the recent changes in my life. It makes me think I might be a cold heartless bitch.
Ho, ho, ho!
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