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Author Topic: Whatever, Let's Have A Goddamn Blog Thread, But Try And Keep It Reasonable  (Read 770105 times)

Social Bacon

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I've never found studying in economics to be intensive, there's only a few basic concepts that you have to know. After that it's all common sense of sticking them in the right place.
Also, my roommate took economics for kicks and he's now considering switching his major to it. Don't be so quick to rail on econ just because you didn't enjoy it, there are a lot of people who do find it interesting and it's especially useful in today's economic situation. I think it's pretty important for people to understand what caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis and know why the stock marketing is tanking, even more so if you're planning on voting for politicians claiming they can fix the problems.

After re-reading that I realized it sounded kind of bitchy, all I'm trying to say is that economics is a lot of fun :-D
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2008, 10:12 by Social Bacon »


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"How to help developing countries" sounds interesting.

A: "Stop selling them guns."

I just saved you money.
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You are the terrorist.


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The first paper for my English class came back graded with an A-. About a week ago, the professor mentioned that she'd forgot to write the grade down in the book, and asked to have the paper back. I got the re-submission back today, knocked down to a C because it was "late".

What the hell is that shit?
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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I'd go back to her and remind her that she had forgotten to mark it in her book...
'Cause otherwise that is crap...


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Those kinds of mistakes really make me angry.  I mean that's just complete BS if you end up getting a C on that paper because of the Professor's mistake.

Honestly I shouldn't talk though.  Though a paper would be due at the closing on one day I would actually work on it until 3 AM and then sneak it into the professor's mailbox before they came into the office.


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wut :?

That's not gonna make any sense if you don't read the other posts above it.

Also, blog thread, I do not like the creepy scary people that sometimes come in the store. Like the guy who was in here with a tattooed skull, short shorts, and that kind of crooked head leer at the floor "I'm slightly crazy" look.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:

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I am so sick right now. I work at Wal*Mart. I had to relieve a cart pusher there, and after moving something on the order of two hundred carts, I had lunch. I must not have washed my hands thoroughly enough. That or i picked my nose, because I have a sinus infection, shading into laryngitis. Allow me to pause to cough and expectorate. I have no voice am being avoided like the plague by most of my friends as I am most assuredly contagious. I should really stop bitching though. Also, congrats Barry on your electoral victory etc. I believe these next four years will be interesting. Peace, y'all.
Not so sure about these things anymore.

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I resigned from my job and got a new one within 24 hours. This, after the mediator they forced me to meet with told me I shouldn't quit because "it's a tough world out there." What recession? What's better is, I'll be working as a secretary for science professors, so no crazy Christians! The only job I ever liked was working for the University, so I'm hopeful that I'll like this too, even though it's only 3 months for someone who quit work to be a mommy. I got my last Uni job under similar circumstances, the person just never came back, so maybe that will happen here too. Crossed fingers!


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I heard on the radio last year that eating buggers actually works as a vaccine.
Ho, ho, ho!


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word of advice to future college/university students: do not, under any circumstances, take economics if it isn't a required course because you think it'll be "interesting". no, it doesn't matter how hard you try. no, you are not that one person who is going to be different from everyone else and really, truly enjoy it. this might come off as harsh but i feel like this is so important for people to know. economics fucking sucks so bad. trust me on this.
I don't understand you people.

Crazy people.

I guess it's because I'm a poli sci major? It ain't required here, but it's sort of in the same ballpark.

Quote from: Redlion
"How to help developing countries" sounds interesting.
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2008, 13:47 by KvP »
I review, sometimes.
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I was a religion major and one of my favorite gen eds. was an economics course. I liked it so much I almost decided to minor in economics. What I'm saying is, not every economics class is the same.
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I never took an econ class and I'm not sad about it. My electives were full of rock and roll, learning about animals, lit and creative writing, history, German, and sex. Who needs econ when you've got electives like that?
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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after reading over my posts for today, i really need some way of permanently reminding myself not to go anywhere near the forum unless i've had at least eight hours of sleep. i did not mean to be rude! i think i was trying to be funny? really it was just supposed to be a general recommendation to students to be aware when picking electives that economics usually ends up being really hard.
also social bacon i am sorry but i am not counting you because economics is your major so of course you enjoy it. mostly i am talking about people who don't know all that much about economics and aren't majoring in anything remotely related to economics and barely passed high school math and are looking for a "fun" elective (that would have been me + the majority of people in my class). if you are one of those people you still might somehow enjoy economics but it's more likely you'll be incredibly stressed out and overwhelmed and it'll end up being really different from what you thought it would be. you can also lose a lot of money in the long run from repeatedly dropping courses and failed courses are really terrible to have on a transcript so sometimes it is just better to be safe than sorry.
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2008, 15:05 by tania »
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Dear Blog Thread,

Sorry to stray from the fun of bemoaning (and whatever the opposite of bemoaning is...) about Econ, but I've already ranted this to all of my friends and family, and think i need a wider perspective on this. Although, I don't actually expect anyone to read my drivel, so it's OK if you all ignore me.

Basically to make a huge story short, my boyfriend walked out on me at a play last night. There was a short break between scenes and he said he was going out to get some air...well, he never came back. At intermission, I called him up and asked him where he was. He had ditched me to go watch V For Vendetta with a group of his friends --his rational for doing this was that he had made this promise to them a couple weeks ago that they would watch it on November 5th (The whole Guy Fawkes thing of course...). Basically, as he was trying to explain things to me, I hung up on him, went back inside, enjoyed the rest of the play, hugged one of my Professors who was in it (and the reason I got to see it for free), said hello to another professor who was in it (but am not close enough to hug...), and made my way out.

My idiot boyfriend met me at the bottom of the hill as I made my way back to my dorm room and said Hello. All I said to him was, "You're an asshole, and I'm not currently speaking to you", before brushing past him. Now, as we should all know, when you've been an asshole like he has, you should probably FOLLOW her, and make your apology. Because at that point, that was all that I wanted, was an apology. But he didn't. He just said OK, and walked back to his room.

After a stint in my best friend's room, watching West Side Story, I came back to my room to make a lengthy blog post (which I knew he would read), got out all of the tears and jazz (because up until that point, I had been pretty stoic about the whole thing), and went to bed.

I wake up this morning to a long-winded e-mail from him about how he was sorry, and that I was really important to him, and he was an asshole and and idiot for doing that to me, blah, blah, blah... Well, I replied back to him telling him that I didn't need an explaination from him, all I wanted was an apology and that I would see him later.

We then proceeded to not talk until about five minutes ago, in which he called me up and asked if we were going to do something tonight. Today is Thursday, I go to Anime Club. I asked him he was coming with me, and he said, "Sure." I. Hate. The. Word. Sure. "Sure" is something you say when you don't really care. So I asked him, I'm like, "Is that a 'sure', you want to come, or a 'sure, I'll go because you want me to'?". He sighed and said it wasn't that he didn't want to go, because he does want to be with me, but "if you've forgotten", it's his birthday at midnight, and he's turning 18, so he was going to hang out with his friends.

Right. You're only fuckin' 18. You can't (well, you SHOULDN'T) go get drunk, you can only by cigarettes and porn. Do you really need an entire fuckin' evening to go do that with your friends?

So basically he said, he didn't know if he was going to see me tonight because pleasing his friends is more important then seeing me before a night of fucktardery.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh... Girls, don't be cradle robbers. They might be cute, but they are so fuckin' not worth it...

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tania has a point. and this is me speaking as someone who enjoyed her high school economics course and then chose it as her major. my first year was an absolute trainwreck honestly.

i'm not going to blame ALL of it on economics, because i have severe test anxiety and i wasn't receiving extra test time like i was in high school (i tried to apply for it, but was turned down because i have no other mental health issues, or learning disabilities. argh) and that kind of screwed me over.

but... there's also the fact that my workload was significantly heavier than that of my new acquaintances that were in different programs, so i ended up not having much time to hang out with them OR go out and meet new people, and eventually you just end up drifting apart from everyone EXCEPT other economics/business majors but the problem is that i find those people very hard to relate to because they are typically overachievers with clearly defined career goals, and i'm so not. gets a bit lonely, really, and it becomes harder to deal with the pressures of university when you have no support system whatsoever. and yes, there is a ridiculous amount of testing.  even people who are not me and don't have test anxiety find that hard to deal with.
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Right. You're only fuckin' 18.
So basically he said, he didn't know if he was going to see me tonight because pleasing his friends is more important then seeing me

Calm down - lots of people see 18 as a big deal, and it only happens once - he may even be disappointed that you can't join them because you're doing something else that you  don't want to skip for him.   In any relationship it is important that each  of you respects the other's interests and wishes; getting like you want to own  each other is a bad sign.  Understanding is good; talk is good; only that way can you see if there's a real problem that needs sorting out.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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pq - to me, it seems a bit like the main issue here is that you are looking at the situation from a "he's wrong i'm right" perspective when personally i think a much healthier way to go about solving conflicts in relationships is to look at it as two people disagreeing. like, i am not sure how things work down there in america but up here (among my group of friends at least) it has always been pretty standard to get incredibly drunk for your birthday and have fun, even if you're below the drinking age. obviously i am not saying this isn't something you're allowed to be opposed to, as long as you make the distinction that you're opposed to it because those are your values, not because it's inherently wrong. i am probably incredibly predictable by now in that anytime anyone has relationship problems i consistently go on a massive tyrade about communication but i really do think it is like 95% of any relationship. the key is to always do it without the straightoff assumption that you're completely right and they're completely wrong - relationships are supposed to be about mutual respect. take all the stuff you've ranted about here and say it to him instead - maybe with slightly nicer wording, but he's the one who should be hearing it.
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2008, 15:32 by tania »
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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ThePQ4 - I know what your problem is.

Also what Paul said. Because Paul is Right (is that a weight off your shoulders or what, Tommy?). And what Tania said.


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ThePQ4 - I know what your problem is.

Also what Paul said. Because Paul is Right (is that a weight off your shoulders or what, Tommy?). And what Tania said.

What he (and they) said.


On a mostly unrelated note and because I wouldn't want a post in the blog fred to go to waste,

* I had a final-round interview for a job I'd very much like to get today. It didn't go as well as the first round but until next week I won't know anything. The thing is I cannot really go travel without landing a job first so this is important.
* My parents seem to be making good on their threat to go separate ways _this time_. It's okay, we (my siblings and I) all adults now and get it. It still hurts. Family, you know.
* My current relationship is falling apart because of 1,001 reasons. At the same time, this new girl is pushing into my life pretty aggressively. Not that I mind, we'd be a way better match in terms of hobbies and the way we see ourselves and the world. But a) she is taken and b) I don't really want to get into another relationship with one just ending and a longer trip coming up.

Just a week ago life was easy. I hadn't been proposed to have an 'open relationship' in an effort to salvage the sinking relation-ship (pun), I was more than confident to land that job and while there was occasional bickering, there were no signs of war on the home front. Last but not least, a week ago that girl was just some girl I had talked to at a party for a little while.

I'd love to pull a Cartman and say "screw you guys, I'm going home" but this is it. Job, family, relationship.

The Donk of Canterbury wishes everybody good tidings.

Social Bacon

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More econ debating

Now I've had the complete opposite results, since choosing to major in econ I've found that I can work less hard, do better, party more and meet more people. It obviously varies greatly from person to person and university to university but... I'm not sure where this is going. I guess I just want to say that it varies a lot.

Getting back to what Tania said about student opinions, I couldn't agree more. Which is why I'm giving my opinion about econ being great, fun and useful.

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well, if i had that kind of experience i'd still be in econ!

anyway i'm not trying to get into a huge debate about this.
i went off on my little tangent, and i'm done.

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Right. You're only fuckin' 18.
So basically he said, he didn't know if he was going to see me tonight because pleasing his friends is more important then seeing me

Calm down - lots of people see 18 as a big deal, and it only happens once - he may even be disappointed that you can't join them because you're doing something else that you  don't want to skip for him.   In any relationship it is important that each  of you respects the other's interests and wishes; getting like you want to own  each other is a bad sign.  Understanding is good; talk is good; only that way can you see if there's a real problem that needs sorting out.

There isn't any reason he can't do both. Club only lasts until 10 o'clock. Besides, he's going to stay up until 4 in the morning anyway. He hasn't gone to class in weeks...I don't even know why I'm dating him. Besides our outer interests, we have no common goals at all.

And Dan, I can't listen to that song...I hear the words, but none of it being absorbed at all...I'll try it again later.

Anyhoo, go back to talking about Econ. I just needed to rant for a bit.


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Because it's him celebrating his birthday. You're being way overbearing on this one. Honestly, past the point of him blowing you off for the play, everything else seems like you're just blowing everything way out of proportion.

If you don't know why you're dating him, the simplest solution would probably be to spare the both of you the trouble and cease dating him.
I've decided to give up psychology and become a peacock
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^ i'm gonna have to agree.


Dear blog tube,

there was a new guy at the place i eat lunch today. some bro-dog who sounds EXACTLY like Seth Rogan (seriously, it was crazy), has a dingy beard, and *shudder* kanji tatooes on his forearms. yeah.

so he forgot to give my order to the nice girls who make my food every day and i sat there for a half an hour completely absorded in my book (The Trouble With Physics by Lee Smolin) before i realized i hadn't gotten my food yet. so i was all "what the hell?" and then he got my order out double-quick but it didn't matter because i was already late getting back to work so i sped back to work to eat my sandwich only to find......

(dramatic pause)

...HALF A SANDWICH! [dun dun dun]

i ordered and payed for a full sandwich and only got half; and that's after waiting an unreasonable amount of time.

i'm so glad that that's my biggest complaint about my life right now.  :-D
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Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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So about a month ago I applied for transfer to my college of choice. The deadline is in three weeks. I got an email today telling me that they only my high school transcripts, despite everything else having been packaged with that transcript.

So it turns out that there is at least one other person with my exact name applying to transfer. Same first, last, middle names. And there stands a good chance the things that I sent other than the high school transcript, not having my birth date on them (though my college transcript should, perhaps it is not official?), went to other people who have my name. My letter or rec didn't even have my middle name on it, so I'm going to have to get it resent with my birth date on it.

I review, sometimes.
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Mmm baguette.
With cake ownership set to C and cake consumption set to K, then C + K = 0.  So indeed as one consumes a cake, one simultaneously deprives oneself of cake ownership. 


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it's the fact that, while economics in general might be interesting and all, the courses involve
a) being tested
b) all the time
c) on a fucking impossible amount of information

See me, I dealt with this by not caring how I did in the class. I always went to every lecture, but I didn't even buy the textbook. I don't recall exactly what I got in that class, but I certainly passed.


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Hey guys, when I started my new computer it didn't ask me to name it. How do I name a computer in Vista? This is Important Information!

Social Bacon

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who gives a shit

This is exactly how I handle my courses, I'm taking them because I enjoy them and want to learn something interesting. I don't care if I do well or not, as long as a learn something and have a good time.

Inlander: Control Panel > System and Maintenance > System > Change Settings

I absolutely loathed Vista when I first got it, but after a a week or two of getting used to it I've found that I like it a lot more than previous versions of windows and way more than OSX.

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ThePQ4 - I know what your problem is.

god damn it why you gotta remind me that i have a crush on sleater-kinney :(
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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Dudes and Ladies -

I met Chris Onstad today! He is an Awesome Dude. I got my copy of The Great Outdoor Fight signed!

Check it: (link for bigness)

I forgot to bring my copy of the Achewood Cookbook, though, which is unfortunate. I also should have brought my Roast Beef mousepad. I didn't think it would be a big deal to see him, but it was a pretty Big Deal.

My parents were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants. What am I, the pope?!


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My roommate has the cookbook. We have big plans to do an entire Achewood meal someday but both of us are too lazy I think.
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Liz is touching me.
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Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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Hey guys, when I started my new computer it didn't ask me to name it. How do I name a computer in Vista? This is Important Information!
I review, sometimes.
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I love this vagina store!
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Clearly you are not familiar with the naming scheme I apply to my computers. Ask J-Ho, I'm sure he'll be happy to fill you in.

Thankyou Social Bacon, my computer is now named "Handsome Nick, with a girl in every port".


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That is a punne, or play on words.

Blog thread! I am sitting here in a three-piece suit polishing off a long-neck of Coopers Sparkling Ale, listening to some random Diplo mix and awaiting the moment of Going Out on a Friday night.

Life is good.
With cake ownership set to C and cake consumption set to K, then C + K = 0.  So indeed as one consumes a cake, one simultaneously deprives oneself of cake ownership. 


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Dar Blog Thread,

Gabbly was trying to help me get cuddles but I fear it is not meant to be.


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Liz is touching me.
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Fuck you, I want him so bad.


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That is a punne, or play on words.

Actually it's not, any punning is purely coincidental.

I name each of my computers to a nautical or piratical theme: the first one was called "Redmond, Adventurer on the High Seas", while the one that just died was called "Black Pete, Scourge of the Ocean Deep". Sometimes I name other devices in this way, too: my iPod is called "Little Timmy, the Ship's Boy". Also, the computer repair guy managed to salvage Black Pete's hard drive (yay!) and turn it, in effect, into an external hard-drive for Handsome Nick, so I shall call it "Black Pete's Ghost".


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I name all of my hard drives after lyrics from David Bowie's "Space Oddity."

My main hard drive is called Ground Control, My external is Major Tom, my thumb drive is Protein Pill (it's actually shaped like a pill as well!) and my work partition is called Tin Can.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.

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I have a Gateway laptop, you know, the one with the cow-box logo. So I named it Robovine. Get it? Robo-bovine? I thought it was clever...


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Three things:

1. I still have not been paid. Tomorrow, Friday, is another payday. Do you think I will get either check? Is it unfair of me to say I won't be showing up to work until I get paid? I mean, I am going to give them until Monday to get at least one of my checks to me, and if I don't have it by then I figure I will call them and tell them that I won't show up until I get paid for my months worth of work. This is fair, right? They will fire me, and there will be drama, but it is a minimum wage paying retail job. Plus they are charging me $20 to get the last check, since it costs them $20 to stop the first one the sent me and send me another. I know they will fire me if I raise a fuss. It'll cost the owner less money. It's not really worth it that much, you know?

But I do need money. I haven't been able to pay my credit card or cell phone bill due to them not paying me. And I discovered a hole that goes all the way through the bottom of my shoe, straight to the inside. I need to buy new shoes. My friend wants me to sue them. I just want to get paid for the work I have done.

2. I have really been wanting to learn to play drums for awhile now. There is a place up the street from my house that sells instruments. I went in today to ask about lessons and buying a kit, and the guy told me it'd be $300 for the whole kit, plus throne, plus 2 months lessons. I think that is a pretty decent deal. Maybe I am mistaken. He said I could just pay $50 a month if I wanted. I think it sounds like a good deal, and if I get paid soon, I may do it.

3. I am really sorry for not posting much and then coming in this thread and mopey-ing it up. I am pretty much to tired to do anything anymore. I wake up, go to work, come home and sleep. By the time I wake up then everyone else is asleep. I don't have anybody to talk to anymore, and I've been reading a lot.

Anyway, thanks for letting me complain. I am sorry for being so mopey.
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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I have a drumkit you could have, but by the time shipping is paid for it would honestly probably be cheaper to buy the one from the shop.


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Spent the last three nights watching Doctor Who and playing through some of my PS2 games with my roommate. IT IS AWESOME.

I still need to pay my bills though, and that sucks.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Drinking wine, listening to the new Cure album and internetting.  I am having a good night doods.  My housemates are cooking chips, I will steal some soon I think.
Quote from: Hannah in Meebly
you it be the mics taht are broked?
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But then again, I used to dress like the bastard child of a drug-addled punk and a shrubbery.


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the computer repair guy managed to salvage Black Pete's hard drive (yay!) and turn it, in effect, into an external hard-drive for Handsome Nick, so I shall call it "Black Pete's Ghost".

You must refer to the hard drive casing as Davey Jones' Locker.


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I don't care if I do well or not, as long as a learn something and have a good time.

see, i have to care a lot about how i do in school because i need at least a B overall average to not get kicked out of my program and closer to about an A to have a good chance of getting into graduate school. my undergraduate on it's own won't get me the jobs i want, hence the constant panic attacks anytime i fail a test or don't understand what's being taught in a class. this probably explains the difference in attitudes.
« Last Edit: 07 Nov 2008, 07:26 by tania »
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Dear Economics Thread,

This dude in the hotel is either really fucking with his wife, or is totally and completely senile.
She asked for her phone and he was handing her a picture frame. Then he tried handing her a coffee mug.
He says he is 60, when he is apparently 77.

Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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I name all of my hard drives after lyrics from David Bowie's "Space Oddity."

My main hard drive is called Ground Control, My external is Major Tom, my thumb drive is Protein Pill (it's actually shaped like a pill as well!) and my work partition is called Tin Can.

That's pretty cool.  It's important to have a theme, and David Bowie offers myriad themes from which to choose.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who do not.


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My hard drives have a theme:

Current computer: Ozymandias
Old laptop: Oldzymandias
External HDD: Portzymandias
iPod: Podzymandias
XBox: Broke Ass Ice T roommate named the XBox.
You are 9/11.
You are the terrorist.


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It pays really well. And I get almost 7,000 US$ to say yes.

The Donk of Canterbury wishes everybody good tidings.

20 jazz funk greats

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Dear Economics Thread,
i snickered at this.

okay, so economics thread,

sometimes when i am bored and restless i go to these free concert things and i get slightly tipsy and dance it up.  now apparently the way i dance is "unique" even though i really don't think it's anything special, i just get a bit more into it than the people who stand there and sway from side to side in a really reserved manner. anyway. i met this dude who remembered me from another one of these things because of my dancing.  he is nice enough,  but i am honestly not sure what his intentions are. i'm not interested in anything other than friendship with him though!

i also got approached by this one girl and i ended up spending the rest of my night with her. hurr hurr. okay no, there were no sexy lady-lady makeouts.  she did buy me more booze and introduce me to some friends of hers though.  she is a sweetheart.  one of her friends is a cute sorta geeky boy (the kind i am into) and we ended playing mario and duck hunt which is a bit hard when you're not entirely sober to begin with and then continue drinking while you play. i so kicked his ass though.  and don't ask me why there was a nintendo there in the first place.  i think maybe it belonged to the band that was playing?

anyway, we WERE planning to go somewhere with moar dancing but that kinda didn't work out.  so i ended up inviting both of them back to my place and i am not going to go into detail about what happened next  :wink:  hahah. man what is with me and making things sound dirtier than need be? i just don't know.

maybe this is a pointless story, but at least it's cheerful.
i has two new friends who don't go to my school but at least live in my city, and no hangover.


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When our powers combine we are awkward internet
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All Canadians are two to four Welsh Corgis in a human suit.
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