It's a fun little forum game I've seen done with movies in the past (not to mention on other message boards), but I thought It'd be fun.
I start the game off by saying a genre type, and the person below me types in their favorite game of that particular genre, and says another genre of game, one that has to be different from the one they were asked. (ie. I say 3D Platformer, the person below me replies with their favorite, and then would ask the person typing below them what their favorite Turn Based Strategy is, and the person below replies with their favorite TBStrategy game, and asks the person below them what their favorite 3rd Person Stealth shooter is, etc.)
Try to be fairly specific with the genre labels, but not so specific only 1 or two games fit in the category. Don't just say "Shooter" but shorten it to something like "2D Sidescrolling Shooter" or "First Person Shooter RPG"
So I'll start off with something pretty easy for most people:
Favorite 2D Beat 'Em Up.