If someone has Dermatillomania, are they Dermatillic? If so, I am.
I pick at my nails.
During tests, I push my hair back and play with it. It gives me sex hair. xD
I count the steps between cracks and avoid stepping on them. I hate it when the sidewalk is cracked where it's not supposed to be.
I have to use mechanical pencils. I don't like the way regular lead ones feel. I always keep a Papermate Clearpoint with me. Google them. The best pencil evar.
I check behind shower curtains. I always leave mine open when I'm not in the shower.
I do a sort of lucid dream thing where I imagine conversation in advance.
If I get in trouble or something, I always think of a better excuse later.
I'm somewhat of a compulsive liar. I don't tell huge stories, I'll just change details to make something funnier or sound better.
btw, I haven't read past page one so sorry if I repeat.