The man posting above me speaks the truth. Honestly, she doesn't look much curvy, everyone else looks pretty skinny compared to her.
The man posting above him is a dick, but you get used to it. Don't take him seriously.
My father falls in the group of people that BMI says should be having a heart attack right now, but he really isn't in that bad shape. He is somewhat overweight, but he also was a defensive lineman playing football (american) in highschool, has worked manual labor all his life, does tai chi, and works 12+ hour days regularly.
I used to be considered just barely underweight by BMI, I was around 5'10"-6' and was 130-140 pounds. I've finally added some weight, though not as much of it as I would like is muscle. I never had any health issues at all (I usually fought off any illnesses longer than most people, still do), I just wasn't gaining weight as I grew. Now, I eat between 1000 and 1500 calories a day, usually in a couple small meals, and a few snacks, which aren't much smaller in amounts of calories than the meals. I'm just not hungry other than that, I've finally gotten over the always hungry state I was in for a while. I'm also very very inactive, though oddly enough, I have more endurance than I did when I used to go hiking just about every week.
My friend is noticeably stocky, she is probably 5'6" or so, and I don't know her weight (it isn't polite to inquire as to a lady's weight, but I just don't care to ask). She has been a bit stocky for a while, but it has gotten more noticeable in the past few years. She is pretty much the opposite of me, except for that she eats pretty frequently as well. She is extremely active, she swims, she bikes, she plays soccer, but she doesn't lose weight. She is in far better shape than me, but she doesn't look it in the least. I think for her, it is the genes, she is just built wider or something. Come to think of it, in her case, her constant exercise might be hurting her appearance more than helping. Female swimmers tend to have shoulders and upper arms like hers, they look fat, but aren't at all.
I have to say I like the skinnier look more, not the anorexic, just the athletic. Not quite to the point of Linda Hamilton in T2, but in that area.