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Author Topic: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now  (Read 925840 times)


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2950 on: 24 Jun 2010, 02:12 »

Welsh Prime Minister

And her dad still speaks with a Welsh accent, bless 'im.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2951 on: 24 Jun 2010, 04:35 »

Unfortunately the illusion is shattered when you hear her speak.

Please everyone go watch that video, then when she is about to start speaking click the little football that youtube has implemented, especially for us.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2952 on: 24 Jun 2010, 04:37 »

Blog thread, I just bought a Sony Vaio S and I am pretty excited about it.  What I am not excited about is going through it and ripping out all of the shitty software Sony's installed on it.  There's a serious amount of bullshit on here.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2953 on: 24 Jun 2010, 05:10 »

I love my Vaio laptop I got 2 years ago, but I hear you on the preinstalled crap. Fortunately, I had a real Vista install disc from fixing the desktop some months before, so I just wiped it and started clean. Works like a trooper even with all the video editing I tax the system with.
Twitch I play games and hang out with friends.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2954 on: 24 Jun 2010, 08:26 »

I've been writing this down because when I write, I remember. The memories stay longer in my mind, and when I revisit it I can remember myself in that point in time, so this is going to be massive but deal with it. You don't have to read it, just scroll a lot. :p

I've been thinking a lot this weekend about us. All of us, how we're all connected in little ways and big ways and how we go about without thinking about it. I'm reading the bus home (my iPod had died the second I got on the bus; I spent the ride home listening to a man ranting about the communists in power two seats ahead of me), and occasionally looking around, noticing the people around me. There was a large black woman in front of me with purple hair playing Solitaire and Jewel Quest on her laptop until it went the way of my iPod; there was a girl across the aisle in a short green dress, alternately curled up trying to sleep and texting on her phone. Behind me was a man who mostly spoke into his phone in hushed, rushed Chinese, and across from me (and behind the girl in green) was a man from Europe. Don't know where, but he had a book that I asked to see (you can blame me curiosity and love of books for that), and we spoke for a little while, his voice strongly accented, occasionally trailing off as he grasped for a word. He recommended The Master and Margarita, by someone whose last named ended in -Kov and first was Mikhail.

I don't know any of these people, none of them knew me. I would never see them again, and most of them didn't see me to begin with, but for some reason we're all on this same cramped bus heading towards Rochester, New York. We all had our stories, and they converged here, but who knows? Maybe what I'll do will affect them. What they'll do will affect me. Or maybe it's just a passing moment.

I got on the wrong bus, of course, five hours late, but ended up in Rochester. Driving back to my mother's house, we almost hit a man laying in the street in a pool of blood. When we stopped, three black men across the street were adamant that he fell over, and people just walked by him without a care. I called 911 - the ambulance was there in under a minute; I'm fairly sure they were already nearby. The EMT said there was no way he just fell, and we left him be. What would have happened if we hadn't passed him? Would he have died there? Would someone else have stopped? His name was Robert - his insurance card was on the street next to him in a puddle of blood.

I hope he survived.

I wasn't thinking about this on the way to Ithaca, though. I just listened to music (far too loudly - perhaps just to keep from hearing the man behind me talk about the women he's fucked), looking out the window at trees. I, of course, recognized none, but was struck by how every wall framing the highway was coated in ivy, without fail, curling over the top and reaching up from the bottom, covering it completely in some areas. Trees, and rocks, and mountains, then more rocks, then more trees...and more trees, and suddenly a city in the middle of the woods.

I've lived in England, I've lived in Florida, and in Tennessee. I've stayed in quite a few more places, and I always thought New York was one of the most depressing areas to be compared to them until I saw this. Even standing in the center, it's easy to forget you're in a city, with skyscrapers nestled in the woods. It's easily the most amazing, beautiful place I've ever been, and where I want to live.

Of course, I didn't come here to look around - I was on a mission to meet the internet. I've done this once before (with a woman who wants me to convert to her form of Christianity and I still get into debates/arguments on GLBT persons with her), but this was going to be different. I told her that I've done online/long-distance relationships in the past, and that I don't want a repeat of that. We'll meet up - if it works out, then I'll try it.

I pulled up to the bus station. I had run over in my head a million times what to say, but still had no idea what to go with. She solved that problem.

"Tall!" she screamed, throwing herself at me and her arms around me. She came up to my chest - I'm 6'5", she 5'3".

"Short!" I yelled back, dropping my bags and hugging her tightly. We let go, staying close, smiling at each other; we both expected awkward tension, but we were having none of that, apparently.

"You must be hungry," she said after a minute, and I grinned.

"Yeah...I sorta forgot to eat," I said back quietly, following her slowly. She led me to her mother's car, introducing me to her - mom, Edward, Edward, mom...Lilian. I made a point to remember the name, but called her 'mom' every time Maxine did.

Did I mention her name is Maxine?

We got in the car - there was an Epiphone in the back, same model as at my father's. Of course I wanted to play it, but we were in a small car, so we put it in the front and we sat in the back (me and Maxine; her mother drove).

We were dropped off on a small city block, trees and buildings and so many people everywhere. I've been in cities before, but usually I just stayed in the suburbs or villages just outside of downtown - this, being here, astounded me. "There' many people..." I said to her, looking around in awe.

"Yeah, you'll love it here. There's lots of people with tattoos and piercings and dreads and dyed hair..." she murmured back, wrapping her arms around my arm and pulling me close. I was amazed - so many people, all wrapped up in their own lives, just five feet apart but completely unaware of each other. There was always something going on.

We ate Vietnamese food. I've never had it before, and the spring roll was wrapped in what I assumed was the testicle of a large squid. It was see-through and rubbery and had no taste, but I ate it anyway. I told her to order for me, she responded she already did, so I took her lead on how to eat this new food. Given chopsticks, I poorly handled them and immediately got a splinter through the webbing between my thumb and forefinger, which she pulled out for me.

I left my iPod in the restaurant; the waiter ran out to give it to me.

We wandered around for a little while, waiting for her mother to come pick us up. Walking up to the more forested half of the block, I pulled myself up onto a stone wall to sit and watched her, grinning as she (eventually) managed to pull herself up next to me.

"I can't believe you're actually here," she said slowly, looking up at me. It's the first time we'd met; we'd known each other over a year.

"Seriously. I was expecting more we'd be starting over. But it's like picking up where we were." She put her hand up on my shoulder, and we looked at each other for a minute longer before I leaned down and kissed her, once, twice, and immediately someone down the road screamed at us to get a room.

"First kiss and already we need a room," she said softly, her face bright before she reached into her pocket and handed me what looked like a stale gummi bear.

"What's this?" I took it and looked it over - it was a heart. I kept it. I slid off the wall and so did she, her hand in mine as we walked around the block, waiting for our ride.

"They have munches here," she said, pointing to a cafe. I raised an eyebrow but grinned, walking on without a word.

Short jokes were made.

We ended up over at her father's house. I was given a key, and opened the door, letting her by and following her in. David was her father, Amy was his girlfriend; he was incredibly quiet, and I'm fairly sure she was on cocaine. The guitar was brought up, and I tuned it up quietly before Amy asked Maxine to sing - so she sang a song from The Phantom of the Opera in a soft, quavering soprano. I was suitably impressed; hearing her on the phone couldn't compare to this.

"Scrabble," Amy suddenly announced, jumping up from the couch before she looked at me, asking slyly, "Do you like Lady Gaga? You should see her new video, it's amazing. I love it, she's so amazing. Let's play Scrabble!"

Scrabble lasted each of us one turn (She did Zeal, I did Zag, and then when it was Amy's turn again she forgot about it and wandered off). Maxine went to go get the clothes she had for me, and I put them on. The jacket came just past my elbows and I didn't even try the pants - I knew it was a lost cause.

"I'm sorry," I said, biting my lip. "You're going to have to help me get this off again, though." She slipped behind me, pulling the jacket down, and it fell to the floor before she went to get dressed, coming out holding a corset. Amy popped up, screaming (quite literally) how beautiful it was before David managed to calm her down again. Maxine slipped off and came back, the corset a deep green-tinged blue, coming down to a black layered skirt which covered her feet. I was in mid-sentence when she re-appeared and really couldn't remember the last half of what I was saying.

"Oh, you're beautiful, that corset is so beautiful, I want it! You're beautiful! Why aren't you complimenting her?" Amy turned to me, suddenly glaring.

"I...feel awkward saying things in front of her father," I said, looking over at her father. He still hadn't moved from his spot in the couch. Perhaps he was glued? He didn't respond.

"We have to go, anyways," Maxine interjected, managing to get me outside to wait for her mother. She had told me about Amy, but the woman seemed like a manic depressive in a sudden high swing. Her mother showed up before long, and we were driven off to Appel Commons, at the college, to go to the prom.

"I'm sorry," I told her. "I feel horrible wearing jeans and a t-shirt to prom." I had even forgot my nice hat.

"Shush," she replied. I did, until we got there and I saw everyone else dressed up.

"I'm sorry," I said again, and we went over to a group of people who were her friends.  Introductions were made, and half of them apparently knew of me already.

"I like you," said Chancery, who was Maxine's wifey (she is currently in my phone as Shin-Chan). "You come to prom in jeans, that's awesome."

"Oh my god!" said the short one next to her. She was dressed in a tuxedo straight from a yaoi manga, frilly collar and all, and a fedora. Her name was Julia. "Questionable Content! Yes!" She was referring to my shirt, and it was the first time anyone had ever recognized it for what it was. We eventually drifted inside, and once inside I turned to Maxine.

"I'm sorry," I told her again. She told me it's okay and we approached the stairs slowly. I didn't think anything of it, until the girls around me starting moaning about high heels and I realized...stairs suck. Everyone else went in without a problem, but I had to hand over my driver's license for them to hold onto until I left, to prove who I am. I kept my invitation, though, and it's currently on top of my bookshelf, slightly crumpled but still in decent condition. The music was loud, unintelligible, and held a steady beat of 120 bpm. The best one was "Just Dance", and even that's one of Gaga's more forgettable.

We migrated to the tables at one end and sat with her friends. I grabbed a balloon and squealed and hugged it and told it that I loved it and then threw it at Maxine's friends. We bopped it around in the air for awhile, until there was a commotion out on the dance floor and we all migrated over there. Turns out there was a dance off, and two guys were break-dancing on the floor. It was pretty fascinating to watch, so I leaned back against the wall, only to accidentally open to emergency exit and set off the alarm. It was quiet enough that only I noticed, so I slinked off into a corner to be embarrassed in private as security came up and reset it. Maxine noticed, too, and I managed to get out of there.

"I'm sorry, I'm just...really not good in these sorts of situations," I told her, trying to get towards the exit when she suddenly screamed, "Daran!" I turned and saw her hugging this tall black girl, about to my chin with an especially tiny hat and veil on her head. She looked beautiful, and I grinned as we were introduced. We did eventually get out of there and outside (once I went through the line again to collect my driver's license). Surrounded by people I'd never know in canned, conditioned air to alone with her outside on a warm, humid night. It was great.

"So now what?" I asked her. "Just wander around?"

"Yeah, that works," she said, and we walked down the hill to the college lawn, wandering about until we found a suitably dark place nestled in a corner and settled down. We laid down and kissed, we talked about being together...we had sex twice on the lawn, pausing as cars drove by. She loved it, I found it about as enjoyable as sex could be, but I was happy that she loved it as much as she did. Afterwards we were laying on the grass, a bit disheveled and mostly dressed and talking about what happened when the light came on the window above us and we quickly got back to the dance, where people were starting to leave. We waited by the doors (as there was a no re-entry policy) until her friends showed up, one at a time, asking us where we were.

"Just outside," she or I would respond.

"The whole time?"


"Doing what?"

"Just talkin'."

Surprisingly no one really suspected anything except Daran, who kind of squinted at me and said, "You two were out here? Alone? Acting like two conscientious human beings?" I repeatedly stated my innocence, but Maxine kind of ruined it by kissing her in the glow of the moment. Oh, well.

We ended up having a short ride back to Maxine's father's house, where I was going to stay the night in an incredibly pink room plastered with Robert Pattison pictures. I gave them all the finger. Individually. I unlocked the door and slipped in - her father and Amy were passed out in bed, and Scrabble tiles were all over the living room. She kissed me and we held each other for a little while before she had to leave to go sleep at her house (her parents don't trust us together, for some wild reason), and I settled down with an F My Life book I found on a bookshelf in the room, and texted her between pages.  I eventually drifted off and woke up in the middle of the night to go use the bathroom, whereupon I discovered a few things:

A) Maxine's father dreams about having sex with trannies
2) Maxine's father talks in his sleep.

So I went back to bed and ignored both of these facts. I was, however, woken up at 6 AM by Amy's yelling about something or other. I tried to ignore it, but she walked up to the room I was in, and threw open the door. Rolling over, I looked at her, finally saying, "What?" She stared at me before slamming the door and walking away.

That's when I started calling Maxine asking her to get me out of there.

Eventually I got out of bed, to find David (her father, might I remind you) and Amy on the couch. She immediately set upon me.

"Do you like blueberries?"

"Um, yes?" I said. I really was not awake enough to deal with her.

"Okay. Well, I'm making blueberry pancakes." She never did. "Do you like sausages?"

"I do, yes."

"Great! I'm making sausages." She never did. "Do you like eggs?"

"Not really, no."

"Okay, I won't make eggs." She lived up to her word on this one. She did, however, stagger into the kitchen, turn on the griddle, and forget about it. Stumbling back into the living room she suddenly noticed me again. "You have really long hair! I love your hair, I want your hair. Why do you have long hair? I used to have long hair like that, it was down to my...well, I'll be polite, it was down to my butt."

"Why are you from Chicago?"

"What?" I blinked at her, pausing in mid-brush. "I'm from New York."

"Okay, but why did you come here from Chicago?"

The next 20 minutes were spent trying to explain to her that I live in New York, in a small town near Niagara Falls. I even showed her Google maps and pointed out the towns I'm near, one being Medina.

"You're from Minnesota!" she exclaimed, looking up at me.

"No...Medina. It's a town, by Albion."

"Oh, okay. Maxine's boyfriend is from New York City," she explained to her unconscious boyfriend. It was entirely surreal. "You have to see Lady Gaga's new video, everyone's seen it, it's amazing."

It wasn't.

Maxine eventually came by, wearing a long turquoise dress that I was, apparently, supposed to wear the night before, but she decided against at the last minute. She brought two fresh bagels and cream cheese, two things I've never had (usually I buy the stuff that's been shipped in, you know? Apparently Ithaca has lots of bagel shops. I thought the place smelled Jewy.) They were delicious, and when I sat on the couch I noticed the (very large (and almost empty)) bottle of vodka on the floor. I picked it up.

"Well, that explains a lot," I mentioned to her, and she shrugged. She pulled out her lip balm - vanilla flavoured - and put some on me, and the first thing I said without thinking was, "That tastes familiar." She started giggling and then I realized the implications. Her father and his girlfriend had fucked off to somewhere else, so we went outside to wait down by the bus station. I settled down and fished Pocky out of my tie-dyed bag and offered her some. We ate it quietly until the bus came, moving through woods and up and down hills to drop us off downtown.

Dear god, Ithaca is amazing. I was so happy to be in this hippie little town with a beautiful girl by my side I wanted to sing Disney songs. I showed restraint, however, and just went with, "I feel pretty...oh so pretty...oh so pretty and witty and gaaaaaayyyyyyy," hitting a high note higher than even she could reach. I was suddenly embarrassed, she was giggling, passers-by were staring.

I should note I was wearing a certain infamous Unicornication shirt.

We went and visited a bunch of shops. The first one was a children's toy store, and I had so much fun in there alone. I put on frilly things and tiaras and carried a magic wand around, and have (well, she has) the pictures to back this claim up. She then popped up with a skunk puppet, fully aware of how much my favourite animal is the skunk. I squealed and hugged it and tried it out, and put it back as it was 15 dollars and I can't really afford to be spending money on random things.

I came back later to buy it anyways, and named him Streaky. Half the time when she went to kiss me, I brought Streaky up to kiss her instead. Of course, I also realized later there's a hole at the base of the tail that you stick your finger in to move the tail around. It even looks like an asshole, it's amazing. Why! Why would you teach children that if you stick your finger up an animal's bottom it will make the tail move?

I love my skunky.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2955 on: 24 Jun 2010, 08:27 »

part two because it won't let me post that much

We walked around to visit different shops. We passed at least four store fronts with bongs in the windows, and one had a guy sitting out front smoking from a hookah. It was incredible. We stopped into this little store than sold liberal slogans on t-shirts, mugs, etc., and I went through the bumper sticker rack. I generally don't buy buttons and the like, but I plaster my guitar case with stickers. It came down to a peace symbol, one saying War = Terror, and the one I chose - GBLT Safe Space. It felt most appropriate, though I did notice one by the cash register that said "GAG ME WITH YOUR CLIT" in large, loud letters.

We had ice cream.

We went to malls.

We sat in the park and I yelled at passing people how awesome their hair is. I love hair, especially unusual haircuts, dye jobs, and I have a thing for dreads. This girl walked by with dreads down to her waist, and dyed blonde, black, and red, and it was incredible.

I love to help people, and just complimenting them helps a lot, I've found. I never lie, but if someone is doing or saying, or just wearing something I like, I'll go out of my way to let them know. I love the look on their face - it's almost always surprise, followed by a shy, almost embarrassed look of happiness. It makes me feel good to know I made them feel good, and I was feeling amazing and was doing my damnedest to make everyone else feel good.

There were sloppy makeouts on a park bench, and talk of sneaking into the church to fuck, but it was Sunday, sadly, so we would probably have been caught.

We went to a music store, where I played an electric violin while she listened to me squeaking away. The bow needed rosin I did not have.

We went to a comic book store, and I died from happiness. So many comics, graphics novels, manga - remember I'm a country boy! - I was delighted. I came so close to buying V for Vendetta, but realized I probably shouldn't spend money I can't afford to spend, and reassured Streaky that he was worth it.

We went to the old library. Apparently they used to have an anarchist newsletter there.

We went to a book store/record store. I bought a Melanie double album for a dollar, and a FMA book for a couple more. When I went downstairs to see the records, the very first thing I noticed was a Ratatat album for sale.

I died once or twice from happiness. I got better.

However, however...all good things, even the great ones, must come to an end. We stopped off at a gas station, and I bought a liter of water for a dollar to take with me on the ride back home. I had to be at the bus station by 3:55, and we got there at 3:50. We sat together, mostly just holding each other, not really wanting to part. At about 4:10 I excused myself and went to ask the man when the bus was going to be in.

"Oh, about 2:00," he said, looking behind me at the wall. I turned to look, and only saw bricks.

"I...missed it? When's the next one?" I asked, turning back to him. He looked back at the wall, studying it.

"About 7:30." I looked back again, trying to figure out if I was missing something really obvious on the wall. I didn't see anything, and went back to tell her, as well as my mother, who was going to have to pick me up 4 hours later than planned.

I wasn't too heartbroken, really. We ended up going to the mall, and as we stopped by the thruway I saw a man holding a cardboard sign, face sunburned, sweating pouring down his face. "PLEASE HELP FOOD PRAYERS TO GOD ANYTHING HELPS" - or something to that equivalent - was on the sign. I was so pissed off at myself that I forgot my hat, because I wanted to give it to him. I looked through my bag and realized all I had was the bottle of water, a few sips out of it, so I rolled down the window and called him over, giving it to him. I've never seen anyone look so relieved, but I wanted to give him more.

Maxine looked at me like I was crazy. Oh, well.

We ended up in the mall. We walked around Borders and I pointed out two books that were set up right in the doorway. "Look!" I yelled, "Two terrible fiction writers!" One was Dean Koontz, the other was Glenn Beck. We gravitated to the manga section, and then to the GLBT section where we giggled at things like, "Miss Brenda, High School Lesbian Gym Teacher". I also noted how the Erotica section was right next to the Christianity section. Giggles were made.

After skimming through some really terrible shonen-ai, we decided to go get something to eat. Wandering through the mall (and carrying around Streaky, occasionally throwing his paws in the air and opening his mouth real wide in an imitation of Gene Simmons), we found the food court, and bought Chinese food. She likes white rice; I like brown rice. I was amazed how fast she ate - her plate was half gone before I had five bites.

Suddenly she sang, "People won't be people when they hear this sound!" and I joined in, finishing out the verse. I ate a piece of broccoli, then asked, "Well, if they're not people, what are they?" We thought on this before I decided, "They must be Devo."

It was delicious, greasy, overpriced Chinese food. We ended up wandering around, listened to terrible music blared through the mall speakers, and ended up alone in a hallway in the back.

Makeouts were had.

We wandered back through the mall and she took me to Spencer's. I've never been in one, and I thought most of it was pretty stupid, juvenile stuff. They sure had a lot of ICP stuff, though. She ended up then dragging me into Claire's, where I looked around really uncomfortably at the amount of pink everywhere and the stuff I'm not allowed to wear, and had to restrain myself from buying a tutu.

I really want a tutu. I have no idea why. I have the one I want  picked out even.

We started walking back to the bookstore, trying to ignore the fact I'll be gone soon. Just outside the entrance, she stopped me, and lifted up my sleeve, pulling out a red Sharpie and carefully writing on my arm Maxi, followed by a heart. It's still there, faintly. We went back inside, and we went back to the car to take me back to the bus station. We waited for a minute before being promptly thrown out - they closed 15 minutes before my bus came.

"I really don't want you to leave," she said quietly.

"You could come back with me," I murmured back, half-meaning it. Excuses were made, and I boarded alone. She was gone before the bus took off, and when I took out my iPod I realized it was dead.

I pulled out my book, only to realize I accidentally stole a book from her father.

I texted her: "I miss yew." She texted back: "i miss u 2"

An hour later I realized I left my skunk.

It was all worth it.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2956 on: 24 Jun 2010, 08:29 »

holy fuck that is long


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2957 on: 24 Jun 2010, 08:46 »

I think that is one of the best posts I have ever read.
Logged <- Look I have no taste!


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2958 on: 24 Jun 2010, 10:14 »

Blog Thread.

I noticed people were talking about chest pains.

I noticed chest pain when I woke up after moving so I knew it probably wasn't angina so I looked up stuff online.  It turns out that the cartilage in your ribs can become inflamed and cause chest pains.

So I iced down my chest and took some NSAIDs and it went away.

You can tell it's this problem if you gently press down on the center of your rib cage and it hurts.

But there is a ton of stuff that can cause chest pain and it's always good to check with a doctor.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2959 on: 24 Jun 2010, 11:22 »

Guys! My boyfriend just got a $8,000 raise! Holy shit!
little bitty bird, with the flaxen hair, can i help you with the weight of the cross you bear?


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2960 on: 24 Jun 2010, 12:57 »

It turns out that the cartilage in your ribs can become inflamed and cause chest pains.

I still occasionally have aches of that sort from a cycle crash I had 2 1/2 years ago (hurt like hell for three months).  The pain preceding my heart attack was quite different - a much more diffused ache, and characteristically extending across to the tops of the arms.
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2961 on: 24 Jun 2010, 13:40 »

Everyone should take the time to read Zingo's uberpost; it was pretty awesome.
yahoo answers is the new youtube comments


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2962 on: 24 Jun 2010, 14:05 »

I had meant to read it and totally forgot. Thanks for the reminder.

In the meantime, bloggy:

My mother and I are doing a craft fair thing together. I am selling breads and things. I am pretty excited about it. She's selling homemade cat toys and shirts and tutus and things. I advertised this on facebook, and she had to had to had to comment on it striking up this uber casual conversation and then going so far as to say that spellcheck wanted her to change focaccia to flaccid. This is a business post woman! I would prefer you not associate my bread with limp penises. I get that you would like to maintain a pretty casual friendly business environment, I get that, and I too would like to have such a thing, but there is a line. We need to seem at least a little professional if we are wanting to sell things. Especially food. Please stop driving away my business with your uncouthness.

Also, jesus h christ woman. Ok so, this thing is on Sunday. She live 45 minutes away from me(and I live 12 minutes, walking, away from where this is gonna be). She cannot drive. Today, she tells me that my dad won't be able to come because his friend(the woman she is convinced that he is sleeping with), is coming over at 2pm to pick up some of my siblings to take them out. WTF. Why did you wait until today to tell me that?? So now, she has no ride, no way to get the table we are using here, and no way to get the stuff she is selling here. Why do I ever let myself become involved in anything involving my parents?? Why are they such fuck ups?? Ugh!
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2963 on: 24 Jun 2010, 14:28 »

holy fuck that is long

Well worth every inch, though.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2964 on: 24 Jun 2010, 14:44 »

Guys! My boyfriend just got a $8,000 raise! Holy shit!

Now you should compound that income by spending the entirety on lottery tickets.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2965 on: 24 Jun 2010, 15:56 »

Emaline, Congratulations to him.

LittleKey, I tried to but I felt as if I was prying.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2966 on: 24 Jun 2010, 19:11 »

So hey I guess I finally understand what the deal is with twitter #abouttimeyoustupidbastard

I'm @benkovalik


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2967 on: 24 Jun 2010, 19:19 »

I have chest congestion and a cough that will not go awayyyyyy. Last time this happened, I ended up with bronchitis. Damn it, I do NOT want bronchitis again! Being a wheezy mcwheezyface fucking sucks!
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2968 on: 24 Jun 2010, 19:34 »

my ipod is borked. when i plug it into my computer, itunes freezes and refuses to sync any new content. i can't even restore it because the whole dang application gets stuck. i could probably format it using disk mode but i have a sneaking suspicion that this is a hard drive problem (i've dropped it... a few times) and therefore won't fix the problem and will instead only succeed in unnecessarily erasing all of the content on my ipod. this isn't the worst thing that could possibly happen, i've had this thing for a couple of years now and i still have my laptop for news and music and so on. mainly i am bugged because i spend a lot of time walking and on public transport and i depend on this thing for getting through those trips pretty heavily. i guess now begins the game of "how long can i last on the content on my ipod before i get completely sick of it and am forced to replace the hard drive/buy a new ipod." here goes!
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2969 on: 24 Jun 2010, 19:46 »

if the harddrive is slightly deformed, it can funk it up. Luckily if it's convex (not concave), you can wedge a piece of paper or something between the drive and the outside casing, and it will help hold it down in it's natural shape. You'll have to pry the casing off with a knife or something; it's really easy.

but that might not be the problem, I dunno. I did that on my first iPod when it broke after the warranty was long-expired and it gave it some extra life until I got another one.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2970 on: 24 Jun 2010, 20:06 »

I have a job interview on Tuesday and I am really nervous and excited because I want this job and if i don't I fear that I'm going to be stuck in the soul crushing job forever. I need a chaaaaange.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2971 on: 24 Jun 2010, 22:16 »

I'm just gonna crosspost this here, because it's a lot to type and I'm a lot of pissed off.

So can we use this thread to bitch about previous employers who are still fucking us over?

Like Slackers, for instance. The "local independent record store" I used to work at. The one that laid me off on the day after Christmas, the day that I went home crying because, despite my requesting my coworkers not call every single thing retarded because I'm a bit sensitive to it especially around the end of the year because thats when my sister died, my coworkers decided to throw the word around like it was going out of style.The company that despite me working for them fulltime, and long enough to get four reviews, never ever getting a raise or benefits. The company that I grew to hate because I was constantly being called retarded by my "boss" who only came to her position because she was friends with our other boss. She would constantly yell, not ask, yell at me to do something, when another boss had already told me to do something else, and then I'd get bitched out by both bosses. Yeah. Let me tell you about great work environments. In the winter, the owner of the company decided that it cost way too much money to keep that heat on, so we froze and had no hot water, and then got bitched out for being sick. Yeah.

And I could bitch about the little things too, like the waste of money on taking in vhs that doesn't sell. Or how even with my employee discount it was tons cheaper for me to shop elsewhere. Or the slight sexism(like you know, bosses wearing shirts to work that say things like "I support single moms" and feature a lady dancing on a stripper pole). Or the slight homophobia(or the bosses discussing my sex life at lunch). Or the bullshit I had to put up with to try to get people to not call everything gay or retarded.

Or I could bitch about how, now even after I have no longer worked there for six months, how they are still to this very fucking day fucking me over. First, I didn't get my w2s. I didn't get them for a long time. Well past the due date for them arriving. And I would not have gotten them if I hadn't bitched and called and called. Now, I fucking get a letter in the mail saying that they didn't take out any of my city tax, and now I owe the city money. Thanks Slackers! Thanks! Kurt, I hope you fucking rot.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2972 on: 24 Jun 2010, 23:30 »

Dear guys,

Hey I went and did something that might actually be a good idea

I went and took the AccuPlacer exam for the Art Institute and I also handed in two essays they wanted me to write for them

After that I spent an hour and a half playing guitar on Market St. in front of this little hot dog joint called Zog's Dogs. I made a single dollar. Kinda bummed me out but whatever, I got a Dr. Pepper and went home after that.


K bye.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2973 on: 24 Jun 2010, 23:37 »

Hey man, you made a dollar more than you would have sitting at home.

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2974 on: 25 Jun 2010, 00:00 »

I'm just gonna crosspost this here, because it's a lot to type and I'm a lot of pissed off.

So can we use this thread to bitch about previous employers who are still fucking us over?

Nope, we have this for that.
[20:29] Quietus: Haha oh shit Morbid Anal Fog
[20:29] Quietus: I had forgotten about them


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2975 on: 25 Jun 2010, 00:11 »

Hey man, you made a dollar more than you would have sitting at home.

It just disappointed me. I mean, I could've played at a bar tonight and made $100 for two hours instead of $1 for one and a half.

Which reminds me, I need to talk to that Elvis impersonator guy and catch up with him.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2976 on: 25 Jun 2010, 00:14 »

I'm just gonna crosspost this here, because it's a lot to type and I'm a lot of pissed off.

So can we use this thread to bitch about previous employers who are still fucking us over?

Nope, we have this for that.

But....that wasn't a letter? I was just thanking at the end, but it was not in letter format. Either way, That part of my post was from the original post.

Also, best elvis impersonator ever.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2977 on: 25 Jun 2010, 00:43 »

Ok, so, to make some money while I'm studying for this big ol' exam I take in Fall, I've been looking for babysitting jobs (I live in a college town, though, so there's a lot of disposable labor--I met with this woman last year who interviewed me seriously three fucking times for a grand total of, like, 6 hours, and even after all that she didn't hire me).  I interviewed with this woman today who has two-year-old triplets and a seven-year-old.  At first I thought so many kids might be a little much but it couldn't hurt to go to the interview.  But I might have fallen in love with the kids a little.  Also the hours are perfect.  And I like the mom a lot.

So it's good news that she emailed me tonight and said it was great to meet me and suggested I help her out tomorrow when she goes to get the kids' hair cut!  Yaaaay!

It is always a bit awkward, though--I'm never sure when it's appropriate to bring up money.  Like, I figure that if I help her out for a few hours, she'll pay me somewhat.  But I'm not sure if I can assume that?  And if not, should I ask and/or insist?  Isn't it reasonable to have an unpaid training/try-out period?  I'll probably just not bring it up and thus leave it up to whatever she says, but sometimes I worry that I'm a pushover.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2978 on: 25 Jun 2010, 01:15 »

I'd say it was reasonable, but if she leaves you in sole charge for any length of time then the line has been crossed.

Guys I still have tonsillitis and I can't decide whether or not to go to Amsterdam on Sunday. I've paid for everything already, I just don't knowwwwwww.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2979 on: 25 Jun 2010, 01:19 »

Take drugs, come to Amsterdam, take more drugs.

That's what most UK visitors do here, anyway.

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2980 on: 25 Jun 2010, 05:56 »

So can we use this thread to bitch about previous employers who are still fucking us over?
Nope, we have this for that.
But....that wasn't a letter? I was just thanking at the end, but it was not in letter format. Either way, That part of my post was from the original post.

Idea being to keep excessive bitching in the bitch thread.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2981 on: 25 Jun 2010, 06:06 »

Well technically that thread is for bitching at strangers; a former employer is no stranger.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2982 on: 25 Jun 2010, 06:08 »

bitch bitch bitch that's all I hear from you Joe.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2983 on: 25 Jun 2010, 06:11 »

No one stranger than a former employer.

Former employer has a pleasant ring to it. I like that phrase.

I also like cumbersome lover.

I hate working in sales. HR isn't bad, but I'm 50/50 between the two.

I want to be a sound engineer full-time instead of just on the weekends. It's not like I could make that much less money at it.

Being a corporate shill gives me the crippling suicidal depression. waaahhhhhh..

Cumbersome lover.
Sinister scorpion.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2984 on: 25 Jun 2010, 06:12 »

Is a cumbersome lover when you are into fatties?


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2985 on: 25 Jun 2010, 08:07 »

Oh Joe, you have such a way with words.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2986 on: 25 Jun 2010, 08:07 »

I have a job interview on Tuesday and I am really nervous and excited because I want this job and if i don't I fear that I'm going to be stuck in the soul crushing job forever. I need a chaaaaange.

Good luck with the interview.

I have chest congestion and a cough that will not go awayyyyyy.

I hope you feel better soon.
« Last Edit: 25 Jun 2010, 08:13 by HiFranc »


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2987 on: 25 Jun 2010, 08:23 »

To be honest I misread it as "cucumber lover" and thought someone had a thing for veggies


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2988 on: 25 Jun 2010, 10:14 »

The only way I would accept that story is if the barber had kidnapped you and after a days-long fight, he finally subdued you in a barber chair and shaved the beard off.



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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2989 on: 25 Jun 2010, 14:44 »

Just grow the beard out long enough to cover your junk and walk around nakie!


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2990 on: 25 Jun 2010, 16:30 »

yeah I've been too lazy to shave much and even in seattle i regret it. can't imagine being back home, or in austin for that matter.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2991 on: 25 Jun 2010, 16:59 »

Personally Sam I'd go with the beard instead of the jeans, that way your sack sticks to your taint just that much less.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2992 on: 25 Jun 2010, 19:26 »

sam how humid are austin summes?
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2993 on: 25 Jun 2010, 19:26 »

oh yeah, im back, if anyone noticed i wasn't posting here all week.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2994 on: 25 Jun 2010, 19:29 »

nobody noticed
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2995 on: 25 Jun 2010, 19:34 »


dovey one of these days im gonna straight up cry and its gonna be all yr fault
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2996 on: 25 Jun 2010, 19:36 »

what how you're not already crying constantly? some emo kid you are
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2997 on: 25 Jun 2010, 20:55 »

so i ain't really been reading the blog thread much in the past semi-long while but i just wanted to be able to say somewheres

make outs are a thing happening in my life again.

we happy? we happy.

like it'd be great if i had a job or something, but i'm just settling right now for putting as much energy as possible into all the people in my life, and gotdamn if that ain't paying off.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2998 on: 25 Jun 2010, 21:27 »

o/ alex!
(woo make outs!)
What about orgasmic chemistry.

I can expand the definition of that if anyone wants to roll around to my Fortress of Love.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #2999 on: 25 Jun 2010, 22:52 »

Humid as balls trapped inside jeans in Austin.
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