so, I've resigned myself to not getting any potatoes.
I only recently signed up for Steam and ended up buying Amnesia and AAaaaaAAaa, and then got Audiosurf gifted to me by a friendly PA forumer,'s just too hard!
The AAAAaaaa level is freaking impossible; I can't even make it to the bottom, let alone get 1 star, and certainly not 5 stars. Amnesia: Justine is pretty awesome and I've gone through it a million times but I can never finish it. Stupid monster kills me in the flooded part.
and then there's Audiosurf, which really isn't my style of game at all. I played the tutorial but haven't picked it back up since. I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Whatever, I don't really care. $60 has disappeared from my bank account, so Portal 2 has officially shipped and is hurtling towards me at blinding speeds as we speak.
Can't lose sight of what's really important here.