Well, his friendship with Faye has been violent but sincere, I'll grant you. And before he hooked up with Dora it was going fine there, and... well, hooking up with a close friend only ends in two possible ways. Either you're soulmates and stick together until you die, or else when it ends, it's bad for all the people within the blast radius.
But aside from those two, I don't think he's been hurt by anyone really. Steve is being a dick here, but in his own weird way he's been there for Marten in the past. Hanners may one day snap and kill everyone, but until that day she's like his little sister. He got on fine with Raven, he seems to be cool with Penelope and Wil, he even gets on well with Sven despite a bit of hipster one-upsmanship. Marigold and Angus seem to have a pretty straightforward friendship with him, as does Tai except for the occasional TMI about her sex life.
His life seems fairly insane, but considering the destructive tiny robots and the rampant supervilliany from people like Hanners' folks, that seems par for the course for the QC-niverse. Friend-wise, I think he's doing okay.