You can look in the
wiki (thanks, Is it cold in here?!).There is a
strip-by-strip summary (thanks, Jwhouk!).Or you can take the time (you don't have to rush it, do you?) to catch up.
Basically, after a couple more spats, Dora and Marten broke up*. They have settled down afterwards, but we are still looking for more working out of their feelings about it. Marten has started going to a different coffee shop (The Secret Bakery), and hasn't yet faced Dora again (he tried, but she was out, moving house). Today's strip is part of a negotiation between the bosses of tSB and CoD about supplying cakes and coffee respectively to each other. Oh, and Faye and Angus are dating seriously.
The forum imploded at this, and as a result now has hands-on moderation - which I hope is seen as an improvement.