It's probably not best to tell your new boss that you quit your old job with no notice whatsoever...
Just a few notes on why being a pizza delivery guy can suck after a while:
- You're driving in all kinds of conditions. Rain, snow, when it's dark, when it's blazing hot, etc. and if your boss is an asshole, he'll threaten to fire you if you refuse to deliver in a superstorm.
- You're on your customer's turf and if you have to deliver to a bad part of town - at night - you're pretty much risking your neck.
- People will tip a waitress/waiter more for walking back and forth with their pizza, than they will a driver who uses their own car/gas. If you deliver part time, you'll pretty much be spending a better deal of what you make on repairs; and if you get into an accident while on delivery, your insurance isn't going to cover you.
It was definitely fun at times, though - I loved driving faster than usual (and getting leniency for it =P), playing my music, having some small talk here and there with the nicer customers, and I had fun messing around with my coworkers in the kitchen/getting free pizza when my boss wasn't in asshole-mode. Still, once I quit, that smell took over a week to get out of my car.