Comic Discussion > ALICE GROVE

Alice Grove MCDLT - THE END...?

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Ardent may or may not have been lying when Alice questioned him, but I don't think he can deceive Laridia or the Praeses now.  If he's telling the truth then there must be either a rogue element among the Praeses or the elusive AIs will finally make their move. 

ARDENT: "Why shouldn't a complete stranger give me what I've always wanted? I mean... I deserve it, don't I? Why shouldn't I trust a complete stranger like that? I don't get why you're all looking at me as if I'm an idiot!"

There is one option that I just thought of and nobody has mentioned it - as far as I can recall but that is a very small subset.

What if Ardent is the root cause?
There are no other players in the game outside of those that were always there.
What factor that may have been overlooked but has been an ongoing theme in a lot of scifi anime and manga is humanities next quantum shift in evolution once they become spacers. aka Newtypes

That is possible.

The one as-yet unexplained factor is The Night Walker.

So maybe this being will somehow be associated with the root cause.


--- Quote from: Thrudd on 30 Jun 2017, 12:31 ---There is one option that I just thought of and nobody has mentioned it - as far as I can recall but that is a very small subset.

What if Ardent is the root cause?
There are no other players in the game outside of those that were always there.
What factor that may have been overlooked but has been an ongoing theme in a lot of scifi anime and manga is humanities next quantum shift in evolution once they become spacers. aka Newtypes

--- End quote ---

Ardent was willing to let Alice kill him if it meant averting the apocalypse she envisioned.  Either he's so good at reading people that he knew she could never go through with it or he's a sleeper agent, and if he is then it would have to be a third party that implanted that as well as his upgrade ability. 


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