I'd really like to think that the "travel the world" thing means we'll get occasional tangents of wacky Hanners/Winslow adventures in places around the world, but the way that Jeph treats characters who are out of focus, it seems to me there will be absolutely zero updates outside of maybe a namedrop or two, and we'll be lucky to ever see either of them in the strip again at all -- unless Jeph gets really,
really bored with his remaining existing cast members and the new ones he introduces in the meantime.
It just particularly rankles me, as a reader, because we had this awesome moment of Hanners breaking free from her mother's malign influence -- and then
poof, gone, no real payoff or reunion allowed, the author just said "your arc's done, I don't need you anymore, bored now, buh-bye", and out the door they go into the trashbin. And for good measure, let's send her off via "white person goes travelling the world to find themselves", as if that weren't already cliched deeply enough in fiction and real life.
I'm a little surprised Claire moving in is so low.
It might have something to do with the degree of Claire-centricity being at or close to saturation levels, at least since she and Marten started their relationship. I highly doubt I'm the only person who finds Claire as a character irritating to no end.