QC Forums Shutting Down 1/1/23

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Hey all, Jeph here. I'll go into further detail shortly, but here's the meat of this announcement:

The QC forums will be shutting down as of January 1, 2023.

There are a few reasons I've decided to take this course of action. Over the last few years, activity on the forum has slowed dramatically as folks migrate to other social media platforms, lose interest, or otherwise move on. This extends to the (wonderful, dedicated) mod/admin team, some of whom have expressed the desire to step down from their duties. In addition, the older I get the less comfortable I am with the idea of hosting my own social media platform. After discussing it with the mod/admin team, we've come to the conclusion that it's probably time to wrap things up.

The current plan is to leave the foums online, but in read-only mode. This way folks can still access whatever threads and posts they find valuable. As for where you all can go from here- that's up to you. I hear it's pretty easy to set up Discord servers, that might be a good idea. I'm not going to make or endorse an "official" QC server myself, but I'm cool with whatever unofficial things people want to make.

It's amazing that this place has lasted for almost 20 years, and it makes me profoundly happy that people have found and forged community here. I'll be forever grateful to all the mods, past and present, who have worked so hard to make this a safe, non-toxic environment, with special thanks to pwhodges for consistently going above and beyond the call of duty. And I'm grateful to all of you, too! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


In case anyone is interested, there is a QC Discord server that you could join. I've been lurking there for the past 2 weeks or so. It's not terribly busy, and I'm not sure how strictly it's moderated. It does have the roughly the same rules as this forum (no discrimination, etc).

Alternatively, I wouldn't mind setting up a new Discord server if people want?

Oh. This is sad. A reasonable course of action, but sad nonetheless. I've enjoyed these forums in the time I've been here.

Not sure where, if anywhere, I'd be interested in migrating to; I'll probably end up somewhere at a point to continue to discuss the comic, but I imagine many people here will spread out-- so, if that does happen, I wish you all well.

I'll paste in a response I made about Discord in another thread in just a moment, but I know there's a thread for QC that's been active over the years on the Order of the Stick forum for those that want to stick to this kind of open format discussion of the comic:

[Edit adding in my other post]
Thank you Jeph. Completely understandable, especially considering how web forums in general have fallen by the wayside on a number of sites. This was one of my go to communities during a rough period back in 2008-2009, and has remained one of my "must open" tabs when I go online.

@Faridah, I think the main question about the existing Discord is do we know who the owner is and are they active? If not, I think it would be better to create a new one. If the forums are going read only, and if Jeph is OK with a final notice with the link and a *very* clear disclaimer that it's unofficial, that would be nice to occasionally bring in new blood (and perhaps also have it be a small bit of work to assemble the link so bots don't pick it up for spamming purposes).

Of course, the biggest problem with discord is that I certainly wouldn’t post anything I find meaningful or whatnot there, considering their TOS specifically states that all your base are belong to them. 

Edit: I don’t think that there is a better solution, at least not one that’s premade, so I’ll probably be saying “so long and thanks for all the fish” in a month.


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