Ah, good old Borges. "Labyrinths" was an insane short-story compilation. "Library of Babel", man...
Just finished The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson. Borrows a lot from (or, alternately, develops the setting of) Snow Crash, and that isn't a good thing. Stephenson swaps the hyperkinetic sardonic feel of Snow Crash for a neovictorian sensibility that would be annoying and pretentious in any other application. It's also one of the few applications of nanotechnology that is actually fully thought through, rather than being the magic explanation for why everything is all pretty and high-tech. It also projects society, rather than just being today's society with prettier normal maps.
And, because I had a sudden urge to be oldschool, I pulled out Burning Chrome, by William Gibson. Ah, good old 80's Cyberpunk...when people wore leather jackets, flaunted obvious cosmetic modification, computers displayed outputs suspiciously close to that of an Atari 800, and everything was covered in smog, litter, and drug paraphenalia. *Swoon*