Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: Spinless on 01 Apr 2006, 06:13

Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Spinless on 01 Apr 2006, 06:13
Which are your favourites?
I think the old X-men series and Justice League Unlimited are pretty much the coolest ones.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 01 Apr 2006, 06:29
Old X-Men, without a doubt.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Gryff on 01 Apr 2006, 19:57
X-men was the shit, undoubtedly. I don't think I ever saw the end of that series either, but it wouldn't surprise me if they just left it open.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Manta Ray on 02 Apr 2006, 06:28
batman with the square jaws, every time.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: That guy on 02 Apr 2006, 07:33
The most underrated action cartoon was without a doubt Exo-Squad.  People actually died in that show.  It got pretty deep until the end when the story got really weird.  The beginning was great, tons of plot, deep characters cool robot flying machines and lets not forget the death, it had it all.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 02 Apr 2006, 09:05
Oh, I love so many of them. Batman:TAS, Batman: Gotham Knights, Batman Beyond was fantastic, and Justice League (Unlimited) was awesome too. Most series involving Bruce Timm seem to be excellent.

The 90s X-Men and Spiderman I loved too.

Hell unless they are really awful, I will usually watch any of them given the chance.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 02 Apr 2006, 09:27
Oh yeah, Batman of the Future (Batman Beyond) was pretty rad. With the suit and all. Which was the Batman series that had Harley Quinn in it? She was my fave batman character.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: nescience on 03 Apr 2006, 01:55
That's TAS, a great after-school delight for me when I was growing up.  I also enjoyed (newer) Cowboy Bebop.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 03 Apr 2006, 03:04
i saw a brand new batman series on one of the cartoon channels not so long ago and compared to those square jawed classics it was rubbish.
no wit or darkness or anything, just some explosions and backflips, but i guess thats what the kids are after these days.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 03 Apr 2006, 13:11

Anyone catch adult swim on April Fool's?  Then you know what cartoon I'm referencing here.  (at first I thought it was the Centurions!)
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 03 Apr 2006, 14:58
yeah those are pretty good.......but they do not compare to Street Sharks!

just kidding. but that show did rule because it made no sense. x-men and batman all the way. i used to to like the old spiderman alot...its a little cheesier than x-men and batman though. batman had gangsters, blackmail, and sinisterness (not a word); and x-men had gnarly mutants and giant robots.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 03 Apr 2006, 16:11
street sharks ! haha .. they were no match for the biker mice from mars of course

does anyone else remember jayce and the wheeled warriors ?
every episode was basically exactly the same and the whole premise of the show was complete nonsense *but* it was a brilliant slice of 80s scifi fantasy cartoon action.

that partly computer animated 90s spiderman was excellent too, not as good as x-men but still ace.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Gryff on 03 Apr 2006, 16:31
Oh yes, Batman: TAS was mega-excellent.

Does anyone remembre the stupid Fantastic Four theme song from around the same time? Also, they did music videos called "Clobberin' Time" and "Flame On". It was ridiculous, but I used to watch it because it was Marvel.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: jariku on 03 Apr 2006, 17:03
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 03 Apr 2006, 17:11
The Batman is balls, which is sad as X-Men:Evolution actually got pretty good as the seasons progressed, and ended in such an awesome way with a preview of things to come. It started off kinda crappy but once they got away from the whole High School thing it improved massively.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Kai on 03 Apr 2006, 17:52
Quote from: Scandanavian War Machine
yeah those are pretty good.......but they do not compare to Street Sharks!

just kidding. but that show did rule because it made no sense.


Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 03 Apr 2006, 18:02
Alright... *cracks knuckles*

there was:

COW Boys from Moo Mesa
Capt. Bucky O'Hare
Bots Master
Disney Cartoons-
  Tail Spin
  Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers
  Duck Tales
  Gummi Bears
  Aladdin (yes, it had action quiet!)
BattleToads had a cartoon for awhile
The original Sonic cartoon from sat. mornings (He's the FASTEST THING ALLIIIIIIVE)
Double Dragon (with the swords, masks, etc.  Anyone?  Anyone?)
Samurai Pizza Cats
Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad (with Joey Lawrence no less)
I think someone covered TMNT already

Annd... that's all I got for now.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: jariku on 03 Apr 2006, 18:55
Quote from: Scandanavian War Machine
but they do not compare to Street Sharks!

Holy shit, I never about the cartoon. We only got the action figures in Finland.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 03 Apr 2006, 19:02
Um...  I personally loved GI Joe.  There was also some cartoon where people had Battletech-esque (albiet much smaller) machines to fight or something like that.  Anyone remember what it was called?  I have a number of the toys.

Quote from: Scandanavian War Machine
yeah those are pretty good.......but they do not compare to Street Sharks!

The Street Sharks were jawsome!

Quote from: LiterSize

QFT!  The first thing that came to mind.

Quote from: LiterSize
The original Sonic cartoon from sat. mornings (He's the FASTEST THING ALLIIIIIIVE)

Hellz yeah!
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 03 Apr 2006, 20:16
Fuck, I remember the Biker Mice from Mars. Childrens TV producers smoke so much crack...

There's this one series I remember really loving. It was a fantasy themed one, with the classic thing of kids from this world being sucked into another world and battling evil and so forth. I think they got in through a fair-ground ride. It may have been the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, but the info I can dig up on that doesn't spark any memories for me. There was one episode where they were trapped in a sort of spider web above a bottomless pit. I remember that one because the idea of a bottomless pit provoked serious thought from my young mind.

Anyone got any ideas?

Also, there's totally not enough mention of Captain Planet here. That big green man in red undies taught me to love nature! And also, thinking back to that sort of thing...JAMES BOND JUNIOR!

Fuck, I can't believe I forgot that. I could still probably sing most of the theme song.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 04 Apr 2006, 00:11
B. Bassist:  You're talking about EXO Squad?  Dammit, I knew I missed stuff!  THere was a battletech cartoon also, about the Steiner Bros.

Khar:  Did this cartoon involve a blonde kid w/ a light bow?  B/c I think you may be onto something there.  And yes, I totally missed the boat forgetting James Bond Jr.

Go-Bots, Rock Lords, the Godzilla Cartoon, Space Ghost

Anyone remember COPS?  With Longarm, Bulletproof, etc.?  Then there was also a Police Academy cartoon, the Toxic Avengers (considering the source material, blurgh on that)

Zen the INtergalactic ninja?  And I completely forgot to mention Dinosaucers.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Trollstormur on 04 Apr 2006, 03:56
Project G.e.e.K.e.R. (

a very obscure show from 1996, this was one of my favorite shows, it was a beautiful brilliant show and was very highly rated. (which is strange considering no one remembers it. It was caught in an unfortunate time when network TV was required to have educational programs, and geeker was canned in favor of low-budget live action shows, bill nye being the only shining example of these.

It was indeed the death of the saturday morning.

let us remember her well, she was good to us growing up.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 04 Apr 2006, 10:14
Quote from: LiterSize
B. Bassist:  You're talking about EXO Squad?

GIS to find out if I recognize anything I see...

Yup, that's it.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 04 Apr 2006, 11:24
Quote from: KharBevNor
It was a fantasy themed one, with the classic thing of kids from this world being sucked into another world and battling evil and so forth. I think they got in through a fair-ground ride. It may have been the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon

sounds like D&D to me.

DinoRiders anyone ?

and what was that show with micheal jordan, wayne gretski (sp?) and some american footballer where they had sports related superpowers ?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 04 Apr 2006, 14:00
Haha, that one was All-Stars!  For some reason Gretzky was a bulimic...

Reminds me of the Little Shop of Horrors cartoon and Hammer cartoon that were on around the same time.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Electric Monk on 04 Apr 2006, 14:31
Oh man, Beast Wars was the best. Seriously. Dinobot's death episode was so awesome.

That original Sonic series was awesome too. Whatever happened to that show? It was so dark, with Robotnik experimenting on people and Sonic's uncle... That made my little mind think.

Also, anybody remember Samurai Pizza Cats? That show had the best character art designs EVER.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: nescience on 04 Apr 2006, 15:28
Do we have any ReBoot fans here?  It was that early computer-animated Saturday morning cartoon...
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Gryff on 04 Apr 2006, 15:33
Actually Reboot was a really great show. I liked how there was an actual story that ran through the whole thing. I even liked it when they changed the whole show around and made the characters age 10 years or whatever.

I never saw how it ended though. Anyone know?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 04 Apr 2006, 16:06
sonic the hedgehog, gi joe, gargoyles. agreed.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 04 Apr 2006, 16:09
anyone remember the pirates of dark water ?

a misfit crew of heroes trying to save the world from some sort of living oil slick while battling evil pirates. there was a monkey/bird hybrid and the hero used half a magic sword (that had, predictably, once belonged to his now missing father)
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 04 Apr 2006, 20:57
REboot:  It ended spectacularly.  I won't spoil it though, but you can find the final episode on youtube.  

Pirates of Dark Water was good too, but it wasn't around long enough to finish the story.  Did you ever look at the voice actors in that?  Some pretty big names!  (Hector Elizondo, for one.  Tim Curry for another!)

...this made me think of another, but I forgot it now.

uHm, CBS storybreak?  Did we cover Mighty Max already?   There WAS a highlander cartoon, but it was utter tripe.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 04 Apr 2006, 21:11
Quote from: LiterSize
There WAS a highlander cartoon, but it was utter tripe.

the one in the far far future with conor mcclouds flowing ginger ponytail/muller and weird green armour and some crazy ceremony with glowing swords instead of violence and decapitation ?
yeah that was rubbish , but i loved it at the time
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: beat mouse on 05 Apr 2006, 01:28
You are all forgetting a hilarious spinoff called THE MIGHTY DUCKS.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: neomang5 on 05 Apr 2006, 04:53
Ah, memories.

I watched Mighty Max, Samurai Pizza Cats, Centurions, The original sonic (up, over and gooone), Beast Wars, ReBoot, Godzilla (and godzooky), SWAT Kats, Chip and Dale, Tail Spin, Duck Tales, X-Men, The Thing, oh man, so many shows.

Wasnt there another Sonic series, other than that sonic X one they have now? I remember one that was a little bit different than the original, it had Knuckles, Princess Sally, and i think a bit of the Chaotix.

I was kind of a sonic fanboy. I even read the comic that Archie Comics made. Wonder if i still have any of those... The mecha series was AWESOME.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 05 Apr 2006, 04:56
sonic cartoons i can remember =
-a really old kiddy show looking one
-a slightly newer darker one where for some reason all the heros had the power to form some sort of magic super band and defeat the enemies with RAWK (???)
-sonic X

is that right ?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Verergoca on 05 Apr 2006, 05:50
Hmm... The tick was one of my favorites, once I got the hang of reading subtitles :). Also, there were the Samurai Pizza Cats, something with a bunch of animals on some island, the "group of animals travels to the promised land, but during the journey loads of them die/kill eachother" no idea what its name was, but it was kinda cruel :).
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Sean C on 05 Apr 2006, 10:44
The tick was hands down one of my favorites. I mean, c'mon, Chairface Chipendale was the most original villain I've ever seen in a cartoon.

Seems some people here forgot Freakazoid, too.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Unosuke on 05 Apr 2006, 10:53
Does anyone remember King Arthur & The Knights of Justice? It was about this football team that got sent back in time, and they were supposed to replace King Arthur and the knights of the round table or something.  Anyways, I remember they're transformation sequence was awesome because the table lit up and stuff, and their wepons came out of their armor! It also had some kickass villains.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 05 Apr 2006, 12:13
Hahahhaa.... oh man that show was CRAZY. The toys were pretty neat though!  Guinevere and Lance... good grief.  How no one ever seemed to get cut in spite of the SWORDS reminded me of how they did a Conan the Adventurer cartoon, complete with that bird always eating pomegranates, by Crum.

And Spinless:

try that?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 05 Apr 2006, 12:50
Quote from: soap
anyone remember the pirates of dark water ?

a misfit crew of heroes trying to save the world from some sort of living oil slick while battling evil pirates. there was a monkey/bird hybrid and the hero used half a magic sword (that had, predictably, once belonged to his now missing father)

My mate is obsessed with Pirates of Dark Water. He often berates the rest of us for not having bought the toys, thus leading to the series' early demise. He especially berates me in regard to my large collection of Captain Planet toys.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Stayc on 05 Apr 2006, 13:13
Darkwing Duck, anyone?  Let's get dangerous
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 05 Apr 2006, 13:25
Oh yeah, now I remember it.  For some reason "Let's get dangerous" just sparked that memory.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 05 Apr 2006, 14:34
How about some live-action love (NOT PORN)...

Land of the Lost?

And uh... you're welcome, spin.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 05 Apr 2006, 15:48
Quote from: Spinless

i knew i couldn't be the only one to remember that programme !

that king arthur / american football cartoon made no sense at all but it was ace

i don't know the name but does anyone remember a really old WWF cartoon where hulk hogan and the 'good' wrestlers had their gym and rowdy roddy piper and the bad guys had a rival gym ?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Gryff on 05 Apr 2006, 15:58
Dinoriders had the coolest toys of evar.

Also, how about Count Duckula? That was a cool show.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 05 Apr 2006, 16:00
duckula and danger mouse were amazing (own dvds of both) but do they count as action cartoons ?

some of david jasons finest work anyway
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Gryff on 05 Apr 2006, 16:07
Good point. Forgot about the "action" bit. Surely Danger Mouse counts as action? I don't know.

I was very into those cartoon though.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: soap on 05 Apr 2006, 16:36
danger mouse probably had more ass kicking action than at least half of whats been mentioned so far
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Oli on 05 Apr 2006, 17:08
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Trollstormur on 05 Apr 2006, 18:28
Quote from: soap
danger mouse probably had more ass kicking action than at least half of whats been mentioned so far

oh man, I can't believe I fucking forgot about dangermouse! my net handle was Dangermoose for like 3.5 years, and still is on some sites (sensibleerection)
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 06 Apr 2006, 12:25
Shit, danger mouse drove at high speeds AND he had one eye.  

Hmmmm....... Digimon?  Anyone? anyone?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: ASturge on 06 Apr 2006, 13:39



Bask in it.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 06 Apr 2006, 16:54
Aw man, I loved Samurai Pizza Cats. And Thundercats of course.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Lunchbox on 06 Apr 2006, 18:38
Thankyou Sturge. Samurai Pizza Cats are my heroes. I even have the freaking theme song as my ringtone.
(stronger than old cheese..... stronger than dirt....)

Also we recently acquired the entire Dangermouse series on DVD.
Very yes.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Skibas_clavicle on 06 Apr 2006, 18:42
I can't believe no one's said Samurai Jack yet! That's one my favourite cartoons ever! The list also included X-Men and many animes which I will not list.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 07 Apr 2006, 06:38
vgcats made me laugh this week.  Inu Yasha/Dbz!?  WHODATHUNK?

Hmm.... anyone remember a knockoff Thundercats about a race of space bird people, The Silverhawks?  Then there was the Bionic Six... hoo-boy.


*sniff*  This thread brings me tears of joy.  BUt I do wonder how much is nostalgia with the rose colored glasses for us vs. the actual quality of the toons.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: nescience on 07 Apr 2006, 10:37
Samurai Jack is pretty cool.  Legend of Zelda cartoon reminds me... a couple months ago I picked up a DVD set with the entire Legond of Zelda cartoon series!  You know, the one that showed on Fridays for the Super Mario Bros. Super Show?!  It included choice moments from the live-action segments, including special guest stars like Moon Unit Zappa and live-action Inspector Gadget.  Man, that cartoon is awesomely bad!  "Well EXCUUUUUUUSE me, Princess!"
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 07 Apr 2006, 10:42
Samurai Jack was pretty cool

As, lets face it people, were the Powerpuff Girls. The Powerpuff Girls will ever be high in my estimation owing to one episode where they blow by blow parody the fight between Cell and Goku from Dragonball Z. Especially the constant fucking teleporting behind each other shit.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: neomang5 on 07 Apr 2006, 11:22
Geez, I havent seen PPG in forever. I just loved the first one, with Fuzzy Lumpkins's meat gun. There were just so many classic moments in that show. The show only got better. I mean come on, think of how they destroyed the rowdyruff boys! Or that time where they used the Superman 2 time travel bit, and arrived in that bleak, post-apocalyptic world. Way better than people gave credit for.

Oh, and for fans, there's THIS ( beautiful gem.[/url]
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: nescience on 07 Apr 2006, 13:29
I think the DVDs for the whole Super Show might be either already out or coming out soon.  Check Amazon.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: SailorPunk on 07 Apr 2006, 13:52
oh man i love ppg and samauri pizza cats and the zelda cartoon!!! *hugs you all!!*

so...uh did anyone else ever watch captain planet or cadillacs and dinosaurs?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: neomang5 on 08 Apr 2006, 22:37
Since it was bothering me so much, I looked up the sonic shows. There were 4 total.

Sonic the Hedgehog - Kiddy, goofy, Sonic and Tails versus Robotnik and co. version. Watched this every chance I got.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (also called SatAM because of the timeslot) - Sonic, the Freedom Fighters, and a few other characters, based off the early Archie comics series. I mentioned it earlier.
Sonic Underground - Soap mentioned this, but didnt know exactly what it was. Basically Sonic had a brother and a sister, and they were all royals, but had to go into hiding to fulfill a prophecy that they and their mother would bring down Robotnik's empire. I dont quite get where the music comes in though.
Sonic X - I'm really tempted to see if it was orginally (in japanese) this horrible, or if it's just the 4kids syndrome.

If anyone else is as geeky about this as me, there are a few episodes of SatAM and Sonic Underground on Youtube.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 08 Apr 2006, 22:40
Quote from: Spinless
girl dude!

I always said "dudette."
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: _ on 08 Apr 2006, 22:54

Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 08 Apr 2006, 23:26
You know, I watched the premiere of that, and wasn't impressed, so I went a month or so without seeing it, after which, my roomate insisted that I see it again, and it was hilarious.  I later saw the first episode again, and loved it.  True story.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 09 Apr 2006, 14:36

Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Gryff on 09 Apr 2006, 15:46
"It's called a grocery store, ya douchebags!"
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: KharBevNor on 09 Apr 2006, 16:43
"I believe this is called food libraries"

This looks almost as awesome as a webomic concept I once read, starring Abbath and Horgh from Immortal travelling around the world in a battered old yugo on a mystical quest for the lost black metal shinpads of ultimate darkness, whilst fighting Varg Vikernes hordes of teenage nazis.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Kai on 09 Apr 2006, 17:36
Quote from: Bastardous Bassist
You know, I watched the premiere of that, and wasn't impressed, so I went a month or so without seeing it, after which, my roomate insisted that I see it again, and it was hilarious.  I later saw the first episode again, and loved it.  True story.

Yeah, I remember hating the premiere too. Love it now. Maybe I should just go back and watch the premiere see if it was just generally shit, or if my opinions changed a bit.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 09 Apr 2006, 20:52
Hahahahahah.... anyone see that South Park with Korn?


Wow, I JUST watched D & D, the cartoon from the 80s on JetIx today.  

Holy crap it was horribly good!
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Trollstormur on 09 Apr 2006, 21:43
Johnny Quest and it's new parody partner, Venture Bros. are both awesome.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Ravenbomb on 09 Apr 2006, 22:59
since some of the ones I was going to name have been said already, I'll just go with the f'n Maxx. That show needs a DVD release bad.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: Trollstormur on 10 Apr 2006, 18:00
the comics were  better, but hell fucking yes.
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: LiterSize on 10 Apr 2006, 21:26
Wait... how has no one mentioned AEON FLUX?!?!?!  Best use of the Wil E. Coyote/Roadrunner gimmick EVAR!

Did anyone watch Alexander the Great animation the same guys did?
Title: Action Cartoons
Post by: SomeOtherGuy on 10 Apr 2006, 22:07
i dont belive these have been mentioned from the magic land of 1996.

Big Bad Beetle Borgs (basically a power rangers knock off with younger kids)


Bruno the kid  ( a kid as a spy with the voice of bruce willis)

both were horrible and i loved them so hard for it