Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: Mikendher on 28 Apr 2006, 15:27

Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Mikendher on 28 Apr 2006, 15:27
I have an average pair of sony headphones (studio moniter style). They are okay, but I really like Senheissers and Grados. Especially the SR80 Grado. Those are ridiculous; too bad they are 90 bucks or whatever. Anyone have a preference among Senheissers?
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Disgustipated on 28 Apr 2006, 16:54
I have in-ear Sony EX-51s. Not the best, but they go alright, and they have pretty decent noise-cancellation for such little things, so they're good on the buses and trains I have to catch.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Mikendher on 28 Apr 2006, 17:02
Does noise cancelling produce noise that you can hear in replacement of other noise? I've always wondered about that.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: KharBevNor on 28 Apr 2006, 17:12

it is called pink noise

Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Mikendher on 28 Apr 2006, 18:28
haha, you do answer my questions

Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: vorbe on 29 Apr 2006, 00:05
I use sennheiser 590's as my primary computer headphones mainly because they are the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever worn, and as I'm wearing them for extended periods of time it was a key issue for me when buying.

Personally I’d strongly recommend, Audio Technica ATH-AD700's or ATH-900's (both very comfortable) providing the source isn’t too terrible, as well as those grados / Alessandros for the price.

I find that a lot of the lower end sennheiser cans are really overrated, and more often than not you can find better quality headphones for the same price as senns if you do a little research and auditioning. It all comes down to preference really, headphones vary in sound stage and signature, some people may really like what others cant stand.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: grumpy's on 29 Apr 2006, 00:08
i got my headphones in a box of life cerael..... a little piece of cereal got stuck in one side so you can only listen on the right side....
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Praeserpium Machinarum on 29 Apr 2006, 00:39
I use some shoddy Sony in-ear earphones. My big brother has told me that I have grown so accustomed to shitty sound quality that I can't really appreciate his bigass earphones. This may be true or it may be that my damn ears don't give a fuck.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Rubby on 29 Apr 2006, 00:56
I don’t have money for headphones. I should have nice ones but I just don’t. Once upon a time I used Greyhound headphones but then I got some free ear buds with my iRiver. I still use those even though I don’t have the iRiver anymore.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Trollstormur on 29 Apr 2006, 01:07
the only pair of headphones I own I butchered and set into a pair of sound-dampening ear-covers (for like using heavy loud machinery) I use these when I attempt to play along to music I am listening to on my drums. they are loud and drown out all other music.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: öde on 29 Apr 2006, 03:42

Do those count as headphones?

: ( I want to get some headphones because they're hot.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Tinjessla on 29 Apr 2006, 04:22
None. As that annoying thing has happened when one side of your headphones goes into a strop, and decides not to play music anymore. I like my sound in stereo, dammit!

I wouldn't mind some fancy schmancy Sennheisers though.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Jenno on 29 Apr 2006, 06:25
I picked up a pair of Sennheiser HD555's at the start of this year. I would definitely recommend these to anyone looking at relatively high end headphones.

A friend of mine has the HD650's. If you can afford those, an X-Fi and a specially tuned headphone amp I can confirm the fact that it sounds absolutely incredible.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Oli on 29 Apr 2006, 13:05
God I need to get a job.

I really wish I could afford to get a decent MP3 player. An ipod or something like that.

Then again if I listened to music on the bus/train/all the time I'd demand good quality sound (my computer speakers are decent quality up to an adequate volume) so I'd need to buy bloody decent headphones (the ipod ones are gash).

Och. I wish I won the lottery or something then stuff like this wouldn't bother me.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Storm Rider on 29 Apr 2006, 13:17
I'm considering buying some noise canellers, because I listen to music way too loud because of noise pollution, but they're so bulky.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: darkhorizons on 29 Apr 2006, 13:57
I've got some cheap MDR-V300 studio monitors and this really ancient pair of Koss TD-65s.  Both work good enough for me.  I couldn't imagine paying more than $100 for a pair of headphones.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Cartilage Head on 29 Apr 2006, 14:02
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Brian Majestic on 29 Apr 2006, 14:50
5 dollar Sony collapsing kind. Because frankly, i'd rather spent my money on more music or food.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: penpen17 on 29 Apr 2006, 17:45
I have the sony EX51 in-ear headphones.  They have great sound for in-ears and have a plug design that blocks external sound.  I use my headphones everywhere, so I could never be able to use large ones

Unfortunately, Sony cannot make anything that doesn't fall apart immediately.  I'm on my third pair this year.  However, it's still cheaper than getting anything else of comparable quality and size
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: intelmole on 29 Apr 2006, 17:56
I decided to buy a reasonably middle-range pair of headphones that would last me a while.  They're a pair of noise-cancelling JVC ones that cost £25 from an argos catalogue, and they're more than good enough for my needs.  They surprised me because they have really good base response but still very decent treble to them.  In all, a very balanced set... if anyone's desperate I may be able to dig a link out on argos...
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Valrus on 29 Apr 2006, 18:39
Grado SR60s. Pretty friggin' nice.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Phrozen on 29 Apr 2006, 20:02
I have a pair opf old phillips behind-the-neck-style ehadphones. I really like them. They're the only kind of headphones I can wear comfortably. My ears are to big to accomodate the kind that clip to your ears, earbuds make my ears ache and the over-the-head(typical) headphones just look silly when you're out and about.

I also have a logitech headset that I use. Its pretty decent.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Hat on 30 Apr 2006, 00:24
Quote from: Phrozen
and the over-the-head(typical) headphones just look silly when you're out and about.

Not if you constantly pretend you're in that Beastie Boys video. Fo' realz

Also I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 212 pros. Not sure where they stand in terms of high-end, low-end headphones, I asked the dude what a good brand was, and picked up the ones with the lowest frequency. They were the most expensive ones there, but there wasn't much more than 20 bucks between each model, so I presume they make much more expensive ones for the true audio-philes out there.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: elcapitan on 30 Apr 2006, 06:25
I have a cheap pair of Sennheiser HD437s. For the price, they've got awesome sound.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: valley_parade on 30 Apr 2006, 08:49
Heh, I use a $20 pair of Sony MDR-V150s. Not too bad for the price.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Pumpkin on 30 Apr 2006, 10:34
i favour the singing melon to all others, thanks.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Chesire Cat on 30 Apr 2006, 20:36
I use Sennheiser RS 120 wireless headphones.

They are exceptionally pimp.  They have an auto off feature, a charging dock which the headphones just sit on top and create a connection just by resting in place.  They autooff when one the dock and turn on automatically when you pick them up.  Have an on off switch and volume as well as tuning directly on the headphones.  Basically so sexy.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Storm Rider on 30 Apr 2006, 20:41
How much were they, Cheshire Cat? Those things sound kickass.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Whackman on 01 May 2006, 05:59
I use a pair of AKG, model K24P, designed to beat upp the Koss Porta-pro model. Small,compact and a totaly bitchin bass.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: McTaggart on 01 May 2006, 06:05
I was looking at getting some wireless ones. Damn cable on my crappy logitech freewithunrealtournament2004specialedition loves to try to take my head off. I am also really after something with a little noise reduction, even insulation would be nice. Less blurry sound and no little resonating plastic thing on the right earpiece is also on my list.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: Filk on 01 May 2006, 08:42
I use Sony wireless MDR-RF960RK

They are really comfortable and have all the bells and whistles, but i'm getting a huge amount of radio noise. When you just turn them on you hear a constant hissing noise, which changes slightly as you move your head. They have some sort of noise reduction feature, but it doesnt seem to do anything.
Title: what headphones do you use?
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 01 May 2006, 13:10
I'm currently using a 20-year-old set of Koss KO-727B headphones that my dad got as a wedding present.  They're bulky motherfuckers and if i leave them on too long they start to hurt a bit because they clamp onto my head so hard, but they're awesome.


Only picture I could find.