Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: OpenJamie on 23 Jun 2006, 04:14

Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: OpenJamie on 23 Jun 2006, 04:14
Hey guys, I saw this on another forum and it seemed to work well.

Basically 64 bands knockout tournament. In each match the band with the most votes progresses. There is a set time period for voting which changes for each round. Maybe seedings if I can trust myself to do it right.

If there is any interest then I will run it but if you think it will just be annoying then say so and I wont bother.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 23 Jun 2006, 11:36
I think this is a cool idea but it should definitely be arranged like the Forced Listening Thread, meaning you submit votes as reviews.  That way a band doesn't win just because nobody knew anything about its opponents.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 23 Jun 2006, 12:48
Arch Enemy just won. congratulations to those who voted
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 13:23
I suggest we try running this in the following manner:

Create a wiki page called "Battle of the Bands."  By

The advantages of this approach:  it will require minimal administration on your part, it will allow forum members to follow the results in real time, and since voting requires a modicum of effort, the results are more likely to reflect the tastes of the core forum members.

The disadvantage of this approach:  certain members may not be sure how to edit a wiki page.  I'm not really convinced that this will be a problem.

Vis-a-vis structuring the page: KISS (keep it simple stupid).  So just ROUND 1 followed by a new band name on each row with a colon.  To vote, log in to forum wikipedia and put your name next to the band name.

I've mocked up what the page would look like if people like this idea, and it can be found, here.  If like this idea, then hop on, start editing and LET THE GAMES BEGIN.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Storm Rider on 23 Jun 2006, 13:27
I'm pretty sure the kids who like mopey shuffling indie way outnumber those of us who like scary metal.

Like, by a lot.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Kai on 23 Jun 2006, 13:32
Yeah, but we're cooler than them.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 13:34
Storm, Kai, CHECK OUT THE FREAKING PAGE I MADE AND GIVE ME INPUT.  Jeez, I put, like, 15 minutes of my life into thing.  Give me a little validation, okthx.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 23 Jun 2006, 13:34
Battles of bands are pretty pointless if nobody listens to the contestants.  Is there some way to make sure that all contestants actually get listened to by voters so it's not just a dumb popularity contest?

Also, if you see my name on the Wiki spelled with one z, that's not actually me.  Case in point: I didn't vote for Coldplay, but some imposter with one z in their name did.  I promptly removed the offending imitation and put in my actual vote.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 13:42
That was me, by way of example.  Just joking around!  Note: please vote by using your signature/time stamp (it's the button that looks like a signature over the wiki edit pane).  Please enter bands in alphabetical order.

Also, no conceivable way of making sure that people listen to the band we vote for, but for the fact that most of the people who will bother to participate are probably fans of music, and will.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: E. Spaceman on 23 Jun 2006, 13:48
Did I do it correctly?
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 13:52
Yes.  Although we should start inserting semicolons between consecutive names.  If anyone wants me to enter their vote for them, I'm perfectly willing to do that.  It's obviously going to show up as me making the vote in the history, but hopefully people will trust me that I did the right thing :)

EDIT: Watching the votes get cast is actually kind of exciting.

EDIT2:  This is going to be fucking awesome.  When voting, please add your name at the end rather than the beginning.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Kai on 23 Jun 2006, 14:06
I voted and then added three  because I am a nerd.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Storm Rider on 23 Jun 2006, 14:14
I added one, but does it have to be a band?

As in, can one add solo artists?
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Kai on 23 Jun 2006, 14:15
I think they count.

See, I am pretty decided. Fugazi I would want to win, Husker Du I'd want to win, Zappa I'd want to win, and The Residents I'd want to win. I AM BEING TORN APART
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 14:17
Solo artists totally count.  It's your choice when you vote for the solo artist whether you are thinking of them as the artist alone, or a part of the band they play with or both.  Most likely won't be an issue after the first round, but it would be funny if the same artist took two spots as solo and part of the band.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Kai on 23 Jun 2006, 14:19
20 bucks says he puts up Bruce Dickinson.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: E. Spaceman on 23 Jun 2006, 14:19
I suggest we just add our names instead of the time and name, it just makes for awkward reading.

I am enjoying this first round, but when it comes to choosing in later rounds it's gonna be really hard.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 14:22
I prefer the signature/date stamp method because it's going to make vandalism easier to detect.  Anyone else want to voice an opinion?

EDIT: Also trends (someone suggesting something and then a bunch of people rapidly agreeing) are going to be easier to detect, and one of the reasons I find this process fascinating is the trends that I am anticipating.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: OpenJamie on 23 Jun 2006, 14:27
The wiki page is a fantastic idea espeically as with regards to coming up with the 64 bands to enter which I was worring about.
One suggestion though is that from maybe the third round change the system to instead of the big group with one vote make match ups between individual bands with the winner going through.
This adds interest and allows people to vote for more than one band  possibably leading to more thought. Most people could say who their favourite band is but deciding between two bands you like but perhaps dont love is a more interesting decision in my opinion.

Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Slick on 23 Jun 2006, 14:27
I'll second the time stamp, I think it's a good idea. Plus, yeah, watching trends.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: OpenJamie on 23 Jun 2006, 14:35
Quote from: tommydski
there is a problem with this system.
i put up fugazi because i want them to win and i don't think there is a band that can stand up to them.

i like sleater-kinney and the velvet undergound but i'm not voting for them because i want fugazi to win.
see the problem?

The matchplay system will also counter this problem
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Mnementh on 23 Jun 2006, 14:38
I changed the formatting a little bit, It takes up more space but should make it easier to tally.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 23 Jun 2006, 14:39
Looks much better, Mnementh.  It's going to be a looooong ass page when the week is done.

Quote from: tommydski
there is a problem with this system.
i put up fugazi because i want them to win and i don't think there is a band that can stand up to them.

i like sleater-kinney and the velvet undergound but i'm not voting for them because i want fugazi to win.
see the problem?

Actually this is the way I wanted it to work.  If everyone votes in the first round for every band that they like then it's just going to be a straight popularity contest with the winner apparent from the outset.  But this way, it won't happen.  For example, I want Sleater-Kinney to win, but also like VU and Fugazi.  If SK gets eliminated in the 3d round, I'm going to probably start voting for VU or Fugazi.

Quote from: OpenJamie
The wiki page is a fantastic idea espeically as with regards to coming up with the 64 bands to enter which I was worring about.
One suggestion though is that from maybe the third round change the system to instead of the big group with one vote make match ups between individual bands with the winner going through.
This adds interest and allows people to vote for more than one band possibably leading to more thought. Most people could say who their favourite band is but deciding between two bands you like but perhaps dont love is a more interesting decision in my opinion.


I toyed with the idea and ultimately felt that it would be more trouble than it was worth.

Advantages: As you mentioned forces people to make difficult choice.  Also adds dynamism to the process, so that an early favorite doesn't take control in the first round and then stay at the top in every subsequent round.

Disadvantages:  (1) More admin work, and I would this process to be as community run as possible; (2) We'd have to decide on a way to determine the match-ups, which would be probably controversial; (3) People are going to be forced to make difficult decisions anyway since all their favorites are going to, in many cases, get eliminated; (4) People who are choosing between two bands they don't know will most likely not make an informed choice, rather than go and listen to the bands.

So I think the negatives probably outweight the positives.  Maybe this is something that we could try in a subsequent effort, after we iron the wrinkles out with this one?

Thoughts, people?
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: OpenJamie on 23 Jun 2006, 14:50
The Admin wouldnt be that hard you could use the wiki page and just ask people to put a mark next to band/artist they want to vote for. At the end of the week you simply put the ones who have the most into their next match.

The easiest way to detemin the initial matchups would be to have the bands with the most votes as seeds.

I have loads of time from nexts thursday, end of exams so i wouldnt mind doing most of the admin but if you would rather have a more established member of the forum do it thats cool.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Storm Rider on 23 Jun 2006, 23:24
I added a bunch, but we're still only at 41 at last count.

I had a bit of a technicality: Arjen Anthony Lucassen does all the writing and most of the instruments (guitar, bass, keyboards) for several bands, most prominently the two I mentioned, so I didn't feel it was necessary to list them seperately as he's basically the only permanent member of most of his projects. I hope that's OK with you Moiche. (It's not like he's getting farther than at best the second round anyway.)

Also, I'm kind of a noob to wiki editing, is there a way to just post a timestamp afterwards? Currently I'm just editing the page and copy/pasting the timestamp after looking in the history.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: OllieA on 24 Jun 2006, 04:28
I've added a few, 53 now...
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: E. Spaceman on 24 Jun 2006, 22:31
Should we sticky this thread?
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: MajinTrunkz on 25 Jun 2006, 10:10
I added a couple bands and some votes.  Mmyep.
Title: Battle of the bands
Post by: Garcin on 25 Jun 2006, 11:02
Starting second thread with link at the top post for more exposure; will post update on progress in separate thread.