Fun Stuff => MAKE => Topic started by: colleenxcore on 10 Dec 2006, 12:01

Title: Colouring.
Post by: colleenxcore on 10 Dec 2006, 12:01
I am starting a webcomic with a friend of mine, and was wondering if any of you have tips on colouring using Photoshop. Yes, I have read Jeph's tutorial on how he draws QC; but I'm sure there are other techniques as well. This is pretty much all I'm capable of doing so far:



So yeah. I know I will improve with practise, but any tips you veterans of digital colouring may have would be great.
Title: Re: Colouring.
Post by: Shishio on 10 Dec 2006, 18:50
I can't help you, but Digital Webbing ( is a good resource for comic creation.
Title: Re: Colouring.
Post by: kompan on 10 Dec 2006, 21:54
I had never done any comic, but picture is a picture (I'm using GIMP).

Some ideas IMHO:
  -  You can use some "trace contour" and copy it to separate layer for thickening or strenghtening
  -  You can smoothen the lines by selective blur or resizing
  -  You can add shades with semi-transparent layers
  -  You can increase or decrease "magic wand" selection details and size for more accurate filling
  -  You can do filling with light gradient, not only solid colors
  -  You can add small bump or shadow to complete shapes to make them look more 3D

Good luck!
Title: Re: Colouring.
Post by: colleenxcore on 10 Dec 2006, 22:18
Thank you both! I just bookmarked the Digital Webbing forums, I'll have to peruse them later. And kompan, I'll definitely try some of those ideas.

Thanks again!