Fun Stuff => MAKE => Topic started by: Jeppo on 15 Feb 2007, 12:29

Title: what is your medium?
Post by: Jeppo on 15 Feb 2007, 12:29
what is your favourite medium to work in?

i use pen and adobe illustrator,
i used to paint with acrylics, but ive sorta given up painting, tho i sometimes get an urge to paint something big...
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: tomselleck69 on 15 Feb 2007, 19:57
brush and ink

and sometimes ballpoint pen
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: rdalke on 15 Feb 2007, 20:11
I like the wacom / photoshop combo, but I'll throw down in Illustrator iffn I feel like it.

Charcoals and pastels are my favorite "real" medium.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: nigglesworth on 15 Feb 2007, 23:22
Sharpies. For serious.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: dancarter on 16 Feb 2007, 08:40
Depends on my mood, really.

I've taken to doing photomanipulations as a means of sketching things out...I'm not sure why.  I really like photography in general and developing.  Pen and ink, when I have the patience for it. 

Right now I'm working on a gallery thing about patterns and particles that is setting up to be twelve 32"X48" acrylic paintings on masonite.  Probably glazes, but that may change.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Lines on 18 Feb 2007, 17:03
tradtional mediums only, because i can't draw with a tablet. i just can't. i like watercolor the best, followed by charcoal, Sharpie, and pencil.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Rewnad on 18 Feb 2007, 20:18
At the moment its pencil then felt-tip for inking before scanning. All the rest is done in Gimp which is pretty much a free photoshop. Would love a tablet to work with though... My line work is no where near good enough yet and I just can't seem to get the clean lines I want with the felt-tip.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: magnanimusman on 20 Feb 2007, 06:31
Micron Graphic pen of pencil. Scan and photoshop or scan and  redo in illustrator.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: bujiatang on 22 Feb 2007, 07:28
I usually have a .9mm pentel in my pocket.  I've been eyeing up the 1.1mm... back in school I prefered .6 lead, but I like the heavy line now. 

I have carved wax for casting in gold, but I don't usually. 

I love photography.  Last year it paid for itself.

also I contact the dead though Madam Tracy with boiling brussel sprouts.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Marissa on 24 Feb 2007, 17:11
Oil paint and watercolor are so pretty. Not together, of course. Colored pencil is next, then oil pastel. Charcoal is fun to work with, but only when I am in a super good mood, because charcoal and frustration are just a very bad combination.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Lunchbox on 24 Feb 2007, 18:53
My favourite is my Wacom and MS Paint. I have a lot more confidence with Paint than I do Photoshop (I do use PS CS for other things), I think it is because the pixellation hides any little errors that I make.
When drawing on paper I prefer coloured felt-tip markers or Sharpie.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: The Unknown on 25 Feb 2007, 12:09
My medium seems to be a pen and a pad. Most of my drawing is done in pen in my school agenda at school, and although it is small, some of the things in it aren't bad. I try to draw in the sketchbook I own, but the page size and the paper quality seems to throw me off, I dunno. I bought a tablet, and I was planning on using it quite a bit, but until I get a faster comp, I won't be able to use it to effectively draw.

I enjoy writing as well. Please ignore the horrid quality of this post, however; it is not a good indicator. I swear.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Splintered1 on 25 Feb 2007, 12:30
I used to be anti-digital, and worked in oils, acrylics, and pen & ink, but lame illustration pay and need for speed forced me to convert to a wacom tablet, photoshop, and Corel Painter.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: AnotherQCaddict on 25 Feb 2007, 17:38
My medium is human reaction. I piss someone off, and enjoy the fireworks. The more subtly I slip in the provoking comment, and the more blatantly I reveal that I offended the person in the first place, the more entertaining to watch

of course, I'm not much of an artist in any other respect.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Liz on 25 Feb 2007, 22:26
Photography is a good medium for me. As for drawing and the likes of that, I prefer an HB pencil. One of the classes I took last semester required a sketchbook, and he recommended a few types of pencil, but I just liked the HB a lot.

When I'm at home with more stuff at my disposal, I like to experiment with non-traditional mediums. I've done paintings with dish soap, food coloring, paper towels, dirt, charcoal (not the stuff you buy- what you've burned yourself), fruits and vegetables, cardboard, wallpaper (off the wall, naturally)... and the list goes on. I'm not saying I'm some sort of revolutionary artist, as most of them turn out to be crap, but sometimes you get something truly amazing.
Title: Re: what is your medium?
Post by: Runs_With_Scissors on 25 Feb 2007, 23:34
Mainly just ballpoint or gel pen. Sometimes pencil sketches. A lot of charcoal too.