Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Narr on 11 May 2007, 14:32

Title: Lunar Knights
Post by: Narr on 11 May 2007, 14:32
Picked up this gem for my DS once I got home from teh coll-edge.  It's very fun!  You play as either Lucian, this dark swordsman type dude, or Aaron, a "gunslinger".  It's technically the sequel to the Boktai GBA games, but they did away with the sun sensor.  Time and weather effects are now entirely in-game.  You can switch between the characters with select once you get to chapter 3 (which is, like, 1 and a half hours of gameplay, TOPS, if you're slow like me).

Gameplay itself is pretty fun.  It reminds me of a twist on the old Secret of Mana games.  Very fun.  I highly recommend it.
Title: Re: Lunar Knights
Post by: ScrambledGregs on 11 May 2007, 19:23
I almost bought this during my last videogame buying binge, but Portrait of Ruin was too tempting to pass up. I plan on picking this up someday.
Title: Re: Lunar Knights
Post by: Storm Rider on 12 May 2007, 00:31
I own this game. I played it for a while but I wasn't completely blown away by it and when Puzzle Quest came out it more or less got abandoned.
Title: Re: Lunar Knights
Post by: Blue Kitty on 12 May 2007, 21:01
I loved the first Boktai, didn't much care for the second one, so getting this was obvious to me.

Unfotunately there was nothing in it that could actually hold my interest for very long.  Hell, I don't even think I made it past the second dungeon before trading it in for store credit.

what was sort of un-needed in my opinion were the space parts of the game.
Title: Re: Lunar Knights
Post by: Narr on 16 May 2007, 02:57
Honestly?  Wow.

I am having a blast with it.  It starts out kind of slow (the first two chapters are seriously a cake-walk) but it's picked up quite a bit.  I guess I just love me some hack-and-slash games.
Title: Re: Lunar Knights
Post by: Storm Rider on 16 May 2007, 23:29
I dunno. I guess I just felt the dungeons were too long and required too much backtracking.