Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: eatyrspleens on 24 May 2007, 08:25

Title: children's books
Post by: eatyrspleens on 24 May 2007, 08:25
when i was younger, my favorite childrens book was about this group of kids that go adventuring. they backpack, camp, etc. the book was in mostly black and white, but also had hints of red, too. it was approximately thirty pages long. does anyone remember this at all? i'd really like to know, but i can't remember the name of it at all. does anyone know of a good search engine or website that would help narrow down my possibilities of finding it? thanks in advance!

and while we're on the topic, name some of your favorites!
what up, baby-sitter's club, ramona quimby, and harriet the spy.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Will on 24 May 2007, 08:33
Oh man, when I was a kid, my family didn't have a TV set in the house (weird religion thing) so I would spend my summer breaks either playing in the woods or reading books I got from the library...I used to LOVE the Boxcar Children series...I'm pretty sure I read all of them.

My all-time favorite children's book is this ( one...I found it one time a few years ago while digging around in the book section at a thrift store. It's an absolutely beautiful story...

Title: Re: children's books
Post by: mooface on 24 May 2007, 08:39
My favorite books are all children's books:  The Little Prince, the Winnie the Pooh collection,  the Harry Potter series, the Roald Dahl books, Tamora Pierce stuff...

but hands down of all of those The Little Prince is my favorite.  It is a classic for all ages.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: valley_parade on 24 May 2007, 08:49
Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: fish across face on 24 May 2007, 08:50
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
The Enormous Crocodile - Roald Dahl
In The Night Kitchen - Maurice Sendak
Where The Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak

I just should repost this from the Tattoo thread:
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Will on 24 May 2007, 08:52
Oh, also anything ever written by Shel Silverstein, 'specially The Giving Tree
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: mooface on 24 May 2007, 08:55
The Giving Tree was an awesome book!
I don't think that I could possibly complete the list of all the children's books I love.  I think I will just have to content myself with nodding in agreement with each successive post.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Emaline on 24 May 2007, 09:03
Frog and Toad, the Morris and Boris series, Where The Wild Things Are, and Sheila Rae the Brave(and most other Kevin Henkes stories). I know there's tons more, but I'm gonna have to think about it. I love children's books, even today.

I need help with the title of a children's book as well. It was about this little boy(pig) that was standing on the side of the road one day, and a garbage truck drove by, and a harmonica fell off. The pig took it home, and cleaned it with his father's schnapps. Then he played it for his family, and they fell asleep. Then he ran away(because his imbecile family couldn't apperciate his lovely harmonica playing), and I remember it said he packed one bag of food, and the other "mostly of food", and the page about running away had beautiful alliteration, something involving swiftly shifting his raft into the stream. After riding the river for sometime, he floats ashore, where these robbers(a dog and a fox, maybe) find him, and plan on eating him. He puts them to sleep with his magic harmonica, and escapes. He runs through the woods, and is attacked by a wolf, that he puts to sleep with his harmonica. When he finally makes it back to his house, he only has the strength to ring the doorbell, after which he passes out. His family takes him to the hospital, where all the patients love the harmonica, especially in the infant ward. When he is well enough to return home, he plays shows for the town using a regular harmonica, and everyone loves him. Does anybody have any idea what this one is called, or even the name of the main character?
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Dimmukane on 24 May 2007, 09:10
Shel Silverstein - Where the Sidewalk Ends (book of poems)
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Lines on 24 May 2007, 12:47
Where The Sidewalk Ends, Amelia Bedelia books, Dr. Seuss!!!, those Scary Stories books, The Velveteen Rabbit, and books by Jean Craighead George. I actually got to see JCG when I was in the third grade and I remember her being a pretty awesome lady.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: eatyrspleens on 24 May 2007, 13:18
holy shit, i forgot about ameilia bedelia!
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: alongwaltz on 24 May 2007, 16:15
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Blue Kitty on 24 May 2007, 21:02
hop on pop, the Bearnstien Bears, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, but only when I had the chance to read it and not forget where i left off
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: RobbieOC on 25 May 2007, 00:48
I'll second (third?) Shel Silverstein. Plus, he got bonus points when I learned he wrote "A Boy Named Sue." That was a life changing moment.

Also, I was a fan of Boxcar Children, Dr. Seuss (One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and Go Dog Go are the two I remember most fondly), Encyclopedia Brown, Choose Your Own Adventure (no one said this yet?), and this old Thundercats book I found at a garage sale. 
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Scytale on 25 May 2007, 01:49
I read that when I was a kid, something about the text always stood out in my mind. That's really the only picture book I can remember.

Other then that I remember I enjoyed all the typical books, C.S Lewis, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings (it's really strange reading them nowadays, compared with when i was about 10). Roald Dahl's books were all good. I remember my Dad used to read Jules Verne too us, because I couldn't understand all the French in it.

I read "Tomorrow, When the War Began" in year 6 and that was really the book that moved me away from Children's books, I guess it taught me books can be violent, they can have sex in them and not everything ended happily ever after.

In high school I read a lot of Science Fiction, I think it was more of a protest against all those "comming of age" books we used to have to read like Catcher in the Rye etc. the only authors that really stick out to me now are Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: 0bsessions on 25 May 2007, 05:48
I used to read so much more when I was younger than I do now.

I can't believe nobody listed Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. I loved that book when I was a kid. I read pretty much every Goosebumps book that came out when I was still a kid. The early Bunnicula books, the Mouse and the Motorcycle books, A Wrinkle In Time, Roald Dahl books as everyone else mentioned (Particularly Witches, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach). I can't even remember all the others. I read a lot in elementary school.

I was one of the few people I know who never much got into Shel Silverstein.

In adulthood, I've gone back and read a couple technically children's books like The Hobbit and the Harry Potter series. I've considered looking into the Chronicles of Narnia series.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: fish across face on 25 May 2007, 05:53
Man, I'd never heard of Shel Silverstein before this thread... looks decent though.

As an adult I've fallen in love with Mr Lunch (  In general I love J. Otto Siebold's artwork, but the writing's pretty special too.

( (
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Will on 25 May 2007, 07:58
I also really loved the "My Teacher Is An Alien" series by Bruce Coville. The last book, "My Teacher Flunked The Planet" is actually an incredibly heavy read for the age group it was written to, but I remember it being one of those books that dramatically affected my world view as a kid.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Johnny Evilguy on 25 May 2007, 10:52
I read a lot of R.L. Stine goosebumps novels

That and mostly magazines like Highlights and 3, 2, 1, CONTACT
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: ThePQ4 on 25 May 2007, 11:36
Eatyurspleens: Was this a series? Because it sounds rather familiar, but it could be a few different things...

My Favorite Books as Kid (In no particular order):
-Boxcar Children
-Berenstein Bears
-Hans Christian Anderson and Grimm Brothers fairy tales , and Asopes Fables
   -also, asorted other Fairy Tales. Love 'em
-Trixie Belden
-Nancy Drew
-Harry Potter
-Baby-Sitter's Club
 and a sundry of others I can't recall... I read to much.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 25 May 2007, 13:19
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: celticgeek on 25 May 2007, 14:03
The Hardy Boys mysteries.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: eatyrspleens on 25 May 2007, 14:37

i fucking found it! the best children's book ever!
thank you, (!
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Lines on 30 May 2007, 12:31

Yes! The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle was one of my favorites, too.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: fish across face on 30 May 2007, 21:16
Do you know 'In The Night Kitchen' too?  It's another Maurice Sendak one.  The the other tatt I have is Mickey in his dough plane with a milk jug on his head, but a lot of people don't know the story and therefore have no idea what the hell they're even looking at on the rare occasion I expose my upper arms to my friends.
Title: Re: children's books
Post by: Emaline on 31 May 2007, 09:30
Yeah, I didn't read/see/know about Night In The Kitchen until last year, and it kinda creeped me out, but was interesting, nonetheless.