Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: the_tard on 30 May 2007, 19:22

Title: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: the_tard on 30 May 2007, 19:22
So there's this awesome late blooming grunge band from 1995. They are called "Toadies". They made two officially released albums as far as I can tell. Neither me or anyone I knew had heard of them until about three days ago when I played guitar hero 2 for the first time (I'm really terrible) and I heard their song "Possum Kingdom". They are actually really good! I don't know why no one has heard of them. Anyway, I thought I would just try to spread the word about them, because they're pretty cool. (P.S. They are actually broken up now because the bass player left and apparently they felt that they couldn't go on without a bass player. Crappy.) Look up "toadies" on youtube and you will fin them. Favourite songs so far are Quitter, Doll Skin and I Burn.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Tyler on 30 May 2007, 20:09
Welcome to a decade ago.

Honestly, Possum Kingdom was all over the radio.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: E. Spaceman on 30 May 2007, 20:10
radiowaves don't travel under rocks, though.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Johnny C on 30 May 2007, 20:19
A decade ago I was nine.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Ballard on 30 May 2007, 20:36
Don't rub it in Joe's face, Johnny.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: imapiratearg on 30 May 2007, 20:37
A decade ago i was seven.  "Possum Kingdom" is  still on the radio.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: the_tard on 30 May 2007, 21:09
Weird. I never heard it. But then, I don't listen to the radio much.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: ALoveSupreme on 31 May 2007, 01:36 help me, jesus.


God, help me to forget middle school.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: CmonMiracle on 31 May 2007, 01:43
People find music in different ways! It isn't like any of us was around to listen to Pink Floyd when they put out their first A-side.

But yeah, the Toadies are pretty awesome. They sounded a little too insane for my mom though so I couldn't play it with her listening.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Johnny C on 31 May 2007, 01:44
A decade ago i was seven.  "Possum Kingdom" is  still on the radio.
Though I don't doubt your claim I myself am utterly and entirely unfamiliar with the song in question, having never heard it on the radio.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: CmonMiracle on 31 May 2007, 01:51
Around here, they probably play it as much as The Violent Femmes.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: KharBevNor on 31 May 2007, 11:51
Never heard of them. They sound awful.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Kai on 31 May 2007, 12:14
I would not see a band called Toadies
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Ben yayayayayayayay on 31 May 2007, 14:08
Is it untrue that you would see a band called Slint?

Caught you red handed, liezilla!
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 31 May 2007, 15:40
the song "Tyler" is one of my favorites. it starts out so nice and it sounds like a typical love song and then suddenly he's breaking into her house at night and sneaking into her bedroom. it's awesome.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Ernest on 31 May 2007, 21:37
You guys my birthday is this upcoming Sunday.  I'll be 18! 
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: carrotosaurus on 01 Jun 2007, 08:13
I heard Possum Kingdom on the radio last week.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: 0bsessions on 01 Jun 2007, 08:19
I remember Possum Kingdom...from my last year of middle school...a decade ago...when I was thirteen. Fuck all y'all. I'm going to go do whatever the fuck old people do these days. I know! I'm going to go do the Charlston now. Sons of bitches...
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Luke C on 01 Jun 2007, 08:23
A decade ago I was nine.

I was 8, do I win?

I have never been a huge fan of grunge, maybe its my age.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Merkava on 01 Jun 2007, 13:05
Fuck. I could have sworn I'd win with being 6 a decade ago.

Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: 0bsessions on 01 Jun 2007, 13:26
Six? Five?! I fucking hate you all.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Liz on 01 Jun 2007, 13:35
I was nine and a half. Oh boy.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: schimmy on 01 Jun 2007, 16:07
I was 5 a decade ago, too. In 25 days, I will have been 6 a decade ago.
I guess what I am saying is there better be a damned birthday thread for me on the 27th June.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: ScrambledGregs on 01 Jun 2007, 17:24
Is it untrue that you would see a band called Slint?

Caught you red handed, liezilla!

I would totally go see a band named Slint because it's a cool name. Toadies is a stupid name for an awful band.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Inlander on 01 Jun 2007, 20:35
Possums? Forgotten 90s bands? In my head this thread stopped being about these "Toadies" and started being about Possum Dixon a long time ago.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: the_tard on 02 Jun 2007, 16:57
I am all about the grunge right now. Even pulled out an old Nirvana cd yesterday, though I can't stand to listen to anything off of "Nevermind" anymore. It has been overplayed to death and then some, and "In Utero" is better anyway. I tried playing some of Toadies songs on guitar and they are surprisingly easy. I managed a lot better on actual guitar than I did on guitar hero, which just shows how terrible I really am at that game; Especially "I Burn", it's like 4 chords. Still a good song though.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Kai on 02 Jun 2007, 17:22
I am thinking you ought to listen to the Screaming Trees
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: bff on 02 Jun 2007, 18:57
The best part about this thread is the fact that "Rubberneck" had been out for over a year before "Possum Kingdom" caught on and became a hit.

Since the band broke up, lead singer/songwriter Todd Lewis has a new band called the Burden Brothers.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Ernest on 03 Jun 2007, 23:12
Guys, I'm 18 now.  It's pretty gr8.  I'm gonna buy some cigarettes.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Ballard on 06 Jun 2007, 06:22
A decade ago I was 5 as well. My birthday is probably well after Sam's.

Do I win a prize?
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: jeph on 06 Jun 2007, 13:02
jesus christ you people are CHILDREN

Ten years ago I was almost 17.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Inlander on 06 Jun 2007, 16:57
You mean you were born in the 80s? Man, you're just a whippersnapper.
Title: Re: Why wasn't I informed?
Post by: Chad K. on 06 Jun 2007, 21:48
I'm saying.  Ten years ago I had just finished my freshman year of college.  On a similar tip, a D.J. yesterday commented on how "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is now 17 years old, meaning it is only three years away from industry standards as to what constitutes a "classic rock" track.  I turn 29 this year, an age I always thought of as older and "adult," but until that moment I didn't really feel like I was getting "old".