Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: electropants on 12 Jul 2007, 18:16

Title: Doctor Who
Post by: electropants on 12 Jul 2007, 18:16
This forum just screams in need of a doctor who thread!

Any thoughts on the new companion? Bringing back Tate was a baaaad idea in my opinion.

Martha Jones' unrequited love for the Doctor is just confusing.

And I miss Rose. Bring back Rose! Didn't know how good we had it until she left.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 13 Jul 2007, 09:25
There are lots of Doctor Who threads actually, though they have been abandoned it seems.

The last one is here:,15605.0.html

Catherine Tate is only there because everyone hated her, so anyone they introduce after her will seem great in comparison.

Martha is off to Torchwood for a bit but will back midway through the next series.

I can't wait for Kylie Minogue in the Christmas Special though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Ozymandias on 13 Jul 2007, 11:23
I don't miss Rose. I love Martha. She just seems so much more adept at this traveling through time and space thing.

ALso, RE: Doctor Who.

I bought $20 worth of yarn to make a Tom Baker scarf and a talking TARDIS bank this last weekend.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 13 Jul 2007, 11:26
I already have a tardis and a dalek in my room and my phone is Martha's phone from the last series which she gave to the Doctor so technically I have the Doctor's phone. The phone is also Star Wars themed in every way.

I loved Martha too though the hopeless crush on the Doctor was the one point that annoyed me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Ozymandias on 13 Jul 2007, 11:27
I'm going to buy the Genesis Ark complete with the Cult of Skaro when I have the disposable income and a sonic screwdriver because I'm going to be David Tennant's Doctor this Halloween.

I will fight you!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: thehoopiestfrood on 13 Jul 2007, 16:40
Oh, I have a sonic screwdriver too actually!

I'm not claiming to be the ultimate nerd though, just a bit of a general geek. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Inlander on 14 Jul 2007, 05:17
The only quibble I have with the revived Dr. Who (which I assume is the only version under discussion here) is how Anglocentric it is. Admittedly we're only a few episodes into the second Tennant season here in Australia, so maybe things change, but as someone who has (A) loved Dr. Who pretty much my entire life, and (B) lives outside the U.K., I'm getting a bit sick of how seemingly 95% of the stories are set, wholly or partly, in London or the U.K. Even when they went to New New York in the episode that just screened tonight, it was populated entirely by English people (plus one Irish cat)! Given that people in every country in the English-speaking world have been watching and loving Dr. Who for decades now, it makes the current series seem a bit exclusionary.

Still great fun, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: iliketodraw on 14 Jul 2007, 05:40
The new Dr. Who is disappointing, it looks like it was made in some back-ally abandoned studio on the outskirts of Hollywood. Why the hell is everyone so pretty in it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: electropants on 14 Jul 2007, 09:56


Martha is fun to look at but I feel like since they were bringing the Master back they sort of said screw this lot, and just worked on the big finale. Though I have to say, Blink was possibly one of the best episodes of Doctor Who I've ever seen
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Ozymandias on 14 Jul 2007, 10:09

But yeah. Human Nature/Family of Blood & Blink are some of the best TV I've ever watched. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shremedy on 14 Jul 2007, 22:42
The new Dr. Who is disappointing, it looks like it was made in some back-ally abandoned studio on the outskirts of Hollywood. Why the hell is everyone so pretty in it?

Low-budget appearance (if not actual low budget) is traditional for Dr. Who  :roll:, speaking as a fan from waaaay back.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: iliketodraw on 15 Jul 2007, 06:18
I understand the low budget thing but its the fact they've combined that with beautiful and famous people. Doesn't work IMHO.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 20 Aug 2008, 15:10
I know this hasn't been used in over a year, but I figured since there was already a topic for it, I shouldn't start a new one. I recently got into Dr. Who. Its my favourite show! I like the new Doctor more than the one from the first season.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 20 Aug 2008, 18:55
I actually have been watching them for about 3 days now. Maybe a little longer than that. I've found them online, and watched all of season 4 and am now going back to watch the other 3, starting at season one. I'm almost done with season one now. I think I'm biast because David Tenant is one of the sexiest men alive. ^_^
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Ikrik on 20 Aug 2008, 19:30 guys all win.  My friend recently got me hooked to Battlestar.....and now you guys (and others) have convinced me to get into the doctor as question.

Where do I start?  How do I start? Help......
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Ozymandias on 20 Aug 2008, 19:39
Start with Christopher Eccleston (2005). There's a LOT of Doctor Who before then, but it's a pretty dense mix of decent stuff and waaay too campy stuff and, ultimately, you don't need to watch any of it to jump into the modern series, you just have to understand that it exists.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: CamusCanDo on 21 Aug 2008, 07:35
Yeah, I really do not like Torchwood at all. I know what they're trying to set out for but it just doesn't sit right with me. I don't give a shit about the characters at all, it feels like the writers are trying to force me to care about them when I have no valid reason to. And Captain Jack doesn't seem as fun as he does in Doctor Who, yes it's a mature setting and different atmosphere, but still, come on.

I seriously liked the whole cast of Torchwood when they crossed over in the last season finale.

Some thoughts on Doctor Who:

IMO Donna has pretty much, hands down, been the best companion. Rose was a shitty love interest and Martha's love for the Doctor was cute and fun at first, but then it got old. Quick.

Blink is one of the best episodes, anyone will you tell you this. The montage of the statues at the end pissed me off though. YES I GET IT STATUES MAY BE PUTTING A HIT OUT ON ME I DON'T NEED A FUCKING MONTAGE

I really can't wait until River Song turns up.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jimbunny on 22 Aug 2008, 01:14
As frustrating as it may be, going "back" to River Song really isn't necessary at this point; we already know what happens. They'll probably do it anyway, though - it might make a good special - but if it ends up eating up a lot of episodes, I'll honestly be a little peeved.

What is potentially even worse, for me, is that she's still sitting around in the Library, just waiting for a case of writer's block to bring her back into the story. Seriously, if these writers only had the balls to actually let somebody die...

(All that said, "Silence in the Library" probably edges out "Blink" as my favorite episode.)

I see Jenny as probably the most promising of all the existing story threads.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 23 Aug 2008, 00:00
Roxie, that shirt is made of pure epic win. =)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 23 Aug 2008, 10:58
But we don't know any of the in between stuff-- sure ultimately we know she snuffs it and saves herself into the library computer, but what about all the stuff that comes in between? I'd like to see her and the doctor on a day to day basis traveling in time and having fun together :) It's the journey not the destination--eugh that was way too cheesy, even for me.

I adore your shirt in so many ways. :)

I agree that starting modern is best-- the old stuff is just too involved and there is over 25 seasons of it. However, it may be campy but camp is  part of Dr who's charm. I would argue that after you have worked your way through the four season of New Doctor Who that you explore old dr who. Tennant has made it a point to mention he was mostly inspired by Peter Davison's performance, so if you like Tennant, check out any episodes in which Peter Davison plays the doctor. If you like Eccleston, try a few Colin Baker episodes as I see a lot of Colin Baker-like nuances in Eccleston's performance. Do not write off the old series, as the new series has a lot of references to the old series, and there are a lot of subtle nods to the old series that you can really enjoy if you've worked your way through some of the old stuff.
Also, if you like the storylines about Captain Jack Harkness and Torchwood-- check out Torchwood too! (it's a spin off of Dr Who) It's a love it or hate it show, as I have seen, but I think its worth a try.
Also as a fan of old and new series who I would have to say to start watching work from 2005 up and then move back in short bursts. I grew up on Tom Baker and classic who on my local public access channel but I could see how most other kids a the time missed that.

On another note: I hate River Song. Hate her. So bossy and uh. I hate her. I loved both Rose and Donna because they were spunky and challenging for the Doctor but not her! Martha was a rubbish companion. Although I do rather like her when she's on her own.

I'll be in London for Halloween and am totally going with a friend of mine as Rose and Ten. We just need someone to go as Simm-Master.  By the way, if you didn't notice the avatar. I <3 the Master. Especially Simm's take. I mean for me Simm and Tennant work so well off each other it was cinematic gold. Similar to the last series end. Er...Series 4 Spoilers-->I knew I wanted Rose back and I also knew she couldn't stay. I think DoctorDonna was an ingenius idea that made me squee all over myself! I can't wait for the specials and I hear Simm's coming back! 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: StreetSpirit on 23 Aug 2008, 14:26
I am so eager for the specials as well, it is really strange going a week without a Doctor Who episode now - I feel kind of lonely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Hat on 23 Aug 2008, 14:36
I liked River Song but I suspect if they use her again it will be shitty, because we will have to wait for a new doctor for it to make any sense. The concept is fucking cool in the same vein of the Time Travellers Wife, but unless Tennant drops out of this upcoming season and she is used extremely sparingly, it will give me the irrits something fierce;
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jimbunny on 23 Aug 2008, 20:38
Please don't quote pictures. It is a cool shirt, though.

As for the end of season 4... It was great, but at the same time it was so ridiculously overdone. Even for this show. I mean, it was getting so that just about every other episode they were cranking out the million-piece orchestra, running down hallways being chased by yet another Dalek, dying or presumed dead, crying, and saving the universe with prodigious amounts of slow-motion. All this new cg budget that they've been getting hasn't necessarily been such a good thing, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: RobbieOC on 23 Aug 2008, 20:50
Is Dr. Who on Hulu or anything, or would the best solution be to find a friend that owns the DVDs?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Hat on 23 Aug 2008, 21:12
Yeah i'm really hoping having Moffat as the head writer means they'll be less likely to fall back on the same villains over and over again and we might get to see some epic villains that haven't been used before.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 23 Aug 2008, 22:28
Sorry 'bout the pic quote. Fix'd.

I completely agree about the end. Even though I thought it was a great way to wrap up the Doctor/Rose storyline it was so quintessentially over-the-top Russell. It seems whenever he wants to make an impact he just pulls out a Dalek, a Death (metaphorically Donna) and that damn orchestra! I'm hoping Moffats more subtle writing style will benefit the show but I'm curious how it'll work with Tennant because he is such an over-the-top Russell creation. Hopefully he'll get more depth since Moff's episodes usually ran a bit deeper emotionally for the Doctor. I heard that the vilians will be more varied as well (talk of Zygons coming back and some all new baddies) but we'll have to wait for it. I'd still love to see the Master though. I don't care how much he's reused. Frankly I doubt 'Who' will ever really get rid of him. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 24 Aug 2008, 00:46
Is Dr. Who on Hulu or anything, or would the best solution be to find a friend that owns the DVDs?

Whole fourth season is on VeohTV. I watch them here too. You can sometimes find episodes on YouTube. Last I checked TimeLordGee (Yes gee, not geek) has videos of the first season up on YouTube.

Hope that helps. =)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 24 Aug 2008, 10:07
I use to catch Doctor Who and it is usually reliable but you might have to deal with foreign subtitles. Also make sure you've got a decent firewall, etc.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: axerton on 24 Aug 2008, 17:31
I liked River Song but I suspect if they use her again it will be shitty, because we will have to wait for a new doctor for it to make any sense. The concept is fucking cool in the same vein of the Time Travellers Wife, but unless Tennant drops out of this upcoming season and she is used extremely sparingly, it will give me the irrits something fierce;

Why will we have to wait until a new doctor for it to make sense? She recognised 10th and didn't make any comments about him being pre-regenerate so really if they want it to make any sense then she will only be able to be in it as long as Tennant stays.

As far as the 4th season ending I personally feel it was heading towards and maybe hitting over the top level. It just had a feel like Davies was trying to make the most action packed episode he could, using everything in he had ever done, which is fine, but he seems to have forgotten that just because he's not coming back doesn't mean the series isn't.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Hat on 24 Aug 2008, 18:51
She recognized him as the Doctor, because well, he's the Doctor, but she didn't seem to recognize his current form. I might be wrong though, but it was the comment that he looked so young that made me think that his appearance will have changed considerably by the time they meet again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jimbunny on 24 Aug 2008, 20:02
It seems like he's found a way to stay himself, perhaps indefinitely...just keep on cutting off hands (or maybe even use the same hand, who knows). Which I couldn't but feel was a little cheap: just a blatant misuse of the show's infamous gobbledy-science.

See, I'm all full of complaints, but I really like the show!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: RobbieOC on 24 Aug 2008, 20:02
Awesome suggestions.

Thank you kindly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: axerton on 24 Aug 2008, 20:17
It seems like he's found a way to stay himself, perhaps indefinitely...just keep on cutting off hands (or maybe even use the same hand, who knows). Which I couldn't but feel was a little cheap: just a blatant misuse of the show's infamous gobbledy-science.

Problem with that is that the hand won't regrow any more because it was during his regeneration process, and the hand he had is currently locked away with Rose.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 25 Aug 2008, 15:25
Awesome suggestions.

Thank you kindly.

You're welcome. =)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: HellStorm on 25 Aug 2008, 17:06
It could also be that she recognized his eyes, or maybe just akinda sense thing?
They pretty much set it up so she could come back whenever they couldn't think of anything to write.
It could be next episode (which is much too far away btw) or next doctor.
I really like Tennant, and Eccleston's doctor was quite good.
They are pretty opposite from each other in acting styles - Eccleston did the fun, run away bits well, and Tennant is good at the serious bits, but they both did/do it all well imo.
I also love Torchwood. Like totally in love
It's probably because of Jack's pure shexyness though ¬.¬
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Tom on 26 Aug 2008, 03:21
Actually I think she recognized him in Tennant form-- I think he looked a little older to her because she saw him in a more aged David Tennant body? Thats my guess anyway because she doesn't say he looks like a totally different person, she says something about his eyes-- and the fact that he just looks a little less "aged" than her doctor.

Perhaps it is a thing of the psyche?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 26 Aug 2008, 17:08
Oh my god, I just finished season two. I was in tears for most of the last episode. I cried for a good 15 minutes or so afterward. I am so sad about Rose leaving. . . even though in the beginning I didn't like her very much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 27 Aug 2008, 19:39
My new geology professor looks like David Tennant without glasses. I was sitting in glass gazing upon his sexiness. Lol.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 28 Aug 2008, 22:32
BritMonster, where do you go to school?...I must be there. I must see the sexy. I'm totally gonna be in Stratford-upon-Avon though to see David in Hamlet. I'm not sure i'll be able to contain my fangirlness.

On a more related note i was melancholy for like two weeks after the finale of series two. It broke my heart. i couldn't watch series three right away because i just wasn't ready. I mean eventually i warmed up to the new companion (so I don't spoil), on her own anyway, but it took hella time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 29 Aug 2008, 03:57
I watched season four first.

I go to UNC Charlotte. Its in the states. I am unfortunately not going to be able to see Tennant in Hamlet. But I can take secret agent photos of my Geology Professor and compare. =P

Also, I got a sonic screwdriver. Lol.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 29 Aug 2008, 10:09
Britmonster: Oh, there must be comparisons. There must be! I just wouldn't be satisfied changing my major to geology for no good reason.  :wink:

I'm in the States too but I've not seen any David look-alikes in Chicago...and I have definitely been looking.  :-(

Roxie: Totally having sloppy makeouts...infront of Jackie.  :-o

You know I have a sonic screwdriver too but I just realized Rose and her Doc don't, do they?? That's just weird.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: StreetSpirit on 29 Aug 2008, 13:03
I saw a Tom Baker look-a-like recently walking down the main strip of the Louisville Highlands, but no good Davids here either - these people just don't have the skills with the hair.

Yay for Rose and the "Doctor" having some lovely times together in an alternate universe!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 29 Aug 2008, 23:00
HAHAHAH!! I can so picture him saying that. If David Tennant actually got an erection on screen, I think every fangirl in the world would simultaneously faint and everyone would hear a loud 'thump'
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Coward on 30 Aug 2008, 04:27

I was going to say that the idea of Doctor Who has always appealled to me but I've never quite got on with the show but, maybe, I should give it another go.

And then struck the mental 'turgid wangs' of Tennant...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Tom on 30 Aug 2008, 15:05
I think the Doctor is a little too polite to use the term "boning".
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlahBlah on 30 Aug 2008, 15:25
If you like Tennant in Dr. Who, you should watch (
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 31 Aug 2008, 15:26
I'll definitely look into it. =)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 03 Sep 2008, 08:50
I picked up my screwdriver from the post office last night. It is awesome, I might have to take pictures for you all. =)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 03 Sep 2008, 22:20
Taking Over the Aylum=Win. I adored it! I really do like most of David's work. Casanova was a bit "meh" but the sexin' was good. Blackpool was awesome...insofar as musical seriels go. And clearly I love him as The Doctor.

He actually plays a great creep in Secret Smile as well. Check it out.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 04 Sep 2008, 13:27
Oh god, that was so funny! Also, I just got to the episode where your icon becomes relevant. =)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: HellStorm on 07 Sep 2008, 05:18
I dunno how many of you know this (probably everyone but me) but I found out literally about 20 minutes ago
You remember the doctor's daughter?
He's dating her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 07 Sep 2008, 16:42
Yup, knew that. It does give me fantasy fodder if he likes 'em young (note: Although I'm not as young as she is  :-o).

Also to britmonster: Don't you just LOVE him!! He is the ideal Master for this incarnation of the Doctor. The same manic energy and charisma with the same richness and depth, only so much darker. In other words, I thought he was just lovely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 07 Sep 2008, 16:53
I was sad when the used the sonic laser oldifier modificationor on the Doctor. But he makes a cute little 3 foot tall man. =P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 11 Sep 2008, 20:00
Doesn't he just??  I was bummed too but then they went all RTD and freaking jesus'd him back into the proper Doctor. It was crazy. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that ending just yet. I've had a season to digest it but it still sits a bit funny. You know?? Meh.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 11 Sep 2008, 23:29
Aww, your icon wins. <3
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 12 Sep 2008, 20:34
Thanks!! I did it in honor of Sven's new haircut.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: CamusCanDo on 30 Oct 2008, 00:26
David Tennet steps down before season 5 (
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: axerton on 30 Oct 2008, 00:47
Well... way to stuff up Moffat's plans for the doctor and River Song. Though on the site linked to has James Nesbitt as a 6 to 1 odds for the next doctor and all I can say is "God I hope so"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Inlander on 30 Oct 2008, 03:30
Ugh. No. James Nesbitt is a huge turn-off for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: axerton on 30 Oct 2008, 04:36
Dude, go watch Jekyll, it is the single best piece of television I have ever seen, this goes for all of you reading this post, go watch Jekyll.

Why are you still here? GO! GO! GO!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Inlander on 30 Oct 2008, 04:49
I watched Jekyll. Or at least as much of it as I could stand. I was not impressed.

Among other flaws, it had James Nesbitt in it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: axerton on 30 Oct 2008, 04:58
What?... I'm sorry what? how is that possible? I know taste is subjective and all that but there's just not enough diversity in the human race for that to be a possible opinion.

But seriously though, what is so terrible about james nesbitt that that can turn you off jekyll? I mean you've said before you love Stephen Moffat's writing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Inlander on 30 Oct 2008, 05:03
You seem to want to ascribe a rational, non-emotional explanation for my disliking of James Nesbitt. This is a mistake.

My main problem with Jekyll was that the main character was either cheesy, or obnoxious, or both. This is largely because he was played by James Nesbitt. See point A, above.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 30 Oct 2008, 07:03
I'm so sad about DT stepping down as the Doctor, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the last 5 episodes he's in. =(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: starling on 04 Nov 2008, 16:05
I love DT but would totally be happy with Nesbitt. Definitely agree with Jekyll being one of the best (mini) series I've seen in a long, long time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: cgarci21 on 06 Nov 2008, 17:59
I am sooo bummed out about David leaving. I mean, he is My Doctor. You know how you identify with a Doctor and that makes that Doctor intrinsicly yours?? No? well, i did. the last time this happened I was 6 and watching reruns and loving Tom Baker. Only Tom Baker wasn't as much of a fox.  :wink:

I know though that they will give him a fantastic farewell in the last special and that its going to be huge. It's always a little exciting.

As for james nesbitt...i would prefer it not be him. I think he is a bit too cheesy and he would try to fill DT's shoes instead of moving in his own direction.

Never know though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: improbability driver on 09 Nov 2008, 12:16
Having never seen him in anything, my only problem with James Nesbitt is that he simply is not David Tennant. This is an unforgivable flaw. It's like...replacing Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy with some blonde chick from a CW show halfway through the series. Not cool.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Tom on 09 Nov 2008, 12:21
But what if that some blonde were Kristin Bell?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: improbability driver on 09 Nov 2008, 18:09
I don't believe in hypothetical situations. It's like lying to your brain!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Hat on 09 Nov 2008, 20:50
my only problem with James Nesbitt is that he simply is not David Tennant. This is an unforgivable flaw.

How on Earth can you believe that when we are talking about Doctor Who. I mean, we are talking about a show that has managed to prolong itself based on the fact that it came up with a halfway decent excuse to switch actors when it was necessary.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: improbability driver on 10 Nov 2008, 18:10
Easy: I am a young, impressionable girl whose experience with the good Doctor has been a season of Eccleson, who I liked well enough but didn't exactly flock to my television in anticipation for, before he was replaced with what can only be described as the man of my dreams. I didn't expect him to hang around forever, but I guarantee you if he'd stayed until he was hobbling out of the TARDIS with a walker and an ear trumpet I'd still be sitting in front of my tv screaming "TOOOO SOOOOOON!" Of course I could be the dictionary definition of wrong and like Nesbitt just fine, but until then I will bitterly cling to my guns and religion DVDs and reruns. Don't try to reason with me, four out of five dentists will tell you it's useless.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 10 Nov 2008, 19:11
I think it would be nifty if there was a female Doctor. =) Or a non-human Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: dozyrozy on 14 Nov 2008, 03:05
Well if it was a female doctor I wouldn't be buying a poster (David is on my wall right now and will stay there for a good long while!), but it could still be pretty cool. But if it is I really really hope it's not one of the past companions; I've heard rumours about it being Billie Piper and although I think she was a great companion I really don't want her to be the doctor. I've had enough of her! If it's not Tennant I want someone completely new. Nesbitt would be fine with me, he seems quirky enough to do it well, but I'm hoping the BBC will be able to keep it a real secret until the time comes so it'll be a surprise. Not likely, but fingers crossed.

And Children in Need tonight, DT is in it, I'm hoping it's a Dr Who bit. Watch it if you can!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Tom on 14 Nov 2008, 12:50
Um... Jon, wrong thread again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: britMonster on 16 Nov 2008, 12:14
I also want someone new. I don't have an DT posters. . yet.

I am currently on the third episode of Blackpool. I <3 DT so much in everything he is in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: axerton on 07 Jan 2009, 05:18
Edit, never mind, I didn't see the new thread on the topic about which I was posting, alow this to slip back once more into the void.