Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: LordNagash on 17 Sep 2007, 11:32

Title: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: LordNagash on 17 Sep 2007, 11:32
Have you guys ever given any thought to why you like a song/album/artist/genre?

I started to think about this the other day, and I think I figured out why I like the stuff I do. It seems to me that unless a song provokes an emotional response from me, that I do not care for the song. With that said, it is much easier for a song to affect me if it has some context. For this reason I am very drawn to sountracks. When a theme is given to a character, or a scene, I am much more likely to be affected by the song. I have even noticed that I am starting to like songs I normally would not have thought my type from the radio. This is because I listen to the radio when I drive and I like my car, so these remind me of fun had in my car.

Now the real interesting part is: Since I know why I like music, can I use it to like music from different genres by tricking my subconsious self? What do you people think, about the topic name and this last question?
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 11:38
Speaking on behalf of this entire forum: because Pitfork gave it a high rating.

Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Spinless on 17 Sep 2007, 11:41
Because it moves me.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: SeanBateman on 17 Sep 2007, 11:42
I like country music because I find it to be the only genre that is authentically american and, while it has it's roots in blues culture, also legitimately authentically "whitey" music.

I think that is pretty cool.

Also they drink a lot.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 11:46
Isn't jazz also "authentically American" if not "whitey", though?  Not counting Neko Case and Jenny Lewis, I'd much rather listen to jazz than country.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 17 Sep 2007, 11:49
warning: serious post below

I don't know. Personally I enjoy everything(hyberbole). The only thing I've had a hard time getting into is post-rock. I think it's godawful boring. But besides that....I can get into anything.

I have found that if I wait awhile after hearing something I don't particularly care for and listen to it again in different context or whatever that I'll end up enjoying it, usually. For instance: I hated Tom Waits for a long time and I gave him another chance a couple months ago* and now I can't get enough.

*I may have been really stoned when I did that may explain it.

But my point remains valid!
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 11:54
What changed your mind, SwordfishTrombone?
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Lummer on 17 Sep 2007, 11:55
They play real fast..
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: SeanBateman on 17 Sep 2007, 11:57
Isn't jazz also "authentically American" if not "whitey", though?  Not counting Neko Case and Jenny Lewis, I'd much rather listen to jazz than country.

the "whitey" part is important. Also Neko Case and Jenny Lewis are not country.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 11:59
Alt-country?  Pseudo-country?  They're as country as I get, dammit.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Lummer on 17 Sep 2007, 12:01
Alt-country?  Pseudo-country?  They're as country as I get, dammit.

They don't have enough blast beats.

Ie. they suck.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: IronOxide on 17 Sep 2007, 13:09
I generally like music on a couple of levels

How it evokes emotion
How the textures make mentally interesting sounds
How it's recorded
How the technical skill of the artist is exhibited through the piece

If it does any of those things for me, I generally can appreciate it. I think the harder question is what turns you off of music to which you are listening.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 13:18
As Douglas Hofstadter put it in Godel Escher Bach, unask the question.  There is:

Music I like dancing to
Music I like reading a book to
Music I like making out to
Music I like listening to once but never again
Music I like listening to while working out
Music I like listening to live
Music I like listening to on really good headphones
Music I like listening to while drunk
Music I like listening to all the time but not with other people
Music I like listening to during my commute
Music I used to like listening to that still kind of makes me smile but not really
Music I pretend to like listening to when I don't want to start an argument

The pretension that there is a uniformity in one's appreciation for "good music" is one (but only one) of the elements that makes assigning a numerical score to music such an amusing and absurd venture.  Music is purposive.  It can be assigned to a purpose.  And the purpose to which one assigns music defines the reasons for which one appreciates music.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Kai on 17 Sep 2007, 14:04
how repulsively ugly it sounds.
How many instruments were disfigured in the recording of a particular song.
If it has chainsaws.
It's under a minute in length.
It has a totally unnecessary saxophone solo.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Thrillho on 17 Sep 2007, 14:06
I like the music I like because of the influence of my parents, the influence of the people at my church, the influence of my friends and guitar teachers, and then a conscious decision to like whatever the hell I like regardless of trend, credibility, mainstream marketing or what anybody else thought of it.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 14:18
There is no such thing as an unnecessary sax solo.  This is impossible.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: LordNagash on 17 Sep 2007, 14:18
I like country music because I find it to be the only genre that is authentically american and, while it has it's roots in blues culture, also legitimately authentically "whitey" music.

I think that is pretty cool.

Also they drink a lot.

I find that interesting. You like it because it is cultural music for you, does that mean you like all of it? Is there no country song you do not like? Would you like any music if it could be culturaly traced back to american "whitey" music?
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: 3Z3VH on 17 Sep 2007, 14:53
I think he just likes songs he can drink Beer and/or Whiskey while listening to it, without it being inappropriate.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Dimmukane on 17 Sep 2007, 15:14
Common sense would probably tell you that I like it because I think it's good.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: LordNagash on 17 Sep 2007, 15:39
Not necessarily, there are songs I know are technically good that I do not care for, and songs I know are bad that I like. Common sense is not with me here.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 17 Sep 2007, 15:49
you all make some good points.

<saxophone solo>


Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Johnny C on 17 Sep 2007, 16:51
I like country music because I find it to be the only genre that is authentically american

Has there been a Ken Burns documentary ( made about it?

Then I submit that you are mistaken.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Mnementh on 17 Sep 2007, 16:53
the "whitey" part is important. Also Neko Case and Jenny Lewis are not country.

Speaking of Jenny Lewis.  I would like to see Joan Jett kidnap her and Chan Marshall and beat the ever loving crap out of them.

Carry on.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: camelpimp on 17 Sep 2007, 17:28
Space cows.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Johnny C on 17 Sep 2007, 17:32
By the way, for all the country-loving and Neko-Case-not-being-country talk in this thread, where the fuck are the mentions of Emmylou Harris or Loretta Lynn?
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Inlander on 17 Sep 2007, 19:12
I'm only a fan of Emmylou Harris's psychedelic freak-out phase.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Dimmukane on 17 Sep 2007, 19:29
Not necessarily, there are songs I know are technically good that I do not care for, and songs I know are bad that I like. Common sense is not with me here.

I'm not talking about technicality, I'm talking about how good the overall song is (composition+songwriting>composition-technicality>composition-songwriting)
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: muteKi on 17 Sep 2007, 21:02
I like music that to some degree fits in with these two criteria:
1. Fun
2. Significant -- having more structural "meat" than the average pop song
3. Being "anti-pop" -- incorporating noise or unusual sounds, melodies, or chord progressions

It does not have to fit all three, but 1 is the most important

This is why I like TMBG, Devo, Polysics, the Streets of Rage soundtracks, the Sonic Heroes soundtrack,  or, hell, "My Sharona" and "Louie, Louie".

Though I hate to admit it, Vitamin C's vacation is enjoyable for me as well.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: E. Spaceman on 17 Sep 2007, 21:03
Because I am cooler than you
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: SeanBateman on 17 Sep 2007, 21:04
the "whitey" part is important. Also Neko Case and Jenny Lewis are not country.

Speaking of Jenny Lewis.  I would like to see Joan Jett kidnap her and Chan Marshall and beat the ever loving crap out of them.

Carry on.

Don't you talk about my girlfriend like that.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: pilsner on 17 Sep 2007, 21:16
Speaking of Jenny Lewis.  I would like to see Joan Jett kidnap her and Chan Marshall and beat the ever loving crap out of them.

Carry on.

Joan would be a little more likely to stick her tongue down their throats, no?  And then maybe go on tour with them?
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Gridgm on 18 Sep 2007, 03:21
damn i didn't get to this thread before it got stupid
anyway my answer was *points at sig* (it's cat empire...go listen to it)
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: IronOxide on 18 Sep 2007, 03:45
Speaking of Jenny Lewis.  I would like to see Joan Jett kidnap her and Chan Marshall and beat the ever loving crap out of them.

Carry on.

Joan would be a little more likely to stick her tongue down their throats, no?  And then maybe go on tour with them?

If Joan Jett made out wit Jenny Lewis and Chan Marshall, I wouldn't even have to die, I would just know that we had somehow ended up in heaven and never look back.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: KvP on 18 Sep 2007, 04:12
There is no such thing as an unnecessary sax solo.  This is impossible.
The AV Club disagrees (

Why do I like the music I like? Repetition. Repetition repitition repitition. Plus some semblance of thematic complexity so I can convince myself that it's good and not all frivolous.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Inlander on 18 Sep 2007, 05:04
Now for the serious answer: I like the music I like. I just do. That's it. I refuse to qualify it or analyse it any further than that. As soon as a person starts saying "I like music for this reason", they're placing restrictions on what they will and won't listen to. I do not want to do that. I want to always be open to listening to and enjoying everything and anything. The pleasure to be derived from music is so great that I do not wish to deny myself any of it.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: bryanthelion on 18 Sep 2007, 05:39
I generally like the lyrics.

Thats the reason I like Jenny Lewis and Bright Eyes so much.

I also like things very experimental, like Bjork or (this is a stretch) White Stripes.

Its like music scientists!
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: carrotosaurus on 18 Sep 2007, 06:15
To quote an Applejacks commercial: "We just do"
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Misereatur on 18 Sep 2007, 07:39
how repulsively ugly it sounds.
How many instruments were disfigured in the recording of a particular song.
If it has chainsaws.
It's under a minute in length.
It has a totally unnecessary saxophone solo.

You forgot if it has any references to the occult.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Baggy on 18 Sep 2007, 10:54
I mostly like things that are apart from the norm and surprise me.  But I'm also a big lyrics person. 

If a song has a bad message, I feel that I'm being fed that message regardless of the musical quality behind it.

I have a hard time with pure instrumental music, even when its very different, unless i'm working on something and its in the background.  I have a hard time engaging with the music without a voice.

Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Joseph on 18 Sep 2007, 11:13
I also like things very experimental, like Bjork or (this is a stretch) White Stripes.

I'm sorry, I missed which part of the White Stripes was experimental.

Do you like Sun Ra?  Or John Zorn?  Or Metal Machine Music?
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: David_Dovey on 18 Sep 2007, 11:39
Silly man, no one likes Metal Machine Music.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Mnementh on 18 Sep 2007, 11:53
Speaking of Jenny Lewis.  I would like to see Joan Jett kidnap her and Chan Marshall and beat the ever loving crap out of them.

Carry on.

Joan would be a little more likely to stick her tongue down their throats, no?  And then maybe go on tour with them?

Nope, Joan is shagging Carmen Electra right now.

Now for the serious answer: I like the music I like. I just do. That's it. I refuse to qualify it or analyse it any further than that. As soon as a person starts saying "I like music for this reason", they're placing restrictions on what they will and won't listen to. I do not want to do that. I want to always be open to listening to and enjoying everything and anything. The pleasure to be derived from music is so great that I do not wish to deny myself any of it.

I feel the same way and can't think of any way to improve upon what Harry says here.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Mnementh on 18 Sep 2007, 12:08
Silly man, no one likes Metal Machine Music.

Obligatory objection.

ad hominem reply
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: muteKi on 18 Sep 2007, 14:11
To quote an Applejacks commercial: "We just do"

Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: LordNagash on 18 Sep 2007, 14:47
Now for the serious answer: I like the music I like. I just do. That's it. I refuse to qualify it or analyse it any further than that. As soon as a person starts saying "I like music for this reason", they're placing restrictions on what they will and won't listen to. I do not want to do that. I want to always be open to listening to and enjoying everything and anything. The pleasure to be derived from music is so great that I do not wish to deny myself any of it.

I do not think knowing why I like what I like limits my music selection. I will still listen to anything, and I will probably like it if it provokes an emotional response. But by attaching a new context to a song I might like a song I would otherwise have passed up. For example I would not normally have liked it, but I found enjoyment listening to 'How to Save a Life" by The Fray simply because I watched Scrubs a lot, and they used the song in an episode. I listened to the song, moved by the events of the episode. Now even though I do not immediately think of Scrubs when hearing it it still evokes the same emotions. I have grown attached to a song that I would have scoffed at beforehand.

To quote an Applejacks commercial: "We just do"

But they added apple into apple jacks because that was a stupid commercial.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Kai on 18 Sep 2007, 15:36
Silly man, no one likes Metal Machine Music.

I say this without any trace of irony and without any attempt at humor.

I love Metal Machine Music.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: a pack of wolves on 18 Sep 2007, 18:08
Considering that people are always on about tiresome things like Sunn being amazing you shouldn't have to qualify liking a perfectly good album such as Metal Machine Music.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Kai on 18 Sep 2007, 18:22
don't be knockin the Sunn

I have much love for the Sunn

oh Excuse me

Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: a pack of wolves on 18 Sep 2007, 18:27
I knock the Sunn with impunity. Them and bloody Khanate, although at least Khanate have had the decency to bugger off and leave us all alone and not inflict their drivel on otherwise perfectly good gigs. I'd much rather listen to Last Good Sleep, Naked Shit or Earth. You know, good bands.

Sunn O))) did make some awesome amps though, so kudos to them for recognising that fact I guess.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Johnny C on 18 Sep 2007, 23:34
naked shit <<<<<<< khanate

sorry dude capture/release is a fantastic record
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: a pack of wolves on 19 Sep 2007, 02:45
I just never saw the appeal. They're terrible live, and every time I've thought I was being too harsh and should give them another go since so many people whose tastes I can normally rely upon love them they've bored me to tears. Drone/doom need to either create an oppressive, intense atmosphere (Red Right Hand) or give me good mental imagery (Naked Shit's first double CD does that nicely, although admittedly the split with IX was patchier). Khanate made me wander off in boredom to check the Melt-Banana merch.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: bryanthelion on 19 Sep 2007, 03:25

Speaking of Jenny Lewis.  I would like to see Joan Jett kidnap her and Chan Marshall and beat the ever loving crap out of them.

Carry on.

Whats wrong with Jenny Lewis?

other then Under the Blacklight...
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: moogoob on 20 Sep 2007, 13:52
Back to the original topic (Oh noes!), I like music that gets my imagination going. Emotionally, lyrically, compositionally, whatever. Which kinda explains why my hard drive's got symphonic metal, death metal, black metal, progressive metal, goa/psy trance, progressive trance/house/techno, futurepop, synthpop, VGM, classical, soundtrack and countless fusion genres of all these (Machinae Supremacy: SID Metal!).
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: 2HourHiatus on 20 Sep 2007, 16:07
I'm drawn to music to gets to me emotionally (Sigur Ros, GY!BE), music that has serious musician-ship (Mastodon, Sufjan Stevens) and music that just wants to rock and not care about anybody (Art Brut, Deerhoof). And really, music in general just makes me happy. It's more of a fact that I like music just because I find it interesting or different than others. The three factors just make the music better.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Liz on 20 Sep 2007, 16:21
I like the stuff that sounds good to me. I tend to go more for the simple stuff (I love anything acoustic) because getting loads of things going at once will almost always sound like chaos and that is not cool.

But really I'm not too picky.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: mortarman178 on 21 Sep 2007, 02:14
For me music is a way i can get away from the world when i most need to...alot of my music is more main stream rock or a few older punk and some alt-metal.. tho i been trying to find more local bands that are not big names..but as of late its been a mixure of

classical Bach
trust company
and a bit of Rammstien

oh and i cant forget lacuna coil
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 21 Sep 2007, 02:34
mortarman178, I highly recommend a few things.

1. Try your best not to get offended when people on this forum talk about how you're probably in high school and what that means.
2. Keep an especially open ear towards music you've never heard before, and really try to get into it.  In fact, start listening to everything anyone recommends you, especially us on this forum, and especially me.
3. Keep listening to Bach.
4. Check out Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss, Black Sabbath, and Monster Magnet.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Misereatur on 21 Sep 2007, 02:56
3. Start listening to Schoenberg

Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: John Curtin on 21 Sep 2007, 03:40
3. Start listening to Schoenberg, but keep listening to Bach as well


Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: öde on 21 Sep 2007, 06:13
I only like Emergency & I by The Dismemberment Plan because it is perfect... music!
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: fogelsong on 21 Sep 2007, 12:39
I like the music I do for many reasons.  Sometimes it's in response to or compliments my emotions at the time, whether I'm angry, happy, sad, etc...  Sometimes it's situational - need to relax, at the gym, need to concentrate at work...  Let's look at the J section on my iPod for example:

Japanther - when I'm either joyous or feel like I just need to have fun
Jay-Z - good non-rush hour driving music
Joanna Newsom - when I'm introspective, or sometimes sad
Joy Division - when I'm really sad or need to hear real emotion
Justice - when I need to dance
Justin Timberlake - late night at my apartment dancing music, namely SexyBack and Rock Your Body
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: MysticalChicken on 21 Sep 2007, 12:42
I like:

music that makes me feel something, whether it's happiness or heart-wrenching-ness. (I know that's not a real word, but I'm making it one.) (Arcade Fire, Jeff Buckley, Cold War Kids)

music that makes me get up and dance (Lily Allen, a lot of Belle and Sebastian--I like everything I've heard by B&S but not all of it is danceable, Old 97's, Franz Ferdinand)

music with good lyrics (Bettie Serveert [my favorite band], Elvis Costello, Peter Murphy).

music with lots of instruments that fit well together (The New Pornographers, Bettie Serveert again).

alt-country (Wilco, Old 97's, Neko Case--and I'm counting her as alt-country, Son Volt, Drive-By Truckers, Avett Brothers)

stuff that just rocks (Art Brut, Buffalo Tom, The Clash, Dropkick Murphys, Foo Fighters)

beautiful stuff (The Divine Comedy, Sufjan Stevens, The Delgados, Arcade Fire).

straight-up indie rock (The Decemberists, The Shins, Elf Power, Elbow, Modest Mouse)

good 80's music (Hoodoo Gurus, Psychedelic Furs, Echo and the Bunnymen, Depeche Mode, The Pretenders--I've been a Pretenders fan since I was seven years old, REM--been an REM fan since I was twelve)

However, I'm not entirely sure why I like those kinds of music.  They're just pleasing to my ears for some reason.  (BTW, the above list is a mere handful of all the bands I like (
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: mortarman178 on 21 Sep 2007, 16:37
Thanks for the heads up but i dont get offened easly... i just take it as it probably steams from basic training having a drill sgt screaming at me and all that..

im open minded when it comes to music, the list i gave is what i was currently in the mood for, but i have a bit of black sabbath ( large fan of the ozzy years not so much after he left)  not a large fan of queen of the stone age ( my wife is tho) and the othere two ill have to go check out dont think i head them before

but hey if anyone has anymore bands i love to give them a listen to. like i said im very open minded about music
hell even euro music i like a buddy of mine  got me into a band call Sacrosanctum, he told me there from the Czech republic
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: Yogurt on 21 Sep 2007, 19:12
I listen to the music I listen to for many reasons. Some of it I listen to because it makes me think, some because it provokes a strong emotional response, makes me feel like dancing, or like rocking out. It really all depends on how I'm feeling on the day I'm listening to it on.
Title: Re: Why you like the Music you do
Post by: rb_lestr on 22 Sep 2007, 18:07
If it makes my loins warm then i like it.