Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: blanktom on 13 Apr 2008, 04:37

Title: Low
Post by: blanktom on 13 Apr 2008, 04:37
OK I always really have doubts about starting threads on just one band, but I went to see Low last night and wanted to discuss my experience and them here.

A band named The Helio Sequence opened, and only having heard bits and pieces on their myspace etc, I wasn't sure what to expect. What I got was highly reverbed guitar/drum pop with dreamy synth backing up from a laptop. They played with enthusiasm and simplicity, and although it was hard to take my eyes from the almost deranged drummer (I'm not sure why he spasms like he does when he plays, but it's both entertaining and distracting), I had no trouble making it through their set without being bored or looking at my watch.

Then came the real treat. Having only heard Drums and Guns, I knew there would be tracks I hadn't yet heard. But as soon as they took the stage, Alan Sparhawk leant over his guitar and played that single, ghostly note that signifies my favourite track from said album, Murderer. I was happy that I hadn't been thrust into the unfamiliar right away. But when I was, the gorgeous harmonies of Over The Ocean had me smiling like the father to a new born baby. It was at that moment I knew I was in love with Low. Throughout the rest of the set they played songs I have and havent heard, but there wasn't a single one I didnt like. And between every few songs, the band (especially Alan) made friendly and humorous chat with the crowd, most notably 'Its getting late in the set...anybody getting nervous' to which Mimi eeked out 'Besides me?'.

The vibe of the whole gig was incredibly intimate and relaxed, and after the gig my friend Penny and I were able to approach the stage as the band worked on their equipment and have a chat with Alan, who was incredibly warm and friendly to us, even asking our names and how far we had to come, and shaking our hands (I couldn't help but gayly notice how soft his hands were) and introducing himself.

Anyone else here had a good experience seeing this band? What do you think of them? And, although I'm scared of turning this into a list thread, does anyone know any bands in a similar vein?
Title: Re: Low
Post by: pinkpiche on 13 Apr 2008, 05:58
There is only one Low. Seriously. I suggest you follow them around on tour.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: amok on 13 Apr 2008, 06:19
Oh man, I'm seeing them tomorrow and I can't wait. This has just got me even more psyched about it.

Re similar bands: try Silver Jews, Idaho, Red House Painters and Sun Kil Moon.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: amok on 13 Apr 2008, 06:40
The latest isn't amazing but 'Great Destroyer' is a firm favourite.

The first track of 'Trust' is just the finest song ever recorded though. I mean, damn.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: Yoeni on 13 Apr 2008, 07:27
I only heard Low's I Could Live In Hope and I really liked it. I need to check out more of them. Recently there was also a 55 minute documentery on the Dutch television about Low. You can see it here if you want (no download required), it has Dutch subtitles though. (
Title: Re: Low
Post by: amok on 13 Apr 2008, 07:29
That whole record kills me frankly. 'John Prine' in particular. Also, 'The Lamb'.

'In The Drugs' always hits me pretty hard. Those two are good too. And 'Last Snowstorm...' - yeah, the whole thing basically. But 'Amazing Grace'... damn.

Guy above me, we had a bit of a Lowathon in the MF thread (top of the page) awhile ago, I dunno if any of the links will still be valid but it might be worth running a search in there.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: öde on 13 Apr 2008, 07:33
It sucks that they're playing on Tuesday 15th near me because it means I can't go ):
Title: Re: Low
Post by: blanktom on 13 Apr 2008, 08:13
cheers for the documentary, i shall watch it soon, when I dont have work!

i'm going to check out the recommended bands later as well, and i shall let you know what i think. but yeah tommy, i can totally see how they could fast become one of someones favourite bands. i'm working on getting all their stuff together, through visits to the mediafire thread etc. i now have drums and guns, long division, curtain hits the audience and another i dont remember the name of, so i think a good listening session is in order.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: jeph on 13 Apr 2008, 08:20

I absolutely believe that Low surpassed them with the first six records.

Tommy I love you and second your Low adoration but it is a simple fact that nothing Low has done can top The Problem With Me. Equal, maybe (I am partial to Curtain Hits the Cast and Secret Name) but not top.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: TheFuriousWombat on 13 Apr 2008, 08:42
A really terrific band, indeed. The first time I saw them live was in a church in Philly after not knowing a whole lot about them or having heard much of their music. Easily one of the most captivating shows I've seen. Something about it just blew me away. It's stuck with me more than many shows I've seen. I dunno really what my favorite album would be but I know their contribution to the Temporary Residence Travels in Constants series ("Exit Papers") isn't too easy to find. If anyone wants it I would be happy to upload.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: Sox on 13 Apr 2008, 08:44
But Jeph, as fantastic as Seam were, can we really say they accomplished more with their discography than Low has with any three randomly selected albums? I love Seam, but I think I prefer Low.
Really though, it never occured to me to compare Seam to Low. Hum, maybe. Codeine, yeah. Not Low. That's like comparing apples to oranges. Everybody has a favourite sort of apple, but can anybody choose between an apple and an orange?

Trust is where it's at as far as I am concerned.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: blanktom on 13 Apr 2008, 08:57
The first time I saw them live was in a church.

yeah the venue i was at last night was an old converted church. gave it a cool feel.

also, Sox, your fruit metaphor was totally lost on me
Title: Re: Low
Post by: TheFuriousWombat on 13 Apr 2008, 09:00
Somehow a church just seems like a very fitting venue for them. The First Unitarian Church in Philly is actually still a functioning church that has a ton of shows in it/the basement. Luckily Low played in the former. After that, I don't think I'd enjoy them as much in a regular venue for some reason.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: amok on 13 Apr 2008, 09:25
A lot of their gigs seem to be at churches.

I'm seeing 'em on a boat though.  :mrgreen:

Title: Re: Low
Post by: Liz on 13 Apr 2008, 09:39
They aren't even doing a show in my area this tour, so I can't go see them. It's so sad.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: StaedlerMars on 13 Apr 2008, 11:17
Oh man. I love this band. And no one I know agrees with me.

Where are you guys in real life?
Title: Re: Low
Post by: tommydski on 13 Apr 2008, 11:18
Really though, it never occured to me to compare Seam to Low. Hum, maybe. Codeine, yeah. Not Low. That's like comparing apples to oranges. Everybody has a favourite sort of apple, but can anybody choose between an apple and an orange?

Actually, the Seam comparison is pretty silly I guess. Seam were dramatically louder and pushed a lot more towards the My Bloody Valentine sound. I guess the tempo was sometimes quite similar but overall, Codeine, Galaxie 500 and Red House Painters had more in common.

I'm going to force myself to listen to the two most recent records this week. A few of the songs have been coming up on shuffle and I can tell there are diamonds in the rough there. The 'rough' being Fridmann's polarising production choices.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: michaelicious on 13 Apr 2008, 11:23
Don't even get me started about Low.

Tommy, I think the best way to really get into Drums and Guns is a steady diet of "Murderer", "Dragonfly", and "Sandinista".
Title: Re: Low
Post by: Jackie Blue on 13 Apr 2008, 14:07
I saw them in '98 or '99 at a tiny little hippie-restaurant type place (same place I saw Tarentel and Fly Pan Am a year or two later).  The place was packed, and I sat on the floor right in front but to the left of the band.  Whenever they asked if anyone wanted to hear anything, I yelled "Do You Know How to Waltz!"  I think it slightly annoyed Alan.  I talked to their (then) bass player for a while and he was super nice.  They played their Spacemen 3 cover of "Lord Can You Hear Me?" and it blew me away.  It was a good time.

I highly recommend the remix album, owL Remix Low.  The band has said slightly negative things about it, something to do with it not really being done with their blessing or whatever, but I think it's great.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: TheFuriousWombat on 13 Apr 2008, 14:50
Seeing Tarentel live is absolutely fucking amazing. It's extremely rare to get the opportunity but oh so wonderful if/when it happens.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: RedLion on 13 Apr 2008, 14:58
Low is an absolutely amazing band. They're an exercise in understated, beautiful simplicity, even on their latest. The vocal harmonies that lace their songs in particular are heart-rending.

On occasion (every few months,) I get panic attacks. Listening to Secret Name always chills me out of that state and often puts me to sleep--in a good way.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: amok on 14 Apr 2008, 02:22
Oh man, secret name. When I die I want to fade out to some slap bass 'Weight of Water.' That song is too beautifully depressing.

I have this problem now where I want them to play all their songs at the gig tonight but they probably won't be onstage for a whole day :(
Title: Re: Low
Post by: Kai on 14 Apr 2008, 04:45
Essentially, if you think you're band is "innovative", well, Neil Young already did it.

Title: Re: Low
Post by: De_El on 16 Apr 2008, 17:36
First time I listened to I Could Live In Hope I couldn't move for twenty minutes. I just sat there. With my headphones on. And stared.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 16 Apr 2008, 17:42
yeah, I Could Live In Hope is where it's at as far as i'm concerned. Trust comes in a close second, though.

also; am i the only one who thought Drums & Guns sucked? maybe i need to give it another listen but i don't remember a single good thing about that whole record.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: Inlander on 16 Apr 2008, 19:25
I maintain that if you've only ever listened to Drums and Guns through headphones then you really need to hear it through speakers. The songs benefit immeasurably from having room to breathe.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: mortalsoldier on 16 Apr 2008, 23:54
Low is one of those bands that I can't live without. "Lullaby" is one of the my favorite songs of all time; it really shows that delicacy and sparsity can have more content then more rushed and cluttered music. Despite their lengthy discography, every song they write has it's own feel and shape; they're just irreplacable.
Title: Re: Low
Post by: michaelicious on 17 Apr 2008, 15:39
I maintain that if you've only ever listened to Drums and Guns through headphones then you really need to hear it through speakers. The songs benefit immeasurably from having room to breathe.

This is so true. I always thought that "Violent Past" was a pretty neat song when I listened to it on headphones but then one day it came up on shuffle when my speakers were turned up loud and it just crushed me. I love that song.