Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Ozymandias on 26 Apr 2008, 22:11
Interesting Countdown (
I can't say I disagree with their number one, but I take umbrage with the exclusion of 1994. FFVI, Super Metroid, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Earthworm Jim, Donkey Kong Country, Warcraft, Marathon, System Shock, X-Com and the beginning of the CD generation in Japan is a pretty big damn deal.
Oh god, I can't believe that Super Smash Bros actually looked like that.
SSB has held up quite well as N64 games go.
Why is everything a video now? I can't watch a damn video. I feel guilty watching videos if I'm meant to be doing things, but I'm fine with reading text.
Interesting Countdown (
I can't say I disagree with their number one, but I take umbrage with the exclusion of 1994. FFVI, Super Metroid, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Earthworm Jim, Donkey Kong Country, Warcraft, Marathon, System Shock, X-Com and the beginning of the CD generation in Japan is a pretty big damn deal.
Yes. 1994 was The Shit. Also, Dynamite Headdy, Streets of Rage III, Super Game Boy, Sparkster, Phantasy Star IV, Blackthorne, Math Blaster Ep. 1, Mega Man X, Mortal Kombat II, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Super Mario All-Stars plus World compilation, Super Punch Out!!, Beyond Oasis / Story of Thor, Cool Spot, Contra: Hard Corps, The Hybrid Front (the music to this game makes up for anything else), Pulseman, Shining Force II, and maybe even Shadowrun?
Netplay was becoming bigger, and the X-Band modem was launched around this time for CONSOLE netplay.
Then again, there was also the 32X and Shaq Fu.
Yeah, my initial reaction was that "it was just last year!" but when I look at it, I just can't make myself disagree with it.
Yes, but the point of these lists is to wax unnecessarily nostalgic. Video games are new enough that there isn't much to wax nostalgic about, but come on.
It's easy to wax nostalgic about something from a mere 4 years ago, so long as it's something that's no longer actively in your life. If I really wanted, I could wax nostalgic about my time delivering pizza, because it was a period in my life where I had absolutely no responsibilities. Nostalgia doesn't require the distance of decades (which video games have, by the way), just some distance. Were you ever this excited to get a console? ( Are you still? Nostalgia.
Frankly, I think that kid's a little creepy.
I haven't watched it, but I know for a fact that the top year was 1998.
Rainbow Six
Resident Evil 2
Parasite Eve
Metal Gear Solid
Fallout 2
Pokémon Red and Blue
Grim Fandango
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Starsiege: Tribes
Thief: The Dark Project
Baldur's Gate
I'm admittedly pc-centric though.
I really like their narrator, GameTrailers. Has anyone else been watching the retrospectives? I watched all of the Metroid one and have waited impatiently for each successive installment of the Star Wars retrospective.
I loved their Final Fantasy Retrospective.
I haven't watched it, but I know for a fact that the top year was 1998.
Rainbow Six
Resident Evil 2
Parasite Eve
Metal Gear Solid
Fallout 2
Pokémon Red and Blue
Grim Fandango
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Starsiege: Tribes
Thief: The Dark Project
Baldur's Gate
I'm admittedly pc-centric though.
Wow your right up my alley bud, some of the best games listed ever, Half Life, MGS, Starcraft, Fallout, LoZ, all great games. I cant believe these are classics already....go 1998!!!!
Also, the Dreamcast was launched in Japan at the end of 1998 so a lot of US launch titles came out that year.
And fucking SoulCalibur.
And the first Guilty Gear. It was a banner year for a lot of genres, even 2-d fighters, crpgs (BG, Fallout 2, M&MVI) and adventure games (Grim Fandango), which are practically dead these days.
I really do call absolute BS on the top portion of this list. I'm sorry, I enjoyed 2007 in gaming, but there is no way in Hell it topped years like '87, '94 or '98. It's ridiculous enough that '94 didn't take one of the top three spots, but to not make the list entirely? Shenanigans!
SSB has held up quite well as N64 games go.
I think they were right. So many nostalgic memories... :laugh:
I'm kind of confused that there's just about no mention at all of any real, pre-console (or at least pre-NES) arcade classics. The only pre-NES year that appeared was there to talk about how bad it was and that was it. I mean seriously, what's the deal man?
I mean, in 1981 Donkey Kong, Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man and Frogger were all released. Surely that deserves a spot on the list over fucking 1983.
SSB has held up quite well as N64 games go.
Yeah, sure it isn't great, but comparing it to Goldeneye, or some of those other games, much, much better. I need to buy SSB, I got an N64 for five bucks but don't have any games.
Early 3D games in general look like absolute ass now. They don't even have the sort of nostalgic pixelated look of the NES days, they just look blocky and harsh and terrible.
Since when is The Sims early 3D?
now QUAKE is Early 3D, and it definitely fits the criteria of looking like a writhing piece of diseased shit.
True, it does have bad graphics, even Quake 2 had pretty bad graphics. Once you get to UT/Q3A graphics, you are getting to decent 3d, MoH:AA uses one of those engines, doesn't it?