Fun Stuff => MAKE => Topic started by: Seranox on 20 May 2008, 22:21

Title: Some art.
Post by: Seranox on 20 May 2008, 22:21
Gaara from the anime Naruto.


Ichigo from Bleach, I'm sorry it's not done yet!!!  :cry: Hopefully in the next week or so it will be.


From the anime Hellsing (I messed up big time on one of his fingers...But that was the last thing I did so I didn't want to erase a lot  :| )

Title: Re: Some art.
Post by: Joim on 21 May 2008, 12:28
Amazing, I specially love the first one!
Title: Re: Some art.
Post by: Seranox on 21 May 2008, 14:45
Thank you!   :-)
Title: Re: Some art.
Post by: Seranox on 24 May 2008, 19:20
Finally finished Ichigo, It's such a nice feeling to finish things!

Title: Re: Some art.
Post by: Eris on 25 May 2008, 06:23
They are both impressive, but with the Ichigo, there isn't really any shading in the piece, which (funnily enough) makes it look flat, especially with the face. You kind of have shadows with the wrinkles (creases?) in his skin near the eyes, but they're not very dark, so it's easy to not notice them.

Maybe try on a new picture making the dark values very dark, because you can always lighten them with the midtones and the highlights. This will give your picture more depth and a chance to experiment with the contrast.

Do you have any original drawings, rather than fanart, that we can check out?
Title: Re: Some art.
Post by: Seranox on 25 May 2008, 09:59
Yeah I know what you mean, I'm still kind of new to color pencils and since you can't really erase it I freak out about shading. There's only so many colors and sometimes you even have to mix a couple to get others, which seemed to happen with the shading in this picture. I wasn't able really get the correct colors so I was more....experimenting with a couple colors. Thank you for the advice though, I'll try that :)

I have portrait drawings that I'll post up later.
Title: Re: Some art.
Post by: Seranox on 01 Jun 2008, 00:25


I know this next one is from a famous artist, But this was for an art class project. Rene Magritte is the artist.

*Just a little Modify note*

WTF the square on the last one is bugging me.