Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: Lunchbox on 05 Jun 2008, 18:39

Title: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Lunchbox on 05 Jun 2008, 18:39
So some people started talking about ghosts in the Blog Thread, and I was kind of intrigued.

The paranormal both excites and terrifies me, and although my exceedingly scientific and logical brain has decided that they are not real you silly sally, I still find the time to look up ghost encounters and the like on the Internet, and won't go anywhere in the dark by myself. I'm scared of graveyards, I'm scared of bumps in the night, and I'm terrified of looking out my window and seeing something that shouldn't be there.

I myself have never had any actual 'encounters' or even anything remotely scary happen to me, aside from... okay, well I lie. When I was small we lived a little house that was probably ten or twenty years old. It didn't have any creaks or groans, no trees scratching against the window, but late at night, if you woke to get a glass of water or use the loo, there'd be footsteps up and down the hallway. Everyone in my family heard it. Sometimes my Dad would get up because he thought it was my brother, only to find him out like a light. Occasionally it would turn the kettle on. That's pretty much it.

What scary things have happened to you guys, and what do you think of the paranormal?
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Jposh on 05 Jun 2008, 18:44
I'm about the same as you. I've never had anything paranormal happen to me, except that the house I lived in last, apparently had the Ghost of my stepdads mother, who would occasionally move things.

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: 0bsessions on 05 Jun 2008, 18:53
The freakiest thing I ever dealt with was in the same town as I mentioned in the blog thread.

I was staying at my then girlfriend's house and our dog was sleeping at the foot of the bed. All of a sudden her fur stood up on end and she started flipping the fuck out, eyes focused on the corner of the room. This was the only time I ever saw her growl.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Dissy on 05 Jun 2008, 19:08
I've had a few "unexplained occurances"

The most recent one is ongoing.

I move back in with my parents every summer, last summer, they were moving, and had a lot of valuables in the new house, so they asked me to stay there.  I'm not scared of just about everything (only needles...), and I've had my fair share of bumps in the night, as well as sleeping alone in large empty places.  Now, the previous owner's father-in-law had died about a year previous, and his son had been cheating on his wife (the previous owner), and the father disapproved.  My first night there,  I am abruptly awakened at about 2:45 in the morning by a loud crash in one of the bathrooms.  There was a guy yelling and cursing, and hitting the toilet, trying to make it flush.  I grab the nearest and largest object (which happened to be an aluminum baseball bat, although a katana was lying not far away) and proceed to announce my presence.  "Hey you asshole, I own this damned house, and am armed.  Now I'm going to give you to the count of five, then I'ma gonna cave your skull in.  Come out with your hands showing, and you won't be harmed."  I walk over to the bathroom, and there's a guy standing there.  And I can see the mirror behind him, and there is no reflection.  He looks at me, says, "You aren't my son," and promptly vanishes.  Now this bathroom has one doorway, and no windows.  I spend the rest of the night trying to figure out how my friends/family members played the trick on me.  There was no trick.

A few nights later, I drag my friend over, mostly to hang out, and the noises start again.  I explain to him the situation, and we proceed to take a side to the hallway in which the bathroom lies, the only way to exit and enter the bathroom is to go by us.  The voice is yelling and hollering, and finally, it calms down and with a "Hrmph, I'm going to bed" it stops.  My friend and I slowly walk towards the bathroom, I left him peak in first, to nobody there.  Later that night, after I headed downstairs, he begins screaming down the stairs, yelling for me to come see something.  The ghost had reappeared and was yelling at my friend about going to hell for cheating on his wife, and blah, blah, blah (my friend is single, never married), so we just watch the scene unfold.  I pace around the apparition, and he takes no notice of me.  I stick my arm through him, then decide to stick my head through, and start making faces.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jeph on 05 Jun 2008, 20:14
I do not believe in ghosts.

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Dimmukane on 05 Jun 2008, 20:58
I was at my friends house on Monday, and the dog bowl looked like someone dropped it, except it was already on the ground, and there was nobody (including pets) near it.  Later that day his basement door clicked open and swung out a little less than 90 degrees, as if someone was coming up.  But again, nothing.  The basement was deserted.  About a year ago we were watching Clerks 2 and the TV started whispering to me.

I dunno, his house has some REALLY strange quirks.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: MadassAlex on 05 Jun 2008, 21:11
Ghosts really intrigue me. Much like Lunchbox, I know that ghosts aren't real and can't logically exist but I actually secretly believe in them.

I've never had a confirmed sighting, though, and the only ambiguous terrifying experience I've had is covered nicely by sleep paralysis.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 05 Jun 2008, 21:14
Despite never having a single experience or ever seeing one I like to believe in ghosts.  I guess it is just wishful thinking, but I like to believe that every little noise I hear at night is some how ghost involved.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Cartilage Head on 05 Jun 2008, 21:19
 I have never had a supernatural experience and it pisses me off. No ghosts, aliens or anything. Maybe it just means that everybody else in the whole world is lying.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Jposh on 05 Jun 2008, 21:22
As interested as I am in this topic, I really kind of hate it. I'm always on edge for a few days after reading or talking about it...
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Cartilage Head on 05 Jun 2008, 21:28
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: est on 05 Jun 2008, 21:37
I have never had a supernatural experience and it pisses me off.

Sometimes I wonder why there are so many reports of people seeing ghosts and supernatural stuff and so forth, but then I remember that people are stupid and will believe whatever the fuck they want, regardless of whether or not there's any tangible proof for it.

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tania on 05 Jun 2008, 21:42
i don't think it's stupidity, i think people are just afraid of things they don't understand. saying something was caused by ghosts is easier than admitting "i don't know".

personally i don't believe in ghosts or god or spirits or any of that fun stuff.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: RedLion on 05 Jun 2008, 21:46
Just like in the old days explaining everything with "god wills it" was useful.

Anyway. I don't think there's actually physical "ghosts" who take the form of humans and walk around. But I do believe in a lingering...something. A residual presence.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Johnny C on 05 Jun 2008, 21:48
I do not believe in ghosts.


It was the comic forum that did you in, wasn't it.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: MadassAlex on 05 Jun 2008, 22:02
Sometimes I wonder why there are so many reports of people seeing ghosts and supernatural stuff and so forth, but then I remember that people are stupid and will believe whatever the fuck they want, regardless of whether or not there's any tangible proof for it.


Not 100% true.

Dr. Whatshisface did a sleep-based experiment to test for out of body experience. He found a very rare kind of person who claimed to have out-of-body experiences every night while sleeping. The experiment took place in a sleep lab with a very, very high shelf. Using a double-blind procedure, a random number was written on a piece of paper and placed on the shelf and the participant was asked to see it in their out-of-body nighttime experience.
Note that the participant was hooked up to a whole bunch of scientific apparatus such as an EEG, EOG and EMG, so if she was to get up she'd interrupt the measurement of her body electrical signals and the researcher would know the whole thing was over.

That didn't happen, however.

The devices took readings over the night, and as usual, she entered the various NREM and REM stages of sleep. In the morning, she correctly gave the researcher the number. I believe the researcher even took repeated measures to make sure it wasn't just chance, but the participant kept getting it right. Craaaazy.

So ghosts probably aren't real, but in the future I believe our perception of the paranormal is going to get more narrow as we research the full capabilities of the human mind.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Dollface on 05 Jun 2008, 22:06
Only ghost i have seen is my dead social life, I still remember that time when i shot it in the face and still i can remember that look in its eyes.

But seriously some nights i can feel that someone is in my room and watching me and some mornings i find my other pillow next to me and it look like someone has used it but i'm fine with that even it creeps hell outta me.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: CamusCanDo on 05 Jun 2008, 22:09
I just realized what your avatar is Est.

I've had experiences where I think I might kinda could've probably had a paranormal experience but never a 100% Oh Shit That Was A Fucking Ghost moment. Most of them being when I was a kid. For example, when I was five I woke up in the middle of the night with someone touching the side of my neck, or what felt like someone touching the side of my neck. Whether or not that was actually a ghost or a really trippy dream I really couldn't say for certain but it did freak me the fuck out enough that to this day I can't sleep without having a blanket over my neck while I sleep.

A few others are mostly memories of me being completly home alone and having someone standing or sitting behind me, also being very young I chalk this up to having an over active imagination. A few recent ones have left me pretty freaked out though. One night, a couple of years ago, I was taking a shit on the toilet when I noticed that there was a piece of string poking out down under the door to the hallway which I thought was pretty weird because I'm certain I didn't see it there when I first sat down. When I had finished I went to walk out the door to the hallway, when the piece of string along with a big mass of blackness fludidly moved down the hallway and around the corner to the kitchen.

I must've stood there for about a minute looking up and down the hallway trying to figure out what the shit I just saw. It was very likely a rat or a mouse but the way it moved had me think it could've been something else.

I just asked my dad now if he's had any weird experiences in this house, which I've lived in my whole 19 years and he and my family built, and he said no. So maybe it's just me. As to whether I believe in ghosts and things that go bump in the night, I definitely do.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: ThePQ4 on 05 Jun 2008, 22:42
I've always believed that my house is haunted, for several reasons. Firstly, my house and the surrounding farm land around it was developed by a wealthy family (at the time) called the Diamonds. I'm sure there is actually information out there on the Hay Creek Diamond's, but anyway... Basically, in lateish 1870s and the original house was renovated by my parents when they were in their late teens, early 20s (1972). Well, in the early 1900s, Mrs. Diamond and two of her daughters died of influenza or something like that, and Mr. Diamond burried them in the backyard under some rose bushes... Well, guess what, those Rose Bushes don't exist anymore... And we found a lot of interesting artifacts including broken china plates (apparently Mr. Diamond liked to through them at his daughter's suitors when they came around, I don't know if this claim is true, but it's funny to think about), purfume bottles, and a rather "grotesque" drawing inside of the outside wall of our house, when we built our additions.

In old sections of the house, particuarly the old master bedroom, seem to be a habitation ground for the disturbing. Every so often, when I would be reading, or watching television I would just feel like someone was watching me or, touching my shoulder or something, even if nothing was there. One of my mom's cousins, who lived with us for a few summers, claims to have been woken up by a shadowy figure coming up from our basement before disappearing. Stereos and televisions have also been known to get turned on or off, when no one is around. I shut off my television to go to school one day, and as I was walking back out of the room, it flicked back on...I started towards it to shut it off, and it turned back off. Like they were toying with me!

Even if we do have ghosts, they're at least friendly. When one of my Aunts was in her crazy-paranormal phase she claims that Mrs. Diamond (I want to say her name was Katherine) is like a protector over my Mom and her kids -and that she disapproves of my father. But I think that's kind of BS... I'll accept ghosts, but I don't think they have any kind of motives.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: öde on 06 Jun 2008, 04:53
My old TV started turning itself on and off, and doing random things like changing channel and volume by itself. Ghosts or crappy old TV malfunctioning? YOU DECIDE.

It was because it was a crappy old TV, by the way.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: axerton on 06 Jun 2008, 05:04
While I am 'sure' that ghosts do not exist, I would love to find out I am wrong because then I would know that there are some things that science can't explain, somehow this knowledge would make me feel a whole lot better about the world.

That said, my mother, normally one of the most logical people you will meet, will when pressed swear that a poltergeist lived in her childhood home, doing all the normal things poltergeists do, until one night a series of very loud thumps coming from the direction of the stairs, after which nothing ever happened again. She has decided that the ghost must have fallen down the stairs and broken it's neck.

Then again mother will also claim - some what more light heartedly in this case - that her grandmother was a witch.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Nodaisho on 06 Jun 2008, 05:05
I don't get any experiences like that, my house makes a lot of noises, but it was made in 1920, expanded in 1930, and again in '99, but most of the upstairs is old, and there will be noises when nobody is up and around. No footsteps, though, unless it is my dad coming in from the garage or me getting a midnight snack.

Est, I remember reading the thread on that comic, and one of the things that people brought up is how supernatural is a somewhat difficult term. Once it gets explained, it is a natural phenomena, so there can't be anything supernatural.

I don't think that ghosts are that unthinkable of a thing, I can't think of a reason why there shouldn't be ghosts. We do not know nearly everything there is to know, so I don't tend to think of things as impossible.

Dan, things like that also happen when someone else has their remote to the same frequency as you, that happened at my friend's old house, his tv kept getting changed to pay-per-view porn channels by the neighbor one house up.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jhocking on 06 Jun 2008, 06:11
While I am 'sure' that ghosts do not exist, I would love to find out I am wrong

I suppose it depends on how exactly I'd be finding out. If I'm reading a study about it, sure that's cool. However, I'm not too keen on being in the middle of Poltergeist.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Lines on 06 Jun 2008, 06:30
My stereo turns itself on and off all the time. But this is only because I need to get some batteries for the remote so I can reprogram it. (When it's not programmed, it does weird shit, but I'm too lazy to go buy batteries.)

The only weird thing that's ever happened to me was we had this old alarm radio and when it was towards the end of its life, it didn't like turning off. You could unplug the damn thing and it would still play. Though rather creepy, I don't think it was ghosts. Especially since nothing weird happened when I put the thing out of it's misery by smashing it.

The only weird things that have happened to my friends is growing up there was a girl I played with and her whole family thought their house was haunted by some little girl. Nothing scary, they'd just see her hovering around sometimes. I didn't see anything and never had any weird vibes from the place and the only thing to suggest that it could have been haunted is that no one stays there for very long. (She moved away after a few years.) But I think this is because the house is really old and the only bathroom is downstairs next to the kitchen, which would be rather irritating, I expect.

Basically, I don't believe in ghosts, but I do like ghost stories and movies involving ghosts. They're kind of interesting.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Katherine on 06 Jun 2008, 07:15
I guess I would say that I believe in ghosts but I don't want to.  The possibility that they exist frightens me, and I'm a lot like Lunchbox in the sense that I am afraid of looking out my window and seeing something that shouldn't be there (or in the mirror and seeing something behind me!)

I have never had what I would call an encounter, but my father says he has.  He moved in with his sister a few years ago to help take care of her while she was undergoing treatment for cancer.  She had lived in that house since before I had been born, and her husband had died there while I was in high school.  My aunt lost her battle with cancer on New Year's Eve about a year after my father moved in with her, and my father was asked to stay in the house to keep an eye on it until it could be sold and her estate settled and distributed according to her will, which took about a year and a half all told.  Right before the house was sold and my father moved out, he told me as I was visiting him that every night during the week between Christmas and New Year's, he saw the ghost of my Uncle Bucky.  He came up the stairway from the kitchen to the upstairs hallway and walked to their old bedroom, then turned around to go back downstairs again. 

I'm not sure what to make of it.  I don't want to believe him but my father isn't the kind of person who is prone to fits of imagination or being a drama queen.  At least not before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  If he told me the same story today I would just write it off as the disease talking but this was years before he first started showing symptoms.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: clockworkjames on 06 Jun 2008, 09:15
Eh guys I hasten to point out there is not much to be worried about as far as ghosts go, it's zombies you need to look out for.

Apparantly in the house I lived in for the first 6 months of my existence there was a ghost that visited my sister who was about two years old at the time, she was not scared and didn't find it unnusual most likely because she was two and shit and the girl wore a white simple dress and talked to my sister or something, I dunno I was trying to learn to focus my eyes and could not eat solid food at the time also I would shit my pants frequently...

I dunno about that but apparantly the house was on pagan burial grounds or some shit.

Personally I have not had much experience with ghosts.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 06 Jun 2008, 10:24
we lost several coffee mugs to a Judas Priest-loving ghost when i lived in Arizona. we had a tape player in the bathroom with all these old buttrock and metal tapes and no matter what tape we left in the player, every once in a while it would turn on to full volume playing Judas Priest.

but anyway, both my roommates and i saw several coffee mugs literally fly out of the cupboard and shatter for apparently no reason at all. someone would open the cupboard to get a dish or something and they'd leave the cupboard open for moment while they were doing whatever they were doing and on several different occasions a coffee mug would fly out and smash to bits.

i don't believe in ghosts or any thing but i still can't explain any of that stuff.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: öde on 06 Jun 2008, 10:37
Dan, things like that also happen when someone else has their remote to the same frequency as you, that happened at my friend's old house, his tv kept getting changed to pay-per-view porn channels by the neighbor one house up.

I live in a detatched house! SPOOKY.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: pwhodges on 06 Jun 2008, 15:45
When I was 10 my younger sister claimed to see a poltergeist in the house a number of times.  As my family was religious (I have rejected that) we actually had a full-blown exorcism of the house.

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Leonidas on 06 Jun 2008, 15:54
I've never personally had any ghostly experiences, but my Dad has a good friend who is a big believer in the spiritual and paranormal.

He always has been into that kind of thing, though over the past year his beief and experiences have become even stronger. About 6-7 years ago his 19 year old daughter died in a car crash, and of course he was absolutely devestated. His daughter was his life. Since that happened however so many different things have happened to him that have convinced him that his daughter is still around in some capacity and watching over him.

He tells me the story of how he keeps his daughters old works name badge on the dash-board of his car. One day going to work it fell off, falling into the vents of the air filter. Annoyingly he couldn't quite reach it to get it out with his fingers, and left his car to go to his work in a shitty mood because of this. However, when he got back to his car he found the name badge back exactly where it had been.

He'll also tell of his car/house radio changing at times to a different station without him touching it, and always when certain songs that his daughter or himself liked, giving him the impression that his daughter is there with him and letting him know by doing this.

Whether true or not I have no idea. It gives him comfort however and that's got to be a good thing.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: dennis on 06 Jun 2008, 16:08
Not 100% true.

Dr. Whatshisface did a sleep-based experiment to test for out of body experience. He found a very rare kind of person who claimed to have out-of-body experiences every night while sleeping. The experiment took place in a sleep lab with a very, very high shelf. Using a double-blind procedure, a random number was written on a piece of paper and placed on the shelf and the participant was asked to see it in their out-of-body nighttime experience.
Note that the participant was hooked up to a whole bunch of scientific apparatus such as an EEG, EOG and EMG, so if she was to get up she'd interrupt the measurement of her body electrical signals and the researcher would know the whole thing was over.

That didn't happen, however.

The devices took readings over the night, and as usual, she entered the various NREM and REM stages of sleep. In the morning, she correctly gave the researcher the number. I believe the researcher even took repeated measures to make sure it wasn't just chance, but the participant kept getting it right. Craaaazy.

So ghosts probably aren't real, but in the future I believe our perception of the paranormal is going to get more narrow as we research the full capabilities of the human mind.
Ohhhhh. Dr. Whatshisface! Of course. Why didn't you say so?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of research into the paranormal is conducted by people who would like nothing more than to verify the existence of the paranormal, and those experiments are rife with error and bias.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 06 Jun 2008, 16:36
Hmm, can't say I believe too much about the supernatural, with shows like Ghost Hunters on Sci-fi being a total waste of human existance, but I think every person has a couple of childhood experiences that they can't explain, and never will be able to for whatever reason. In my case for instance, When I was around 4, living in Springfield, Missouri, I fell off of the top of a slide that was in my backyard. Something caught me and set me down gently, no clue who or what it was. I remember being confused, because I looked around and no one was there, even went inside and asked my parents, who were both immediately concerned for my safety and thought I had gotten a concussion or that someone had been in our backyard for some reason, but I hadn't hit the ground, wasn't dirty or had as much as a single scratch on me. Meh, who knows.

I claim to be a person of rational thought, and I know (or at least think I know) that there is nothing supernatural of any kind and I'm very much an atheist. But at the same time I sort of lament the fact that nothing supernatural or magical exists in the world. I read a lot of fantasy/science fiction and I enjoy pretty much all ghost stories, even watching Ghost Hunters if there's nothing good on. I think this is part of why I want to play a pen and paper RPG so badly, because I like to pretend. It doesn't help that I keep buying those damned World of Darkness books, which seem to me to be so freakin' cool.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Tom on 06 Jun 2008, 16:44
Boro, you were touched...touched by an Angel.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 06 Jun 2008, 16:50
Should... should I sue?
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Tom on 06 Jun 2008, 16:55 you shouldn't God looks after his own. There...there will be a tribunal but the angel will get his job back.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Storm Rider on 06 Jun 2008, 17:38
I hear the bureaucracy for extraditing somebody from the Astral Planes is a bitch.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: KharBevNor on 06 Jun 2008, 18:35
You've got to give her the locket, then return her bones to the same grave as her mother and father.

Wait, I think I've been playing too much Fallout.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jhocking on 06 Jun 2008, 19:18
Whenever I see this thread I imagine Scooby-doo saying it.  :-D
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 06 Jun 2008, 19:37
I did a class on the psychology of paranormal beliefs and superstitious behaviours. Basically people who believe in ghosts are usually people who can't handle not being able to provide an explanation for things so they have to invent things, even if they would sound silly to others. I was going to say that all the experiments that seem to prove the existance of paranormal activity are rife with bias and error (and sometimes downright fraud) but Dennis beat me to it. There's almost always a rational explanation for everything, which is way cool, I think.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: clockworkjames on 06 Jun 2008, 21:36
He always has been into that kind of thing, though over the past year his beief and experiences have become even stronger. About 6-7 years ago his 19 year old daughter died in a car crash, and of course he was absolutely devestated. His daughter was his life. Since that happened however so many different things have happened to him that have convinced him that his daughter is still around in some capacity and watching over him.

He tells me the story of how he keeps his daughters old works name badge on the dash-board of his car. One day going to work it fell off, falling into the vents of the air filter. Annoyingly he couldn't quite reach it to get it out with his fingers, and left his car to go to his work in a shitty mood because of this. However, when he got back to his car he found the name badge back exactly where it had been.

He'll also tell of his car/house radio changing at times to a different station without him touching it, and always when certain songs that his daughter or himself liked, giving him the impression that his daughter is there with him and letting him know by doing this.

This post made me really really happy.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: imapiratearg on 06 Jun 2008, 21:52
Whenever I see this thread I imagine Scooby-doo saying it.  :-D

I always hear Shaggy saying it in my head.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: KickThatBathProf on 06 Jun 2008, 23:26
Whenever I see this thread I imagine Scooby-doo saying it.  :-D

But he can't pronouce the G's.  It'd be like R-R-R-Rosts
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: SilentJ on 07 Jun 2008, 01:32
Earlier tonight I got a few calls from some random number I didn't recognize with an area code of like 916 or something like that.  Every time I wouldn't hear anybody else on the other end, just beeping over and over again.

Does that count?  Other than that I haven't really gone through too much supernatural things in my life.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: KharBevNor on 07 Jun 2008, 03:35
I'm imagining some completely mashed stoner trying to dial for a pizza, not realising that his telephone is upside down.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: I is Grammar on 07 Jun 2008, 08:10
I've always considered myself a fairly logical person, but I am the first to announce that there are things in this world that I do not understand.  My house, since we moved in, has been relatively annoying.  From the third day we lived there we have heard walking around upstairs, knocks on doors with no one there, our french doors rattling when we are standing right there looking through them, things like that.  The creepiest thing that has ever happened was when my entire family was sitting in our living room and we heard what sounded like every china cabinet in the dining room crashing to the floor and everything breaking.  We even felt the vibration of it in our feet.  Naturally, we all go run to see what had happened, but nothing had been touched. 

I don't want to outright say that I believe in ghosts, because I don't.  However, I know that the things that go on in my house are things that I can not explain.  But just in case, we don't allow burning sage, ouija boards, seances, or anything of that nature in the house.  Just doesn't seem like a good idea.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: KharBevNor on 07 Jun 2008, 08:14
You should let me exorcise your house.

Warning exorcism may consist of me sitting on your couch tinkling a bell, smoking dope and listening to recordings of Aleister Crowley for half an hour then charging you 800 quid.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: JediBendu on 07 Jun 2008, 08:53
Last year a friend and myself went down to a town around these parts (Arkansas) called Gurdon, which is known for only one thing, and that's the Gurdon Light. On a stretch of train tracks that runs through the town there's an unexplained light that shows up with quite regular frequency to people who either walk down or sit on these tracks. Even to people who go there to specifically seek out the light. My friend and I were told that you walk down a certain direction and eventually you should start seeing the light, and if you don't, then whatever, you don't. So we started walking, and were walking for probably half an hour to an hour, I dunno, I lost track of time cause we were just talking and walking down these tracks for ever. Also, rarely, there was nobody else there, there's usually at least one other group you'll run into on the weekends ghost-hunting as well.

So anyway, we hadn't seen the Light and after a while we were starting to think about going back. And we were both talking about whether or not we thought we would be scared and run if we saw it (after stories we heard from others, but I'll get to that later). I guess we hadn't realized how far we had walked, but we both turned back around to look at how far the road and our car was away, and we couldn't see anything but woods and train tracks. But that's when we finally saw the Light, behind us, instead of in front of us. For a second we both didn't think about it too much we just both were thinking "What is that?" It was a little ball of white light moving smoothly and slowly through the air. Definitely not a firefly either. Definitely not a distant light from the road. Definitely not a distant light from anything really. And then it started moving towards us. It would dissapear and reappear, the exact same light, a few yards closer to us at a time. It did this until it was probably no more than 10 feet away from us, floating over our heads, at which point I shined my maglight at it to make sure it wasn't a firefly, because at that range I would've been able to see the bug in the light, as soon as I turned on my light the Light dissapeared and reappeared past us and continued on its merry way.

Now, in high school we had a teacher who had lived in Gurdon as a kid, so he has had many experiences with the light, which was mostly where we were getting our information. Why we were considering whether or not we would run is due to one story of this teacher in particular. He said the only time he ever ran from the light was once when it got up close to their group and was about the size of a volleyball. In our case the Light just kind of meandered past us and didn't seem to pause.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: DonInKansas on 07 Jun 2008, 09:20
Just like in the old days explaining everything with "god wills it" is useful.

Fixed for you.

I won't believe in ghosts until one comes and visits me personally; even then I will be skeptical.  Old houses creak, stuff moves, it happens.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: dennis on 07 Jun 2008, 14:00
Earlier tonight I got a few calls from some random number I didn't recognize with an area code of like 916 or something like that.  Every time I wouldn't hear anybody else on the other end, just beeping over and over again.

Does that count?  Other than that I haven't really gone through too much supernatural things in my life.
You got called by a fax machine. They autoredial if they don't connect successfully and usually attempt 3-5 times before giving up.

The beeping is it going "I'm a fax machine. Are you a fax machine?"

A ghostly fax machine.

Memory is extremely unreliable, especially memories from long ago. Everyone remembers a few things that didn't actually happen. Even memories from traumatic incidents are often corrupted by time.

Also, if you're interested in house creaks and things that go bump in the night, google up "pareidolia".
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: KharBevNor on 08 Jun 2008, 01:53
The beeping is it going "I'm a fax machine. Are you a fax machine?"

It's a lonely fax machine :(

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Tom on 08 Jun 2008, 01:58
brings a new meaning to phone sex.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: calenlass on 08 Jun 2008, 09:13
I have, like Lunchy, always been rather afraid of looking around me or out a window and noticing things that should not be there. However, we moved into a house a few years ago, and it creeks a bunch at night when the air comes on. Sometimes there are footsteps that run up and down the hall! I usually count eight feet, and sometimes in the morning the carpets in the hallway are all messed up!

And then in the morning I'll get knocked over again as Oscar ( and Nabisco ( tear past me again and skid to a stop and collapse on each other with biting teeth and rabbit punching back feet and mess up the carpets I've just straightened.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: HellStorm on 08 Jun 2008, 09:47
I completely believe in spirits and ghosts. I think that people are only afraid of them because it can't be explained with science, and therefore it shouldn't happen. I've had a couple experiences both recently and not.
The first one was when I was about 4/5 (I only have vague memories of this, alot is from my parents telling me what happened) I was living in Indonesia at the time, in a house that had only just been finished. We had had a quinine tree in the garden, and much to the disapproval of the villagers, it got cut down. They all believed that it was haunted, as our house had been built on a muslim burial ground, and it was where all the spirits would go and sit or whatever, mainly one woman was seen, sometimes others with her. Anyway I was asleep in my room, and my parents were sitting in the living room watching TV. I went in there and told them that I had a lovely dream that a pretty lady was tickling me, and I woke up and she was really there. When I was asked what she looked like I said that she had pretty long hair, and she was wearing a white dress with blue bits on it. They dismissed it as an overactive imagination, and sent me back to bed. It was only after that that we found out that muslim women were buried in white dresses with blue around the neck, sleeves and around the bottom.

The second was a couple years ago now. We were at a mates house doing ouija as we thought his house was haunted and decided to check it out. Anyway we started and couldn't make any sense out of it. After a few minutes we decided 5 more minutes, and if nothing happens we'll give up. After a couple of minutes it started moving, to start with going in slowish circles around the board and then it started going back and forward straight across the board. We all let go and the glass shot off at the wall. We expected it to smash, but instead it smacked into the wall and got lodged into the brick work.

And last, in the house I'm currently living in when I'm in my room (which happens to be one of the oldest in the house) I can feel someone there constantly. Not someone terrible like there out to get me, but a nice person. Like if I'm upset or whatever I can feel them trying to calm me down, or if I'm sleeping I can always hear someone breathing.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 08 Jun 2008, 10:00
A lot of that kind of stuff has happened to my mother.  She sets off anyone who is supposed to be "psychic" and they can tell things about her that they can't about other people.  She also has had a number of dreams about things that have later come true, and she's been visited in her dreams by her dead father on several occasions (interestingly, so were several of her siblings, and they all had the same kind of dreams for the same period of time, and then, about a year after he died, they all had the same dream of him saying goodbye and haven't dreamed about him since).

Here's my take on it ... if ghosts are "hallucinations" that have no substrate in the objective physical world and no scientifically measurable signature, and instead reside entirely within the private subjective realities of the people who see them, that does not make them "not real" and it also does not mean that any of the phenomena reported as "ghostly" is necessarily untrue.  The separation between our minds and each other, and between our minds and the world around us, is not really as strongly defined as it seems.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: RedLion on 08 Jun 2008, 15:35
This isn't really related to ghosts per se, but still kind of odd.

I have a propensity for awakening just moments before a phone rings or an alarm goes off. It's not a conditioned response thing to wake up at a certain time, because I rarely set alarms. It's only when I do set one that I wake up a few moments before it goes. Same for phones. It's not always, but it's often enough to be kind of disconcerting, that I'll wake up and get my bearings, and about 5 seconds later the phone will ring. It happens too often to just be coincidence.

Anyone know anything about this? It's confused me for a few years.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 08 Jun 2008, 15:42
That happens to me too, and every time I talk about it all my friends mention that it's happened to them before too.

I just figure the brain is able to set its own alarms.  Makes me wish I were better at it ... as it stands, I can safely get up at a time I need to within a few minutes of an electronic alarm maybe a third of the time, depending on how much sleep I'm getting.  I imagine it's something that can be practiced somehow and gotten good at.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jodizzle on 08 Jun 2008, 17:15
I have never had a ghostly experience and I guess I don't really think about it all that much.  I don't not believe in them, and I find it all rather interesting!  I enjoy reading other people's ghostly stories though!
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: CamusCanDo on 08 Jun 2008, 17:25
Not exactly ghost related but things like this make me smile:
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: imapiratearg on 08 Jun 2008, 17:32
Is that shit real?
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 08 Jun 2008, 21:15
I have, like Lunchy, always been rather afraid of looking around me or out a window and noticing things that should not be there. However, we moved into a house a few years ago, and it creeks a bunch at night when the air comes on. Sometimes there are footsteps that run up and down the hall! I usually count eight feet, and sometimes in the morning the carpets in the hallway are all messed up!

And then in the morning I'll get knocked over again as Oscar ( and Nabisco ( tear past me again and skid to a stop and collapse on each other with biting teeth and rabbit punching back feet and mess up the carpets I've just straightened.

I think you solve your own problem in this one. Its probably the cats. Having lived in a basement for some time, I come to know how things sound above me. Often in the middle of the night for the longest time I would hear what sounded like people walking back and forth upstairs, or a quick burst of movement that sounded like someone running from the bathroom down the hall to the steps leading down to the split foyer. After a while I realized that its the cats, who at night are more active than in the day (at least mine are) and are usually tussling with each other. Now, I have one cat who is literally 15 pounds, huge girl, and two others who like to pick territory fights. If they move quick they can sound a lot like footsteps, which were what I was hearing. If they're messing up the carpet in the morning, who's to say they aren't at night as well? Unless of course you keep em caged at night, then you're probably screwed.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: 0bsessions on 09 Jun 2008, 07:23
Anyone know anything about this? It's confused me for a few years.

That's a rather simple internal clock mechanism. It's merely simple mind over matter. Your brain knows it needs to be up and will generally kickstart you into gear.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tania on 09 Jun 2008, 07:27
how do you explain waking up before the phone rings? not trying to be flippant or anything, i'm genuinely curious because this happens to me pretty often as well and i don't have any kind of explanation for it.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 09 Jun 2008, 07:45
maybe you wake up in the middle of the silence between phone rings and only think the phone just started ringing when you truly hear it for the first time.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: RedLion on 09 Jun 2008, 13:26
maybe you wake up in the middle of the silence between phone rings and only think the phone just started ringing when you truly hear it for the first time.

Nah. Because it usually happens at least 2 minutes after I wake up until the phone rings. I'll sit up, rub my eyes and start to get out of bed, and it rings. Happens at least three times a week, at random times of the night/morning.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: dennis on 09 Jun 2008, 14:12
maybe you wake up in the middle of the silence between phone rings and only think the phone just started ringing when you truly hear it for the first time.

Nah. Because it usually happens at least 2 minutes after I wake up until the phone rings. I'll sit up, rub my eyes and start to get out of bed, and it rings. Happens at least three times a week, at random times of the night/morning.
This is called confirmation bias ( People will tend to remember things that confirm their preconceptions, namely, that you tend to wake up just before the phone rings. If you were to keep a journal and mark down every time it happens, as well as when it doesn't happen, and the timeframes involved, it would probably show that it's just coincidence. This is just a natural human tendency--remember the things that are significant.

Also, a lot of ghost sightings (and alien abductions), and it seems, many of the ones in this thread can be attributed to the phenomenon of night terrors, that is, when you become conscious before your body does. I've had this experience many times, and oftentime it ends quite spookily, where I see an apparition or feel a presence and hear a voice just before the rest of me wakes up. If you don't know what happened to you, you can invent all sorts of things to explain what happened (see pareidolia ( This is the reason why a lot of ghost experiences happen to people in bed. They're basically dreaming while awake.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: dennis on 09 Jun 2008, 14:12
I have, like Lunchy, always been rather afraid of looking around me or out a window and noticing things that should not be there. However, we moved into a house a few years ago, and it creeks a bunch at night when the air comes on. Sometimes there are footsteps that run up and down the hall! I usually count eight feet, and sometimes in the morning the carpets in the hallway are all messed up!

And then in the morning I'll get knocked over again as Oscar ( and Nabisco ( tear past me again and skid to a stop and collapse on each other with biting teeth and rabbit punching back feet and mess up the carpets I've just straightened.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: MadassAlex on 09 Jun 2008, 16:49
Also, a lot of ghost sightings (and alien abductions), and it seems, many of the ones in this thread can be attributed to the phenomenon of night terrors, that is, when you become conscious before your body does. I've had this experience many times, and oftentime it ends quite spookily, where I see an apparition or feel a presence and hear a voice just before the rest of me wakes up. If you don't know what happened to you, you can invent all sorts of things to explain what happened (see pareidolia ( This is the reason why a lot of ghost experiences happen to people in bed. They're basically dreaming while awake.

I've had that experience too. It's the most terrifying thing, but in retrospect it's really cool, too.

However, the term is "sleep paralysis". Night terrors are a different thing altogether. Four of the major differences are thus:

1. Night terrors generally cannot be recalled.

2. During night terrors, your body isn't actually paralysed, so many people thrash about.

3. Night terrors generally occur in young children. There's disagreement about the age group, but different sources say anywhere from 3 years old up to about 8 years. It's incredibly rare to experience night terrors after that stage. Sleep paralysis, on the other hand, generally doesn't occur at all during childhood and kicks in at some point in adulthood.

4. Night terrors occur in stages three and four of NREM (non-rapid-eye-movement) sleep. Sleep paralysis happens during REM sleep and can ONLY happen during REM sleep, because that's the only point where you're paralysed. The theory behind that is that REM sleep is where you do most of your dreaming, so the body locks itself down so you don't act it out.

Sleep paralysis is actually relatively common. Most people experience it at some point, but probably only once. Some unlucky/lucky (depending on how you look at it) have it frequently. In fact, I believe my older brother suffers from it almost every night, but he's so used to it that he can see the fantasy of his dreams superimposed over the real world, viewing both at once. Fucking trippy.

Human sleep patterns are absolutely fascinating imo.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 09 Jun 2008, 17:04
I woke one of my close friends up and accidentally gave them a night terror once.  It was one of the freakiest things I'd ever seen ... she was more scared than I've ever seen a human being be, like balls fucking terrified, for 2 seconds, and then she came out of it and didn't even realize it had happened and was asking me what was wrong 10 seconds later.  It was like the part of her that knew what fear was woke up before the rest of her and freaked out, and then the rest caught up and was like "what's up?"
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: dennis on 09 Jun 2008, 18:05

I've had that experience too. It's the most terrifying thing, but in retrospect it's really cool, too.

However, the term is "sleep paralysis". Night terrors are a different thing altogether. Four of the major differences are thus:
My mistake. I've historically gotten the two conflated and confused. Thanks for correcting me.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: calenlass on 09 Jun 2008, 18:26
I've always heard a lot of bumps in the night, but I realised long ago that they were auditory hallucinations. I do think it's quite funny, though, that auditory hallucinations tend to start right about the same point you get tired enough for your imagination to start acting up.

Also, onewheelwizard, I have found in recent years that I am capable of far more while still not conscious than I ever would have thought possible. Like, when I was younger my mom would wake me up for school, and I'd have dreams about putting my uniform on and then wake up and realise I'd not actually done it, but it wasn't until recent years that I had people tell me they startled me when I was sleeping or tripped over me or something and I carried on some sort of conversation with them or (in one case) was up and half out of the room before I fully woke up. It's kind of cool to know my subconscious has such an intact survival instinct, if that's what it is.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: MadassAlex on 09 Jun 2008, 18:37
I know a dude who can eat while he sleeps.

I am challenging all of you to beat that.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Dissy on 09 Jun 2008, 19:03
I know a dude who can eat while he sleeps.

I am challenging all of you to beat that.

I have been rudely awoken several times by my father and flatmates in the kitchen cooking something.  The first two time I nearly got a baseball bat to the head because I was talking to myself, and in different tones of voices, they thought someone had broken in.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tania on 09 Jun 2008, 19:41
a guy i was kinda sorta dating in high school had a little brother who had somnambulism, only he wouldn't walk around, he would RUN as fast as he could. like, at three in the morning we'd both wake up to the sound of him just tearing through the house and up and down the stairs. and he'd be all "yeah, he just does that sometimes in his sleep, don't worry about it." fucking eerie as hell.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: imapiratearg on 09 Jun 2008, 20:45
I don't know whether or not to feel bad about laughing at that.  My brother sleepwalks occasionally, and once, my mother found him walking out to the kitchen trash can in the early hours of the morning, sleepwalking, claiming he had to go to the bathroom, and was seconds away from pissing in the garbage.

We still pick on him for this.    :lol:
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: MadassAlex on 09 Jun 2008, 20:49
Okay okay, you guys win. Slightly.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jodizzle on 09 Jun 2008, 20:51
I went to a small boarding school and they house girls and boys in the same house (with very strict rules of which part of siad house we were allowed in of course). Anyway, it was just across the oval form the school and one of the guys woke up one night standing in the school courtyard, with no idea how he got there. that was pretty awesome.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 09 Jun 2008, 21:14
imapiratearg, my brother used to do exactly that. I don't know what it is about the trashcan, I guess the brain is rewired in sleep to switch the kitchens and bathrooms of houses. :P
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 09 Jun 2008, 21:21
I guess I was just really unlucky then ... I sleepwalked once in elementary school or something and I peed in my shoes.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: RedLion on 09 Jun 2008, 22:27
I'm assuming you guys sleep-talk then? I have a habit of just sitting up and shouting random words like "DUCK!" and then curling up again without another word.

(I feel like maybe I've brought this up
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: calenlass on 09 Jun 2008, 22:34
Guys I was not talking about sleepwalking and sleeptalking, and I was hoping people would recognise that. Sleepwalking has nothing to do with external stimuli.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jodizzle on 09 Jun 2008, 22:42
I am awesome at sleeptalking.  One tme I said to Loxley: "what kind of animal are you? Nothing...lobster...........Lobster pillow".

I think that is the best thing I have ever said in my life, including when I am awake.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: RedLion on 09 Jun 2008, 22:45
Guys I was not talking about sleepwalking and sleeptalking, and I was hoping people would recognise that. Sleepwalking has nothing to do with external stimuli.

and yet, I was.

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jhocking on 09 Jun 2008, 22:50
I've long been prone to both talking and moving around while sleeping. I don't think I've ever full-on sleep walked though, rather stuff like lashing out and smashing things next to me.

Back when I worked at a camp, one morning I rolled over and rambled out some long and elaborate plan to improve the world by changing the calendar or something. Unfortunately I had been talking in my sleep, and when I actually woke up an hour later I had no recollection of my little speech, and nobody else in the cabin understood anything I said other than that it had something to do with improving the world by changing the calendar or something.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: calenlass on 09 Jun 2008, 23:07
Guys I was not talking about sleepwalking and sleeptalking, and I was hoping people would recognise that. Sleepwalking has nothing to do with external stimuli.

and yet, I was.


Incidentally, I wasn't addressing just you. Also incidentally, my first post on the subject (sort of) was kind of an aside in response to something onewheelwizard said and I was hoping it really wouldn't derail the discussion from the topic at hand.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Lunchbox on 10 Jun 2008, 04:57
If we're talking about sleepwalking, one time my boyfriend's step brother woke up on the side of the road about a kilometre away, with his pillow and blanket.

I'd be creeped the fuck out.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tania on 10 Jun 2008, 05:42
maybe people wanted to talk about sleepwalking. i'm sorry?
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Lunchbox on 10 Jun 2008, 05:55
I do not mind that we are talking about sleepwalking! This thread is for generally creepy stuff, I think?
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: imapiratearg on 10 Jun 2008, 07:23
But sleepwalking and sleeptalking can be humorous at times!  It is not creepy!

Apparently, I talk in my sleep on occasion.  I also move around a lot in my sleep.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tommydski on 10 Jun 2008, 09:14
I try not to sleep with another person who I am not having sex with because I can literally roll over and fuck basically anything in the same bed as me. Most nights I wake up intertwined with a pillow. I don't know why I do this but some people have commented that I do display some symptoms of Hypersexuality and I pretty much put it down to that. Sometimes situation force me into sharing beds and I'll do basically anything to avoid it. Some people think I'm being weird or shitty (especially men) but I'm actually trying to avoid sexually assaulting them in my sleep.

There have definitely been occasions in the past whereby I was sharing a bed with a female and have woken up whilst already having sex with them, despite having no intention of doing anything of the sort when I was awake. I think I've been extremely fortunate that the couple of women this happened with actually found me attractive and wanted to have sex with me anyway or I could find myself in all sorts of legal hot water and justifiably so.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tania on 10 Jun 2008, 09:53
the only thing i've ever done that resembles sleepwalking or talking or whatever is that the last few nights i've been having these really intense terrifying dreams that i guess cause me to flail around, and i keep waking myself up by injuring myself. last night i elbowed my nighttable and knocked my plant over and before that i kicked my wall so hard i thought i had broken my toe. it sucks! maybe if anyone has experience with this kind of thing they can give me advice, or something, i mean i am starting to consider sleeping on the couch if this keeps up because i am tired of injuries.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Dissy on 10 Jun 2008, 10:08
I try not to sleep with another person who I am not having sex with because I can literally roll over and fuck basically anything in the same bed as me.

Johnny, I think you should bring a sleeping bag to Tronno, and sleep on the floor.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: imapiratearg on 10 Jun 2008, 10:16
Don't you mean Tommy??

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tommydski on 10 Jun 2008, 10:45
Johnny C will accept my demonic seed and like it.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jhocking on 10 Jun 2008, 11:19
I should try that excuse with my fiancee. "Sorry bout that, I can't help it, I'm a sleep-humper!"
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: 0bsessions on 10 Jun 2008, 11:32
I actually used to have that problem and it still crops up slightly at this point. I am a recovering sleep-humper.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tania on 10 Jun 2008, 11:35
somewhere, at this moment, john cameron has just gotten a very cold chill down his spine and doesn't know why
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Liz on 10 Jun 2008, 16:55
I have a tendency to cling to whatever is in my bed, including pillows and other people, but I have never gone so far as to have sex with them. So I think I'm doing alright.

Also- I don't want to cuddle with you anymore Tommy.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: tommydski on 10 Jun 2008, 16:57
My guess it that it's pretty easy for a guy but quite difficult for a girl to initiate.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't happen a lot. Just occasionally.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: sean on 10 Jun 2008, 20:07
Guys, mind if I go back to sleep talking for a second, I have a funny story.

So one time my family was playing some sort of trivia game while my uncle was asleep on a chair in the same room. At one point a question is asked but nobody can figure it out for a few seconds. Then, my uncle, in his sleep, gives the correct answer.

It was fucking hilarious.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Tom on 10 Jun 2008, 20:16

what if you were being had? :-o
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: HellStorm on 11 Jun 2008, 09:45
I have a tendency to cling to whatever is in my bed, including pillows and other people, but I have never gone so far as to have sex with them. So I think I'm doing alright.

I do that too :D
I thought I was the only one. You stole my wierd sleep thing dammit. I also have been known to mumble about giant man-eating marshmallows, have full conversations and get dressed and ready for school and go out to wait for a bus in the middle of the night whilst sleeping. I also usually sleep with one eye open.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: redglasscurls on 11 Jun 2008, 10:07
Exit, light
Enter, Night
Take my hand
we're off to never-never land
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: HellStorm on 11 Jun 2008, 10:17
Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white
Dreams of war
Dreams of liars
Dreams of dragons fire
And of things that will bite, yeah
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 11 Jun 2008, 10:21

Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Hunter on 11 Jun 2008, 10:55
I kick in my sleep, and due to this I've had to sleep on the floor when I have to share a bed. Sometimes I wake up at 5am and I have to walk around a bit before I can go back to sleep. 
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jhocking on 11 Jun 2008, 11:10
Sometimes I wake up at 5am and I have to walk around a bit before I can go back to sleep. 

Oh yeah that happens to me too sometimes. In particular, if I go to sleep with unfinished work (ie. I'm in the middle of something,) I'll wake up in the middle of the night to keep working on it. Not spooky though, just annoying for my fiancee.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: axerton on 11 Jun 2008, 21:33
Generally I'm a calm sleeper. There is only one exception that I know of to this rule. When I was about 14 I must have been having a nightmare which caused me to flail around in my sleep, during which I swung my arm over my head and caught it on the cable for my clock radio, the sensation of hitting the cord was enough to wake me up. I open my eyes just in time to see my moderate sized alarm falling off my shelf before it hits me in the head and knocks me out cold.

Also I know a guy who once while a group of us were staying at his place, got up in the middle of the night, got himself a snack, held a relatively intelligent conversation (ie no less incoherent than would be expected at 4am) then went back to his own bed, carefully avoiding stepping on people. The next morning he swore that he had slept through the night, and I'm inclined to believe him, as he's the type who can't keep a joke going longer than about an hour.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 12 Jun 2008, 10:42
once when i was going through a particularly rough spell of insomnia i was up at 4 or 5 in the morning playing video games when one of my roommates (who's bed was in the living room, about six feet away from me) sat bolt up in his bed, looked right at me and said "you guys need to try harder; for real" then promptly fell back down and started snoring again. it was one of the funniest things i've ever seen. he does that kind of shit all the time, even going as far as to have conversations with people.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Hunter on 12 Jun 2008, 10:49
Not spooky though,

I have to get up at 5am because the ghosts of a bride and groom get it on for at least 15 minutes
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Elizzybeth on 12 Jun 2008, 12:06
get dressed and ready for school and go out to wait for a bus in the middle of the night whilst sleeping.

I'm usually a pretty resful sleeper, but I put jeans on in my sleep once (I managed to forget underwarez). 

Actually, strike that.  Probably a ghost put my pants on in my sleep.  I think that's the most parsimonious explanation.  By which I mean I'm pretty sure that's what happened.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Peet on 12 Jun 2008, 12:09
I once had a dream I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I awoke my pillow was gone.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Patrick on 12 Jun 2008, 13:18
How about ghostly dream-visitors? My grandpa will visit me occasionally in dreams. He'll check up on me, let me know how he's been doing, and he'll talk to me about stuff. He'll start singing Glenn Miller tunes in his strong, confident baritone. I don't know if it's his ghost coming back to be some sort of guardian angel (he'd have fit the part in the living world) or if it's just my sleeping brain trying to comfort me over his death 5 years ago. Either way, I enjoy his visits when they come. I miss him a lot.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 13 Jun 2008, 01:49
The only thing spooky that ever happened to me was one night when I was playing Resident Evil 4 there was a blackout and the whole suburb lost power in every building and all the street/traffic lights went out for a couple of hours. My brother and I, having just been playing Resident Evil decided it was the zombie apocalypse and gathered up candles, tobacco and our space rations (we live off of Mi Goreng noodles a lot of the time) and went to our neighbours place to await the end of the world.

Also one time I was sleeping in a sleeping bag and when I woke up I was upside down in the sleeping bag and I had no idea what happened.

Another time I went camping with my friends, I went to bed a little high and woke up the next day outside of the tent surrounded by people looking at me with worried faces. It turned out I was lying face down in the dirt, covered in blood (I must have had a nosebleed) and in a position where my arms and legs looked like they were broken and out of joint. Apparently they thought I was dead and no one wanted to check my pulse.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: redglasscurls on 13 Jun 2008, 08:12
Patrick, I can relate to that a bit. I never met her while she was alive, but I've had conversations in my dreams with Chris's mother (she died in Germany when we were 15). I don't tell him about them because thinking about her chokes him up a lot, but I've had probably three now where we just sit around and talk about random crap like dogs and birth control and tattoos.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 13 Jun 2008, 22:03
I got off work at around 7 today, and when I got home I immediately fell asleep. And the dream I had was very vivid, I was tossing pizzas. Turns out I was tossing and turning and most of my pillows were on the other side of the room.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: SilentJ on 14 Jun 2008, 12:30
One time down at my grandparent's house I fell asleep in a recliner while a bunch of us were watching TV in the living room at like 2 in the morning.  Apparently I got up, got on my hands and knees in front of the chair, and started looking around underneath that leg-extendy part.  My brother asked what I was doing and I replied "muh... I'm tryin to talk my way around it"

Another time after me and my brother had gone to a concert we came home at like 1 or 2, and he was making hot dogs, but fell asleep so that all the water in the pot evaporated and the hot dogs caught on fire.  The smoke alarm right outside my bedroom went off, and I was told the next morning I got up and went to my door and asked my parents what was happening.

I don't remember either one.  That first story always makes me giggle though.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 14 Jun 2008, 22:29
I was at a school camp when I was in year 9. There were bunk beds there and I was on the bottom bunk of one of them. This tiny Italian kid was on the top bunk and on the second night I'm still up reading a book (something which apparently amused everyone else because they could barely read?) and suddenly I see a shadow fly past me and here a massive slapping sound. Turns out Ralph (Italian kid) was having a pretty vivid dream and managed to throw himself out of the bed. It was rather funny.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Tom on 14 Jun 2008, 22:48
Honestly, I'm in Year 11 and I still get laughed at for reading on school/cadet camps before the lights get turned out.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Slick on 14 Jun 2008, 23:02
I actually managed to roll out of the top bunk of bunk beds and into someone else's sleeping bag without waking up once while at a cub scout camp.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Hunter on 15 Jun 2008, 09:30
who said they were ghosts

oh god the stains
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: jhocking on 15 Jun 2008, 19:20
Apparently while camping last night, I starting scratching at my face wildly, and then went to check the tent flap to make sure the zipper was closed. Clearly I was having a nightmare about the swarms of mosquitos (seriously guys, in case you haven't figured it out from my repeated statements about them, the mosquitos were fucking horrible.)

My fiancee also told me today that I routinely slam my fists down on the bed while sleeping. I'm not sure why she never told me about this before, but I'm glad I never hit her in my sleep thrashings.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: calenlass on 15 Jun 2008, 22:17
Man, Tommy, we shared a bed in that hotel in Leeds and you never did that. I don't know whether to feel slighted or relieved.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Hunter on 16 Jun 2008, 14:16
Apparently while camping last night, I starting scratching at my face wildly, and then went to check the tent flap to make sure the zipper was closed. Clearly I was having a nightmare about the swarms of mosquitos (seriously guys, in case you haven't figured it out from my repeated statements about them, the mosquitos were fucking horrible.)

My fiancee also told me today that I routinely slam my fists down on the bed while sleeping. I'm not sure why she never told me about this before, but I'm glad I never hit her in my sleep thrashings.

"hey man, how'd your lady friend get those bruises?"

"...I hit her in bed."
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: MusicScribbles on 16 Jun 2008, 14:42
One sleepsperience I will remember for a long time occurred when I must have been 11 years old.
I had been staying up watching James and the Giant Peach or some other kid's movie. I'm inclined to say it was James' because I still love that movie.
Anyway, it was a nice winter night, cold, but nice for snuggling under the blankets. At the time my family had been putting up those fake electric light-bulbed candles in every window. It looked pretty from outside the house. Inside, in my room, it would keep me awake for a bit longer than without them. Being in front of the blinds each one would emit an orange glow into the room, so I feel like this somehow inspired my sleep that night.
I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I know that I did at some point in time. I'm not sure what I was dreaming about at the time, but I know how the story ends.
I woke up from some scary-to-kids dream shaking and giddy. Something had scared me about the dream, so I leapt out of bed and proceeded to walk around the glowing room. The room was glowing, yes, but it was this really dark, glow, as if somehow orange light has become a piece of the darkness. A sinister glow you could say. I ended up getting this strange feeling as I was walking towards my bookshelf, and then I felt something writhing around my neck, instantly constricting my breathing. Reflexes put my hands to feel for what was harming me, to even free myself, and I felt something that was instantly familiar, which is altogether strange, because I can tell you now that at that age I had never touched what was actually around my neck before. Somehow I was able to look down and see two snake heads thrashing around to reach my face while their body's crushed my windpipe.
To be blunt, this scared the hell out of me. From that moment I proceeded to stumble around my room gasping for air, grasping for freedom.
The short end of the stick?
I suddenly sat straight up awake in my bed with my hands around my own neck. I had been choking myself.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: calenlass on 18 Jun 2008, 07:38
What, a blanket of wadded up tissues? Or was that supposed to be a burn.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Abattur on 26 Jun 2008, 04:38
Hmmh, i once saw a dot in the sky instantly turn 90 degrees. UFO!

But unexplained does not paranormal make.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: FiskFisk33 on 26 Jun 2008, 14:23
Theres really no reason to be afraid, they cant hurt you. yes, in extreme cases they can hurt your psyche, but in the end its not the gost, but your fear of it that strains your psyche. so dont be afraid.

Since we moved here we have had lots of "strange occurrences", ive even seen silhouettes (im not the only one in my house so its not fictional), and after some research we realized that about 500metres away from here there were a place where they held executions a few hundread years ago. that kindof explains the activeness around here.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: dennis on 05 Jul 2008, 10:47
Theres really no reason to be afraid, they cant hurt you. yes, in extreme cases they can hurt your psyche, but in the end its not the gost, but your fear of it that strains your psyche. so dont be afraid.

Since we moved here we have had lots of "strange occurrences", ive even seen silhouettes (im not the only one in my house so its not fictional), and after some research we realized that about 500metres away from here there were a place where they held executions a few hundread years ago. that kindof explains the activeness around here.
So half a kilometer away, people were executed. So what? Is it the only house within a 500m locus of the execution site?
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: ampersandwitch on 05 Jul 2008, 23:52
Dennis is the voice of reason.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: LucyStag on 14 Jul 2008, 19:05
How about ghostly dream-visitors? My grandpa will visit me occasionally in dreams. He'll check up on me, let me know how he's been doing, and he'll talk to me about stuff. He'll start singing Glenn Miller tunes in his strong, confident baritone. I don't know if it's his ghost coming back to be some sort of guardian angel (he'd have fit the part in the living world) or if it's just my sleeping brain trying to comfort me over his death 5 years ago. Either way, I enjoy his visits when they come. I miss him a lot.

Awww, that's awesome. I wish my Grandpa would visit me, but I am pretty sure he is too busy hanging out with Count Basie in heaven. I can understand that.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Thrillho on 19 Jul 2008, 09:22
I don't really believe in ghosts, but then you never know what might be possible. I don't usually accept anbody's 'proof' of ghosts, but I also generally choose not to discuss it, because I DO believe in God, and the only proof I have of that is via testimonial in the same way. As such, I tend to show myself out of such discussios.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: RedLion on 19 Jul 2008, 23:22
The existence of a god creates so paradoxes it's mind-boggling.
Title: Re: G-G-G-Ghosts!
Post by: Tom on 19 Jul 2008, 23:30
You just have to live with it.