Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Dissy on 11 Jun 2008, 11:43
I'm guessing that since this is computer related......
Source code:
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//istream& getData(fstream &is, string name, int rate, int hours, int taxBracket,
// double ytd, double ytdTax, int week1);
//void calcGross(double rate, double hrs, double &gross);
//void calcTax(double grossPay, int taxBracket, double&tax);
int main()
ifstream fin("");
cerr << "Error opening input file. \n\n";
ofstream fout("lab4.out");
cerr << "Error opening output file.\n\n";
double hours, pay, dependents, grosspay, overtime;
double tax, taxpay, percent, finalpay;
int workers;
fin >> workers >> hours >> pay >> dependents >> tax;
fout << "Lab 4\t\t\t Kevin \n";
fout << setw(10) << "Employee\t" << setw(15) << "Hours worked\t"
<< setw(10) << "Pay Rate\t" << setw(15) << "Tax Bracket\t"
<< setw(5) << "# Dep\t" << setw(10) << "Gross Pay\t"
<< setw(15) << "Federal Tax\t" << setw(10) << "Net Pay\n";
cout << "I'm bored. What about you?\n"
<< "Seriously, why are you here?\n"
<< "Press Ctrl & C.\n" << endl;
while (!
if (hours > 40)
overtime = hours - 40;
hours = 40;
if (tax==1)
percent = .13;
else if (tax==2)
percent = .27;
else if (tax==3)
percent = .35;
else percent = .35;
percent = percent - (dependents*0.01);
grosspay = (hours * pay) + (overtime * pay * 1.5);
taxpay = grosspay * percent;
finalpay = grosspay - taxpay;
hours += overtime;
fout << workers << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << hours << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << pay << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << tax << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << dependents << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << grosspay << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << taxpay << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << finalpay << endl;
system ("pause");
return 0;
File In:
1 50.00 20.00 2 3
2 40.00 10.00 1 0
3 10.00 40.00 3 5
4 40.00 11.25 1 2
I am getting an infinite loop off of the first line. Anyideas how to fix this?
My hack:
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//istream& getData(fstream &is, string name, int rate, int hours, int taxBracket,
// double ytd, double ytdTax, int week1);
//void calcGross(double rate, double hrs, double &gross);
//void calcTax(double grossPay, int taxBracket, double&tax);
int main()
ifstream fin("");
cerr << "Error opening input file. \n\n";
ofstream fout("lab4.out");
cerr << "Error opening output file.\n\n";
// Dump the header
fout << "Lab 4\t\t\t Kevin \n";
fout << setw(10) << "Employee\t" << setw(15) << "Hours worked\t"
<< setw(10) << "Pay Rate\t" << setw(15) << "Tax Bracket\t"
<< setw(5) << "# Dep\t" << setw(10) << "Gross Pay\t"
<< setw(15) << "Federal Tax\t" << setw(10) << "Net Pay\n";
double hours, pay, dependents, grosspay, overtime;
double tax, taxpay, percent, finalpay;
int workers;
while ((fin >> workers >> hours >> pay >> dependents >> tax) && !
if (hours > 40)
overtime = hours - 40;
hours = 40;
if (tax==1)
percent = .13;
else if (tax==2)
percent = .27;
else if (tax==3)
percent = .35;
else percent = .35;
percent = percent - (dependents*0.01);
grosspay = (hours * pay) + (overtime * pay * 1.5);
taxpay = grosspay * percent;
finalpay = grosspay - taxpay;
hours += overtime;
fout << workers << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << hours << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << pay << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << tax << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << dependents << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << grosspay << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << taxpay << "\t"
<< setprecision(2) << finalpay << endl;
system ("pause");
return 0;
using namespace std;
What version of C++ uses this syntax?
Uh, any kind? AFAIK it is part of the language. Sure compiles under GCC and MSVC.
Yeah, it's a VERY common thing in VC++ projects....
Not to doubt your abilities as a programmer (I'm not), but how did you never come across that?
I only spent a short time on early builds of C++, when they updated the base every three weeks. I don't remember much, but we could totally start a Dev thread and I'd be all over it like white on rice.
From what I remember, some programs do away with it because they figure most people are going to type that anyways so why not do it automatically?
But that was a year ago and I've forgotten all my C++, or else I'd help you with this.
I think it was VC++ 6 or so that they did away with namespace syntax. I never realized they had added it back in until now.
using is definitely a part of standard C++, as are namespaces.
Why are you testing against ios::fail()? ios::eof() seems like it's what you want (although I admit I didn't read your code very carefully
I never realized they added it in after it was removed from ~VC6. That's handy.
Also, on a similarly-brief glance I agree with on on eof.