Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: imapiratearg on 28 Jun 2008, 22:04

Title: Wanted
Post by: imapiratearg on 28 Jun 2008, 22:04
Has anyone seen it yet?  I just saw it today with my friend Emma, and suffice to say, it is probably one-hundred and ten percent bad ass, if somewhat lacking in everything else.  I left the theatre with an adrenaline rush.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Surgoshan on 28 Jun 2008, 23:23
Regardless of my posts elsewhere; I think people should learn from the adaptability of EVE and WALL-E.   It's a beautiful demonstration of human something.  Go not predictable comptation something!
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: imapiratearg on 28 Jun 2008, 23:38
I think you want the WALL-E thread, bro.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Cartilage Head on 28 Jun 2008, 23:39
I kind of hate Angelina Jolie.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dissy on 29 Jun 2008, 00:28
From the previews, this is the first time since like... ever, that Ms. Jolie has looked damned good to me.  maybe I was doing it wrong before?
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: KvP on 29 Jun 2008, 00:37
The look of it reminds me a lot of that Clive Owen / Paul Giamatti flick Shoot Em Up, though it seems to be much less self-aware.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Trollstormur on 29 Jun 2008, 02:09
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Gridgm on 29 Jun 2008, 05:48
i refuse to watch this on principle just because of how much they fucked with the story line of the original comic
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: sean on 29 Jun 2008, 08:51
I saw a preview for this when I saw 10,000 BC (which was the worst 9 dollars I have ever spent. ever.) I laughed my ass off when Angelina Jolie told the dude in the move to "Curve the Bullet." It was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Definitely not seeing this.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: imapiratearg on 29 Jun 2008, 09:18
It is honestly ridiculous.  You can't really go into this with a practical state of mind.  It's pretty much like the Matrix but even more over the top.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Ikrik on 29 Jun 2008, 12:02
Jolie looks terrible in this movie, I don't care what anyone says.  She was looking really good in Tomb Raider and whatever else she's done and then she made the decision to lose 10-20 pounds.  She looks way too thin in this movie and she almost looks unhealthy.  Morgan Freeman is also starting to bug me, can't he do something else than the nurturing all-knowing all-powerful black guy?  Can't he do another Shawshank?  Who the heck is the white guy in the film, if I've seen him in something else I might end up renting this.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Alex C on 29 Jun 2008, 12:48
Morgan Freeman has and can do other things, but it doesn't pay the bills so well. I assume by white guy you mean James McAvoy, who was in Atonement.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 29 Jun 2008, 16:04
And The Last King of Scotland, and Narnia.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: johnny5 on 29 Jun 2008, 22:09
I'll see it, but the story flubbed on a lot of details...i dunno, it kind of sucks because the comic was so designed to be a movie as is...although having Eminem as the main actor might have blown up too.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 30 Jun 2008, 06:35
I went to see it instead of Wall-E (stupid friends outvoting me).  It was OK.  It wasn't Shoot Em Up.  It was what would've happened if Shoot Em Up wanted the audience to care about the plot.  I had already seen most of the action scenes in the trailers, and figured out the entire plot in the first 15 minutes.  So I was actually kinda bored.  To make it worse, my friend caught on to the plot twist (right where they expected you to) and wouldn't shut up about it, while I was trying to watch the movie.  I was basically watching it for the action scenes I hadn't seen, and that was worth the 9 bucks.  It was basically an action flick with extra style.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: imapiratearg on 30 Jun 2008, 06:56
Basically.  The plot was awfully cliche and predictable, but the action had a cool flair to it.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: De_El on 30 Jun 2008, 09:50
Something about the trailer makes me think it'll be the best laugh I've had in a while.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 30 Jun 2008, 10:24
It's mildly funny.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Soopah on 01 Jul 2008, 14:11
I would say that it was.... entertaining.  Not the greatest flick I've seen, but it was entertaining on a Saturday night, in a town where, well, there's nothing else to do.

Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: morca007 on 03 Jul 2008, 23:53
It is a terrible movie.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 04 Jul 2008, 07:28
Don't say that, there's still the Chihuahua movie, remember?
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Nodaisho on 04 Jul 2008, 15:56
My brother wants to see that, for some inscrutable, horrible reason. He got all confused and hurt when my mother, father, and I all said we didn't want to see it.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Plasticity on 04 Jul 2008, 17:21
This is one of the best action movies I have seen in a very long time. There was a scene where he shoots people with his gun stuck through someone's head while using his body as a shield.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 04 Jul 2008, 18:53
Man, you need to watch more action movies.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Nodaisho on 04 Jul 2008, 19:18
That does sound like a perfect example of ridiculously over-the-top action, though.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: imapiratearg on 04 Jul 2008, 19:31
That's exactly what this movie is, though, and that's what makes it awesome.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 04 Jul 2008, 21:43
I honestly didn't think it was that over-the-top.  To be over-the-top, you have to be self-aware, I think.  And Wanted wasn't self-aware. 

I still think he needs to watch more action movies, though.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: imapiratearg on 04 Jul 2008, 22:00
I had a feeling like it was totally aware of itself.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Nodaisho on 04 Jul 2008, 22:13
I haven't seen it yet, but as I understand it, at one point, a man is diving between two skyscrapers, up hundreds of feet in the air, and shoots a guy with a flintlock before being sniped from across town. How is that not over-the-top?
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 05 Jul 2008, 08:45
The way Timur Bembaktov pulled it off visually just didn't do it for me, I guess.  It's almost like The Fraternity has an unfair advantage, and having their ability makes them less human, so that kind of thing is almost expected from them.  In stuff like Shoot 'Em Up and Riki-Oh, they didn't have any kind of special ability, they were just really good at what they did, which made their antics more over-the-top. 

This is just my personal opinion, I'm not gonna argue over what is over-the-top and what isn't.  For Wanted, the only part(s) I thought were over-the-top were the sniper shots.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Plasticity on 05 Jul 2008, 18:54
I think you are wrong buddy, but that is just me. I didn't really go into this looking for "over the top action" I just wanted a movie where shit blew up and other things were bad ass. And since the story was based on a comic book in the first place, I think having some people be notably more badass than others worked perfectly. Plus, the fact that the heroes killed people completely indiscriminately appeals to me. I mean, look what they did on the train.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 05 Jul 2008, 22:37
I didn't really go into this looking for "over the top action" I just wanted a movie where shit blew up

I think this is my problem.  I was expecting it to be over-the-top, and it underdelivered.  With most of the other action fare, like John Woo's earlier stuff, I was just expecting shit to blow up, and it overwhelmed me.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Ikrik on 06 Jul 2008, 01:52
I took a girl out to see it like...two or three days ago (she didn't want to see Wall-E for some strange reason.  My major problem with it was the ending.  The last like...5-10 seconds.  When I go to see a film I don't like being insulted, I'm there to be entertained.  The trailers on TV keep saying "the best action film since the matrix" and after I came out of it I was like "meh, it was ok."  There were certainly some cool bullet stuff, especially when they collided.  Personally I think that the whole "Curving the Bullet" thing is an amazing new idea for action movies but this film made it seem a little lame.  The rats were totally stupid and so is the name "The Fraternity." Worst name for a group of assassins ever.  The storyline is absolutely terrible, I pretty much had guessed the entire storyline by the time Morgan Freeman was introduced.  But honestly, seeing Angelina Jolie's ass for a second was totally worth it.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Tom on 06 Jul 2008, 03:52
Jolie still has an arse (
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Blue Kitty on 06 Jul 2008, 21:10
Saw it tonight, actually pretty good.  Not on par with other movies like Wall E, or even other comic book movies like Hulk or Iron Man, but still pretty dang good for what it is supposed to be.

Better then Shoot Em Up.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 06 Jul 2008, 21:28
Those are bold words, missy.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: morca007 on 06 Jul 2008, 23:16
Jolie still has an arse (
Only good part of the movie.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Ikrik on 07 Jul 2008, 01:40

Better then Shoot Em Up.

...........either you are high or you are making a very unfunny joke.  Shoot 'Em Up 1. had amazing action, 2. didn't take itself seriously and 3. the plot was created AFTER the action was thought out.  All these things make Shoot 'Em Up way better than Clive Owen is just totally awesome.  Did anyone see him becoming the new face of action films?  I thought it was a race between Vin Diesel and The Rock but both of them have sort of disappeared now.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 07 Jul 2008, 07:35
Those are bold words, missy.

I can't tell if you are unaware of BK's actual gender or being deliberately condescending to the dude. I mean obviously you were being condescending but, you know.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Dimmukane on 07 Jul 2008, 08:39
I think I may have confused him for Vegkitkat.  My bad, BK.  But still, bold words.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: johnny5 on 10 Jul 2008, 08:30

Better then Shoot Em Up.

...........either you are high or you are making a very unfunny joke.  Shoot 'Em Up 1. had amazing action, 2. didn't take itself seriously and 3. the plot was created AFTER the action was thought out.  All these things make Shoot 'Em Up way better than Clive Owen is just totally awesome.  Did anyone see him becoming the new face of action films?  I thought it was a race between Vin Diesel and The Rock but both of them have sort of disappeared now.

thank god both of them kind of went into family/comedy. if clive owen had locked up the bond role (instead of daniel craig), i def think he would have been the sucessor, kind of, to jason statham in regards to the british action hero.
Title: Re: Wanted
Post by: Felrender on 12 Jul 2008, 11:08
i refuse to watch this on principle just because of how much they fucked with the story line of the original comic

You must be joking. 

The original comic featured a character named "Shithead", composed of, and I quote, "six hundred and sixty pieces of excrement from the most evil people in the world."  Any separation between Wanted : the Film, and Wanted : the Shitty "Shock humor is AWSUM" Comic, is a good thing.