Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Vanuch on 20 Jul 2008, 15:13

Title: Pandemic 2
Post by: Vanuch on 20 Jul 2008, 15:13
This is such an awesome flash game.

You start as a virus/bacteria/parasite, and you have to wipe out the entire world!

Good luck getting Madagascar.

It's also on Newgrounds, and a bunch of other sites.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Thy Dungeonman on 20 Jul 2008, 20:16
This is much harder than the first one. But also a lot better.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Fletch on 20 Jul 2008, 21:58
I've been waiting for this for ages~!
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: imapiratearg on 21 Jul 2008, 06:58
This game is so hard.  Fucking Madagascar.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: est on 21 Jul 2008, 16:03
I started out making my virus spread sneakily and not kill anyone.  But then I guess people caught on and started closing airports n' shit :(
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Spike on 21 Jul 2008, 16:54
Fucking Madagascar.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 21 Jul 2008, 16:58
man, this game is pretty hard.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: bicostp on 21 Jul 2008, 17:34
Fucking Madagascar.

Indeed. I managed to exterminate everyone but Madagascar. :x (And this was with a 100% resistant strain which tainted the world's water and caused all but two hospitals to shut down.)
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Blue Kitty on 21 Jul 2008, 17:41
apparently it is some pretty wide spread rage.


and then there is the fact that the hospitals in Greenland are still open long after everyone is dead.  There can be only one explanation:
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Johnny C on 21 Jul 2008, 18:02
Fuck me this tutorial is actually physically painful to watch and listen to.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 21 Jul 2008, 18:03
fuck! i actually managed to kill everyone on the planet....except for Japan! they, somehow, preemptively closed their borders before my disease was even widespread and avoided getting any infected people whatsoever.

so i have an entire planet of dead people except for Japan, who don't even have the sniffles.

Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Oli on 21 Jul 2008, 18:07
I think the trick is to do fuck all damage (As in just enough to survive; don't infect thousands of people) for ages and just save up evolution points until suddenly you bring some apocalypse down. That's a pretty boring strategy though.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Johnny C on 21 Jul 2008, 18:40
Oh man, the vaccine didn't take.

Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Emaline on 21 Jul 2008, 19:22
I have been playing this game pretty much nonstop since it came out. It's pathetic.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: imapiratearg on 21 Jul 2008, 20:41
Blue Kitty, you are one of my favorite forumites ever.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: WriterofAllWrongs on 21 Jul 2008, 20:43
The woman delivering the tutorial sounds like someone pumped her full of Jagermeister before plopping her in front of the mic and giving her the script.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 21 Jul 2008, 21:08
Yeah, I could literally only listen to her for about 30 seconds, and then I just said out loud "Fuck it, I'll figure it out as I go!"

right now I've taken away all symptoms, I'm buying all resistances and transmissions, then I'm going to save up 45 points to I can hit all of the tiear as once and hopefully be able to get hemorrhaging with the points I ride that from, hopefully it'll be enough, since my visibility is zero and I'm getting a steady infection rate anyway.

Edit: FUCK. All but Madagascar, Greenland and Australia, apparently my disease got the famous trait and it caused a panic, luckily I had 40 points and spread the sonuva bitch quick, oh well.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Alex C on 21 Jul 2008, 21:27
I wiped out everyone first try. How? My disease started in Madagascar.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Felrender on 21 Jul 2008, 21:55
Blue Kitty, you are one of my favorite forumites ever.

Man, I should start taking stuff from the chans too.  Then I'd be cool liek Blue Kitty.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: WriterofAllWrongs on 21 Jul 2008, 21:57
My first time around I lose, but that's okay because what's great is why I lose.

I start out fairly simply.  I bulk up my resistances while keeping fever as the only symptom.  This is painfully slow, so I add sneezing as a bonus.  I start infecting other countries and immediately they start shutting everything down because everyone is being infected.  I add coughing so maybe it will spread to all countries a bit quicker, and that only makes them fuck my world up faster.  Madagascar closes it's borders without infection (essentially forcing me to lose), but the rest of the world is still losing their shit.  But no one has died.  The entire world is rioting and closing down its borders because of the common cold.  God damn genius.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 21 Jul 2008, 22:05
seriously. Three times now I've lost because of madagascar. And its because a disease that HAS NO SYMPTOMS. Widespread panic and closing down of everything by a disease that shouldn't even be visible or detectable. I mean, zero visibility means noone should fucking notice its there!
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: est on 21 Jul 2008, 22:56
That is what I don't get about this game.  I did the exact same thing.  No symptoms at all, just high resistances to everything.  Started in Australia and it spread really really slowly, but it did spread.  Then all of a sudden after spreading to India and China they detected it and everyone started panicking.  Kind of odd.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Alex C on 21 Jul 2008, 23:43
Yeah, it's been pure abject failure in all my subsequent attempts. Madagascar's a bitch if you don't start there. : (
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: est on 21 Jul 2008, 23:53
I currently have every person in the world infected except those fucking Madagascans.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: est on 22 Jul 2008, 02:42
Ok, started a new game at home.

Everyone is infected.  Just playing with afflictions now until everyone is dead.

Tiii-iii-iiii-iiiime is on my siiiide

Yes it is!
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: est on 22 Jul 2008, 02:48

Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: evernew on 22 Jul 2008, 05:41
Those young hearts will never run free now.

I killed everyone except ... Peru?
They probably hid in the mountains.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: IronOxide on 22 Jul 2008, 07:31
Last time I got everyone but effing India.

And that only leaves about a sixth of the planet untouched, right?
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Alex C on 22 Jul 2008, 11:03
Dammit, I shot myself in the foot. I infected every region and then jacked up the lethality to speed things up, only to lose because the disease couldn't infect people faster than it could kill them in a few of the "emptier" countries like Russia. On the bright side, India was wiped out in what had to be record time.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Melodic on 22 Jul 2008, 12:53
I just left the game running @ maximum speed, with no symptoms, overnight.

3000 evolution points later, MADAFUCKINGGASCAR.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: Oli on 22 Jul 2008, 13:32
If I leave it running with no symptoms places still start closing their borders/shipyards/airports.

Also what is with the absurdly high number of natural disasters going on? They don't seem to make much impact on your virus. I think it would be a lot better if they had a more of an impact on your virus' effectiveness but were much much rarer.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: carrotosaurus on 22 Jul 2008, 13:45
If you play as a parasite people don't notice you're there. But it also takes an impossibly long amount of time to do anything.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: imapiratearg on 22 Jul 2008, 14:47
That's like, totally backwards.  Viruses are the least detectable in reality, right?  I mean, in reality, you don't even find out you have HIV for years, or something like that.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: est on 22 Jul 2008, 17:13
I hear they are using Pandemic 2 in medical studies now.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: LordNagash on 22 Jul 2008, 18:49
Clearly they should learn that only those in Madagascar are safe.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: ackblom12 on 22 Jul 2008, 18:59
I can consistently kill off the entire population of the planet with the exception of fucking Madagascar.

Jesus fucking christ I hate them so much.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: McTaggart on 23 Jul 2008, 00:43
Two games in a row, playing the same way (parasite, no symptoms), from the same region yield two completely different outcomes. Urgh silly games with random components that aren't statistically significant.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: supersheep on 23 Jul 2008, 21:55
Managed to get everyone after a couple of goes by picking a parasite with no symptoms. The entire world started freaking out just before it entered the final region, despite it having no symptoms whatsoever. Nearly had no points to afford anything to kill people with, though. It's a silly game, but I like it.
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: öde on 27 Jul 2008, 13:46
I've been trying the Kongregate kill everyone on realistic mode in under 100 days challenge for a while. It's described as impossible, and they're not wrong about that.

The best tactic is to have sneezing until you infect about 1000 people, then get rid of it and level up resistances. Nothing else, transmissions will panic people and countries will shut down the airports, docks, and borders. Once you have every country, which takes a while and is mostly luck regarding Mada-fucking-gascar, you can start adding transmissions and sneezing, coughing, vomiting. Then lethal symptoms and you win!
Title: Re: Pandemic 2
Post by: himynameisjulien on 06 Aug 2008, 16:27
Can someone kindly tell me why the world would go into a  panic because of a disease that does absolutely nothing. If it does nothing, it can't be detected.
I actually once got lucky and got Madagascar after it's port had closed. A ship went in anyways, and bingo. Then, I couldn't get Cuba. At least I know to move to Madagascar when there's a pandemic, and blow up the port. Cuba seems unsafe to me.

Fuck islands.