Fun Stuff => ENJOY => Topic started by: mberan42 on 13 Aug 2008, 15:41

Title: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: mberan42 on 13 Aug 2008, 15:41
Universal has acquired the rights ( to produce the Wheel of Time movie. This doesn't mean that a movie will necessarily be made, mind you. This just means that the rights to making one have been acquired.

Personal thoughts: "They" could condense the series into three 3-hour movies. There are so many subplots, minor characters, etc. that just aren't worth mentioning, let alone filming. Hell, I'd say that 80% of Jordan's WoT novels are supercillious fluff ("Nynaeve tugged her braid and smoothed her skirt", three pages about wind blowing across the ocean, etc.) whereas the remaining 20% is actual plot. The first 3 books were great, the 4th was good, the 5th was ok, 6-9 were crap, 10 blew chunks, 11 was great.

(sorry i only show up on the forums to post random things like this)
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Ikrik on 13 Aug 2008, 16:37
I tried getting into The Wheel of Time but honestly....I never could.  The movies sound....interesting.  I want to say that these movies will be good....but when I heard the news of an Eragon movie I thought it would be good too.  I'm sure that these movies could be pretty amazing as long as it doesn't try to mimic LoTR.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 13 Aug 2008, 16:52
I wrote like 3 paragraphs on this, but then I looked back at what I wrote and realized it didn't make any sense... but movies= probably a bad idea, but if handled correctly (which would take a lot of chance, being a multi movie series on these books would cost hundreds of millions to make and producers can get edgy with that kind of cash) I can see it coming out well. God knows I've actually quite a bit of time thinking of ways that this movie could be made. And I think cutting down to three is a bit much, maybe like 5, I mean, you can't remove All of the subplots, that's part of what makes Hollywood style movies work.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Surgoshan on 13 Aug 2008, 18:05
Actually, one of the biggest problems I have with the WoT series is that there's just too much crap.  If you sweated out all the bullshit, it would become a much, much better story.  Seriously, if Jordan had had an editor with the balls to cut each book down to 400 pages and the series down to five books, it'd be an awesome read.  Instead it's 5000 pages of teen romance and 5000 pages of tiny subplots.

In short, cut the crap and the movies could be great.  The simplistic magic system is just dying for some good special effects.  The characters that rapidly become two-dimensional (rapidly for Jordan, that is, so by book five they're cardboard cut-outs) is good for summer/christmas action flicks.  The utterly simplistic cosmic battle between good and evil is just dying for a mass marketing program.

Think they'll do it in New Zealand?
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Jackie Blue on 13 Aug 2008, 18:22
You could honestly film all the cool/relevant points in the entire series thus far and it would amount to roughly 2 hours of screen time.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Nodaisho on 13 Aug 2008, 21:26
God, I would hate to be the script writer, reading through all of the books enough times to figure out what matters and what is junk.

I honestly liked the intro, if that is what mberan meant by three pages about the wind blowing across the ocean.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Surgoshan on 13 Aug 2008, 21:43
Actually, you wouldn't have to read through the books multiple times.  Hell, you'd barely have to read through them once.

RAND SEALS SHAITAN.  End of story.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Nodaisho on 13 Aug 2008, 22:00
Have you ever seen the movie of The Dark is Rising? Never let someone write the script without knowing the source material.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Chesire Cat on 14 Aug 2008, 09:32
As I see it, it cant be worse than not making a movie.  If it sucks dont watch it, if its good sweet deal!

Frankly Ive read through the majority of the books twice simply because every 2 years when a new book came out I wanted to get refreshed (8 weeks later).  Since then Ive grown out of fantasy novels and havent read the last 1 or 2 books to come out.  And hearing that Jordan died kinda pissed me off a bit, I mean hurry up and lock down your series already.  So my excitement is medium at best.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 14 Aug 2008, 19:36
He had been battling Amyloidosis (sp?) for a couple years and wasn't able to write anything. I don't fault him for not finishing the series.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Surgoshan on 14 Aug 2008, 19:39
Actually, he did.  He wrote out the notes and whatnot and someone will finish the last book for him.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: mberan42 on 14 Aug 2008, 20:59
Think they'll do it in New Zealand?

Nope. Other than Dragonmount and the ventures north into the Blight (and, ok, the Mountains of Mist and the Spine of the World), Randland is mostly flat.

And I think cutting down to three is a bit much, maybe like 5, I mean, you can't remove All of the subplots, that's part of what makes Hollywood style movies work.

GET RID of the fucking Bowl of Winds.

RAND SEALS SHAITAN.  End of story.

Well yeah, if you want to skip from beginning right to the end. My favourite few chapters in the entire series are when Rand cleanses the Taint.

A few key points on characters, in my opinion:
Actually, he did.  He wrote out the notes and whatnot and someone will finish the last book for him.

Brandon Sanderson is writing the last book. He's said that he's going to keep it to 300k words, appx. the amount of the other books. Harriet (RJ's wife) is editing it. I read a post by RJ (one of his last) on his website about how he knew his end was coming soon - he sat down with Harriet, someone at TOR, and a few various other family/friends and described (in 3+ hours) how the series ends, how he has envisioned it, etc. I think Sanderson will do the series justice.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Chesire Cat on 14 Aug 2008, 21:29
The thing is the series didnt have to last so long
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: Jackie Blue on 14 Aug 2008, 23:57
  • Drop the whole misogynistic theme. Seriously.
The only way to get the misogyny out of WoT would be to remove all the female characters or re-write every single thing said by every woman, ever.

They should make the movie based on the first three books and just end it there.
Title: Re: Wheel of Time (/sigh) Movie
Post by: öde on 15 Aug 2008, 06:46
Rand cleanses the Taint.


This could actually work if it's handled right. Northern Lights/The Golden Compass wasn't that long but they still ballsed it up.