Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: fatty on 21 Jan 2009, 01:52

Title: That will learn you!
Post by: fatty on 21 Jan 2009, 01:52
After talking endlessly about how to improve the forum and the possibilities and threats of every possible situation, I am starting to feel the only way to do is to give things a shot. So here is me giving thread making another shot.

This is a thread for interesting / funny / unusual things you've learnt today, whether it is the age of your attractive teacher, someone that teacher taught you in school, a life-skill or some pop-culture information you were previously in the dark about.

The other day, I made a South Park reference without ever having watched it! I replied to someone's post with "??? profit" etc. The internet has taught me many thing about pop culture!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 21 Jan 2009, 01:55
how did you find out it was a South Park reference?

I have learnt many things (,22236.0.html) today
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: fatty on 21 Jan 2009, 01:59
My friend replied to my post with "Nice SP reference!" and I eventually figured out what SP stood for.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Josefbugman on 21 Jan 2009, 02:14
I have learned that the American film industry liked the British empire long after the British were going "oh yes, that old thing".
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: evernew on 21 Jan 2009, 02:53
Not today, but within the last 24 hours so I count it:

I learned a lesson in humility. Sometimes people tell me how cool it is that i finished uni so quickly and that I have a good job and everything but-
my new roommate started a company after high school and it supplies the wardrobe for the personal guard of the Pope.
The guy is 10x more self-made than I am.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 21 Jan 2009, 03:00
I learned that Kanye can bring anyone together. (this is what RSG and I started talking about earlier)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: öde on 21 Jan 2009, 04:06
I learnt that people posting 'what they learnt' isn't very interesting on it's own and maybe they could write more than a sentence about it.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 21 Jan 2009, 04:06
the age of your attractive teacher

Was this directed at me?  8-)

Actually, your mentioning South Park reminds me of a related anecdote; In one class I taught, my students flipped out when they realized just how old I am because I made reference to watching the first episode of South Park (the Christmas one from before the series was on TV) with my college roommate.

er, that is not something I learned today. my bad
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 21 Jan 2009, 04:18
Get out
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 21 Jan 2009, 04:48
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 21 Jan 2009, 05:23
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 21 Jan 2009, 05:38
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 21 Jan 2009, 05:44
You guys it is still only 7:30 in the morning, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet. I will make sure to learn something interesting today (ie. not something about computers) and post it here.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: valley_parade on 21 Jan 2009, 07:24
It's cool, Sam. I had an ex in high-school whose dad saw Led Zeppelin in the '70s. This was when I was in a huge Zep phase, and I was so, so envious.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 21 Jan 2009, 07:55
Today, I learned that my friend has some strange affliction where he just goes into laughing fits for hours on end. He started laughing at 9 today and still wasn't finished by the time I arrived at noon. He still wasn't finished when school let out at 3.

That is the best disease.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: imapiratearg on 21 Jan 2009, 08:19
Today I learned that the Greeks had many words for different kinds of love (!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: McTaggart on 21 Jan 2009, 09:14
Last night I learnt just how great a showman Nick Cave is. (Guys I saw Nick Cave and the Badseeds last night and they were so good. There was a slightly wierd cult vibe going on in places though. The man's great, right, but he's not quite god.)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: mietteissass on 21 Jan 2009, 10:20
Today I learned that my step daughters think Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are great. I almost died. So I am now introducing them to new music and women that wear some clothes.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Professor Snuggles on 21 Jan 2009, 10:50
I didn't just learn this, but the degree to which my dreams are getting truly absurd since I stopped smoking pot is sitll shocking me every day. I'm having like, multi-act dramas of the absurd play in my subconscious every night.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: tania on 21 Jan 2009, 11:02
today i learned that i don't know how to write resumes very well and mine was pretty bad even though i thought it rocked. i hope it looks better now. i am slightly more optimistic about the future.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Runa on 21 Jan 2009, 11:14
Today I learned that yelling back at a customer gives you the most satisfing feeling ever.. followed by "Holy shit.... I'ma get fucking fired."
I told the bitch I was sorry and made a mistake, there was no need to speak to me the way she was so I had "Fight or flight!" in my head...I fucking fought, and it felt sooooo goooood.

But she didn't go to a manager, and my co-workers covered my ass.

It's my last week in that store with those people. Screw it.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Katherine on 21 Jan 2009, 11:20
Today I learned that Joe Hocking does not brush his teeth until after 7:30 in the morning.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 21 Jan 2009, 11:24
Today I learned that a specific pornographic movie star that stars in quite a few 18/19 "teens only" movies, did not even enter the industry until she was 21. I understand lying, but really?
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: De_El on 21 Jan 2009, 11:34
Today I discovered Robyn Hitchcock and it is pretty great.


Today I learned that a theatre near me is playing In the Realm of the Senses tomorrow as part of the "In the Realm of Oshima" film retrospective and I am gonna do that up so hard.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Emaline on 21 Jan 2009, 11:50
Today I learned that a specific pornographic movie star that stars in quite a few 18/19 "teens only" movies, did not even enter the industry until she was 21. I understand lying, but really?

Wait. What? Please tell me I am misunderstanding something, or you're being sarcastic, or something. Did you really think the pornstars in those films were 18-19??? Really?? Please tell me you aren't that dumb and guillibe.

Today, I learned that Joe Hocking is quite possibly older than dirt, and not only that but Old Man Hocking fails at this thread.

Today I learned that I no longer have to wake up so early now that my room is on the same floor as the kitchen and front door. Somehow, cutting the stairwell out of my morning routine has saved me hella time. I guess because now I can brush my teeth, and hair, while cooking my breakfast, and getting dressed. I had time to take my dog for a walk before I went to work this morning!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 21 Jan 2009, 12:50
Waking up, not showering for 3 days, and realizing that I don't smell and my acne has cleared up.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Elizzybeth on 21 Jan 2009, 13:25
Actually, evidently, too-frequent washing can make acne worse, because your skin dries out and produces more sebum than it would otherwise (see here (, for example).  I don't know if going three days without showing is good for your skin, per se, but it's better than washing your face too frequently and too vigorously. 

I learned yesterday that your tongue muscle takes up a huge part of your head.  It's practically a third the size of your brain!:

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 21 Jan 2009, 13:28
Well I basically just rinse my face with hot water when I bathe... =\

Usually twice a day... Unless I'm feeling lazy.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 21 Jan 2009, 14:23
I just wash my face when I shower. If I have been especially gooey that week, I wash it before bed. That happens pretty infrequently, though, and I like to think I have pretty awesome skin. The skin around my nose has this awful tendency to flake though and so I have to scrub it real good with a washcloth every few days or so just to keep it from looking like my face isn't made out of Frosted Flakes.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: est on 21 Jan 2009, 14:31
Guys, today (well, last night) I learned that I really don't like Hot Chip live.  It was like watching a really talented cover band fronted by a warbling Roy Orbison wannabe completely murder a bunch of songs you like.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: KvP on 21 Jan 2009, 16:26
Today I learned how to make my own Redrum patches in Reason. I don't know why I hadn't already mastered it - Redrum's been my strong suit in that program since I started fiddling with it.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Emaline on 21 Jan 2009, 16:55
Today I learned that I cannot go into Old Navy alone. I spent way more than I should have a bought way more than I should have. :(
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: tania on 21 Jan 2009, 20:31
i learned earlier this evening that screaming and crying and breaking things when i'm stressed never helps as much as i think it will. this one is actually kind of important i think! resist the urge to kick everything in your house apart no matter how angry you get or how much you want to, all it will do is leave you feeling stupid very shortly after and picking up little bits of ceramic and plastic.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Dazed on 21 Jan 2009, 21:02
Today I learned (realized?) just how disposable I am to most of my friends.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Runa on 21 Jan 2009, 21:05
I usually feel a lot better. I'm thinking thats what I need to do right now. Only... I always end up breaking something I love, and hating myself for it after.
Or scarring my hand badly after putting it through a door.

I think I need to go to a gym and take this anger and frustration out on a punching bag, or something. Or anger management. Punching things sounds better in my opinion.

Today I learned after seeing my grandma for the first time since I was 4... she is so god damn adorable.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: tania on 21 Jan 2009, 21:13
one of the things broken in the rampage was my incense holder and now i feel like a big dumbass cos i was going to attempt to burn some incense to see if it helped calm me down, and now i can't. d'oh.
catharsis is apparently pretty bad, though. studies seem to show over and over that the type of people who take their anger out in excessively violent or physical ways aren't usually any less angry than the general population, they just think they are. if anything they are usually more angry. instead of finding ways to channel my anger i think i need to learn to just stop being angry and bratty in the first place when things in my life don't go exactly the way i want them to. meditating might be good.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: tania on 21 Jan 2009, 21:58
i keep a journal and it's pretty okay. i just hope no one i know or live with ever reads it because i only write in it when my emotions are in the danger zone and it kind of makes me look like a maniac as a result.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 21 Jan 2009, 22:10
Today, I learned that when you wake up at 7 to call your girlfriend every day, you probably shouldn't stay up until 4 writing music. Worth it for both of them, though.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Dazed on 21 Jan 2009, 22:57
Today I learned that the learning thread is pretty much = the blog thread.

I am probably guilty of contributing to this.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Christophe on 21 Jan 2009, 23:02
Today I learned that if your car is making weird lurching noises, an oil change is probably the best way to get rid of them.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Runa on 21 Jan 2009, 23:46
Today I learned, that no matter where I go, there's always someone bitching and moaning about stupid petty bullshit.


Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Professor Snuggles on 21 Jan 2009, 23:48
But seriously, internet.

come on
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 22 Jan 2009, 01:30
It's cool, Sam. I had an ex in high-school whose dad saw Led Zeppelin in the '70s. This was when I was in a huge Zep phase, and I was so, so envious.

My mom has seen Deep Purple, Bowie, Queen and Pink Floyd. She also saw a bunch of great Aussie bands when they were still playing in pubs to three people. I hate my mother.

Last night I learnt just how great a showman Nick Cave is. (Guys I saw Nick Cave and the Badseeds last night and they were so good. There was a slightly wierd cult vibe going on in places though. The man's great, right, but he's not quite god.)

Fuck you Nick Cave for having your show on a Tuesday night when I am working. And fuck you work. I read the setlist in the paper today and oh my god so jealous.

Today I learned how to make my own Redrum patches in Reason. I don't know why I hadn't already mastered it - Redrum's been my strong suit in that program since I started fiddling with it.

You just use .wav files! The Redrum actually makes a really great sampler as well for this reason, if you don't want to fuck around with the NN-19 and you don't want to manipulate the samples too much.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 22 Jan 2009, 03:05
Today I learned that a specific pornographic movie star that stars in quite a few 18/19 "teens only" movies, did not even enter the industry until she was 21. I understand lying, but really?

Wait. What? Please tell me I am misunderstanding something, or you're being sarcastic, or something. Did you really think the pornstars in those films were 18-19??? Really?? Please tell me you aren't that dumb and guillibe.

I am not that dumb. But she did not start doing any sort of porno until she was 21. And she stars mostly in teen movies. I thought it was hilarious.
Also, I saw a behind the scenes where she said, "I saw them come in with that pizza, and the entire time I was getting my ass fucked, I was thinking "damn, I want some of that pizza." "
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gurkburk on 22 Jan 2009, 03:29
Today I learned our universe might actually be a hologram (, tomorrow I'll (
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: supersheep on 22 Jan 2009, 03:44
Gurkburk is doing it right. Even if he stole my interesting/terrifying information for the day. BASTRAD. Also, for further information, see here (
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Metope on 22 Jan 2009, 04:00
Today I learned that there is a poem called Metope ( by the Norwegian poet Olaf Bull.

My forum name is clearly more complex and full of cultural references than I thought in the first place.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gurkburk on 22 Jan 2009, 04:22
Is there a reason the norwegian poet is on a danish site?
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 22 Jan 2009, 04:25
Last night I learnt just how great a showman Nick Cave is. (Guys I saw Nick Cave and the Badseeds last night and they were so good. There was a slightly wierd cult vibe going on in places though. The man's great, right, but he's not quite god.)

Fuck you Nick Cave for having your show on a Tuesday night when I am working. And fuck you work. I read the setlist in the paper today and oh my god so jealous.

I am so sad I missed All Tomorrows Parties in Brisbane, even though I only just saw Nick Cave a few months ago and he opened with a burlesque show and then played a Grinderman set and then a Bad Seeds set and oh my god so great. I learned that when it rains our bathroom floods and my place of employment leaks in lots of places!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 22 Jan 2009, 05:46
Is there a reason the norwegian poet is on a danish site?

Those non-America countries are all the same, dude
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Metope on 22 Jan 2009, 05:51
Is there a reason the norwegian poet is on a danish site?

It's from 1927 when Norwegians basically wrote (and to some extent spoke) Danish. Don't know why it's on a Danish site, I just used the first google result.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gurkburk on 22 Jan 2009, 07:30
Is there a reason the norwegian poet is on a danish site?

Those non-America countries are all the same, dude

Not when you're surrounded by them, bro

Also, for lack of better content and trying desperately to stay on topic I just learned the thermals are much better now than they used to be. Go figure!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Emaline on 22 Jan 2009, 09:09
I once saw The Thermals with Cursive. They put on a good live show. It was amusing though because the venue was basically filled with teenagers, and once the Thermals got off the stage, all the kids left.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Eris on 22 Jan 2009, 18:28
Today I learned that Sperm Whales have a bone in their penises.

Top. That.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 22 Jan 2009, 18:52
Bears go mad with lust over toothpaste.  they have ripped cam sites apart over toothpaste!  You are safer to carry a freshly slaughtered Elks leg than a tube of toothpaste around bears!

I will have a QI off with you Han.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Eris on 22 Jan 2009, 19:01
The word "bug" is a term that classifies a sucking insect. So you can have a beetle that is also a bug, or a bug that is an insect. A mosquito is a bug, where as a fly is not.

The Cochineal is the bug that red dye is derived from. It was generally removed from food dyes when people objected that they would be eating animal products if it was used in foods that would normally be ok for vegetarians, and a synthetic dye was created for food colourings. However, red smarties still use Carmine (the dye from the cochineal bugs)

Jodie, this stuff is filling what little free space I have left in my brain. Soon there will be no space left and I will have to forget important stuff!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: JD on 22 Jan 2009, 19:22
I learned that moving sucks.blaugh
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Eris on 22 Jan 2009, 19:32
I learned that to make a mule you have to have a male donkey and a female horse. The other way round is called a hinny. Who would have guessed that would have made a difference? not me, that's for sure.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Ozymandias on 22 Jan 2009, 19:54
Allikevel er det et sødt og saligt under,
at engene her, med korn og krat og trær,

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: RedLion on 22 Jan 2009, 21:56
Today I learned that Sperm Whales have a bone in their penises.

Top. That.

Raccoons are the only animal that have a bone in their penis.

So says Garey Busey!

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Dazed on 22 Jan 2009, 21:58
Today I learned about a lung condition called Pleurisy. Apparently, one of my friends was briefly hospitalized with it.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Slick on 22 Jan 2009, 22:31
Also, for lack of better content and trying desperately to stay on topic I just learned the thermals are much better now than they used to be. Go figure!

No. Fuckin' A is clearly their best album.

Today I learned some dude on the internet has the wrong opinion about the thermals.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gurkburk on 22 Jan 2009, 23:32
Slick I consider you to be more than just some dude. You're some bald dude.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 23 Jan 2009, 00:24
Today I learned that Sperm Whales have a bone in their penises.
Raccoons are the only animal that have a bone in their penis.

Cats also have a bone in their penis, as well as a barb.

If you put a magnet near honeycomb it will make a cylindrical shape.

The rights to the song Happy Birthday were bought in 1988 for 28 million dollars.  they make 2 million on it a year.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Eris on 23 Jan 2009, 00:25
Badgers also have a bone in their penis.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Spluff on 23 Jan 2009, 00:33
I wonder if every time I sing happy birthday I am racking up a huge debt to some company - and when they finally track me down I will owe them millions upon millions of dollars.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 23 Jan 2009, 00:34
Oh also, apparently it was discovered that sheep had morphic thought patterns or whatever it is because they learned to get over cattle grids by laying on thier backs and kind of rolling over, and this way of doing it spread across Australia without the sheep getting together and talking about it.  A similar thing happened with tits and learning to peck through the silver tops of milk bottles, which spread from England to Ireland and Scotland in a matter of days.


I just like the idea of sheep rolling across cattle grids to be honest.

(Also Spluff, apparently if you sing Happy Birthday in a restaurant you owe them (I think it is Warner Bros? Unsure) money!)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gurkburk on 23 Jan 2009, 00:37
So basically if I teach one sheep kung fu they'll all know it in a matter of days?

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: mooface on 23 Jan 2009, 03:37
I learned that to make a mule you have to have a male donkey and a female horse. The other way round is called a hinny. Who would have guessed that would have made a difference? not me, that's for sure.

it's the same thing with ligers, too!  if the dad is a lion and a mom is a tiger, then the baby is a liger.  but if the dad is a tiger and the mom is a lion, then the baby is a tigon.

ligers tend to grow a lot bigger then either a tiger or a lion normally would, while tigons remain about the same size as their parent species.

female tigons and ligers are fertile, but males are not.  this means the world will never see a liger/tigon mix... aw :(
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: fatty on 23 Jan 2009, 04:53
i would have liked to imagine that a male horse and female donkey would produce a horskey.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: öde on 23 Jan 2009, 04:58
I want a horskey!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 23 Jan 2009, 05:34
Yesterday, I learned how to play the bagpipes! I can't play any songs on them but if I ever got a set of pipes and managed to get my lungs and diaphragm in the proper shape for doing it for an extended period of time, I'd totally love to learn a bunch of traditional pipe stuff.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 23 Jan 2009, 08:59
Interesting thought. What would you get if you mixed a Horsekey and a Ligon (Liger+Tigon)?
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Dazed on 23 Jan 2009, 09:36
Patrick, what's the difference between onions and bagpipes?

Nobody cries when you chop up bagpipes.

Annnnnd what do you call a bagpiper who breaks up with his girlfriend?

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Emaline on 23 Jan 2009, 10:11
Bag pipes and accordians are seriously under apperciated instruments.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: valley_parade on 23 Jan 2009, 10:31
Yesterday, I learned how to play the bagpipes! I can't play any songs on them but if I ever got a set of pipes and managed to get my lungs and diaphragm in the proper shape for doing it for an extended period of time, I'd totally love to learn a bunch of traditional pipe stuff.

Patrick, you're moving to Boston and we're starting a Celtic punk band.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: pen on 23 Jan 2009, 10:33
Shane, that'd only work if YOU moved to Boston, as well.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: valley_parade on 23 Jan 2009, 10:48
The wheels are in motion towards that happening, Rachel!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 23 Jan 2009, 10:57
Bag pipes and accordians are seriously under apperciated instruments.

I totally want bagpipes at my funeral because their sound is stirring and majestic. Only nothing about me is Scottish so it would probably be pretty weird.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: ibrahimdelil on 23 Jan 2009, 11:07
i learned today that you shouldn't speed with a 20 y.o. ford, because the damn thing just won't go round the corners. the ride is smooth as a pillow though. and its spare parts are CHEAP.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: pwhodges on 23 Jan 2009, 11:10
Bagpipes of some form or other come from many parts of the world.  Well at any rate: Europe, North Africa, the Middle East (where they probably originated), and across into Asia.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 23 Jan 2009, 11:15
I learned just now that if you live in an apartment, please keep your domestic arguments indoors and at a reasonable volume.

to the guy in my apartment complex arguing with his girlfriend/fiance/wife: Stop yelling FAAAWWWWWK YOUUUU FAAAWWWWWK YOU really loud after everything she says. Some of us are trying to sleep. This is something you should learn.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: De_El on 24 Jan 2009, 00:20
Today I learned more about the expansion of the Panama Canal, and why the Panamanian economy needs it, but also that it is like multi-billion dollar project and a lot of that money is going to disappear into various people's pockets. Politics!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Spluff on 24 Jan 2009, 00:31
Today I learnt about the Cordyceps! They are a genus of fungi that each infect a specific insect. When an insect is infected by this fungi, it sends them rather crazy, and they will generally climb to a higher place and lock their legs around a twig or something. Then, the fungus begins to grow and a stem bursts out of the insects body!


Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 24 Jan 2009, 00:48
Man that is so awesome.  SO AWESOME.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gilead on 24 Jan 2009, 01:10
Today I learnt that the medical definition of decapitation isn't quite the same as the common definition.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: RedLion on 24 Jan 2009, 03:14
How do they differ?
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: mbb on 24 Jan 2009, 04:05

Also, for lack of better content and trying desperately to stay on topic I just learned the thermals are much better now than they used to be. Go figure!

Today I learned I've had my head out of all things music scene for a bit too long. I read this thinking "of course the thermals these days are better. technology/new combinations of materials..."

I also learned that one of the girls from my brain bowl team from high school has nearly nudes on the internet. And I was the last person in the word to discover xkcd. :(
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Alex C on 24 Jan 2009, 04:32
He might be talking about an "internal" or "orthopedic" decapitation, which is when the skull is seperated from the spinal column without being seperated from the other connective tissues. A skull can essentially be dislocated under rare circumstances; usually it happens in car accidents. It's usually fatal though.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Gilead on 24 Jan 2009, 05:23
How do they differ?
Like alex c said, medical definition of decapitation is apparently just severing the spinal column of the neck, you don't need to take the whole shebang off for it to count.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 24 Jan 2009, 05:48
I learned that there is a travel stipend for a speaking engagement I have in April. I totally just assumed I'd be paying my own way there.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Drill King on 24 Jan 2009, 10:57
Today I learnt about the Cordyceps! They are a genus of fungi that each infect a specific insect. When an insect is infected by this fungi, it sends them rather crazy, and they will generally climb to a higher place and lock their legs around a twig or something. Then, the fungus begins to grow and a stem bursts out of the insects body!




Err. er..

Today I learned sleeping on a leather sofa will make you very sweaty.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 24 Jan 2009, 11:34
He might be talking about an "internal" or "orthopedic" decapitation, which is when the skull is seperated from the spinal column without being seperated from the other connective tissues. A skull can essentially be dislocated under rare circumstances; usually it happens in car accidents. It's usually fatal though.

oh I did not know this. Now I'm curious whether or not the person I know who was decapitated in a car accident got their head torn clean off. Either way it's still tragic, but it leaves me with a very different mental picture.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Emaline on 24 Jan 2009, 12:29
Today I learned that no matter how many times you ask someone to not use a word incorrectly, chances are they are just too dumb/too much of a jerk to actually listen.

As some of you know, my 3 year old sister died recently. She was developmentaly delayed. She was retarded, the correct usage of the word.   I took some time off work after her death, and when I came back, I asked my coworkers to not use that word, or to at least not use it around me. Today, one coworker in particular has used that word incorrectly at least three times. I've only been here since 12. I really hate when people use that word wrong. Its like rubbing salt in a wound. I don't think I am asking too much.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Mr. Skawronska on 24 Jan 2009, 13:30
Today I learned that the Greeks had many words for different kinds of love!

In alphabetical order:

Agape (Pronounced "Ah-GAH-pay"): This is actually a combination of two kinds of love, Eros and Storge.  It is the depth of Eros with the friendship of Storge.  It is altruistic and giving without expectation of anything in return;  The willing sacrifice of self for another.

Eros (Pronounced "AIR-oss"): The romantic love, with passion, depth, and intimacy.  This is the love between intimate partners.

Ludas: The chaste, public love of one for another, the playful, superficial love without intimacy.  Similar to fandom.

Mania: The combination of Eros and Ludas, with characteristics of co-dependency, intensity, and jealousy, with intermittent intimacy, usually with one partner in control of the relationship and the other in a possessive, dependent (Mania) state.

Pragma: The combination of Storge and Ludas in which one chooses a partner with certain values and characteristics.  A relationship of convenience;  Practical love.

Storge: Friendship-based love.  Strong sense of bonding and companionship, but little to no physical intimacy.

The greeks had other words, like Philia, which is a loyalty type of love, and Thelema, which is more of a desire than love.

There ya go.

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 24 Jan 2009, 13:32
Today I learnt a bunch of conspiracy theories inolving the CIA, then I shot my friend for boring me for an hour

Then I watched QI and learnt a whole lot of new interesting things, like the earth has a shitload more moons than I thought and that the only green mammal is a sloth
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Mr. Skawronska on 24 Jan 2009, 13:37
Most conspiracy theories involving CIA are complete hokum.  Analytically, CIA has few peers in this world.

Operationally...well...let's just say that they've managed to screw up a few things throughout history that you would think would be difficult to impossible to screw up.  Mind-bogglingly so.

Robert A. Heinlein said it best:  "Never attribute to malice what can more easily be explained by stupidity."

CIA's a hobby of mine.

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: mooface on 24 Jan 2009, 14:26
yesterday i learned that polar bears evolved out of grizzly bears when the earth got cold!

i also learned that polar bear moms kill baby seals so they can eat and feed their young.  one cute thing has to die so another cute thing can live, and i can't choose which side to cheer for :(  nature sucks!

when it's winter polar bears live way out on the ice that covers the frozen ocean waters.  as the weather warms, they jump off their ice floe and swim back to land.  if they are too far out (which is happening more and more now that the earth is warming) or a storm comes while they are making their journey, they drown and die!  sad!

polar bears are so awesome, i wish i had one.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Ladybug on 24 Jan 2009, 15:15
Today I learnt that there are camels in Mongolia! And they have tons of hair around their necks and look sort of funny. Is this common knowledge? I didn't know, and my friend didn't either, but maybe we should've?

I also learnt that meeting someone you've talked to online for like 4 or 5 years, who knows way too much about you and is way too similar to you when it comes to shyness and silentness, is exactly as awkward and anti-climax as suspected, but can be..okay?
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Barmymoo on 24 Jan 2009, 15:30
I have a friend called Hinny, but as far as I know both her parents are human.

Today I learnt that it is possible to split a payment over two credit cards. This isn't very exciting, I know, but I've been working in a supermarket for six months and I didn't know that so it was quite a revelation.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 24 Jan 2009, 17:36
I also learnt that meeting someone you've talked to online for like 4 or 5 years, who knows way too much about you and is way too similar to you when it comes to shyness and silentness, is exactly as awkward and anti-climax as suspected, but can be..okay?
I could have told you that one.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 24 Jan 2009, 22:43
After hearing him last night in Clone Wars, I found out that George Takei has a long history of voice acting for cartoons.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Josefbugman on 25 Jan 2009, 05:35
After watching some batman episodes on youtube it suprised me to discover that Mark Hamill was voicing the joker.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: squawk on 25 Jan 2009, 14:48
today i learned that kareem abdul jabbar is totally mentoring andrew bynum and that he is behind the lakers as a whole and this is displeasing because i hate the lakers so much
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 25 Jan 2009, 14:54
Last night I learned several things:

- The expatriate community of Albania really likes Radiohead (this is very useful for me to know)
- If you place yourself between your really loud amp and your guitar, you are much less likely to get ridiculous amounts of unpleasant microphonic feedback from the pickups, leaving you with the much more enjoyable (and controllable) body-resonance feedback (see: Hendrix)
- Do NOT let strangers on the stage to sing with you. They will be unattractive, drunk and very touchy-feely, have bad breath, and sing horribly
- Do NOT let strangers on the stage, period. Otherwise, your $1300 guitar WILL wind up getting knocked over
- Fenders are FUCKING INDESTRUCTIBLE. Oh my god if my Jaguar were a girl I'd marry her
- Screaming "YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW" while a man plays Scottish country dancing music on the pipes? Totally fucking awesome
- Screaming "'GAINST WHO?!" during "Flower Of Scotland" is fun with lots of people doing it. It's even more fun when you're one of 5 people who knows to do it

If you follow these directions every day, you will win everything.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Christophe on 25 Jan 2009, 16:55
Man, all I learned last night was that The Cave Singers ( are fucking AWESOME.

Also that before 8 PM, Pabst Blue Ribbon is like a dollar a can. It's two afterwards, which is why I am not relentlessly hungover right now, also because I drove to the show.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 25 Jan 2009, 17:50
Today I learnt that Infernal Affairs is the best cop film I've ever seen
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: KvP on 25 Jan 2009, 18:38
Today I learned about the "super worm" ( that can spread through USB thumb drives. The IT guys I work with freaked out a bit when they first heard of it, but it only apparently attacks instances of Windows that are not fully patched. Which worries me, as my cracked version of Pro can't go beyond SP2.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: pwhodges on 26 Jan 2009, 04:37
My anti-virus software updates several times a day.  If yours doesn't, why not?

These things are eminently avoidable.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 26 Jan 2009, 04:54
Hahaha you guys with your PCs are so funny sometimes
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 26 Jan 2009, 04:57
Pretty much everyone is posting from a PC. Its those idiots at Mac that did not learn that PC means Personal Computer. Oh, wait, haha, I learned today that a Mac isn't a personal computer, it's a lifestyle choice.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: pwhodges on 26 Jan 2009, 05:04
Malware writers go after the largest targets; if the Mac got more market share they'd be there.  And I seem to notice my Mac getting security updates, too; and my OpenBSD firewall; and my Apache servers.   (Heh, remember I run these things for a living...)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 26 Jan 2009, 05:14
Its those idiots at Mac that did not learn that PC means Personal Computer.

Actually I am fairly certain that was born of the public needing a way to differentiate between the two, and each term is simple. Apple just capitalized on the idea in their marketing.

(also dude I'm totally running a 5-year-old HP Pavilion. Besides, it's just a computer, let's not blow this out of proportion)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 26 Jan 2009, 05:30
I am running the same computer as you. Mine has flame decals on the sides though, so it runs just a bit faster.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: öde on 26 Jan 2009, 07:29
I'm putting stripes on mine.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 26 Jan 2009, 14:06
I am going to buy a Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster and put vinyl knife decals on it so that I'm sure the tone really cuts through the mix during solos.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 26 Jan 2009, 18:27
Today I learned about the "super worm" ( that can spread through USB thumb drives. The IT guys I work with freaked out a bit when they first heard of it, but it only apparently attacks instances of Windows that are not fully patched. Which worries me, as my cracked version of Pro can't go beyond SP2.
I got that email last week, and it didn't bother me. GMER and the fact that I have Autoplay turned off.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Surgoshan on 26 Jan 2009, 21:51
Last week I saw the phrase "dulce et decorum" on, I think, these fora.  It recalled that I'd seen the phrase in Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and that I'd always meant to look the phrase up.  So I learned (last week) that the full phrase is:

Quote from: Horace
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori,
sed dulcius pro patria vivere,
et dulcissimum pro patria bibere.

Ergo, bibamus pro salute patriae.

Horace was a Roman poet of the first century BC.  Roughly translated, the poetry (from his Odes) means:

It is sweet and fitting to die for one's homeland,
but sweeter to live for it,
and sweetest to drink for it.

Therefor let us drink to the health of our homeland.

He was a quotable dude.  That was a popular toast in the 19th century and it's my toast now.

Nunc est bibendum!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: supersheep on 26 Jan 2009, 21:56
Today I learned that, on the 25th of November 1215, King John asked his justiciars to send him "forty of the fattest pigs, of the sort least good for eating" so that he could break into Rochester Castle (

Thank you, OKCupid!

Someone linked a picture of someone being a dickhead in some sort of message from that site, and I decided to try and find him, then I got distracted by other people, and I found that quote. Procrastination is awesome.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Harun on 29 Jan 2009, 13:43
It takes 12 pounds of pressure to break your clavicle.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Christophe on 29 Jan 2009, 13:59
It takes 12 pounds of pleasure to break your clavicle.

misread your post
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Slick on 29 Jan 2009, 17:10
Pounds are not units of pressure.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 29 Jan 2009, 17:34
Take a scale and press on it. You will still get a readout.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Slick on 29 Jan 2009, 17:37
Pressure is force per unit area.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Spluff on 29 Jan 2009, 17:39
I'm assuming he meant pound force*.

*hahahaha pound force
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 29 Jan 2009, 17:42
So on an ordinary bathroom scale, if you get a readout of 8lbs, then that's roughly 8lbs per square foot. You can measure stuff out and do the math for your clavicle. Not very hard.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: phooey on 29 Jan 2009, 18:41
It's still not correct.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Harun on 29 Jan 2009, 19:02
*punches everyone in the clavicle with 12 pounds force, or 53.3786594 Newtons if you want to get fancy*
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 29 Jan 2009, 20:47
12 pounds of force concentrated into the area of your fist is very different from 12 pounds of force spread out over the entire space of your clavicle.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 29 Jan 2009, 22:22
I learned that the QC regulars are nitpicky about their values and measurements.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Slick on 29 Jan 2009, 23:11
I am not trying to be nitpicky but to correct a common abuse of terminology.
Patrick you are still wrong. I will expound when the sun's up and my blood's cleaner.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 29 Jan 2009, 23:41
Nitpicker is nitpicky.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Slick on 30 Jan 2009, 08:57
Pound is a unit of mass.
Pound-force is the force due to gravity exerted on a pound.
Pounds-per-square-inch is actually pound-force-per-square-inch is a unit of pressure.

What I am saying is that the usage of terminology is wrong. If you said you were moving at a speed of fifty kilometers, I would probably get that you meant fifty kilometers an hour, not per second or per half hour or anything else that silly. However, pressure vs. force is something I've seen misunderstood a lot so I was actually hoping you would all go on wikipedia or read a physics tutorial in the hopes of proving me wrong and learn a bit about physics.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 30 Jan 2009, 09:27
I learned that the QC regulars are nitpicky about their values and measurements.

*shrug* If you think wanting to correct the facts is nitpicky then that's fine, it's not like everyone cares about the same things. I just figured if you're going to bother learning a piece of information you would want that information to be correct.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 30 Jan 2009, 09:52
I learnt a load of bollocks about pounds and forces and stuff.Time to break some clavicles
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Jace on 30 Jan 2009, 09:54
I could probably punch someone in the clavicle and break it. I could also probably break arms, it doesn't take that much pressure to break someone's arm. Its more about speed.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: bainidhe_dub on 30 Jan 2009, 12:16
I've learned that Google is kind of shit at paying contractors. It has been a week and a half and we could really use that check anytime now.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Iron_Fist on 30 Jan 2009, 13:14
Bag pipes and accordians are seriously under apperciated instruments.

I totally want bagpipes at my funeral because their sound is stirring and majestic. Only nothing about me is Scottish so it would probably be pretty weird.

I hate to be a pedantic shit, but I'm pretty sure the Irish invented the bagpipes as most people know them.

Today I learned that my cat is a nutjob.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Jan 2009, 13:30
The bagpipe is first known from Hittite carvings of around 1000 BCE, and there are also signs of it in ancient Chinese civilisation.  It appears to have reached Britain with the Romans (a Roman bronze figure at Richborough is evidence of this), and spread through England (13th and 14th century ecclesiastical carvings) before there is any sign of it in Scotland (early 15th century - James I of Scotland was a noted performer) or Ireland (14th century - there were "war pipes" in the Irish contingent at the battle of Crécy).  The English word "bagpipe" was first used (to our knowledge) by Chaucer.

Just saying...
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Iron_Fist on 30 Jan 2009, 13:31
Cool, I guess I just learned that.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 30 Jan 2009, 14:05
Today, I learned more things about the plane ( my grandpa operated radar in during the American side of WWII's Pacific theater. For example, America's development of their own version of the German invention, the ejection seat, was largely done in P-61s because of the fact that they had three seats as compared to the original testbed aircraft, the Lockheed P-80, which had only one seat, making it ridiculously impractical to use as a test aircraft.

(true, kind of creepily coincidental story: the example pictured in the article is the sixteenth P-61A-1 ever made, and is also the one that came off of the production line exactly one spot before the one my grandpa worked in)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 30 Jan 2009, 18:08
*shrug* If you think wanting to correct the facts is nitpicky then that's fine, it's not like everyone cares about the same things. I just figured if you're going to bother learning a piece of information you would want that information to be correct.

Joe you are now my favourite.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: IronOxide on 30 Jan 2009, 18:23
This week I have learned what company are most (and least) likely to freak out about having a nosebleed in class.

Sound Recording 105 freaks out the most, Gothic Literature freaks out the least.

I also learned that apparently you can have five nosebleeds in as many days, even if you aren't Attila the Hun
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 31 Jan 2009, 09:02

Joe you are now my favourite.




Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: valley_parade on 31 Jan 2009, 09:10
Today, I learned that my MacBook pretty much does whatever it wants, whenever it wants to.

Including making the trackpad not work, causing me to shell out $20 on a mouse, and then decide "eh, i'll work". You fuckbastard.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jhocking on 31 Jan 2009, 09:14
Honestly, it did you a favor. Trackpads are hell ergonomically.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 31 Jan 2009, 10:30
Not to mention that they are SHIT for playing FPS.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: valley_parade on 31 Jan 2009, 10:39
Honestly, it did you a favor. Trackpads are hell ergonomically.

I hadn't used a mouse in six months. It feels so comfortable, Joe!

(Patrick, what the hell are you going on about. Gaming on a Mac? Bahaha.)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Harun on 06 Feb 2009, 21:11
Today from National Geographic I learnt that there is some evidence that turkeys are descendants of VELOCIRAPTORS. I guess there is a series on the NG tv channel about this, as well as whales and other majestic creatures.

"Uhh, yeah. I'll have a DLT on wheat, please. Yeah, that's a DINOSAUR lettuce and tomato. And some sweet tea."
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 06 Feb 2009, 21:24
Today I learned that there will be a live action Powers series on FX
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: jodizzle on 06 Feb 2009, 21:50
QI has taught me that Koalas have fingerprints that are almost impossible to distinguish from human prints!  And platypus(es) don't have nipples, they SWEAT MILK for their young.  Go team Australian animals!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 06 Feb 2009, 21:58
Today I learned that there will be a live action Powers series on FX


Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 07 Feb 2009, 03:36
QI has taught me that Koalas have fingerprints that are almost impossible to distinguish from human prints!  And platypus(es) don't have nipples, they SWEAT MILK for their young.  Go team Australian animals!

It's amazing how much awesome and highly uselss shit QI teaches you. British TV ftw
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 07 Feb 2009, 11:30
Frankly, I didn't think platypuses could get any stranger.

Also, link for the Powers series (
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: David_Dovey on 09 Feb 2009, 02:07
So... so... not Powers Boothe?  :-(
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Josefbugman on 09 Feb 2009, 03:38
Afraid not, also I learned today that the last emperor of constantinople, after the city fell, became suitably enraged and charged the invading turks with a group of 50 men, without his cloak or crown and died like an ordinary soldier. Also that John the blind of Bavaria actually charged the english at the battle of crecy whilst tied to two other knights, so that he could still fight, he managed to kill 4 enemy knights before he was finally brought down.

Say what you want for medieval people, they knew how to go out in style.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: McTaggart on 09 Feb 2009, 04:12
This is what I thought of first when I saw the word Powers (
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Masterbainter on 12 Feb 2009, 00:34
Today I learned that there is no right way to try to talk to females.  No matter what kind of tact, straightforwardness, and honestly I use with them they are given some devine right to take it the wrong way.  This of course leads me having to apologizie for my miscommunication.

So learning from this experience I'm just gonna go ahead and interpret things stated to me however I want.  Because it's never my fault for selective hearing it is theirs for not making it clear enough.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Eris on 12 Feb 2009, 00:47
Today I learned this wasn't the blog thread, so people should stop using it as one

I also learned that the RIAA sued an 83 year old woman for downloading music illegally, even though a copy of her death certificate was sent to the RIAA a week before it filed the suit.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Masterbainter on 12 Feb 2009, 01:02
Today I learned this wasn't the blog thread, so people should stop using it as one

you learned that just today?
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Tom on 12 Feb 2009, 01:05
I learned that my deceased maternal Grandfather was a an avid fan of MAD magazine.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Spluff on 12 Feb 2009, 02:26
Man, does he have any really, really, old copies of MAD? Those would probably be hilarious.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Tom on 12 Feb 2009, 18:27
I have a fair number of them now but I don't think we burried any with him anyway.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Mnementh on 12 Feb 2009, 18:51
NPR's Scott Simon (of weekend edition) is a Buffy fan.  I learned this after NPR's Madeleine Brand derisively dismissed staying home and watching Buffy on Valentine's Day on Day to Day.  I tweeted about it in a tongue-in-cheek, faux, outrage.  Pretty soon Weekend Edition's twitter account weighed in on it, and Scott Simon set up a twitter account today, where he confirmed it.

The power of social media I guess!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Christophe on 12 Feb 2009, 19:39
Today, I learned that William Shatner is seventy-seven years old.

He really took "Live Long and Prosper" to heart, that's for sure.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 13 Feb 2009, 03:21
Today I learnt that Colin Mochrie and Drew Carey are both left handed

Power to the southpaws
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Josefbugman on 13 Feb 2009, 09:40
Today I learned that between the years 1923 and 1967 there were very few famines in Africa... apparently colonial rule was good for something.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: the_pied_piper on 16 Feb 2009, 14:13
Today i learned that people like to have sex while suspended from hooks.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: snalin on 16 Feb 2009, 14:24
Damn! You beat me to it!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Darkbluerabbit on 16 Feb 2009, 15:15
I learned that it is difficult to spread peanut butter onto a sheet of nori.

I also learned that a peanut butter nori roll is difficult to chew and does not taste very good.  I fail at snacking today.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Slick on 16 Feb 2009, 15:58
Hey, you tried. Experimental research is essential to all of our knowledge.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Ozymandias on 16 Feb 2009, 16:10
Though, honestly, I think we could've all predicted that outcome.

I mean, if you do the scientific method like in 8th grade science it is like:

Ask Question: What would happen if you ate nori and peanut butter together?
Gather the facts: Nori is a bunch of smushed and dried algae. Peanut butter is a bunch of smushy peanuts.
Construct hypothesis: This cannot turn out well at all. Oh geez.
Experiment: Oh lord, it was not a good idea.
Draw Conclusion: Seriously, why don't you have rice or bread? One or the other would've been a good start to a better snack.
Examine Hypothesis: Fuck, was that ever true. It is not like peanut butter and chocolate at all.
Results and Future Work: Do not try that again.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Darkbluerabbit on 16 Feb 2009, 16:50
Next time I'm bored I'll try nori and chocolate.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Eris on 16 Feb 2009, 16:56
That might work, actually. I mean, the nori would be kind of salty, which will offset the sweetness of the chocolate. That is the premise behind chocolate and peanut butter, and chocolate and bacon I think. Chocolate covered pretzels... the salty/sweet combination has been done a lot.

That beign said, the seaweedy taste of the nori might be too overpowering. It's been a while since I have had it, so I can't remember the taste of it that well. Maybe little nori bits might work better in that case. Maybe in biscuits!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 18 Feb 2009, 18:32
Today I learned that the original voice of Ducky on the Land Before Time, Judith Barsi (, was murdered by her father at the age of ten.

I don't know if I can ever watch the Land Before Time ever again.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: ummmkay on 18 Feb 2009, 21:01

why would you post something like that.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: mooface on 18 Feb 2009, 21:03
yeah seriously, you have pretty much ruined my night :(
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: squawk on 18 Feb 2009, 21:14
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 19 Feb 2009, 09:07

Points to whoever can top that
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 01 Mar 2009, 21:15
A few days ago, I learned what my girlfriend's wrist looks like in an x-ray. She slipped on some ice, stiff-armed her landing on her hands, and crushed the fuck out of her wrist with the impact. That night was not fun.

I also learned that it is totally possible to keep an arm elevated and iced during sex.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Christophe on 01 Mar 2009, 21:18
Patrick, you have much to teach us.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 01 Mar 2009, 22:05
Today, I learned that I can't fall back asleep if I'm woken up in the middle of the night. At 1:30 AM.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: snalin on 03 Mar 2009, 01:23
Today I learned that when you see a shop named "ye olde something something", that's a misspelling. The "y" letter is really the letter "thorn", which represents the "th" sound in "the". So it's really "the olde something something". So suck on that, PCRPG producers!
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: pwhodges on 03 Mar 2009, 03:27
There are also English families with names like "ffoulkes" where the double f is just a misrepresentation of a fancy script capital F - which makes it even sillier when they write it as "Ffoulkes".  (This is not related to Welsh, in which a single "f" is pronounced as English "v", and "ff" like English "f".)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Genbot2500 on 03 Mar 2009, 09:01
we have an old record player. And like 100 lp's. On my attic. led zeppelin and Zappa and stuff like that.. I am so god damned happy  :-D
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 03 Mar 2009, 12:41
There are also English families with names like "ffoulkes" where the double f is just a misrepresentation of a fancy script capital F - which makes it even sillier when they write it as "Ffoulkes".  (This is not related to Welsh, in which a single "f" is pronounced as English "v", and "ff" like English "f".)
My friend's last name is Ffrench. It's not that silly. Unless you say "Ffrench Toast". Then it is quite silly.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 03 Mar 2009, 12:50
Depends how hilariously long you overpronounce the double F

Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Harun on 03 Mar 2009, 14:50
If you lick a Sonoran Desert Toad, you'll trip out.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 03 Mar 2009, 15:07
i'm going to file that away under F.

for "Future Fun Fondling Frogs"
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Alex C on 03 Mar 2009, 15:12
The search for some athletes lost at sea was called off today. Normally, this wouldn't teach me anything. But today as I went about my business, it occurred to me that most Minnesotans have never seen or been on an ocean before. This was made suddenly clear to me by the fact that whenever I went out today people were babbling on about sharks and shit as being likely explanations as to why those poor bastards never made it back. Guys, sharks didn't kill those guys. The ocean killed them because they were 30 miles offshore in a 21 foot boat and because the ocean has no respect for human life whatsoever.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: MrBlu on 03 Mar 2009, 16:27
And right now I'm taking the ocean for granted because it's freezing my ass off with it's cold fronts and sea breezes.
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Elizzybeth on 03 Mar 2009, 23:40
the ocean has no respect for human life whatsoever.

In theory, that should be basic, on-posters-alongside-the-Pledge-of-Allegiance American knowledge.  I mean,

[WARNING: MOBY DICK SPOILER]it's the whole point of Moby Dick, basically.  Every goddamn person on that boat but Ishmael dies and really there's no other point to the story that is supposedly The Great American Novel.[/end spoiler]
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Patrick on 04 Mar 2009, 01:52
The ocean killed them because they were 30 miles offshore in a 21 foot boat and because the ocean has no respect for human life whatsoever.

You can see why I don't invite that dude to parties. The ocean is a fucking PRICK, man.

(this is true, I do not have beach parties)
Title: Re: That will learn you!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 05 Mar 2009, 14:48
Sorry about the buzzkill last time, but I just found out they may be making a Jonah Hex move with Josh Brolin playing the disfigured cowboy.