Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: Kinewa on 19 Feb 2009, 17:04

Title: Civilization 2
Post by: Kinewa on 19 Feb 2009, 17:04
It's old and I love it. I remember a few years ago I used to play this game all the time, and just recently I re-acquired it. Already it's cost me hours of sleep, adn I even found some more people to play online!

Are there more Civ2 Fans here?
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 19 Feb 2009, 17:07
never played 2, but i love Civ4 to death.

too bad i don't have a computer anymore so i can't play it.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: ackblom12 on 19 Feb 2009, 19:14
Civ has been one of my consistent loves over the years. Civ 2 is probably the best of the lot, bu tCiv IV is really damn close, especially with the expansion... I've also recently gotten ahol dof Civ Revolutions and I'm having a ton of fun with it. In fact I have to share my last great game, and it was with Revolutions.

Just gettign the hang of the game and I did a random leader and got Napoleon. He's basically built for Domination victories with every single ages power giving you some offensive unit bonus. And I end up on a chain of islands away from everyone else... fuck. So I am doing my best feeling my way through trying to decide If I'm going for Culture or Tech victory. I ended up pissing off most of the other civs by not bowing to demands and throughout a large chunk of this game I'm constantly being bombarded  by ships and troops, but managing to stave them off. Suddenly, that fucker Ghandi announces he's building the UN for the Culture victory. Everyone is now at war with Ghandi, trying their damnedest to wear him down, but he's got a massive production going on and his navy and airforce just can't be stopped. After a few turns I finish researching Atomic Theory and start building The Manhatten Project. Capitol building it with all workers doing production and I finish the Project within just a few turns of them finishing the UN. I try to fire off the missile and Congress tell me no, because I'm a democracy at this point. So I have a coupe, send the nation into anarchy and the rebel forces* march into the war room and launch the issle. The Indian city that is building the UN is wiped out and there's just a smoking crater left (In revolution the nuke actually destroys a city). What i also noticed is this got rid of several of his wonders, and great people, so he's fucked. Anarchy is over and I reinstate Democracy after the threat to the free world has been negated. I happily take the title of "Right Bastard". I then launch my ship to Alpha Centauri and win a few turns later.

God I love Civ.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: el_loco_avs on 20 Feb 2009, 02:41
Epic win that is.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Kinewa on 20 Feb 2009, 17:38
Civ has been one of my consistent loves over the years. Civ 2 is probably the best of the lot, bu tCiv IV is really damn close, especially with the expansion... I've also recently gotten ahol dof Civ Revolutions and I'm having a ton of fun with it. In fact I have to share my last great game, and it was with Revolutions.

Just gettign the hang of the game and I did a random leader and got Napoleon. He's basically built for Domination victories with every single ages power giving you some offensive unit bonus. And I end up on a chain of islands away from everyone else... fuck. So I am doing my best feeling my way through trying to decide If I'm going for Culture or Tech victory. I ended up pissing off most of the other civs by not bowing to demands and throughout a large chunk of this game I'm constantly being bombarded  by ships and troops, but managing to stave them off. Suddenly, that fucker Ghandi announces he's building the UN for the Culture victory. Everyone is now at war with Ghandi, trying their damnedest to wear him down, but he's got a massive production going on and his navy and airforce just can't be stopped. After a few turns I finish researching Atomic Theory and start building The Manhatten Project. Capitol building it with all workers doing production and I finish the Project within just a few turns of them finishing the UN. I try to fire off the missile and Congress tell me no, because I'm a democracy at this point. So I have a coupe, send the nation into anarchy and the rebel forces* march into the war room and launch the issle. The Indian city that is building the UN is wiped out and there's just a smoking crater left (In revolution the nuke actually destroys a city). What i also noticed is this got rid of several of his wonders, and great people, so he's fucked. Anarchy is over and I reinstate Democracy after the threat to the free world has been negated. I happily take the title of "Right Bastard". I then launch my ship to Alpha Centauri and win a few turns later.

God I love Civ.

Bahaha! Imagine if you really were in a position of power before the UN was formed! What a world this would be....

I have a bad habit of clicking too quickly through dialogues and accidentally signing treaties. I always feel like a jerk when I attack them next turn, especially when I took their tribute.  :P
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 22 Feb 2009, 21:57
Civilization is a great game and all, but I can never seem to win at it through fucking anything. After the 400th or so turn the game really starts to get monotonous, and if you start a war you're fucked because your people get angry at you and you can't produce troops quick enough to take on anyone! Man, I'm terrible at that game.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: ackblom12 on 22 Feb 2009, 21:59
Honestly, I suggest you try out Civ Revolutions Phil. It basically takes out a lot of the micromanagement aspects and makes things a lot more manageable.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 23 Feb 2009, 07:48
Nah, I'm too proud for that, if I'm not good at the original but I'm good at a dumbed down version of it I'll feel like an idiot for it. Better to just claim that I don't like the game at all,  :-D.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: snalin on 23 Feb 2009, 07:56
I like the civ. games, but when I want a turn based game that will go on forever, I play freecol. It's a (better) clone of Sid Meyers colonisation. Instead of setting up a settlement from bottom up, you start out as a colonist, and your goal is to settle, gather resources, and in the end have an uprising against your European nation. It's so much more fun, lot less management required.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: lolwut on 24 Feb 2009, 01:30
i got civ2 when i was... fuck... 13?

i played it until three in the morning and won without cheats with every setting on max except for difficulty, which i had at easy, probably

since then, all my victories with computer have been hollow
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Ozymandias on 24 Feb 2009, 01:46
Phil, try Civ: Rev, seriously.

It's really good. I highly enjoyed it, though I only sort of enjoy the PC versions.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Hat on 24 Feb 2009, 03:28
Managed to get a copy of civ 4 for the mac and have been getting a good civ fix lately. I played a lot of Civ 2, 3 and 4, and still rank 4 as the best in the series once you get the warlords expansion (wish I could find a copy for the mac) but civ 2 is not far behind. Sometimes I'll be playing 4 and shit just gets so complicated with religion that I wish I could play 2 again but everytime I do go back to 2 I find myself craving the experience system of 4.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: KvP on 24 Feb 2009, 13:25
I still think Civ 2 was the best civ, it certainly had the best music, but it lacks the nicer features of later civs. I can barely play it these days, since it lacks a queue system.

All that having been said, Alpha Centauri was the be all and end all of civ games. It has yet to be topped.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: kabukiman on 26 Feb 2009, 06:56
I lost lot's of sleeping hours playing civ 2. And the supreme joy of playing the scenarios I found in the net! Starwars, Julio Verne's wars, the late roman empire, etc, etc
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Blyss on 26 Feb 2009, 08:18
The civ games have always been awesome to me, though I did get a little frustrated with the whole 'spearman kills tank' issue sometimes.  Supposedly Civ 4 fixed that, though I've yet to try it.

As for Civ 2 specifically - awesome then, still awesome now.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: supersheep on 26 Feb 2009, 12:38
Now the problem is "Archer kills Mechanised Infantry" which is extremely bloody annoying.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: KvP on 27 Feb 2009, 14:16
Yeah, there's still a pretty heavy advantage given to defenders. You need a lot of siege engines and several dozen units 1-2 tech levels above the defenders if you want to knock down a city. Civ 2 never really had that problem.

I remember playing Civ 2 when I was like 9 and not knowing how to expand my empire. So I got to like 1950 with one city, since a lack of units = quick turns. I was absolutely delighted when my archers managed to conquer a modernized city and I got to pick a tech to steal. I chose the one that allowed the building of tanks.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: look out! Ninjas! on 01 Mar 2009, 01:39
I started with Civ 3, and loved it. Then I got Civ 4 and loved it even more, despite the fact that in the later stages of the games I would have to pull out my phone and play tetris while I waited for it to run through the computer teams' turns.
I then went out to get BTS, and found it on special at $25. The girl behind the counter went to fetch the disc and that, because that's the way they do it, and somehow managed to grab the Complete editio disc instead. Free Warlords woooo!

I've heard lots of good things about Civ 2, but honestly I played it once at my cousin's place and the interface was just too old-skool after I had got used to the one in 4.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: lolwut on 01 Mar 2009, 06:57
I started with Civ 3, and loved it. Then I got Civ 4 and loved it even more, despite the fact that in the later stages of the games I would have to pull out my phone and play tetris while I waited for it to run through the computer teams' turns.
I then went out to get BTS, and found it on special at $25. The girl behind the counter went to fetch the disc and that, because that's the way they do it, and somehow managed to grab the Complete editio disc instead. Free Warlords woooo!

I've heard lots of good things about Civ 2, but honestly I played it once at my cousin's place and the interface was just too old-skool after I had got used to the one in 4.

Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: idonthaveorgans on 01 Mar 2009, 07:46
I played civ 1 to death when i was a youngster. my greatest moment in that game was completing it before 3000BC. i did about 4 or 5 reloads though, killed most nations with my settlers.
Played Civ 2 a lot to. Loved it.
Hated, hated hated hated Civ 3. Hated. I still hate it now.
I've only played Civ 4 a couple times but I like it a lot. I should buy it at some point.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: kabukiman on 05 Mar 2009, 05:36
You where very lucky! My best result in civ 1, was finishing in the hardest mode in 1500 BC.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: PapaFrita on 05 Mar 2009, 09:43
Civ 2 was probably the first strategy game I ever got into, and I was young. The first Age of Empires would be the next. I remember Wonders being much more powerful back then (Leonardo's Workshop upgrading every unit instantly and for free?!). One of my favorite games was when China and I came to a standstill, with airplanes and riflemen everywhere, until I discovered Chivalry a thousand years late. I wish I had more experience with Alpha Centauri, though, because that game seemed fun.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: öde on 05 Mar 2009, 09:55
Alpha Centauri was fun.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: DVS on 06 Mar 2009, 13:56
I remember Civ2, I didn't quite grasp the concept for a while and then returned it back to the library.
Later on down the road I acquired Civ3 and that's when I grasped the concept, and lost hours upon hours of sleep.

Now I have a complete collection of Civ4 and Expansions including the stand-alone Colonization which is a bitch and a half to win.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: ThePianoMan on 06 Mar 2009, 19:01
Ah, memories. Civ2 was one of the first games I was really into, way back in middle school. Course, I was never any good at it, but I had a blast anyway. I should reinstall it, just for old time's sake...
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Alex C on 06 Mar 2009, 19:04
 Civ 2 was pretty alright, but too much of it consisted of no brainer decisions that were rather irritating to micromanage, such as being unable to set up queues or setting your workers to clean up pollution. I mean, honestly, pollution was a joke. By the time it became an issue your workers were already starting to outlive their usefulness anyway. Having to manually go around and order clean up was irritating and added little to the overall gameplay.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Professor Snuggles on 12 Mar 2009, 08:24
Civ 2 was the only one I was ever good at. Civ 4 is basically impossible for me after Noble difficulty, I honestly can't win the fucker. I am maybe just not good enough at making the perfectly placed cities that are for specific purposes, but fuck some micromanagement.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Hat on 12 Mar 2009, 08:48
Yeah I don't play over noble because I can't handle micro management and defence at the same time while also trying to remain technologically competitive, its just too much data.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Dimmukane on 12 Mar 2009, 09:16
I consistently get Dan Quayle rankings on Settler difficulty.  So all of you are probably better than me.  I still enjoy the fuck out of it, though.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Alex C on 12 Mar 2009, 09:45
I didn't really find Prince or Monarch to be all that much trickier than Noble, to be honest. It's probably because I'm actually sort of sloppy with my micro but have the tech trading/diplomacy/religion game down pat. Beating the CPU at raw micromanagement hits me as something of a fool's errand in the long term anyway. I just concentrate on having at least 3 strong cities and then concentrate on diplomacy. As a rule, I don't go with any grand plan more complicated than "Make friends with Isabella/Montezuma and then use friendly neighbors as buffers against invasion." Life is a million times easier when you rarely need your military for anything but invading other countries.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: elizaknowswhatshesfor on 12 Mar 2009, 10:03
Has anyone played the newest Civ? It's only on consols but it's amazing!

The voices on the characters are brilliant!
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Kinewa on 31 Mar 2009, 19:45
You Mean Civ revolutions? I love how they speak like sims but still manage to have accents ^_^
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: BurningSky on 05 Jul 2009, 16:59
The best thing about Civ2 compared to the others is in the late game when all the rivals ask you for things by saying "Remember, our threats are backed with nuclear weapons!"

Civ4 is where it's at, though. I'm not very good (I play on Noble and barely make it to the end game), but I love taking over cities with culture and selling technologies to the highest bidder. That game has consumed hours upon hours of my life.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: LTK on 07 Jul 2009, 00:28
I once got civ 4 from the library and I liked it quite well, until I was at the point where my country was drowning in nuclear waste. I didn't really like that.

But now I'm considering buying the 2K huge games pack ( which has 20 games, of which 6 are civ, for €60. It's a very tempting offer, considering that after I buy this my productivity and sleep will drop down to dangerously low levels.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Ozymandias on 07 Jul 2009, 07:00
Holy fucking shit that's a good deal. All that Civ + X-Com + Bioshock + Pirates! Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Reed on 07 Jul 2009, 07:29
Fuck that is a great deal. Too bad I don't have $50 to spend (and also that I JUST bought Freedom Force and its expansion!)
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: Janvs on 08 Jul 2009, 15:51
Holy Shit! That is an incredible deal! How did I miss that? Pirates! is one of my favorite games ever, plus all those Civ games...crap, that's an AMAZING deal.

Ok, breathe. On the topic of Civ 2, it was amazing. I played it through the night sometimes, not remembering I needed to sleep until the light started coming through my window. Civ 3 was a disappointment, but Civ 4 finally came close to matching 2 in potential. I also sometimes play Civ 4 way longer than necessary - I'm still trying to pull off a cultural victory on Noble difficulty, but it is NOT happening. Argh.

Edit: For stupid.
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: BurningSky on 08 Jul 2009, 20:02
Once I was far behind on points in the final fifty turns playing as Egypt going for cultural victory. I did some math and figured out that if I put my science at 0% and my culture at 100%, I would win a cultural victory with one turn to spare and 7 gold in my treasury. India and America were way ahead of me technologically, militarily, and in the space race. Russia had the edge in diplomacy and was only a few votes shy of a UN diplomatic victory. I went out on a limb, converted all of my shields (hammers?) to culture, shut down my science research, and went for it. America was one turn away from completing the spaceship when my third city reached 30000 culture. I was in sixth place, points-wise, but I won.  :evil:
Title: Re: Civilization 2
Post by: elizaknowswhatshesfor on 10 Jul 2009, 03:29
You Mean Civ revolutions? I love how they speak like sims but still manage to have accents ^_^

Yes! Apart from The Greek Frat boy, I dislike him a lot and avoid all contact with him...

I like to start out aggressive & take over a couple of nations right at the start, then go for cultural victory. I'm normaly Cleopatra, but I quite like having a bit of Ghengis.

I love Civ.