Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: Is it cold in here? on 26 Apr 2009, 23:10

Title: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 26 Apr 2009, 23:10
It's after midnight and no WCT yet. I hope I'm doing it right.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 26 Apr 2009, 23:11
Let the good times roll.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-May 1
Post by: ysth on 26 Apr 2009, 23:13
It's after midnight and no WCT yet. I hope I'm doing it right.
Right except for the nonexistent ending day in the subject.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Norton Quintessential on 26 Apr 2009, 23:45
Comic's up.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: badbum61 on 26 Apr 2009, 23:45
Way to make us hate Sven, Jeph!

Us foul-mouthed aussies have a word for that kind of behaviour. Sven's just pulled a major c*nt act.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 26 Apr 2009, 23:53
That was intentional (,22874.0.html)

Sven needs to STFU if he knows what's good for him. Otherwise Faye and Dora may have a fight over who gets to beat the ever lovin' shit out of him.

The only thing that would even been close to being appropriate would be for him to have said something like 'How have you been?' followed immedieately by a sincere and profuse apology. Acting like Faye owed him any deference to their whatever-it-was after the way he acted puts him only about two steps above Dick Cheney in my opinion, and I usually refer to Cheney as 'You-Know-Who", or 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named'.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LunaCorn on 27 Apr 2009, 00:30
Why do I get the feeling that there is going to be a heated discussion between a confused Angus and a tipsy Sven in the near future?  :?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 27 Apr 2009, 00:37
Man, Dora's boots were so last week's highlight

Am I the only one who likes Sven? He's one of my fave characters
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: lunakitten on 27 Apr 2009, 00:45
Why do I get the feeling that there is going to be a heated discussion between a confused Angus and a tipsy Sven in the near future?  :?

Oh, that would be EPIC.  :-o
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ysth on 27 Apr 2009, 00:48
I usually refer to Cheney as 'You-Know-Who", or 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named'.

Not "Dick" (
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 27 Apr 2009, 00:49
Well, Siibillam-Law, I've always felt Sven liked Sven. Although lately I wonder.

Anyway, I agree Sven and Angus will have a meeting. They've had this date coming for, crap, however long it's been since Sven and Faye started whatever it was they were doing (opinions vary). Ala Streetcar but hopefully without the rape.

(I was going to give Jeph T. Williams' nickname, but thought better of it.)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 27 Apr 2009, 00:55
That's a standard jealous reacton.  He reacts that way because he's HURT.

Things to remember:

Sven WAS a manslut.  He proceeded to make very significant lifestyle changes based almost entirely on Faye's sayso (I was going to say "toungue-lashing," but that came later).  Why did he do this?  It's become clear that he is attracted to her in a more than physical way.

It isn't reasonable to expect him to change so drastically overnight and never lapse.  It's not uncommon for alcoholics, for example, to lapse, early in their attempts at sobreity.  Even during his lapse, it was clear that he didn't want to be doing it, at least on some level.  That is, he knew what he was supposed to do, but was unable to curb his desire to do the opposite.

Likewise, we find Faye hurt for many of the same reasons.  She actually likes Sven more than she intended to, or perhaps realized.  He was one of the few men in her life that didn't treat her like a delicate flower.  Further, he did make major life-changes for her.  She couldn't have failed to notice this, even subconsciously.

They are, however, now facing some serious denial issues.  Sven is wondering if it was worth it to make the effort to change, especially if the person he was trying to change for was just using him for sex, the very thing she berated HIM for.  She's hurt because she's wondering if he was really trying to change.  However, they're both trying to deny that they really felt anything, and are refusing to talk.

If they were simply honest with each other, they might actually establish a healthy relationship.

Just my two cents...
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 27 Apr 2009, 01:01
I couldn't decide! I went with single-tall panel but I also wanted to vote for full-figure drawings, happy hannelore immanent indium iguana, and dora's boots. In that order.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 27 Apr 2009, 01:05
Oh and I forgot to say "ouch." That's how I felt about today's comic. An "ouch" for Sven, an "ouch" for Faye. But great drawings, great comic, thanks Jeph!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: snubnose on 27 Apr 2009, 01:42
Happy Hanners makes me happy :)

And I like Sven too.

... to fall from great heights onto solid rock ! Muhahahaha ! :evil:

Seriously, it looks like this isnt over.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Apr 2009, 01:53
If they were simply honest with each other, they might actually establish a healthy relationship.
That would come second. Something else has to happen first.

You're right to point out the massive denial both are engaged in. Before they can be honest with each other, first they have to be honest with themselves.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-May 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Apr 2009, 01:55
It's after midnight and no WCT yet. I hope I'm doing it right.
Right except for the nonexistent ending day in the subject.
Excuse me, that should have been March 62.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Apr 2009, 04:43
Does nobody actually look at a flippin' calender before writing the dates?  Or know that old mnenomic?

Back to the strip - last week was one of the most pleasant and enjoyable weeks in a long time - thanks Jeph.

And this week looks like it'll be interesting.  At least Faye's being the mature one here.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: TheReaper on 27 Apr 2009, 04:45
Man, Dora's boots were so last week's highlight

Am I the only one who likes Sven? He's one of my fave characters
Anyway, I lol'd. Sven is dumbz.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mallli_kite on 27 Apr 2009, 06:22

Jealous Sven!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Shaztastic on 27 Apr 2009, 06:26
anyone read the link with the Hannelore thing? hahaha that was aces exactly as you'd expect from her double whammy 2 great strips in one :P

and sven drops to even lower levels of assholery
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mominator on 27 Apr 2009, 07:57
Ooooh, SNAP!  Go Faye! Go Faye! Go Faye!

Well, I WAS a Svaye shipper...
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LTK on 27 Apr 2009, 08:54
Does nobody actually look at a flippin' calender before writing the dates?  Or know that old mnenomic?

Back to the strip - last week was one of the most pleasant and enjoyable weeks in a long time - thanks Jeph.

And this week looks like it'll be interesting.  At least Faye's being the mature one here.

You mean the knuckles thing? I know that!  :-D

Agreed on the last week being one of the best. Although I didn't like today's strip. Oh well, I guess it had to happen. What's next? Drunken Sven/Angus showdown on a toboggan sledding towards the edge of a cliff?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: giant_squid on 27 Apr 2009, 08:57
so......while reading today's strip i kept yelling at the screen for sven to stop talking.... he wouldn't listen to me though. stupid sven.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: roxy255 on 27 Apr 2009, 09:04
i can't believe i'm about to engage in this, but whatever...  I BELIEVE (look at me - communication skills) both faye and sven clearly suck for their own reasons and while i can't impress my opinion on the masses, it seems so obvious that there is no clear cut right or wrong in their situation. so yeah, i also like sven and do not think he is a douche for being angry at faye.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Apr 2009, 09:45
Your opinion and you're more than entitled to hold it.

Personally, Faye's behaviour has been somewhat understandable (she expressed her personal boundary of what she was prepared to accept in the relationship, and when that boundary was crossed she left - whether she was realistic in her expectations is another story) and her behaviour since Sven broke the news to her has been mature.  Sven's wallowing in self pity and the "I'm hurt, so I'm going to hurt" you comments of this comic have been immature at best. 

If Sven had been one of my friends I'd have no problems telling him he was a royal ass, that he was definitely being immature and that he was more than able to fetch his own beer.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ironi on 27 Apr 2009, 09:51
Dora's boots sucked.  Ughh to her Uggs, those things are almost as bad as crocs.   Other than that, I loved Faye's "too bad, so sad," comment.  I'm proud of her for just walking away.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Headwoünd on 27 Apr 2009, 10:49
Other than that, I loved Faye's "too bad, so sad," comment.  I'm proud of her for just walking away.

Yup, nice one, but cue the QQ mayhaps?

I usually like Sven, but man that was stupid. :>
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Rocketman on 27 Apr 2009, 15:07
It isn't reasonable to expect him to change so drastically overnight and never lapse.  It's not uncommon for alcoholics, for example, to lapse, early in their attempts at sobreity.  Even during his lapse, it was clear that he didn't want to be doing it, at least on some level.  That is, he knew what he was supposed to do, but was unable to curb his desire to do the opposite.

Oh bull.

"Aw damn, I wasn't watching my dong and it just ran off and buried itself in her cootch! It's not my fault!"
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Milesb on 27 Apr 2009, 15:36
Meh. The first time you see someone after splitting up/ it ends (whatever you'd call it for those two) expecting them to act entirely or sometimes at all reasonably is usually just showing a lack of touch with reality.

Faye turning round and walking away when Sven acknowledged his mistake was just as childish as Sven's outburst though. Though considering that Angus is the closest thing Faye has to a rebound, you can see why it might hit a nerve.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 27 Apr 2009, 16:18
It isn't reasonable to expect him to change so drastically overnight and never lapse.  It's not uncommon for alcoholics, for example, to lapse, early in their attempts at sobreity.  Even during his lapse, it was clear that he didn't want to be doing it, at least on some level.  That is, he knew what he was supposed to do, but was unable to curb his desire to do the opposite.

Oh bull.

"Aw damn, I wasn't watching my dong and it just ran off and buried itself in her cootch! It's not my fault!"

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not excusing the behaviour, I'm just saying that it's largely automatic to him.  Consider his thoughts during the incident.  He knew what he was doing wasn't good, yet he kept doing it.  Like any habitual behaviour, it's very difficult to stop.  I'm not excusing it, just explaining it.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Apr 2009, 20:49
At least Faye's being the mature one here.
It was better than slashing his tires, but namecalling and turning your back on someone who's trying to apologize don't meet my standards for maturity.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 27 Apr 2009, 21:32
Except that he wasn't apologizing. he said something mean and hurtful and he was trying to get her to come back because he still wants to be the center of attention. Faye had every right to walk away.

What Sven said is pretty much the defining feature of a fucking shit-eating DOUCHEBAG ASSHOLE (
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 27 Apr 2009, 22:57
On the money, akronnick.

Worse, to me, Sven was trying to cast Faye as acting the same as he does. There was absolutely no reason for her to listen to him after that bit of self-justification. "Sorry" doesn't fix everything, and it especially doesn't do it when it's not the first thing out of your mouth.

Hint, kiddies: if you want to actually talk to someone whose feelings you just hurt, you probably better make with the nice, not the insults. Better yet, give 'em some space, for god's sake. Sven would have been better off just saying hi and letting Faye do the talking...or not.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Lost Coastlines on 27 Apr 2009, 23:21
Hint, kiddies: if you want to actually talk to someone whose feelings you just hurt, you probably better make with the nice, not the insults. Better yet, give 'em some space, for god's sake. Sven would have been better off just saying hi and letting Faye do the talking...or not.

Sven could probably articulate why Faye's feelings are hurt, but deep down he feels like he is the wronged party in this situation.  He thinks because he never agreed to monogamy (though he implicitly did by continuing to sleep with Faye after she said an open-FWB situation was a no go), that Faye should still be available to him.  He also doesn't get why he wasn't rewarded for being honest.  For reasons he doesn't understand - he actually likes her - he still wants to sleep with her, and he is not used to being rejected this way.

If Sven really got that he just hurt her feelings, he'd probably be nice.  But right now he thinks she's in the wrong for not sleeping with him anymore.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 27 Apr 2009, 23:34
... right now he thinks she's in the wrong for not sleeping with him anymore.

Also a characteristic of the fs-eDA.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 27 Apr 2009, 23:37
On the money, akronnick.

Worse, to me, Sven was trying to cast Faye as acting the same as he does. There was absolutely no reason for her to listen to him after that bit of self-justification. "Sorry" doesn't fix everything, and it especially doesn't do it when it's not the first thing out of your mouth.

Hint, kiddies: if you want to actually talk to someone whose feelings you just hurt, you probably better make with the nice, not the insults. Better yet, give 'em some space, for god's sake. Sven would have been better off just saying hi and letting Faye do the talking...or not.

But you see, this is precisely the point.

Sven liked Faye because she WASN'T like him.  He was used to women who fell for his good looks.  That Faye DIDN'T, meant she liked him for HIM, not for his body.  Then he sees her with some other guy, and he automatically suspects he's been replaced by some other guy.  This in turn means that Faye WASN'T any different from the way he was - that is, she was using him for sex and was thus no different than any other woman he had known.

Thus, his sense of self worth takes a blow.  A great deal of what Sven has been doing to improve himself is thereby undermined.  Of course, this doesn't excuse him for behaving like a jerk, but when you consider the effect of the situation as HE sees it, it's not hard to understand why he'd react that way.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: 714 on 27 Apr 2009, 23:49
ok did anyone else read that last poll choice as "dora's "booBs" ? i was confused and thought i definitely didn't notice anything about dora's boobs. but then i thought hey dora's a cartoon and i'm a girl so i guess i wouldn't have...and then i realized it was boots not boobs...then again i didn't really notice those either o.O

aaanyhow, so i was never an angus fan. i always found him kinda annoying, but he's definitely growing on me in these past few comics...something endearing about him

also, sven is not helping. like seriously dude, what're you thinking? i don't really think it's anything much deeper than he's jealous. not that he really has the right to say anything to her about it after what happened, but it's how it slipped out. and he knew he was an ass the second it came out.

will be interesting to see how it all works itself out...
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 27 Apr 2009, 23:50
Then he sees her with some other guy, and he automatically suspects he's been replaced by some other guy.

There's your problem--he automatically suspects that Faye's is sleeping with Angus, even after Faye made a similar mistake regarding his lawyer. Not even a how are you doing, just strait to the assumption that Faye's boinkin' some other dude. He has no evidence to support that hypothesis, other than that He's seen her in public with the dude (which was something that Faye tried to avoid with him.)

Is there anything in Sven's behavior since he told Faye about his transgression that does not make him look like a complete fs-eDA?


Comics up, and Angus, you're not helping.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Apr 2009, 00:29
Contrast current-model Sven with the one in 1083, who acknowledged Faye's freaked-outitude and offered to talk.

I think the difference is that he's in an unfamiliar situation now and isn't acting out of his best side (leaving aside the question of how good his best side is).

Still think the mature thing for Faye to do would have been a cold "None of your business. Get lost."
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 28 Apr 2009, 00:29
Then he sees her with some other guy, and he automatically suspects he's been replaced by some other guy.

There's your problem--he automatically suspects that Faye's is sleeping with Angus, even after Faye made a similar mistake regarding his lawyer. Not even a how are you doing, just strait to the assumption that Faye's boinkin' some other dude. He has no evidence to support that hypothesis, other than that He's seen her in public with the dude (which was something that Faye tried to avoid with him.)

Is there anything in Sven's behavior since he told Faye about his transgression that does not make him look like a complete fs-eDA?


Comics up, and Angus, you're not helping.

He automatically suspects that, because that's the world-view he's most familiar with.  We all make assumption related to how we interact with the world, every day.  Also note that he admitted that his assumption was out of line, before Faye walked off.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Apr 2009, 00:36
From the first panel, I recognized the Octopus Pie characters. Over on the other side, was that Kestrel?

Didn't recognize any of the others!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 28 Apr 2009, 00:41
He automatically suspects that, because that's the world-view he's most familiar with.  We all make assumption related to how we interact with the world, every day.  Also note that he admitted that his assumption was out of line, before Faye walked off.

Exactly my point, he reacted the way a fs-eDA would react.

And he started to apologize (for his remark, not for being a fs-eDA) as she was walking away, not before.

So, who wants to lay odds that Sven and Angus will engage in fisticuffs or sloppy make-outs by the time the party is over?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Zingoleb on 28 Apr 2009, 00:45
From the first panel, I recognized the Octopus Pie characters. Over on the other side, was that Kestrel?

Didn't recognize any of the others!

I thought the blond dude in the first panel smoking a joint was Weedmaster P, but...I didn't see Jeph link to OverCompensating.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: MrMonk on 28 Apr 2009, 00:48
After following the links, I can place every "guest" except the couple in the second panel.
Any ideas?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LunaCorn on 28 Apr 2009, 01:04
I'm not a fan of Angus, never have been, but I couldn't help but smile at his subtle "look what I can do" comment in an attempt to impress Faye. I still think a "discussion" is inevitable, especially now that Sven is going to be engaging in angry drinking, and I think most of us here know how well that plan usually turns out.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Manix on 28 Apr 2009, 03:16
On the money, akronnick.

Worse, to me, Sven was trying to cast Faye as acting the same as he does. There was absolutely no reason for her to listen to him after that bit of self-justification. "Sorry" doesn't fix everything, and it especially doesn't do it when it's not the first thing out of your mouth.

Hint, kiddies: if you want to actually talk to someone whose feelings you just hurt, you probably better make with the nice, not the insults. Better yet, give 'em some space, for god's sake. Sven would have been better off just saying hi and letting Faye do the talking...or not.

But you see, this is precisely the point.

Sven liked Faye because she WASN'T like him.  He was used to women who fell for his good looks.  That Faye DIDN'T, meant she liked him for HIM, not for his body.  Then he sees her with some other guy, and he automatically suspects he's been replaced by some other guy.  This in turn means that Faye WASN'T any different from the way he was - that is, she was using him for sex and was thus no different than any other woman he had known.

Thus, his sense of self worth takes a blow.  A great deal of what Sven has been doing to improve himself is thereby undermined.  Of course, this doesn't excuse him for behaving like a jerk, but when you consider the effect of the situation as HE sees it, it's not hard to understand why he'd react that way.

I think Faye's attraction to Sven was very physical, saying she liked him for HIM that's just not true. Her blushing at his "Come Hither" look, and making their relationship strictly sexual, all pretty much implies this.
In my mind, Sven was a rebound fling, a way for Faye to prove to herself that she could still have sex with someone without breaking down. Yes it was "Healthy" (Though, as a christian, i'm not really sure how I agree with that notion), but staying with Sven, with alll his asshole tendencies, and almost instinctual sexing of other girls, would NOT have been.

About this comic, I wondered if Angus was going to make a comment along the lines of "You want me to beat him up for you?" Surpisingly enough, his interaction with Faye is surprisingly funny. Of course, i'm not going to imply that I know what Jeph is planning (The onset of Marten/Dora proves that I don't) So I'll just say I loved the strip.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Rimwolf on 28 Apr 2009, 03:30
Second panel cameos are Allie Vegetoksis and Indie Rock Pete from Diesel Sweeties (see this "save point" ( cast summary.)

I'm stumped by panel 4, though -- who's the redhead?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LTK on 28 Apr 2009, 03:52
Lol @ the intentional misspelling of the comic names.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: plethora on 28 Apr 2009, 06:19
Does nobody actually look at a flippin' calender before writing the dates?  Or know that old mnenomic?

Back to the strip - last week was one of the most pleasant and enjoyable weeks in a long time - thanks Jeph.

And this week looks like it'll be interesting.  At least Faye's being the mature one here.

You mean the knuckles thing? I know that!  :-D

Thirty days have September, April, June and November.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mr_Rose on 28 Apr 2009, 07:59
Second panel cameos are Allie Vegetoksis and Indie Rock Pete from Diesel Sweeties (see this "save point" ( cast summary.)

I'm stumped by panel 4, though -- who's the redhead?
Panel 1, the girl with the book; appears to be Kimiko "thunderbolt" Ross, she of the bionic arm and mildly paralysing social issues.
And I think the redhead on panel 4 looks suspiciously like sweet-tits. Can you even give characters you create cameos in your own comic though? How does that work exactly?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Tybalt on 28 Apr 2009, 08:23
#4 is Wasted Talent's Jam.

And no Soft world cameo?  like... some random 3 boxes in the background?  Or hovering boxes of text?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Shok Xone Studios on 28 Apr 2009, 08:56
I hereby demand a QC/Octopus Pie crossover in which Faye and Ning get into an epic-scale Sass-Off.

Aaaaaaaaaand go.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Tago Mago on 28 Apr 2009, 09:07
Kimiko showing up + preexisting Northampton robot population = apocalypse.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Apr 2009, 10:20
I preferred the Something Positive/QC crossover.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 28 Apr 2009, 11:05
On the money, akronnick.

Worse, to me, Sven was trying to cast Faye as acting the same as he does. There was absolutely no reason for her to listen to him after that bit of self-justification. "Sorry" doesn't fix everything, and it especially doesn't do it when it's not the first thing out of your mouth.

Hint, kiddies: if you want to actually talk to someone whose feelings you just hurt, you probably better make with the nice, not the insults. Better yet, give 'em some space, for god's sake. Sven would have been better off just saying hi and letting Faye do the talking...or not.

But you see, this is precisely the point.

Sven liked Faye because she WASN'T like him.  He was used to women who fell for his good looks.  That Faye DIDN'T, meant she liked him for HIM, not for his body.  Then he sees her with some other guy, and he automatically suspects he's been replaced by some other guy.  This in turn means that Faye WASN'T any different from the way he was - that is, she was using him for sex and was thus no different than any other woman he had known.

Thus, his sense of self worth takes a blow.  A great deal of what Sven has been doing to improve himself is thereby undermined.  Of course, this doesn't excuse him for behaving like a jerk, but when you consider the effect of the situation as HE sees it, it's not hard to understand why he'd react that way.

I think Faye's attraction to Sven was very physical, saying she liked him for HIM that's just not true. Her blushing at his "Come Hither" look, and making their relationship strictly sexual, all pretty much implies this.
In my mind, Sven was a rebound fling, a way for Faye to prove to herself that she could still have sex with someone without breaking down. Yes it was "Healthy" (Though, as a christian, i'm not really sure how I agree with that notion), but staying with Sven, with alll his asshole tendencies, and almost instinctual sexing of other girls, would NOT have been.

About this comic, I wondered if Angus was going to make a comment along the lines of "You want me to beat him up for you?" Surpisingly enough, his interaction with Faye is surprisingly funny. Of course, i'm not going to imply that I know what Jeph is planning (The onset of Marten/Dora proves that I don't) So I'll just say I loved the strip.

Quite so, Faye's interest was just physical.  The problem is that she had already given Sven reason to believe otherwise.  Thus, it's his perception of things that drives his responses.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Martinab on 28 Apr 2009, 11:07
Panel 1 has Ning and her blond weed-smoking roommate on the right. What about Anders loves Maria? Is Anders the tall dude in Panel 3 on the left, or am I missing something?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mominator on 28 Apr 2009, 12:02
Panel 1 has Ning and her blond weed-smoking roommate on the right. What about Anders loves Maria? Is Anders the tall dude in Panel 3 on the left, or am I missing something?

Yeah, Anders is the tall guy, but I barely recognized him, as he wasn't impregnating anyone that I could see.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 28 Apr 2009, 12:19
So, who wants to lay odds that Sven and Angus will engage in fisticuffs or sloppy make-outs by the time the party is over?
I think I already did.  Well, I actually said "Ala Streetcar but hopefully without the rape." So I gave a sexual encounter slim odds, but odds nonetheless.

Anyway, I fear Angus just doomed himself, so whatever happens, it will be anticlimactic.

And jolly good shot, Mominator!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Headwoünd on 28 Apr 2009, 12:27
Anders [...] wasn't impregnating anyone that I could see.

He's just that good.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Junodog on 28 Apr 2009, 16:03
I have little experience with relationships so I'm not going to try and dissect the whole Sven/Faye/Angus thing other than say, "well gee, that could have gone better."  Foot-in-mouth scenes always bother me, but then again I have social anxiety so whatever.

As for the cameos, I recognized Hazel and Jamie from GWS, Jam from WT, and I sort of recognized Anders but I wasn't sure if I was right until I saw that someone else on here placed him as well.  I guess I don't read enough webcomics or something.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: pwhodges on 28 Apr 2009, 16:29
Anders you can recognise from the guest strip ( Jeph did for Rene in February.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Tybalt on 28 Apr 2009, 16:36
#4 is Wasted Talent's Jam.

Wait a minute, it says "Jam" right on the hoodie of the middle girl in panel 3!

What the hell Jeph!  You're trying to make me look stupid!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Apr 2009, 18:21
Quite so, Faye's interest was just physical.  The problem is that she had already given Sven reason to believe otherwise. 
How so? The monogamy demand? I don't remember her showing emotional closeness but it would be fun to discover that I'd missed something. Sven accused her of using him as a "fucktoy", though that may have been hurt feelings talking rather than his actual perception of the relationship. #1307 didn't sound like he was talking to someone he thought of as an emotional partner.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Zingoleb on 28 Apr 2009, 19:51
#4 is Wasted Talent's Jam.

Wait a minute, it says "Jam" right on the hoodie of the middle girl in panel 3!

What the hell Jeph!  You're trying to make me look stupid!

He doesn't have to try, I'm sure you manage it well enough on your own.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: BladeDancer on 28 Apr 2009, 20:28
From the first panel, I recognized the Octopus Pie characters. Over on the other side, was that Kestrel?

Didn't recognize any of the others!

I thought the blond dude in the first panel smoking a joint was Weedmaster P, but...I didn't see Jeph link to OverCompensating.

No, that's an Octopus Pie character. See the boobs?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 28 Apr 2009, 20:34
Quite so, Faye's interest was just physical.  The problem is that she had already given Sven reason to believe otherwise. 
How so? The monogamy demand? I don't remember her showing emotional closeness but it would be fun to discover that I'd missed something. Sven accused her of using him as a "fucktoy", though that may have been hurt feelings talking rather than his actual perception of the relationship. #1307 didn't sound like he was talking to someone he thought of as an emotional partner.

Faye had previously rejected his usual overtures, and his supposed good looks.  This would suggest she's not interested in his physical overtures as most women are.  When she later grabs him in the kitchen, the only conclusion he would come to, considering prior relations, would be that something other than his physicality was driving her actions; that is, his internal self.  This is a very powerful kind of validation for him, and it's natural that he'll respond poorly to having it threatened.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Jeff7 on 28 Apr 2009, 20:36
The (unnecessary?) censorship in the third panel makes it all worth it.  :evil:

Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: HappyGrar on 28 Apr 2009, 20:45
Hilarious filler is hilarious.  :laugh:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Zingoleb on 28 Apr 2009, 21:02

oh who the hell am I kidding, that was awesome.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mephistopheles on 28 Apr 2009, 22:16
... why is his censor box that big?  :|
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Apr 2009, 22:56
the only conclusion he would come to, considering prior relations, would be that something other than his physicality was driving her actions; that is, his internal self.  This is a very powerful kind of validation for him
That's a good analysis.

Not just a powerful kind of validation, but maybe even a unique one. As far as we know, all his previous "relationships" just fell into his lap based on his looks or glamor. Constant success can lead to a kind of insecurity, which Sven may have had at the back of his mind (certainly not at the front though).

Dora said Sven had never had to work for anything in his life. If Faye was the first woman he'd ever invested himself in, he may even have felt like he deserved her.

Which is of course a belief system that leads to douchery, as we just saw.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: 714 on 28 Apr 2009, 22:58

Yeah, Anders is the tall guy, but I barely recognized him, as he wasn't impregnating anyone that I could see.

hahahahahahaha that was great.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Jimor on 28 Apr 2009, 23:12
... why is his censor box that big?  :|

Yelling Bird might have some Argentine Lake Duck ( genes.  :-o
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 28 Apr 2009, 23:16
My name is Duck
And I came here to f...
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Zingoleb on 28 Apr 2009, 23:27
...lail around uselessly when I am hit by a truck?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 28 Apr 2009, 23:45
Nice! (it even rhymes)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Martinab on 29 Apr 2009, 00:21
 :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D

A two comic day!!! Weeeeeee ......!!!!

I love the sociopath bird enough to be happy w/ it but this is BONUS. It's like getting cheesecake for dinner and then chocolate cake for dessert, with an apology for not getting enough  cake  :-D
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ZedAvatar on 29 Apr 2009, 00:27
Jeph is one hell of a trooper and an all-around great guy.  Mr. Jacques,  your fans salute you.  Now take some rest, soldier - you've earned it!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 29 Apr 2009, 00:29
Jeph, your work ethic continues to amaze me, stop it, you're spoiling us.

Did Faye actually have a nice time with Angus? I think she did...

Now she's gonna go home to her new, umm, accessory and not be able to stop thinking about Angus.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Jimor on 29 Apr 2009, 00:41
Seriously. I was about to add an edit to my previous post saying basically that Jeph has created something where he has fans who will say, "WOO, FILLER!" and not mean it at all sarcastically.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 29 Apr 2009, 00:47
I thought today's Yelling bird was especially effective. Nice bit of social commentary with the redactions, and, a dick joke.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Kugai on 29 Apr 2009, 00:49
Hmmmmm, where to begin?

Sven - Charm school dropout - or was he expelled?

I do believe that Faye is warming to Angus here.  :D  ;)

Bloody Comic Censors - Or was this the revenge of the Illuminati?

Oooh!  Hanners shows she knows how to use Temporal Weapons - Where's Doctor Who when you need him?

OK, that's me caught up with the Comics

Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Fenriswolf on 29 Apr 2009, 01:09
Woo, Jeph, we love you! Excellent comic, though you needn't have stayed up.  :police:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: BeoPuppy on 29 Apr 2009, 02:07
Your tenacity in comic delivery is much appreciated.

Sleep now.

(Does anyone actually remember dark City?)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 29 Apr 2009, 02:32
Two comics in one day. Jeph again makes himself even cooler-er again
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LTK on 29 Apr 2009, 03:44
:-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D

A two comic day!!! Weeeeeee ......!!!!

I love the sociopath bird enough to be happy w/ it but this is BONUS. It's like getting cheesecake for dinner and then chocolate cake for dessert, with an apology for not getting enough  cake  :-D

Martin has put it into perfect words.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 29 Apr 2009, 04:16
And Faye gets Hanners back to the apartment where she falls asleep on the couch. 

I have to ask how cold does it get there?   Where I come from a hoodie and no glove are not sufficient winter wear.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: plethora on 29 Apr 2009, 05:11
Am I the only one who saw the snowballs in today's comics and assumed Sven was throwing them?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Lily125 on 29 Apr 2009, 05:56
I actually feel kind of bad that there are 2 comics today.  Jeph commented, "I went ahead and scrapped my plans for tomorrow and stayed up to draw a proper strip."  If you check out his Tweets he obviously had some issues last night, personal or not.  I realize that his is a M-F comic but he still has a life and sometimes life gets in the way.  Hell, sometimes you just have to call in sick to work for a Mental Health Day.  I would have been just fine with only Yelling Bird.  That said, I still enjoyed the second comic. 
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Dimmukane on 29 Apr 2009, 07:02
Yeah, man.  I haven't posted in a WCT before, but I wanted you to know that today's comic was great (and so was the Yelling Bird) and you really didn't have to fuck up your plans for us.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: maddness on 29 Apr 2009, 07:02
I would have just said "Fuck you guys!" and gone to bed.

That said ...

Two in one day, especially when none of the other comics I read update today, is flipping awesome.

I know Faye's pretty big on just laying it out there, but I also got a brush off vibe when she told Angus she was tired. She didn't used to be shy about telling him to get lost, but I'm not so sure about post-Sven Faye.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LunaCorn on 29 Apr 2009, 07:16
Am I the only one who saw the snowballs in today's comics and assumed Sven was throwing them?

Nope, I thought it too, but after I saw the culprit I also thought "Coming from Hanners, I wouldn't take that threat lightly." I can just see the strip in 20 QC years (if I live that long o0) and a random storm of snowballs hitting Faye and Angus (wherever they may be) in the middle of Summer.

Amazing commitment Jeph, I sincerely hope you're enjoying a good night's (day's?) sleep right now.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Milesb on 29 Apr 2009, 08:37
What is Faye's expression in panel three?

I can't decide if she's surprised or it's just a "bye!" look?

Maybe i'm superimposing my own surprise that Angus managed to make a reasonably painless exit?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: NeverQuiteGoth on 29 Apr 2009, 09:05
(Does anyone actually remember Dark City?)

Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Stoutfellow on 29 Apr 2009, 09:59
I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who initially assumed Sven was throwing the snowballs.

The last panel makes me think that Hanners is taking over the role in the comic previously played by Raven - which could account for the latter's near-disappearance. (I mean, doesn't her line sound like something Raven would say?)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: TheHappyBerry on 29 Apr 2009, 10:00
Am I the only one who saw the snowballs in today's comics and assumed Sven was throwing them?

That was definitely my theory too, but I liked the real answer just as much.  I just kind of have to wonder why Hanners was throwing snowballs....
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ysth on 29 Apr 2009, 10:08
So what would Angus have done if Faye said she was just trying to get rid of him?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Rocketman on 29 Apr 2009, 11:14
So what would Angus have done if Faye said she was just trying to get rid of him?

Ignored her and continued hanging around.

Y'know, like he's done the last fifteen times she told him to go away.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 29 Apr 2009, 11:29
 I just kind of have to wonder why Hanners was throwing snowballs....

It's fun
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Stoutfellow on 29 Apr 2009, 11:52
Also, it's something you don't get to do on a space station.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 29 Apr 2009, 12:43
lol, yesssss!
even when life is shitty (and everyone can find SOMEthing to complain about) it's always great to have friends on your side. hanners is great in this strip. faye's a lucky girl.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: lowbart on 29 Apr 2009, 13:45
I have nothing to say about today's strip (Apr 29) except that Hannelore is awesome and I want to make my own relativistic time snowballs.

Moar drunk Hanners!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Shadic on 29 Apr 2009, 14:24
Damn, Jeph has dedication.

I hope he realizes that we'd accept him taking a break every so often.  :|
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mojo on 29 Apr 2009, 19:23
I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who initially assumed Sven was throwing the snowballs.

The last panel makes me think that Hanners is taking over the role in the comic previously played by Raven - which could account for the latter's near-disappearance. (I mean, doesn't her line sound like something Raven would say?)

Yes, I too miss she of the truly excellent hooters.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 29 Apr 2009, 23:04
Even Dorten (wow, that has to be the lamest combined name thingy ever) has boarded the S. S. Fangus. ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!

In other thoughts, Joseph Smith? (,_Jr.)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Hybris on 29 Apr 2009, 23:11
After almost a year and half (I think) of being gone I'm back.

Jeph hasn't disappointed me for ages with the comic but this time I'm confused :?

What's up with Faye's last line on Panel 4 "Joseph Smith meets the Brady Bunch" I just don't get it.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: QuarterFire on 29 Apr 2009, 23:14
Jeph is one hell of a trooper and an all-around great guy.  Mr. Jacques,  your fans salute you.  Now take some rest, soldier - you've earned it!
Why are we sending him to the Bloodworks?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 29 Apr 2009, 23:22
I took it as Dora surrounding herself with the nubile (Joseph Smith) while taking on lots of dependents (Brady Bunch).

Marten would make a great dad for Faye.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Kugai on 29 Apr 2009, 23:27
Ahhh Instant Families. the modern phenomenon.   :D

But does tha mean that Daddy Marten will start trying to hook his daughter Tai up with Hanners?    :evil:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 29 Apr 2009, 23:31
Substitute Marriage for Adoption and it makes sense sort of, or else I'm missing something. Oh well, when I've posted the 1394th strip of my online comic, I'll have a right to complain.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: snubnose on 29 Apr 2009, 23:35
I kinda miss the black ends in the hair of Dora in the third picture.

Looks incomplete.

Otherwise nice comic !

Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ModernRonin on 29 Apr 2009, 23:43
Yeah, me too. Here's my (sorry) attempt at touching up the art:


The stuff at her right ear almost doesn't suck completely. The bangs pretty much utterly suck. I encourage anyone with real artistic talent to take two minutes and do this better than me - you'd really have to try to do worse. :grin:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Zingoleb on 29 Apr 2009, 23:47

It took this long for the impact to actually...impact.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Jimor on 30 Apr 2009, 00:03
Expecting the cute pic of Dora in panel 4 to be avatar'd in 4...3...2...1.......
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Apr 2009, 01:14
Ahhh Instant Families. the modern phenomenon.   :D

But does tha mean that Daddy Marten will start trying to hook his daughter Tai up with Hanners?    :evil:
No. Even if it did, it doesn't.

Meanwhile, much as I oppose the yammering hordes who cry "wimp!" I find the idea of Marten vetting Faye's dates to be ... humorous. The only way it could work is if Faye herself agreed to pummel those he deemed unworthy.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 30 Apr 2009, 02:30
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 30 Apr 2009, 04:04
Nice teasing folks.   

And Dora looks really cute in the last panel.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 30 Apr 2009, 09:37
I will be going straight to Hell for these but:

"Faye, Mommy and Daddy are going to give you your bath now!"

"Show me where it hurts and Mommy/Daddy will kiss it better."

"Sorry, times are tight, you and your sister will have to share a bed with Mommy and Daddy."

"Young lady, I am very disappointed in your behaviour.  I am now going to have to spank your bare bottom."

I'm sure the rest of you were thinking it as well - don't judge me.  [too harshly]
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Apr 2009, 10:39
Well! We can certainly see what goes on at the Reiver household now.

And no, it really didn't cross my mind, which is still filled with the thought of Marten trying to be intimidating. And snickering.

Hey, maybe that means I'm about wake up and get out of the Boner Patch.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Milesb on 30 Apr 2009, 12:45
With someone as socially akward as Angus, Marten could probably just about pull that off. not well by any means.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: kantsuu on 30 Apr 2009, 13:40
For anyone confused about the Joseph Smith reference, I think Faye is implying that the situation would be polygamous.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Apr 2009, 16:15
Yes. Faye might have been clearer if she'd said, "The Brady Bunch meets David Koresh." Another bride for the chosen one! Although, if it's Dora who's the "sexual patriarch" (sexual matriarch?), can it be polygamy?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Nightson on 30 Apr 2009, 18:50
Yes. Faye might have been clearer if she'd said, "The Brady Bunch meets David Koresh." Another bride for the chosen one! Although, if it's Dora who's the "sexual patriarch" (sexual matriarch?), can it be polygamy?

Yesh.  Polygamy ( refers to any sort of more then two marriage.  The subsets are Polygyny (man with multiple wives), Polyandry (woman having multiple husbands) and Group Marriage (time to break out the flow charts)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Apr 2009, 19:05
Flow charts are cool.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 30 Apr 2009, 19:14
For anyone confused about the Joseph Smith reference, I think Faye is implying that the situation would be polygamous.

Thanks, I didn't know who Joseph Smith or David Koresh are. But I did infer the sexual connotation.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Hybris on 30 Apr 2009, 19:43
I just realized that Dora had said adopt Faye and Tai as dependents which would I'm fairly sure either make them children of Dora or maybe just siblings either way their would be no legal union thus Faye Joseph Smith comment would be null and void.

If anyone else has questions PM me.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Apr 2009, 20:52
No bubbles above Faye!

She went to a drunk sledding event without getting drunk.

Maybe she just didn't want to be relaxed around Angus, but I finally think she's got the drinking under control.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: maddness on 30 Apr 2009, 21:05
I just realized that Dora had said adopt Faye and Tai as dependents which would I'm fairly sure either make them children of Dora or maybe just siblings either way their would be no legal union thus Faye Joseph Smith comment would be null and void.

If anyone else has questions PM me.

I may be high, but I think I remember that the first girls he married lived in his and his wife's home prior to the marriage. When he married them his wife demanded they leave the house. So, legal adoption aside, it could still be valid.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: appleshampooid on 30 Apr 2009, 23:01
Dear Jeph,

If you need to take a day off every now and again, I will not personally hold it against you.  Christ, I took Tuesday off from my job for no good reason and burned a "sick" day.  I think you deserve a few mental health days here and again, so seriously, don't feel bad about it.  I enjoyed the yelling bird comic and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the real comic, and then thought, "man, Jeph is a real slavedriver, meaning he drives himself."

So yeah, take it easy!!!!!  I love the comic and have for 5 years now, wooooooo
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 30 Apr 2009, 23:37
For today's strip I predict ... the end of the comic!
It will all go off in a bang!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LunaCorn on 01 May 2009, 00:23
I'm still holding off for drunk Sven accosting confused Angus, then red jello kiddie pool wrestling!!!!!!  :evil:  :mrgreen:

Edit: Also, something about Dora being dark eyed and blond and Marten being blue eyed and raven headed just works for me and helps me in accepting them as a couple, it has a strange sort of balance.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 01 May 2009, 00:29
f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: akronnick on 01 May 2009, 00:37
f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5

If you keep beatin' it, it's gonna fall off!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Nightson on 01 May 2009, 00:46
Or you'll go blind and won't be able to read QC!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: St.Clair on 01 May 2009, 01:03
"Here's a comic some TRAUMA.  Have a pleasant weekend."
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: HappyGrar on 01 May 2009, 01:07
A classic strip. Serious topics discussed, irreverent humor introduced, lols all around.  :laugh:

I vote that the term "slimy hole" in reference to the vagina be added as one of the week's highlights in the poll.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 01 May 2009, 01:13
 :-D Yayeee

Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Shadic on 01 May 2009, 01:46
Man, Hanners really loosens up when drunk...

...No pun.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Fenriswolf on 01 May 2009, 01:50
Best. QC. Ever.  :laugh:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mark7 on 01 May 2009, 03:44
Dora's expression in the last panel is priceless.

Oh, and....

April the 31st?  :?

Does someone not have a desktop calendar?  :-P
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: epitomynut on 01 May 2009, 03:55
What I would like to know, is how the conversation went from drumming options to vaginal nature?
That being said, the comic was hilarious. :laugh:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: DrDavidson on 01 May 2009, 03:57
Meh. While searching for #1066, you stole my question.  :lol:
Hopefully, this will be explained when Dora interrogates Marten about it.
Considering this strip ( and Marten's usual artistic way of dropping ( bricks (, it sure will be fun. :-D
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Border Reiver on 01 May 2009, 04:43
The Marten/Hanners conversation certainly took an abrupt turn!
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: idkrash on 01 May 2009, 07:03
Re: WCT April 27-31 May 1

Sometimes its not.  Have that conversation.

1 2 3 4 5
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Corpuscle2 on 01 May 2009, 07:10
Re: The Yelling Bird strip

Just noticed the "redaction" of YB's... um... "boy parts" in panel 3.

YB is seriously hung/excited -- is he watching Dora through the window again?

Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: bhtooefr on 01 May 2009, 09:02
That redaction is only accurate in YB's dreams. :P
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 01 May 2009, 10:46
April the 31st?  :?

Does someone not have a desktop calendar?  :-P
You know what's pathetic?

I went through that little rhyme, went "September, April, June, November", and decided that since April wasn't on the list I could write April 31.

I should have gone to bed instead.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Mr. Penston on 01 May 2009, 10:53
Start off May right with a Vagina joke.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 01 May 2009, 11:02
1 2 3 4 5
If your wang does that, you must be a Shogun Warrior (

*Sigh* And I thought I was out of the Boner Patch.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Aerodyne on 01 May 2009, 11:24
Is Faye drinking Hendrick's Gin in panel 2 of today's comic? (1 May)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LTK on 01 May 2009, 14:24
Hahahahaha, that was brilliant! What's bugging me now is how they went from 'Unicorn Waltz' to 'just a slimy hole'. xD
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 01 May 2009, 14:28
When you're drunk, it's hard not to end up talking up slimy holes

example conversation

[drunk] "Hey, what's on TV?"
"My name is Earl"
"No way"
"Yeah. So. Slimy holes"
"Totally. Let's talk about that"
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: weirdbeard on 01 May 2009, 16:07
drunk hanners is adventurous.
maybe one of these days she'll actually go get some.
something tells me it'll be like when she discovered the drums...
18 hours later, her man has died of a broken pelvis, she freaks because she hasnt yet achieved statistical rigor in her 'which is the best position' experiment.
faye walks in on it and breaks her mind.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: BladeDancer on 01 May 2009, 18:00
drunk hanners is adventurous.
maybe one of these days she'll actually go get some.
something tells me it'll be like when she discovered the drums...
18 hours later, her man has died of a broken pelvis, she freaks because she hasnt yet achieved statistical rigor in her 'which is the best position' experiment.
faye walks in on it and breaks her mind.

I think I like the current Hanners better. She doesn't kill people. That we know of.  :-P
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Kugai on 01 May 2009, 23:52

Interesting turn of conversation.  And I do like the way Hanners loosens up with a few scotches in her.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Afakaz on 02 May 2009, 04:48

Interesting turn of conversation.  And I do like the way Hanners loosens up with a few scotches in her.

If I hadn't just gotten off of a 12 hour graveyard shift to which I have not yet been able to adjust my sleep schedule, this post would contain a very clever joke regarding loosening up, and your use of the phrase "in her".  In my current state, however, I can only rely on meta-humour.  Good day.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 02 May 2009, 09:28
Oh, ha. You told a joke without telling a joke

Stealth humour
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Kugai on 02 May 2009, 13:19

Either that or Afakaz is channeling Spock.  :D  ;)
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: LTK on 02 May 2009, 14:56
Guys! Come on! It's logically impossible for Angus to be a straw man made flesh! Why can't you just get it?

I read and forum at both Dresden Codak and Questionable Content, and I found that the guy in this thread ( is a good laugh. Having Zell appear in the comic he hates would be ultimate satire. Lololol.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Alphalpha on 02 May 2009, 18:41
I like how that thread has about 50 different spellings of Jeff's name. It made me chuckle, but Zell did not. He made me sad  :cry:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: maddness on 02 May 2009, 18:53
I like how that thread has about 50 different spellings of Jeff's name. It made me chuckle, but Zell did not. He made me sad  :cry:

What? Unless you picked 50 words at random and decided they were meant to spell "Jeff", I don't see what you mean at all.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Near Lurker on 02 May 2009, 22:24
Am I the only one imagining "Unicorn Waltz" to the tune of "Crocodile Rock"?
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Norton Quintessential on 02 May 2009, 22:29
Well, not now... :lol:
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: raoullefere on 02 May 2009, 23:29
Naaaa, na-na na-na naaaa
<Curse you, Near Lurker>
na-na na-na naaaa
naaaa, naaaa
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Waferman on 03 May 2009, 09:49
*Reads Title*

"...Wait, is that a Swan Lake reference!?"
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: The Joker on 03 May 2009, 14:22
When you're drunk, it's hard not to end up talking up slimy holes

example conversation

[drunk] "Hey, what's on TV?"
"My name is Earl"
"No way"
"Yeah. So. Slimy holes"
"Totally. Let's talk about that"

Ha that made me laugh so hard.

I can see that we are going to be friends.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 03 May 2009, 15:44
So it's not just our very similar avatars
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: The Joker on 03 May 2009, 18:13
Nope, we are also apparently similar in other ways.

The irony, it kills me.
Title: Re: WCT April 27-31
Post by: Kugai on 03 May 2009, 22:36
How .   .   .   .   .   .  ironic