Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: mberan42 on 22 Jun 2009, 14:18

Title: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: mberan42 on 22 Jun 2009, 14:18
Know what I hate?

Indian givers.
No, I take that back.

Hey chowburger, can I get a read of that book when you're done?
Thanks, that was really fast!


You'd have to promise not to fall in love with my hot ass, boyfriend too though

Your post, she is fixed.

Quote from: Babpacih on June 06, 2009, 09:41:03 AM
a good country should generate nationalism.

I'll be honest here, the only word in this sentence I don't have a problem with is "a".

It's a sound "a" but it's all downhill from there.
(from a locked topic so I can't auto-quote it.)
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: phooey on 22 Jun 2009, 14:19
Greatest hits?
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Sox on 22 Jun 2009, 14:27
School boy crush.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Coward on 22 Jun 2009, 14:28
Tommy is the man, isn't he?

Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: phooey on 22 Jun 2009, 14:28
Ah, youth.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Tom on 22 Jun 2009, 17:39
Tommy , I want your babies both.

Baked in a pie so that you have fed on flesh that you yourself have bred.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Professor Snuggles on 23 Jun 2009, 01:05
Tommy's greatest hits are gabbly/meebo, and a couple stories that I definitely can't tell in this thread.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Christophe on 23 Jun 2009, 06:47
[15:44] tommydski: if someone asked me
[15:44] tommydski: which would you prefer as a discovery/invention
[15:44] tommydski: out of fire
[15:44] tommydski: and the iPhone
[15:44] tommydski: i would choose the iPhone
[15:45] tommydski: fire is basically useless as an MP3 player
[15:45] tommydski: can't play DivX
[15:45] tommydski: fire takes very bad photos
[15:45] tommydski: it doesn't allow me to check Facebook or use the BBC iPlayer
[15:46] tommydski: fire also doesn't seem to compatible with Skype
[15:46] tommydski: which is a massive oversight considering how long it has been available and how popular Skype is now
[15:47] Darryl: when was the last time fire had a firmware update?
[15:47] tommydski: Prometheus hasn't even released any updates since the original beta as far as I know
[15:47] Darryl: yeah, I was about to say
[15:47] Rob: tommy, without fire you would not have your precious ipod
[15:47] Darryl: it feels like it has a lot of bugs that should have been worked out by now
[15:47] tommydski: i mean
[15:47] tommydski: yeah
[15:47] Darryl: fire gets really really hot, for one thing
[15:47] tommydski: it was okay
[15:48] tommydski: i Paypal'd him some money when he had his liver eaten by an Eagle
[15:48] tommydski: but the dude has majorly dropped the ball
[15:48] Ozy: Fucking nerd
[15:49] Darryl: basically, fire has lost the lead it had
[15:49] Darryl: it has been surpassed
[15:49] Darryl: there is no reason to own fire anymore
[15:49] tommydski: yeah
[15:50] tommydski: we need to change a lot of popular culture to reflect this
[15:50] tommydski: Try to Set the Night on iPhone
[15:50] tommydski: this one goes out to the one i love
[15:50] tommydski: iPhooooooooone
[15:51] tommydski: Pale iPhone by Vladimir Nabokov
[15:52] Christopher: I FEEL LIKE I WANNA
[15:52] Christopher: I WANNA SET MYSELF ON IPHONE
[15:52] tommydski: hahaha
[15:52] tommydski: that's the best one i think
[15:52] tommydski: we'll change it to
[15:52] tommydski: I wanna set myself up with an iPhone
[15:53] tommydski: guy will be thrilled
[15:53] tommydski: iPhone in the Disco
[15:53] tommydski: iPhone in the Gates of Hell
[15:53] tommydski: i have used my iPhone in a disco
[15:53] Emilio.: Things We Lost In The Iphone
[15:53] tommydski: haha
[15:54] Christopher: don't touch me, my bed's on the iPhone
[15:54] Emilio.: my ipod actually has a fair amounf of "lost" music
[15:54] Darryl: come on baby light my iPhone
[15:54] andy: I will crush your iphone under the weight of my giant labia
[15:55] Emilio.: like, my itunes somehow messed up and added the songs but not as audio files?
[15:55] Ozy: Smoke on the water; iPhone in the Sky?
[15:55] Christopher: iPhone-eyed boy, give 'em all the split
[15:55] Emilio.: love ---> building on iPhone
[15:55] Christopher: don caballero- iPhone back about your new baby's sex
[15:56] Ozy: iPhones coming out of a monkey's head
[15:56] Darryl: Set Yourself on iPhone
[15:57] Ozy: I fell into a burning ring of iPhones
[15:57] tommydski: yeah i think we just wrote Apple's next advertising campaign for them
[15:57] Darryl: this conversation is still better if you replace the word "iPhone" with "John Candy"
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Delirium on 24 Jun 2009, 00:27
Indian as in native american, or indian indian? I don't know many of either.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Tom on 24 Jun 2009, 00:39
Indian as in Native Americans.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Slick on 24 Jun 2009, 17:01
The term 'Indian giver' derives from the native americans, who made deals they didn't understand with the colonizers. Basically, they had different notions of property and ownership, not really 'possesing' land like we do. So, they gave land and things, not understanding what the arrangement really meant, and then tried to take them back. Hence, an Indian giver is someone who gives and then takes back. It's most often heard on playgrounds and the like where kids are playing and 'sharing'.

I guess you can figure out what the joke was now?
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Reed on 24 Jun 2009, 17:23
TL;DR yall's a bunch of unrepentent racists!
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Delirium on 24 Jun 2009, 19:14
Ah, I get it now. Thank you for clarifying the joke.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Yakob on 25 Jun 2009, 13:23
The iPhone in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Sox on 25 Jun 2009, 13:30
Cut that shit out or I'll set John Candy to your house.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Malek on 25 Jun 2009, 13:57
Who is Tommy?

Also who is John Candy?

I fear i may be missing something in this thread.  :-(
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Nodaisho on 25 Jun 2009, 14:27
Tommy is Ptommydski, and John Candy was an actor. You've seen Spaceballs, right? He was Barf.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Patrick on 25 Jun 2009, 14:50
Not gonna lie, I only thought half of that movie was funny. Mel Brooks's magnum opus was clearly Blazing Saddles.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: rawrXskittles on 01 Jul 2009, 21:46
Mm, I used to really love Tommy. I always thought Luke or Fortebass were cooler, though
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Johnny C on 01 Jul 2009, 22:25
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Sox on 02 Jul 2009, 02:40
...hi, Rawr. We kinda assumed you were killed or something. Nice to see you're alive though.
You'd tell us if something really terrible happened, right?
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Professor Snuggles on 02 Jul 2009, 09:21
Mm, I used to really love Tommy. I always thought Luke or Fortebass were cooler, though

Oh man, can I guys?

Can I please?
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Professor Snuggles on 02 Jul 2009, 09:22
This is like fuccin christmas, seriously.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Patrick on 02 Jul 2009, 14:46
No, Kiff. Heel.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Johnny C on 02 Jul 2009, 15:27
kieffer your av makes me uncomfortable because that dude has a serious medical condition and he'll probably be dead in a few years because he should actually be dead already
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Patrick on 02 Jul 2009, 15:47
Who is that, man, he looks like this guy:

Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: ruyi on 02 Jul 2009, 21:38
In case anyone was wondering (not sure if you were really asking, Patrick?) it's probably somebody (and probably a child, at that) with Progeria ( Few people with the disorder live past the age of 13.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Zingoleb on 03 Jul 2009, 00:21
kieffer your av makes me uncomfortable because that dude has a serious medical condition and he'll probably be dead in a few years because he should actually be dead already
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: ruyi on 03 Jul 2009, 00:36
Yes? But he didn't specify what it was so I decided to in case anyone didn't know.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Zingoleb on 03 Jul 2009, 00:41
Well, the avatar always fucked with my head (but that's just because I'm unstable), and knowing what it really is kind of depresses me.

Edit: Changed some slightly awkward phrasing.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: BeoPuppy on 03 Jul 2009, 01:09
Zingoleb should be commended on his subtle use of the word 'just'.

I think it's this kid:

Oh, and, yes, he has progeria. Poor sod.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Patrick on 03 Jul 2009, 04:39
Judging by the pictures of the room, yeah, that's him. His hands look like mine, but his body (and especially his head) appear shrunken. Still, looks like he's having a great time there in his videos.
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: David_Dovey on 03 Jul 2009, 04:48
The guy's name is Tsimfuckis? Man, brother just can't catch a break, huh?
Title: Re: Tommy is a Cheeky Bastard
Post by: Dimmukane on 03 Jul 2009, 09:41
Actually, I think it is.  He also thinks he's ghetto hard and, in his own words, has "a fuckin' penis on my stomach.  What!"