Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: celticgeek on 23 Aug 2009, 23:12

Title: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: celticgeek on 23 Aug 2009, 23:12
So, Faye is being nice to Angus, and is willing to share where she hides the bodies with him. 
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 23 Aug 2009, 23:19

Faye is being nice to Angus. Faye is voluntarily going out of her way to check on the feelings of not one, but two fellow human beings.

I have only two things to say:

Who are you? And what have you done with the REAL Faye Whitaker?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: JD on 23 Aug 2009, 23:20
I laughed out loud at this one, then got the hiccups. Damn you jeph
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 23 Aug 2009, 23:24
Gah... Stone Quarrys are one of the most obvious dump sites ever!

While still rather obvious, i prefer beaches, because the crabs will destroy the evidence, or the body will wash out to sea and the salt and sharks will do it. Either way, so long as theres a decent gap between the killing and the body being found, any evidence left on the body itself will have long since been rendered unusable.

But thats just me. Anyone have any other prefences they would like to share?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: vettechinohio on 23 Aug 2009, 23:25
She's actually apologizing for not including him? My mind, she is blown! Now, the real question is, did she go over just to make sure Marigold got home ok, or for a chance to see him as well?

I've liked Angus from the start, and I'm not sure if it's his persistence or seeming genuine and honorable interest in Faye, but I'd love to see him become a member of the regular pack, even if he only remains a friend.

I eagerly await the future storyline!
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Dliessmgg on 23 Aug 2009, 23:40
Gah... Stone Quarrys are one of the most obvious dump sites ever!

While still rather obvious, i prefer beaches, because the crabs will destroy the evidence, or the body will wash out to sea and the salt and sharks will do it. Either way, so long as theres a decent gap between the killing and the body being found, any evidence left on the body itself will have long since been rendered unusable.

But thats just me. Anyone have any other prefences they would like to share?
Beaches are not that good. Either they can see what you did there with all the sand (and maybe they can even see your sole) or there are many people around all the time. I prefer the Mariana Trench combined with some weights. nobody goes down there and even if they do, they most probably won't see anything because they don't expect to.

On a completely unrelated note: I had a dream tonight of a QC comic where Jimbo, Dora and Marten were knitting an then Jimbo had a heart attack, but with his whole body.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 23 Aug 2009, 23:52
Pintsize prefers the garbage disposal.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Inert on 23 Aug 2009, 23:53
Off the boardwalk, late at night at high tide? I think that would be the best option. In many places the water reaches the boardwalk and this will take them out to sea with very little evidence. Not to mention how would they know you had the body? They might not even find the body, and if they do where it was dropped is hard to find, and by then the evidence is probably gone.

I also got the hiccups by the way. But it was because I chugged a glass of water.

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mojo on 24 Aug 2009, 00:15
...the next most popular character (Faye, which was kind of a surprise)

I was one of those that picked Faye.  Why?  Because she's the most multidimensional character.  There's a realism about her that is very appealing.

Marten comes close, but he's so generic sometimes.
Dora comes close too, but just doesn't have that edge that Faye has.
Hanners is almost entirely comic relief.  That is, she's OCD/whatever will make the joke work.  Yep, she gets the cuteness thing because she acts childlike, but she's remarkably one dimensional.

Raven was my honourable mention, just because she hasn't been seen in so long...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: AngryCallCenterAgent on 24 Aug 2009, 01:34
Wood chipper's no good, huh? Not even hungry flesh-eating pigs? Or say applying hydrochloric acid to the face and then burning the body, followed afterwards by pulverizing the remains into a fine dust to be distributed across gods know what via a skyscraper and good trade winds?

Yep, everyone's going the water route, including the Gulf Stream...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: snubnose on 24 Aug 2009, 02:49
Dammit, there was a poll ? I missed it ! Darn.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 24 Aug 2009, 04:11
Small lakes or rivers off a logging road in N. Ontario or Quebec for part,  other lakes or swamps for the rest - you gotta make sure that the areas are not well travelled to (boardwalks, sheesh.  Next thing you know you'll be leaving the bullets in the body.... Young people today, always cutting corners.)
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Binary on 24 Aug 2009, 05:16
Anyone have any other preferences they would like to share?

Fire. And lots of it.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 24 Aug 2009, 05:56
Anyone have any other preferences they would like to share?

Fire. And lots of it.

I'd prefer to dump them in the middle of the atlantic...

today's comic kinda put faye in a new light.  The Past few comics we have seen her she has proven to be kind of a bitch but todays was oddly (and awesomly)  redeeming of her character as a person.  Go Faye.  The little sparing near the end reminds me of faye and marten before the talk.  :-D
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 24 Aug 2009, 06:54
Yeah, Faye was pretty cool in this one. It's funny how Angus played off being bothered about not being invited.

On body disposal: What you need is a nice quiet spot in the desert to bury the body and a good size bag of quicklime. I also second swamps and bogs. Fire's tricky. You'd have to get some good heat going to make be sure there's no evidence. We're talking cremation type heat, which is above 1600 deg. F. You're average house fire burns at 1200, so you can't just light a place on fire and walk off. Got to put some effort in to it.

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: snubnose on 24 Aug 2009, 07:25
Oh we give tips here now how to hide bodies ?  :-D :evil:
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: innermoppet on 24 Aug 2009, 07:56
Yeah, Faye was pretty cool in this one. It's funny how Angus played off being bothered about not being invited.

On body disposal: What you need is a nice quiet spot in the desert to bury the body and a good size bag of quicklime. I also second swamps and bogs. Fire's tricky. You'd have to get some good heat going to make be sure there's no evidence. We're talking cremation type heat, which is above 1600 deg. F. You're average house fire burns at 1200, so you can't just light a place on fire and walk off. Got to put some effort in to it.

Given how much mockage he got from Faye for showing emotional vulnerability, it was probably a smart move on his part to pretend like it didn't bother him.

It surprised Jeph that people like Faye despite her increasingly nasty behavior and I think maybe before he knew that, he felt free to have her get meaner because he didn't really think people liked her anyway. So I wonder if he wrote this little snippet of Faye being nice, in response to the poll information. She has been increasingly unlikable in my opinion lately and this sudden attack of conscience feels forced.

It's just a thought anyway.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Binary on 24 Aug 2009, 10:15
Fire's tricky. You'd have to get some good heat going to make be sure there's no evidence. We're talking cremation type heat, which is above 1600 deg. F. You're average house fire burns at 1200, so you can't just light a place on fire and walk off. Got to put some effort in to it.

Theodore Sturgeon covered this in "The Sex Opposite" (available in his collection of stories "E. Pluribus Unicorn"). Slice the body (actually, two bodies in the story) from neck to crotch, pack with powdered aluminium and powdered iron oxide, touch it off with a coil of magnesium wire.

"Made a great big messy thermite bomb out of them"

2500 degrees C ! (, or
4500 degrees F ! (
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jeph on 24 Aug 2009, 10:17
Yeah, Faye was pretty cool in this one. It's funny how Angus played off being bothered about not being invited.

On body disposal: What you need is a nice quiet spot in the desert to bury the body and a good size bag of quicklime. I also second swamps and bogs. Fire's tricky. You'd have to get some good heat going to make be sure there's no evidence. We're talking cremation type heat, which is above 1600 deg. F. You're average house fire burns at 1200, so you can't just light a place on fire and walk off. Got to put some effort in to it.

Given how much mockage he got from Faye for showing emotional vulnerability, it was probably a smart move on his part to pretend like it didn't bother him.

It surprised Jeph that people like Faye despite her increasingly nasty behavior and I think maybe before he knew that, he felt free to have her get meaner because he didn't really think people liked her anyway. So I wonder if he wrote this little snippet of Faye being nice, in response to the poll information. She has been increasingly unlikable in my opinion lately and this sudden attack of conscience feels forced.

It's just a thought anyway.

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 24 Aug 2009, 10:25
I suspect jeph did it because he wanted to.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: celticgeek on 24 Aug 2009, 10:26
On the subject of getting rid of bodies, you really need to check with the people who did in Jimmy Hoffa. 
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: H0b0K!n9 on 24 Aug 2009, 10:36
I wonder if Faye learned her body hiding technique from and underground mob.......She seems to know quite a bit about the quarry.....
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: TwistedRemedy on 24 Aug 2009, 13:08
Yay, Faye. Yay, Angus. Yay. Woo.
Yay dead bodies

No more costumes though.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Headwoünd on 24 Aug 2009, 13:58
Uh. If she knocked on my door at 3 fucking AM on a workday for something like that, I'd have to dispose of her body. By feeding it to the pigs.

Note to self: Get pigs.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Norton Quintessential on 24 Aug 2009, 16:02
OK, I just have to say one thing:

If Faye and Angus HOOK up, I'm going to THROW up. Angus used to be some creepy stalker who constantly pestered Faye DESPITE her constant requests for him to bug the fuck off, and now all of a sudden he's part of the group? What the fuck?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: BigSol81 on 24 Aug 2009, 16:35
Angus wasn't a 'stalker'. If that's your idea of a stalker, then I'm starting to understand why so many paranoid freaks request restraining orders. Angus liked swapping wit with Faye, and it was obvious she got some enjoyment out of it too since she never called the cops on him and Dora or one of her other friends didn't pull him aside and say "Hey, you really need to back off.". Also, it was obvious later on that she was at least physically attracted to him, and it was her own ISSUES that made her tell him to fuck off.

That being said, Angus isn't a womanizer like Sven, and even if Sven is learning that his womanizing is getting old, he still has a lot of bad habits. Angus seems like a far more stand-up sort of guy, and it would do Faye good to actually have a guy that isn't just interested in sex. I'm really tired of the whole "shippers" trendy catch-phrase buzzword bullshit people use now. "Oh, you're a Marty/Dora shipper! You're a Hanners/Marigold shipper! Blah-de-blah!"

Shut up. I have couples I'd like to see. Stop attaching some retarded label to it. I'm happy with Marten/Dora. I'd prefer Faye/Angus at this point only because he seems like a nice guy and Faye seems to like him to some extent. I'd also like to see Tai have a fling with one of the main characters, maybe Raven or something. Hanners needs a relationship too, or at least some experimentation, but Jeph would be hard-pressed to find something to overcome her issues...maybe shower sex in a clean-room or something, who knows?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 24 Aug 2009, 16:38
Uh. If she knocked on my door at 3 fucking AM on a workday for something like that, I'd have to dispose of her body. By feeding it to the pigs.

Note to self: Get pigs.

I vouch this note to self. Pigs are useful when one does not have access to a very big oven. That is, if you want to get rid of assorted biological waste. There is little that pigs will not eat.

...the next most popular character (Faye, which was kind of a surprise)

I was one of those that picked Faye.  Why?  Because she's the most multidimensional character.  There's a realism about her that is very appealing.

Marten comes close, but he's so generic sometimes.
Dora comes close too, but just doesn't have that edge that Faye has.
Hanners is almost entirely comic relief.  That is, she's OCD/whatever will make the joke work.  Yep, she gets the cuteness thing because she acts childlike, but she's remarkably one dimensional.

Raven was my honourable mention, just because she hasn't been seen in so long...

Comic relief... in a comic?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Blackcat Moebius on 24 Aug 2009, 16:44
Body-disposal discussion aside, am I the only one getting deja vu?

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Norton Quintessential on 24 Aug 2009, 17:13
Angus wasn't a 'stalker'. If that's your idea of a stalker, then I'm starting to understand why so many paranoid freaks request restraining orders. Angus liked swapping wit with Faye, and it was obvious she got some enjoyment out of it too since she never called the cops on him and Dora or one of her other friends didn't pull him aside and say "Hey, you really need to back off.". Also, it was obvious later on that she was at least physically attracted to him, and it was her own ISSUES that made her tell him to fuck off.

OK, Sol81. Let's become best buddies! I'll hover around you, hassle you, and when you FUCKING FLING ME ACROSS A BAR, I'll just laugh and say it's your "issues".

Ha ha! We're bonding! :-D
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cgarci21 on 24 Aug 2009, 17:17
Personally Angus creeps me out sometimes, its not his actions he just...feels creepy. That's just me though and I'm biased because I like Sven.

Insofar as body disposal I think my favorite way has to be stripping the flesh off the bone and making a stew. Serve the stew at a local homeless shelter and everybody wins.

Yes, there are still bones left but you could always have them ground up to be sold at a voodoo shop (if you live in Louisiana) or you could disperse them (broken and/or altered) into the trash behind several meat markets. No one would even notice a human femur or a few stray finger fragments amongst the gore.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 24 Aug 2009, 17:38
Personally Angus creeps me out sometimes, its not his actions he just...feels creepy. That's just me though and I'm biased because I like Sven.

Insofar as body disposal I think my favorite way has to be stripping the flesh off the bone and making a stew. Serve the stew at a local homeless shelter and everybody wins.

Yes, there are still bones left but you could always have them ground up to be sold at a voodoo shop (if you live in Louisiana) or you could disperse them (broken and/or altered) into the trash behind several meat markets. No one would even notice a human femur or a few stray finger fragments amongst the gore.

Why waste a perfectly good skeleton? You need to be more creative! You can use steel wire to connect the bones together, screw in a hook at the top of the skull and hang it in your closet. When you show them your skeleton in the closet, everyone will laugh and no one will suspect it's real! Or if you really don't like skeletons, donate it to a high school somewhere, they'll happily put it up for display in the biology class.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cgarci21 on 24 Aug 2009, 17:47
^ Good point. I like the closet prop idea, plus I could always take it out for Halloween.

...but what if you have multiple bodies???
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 24 Aug 2009, 17:53
Body-disposal discussion aside, am I the only one getting deja vu?

just as long as it doesnt end like this... (
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mojo on 24 Aug 2009, 19:05
Comic relief... in a comic?

Heh, yeah, I just mean Hanners' personality changes in order to get a laugh, which isn't terribly realistic.  As a result I find it hard to relate and to her character.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Jimor on 24 Aug 2009, 21:28
...but what if you have multiple bodies???

Arrange them into "live" versions of those old victorian etchings that had everyday scenes enacted by skeletons*. Call yourself an Artist.

*(My Google-Fu fails me, but you know what I mean.)
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Kugai on 24 Aug 2009, 21:29
The Nevada Desert - After all, it worked for the Mafia   :D

I'm kinda sorta like rooting for these two
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: zoose.alors on 24 Aug 2009, 22:02
lol, ditchforks.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: MiraiGen on 24 Aug 2009, 23:13
I'm having fun editing comics with different dialog.

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: ecstaticjoy on 24 Aug 2009, 23:40
lol...yay, great comic!
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: NeverQuiteGoth on 24 Aug 2009, 23:44
Slap-happy Hanners!

OMG she reminds me so much of me in this strip.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Shok Xone Studios on 24 Aug 2009, 23:50
God I hope my sleep habits never get that fucked up. As it is, I'm up till 2AM designing whatever since I know I don't have anywhere to be in the morning.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: danman on 25 Aug 2009, 01:03

It surprised Jeph that people like Faye despite her increasingly nasty behavior and I think maybe before he knew that, he felt free to have her get meaner because he didn't really think people liked her anyway.

Actually to me this does not seem out of the way or special. Faye is nasty, but is not a sociopath - Marigold was drunk first time and going home alone, so it was rather a good idea to check - either to get nothing, a funny story one can tease her about, or prevent a possible disaster (her not arriving home). It was also in previous comics, (VespAvenger) that she goes out of way to help her friends when it is REALLY necessary.

As far as with not assaulting Angus, it is partly because he behaved intelligently and followed a joke with his own comments, and partly since at 3AM every larger physical activity (even beating an annoying person) seems too tiring.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Spikam on 25 Aug 2009, 01:40
 Just read todays comic 40 hours with no sleep very hard to do but funny comic i liked it i know the feeling being a insomniac my self which is why i am posting at 3 in the morning but anyone else like the fact that she looked on the bottom for instrustion?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 25 Aug 2009, 01:47
BAH! Only 40 hours!?

I wont be impressed untill she beats my record of 64 (aprox) hours straight.
I had just gotten a new game for my computer (Medievel 2 i think) on the friday. I got up at 8am on the Saturday, and stayed up constantly untill around 1/2am Tuesday morning, at which point i went to bed and didn't wake up till Wednesday.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: evilbobthebob on 25 Aug 2009, 02:14
Medieval 2 is a great game, worthy of those ~64 hours. Perhaps.

On topic, today's comic was funny  :lol:
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: innermoppet on 25 Aug 2009, 06:36
Yeah, Faye was pretty cool in this one. It's funny how Angus played off being bothered about not being invited. 

Given how much mockage he got from Faye for showing emotional vulnerability, it was probably a smart move on his part to pretend like it didn't bother him.

It surprised Jeph that people like Faye despite her increasingly nasty behavior and I think maybe before he knew that, he felt free to have her get meaner because he didn't really think people liked her anyway. So I wonder if he wrote this little snippet of Faye being nice, in response to the poll information. She has been increasingly unlikable in my opinion lately and this sudden attack of conscience feels forced.

It's just a thought anyway.


Well I guess that's why they are called thoughts and not proclamations of absolute truthiness.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Random832 on 25 Aug 2009, 07:02
Well I guess that's why they are called thoughts and not proclamations of absolute truthiness.

Maybe yours aren't proclamations of absolute truthiness...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: greekstreek on 25 Aug 2009, 09:41
Angus wasn't a 'stalker'. If that's your idea of a stalker, then I'm starting to understand why so many paranoid freaks request restraining orders. Angus liked swapping wit with Faye, and it was obvious she got some enjoyment out of it too since she never called the cops on him and Dora or one of her other friends didn't pull him aside and say "Hey, you really need to back off.". Also, it was obvious later on that she was at least physically attracted to him, and it was her own ISSUES that made her tell him to fuck off.

That being said, Angus isn't a womanizer like Sven, and even if Sven is learning that his womanizing is getting old, he still has a lot of bad habits. Angus seems like a far more stand-up sort of guy, and it would do Faye good to actually have a guy that isn't just interested in sex. I'm really tired of the whole "shippers" trendy catch-phrase buzzword bullshit people use now. "Oh, you're a Marty/Dora shipper! You're a Hanners/Marigold shipper! Blah-de-blah!"

Totally agree regarding Angus/Faye. I can't help but think that anyone who "loves Sven" and "hates Angus" is probably too immature to know better.

If you recall, Angus did NOT continue bothering Faye after she "threw him across a bar". In fact, he disappeared for a couple weeks because he got a girlfriend. That's very un-stalkerish behavior.

Stalking also implies obsession. I don't understand how Angus's cavalier attitude could be mistaken for obsessing over Faye. Furthermore, Angus has proven himself to be a pretty chill dude, hanging out and getting along with Faye's gang without completely focusing on just her. These sorts of things are not stalking and they are not "smarmy" - they happen every day and are called "making friends". The fact that she never called the cops on him, and that she now seems to LIKE him, implies that he DID read the situation right, in that she was marginally attracted to him and just being standoffish all along.

I could understand being paranoid and saying Angus is a stalker much better if the same people didn't invariably LOVE SVEN. Sven is an asshole, hands down, who over the course of just this comic strip has been responsible for more pain and suffering than I suspect Angus has EVER caused in his life.

How do these people find themselves more sympathetic to a womanizer with no principles (evidenced by his sell-out country music writing), rather than a laid-back activist who doesn't look like he could hurt a fly? I really don't get it. Do people like him ironically or something?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: danman on 25 Aug 2009, 11:02
[ Do people like him ironically or something?


Another problem with classifying him as a stalker is that obsession alone is not enough. Stalkers in general are also aggresive, (that is why restr; orders are useful) sending anonymous letters to the victim, visiting the home when she is not present, or attempting rape. while Angus does none of that.

Sven is simply a disgusting and parasitic man.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 25 Aug 2009, 12:24
If you recall, Angus did NOT continue bothering Faye after she "threw him across a bar". In fact, he disappeared for a couple weeks because he got a girlfriend. That's very un-stalkerish behavior.

Actually, he disappeared for a bit after the tossing, but he returned eventually, he just didn't ask her out again. His recent disappearance came at one of those time jumps, so in comic time, he was gone for a a few months.

The thing is, Faye admitted to her psych that she was attracted to both Angus and Sven. She treated Sven like crap too before she started sleeping with him. Sven was coming around as much, if not more than Angus did, right before they started hooking up. The only reason people weren't calling him pathetic and a stalker was that he hadn't asked Faye out before he started hanging out with her and he was giving Faye as much of a hard time as she was giving him. If Sven had straight out asked Faye to go out with him the way that Angus did, he would have been shot down and then they'd never have hooked up because she would have been wary of him and on her guard like she is now with Angus. Sven got to her because she wasn't worried about him being interested in her and so let him get closer than she would have otherwise.

I could understand being paranoid and saying Angus is a stalker much better if the same people didn't invariably LOVE SVEN. Sven is an asshole, hands down, who over the course of just this comic strip has been responsible for more pain and suffering than I suspect Angus has EVER caused in his life.

How do these people find themselves more sympathetic to a womanizer with no principles (evidenced by his sell-out country music writing), rather than a laid-back activist who doesn't look like he could hurt a fly? I really don't get it. Do people like him ironically or something?

I like Sven as a character because he's fun and funny. He's the charming rogue. If he were a real person, and did to someone I'm close to what he did to Faye, I'd probably threaten to end him and punch him in the junk. I figure that Sven and Faye will eventually end back up together, so I don't think it would be good for Angus to get involved with her. I like Angus though and much prefer him over Sven.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 25 Aug 2009, 13:15
But he did come back after Faye threw him across the bar. Immediately afterward he headed into her personal space again, and introduced himself and gave Faye his phone number after she said "You're STILL violating my requests".

On the other hand she took his phone number and had a "wry smirk" during their conversation, so there's support for the belief that he was reading the situation correctly.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Kugai on 25 Aug 2009, 21:06
Zombie Hanners   :D

"Put down the Coffee and step away from the counter very slowly!"
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 25 Aug 2009, 21:14
I like Sven as a character because he's fun and funny. He's the charming rogue. If he were a real person, and did to someone I'm close to what he did to Faye, I'd probably threaten to end him and punch him in the junk. I figure that Sven and Faye will eventually end back up together, so I don't think it would be good for Angus to get involved with her. I like Angus though and much prefer him over Sven.

So would you end him and then punch him in the junk, because I think the punching would be more effective on a pre-ended Sven.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 25 Aug 2009, 23:22
I Feel for Hanners in the latest one. Not so much the roadworks thing, but the living an a busy road where abulences go past with sirens blaring kinda thing, I mean yeah, so someones hurt/dying and your in a hurry, BUT I AM TRYING TO SLEEP DAMMIT!!!!
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 25 Aug 2009, 23:31
As a day-sleeper, I can relate to Hanner's situation.

Also, yay, action art.

OT. I just found out about Senator Kennedy. He will be missed.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Shok Xone Studios on 26 Aug 2009, 00:41
Anyone see that episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent with Dylan Baker as a forensics expert who cleans up after a murder he commits by bleaching the victim's body? That's Hanners as a serial killer.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: westrim on 26 Aug 2009, 01:03
As a day-sleeper, I can relate to Hanner's situation.

Also, yay, action art.

OT. I just found out about Senator Kennedy. He will be missed.

I'm sure he and Eunice Shriver are busy rounding up the other deceased Kennedy's to form a band right now.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 26 Aug 2009, 01:16
I have far too many, ah, daydreams like this to be entirely comfortable seeing this comic.

Also, it troubles me to actually identify with Hannelore. Except, for me, it's not the blood that inhibits, but the prospect of being a cell-mate's 'special friend' for the rest of my life.

Providing, of course, I can't kill each of them, too.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cerement on 26 Aug 2009, 01:22
Man Bites Dog ( had some classic discussion about disposing of dead bodies (as well as a warning about the shortcomings of water levels).

Also included a *cough* interesting little drinking game, Dead Baby Boy ( ("Petit Gregory" in French) ...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Merrick on 26 Aug 2009, 02:08
Her kung-fu is too strong.  :-o
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: vonschiller on 26 Aug 2009, 03:14
Funny comic. But, as someone who voted for Hanners on the favorite character poll question, if the comic becomes "random stuff that happens about Hanners" to the detriment of the rest of the comic, I would be a sad panda.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Rimwolf on 26 Aug 2009, 03:30
One word, Hanners (and anyone else with noisy environs, snoring bedmates, whatever): earplugs.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 26 Aug 2009, 03:40
Oh! I was wondering why Hannelore would be staying up 40 hours after a party like that. Yesterday's comic kind of came out of nowhere, at least now it makes some sense.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mr_Rose on 26 Aug 2009, 03:55
One word, Hanners (and anyone else with noisy environs, snoring bedmates, whatever): earplugs.
But earplugs go in your ears. Those have wax and things. Once she put them in, she'd never be able to take them out again without a string and/or industrial equipment. And forget reusable ones...

Also, Hanners must have spent her feat on Weapon Proficiency (Shaolin Spade ('s_spade)) last time she levelled...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Aurjay on 26 Aug 2009, 04:41
Man Bites Dog ( had some classic discussion about disposing of dead bodies (as well as a warning about the shortcomings of water levels).

Also included a *cough* interesting little drinking game, Dead Baby Boy ( ("Petit Gregory" in French) ...

Man Bites Dog is still prolly one of my fav movies. Takes dark humor to a whole new level.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Rimwolf on 26 Aug 2009, 05:04
But earplugs go in your ears. Those have wax and things. Once she put them in, she'd never be able to take them out again without a string and/or industrial equipment. And forget reusable ones...

A happy medium is foam earplugs. They work about as well as the wax ones, are nonyucky and easily removable, and cheap enough that you can use a new pair every night if you're, ah, unusually fastidious.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Superkid11 on 26 Aug 2009, 06:33
Funny comic. But, as someone who voted for Hanners on the favorite character poll question, if the comic becomes "random stuff that happens about Hanners" to the detriment of the rest of the comic, I would be a sad panda.
Nah, I'm sure he just wanted to have some fun with Hanners for a few strips. I think Jeph's smart enough not to turn Hanners from a lovable comic relief character into a Wesley. :p
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: H0b0K!n9 on 26 Aug 2009, 06:48
They should make a print out of panel 5. Who doesn't want a print of psycho Hanners with a shovel in their room?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: innermoppet on 26 Aug 2009, 06:50
I love any reference to MC Hammer.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Random832 on 26 Aug 2009, 09:09
It's a nice subtle point that in her imagined version of these events she of course doesn't get any blood on her skin, and of course she even so she will probably burn/bleach/boil/boil in bleach and then burn that shirt at the earliest opportunity.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Alex_K_NY on 26 Aug 2009, 09:22
Every now and then a strip or two about funny stuff that happens with her gives the comic charm and breaks up the more serious plot stuff effectively.  Personally I was really hoping to see what happened with Steve and YES! girl this week, but oh well.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 26 Aug 2009, 09:31
All I thought of when I first saw this comic was, "Who hasn't thought of doing that?" 
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: plethora on 26 Aug 2009, 09:42
I Feel for Hanners in the latest one. Not so much the roadworks thing, but the living an a busy road where abulences go past with sirens blaring kinda thing, I mean yeah, so someones hurt/dying and your in a hurry, BUT I AM TRYING TO SLEEP DAMMIT!!!!

Ok, I must be in a minority here but, living on a main road - I got used to it pretty quickly. In fact, after 5 years of living on a main road I started finding the traffic/construction noises comforting. Now, I've been living in a quiet suburb for 9 months and the silence really bugs me. The best sleep I've had since I moved was when they were doing works on the nearby train line through the night.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Blyss on 26 Aug 2009, 09:52
As for Faye and Angus, meh - okay.  Tear it up.  I care not.

As for Hannelore getting loopy at 40 hours, I didn't reach that point until I hit 70 hours, and then my friends told me I needed to go to bed.  Eventually I wondered off to sleep, and I think I crashed for approximately a day.

I've not done that for a while, but I still have many problems sleeping.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Zemyla on 26 Aug 2009, 11:10
Do you think the men at work outside are going to perform "Down Under"?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 26 Aug 2009, 11:45
Hanners should ask if she could stay at doras for a bit, being that dora is probably rarley there.  Or Marten is already shaking with Dora there to avoid the noise too.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Dliessmgg on 26 Aug 2009, 13:23
Or maybe possibly coincidentally Dora is at the coffe shop and Marten at the library.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cgarci21 on 26 Aug 2009, 14:32
I doubt Hanners could willingly crash at someones place for the night (day?). I think her OCD might get in the way. The only time she has ever stayed with someone it was because she was either drunk (Sven) or too tired to stay awake (Marten) and just fell asleep. She never made the decision, per se, to spend the night. My best advice would headphones, it has the dual purpose of drowning out the noise and perhaps mellowing her out enough for her to fall asleep.

As for Sven vs Angus. I tend to prefer Sven only because I enjoy his character (mannerisms/dialogue/situational hilarity) and Faye's reactions to his character. If he were an actual person I would agree with the junk punching as mentioned earlier. I just don't like Angus. It has very little to do with Sven and more to do with my own encounters with men like Angus. They get on my nerves. Meh.

Edited to correct mistake: Is it cold in here,  you're right I forgot about the move (and the shower, hahaha)...although I agree, it was situational force as opposed to free choice. Although it wasn't involuntary like the other instances.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 26 Aug 2009, 15:23
In the story arc where she was auditing her mother's huge collection of documents, she temporarily moved in with Faye and Marten. She had trouble with their shower, and come to think of it that may be better classed as an involuntary move: intentional, but forced by circumstances.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Alex_K_NY on 26 Aug 2009, 15:56
It has very little to do with Sven and more to do with my own encounters with men like Angus. They get on my nerves. Meh.

Naw, man.  Angus is the best.  He's witty, loyal, and sometimes amusingly naive, while Sven is cold and cynical.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Delirium on 26 Aug 2009, 17:40
which is why Svangus is so perfect.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 26 Aug 2009, 20:19
In the story arc where she was auditing her mother's huge collection of documents, she temporarily moved in with Faye and Marten. She had trouble with their shower, and come to think of it that may be better classed as an involuntary move: intentional, but forced by circumstances.

and she crashes on marten's couch quite a few times too.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Kugai on 26 Aug 2009, 20:47
Well, that adds to the QC Arsenal

The Malaysian Battle Spatula
The Stop Sign of Doom
The Scorn Grenade (Though I have to admit that that is limited in use)
The Spade of Death
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 26 Aug 2009, 20:57
Im making myself an Avatar out of that 'Spade/Shovel of Death' panel.

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Carl-E on 26 Aug 2009, 21:32
...but you know, the city's just gonna send three more stooges out to finish diggin' up that water main, so what's the point? 

Svangus.  HAH!  Good one! Why choose one when you can have neither both
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mojo on 26 Aug 2009, 23:56
How can she sleep on such a small bed?

You know that's a Malaysian shovel...?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Aug 2009, 00:36
No scorngasm from Faye? Her mind must have been elsewhere, or she's in a really good mood.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 27 Aug 2009, 00:41
Ahhh, now i get it! (you had to be there)
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 27 Aug 2009, 00:42
I'll take sandwich condiments as personal lubricants for $100, Alex.

Also, and I'm totally not trying to point out a typo, because God knows I always type perfectly, but how did a "\" end up in the word "don\'t" in the news post? How is that even possible, I mean physically?

Also why is Dora wearing Jeph's hat?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: dwibby on 27 Aug 2009, 00:49
I'll take sandwich condiments as personal lubricants for $100, Alex.

I dare say it was a challenge to find the worst condiment to use as a personal lubricant, as the burning sensation was a qualification for winning.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 27 Aug 2009, 01:07
I'll take sandwich condiments as personal lubricants for $100, Alex.

Also, and I'm totally not trying to point out a typo, because God knows I always type perfectly, but how did a "\" end up in the word "don\'t" in the news post? How is that even possible, I mean physically?

Also why is Dora wearing Jeph's hat?

I would never have thought of that. My mind is not dirty enough for QC, methinks.

Um... the '\' key is right next to the apostrophe on this US-international keyboard. Jeph's is probably the same, but that key also appears between the Backspace and Enter key. Were you looking at the '\' key between Shift and Z?

So how about that Pepperoni olive oil?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: dwibby on 27 Aug 2009, 01:12
So how about that Pepperoni olive oil?

I'll raise you Wasabi sauce.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Dliessmgg on 27 Aug 2009, 01:17
Try glue.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 27 Aug 2009, 01:37
Also why is Dora wearing Jeph's hat?
Well, either, nutty as this sounds, that hat's not unique, or else it's the THINKING HAT and Dora had to wear it to win the game. Maybe she swiped it from Jeph the way Haley did that "big-ass diamond" over in OOTS a few weeks back.

Come to think of it, that looks like the hat Charlie Brown used to wear during the winter months. Maybe comic-Jeph swiped it from him.

I'll add that there's something nauseating about the joy that is creeping onto Faye's face in panel 3. Well and subtly drawn, but nauseating. Three figurative cheers for the Beowulf mention, though. Go Geats, go!
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: evilbobthebob on 27 Aug 2009, 01:40
Random coincidence with today's comic: just like Wil, I have a job interview today  :-D Also, the first thing that came to my mind when Faye said "Oh GOD that would burn!" was lubricant...  :evil:
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: dwibby on 27 Aug 2009, 02:18
Try glue.

While a truly horrible personal lubricant, I doubt you would find many people who would willingly admit to using glue as a condiment, or any companies willing to market it as such.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 27 Aug 2009, 02:56
And now, thanks to rule 34 and this thread there is a new fetish about glueing genitalia together...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Random832 on 27 Aug 2009, 03:48
Also, and I'm totally not trying to point out a typo, because God knows I always type perfectly, but how did a "\" end up in the word "don\'t" in the news post? How is that even possible, I mean physically?

There are lots of programming languages in which the apostrophe is a special character, and sometimes code can get a bit aggressive about it. \' or even \\\' is surprisingly common.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Akima on 27 Aug 2009, 04:30
I think the modern equivalent of a court poet would have to be a political speechwriter. If Charles Dickens were alive today, he'd be writing for TV soaps.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Aug 2009, 04:34
And we need to thank Eric the Red's personal skald for the world's best and most enduring marketing scam ever.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: workingrobbie on 27 Aug 2009, 05:54
Also why is Dora wearing Jeph's hat?

Who cares? I think she looks HOT in that hat  :laugh:
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 27 Aug 2009, 06:21
Also, and I'm totally not trying to point out a typo, because God knows I always type perfectly, but how did a "\" end up in the word "don\'t" in the news post? How is that even possible, I mean physically?

There are lots of programming languages in which the apostrophe is a special character, and sometimes code can get a bit aggressive about it. \' or even \\\' is surprisingly common.

Ah, that makes sense, software is to blame.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mr_Rose on 27 Aug 2009, 07:59
I would just like to say that today's Specials are awesome.
That is all.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: bicostp on 27 Aug 2009, 09:36
Also, and I'm totally not trying to point out a typo, because God knows I always type perfectly, but how did a "\" end up in the word "don\'t" in the news post? How is that even possible, I mean physically?

Backslashes tell JavaScript to treat apostrophes and quotes as text, rather than parse them as part of the code. Otherwise it would cut off the string at the first quote it comes across and then go "whublargh what's all this I don\'t understand?!" when it finds more non-code text.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: DoubleJ on 27 Aug 2009, 09:44
Quote from: akronnick
Ah, that makes sense, software is to blame.
PHP especially. It's one of the languages where a single quote means something (the beginning or end of a piece of text) so if the text includes one it has to be "escaped" so the interpreter or compiler knows to ignore it. In PHP you do that by putting a backslash before it: ' becomes \' when you have to feed it to the code.

The reason PHP sucks in this regard is that, in addition to providing a function to do this for you, the installation also can be set to do it automatically. If the installation changes things can get wacky.

First, the function turns ' into \' like it's supposed to.

Then, the automatic bit sees a backslash, which must itself be escaped, followed by an apostrophe that must be escaped. The backslash becomes a double backslash and the apostrophe becomes a backslash-apostophe again: \\\'

If that gets fed through another piece of software it may do even more escaping if things are set up wrong.

RSS feeds tend to suffer the same problem with ampersands. To encode a character you can use a special name (in some cases) that HTML assigns to it. To put an é on a page you can type é to make it appear. Since the ampersand has a special meaning in HTML like a backslash does in PHP, it has to be its own reference: An & all by itself is written &

Some RSS feed generators get overambitious and double-encode things. So you type "é" to get an é, and the software encodes it again giving you é which makes your feed look stupid.

Remember, kids. Computers make our lives easier. Whether we like it or not.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Shok Xone Studios on 27 Aug 2009, 10:49
I'll take "Household Condiments One Should Not Rub Over an Open Wound" for 500, Alex...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 27 Aug 2009, 11:02
"well its the sound yo motha made last night trebek!"

"i'll play your game you rogue!"

"the day is mine! I'll take famous hore semen for 500!"

wi will get a job as:
A. construction worker
B. US Post office
C. bagging groceries
D. test subject
E. airplane
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: ModernRonin on 27 Aug 2009, 11:05
Ahhhhhhh! Jeph had the perfect chance to put a narwhal in the comic and didn't!

NNNNoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :grin:
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Aug 2009, 12:02

wi will get a job as:
A. construction worker
B. US Post office
C. bagging groceries
D. test subject
E. airplane

You forgot option F.  Barista at the local Starbucks
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: bicostp on 27 Aug 2009, 13:59
Job as an airplane, eh?

He'll have to learn how to flap his arms really fast.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Shok Xone Studios on 27 Aug 2009, 14:06
"well its the sound yo motha made last night trebek!"

"i'll play your game you rogue!"

"the day is mine! I'll take famous hore semen for 500!"

Wouldn't it be awesome if they did one last Jeopardy segment on SNL and the real Sean Connery came out and took Darryl Hammond's place on the set? It'd never happen, but dammit, that'd be the funniest thing on SNL since Ian McKellen frenched Jimmy Fallon.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: TheHappyBerry on 27 Aug 2009, 14:36
Just reminds me of my friends trying to decide the worst thing to say during sex, and one coming up with, "If by spermicide, you mean mayonnaise."
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Delirium on 27 Aug 2009, 14:50
The Scorn Grenade (Though I have to admit that that is limited in use)
Not if you have scorn for everyone.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 27 Aug 2009, 15:15
Just reminds me of my friends trying to decide the worst thing to say during sex, and one coming up with, "If by spermicide, you mean mayonnaise."

There was another comic about 'the worst thing to say during sex', where the running number one was "Happy Birthday, Grandma!" There is also this (

That only works when it's out of the blue, though; yours only works in conversation.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Alex_K_NY on 27 Aug 2009, 15:26
wi will get a job as:
A. construction worker
B. US Post office
C. bagging groceries
D. test subject
E. airplane

D! D! D!  Hopefully he mutates!
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Aug 2009, 18:31
Everyone else has nondescript jobs(*). Steve even referred to his as "my nondescript office job".

It would be fun if Wil got hired to do something interesting and different, like waterslide test pilot.

(*) OK, except Hannelore.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cgarci21 on 27 Aug 2009, 19:24
I think Wil should work as one of those actors who visits schools etc. and pretends to be a historical figure for educational purposes. He could be Shakespeare! Me thinks he has the perfect demeanor.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: H0b0K!n9 on 27 Aug 2009, 19:43
I think Wil should work as one of those actors who visits schools etc. and pretends to be a historical figure for educational purposes. He could be Shakespeare! Me thinks he has the perfect demeanor.

To be, or not to be, unemployed?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: workingrobbie on 27 Aug 2009, 19:52
I think Wil should work as one of those actors who visits schools etc. and pretends to be a historical figure for educational purposes. He could be Shakespeare! Me thinks he has the perfect demeanor. just occurred to me that his job should be as an actor playing Jesus at a Jesusland adventure park thing. Would really get interesting with Penny-lope's beliefs.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 27 Aug 2009, 20:02
wi will get a job as:
A. construction worker
B. US Post office
C. bagging groceries
D. test subject
E. airplane

You forgot option F.  Barista at the local Starbucks
And G. employee at the bookstore where Penelope used to work.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 27 Aug 2009, 20:10 just occurred to me that his job should be as an actor playing Jesus at a Jesusland adventure park thing. Would really get interesting with Penny-lope's beliefs.

I don't think those are allowed would be very profitable in Massachusetts, Savannah maybe.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Kugai on 27 Aug 2009, 20:45
If that were the case then Chaucer would be writing Travel logs.    :D

No, the hat is a souvenir from Hanners, she got it from the workmen   :evil:    ;)
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 27 Aug 2009, 21:21
WOO! first to comment on new comic WOO!

Unfortunately Wil doesn't realise he going to have to wear that suit all the damn time now... Still, he cetainly fits in  :-D
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Aug 2009, 21:23
Working at a bar should give him useful insights into the human condition that he can use in his work.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mojo on 27 Aug 2009, 21:30
If that isn't the perfect place for Wil to work...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: SigPig on 27 Aug 2009, 21:33
Well that was a short interview.  :-D
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Kugai on 27 Aug 2009, 21:35
It's called serendipity.

Nice one Wil 
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mojo on 27 Aug 2009, 21:41
I still miss the zen of Raven...
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: SigPig on 27 Aug 2009, 21:50
Heh I liked her way of starting the day.  Thinking of dogs cause they're fuzzy.  :-D
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 27 Aug 2009, 21:57
guess Jeph found a way to keep the victorian theme.  :-D  Go Wil, he will coincidentally fit in, unintentionally too. haha
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 27 Aug 2009, 22:25
Man, this one made me laugh ... hard.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: altered_carbon on 27 Aug 2009, 22:46
And this comic confirms it for sure; Jeph Jacques is a fucking genius.

I still miss the zen of Raven...
Seriously, Dora needs to give that girl more hours.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: celticgeek on 27 Aug 2009, 23:20
Hmmm...  Wil did not wear any of his capes to this interview, and got the job anyway. 
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Delirium on 28 Aug 2009, 00:07
Ah, yeah! Someone here totally called it.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: alienatedduck on 28 Aug 2009, 02:19
I cannot wait for his first drink spilling hijinks! It's going to happen.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Dokph on 28 Aug 2009, 02:58
Hehehehe that made me laugh out loud for quite a bit.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cgarci21 on 28 Aug 2009, 03:35
The Horrible Revelation! Perfect.

This makes me oddly giddy, Wil just makes you want to root for the underdog. :)
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: jonarus_drakus on 28 Aug 2009, 04:03
Or if your Penelope:

This makes me oddly giddy, Wil just makes you want to root for the underdog. :)

See what i did there?  :-D
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Aug 2009, 04:08
I was soooo close to guessing right.  But missed.

And close only counts in hand grenades, horseshoes, and thermonuclear weapons.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 28 Aug 2009, 04:29
I laughed. I doubt those fancy clothes gags will ever get old!
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Aug 2009, 07:03
Not even Faye will have much to be snarky about with Wil's new job, It may not be what he went to college for, but none of the gang is doing what they went to college for, 'cept maybe Dora who at least took economics (it's got some relevance to being a small business owner).

Faye - studied art, but didn't graduate - presently working as a barista;
Penelope - not sure of program, probably English or Literature - presently working as a barista;
Dora - again, not sure of program, but at least took an economics course - small business owner;
Raven - still not sure what she took, but unless it is something related to chemistry being a barista still ain't related;
Marten - studied Music Theory - working as a librarian;
Tai - getting a Liberal Arts degree - working as a librarian
Steve - we don't know if he went to college - working as an office worker/sometime agent for the Federal Department of Kicking Your Ass;
Hannelore - went to college - small business owner/counts stuff
Angus - no idea if he went to post secondary - professional strawman
Marigold - no frikkin' clue to either post secondary or if she is working - still too new
Sven - went to college and got good grades with little to no effort, but we don't know in what - professional song writer
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 28 Aug 2009, 08:05
She's a Gold Farmer ... that's what she does for a living! lol

She could be like that guy in the Second Skin documentary who power leveled accounts and then sold them to make money.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mr_Rose on 28 Aug 2009, 08:43
You know what's really annoying; dude is living the Capitalist Ideal - he found a source of income where his labour is at a premium relative to the actual effort involved - and he gets ridiculed for nerdery, on teevee no less. Apparently it's not a "real job" unless you have a boss telling you what to do and/or taking ten percent.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Sam_bedge on 28 Aug 2009, 08:53
I forsee Will being in a coyote ugly situation he gets up on the bar and recites epic poetry to the masses! Possibly backed by Wagnerian style opera.......

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Aug 2009, 08:55
As long as he stays dressed we're all good here.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Freya on 28 Aug 2009, 10:42
Man, this one made me laugh ... hard.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Aug 2009, 11:04
Raven studied interior design.

I missed the reference to Dora taking an econ class, do you remember where it was?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Aug 2009, 11:55
it was the strip where she talked about wearing a sirt tht was see through at the back and her prof have her a hgiher grade becasue he sould see her assets.  Can't remember the number, but I'm certain that someone will.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Aug 2009, 12:33
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 28 Aug 2009, 12:38
Faye - studied art, but didn't graduate - presently working as a barista;
What job does studying art with emphasis on sculpture really qualify one to do?
Marten - studied Music Theory - working as a librarian;
Same as Faye. Either you're going to be an academic, or you're going to go through many 'side' jobs on your way to, well, somewhere only a few get to.
Penelope - not sure of program, probably English or Literature - presently working as a barista;
If you're correct about Penny, she, too, is in Marten's boat. Or else she is herself paying for a 'sinful' education. Nothing's been said about classes, though.
Tai - getting a Liberal Arts degree - working as a librarian
I don't see the conflict.
Hannelore - went to college - small business owner/counts stuff
Counting stuff is not a small business? Well, very small, I'll grant you, but still, she has at least one major client.
Marigold - no frikkin' clue to either post secondary or if she is working - still too new
Given her technical knowledge and social skills, Marigold almost has to be an Electrical Engineer or something similar.
Raven - still not sure what she took, but unless it is something related to chemistry being a barista still ain't related;
Raven is rebelling, so whatever her degree, she can't work in her field (interior design—thx Is it cold). She sidelines, though.
Angus - no idea if he went to post secondary - professional strawman
Angus almost has to be pre-law or law school.
Sven - went to college and got good grades with little to no effort, but we don't know in what - professional song writer
That's because no one can major in "fall-into-your-lap."
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: MillionDollar Belt Sander on 28 Aug 2009, 12:47
I too have fallen ass-backwards into jobs due to strange incidents like this.    One time I got a job that lasted three years simply because I had steel-toe boots on at the interview.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Mambo on 28 Aug 2009, 14:58
Also, and I'm totally not trying to point out a typo, because God knows I always type perfectly, but how did a "\" end up in the word "don\'t" in the news post? How is that even possible, I mean physically?

There are lots of programming languages in which the apostrophe is a special character, and sometimes code can get a bit aggressive about it. \' or even \\\' is surprisingly common.

Ah, that makes sense, software is to blame.

You know what they say.
"To err is human, but to really frell up takes a computer."

Charleson Mambo
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LeeC on 28 Aug 2009, 17:07
Sven - went to college and got good grades with little to no effort, but we don't know in what - professional song writer
That's because no one can major in "fall-into-your-lap."

Major in dance and you can technically major in "fall into peoples laps..."
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: AnkhWL on 28 Aug 2009, 18:33
I cannot be the only one is wanting to scream at Jeph to beat the Awkward Moments joke into the ground. Be honestly I'm a steampunk freak so anything partially Victorian-esque makes me squeal.

Plus its just hilarious to have all the characters acting normal with bartenders in Victorian attire.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 29 Aug 2009, 00:33
At this point it is becoming a running gag, and if he were to stop, there would be fans, perhaps months or even years into the future who would be all like "Why doesn't Jeph do ant Victorian costume jokes anymore?"

Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 29 Aug 2009, 00:51
I cannot understand this, but the more I look at Wil in the third panel, the more he looks like a head and neck sticking out of a flat cut-out—as though if you turned him sideways, everything but his head and neck would disappear into a line. I think it has something to do with combination of the tweed coat and the wide, lined shirtfront. Somehow the two combine with the head to give an Escher-like effect.

I feel bad about pointing this out—the art has been really, really, excellent these past few weeks (so, of course, I've not said a thing), and I'm loving the perspective 'shots.' But this one didn't work, somehow, and—this is the thing—it bugs me, because I can't figure out why.

And, of course, it may just be my crazy occipital lobes.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: akronnick on 29 Aug 2009, 06:40
I think there are a couple of factors in play here. The first is that the lapels of the jacket are too straight, too vertical and off center, which makes it look like it's on a hangar. That other is that patterns are hard to hand draw, especially if you try to give them form or volume. The pattern also masks the shading on Wil's body, which is one of the major cues Jeph uses to give his characters form.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: The Duke on 29 Aug 2009, 11:52
I'm having fun editing comics with different dialog.


Isn't that from 8-Bit Theater?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 29 Aug 2009, 12:50
The pattern also masks the shading on Wil's body, which is one of the major cues Jeph uses to give his characters form.
I see what you mean. Or understand what I don't see, as the case may be.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: LTK on 29 Aug 2009, 17:55
At this point it is becoming a running gag, and if he were to stop, there would be fans, perhaps months or even years into the future who would be all like "Why doesn't Jeph do ant Victorian costume jokes anymore?"

Maybe he can collaborate on something with David Malki !  :lol:
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Akima on 30 Aug 2009, 15:57
With regard to "natty old blazer"... Does "natty" mean something different in America or at least Massachusetts? Where I come from, "natty" means "neat, trim and smart" (, as in: "That is a natty suit". Or was "natty" supposed to be "ratty"?
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cerement on 30 Aug 2009, 16:47
Old and ratty, usually from being over-worn (or worn and washed way too often) -- "you're not wearing that natty old sweatshirt again, are you? it's gonna fall apart the next time you wash it!"
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 30 Aug 2009, 17:01
Old, ratty sweater = nappy, because the nap is raised and fuzzy. Akima has the right definition of natty.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Watched Pot on 30 Aug 2009, 18:00
I will stand with cerement. Living in America, I've never heard the word used to describe any garment less than, say, 20 years old and in a condition that shows its age. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps around here at some point people started using the word sarcastically and it just gradually got to the point where it is almost always used in that context (I know there are other words/phrases like this but for the life of me I can't think of an example right now). In any case, it is not a very commonly used word (around here).
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Random832 on 30 Aug 2009, 18:08
Hannelore - went to college - small business owner/counts stuff
Counting stuff is not a small business? Well, very small, I'll grant you, but still, she has at least one major client.

I'd actually say "independent consultant" rather than "small business owner".
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: cgarci21 on 30 Aug 2009, 18:10
Its dictionary definition is to be neat or trim but I think, insofar as connotative use, the definition is different based on place. I've always heard 'natty' used to describe something worn/old, which is apparently wrong. It may just be one of those locational colloquialisms, like 'pop'. I've called soda 'pop' all my life but its only called 'pop' in the midwest US, everywhere else its soda. Meh.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 30 Aug 2009, 19:52
I live in the midwest  and have never called it pop or soda pop. My step-sister, who is from Denver, calls it pop.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Watched Pot on 30 Aug 2009, 20:04
I live in the midwest  and have never called it pop or soda pop. My step-sister, who is from Denver, calls it pop.
According to this map, you live in Cherry County, Nebraska.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Akima on 30 Aug 2009, 20:35
Living in America, I've never heard the word used to describe any garment less than, say, 20 years old and in a condition that shows its age.
Fair enough. Down here, we'd call a garment like that "daggy".
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: maddness on 30 Aug 2009, 22:10
Nope ... I once went through Nebraska on the way to Denver. I challenge the correctness of that map. I was born and raised in Chicago and, excepting my grandmother's cousin who calls it Sodee Pop, I never heard anyone refer to it as pop until I met my step-family. My grandmother's cousin is from Alton, IL, within spitting distance of Missouri.

I've only ever seen the use of natty in literature and that was always the original meaning. I've never personally heard any one use natty. I've heard someone say that another person was nattily dressed, but they meant neatly. If it's used as slang for something old and worn, then it's just not been used so much in my area.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: raoullefere on 03 Sep 2009, 00:30
I agree with you about "natty," Maddness, and I think some are indeed confusing it with "nappy," perhaps attempting some odd version of Grimm's Law ( I actually wonder if Wil is putting it in quotes because it's a point of disagreement between him and Penelope: he thinks the blazer "natty" and she thinks, well, not.

I live in the American South, and I heard the terms "pop" or "soda pop" for soda when I was younger (20 years or so ago). I also know that some of the folks who used the term have/had relatives in Chicago and Detroit. Whether they carried it there, or brought it here, I can't say.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Watched Pot on 03 Sep 2009, 01:11
I am quite sure it's not just a natty/nappy confusion. I know the dictionary definition says it means neat, but for whatever reason "natty" is sometimes used to mean just the opposite. Maybe it's regional, maybe as I suggested above it stems from sarcastic use, maybe it all flows from one random dude a few years ago who used it incorrectly and no one bothered to look it up.

As far as "nappy" is concerned though, I've only ever heard or seen it used the way Don Imus famously used it. Wouldn't even cross my mind to use it in relation to clothing.
Title: Re: WCT: August 24-28, 2009
Post by: Akima on 03 Sep 2009, 06:28
Where I come from, a nappy ( is a garment of sorts, usually worn by babies.