Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: westrim on 01 Sep 2009, 01:55
So I was leafing through the archive looking for something else and I came upon this: ( For those to lazy to click, she wants to be a literary agent, to "find the next great American novelist". Wil is a writer; sure, of crappy poetry, but maybe he just hasn't found his calling as the next Hemingway (ie a crappy novelist. I... don't have a high opinion of Hemingway). Thoughts? Screams? Criticisms?
That's not the example I'd use around Pennelope, but the thought is intriguing.
Wil is a writer; sure, of crappy poetry, but maybe he just hasn't found his calling as the next Hemingway (ie a crappy novelist. I... don't have a high opinion of Hemingway).
Lots of people don't like Hemmingway's attitudes, so they diss his writing. If you think Hemmingway was a crappy novelist, what do you call Dan Brown, or Laurell Hamilton? I mean, you've got to keep some ammunition in reserve...
I can't stand Hemingway's writing style. Everyone drones on about "the iceberg" style, but I just think it comes out like something written by a sixth grader. "It was raining. I was walking home. I opened the door. I ate dinner, and then sat in a chair."
Wil is the next Ayn Rand.
Pintsize is the next Hugo Ball.
So I was leafing through the archive looking for something else and I came upon this: ( For those to lazy to click, she wants to be a literary agent, to "find the next great American novelist". Wil is a writer; sure, of crappy poetry, but maybe he just hasn't found his calling as the next Hemingway (ie a crappy novelist. I... don't have a high opinion of Hemingway). Thoughts? Screams? Criticisms?
I liked Raven's dream job better. Water slide test pilot! WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
'cept that water slide testing would have to be done in the off season when the customers and tourists aren't around ... COLD!
Or at the factory during the test assembly phase.
Not the big amusement park water slides. Those have to be assembled on site and, regardless of any factory testing, they have to be inspected and tested on-site. decent amusement park is very serious about ride safety and there is all manner of testing that goes on right before the season starts. Depending on where you live, pre-season is usually cool at the least. Up here it's pretty frigid.