Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: westrim on 01 Sep 2009, 01:55

Title: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: westrim on 01 Sep 2009, 01:55
So I was leafing through the archive looking for something else and I came upon this: (  For those to lazy to click, she wants to be a literary agent, to "find the next great American novelist". Wil is a writer; sure, of crappy poetry, but maybe he just hasn't found his calling as the next Hemingway (ie a crappy novelist. I... don't have a high opinion of Hemingway). Thoughts? Screams? Criticisms?
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 01 Sep 2009, 09:23
That's not the example I'd use around Pennelope, but the thought is intriguing.
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: Akima on 02 Sep 2009, 02:45
Wil is a writer; sure, of crappy poetry, but maybe he just hasn't found his calling as the next Hemingway (ie a crappy novelist. I... don't have a high opinion of Hemingway).
Lots of people don't like Hemmingway's attitudes, so they diss his writing. If you think Hemmingway was a crappy novelist, what do you call Dan Brown, or Laurell Hamilton? I mean, you've got to keep some ammunition in reserve...
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: KeepACoolin on 02 Sep 2009, 09:41
I can't stand Hemingway's writing style.  Everyone drones on about "the iceberg" style, but I just think it comes out like something written by a sixth grader.  "It was raining.  I was walking home.  I opened the door.  I ate dinner, and then sat in a chair."
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: Jace on 02 Sep 2009, 22:01
Wil is the next Ayn Rand.
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: Dliessmgg on 02 Sep 2009, 23:50
Pintsize is the next Hugo Ball.
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: Carl-E on 03 Sep 2009, 01:07
So I was leafing through the archive looking for something else and I came upon this: (  For those to lazy to click, she wants to be a literary agent, to "find the next great American novelist". Wil is a writer; sure, of crappy poetry, but maybe he just hasn't found his calling as the next Hemingway (ie a crappy novelist. I... don't have a high opinion of Hemingway). Thoughts? Screams? Criticisms?

I liked Raven's dream job better.  Water slide test pilot!  WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: cerement on 03 Sep 2009, 08:24
'cept that water slide testing would have to be done in the off season when the customers and tourists aren't around ... COLD!
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: Border Reiver on 03 Sep 2009, 17:08
Or at the factory during the test assembly phase.
Title: Re: Wil the writer and Penny
Post by: maddness on 03 Sep 2009, 18:02
Not the big amusement park water slides. Those have to be assembled on site and, regardless of any factory testing, they have to be inspected and tested on-site. decent amusement park is very serious about ride safety and there is all manner of testing that goes on right before the season starts. Depending on where you live, pre-season is usually cool at the least. Up here it's pretty frigid.