Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: jhocking on 05 Dec 2009, 10:27

Title: great minds think alike?
Post by: jhocking on 05 Dec 2009, 10:27
A few days ago I made this joke in the UD thread:

I'm not worried. See this hand? Steady as a rock.

I realized last night Colbert made this same joke on his show earlier this week, possibly even on the same day I posted that. I swear I wasn't just copying him though, I didn't even see the episode yet, it's a coincidence! I generally don't watch TV during the week, and catch up on the previous weeks episodes of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report on the weekend.

I often have that experience of a weird pop-culture mind meld, where I'll think something and shortly after see it in a TV show or magazine or something. Anyone else have that happen?
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: J-cob9000 on 05 Dec 2009, 10:32
Steve reads this forum and found your joke enjoyable and figured that if he used it, people would say that you stole it from him and not vice versa.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: SWOON! at My Gravitas on 05 Dec 2009, 10:35
What a jackass.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Caleb on 05 Dec 2009, 10:52
Colbert once made a joke about how peaches were better in one state than another and the state quarter got it wrong.

I did the exact same joke with maple syrup years earlier.  New York State makes the best maple syrup but Vermont gets the state quarter with people tapping maple trees...

...Vermont maple syrup sucks.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: JD on 05 Dec 2009, 11:01
(Canadian is the best)
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 05 Dec 2009, 11:04
They have maple trees in Canada?  I would think they'd make sort of a big deal about that kind of thing.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Dimmukane on 05 Dec 2009, 11:30
A couple years ago I was pining over the fact that working on group programming projects remotely was a pain, and asked Santa for a live document editor.  Now there's Google Wave.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Caleb on 05 Dec 2009, 12:09
(Canadian is the best)

I dunno Zombiedude in all the debates I have been a part of Canadian Maple Syrup have never even come up as an option.  It's always been NY, VT or NH.  (NY being the clear winner)

Why don't you just go back to posting awesome stuff in the Pointless thread.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Trollstormur on 05 Dec 2009, 13:58

Great minds think for themselves!!
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: pilsner on 05 Dec 2009, 16:58
Cryptomnesia (
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Scarychips on 05 Dec 2009, 17:11
Joe Hocking: Making pop culture enjoyable since we don't even remember when, cause he's too damn old for fuck's sake.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: est on 05 Dec 2009, 17:41
I believe this happens.  There are certain terms that my friends and I start using out of the blue, then 3 mths later I hear them being used everywhere.  We know we haven't consciously copied these things from somewhere else, and it can't be that people have heard us using them and spread it, that would be stupid.  The most logical answer is that both us and the other people have subconsciously started using those terms/phrases as a result of seeing them used somewhere else.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: JD on 05 Dec 2009, 18:45
(Canadian is the best)

I dunno Zombiedude in all the debates I have been a part of Canadian Maple Syrup have never even come up as an option.  It's always been NY, VT or NH.  (NY being the clear winner)

Why don't you just go back to posting awesome stuff in the Pointless thread.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Joseph on 05 Dec 2009, 18:57
I believe this happens.  There are certain terms that my friends and I start using out of the blue, then 3 mths later I hear them being used everywhere.  We know we haven't consciously copied these things from somewhere else, and it can't be that people have heard us using them and spread it, that would be stupid.  The most logical answer is that both us and the other people have subconsciously started using those terms/phrases as a result of seeing them used somewhere else.

Or it could be an instance of culture getting to a certain point where such utterances are the next step in a sort of "progression", and therefor are discovered by different people independently at around the same time due to the circumstances of their world.

Similar to the discovery of calculus by Newton and Leibniz.  Or natural selection by Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin.  Or the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray.

Except a decent bit more trivial.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: scarred on 05 Dec 2009, 19:42
They have maple trees in Canada?  I would think they'd make sort of a big deal about that kind of thing.

Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Inlander on 05 Dec 2009, 20:08
In this thread we talk about morphic resonance!
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Toba on 05 Dec 2009, 20:11
Or it could be an instance of culture getting to a certain point where such utterances are the next step in a sort of "progression", and therefor are discovered by different people independently at around the same time due to the circumstances of their world.

Similar to the discovery of calculus by Newton and Leibniz.  Or natural selection by Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin.  Or the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray.

Except a decent bit more trivial.

I agree; there are plenty of things that get thought of in a lot of places at once.  Look at memes; they're another fruit of the same tree.  We are now able to pass ideas around the entire globe faster than a speeding bullet!
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: est on 05 Dec 2009, 21:03
I thought that memes was what I was talking about.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: öde on 05 Dec 2009, 21:05
There are certain terms that my friends and I start using out of the blue, then 3 mths later I hear them being used everywhere.

I think this probably comes from shared cultural sources, and that if you have a memory (or something) of something then you're more likely to notice it in future.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: öde on 05 Dec 2009, 21:06
Also memetics is awesome.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: pilsner on 05 Dec 2009, 21:18
Of course, a lot of new words and ideas do have a unique progenitor, and given the promiscuous borrowings of the internet, such a word or idea ripe for adoption could become widely used very quickly.  You wouldn't really know  unless you made a habit of going on random internet fora and saying stupid ludicrous things that had never been said before until one of them became widespread.  And who has that kind of free time!
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 05 Dec 2009, 22:30
Hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: pilsner on 05 Dec 2009, 23:03
That sketch is one of my all time favorite ( from A Bit of Fry and Laurie.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 05 Dec 2009, 23:26
And has been my status on facebook since early yesterday. Is this a somewhat perfect example of what we're talking about?
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 06 Dec 2009, 07:52
Well, it was my friend's status on gmail about two weeks ago, which reminded me of (finger quotes) A Bit of Fry and Laurie, so I think it might be coming back into people's minds as of late.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Zingoleb on 06 Dec 2009, 15:11
Great minds don't think alike, stupid people just can't think differently.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: jhocking on 06 Dec 2009, 15:13
Thinking outside the box doesn't work, because outside the box is another box.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Bastardous Bassist on 06 Dec 2009, 15:14
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Zingoleb on 06 Dec 2009, 15:34
Thinking outside the box doesn't work, because outside the box is another box.

We're all in our little boxes, just waiting for the UPS delivery dude in the sky
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: öde on 06 Dec 2009, 18:07
I think outside the hypercube.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Scarychips on 06 Dec 2009, 18:08
Try thinking outside the ultracube.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Jace on 06 Dec 2009, 19:28
I think outside the hypercube.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: syrupykeyboard on 06 Dec 2009, 19:54
I think outside the tesseract.

EDIT: Oh wow. A tesseract is basically such as a type of hypercube.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Dliessmgg on 06 Dec 2009, 23:25
I think outside the Klein bottle.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: squawk on 07 Dec 2009, 00:20
one of my teachers told me it was okay to think outside the box but that it worried him when i think outside the planet

he told me this after i tried to get people to unauthorizedly bring ice cream to class by putting up signs that looked official (meaning that they were made in microsoft word with clip art.)
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Inlander on 07 Dec 2009, 03:47
I think outside the Klein bottle.

What about thinking outside the Elliot trap?
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Ptommydski on 07 Dec 2009, 04:15
one of my teachers told me it was okay to think outside the box but that it worried him when i think outside the planet

he told me this after i tried to get people to unauthorizedly bring ice cream to class by putting up signs that looked official (meaning that they were made in microsoft word with clip art.)

This warrants some expansion.

You put signs up around class asking people to bring you ice cream or have I misread this?
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Zingoleb on 07 Dec 2009, 04:36
Try thinking outside the ultracube.

I can think outside the timecube.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Caleb on 07 Dec 2009, 11:17
(Canadian is the best)
Why don't you just go back to posting awesome stuff in the Pointless thread.
*oh no you didn't Colbert gif*



You think I am going to back down in the face of an inferior tree sap product?  I am not going to even go into your weird ass Canadian syrup grading system.  You don't even have subgrades.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Scarychips on 07 Dec 2009, 14:21
Why need subgrades when all of it is graded as "Awesome!" ?
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: squawk on 07 Dec 2009, 16:22
one of my teachers told me it was okay to think outside the box but that it worried him when i think outside the planet

he told me this after i tried to get people to unauthorizedly bring ice cream to class by putting up signs that looked official (meaning that they were made in microsoft word with clip art.)

This warrants some expansion.

You put signs up around class asking people to bring you ice cream or have I misread this?

okay, not me specifically. like, it was my band teacher, and dozens of kids pass through the band room every day, so my teacher usually prints out notices and posts them on the door.
so one day i went home, got on microsoft word, and created a sign that said "BRING ICE CREAM TOMORROW" with a clip art image of an ice cream cone, and taped it to the band room door.

i wanted to have an unofficial ice cream party but people got confused and asked questions, although i think i may have included "(don't ask questions)" on the sign as well
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Toba on 07 Dec 2009, 18:26
I thought that memes was what I was talking about.

Oh, I suppose we are talking about the same thing then.  Righto, I agree with you.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: Luke C on 08 Dec 2009, 07:50
They have maple trees in Canada?  I would think they'd make sort of a big deal about that kind of thing.

Oh zing, I see what you did thar.

I did actually like that joke.
Title: Re: great minds think alike?
Post by: ZJGent on 08 Dec 2009, 08:01
In regards to the original post, I still swear blind that I was using the phrase "Cockthirsty Thundercunt" of solely my own creation several years before the release of Blade 2 and its "cum-guzzling" derivative.