Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: spoon_of_grimbo on 08 Feb 2010, 13:35

Title: help with splitting mp3s...
Post by: spoon_of_grimbo on 08 Feb 2010, 13:35
anyone know a decent, reliable free program for splitting mp3s?  basically, i'm planning on getting all those tracks that contain a song and then another song hidden after a long period of silence at the ends of albums and separating them into two separate tracks.

i know the obvious answer would be audacity, but i find that every time i import music, it increases the gain slightly so that it clips, and i basically end up with an over-loud, low-quality result...

any help would be appreciated - the simpler the better tbh, as i don't plan on doing any editing other than just splitting the mp3 into two smaller mp3s.
Title: Re: help with splitting mp3s...
Post by: KharBevNor on 08 Feb 2010, 14:15
Have you tried fiddling with the settings on Audacity? Go to Edit>Preferences>Quality, and bump up the sample rate and set everything to high-quality. Also, when importing audio, make sure the recording volume is set at zero. These might help, I have personally never encountered any problems with Audacity similiar to what you've mentioned.
Title: Re: help with splitting mp3s...
Post by: spoon_of_grimbo on 08 Feb 2010, 15:33
thanks for the tips, but i've just tried all that and the same problem seems to be occurring.  there's clipping in the left channel the second the song starts playing.  happens with all songs, even quiet ones...
Title: Re: help with splitting mp3s...
Post by: KharBevNor on 08 Feb 2010, 22:19
Have you tried adjusting the track gain?
Title: Re: help with splitting mp3s...
Post by: spoon_of_grimbo on 09 Feb 2010, 02:44
yeah but it still always ends up slightly quieter or louder than it should be. 

it's alright though, i've since found, in the depth of my laptop (it's a windows 7 one that i'd not properly explored until now) a program called WavePad, which seems to do the job nicely!
Title: Re: help with splitting mp3s...
Post by: JayJayD on 01 Mar 2010, 11:14
I use the program mp3DirectCut, which I find is just perfect for that purpose.
I also use it to cut recorded concerts into songs.

Download link: (