Fun Stuff => BAND => Topic started by: Tergon on 24 Feb 2010, 04:32

Title: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Tergon on 24 Feb 2010, 04:32
It's pretty safe to say we've all heard someone say, "This is the worst song of all time".  And usually when they say it they're talking about a lousy song, no question.  But a recent conversation got me wondering - what exactly makes up a bad song?  For example, listening to The Spice Girls makes me want to puncture my own eardrums, but even I have to admit the group had some decent vocal talent.  Or how everyone always rags on Country & Western as bad music, but it's largely made up of talented artists playing songs that take a lot of skill to perform.  And when an artist or genre is popular, they must have *something* going for them.  So, personal opinion is an annoying factor.

That's why I started looking at more objective things.  What it boiled down to, I figured, was to keep it simple:
Lyrics - Does the song actually make sense, or is it just idiotic?
Rhythm - Can I shake my booty to it?
Vocals - Is there any kind of decent voicework?
Instrumentals - Can the band at least give me a good riff?
Composition - Is it put together well?
Irony - If it's sub-par for any reason, can you at least say it was a joke on behalf of the artist?

Because, see, even the most terrible song isn't beyond redemption.  We've all got that one friend who picks out a homemade tune on whatever instrument they fancy, singing a song about dragons and leprechauns or whatever.  And we all hear the latest R&B "masterpiece" about popping a pig's cap with nine booty hoes, or however it goes.  And even in the most awful pieces of music, even the pieces that barely deserve that title, there's a glimmer of talent, of potential.

Except for this:

I present Brandy's 1996 song, What About Us?.  The lyrics are chanted, so we can rule out singing talent.  The words, when examined, are idiotic at best and gibberish at worst, to say nothing of them not even being an attempt at rhyme to keep the music tied together.  The beat is deliberately disjointed, so good luck dancing to it.  The instruments are computer-generated, so that's out.  Even the voice has been modded, so it's not even her natural voice we hear.
This is, quite literally, a song that required absolutely no musical talent whatsoever to produce.

And I firmly believe it is the single worst song in existence.  Not just because of my own dislike of it; but because it goes against everything that you could consider to be music by any reasonable definition.

Why bring this up?  Why rant it to you?  Why bother with this longwinded, overblown, self-indulgent tripe?  Simple.
You see, I firmly believe I've named the Worst Song of All Time.  And now I challenge you all, I defy you all... hell, I outright DARE you all.

Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 24 Feb 2010, 04:36
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 24 Feb 2010, 04:39
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 24 Feb 2010, 05:09
I always thought it was kinda interesting how much the scientifically formulated worst song sounds like Mr. Bungle.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: a pack of wolves on 24 Feb 2010, 05:17
What the hell are you talking about, that song is excellent. Seriously, it has a big riff, randomly stabbing drums, bizarre lyrics... regardless of intention, there is nothing I don't like about their end result.

I present Brandy's 1996 song, What About Us?.  The lyrics are chanted, so we can rule out singing talent.  The words, when examined, are idiotic at best and gibberish at worst, to say nothing of them not even being an attempt at rhyme to keep the music tied together.  The beat is deliberately disjointed, so good luck dancing to it.  The instruments are computer-generated, so that's out.  Even the voice has been modded, so it's not even her natural voice we hear.
This is, quite literally, a song that required absolutely no musical talent whatsoever to produce.

Did you actually listen to this song? The singing isn't chanted, nothing extensive but this isn't spoken word. The words aren't gibberish, it's a very straightforward "you're not good enough for me" song. Not the most inspiring stuff, but it's failing is in being too obvious not in nonsense. The beat's more than steady enough to dance to. And it takes musical talent to program a beat and play synths, despite what whiny rock musicians might claim. As for it going against what could be considered music, that's just nonsense. Listen to Lambsbread ( That's still music, so the idea this song is outside the scope of music just means you don't listen to much music.

As for your criteria, well, they're pretty bad too. A song making sense or not is massively subjective when bands start getting a little obtuse in the lyrics. Can you shake your booty to it? Fuck that, I like to dance but plenty of music simply isn't designed for that. Decent voicework, again, totally subjective. I think Jon Chang's a great vocalist, you might think he makes stupid noise. Instrumentals? What does this even mean? Composition, how is this more objective than anything else? And what's irony doing here?

Basically all I get from this is that you've got something against R&B, which is silly because R Kelly is better than you.

Worst song ever is My Humps though. You can tell this by the way it is so bad it can briefly put you off breasts.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 24 Feb 2010, 05:34
The thing I find most interesting about the Scientifically Formulated Worst Song is the lack of imagination on the part of those surveyed. Basically, no matter how hard you try to think of the worst music ever, there will be people out there making stuff twenty times worse, and they will think it is fucking rad. See: Complete, Brokencyde.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Ptommydski on 24 Feb 2010, 07:48
Hoogie Boogie Land (, by Complete.

He wants the worst song, not the best.

I've already linked this ( on Meebo but it might well be the answer to this question.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: McTaggart on 24 Feb 2010, 08:13
I don't know about the worst song ever, but the worst song that is getting radio play at the moment is titled "Splitting the Difference" by someone whose name I forget and hope to never know. Youtube mercifully doesn't have it, and hypem tells me that it's not being talked about on blogs and it took me all afternoon to remember it. I find it hard to describe since it's so utterly bland. It's too slow to dance to, too meaningless to think about, too insistent to ignore. It's even slightly too catchy to just forget about as soon as it's over. I choose to quantify 'worst' as the song that has the highest rate of me turning my car radio off when it comes on the radio.

Second is a tie between every Silverchair song since they stopped trying to be Nirvana.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Daft pun on 24 Feb 2010, 08:36
Now I'm all curious and have to hear what you're talking about.

OK, I think I found it ( Well, that is pretty bland.

Quote from: McTaggart
It's too slow to dance to, too meaningless to think about, too insistent to ignore. It's even slightly too catchy to just forget about as soon as it's over.

Perfectly describes my feelings after listening to that. Well done.

Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: McTaggart on 24 Feb 2010, 08:51
Yeah that's it. Sorry.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: pwhodges on 24 Feb 2010, 11:23
The Classic (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 24 Feb 2010, 16:30
Worst song ever (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: TheFuriousWombat on 24 Feb 2010, 16:37

I think you guys all mislinked. Here's what you meant to say. (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Melodic on 24 Feb 2010, 16:40
ITT: Khar becomes risque.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 24 Feb 2010, 16:47
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: TheFuriousWombat on 24 Feb 2010, 17:06
Hmm that is a pretty good choice
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 24 Feb 2010, 17:48
I think you guys all mislinked. Here's what you meant to say. (

I actually really like that song for some reason. Khar's got it dead on, but this is classic Van Halen, d0gg.

Zombiedude is totally right. Also, gonna quote somebody from the comment thread: "she looks like his older sister or baby sitter"
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Spluff on 24 Feb 2010, 18:24
ITT: Khar becomes risque.

Becomes? I'm pretty sure Khar was ejected from his mother's womb risque.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Tergon on 24 Feb 2010, 18:42
Did you actually listen to this song? The singing isn't chanted, nothing extensive but this isn't spoken word. The words aren't gibberish, it's a very straightforward "you're not good enough for me" song. Not the most inspiring stuff, but it's failing is in being too obvious not in nonsense. The beat's more than steady enough to dance to. And it takes musical talent to program a beat and play synths, despite what whiny rock musicians might claim. As for it going against what could be considered music, that's just nonsense. Listen to Lambsbread ( That's still music, so the idea this song is outside the scope of music just means you don't listen to much music.

As for your criteria, well, they're pretty bad too. A song making sense or not is massively subjective when bands start getting a little obtuse in the lyrics. Can you shake your booty to it? Fuck that, I like to dance but plenty of music simply isn't designed for that. Decent voicework, again, totally subjective. I think Jon Chang's a great vocalist, you might think he makes stupid noise. Instrumentals? What does this even mean? Composition, how is this more objective than anything else? And what's irony doing here?

Basically all I get from this is that you've got something against R&B, which is silly because R Kelly is better than you.

Worst song ever is My Humps though. You can tell this by the way it is so bad it can briefly put you off breasts.

Well, okay, no need to jump down my throat.  You think I was unfair, that's cool, but I'm not sure the personal shots were absolutely necessary here.

First off, I don't mind R&B.  The style doesn't bother me too much; my criteria were my attempting to remove this from just a "I hate this song asdasdfawergqawet" rant.  Apparently I didn't do a great job at expressing that.  And I do acknowledge that yeah, no matter what, I'm gonna be biased a bit, and it's going to be objective.  I'm not a complete idiot.
As to the criteria, I'm not saying EVERY SONG EVER MUST BE LIKE THIS.  Just that, if a song can offer me something in one of these areas, I'll concede that yeah, it's got good stuff going for it.  And there are songs that don't.  What About Us? turned me off completely, and once I decided I didn't like the song, I looked to all these areas to find some redeeming factor and could not.  Maybe I'm a snob, maybe I'm a tool, but professional music does have standards and I could not find a way in which this song met them.  Any dickhead can make random noises on a guitar, but a talented musician can take those noises, put them into the right order, and produce a decent song out of it.

The criteria were just a way of trying to look at it objectively.  Vocals and Instrumental, well, okay, not every song has words, and not every song has instruments.  I don't care, I can still enjoy the music.  Composition?  That goes back to making all those annoying noises come out in an order that's pleasant to the ear.  Lyrics?  I don't demand that every song be a work of Shakespeare, but a bit of coherence now and then is nice.  And if all else fails, well, that's where Irony comes in.  You said you hated My Humps, and that's fine, but I look at that song and chuckle and say, "Yeah, they did that on purpose."  Which means that from a certain perspective, it's not that bad at all.

The whole point of this was a bit of a challenge to everyone to supply what they thought was the worst song ever.  I figured it'd be amusing at worst, and maybe inspire a bit of discussion as to why some songs are better or worse to keep it interesting.  Personal attacks was a bit beyond what I'd hoped for, but okay, I can be flexible here.  I'd just try to point out that I used exaggeration for the sake of comedy a bit, just to give what I wrote a bit of a flow.  Obviously the song can offer SOMETHING or nobody would like it at all.  I'm just saying I personally did not, and I'm trying to explain why.

And as a final note, I might simply in self-defence say that as long as you're going to chastise me for not allowing for personal opinion and objectivity... you might show a little respect for MY opinion.  Y'know, to be fair.

Also:  One Less Lonely GIrl is now high on my Hate List.  I just want to punch that kid.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: a pack of wolves on 24 Feb 2010, 19:50
Oh come on, saying R Kelly is better than you isn't a personal attack. The man wrote Ignition (Remix), he's better than most things.

What I was saying was the trying to look at it objectively is pointless. All that comes out is subjective opinions, and by dressing it up in the way you did claiming things like the lyrics being gibberish become ridiculous because they aren't. If you just admit that the lyrics make sense but you think they're crap (you're right, they are), that the beat is functional (but it is lazy and boring), that the vocals are sung but without any passion or interesting structure, then you'd actually make a better argument for why this is a bad song. Like I said, the way you did it you ended up sounding like you were taking a pop at R&B (the bit about programming instruments taking no skill is a frequent and erroneous rock-bias argument) but without giving any reason why.

I don't hate My Humps because it misses on some arbitrary criteria. I hate My Humps because it infantilises sex and the body. It's practically paedophilic, they sound like twelve year olds. It also just sounds so much like product. And not product in the Girls Aloud 'manifesto about being British manufacturing' way that is also pretty crap (but the group are good) yet at least takes a stand, product in a dead-eyed cold calculation way. It's a song that should come free with a happy meal, and that should be detested. It's even more annoying that it isn't, listening to it is like being reminded constantly that Iggy Pop wants to flog you car insurance and bands are greedy for advertisers to endorse them. "Please let us hawk you shitty phone, it'll make our careers!" Sickening.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Zingoleb on 24 Feb 2010, 19:59
Also in a Kohl's commercial.

Also in a Guinness commercial.

Iggy Pop: Not just a car insurance salesman.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 24 Feb 2010, 20:25
Eric Clapton sells cell phones. I really can't stand to listen to any of his post-Dominoes material anyway though so it's all good.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 24 Feb 2010, 20:44
Doo doo doo weedly weedly weedly what the fuck (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 24 Feb 2010, 20:54
Her nickname is kelly clarkson
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Inlander on 24 Feb 2010, 22:35
This fucking thread made me go and YouTube fucking "Wonderful Tonight" ( and it's just as fucking awful as it's always fucking been.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Inlander on 24 Feb 2010, 22:38
Which is to be expected when it pretty shamelessly rips off one of the loveliest songs ever written (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: DavidGrohl on 24 Feb 2010, 23:20
Which is to be expected when it pretty shamelessly rips off one of the loveliest songs ever written (

That dude would totally get laid after that.  Guaranteed.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Inlander on 24 Feb 2010, 23:22
"That dude" would totally get laid just by virtue of the fact that he's Fred Astaire.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Tergon on 24 Feb 2010, 23:46
'S all good, Wolfy.  I didn't make myself clear enough, and then I misinterpreted what you said.  I was trying to explain myself more clearly, and you do have some good points.  So, okay, I will concede that the creation of What About Us? would have taken some skill.  I will simply stand by my belief that it didn't take a terribly huge amount.  :P   And I'm sorry I bit back at you when I thought I'd been bitten myself.  Internets make paranoid fools of us all.

Also:  Jessica Simpson's I Think I'm In Love. (
Because every time I hear this song, I hear the guitar from John Mellencamp's Jack And Diane.  And then the song is NOT Mr. Mellencamp singing, it's Jessica Simpson.  And that's terrible.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: BeoPuppy on 25 Feb 2010, 00:42

Going to throw this out there. Any and everything this gentleman has ever put out is the ultimate in shit music.

But then I really don't see the point in dance music whatsoever.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Zingoleb on 25 Feb 2010, 00:44
Maybe dancing to it?

Just a guess.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: BeoPuppy on 25 Feb 2010, 00:46
Yeah, I figured. But I don't really see the point. It's ugly music without meaning. Why would anyone voluntairily be in the neighbourhood of ugly music?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Inlander on 25 Feb 2010, 01:48
Jarvis Cocker has some useful input for you (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: BeoPuppy on 25 Feb 2010, 02:27
Haven't listened to the tune but having looked up the lyrics ... oh, yes. Too true.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: look out! Ninjas! on 25 Feb 2010, 03:14
I still feel that the worst song ever recorded is Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani. It seems to satisfy all the criteria in the OP pretty much perfectly, as if it were composed with such a purpose.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: a pack of wolves on 25 Feb 2010, 03:52
Yeah, I figured. But I don't really see the point. It's ugly music without meaning. Why would anyone voluntairily be in the neighbourhood of ugly music?

Because it's not ugly. It's total party. Total party that's absolutely ridiculous, knows it and is just having a grand old time. I mean, they claim "gothic doesn't exist", reference the KLF all over the shop and had a hit with a song called How Much Is The Fish. What's not to love?

So, okay, I will concede that the creation of What About Us? would have taken some skill.  I will simply stand by my belief that it didn't take a terribly huge amount.

I can back you on this. Also on Jessica Simpson sucking.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 04:00
Going to throw this out there. Any and everything this gentleman has ever put out is the ultimate in shit music.

But then I really don't see the point in dance music whatsoever.

So yeah Scooter sucks, this is truth. But do I really need to point out how using the low point of a genre to discount something as vast and varied as "dance music" is retardis in extremis?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Akima on 25 Feb 2010, 04:56
Wouldn't the "worst song ever" be something like the Horst Wessel Song ( Plagiarised tune, clunky lyrics, hateful politics...
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 05:15
John Darnielle can show you. (

y'know i'm not sure that a kid who listened to dance records to drown out the sound of his mother being beaten is really the best recommendation

(that is still possibly my favourite Mtn Gts song though)
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 05:16
hang on am i missing the joke again?

i'm missing the joke aren't i

Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Inlander on 25 Feb 2010, 05:31
This thread's basically just that "best song" thread all over again, except with terrible music. Let's talk about our favourite Mountain Goats songs for a while instead!

I think my favourite might be Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 05:33

(hey jens i am probably going to spend the next week or so listening to nothing but the Mountain Goats now, and it is all yr fault)
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 05:39
holy shit guys have you seen this video (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 05:48
Anybody who has read Lords of Chaos is pretty familiar with "Come to the Sabbat" already, as it's pretty heavily referenced in the first chapter. And yes, it is fucking shit.

According to Wikipedia, they've reformed!
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 25 Feb 2010, 05:52
So yeah Scooter sucks, this is truth. But do I really need to point out how using the low point of a genre to discount something as vast and varied as "dance music" is retardis in extremis?

Not like I wish to defend them or anything but scooter are hardly the low point ( of dance music ( Even DJ Sammy and Basshunter are pretty tame, the worst dance music is probably some sloppy eurobeat ( nonsense. I'm probably being hypocritical as I doubt the outside observer would be able to understand how the stupid ( european futurepop ( and EBM ( that I fucking adore (

Also what is particularly bad about that Black Widow song? I mean, by prog standards.

There's plenty of stupider prog stuff. Absolutely everything by Aphrodite's Child for example.

Also whenever I think of 'Come to the Sabbat' I think of this song ( and no bad thoughts can arise.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: valley_parade on 25 Feb 2010, 09:45
The worst song ever is anything from Animal Collective's entire discography. Proven fact.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: the_pied_piper on 25 Feb 2010, 10:54
This thread's basically just that "best song" thread all over again, except with terrible music. Let's talk about our favourite Mountain Goats songs for a while instead!

I think my favourite might be Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod (

Either that or Dilaudid (

Hell, the whole of The Sunset Tree is fantastic even for Mountain Goats' standards.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 25 Feb 2010, 12:05
The comical lyrics/chanting of said lyrics is some seriously Spinal Tap shit.

Yeah but, prog rock (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 25 Feb 2010, 13:19
So yeah Scooter sucks, this is truth. But do I really need to point out how using the low point of a genre to discount something as vast and varied as "dance music" is retardis in extremis?

Not like I wish to defend them or anything but scooter are hardly the low point ( of dance music ( Even DJ Sammy and Basshunter are pretty tame

That final sentence I have quoted is so horribly inaccurate. Tame? Man, summer before 6th grade I went to this summer camp up in Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is about a 6 hour drive from where I live. The entire fucking 6 hours, both there and back, were spent listening to this fucking trash (

I actually did try to murder the person who kept playing that fucking song over and over and over and over and over but I got duct taped.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: amok on 25 Feb 2010, 13:20
Not like I wish to defend them or anything but scooter are hardly the low point ( of dance music ( Even DJ Sammy and Basshunter are pretty tame, the worst dance music is probably some sloppy eurobeat ( nonsense. I'm probably being hypocritical as I doubt the outside observer would be able to understand how the stupid ( european futurepop ( and EBM ( that I fucking adore (

What's great about EBM is that even EBM fans hate 90% of it. There's such a wealth of totally identical crap out there, it's nearly as bad as synthpop. And yeah the cheese levels have to be incomprehensible to the casual observer/listener.

Still kinda love it as a concept though.

Also agreed, there is just so much terrible EDM out there, that there is no way anyone who's achieved the level of fame/notoriety that Scooter and Basshunter have managed can be the worst. Which is a shame because I'd love to be able to assert that Tiesto is the worst anything, ever, but if I'm being honest the low point of dance music was probably some euro trash shite circa 1995 that hardly anyone has heard and those that have have forgotten.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 25 Feb 2010, 13:31
Yeah but even the worst EBM is only as bad as mid-level epic trance or happy hardcore.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 25 Feb 2010, 13:33
Also I'm kinda scared now because I absolutely cannot think of an EBM or futurepop artist that I don't like on some level. Which I think is a bad sign.

I even like Apoptygma Berzerk for fucks sake.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: amok on 25 Feb 2010, 14:04
No shame in that, APB were cool until the Stereophonics covers album.

Unfortunately it's a 'scene' I got suitably immersed in for several years to hear literally hundreds of identical sounding bands. No disrespect to the genre but I've always found sorting the wheat from the chaff and finding exciting new artists (rarer and rarer) harder than with other EDM styles.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: StaedlerMars on 25 Feb 2010, 14:56
fuck this shit let's talk about the mountain goats again! I was standing right next to the guy filming this (!

I am probably going to hitch-hike through Europe this summer and am thinking of making a playlist of road tripping music and am thinking that the mountain goats will definitely be on it. I am also thinking of making a thread for this.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Johnny C on 25 Feb 2010, 15:37
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Johnny C on 25 Feb 2010, 16:14
I watched their hour-long tour DVD and they probably spent 40 minutes of it naked in a group trying to have sex with each other.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Johnny C on 25 Feb 2010, 16:14
Also for fucking real how awful is that song? It's the terrorist. It did 9/11.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Johnny C on 25 Feb 2010, 16:15
"Full of Bacardi and botox / she's forty and so hot," I mean, jesus fucking christ
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Feb 2010, 21:29
Also for fucking real how awful is that song? It's the terrorist. It did 9/11.

jesus i really need to stop falling into the trap of going "hey this is just average bad, not super-duper horrible" before the chorus hits
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Christophe on 25 Feb 2010, 22:21
To be fair, the discrepancy between sort-of-bad and super-fucking-bad isn't hit as bad as it is by a certain song by a certain recording artist known as J Bigga (

EDIT: forgot that that wasn't the video version
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 25 Feb 2010, 22:23
No you gotta post the music video
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: BeoPuppy on 26 Feb 2010, 00:27
Going to throw this out there. Any and everything this gentleman has ever put out is the ultimate in shit music.

But then I really don't see the point in dance music whatsoever.

So yeah Scooter sucks, this is truth. But do I really need to point out how using the low point of a genre to discount something as vast and varied as "dance music" is retardis in extremis?

I could have searched for the high point of dance music and still hated it. The point was to look for lows so I did. I don't discount the genre by its lows but by its everythings.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: SirJuggles on 26 Feb 2010, 02:24
I pity the video editor on that Hedley song, cuz he did a halfway decent job but you know he had to commit suicide as soon as it was done because he had to listen to that over and over and over again.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 27 Feb 2010, 03:54
I don't know if this has been said before (people all postin' links without titles makes it hard to tell) but "Fireflies" by Owl City ( really takes the fucking cake for me
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 27 Feb 2010, 06:06
I don't see what makes that particular song superlatively bad, apart perhaps from the annoying video. It seems fairly interchangeable with any number of other popular songs of the last five years.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: SirJuggles on 28 Feb 2010, 01:17
Yeah Fireflies is bland derivative pop but I don't think that meets the truly horrendous standards we are trying to set here.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 28 Feb 2010, 01:25
Every song on Ocean Eyes sounds the same.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 28 Feb 2010, 01:32
Some of them are shorter than others, though. That's something.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 28 Feb 2010, 20:07
What's the worst Nickelback song?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 28 Feb 2010, 21:35
What was the most tragic part of the Holocaust?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KickThatBathProf on 28 Feb 2010, 21:50
The most tragic part of the Holocaust was the members of Nickelback were not alive and Jewish for it.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 28 Feb 2010, 21:54
They were at the Olympics too if you missed it. Also Hedley
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KickThatBathProf on 28 Feb 2010, 21:56
Sorry man I turned it off after Shatner
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 28 Feb 2010, 22:05
Lowest point of the games, for sure
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Johnny C on 28 Feb 2010, 22:10
I don't see what makes that particular song superlatively bad, apart perhaps from the annoying video. It seems fairly interchangeable with any number of other popular songs of the last five years.

maybe it's that the owl city guy is a pussy on a profound and ineluctable level, maybe it's that the first time i heard it while driving in my car i laughed out loud and said "what a pussy" to nobody in particular, maybe it's that one "bwip!" sound at 1:23. i don't know, but this song makes the postal service sound like doa
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 28 Feb 2010, 22:12
There's overkill, and then there's Johnny C.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Zingoleb on 28 Feb 2010, 22:29
What's the worst Nickelback song?

Uh, I used to listen to Nickelback, a lot. Seriously. I actually still like their work on The State and Silver Side was after that they realized, "Oh hey if we write songs like this we get radio play LET'S DO IT" and they've gotten progressively worse from there.

Seriously, as time goes on, they get worse and worse. So, probably one of their fucking radio edits off the new one.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 01 Mar 2010, 04:02
We've all had shameful musical periods in our lives. Nickelback is a pretty bad one though. You might want to see a doctor about that.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Tergon on 01 Mar 2010, 04:23
...the first and second CDs I ever bought were Smash Mouth's Astrolounge and the South Park Chef Aid album.

You do not need to feel bad about Nickelback.

And as for bad songs... though it's not BAD, per se, a part of me dies every time I hear Creed's With Arms Wide Open.  I heard it on the radio not long ago and I'm still in pain.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 01 Mar 2010, 04:29
1. Astrolounge was a great album (as was Fush Yu Mang, which is to this day their finest work and one of my eternal favorite albums), but every Smash Mouth album since has been full of absolute goddamn trash
2. At least Nickelback had "How You Remind Me" and it had a pretty cool drum groove during the pre-chorus
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 01 Mar 2010, 04:32



Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Tergon on 01 Mar 2010, 04:36



Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: StaedlerMars on 01 Mar 2010, 05:48
The first album I ever bought was Gorillaz - Gorillaz.

The second album I ever bought was Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and Hot Dog Flavoured Water.

Guess which one of these two albums I've listened to most recently. (Hint: it's not Gorillaz)
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: SWOON! at My Gravitas on 01 Mar 2010, 06:26
My first CD was by the Backstreet Boys.

I wish I could just laugh it off when I tell people this, but the shame makes it hard to articulate emotion without using tears.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 01 Mar 2010, 06:40
I think it's ok if you own one nickelback album. Own more than that and you're dumb.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Theriandros on 01 Mar 2010, 08:45
The first CD I bought was a recording of Mozart (and debatably Sussmayr's) Requiem Mass.

The second CD was Weird Al's "Poodle Hat".

I've been weird since then.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: the_pied_piper on 01 Mar 2010, 09:16
The first CD I ever bought was Melody A.M. by Röyksopp.

I don't remember the second but I do know that I have some albums in my collection that I'm a bit ashamed to own (no Nickelback though).
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: De_El on 01 Mar 2010, 09:49
I am so proud of my ridiculous first music purchase. Check this shit out:

This is the tracklist:
Code: [Select]
01.The Immortals - Theme from Mortal Kombat ( encounter the ultimate )
02.Scooter - Fire
03.KMFDM - Megalomaniac
04.Megadeth - Almost honest ( Danny Saber Mix )
05.PitchShifter - Genius
06.Rammstein - Engel
07.Psykosonic - Panik Kontrol
08.Juno Reactor - Conga Fury
09.Libra Presents Taylor - Anomaly ( Calling your name ) (Granny's 7 Edit)
10.Manbreak - Ready or not ( Ben Grosse Kombat Mix )
11.Cirrus - Back on a mission ( Bonus Track )
12.Face to face -I won't lie down ( Kombat Mix )
13.Urban Voodoo - Brutality
14.Lunatic Calm - Leave U far Behind (V.2 instrumental Mix)
15.The Future Sound of London - We have Explosive (Radio Edit)
16.Shaun Imrei - Two telephone Calls and an air raid
17.Joseph Bishara - Death is the only way out
18.George S. Clinton Original motion Picture score - X-Squad
19.Kasz & Beal - Theme from mortal kombat ( Chicken dust Mix )

I got it when I was seven
on cassette tape motherfuckers
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: valley_parade on 01 Mar 2010, 11:39
The first CD I ever bought was Melody A.M. by Röyksopp.

I don't remember the second but I do know that I have some albums in my collection that I'm a bit ashamed to own (no Nickelback though).

Damn Rob, good first.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Zingoleb on 01 Mar 2010, 11:56
First CD I ever got was Dark Side of the Moon. I liked Nickelback because I was a tween, but fuck, all I heard was the radio. Evanescence, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, all that sort of shit, but when I first heard "Breathe" it blew my fucking mind away and I ended up going into this, "Classic rock is the only true music! All modern music is the devil!" sort of mentality for about four years or so. The second was a Jimi Hendrix collection which sort of cemented this.

And I have no idea what you mean by that graph Jeans. Like, I'm kind of reading it as I'm a mix of awesome and what the fuck but I really can't imagine someone saying I'm awesome, especially around here.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 01 Mar 2010, 14:54
Is this a first CD thread now? Sweet.

The first CD I owned (it was bought for me) was N'Sync's "No Strings Attached" when I was 7 or 8. I regret nothing.

The first CD I bought with my own money was ...And you will know us by the trail of dead's "Worlds Apart" when I was 15. I still listen to it occasionally, even though Source Tags & Codes is way better.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: BeoPuppy on 01 Mar 2010, 15:01
When did this change in topic happen?

Oh well ... Thriller - Michael Jackson. Just as half the fucking planet.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Daft pun on 01 Mar 2010, 15:40

Aw yeah

And I bought it because my 10 year old self and some friends wanted to lipsync Hit em high.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 01 Mar 2010, 16:14
My first two were the Offspring's Americana and Smash Mouth's AstroLounge. It was the year 1999 and to this day I regret neither.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: RallyMonkey on 01 Mar 2010, 16:19
My first album was also Astrolounge. In terms of musical feats I don't know whether to be embarrassed or proud of: I'm probably one of the only living people who has seen The Backstreet Boys, Aaron Carter, and ZZ Top live.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Inlander on 01 Mar 2010, 17:51
The first C.D. I ever bought was Past Masters, volume 2 by the Beatles (for those who don't know, the two Beatles Past Masters compilations were collections of b-sides and rarities). I was looking for Serene Machine by Ed Kuepper but it being my first time in a proper record store I wasn't able to find it.

As for what the first cassette I ever bought was, well that's another story . . .
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Scarychips on 01 Mar 2010, 18:31
I am so proud of my ridiculous first music purchase. Check this shit out:
"Mortal Kombat"
I got it when I was seven
on cassette tape motherfuckers

Oh man, the dude who was driving our bus in grade 6th of elementary school had this on tape and always played it. It was so awesome.

Hmm, first purchase with my own money was Green Day's Nimrod. I still listen to it sometimes and I still like it. First cd I got must've been a Backstreet Boys cd, I think.  I had a lot of fun translating the lyrics in French and see if I could sing them on the music.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: SirJuggles on 01 Mar 2010, 20:43
Oh man Astrolounge was my first CD too! Is that a Thing? That seems to be kind of a Thing around here...

I also was given Now That's What I Call Music 5 as a gift shortly before that as the first CD I owned. To be perfectly honest, most of the things on there are not what I would call music.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 01 Mar 2010, 20:59
My first CD wasn't a nickelback album. It was probably an Alanis Morrisette album. No regrets
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Koremora on 01 Mar 2010, 20:59
My first CD purchase was Tubthumper by Chumbawamba. I purchased it when I was eight. Didn't really get the whole anarcho-punk thing at that point, obviously, but I just liked the songs. Then I moved on to Stunt and Maroon by Barenaked Ladies, and the Gorillaz self-titled came shortly after.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Cire27 on 01 Mar 2010, 22:19
Completely surprised that no one mentioned this (

The first CD I ever bought was a Dead Kennedys' live album called Mutiny on the Bay.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KvP on 01 Mar 2010, 23:34
First album that I bought was Travelling Without Moving by Jamiroquai. I still like some of the songs but Synkronized was better all-around. My second album was the Barenaked Ladies album that dropped in like 1998.

But the actual formative stuff that I listened to I picked up from my dad, who went through an adventurous period in the 90's. The Trainspotting Soundtrack, the Basketball Diaries Soundtrack, Beck's Loser single and Odelay, and Underworld's Born Slippy single. It boggled my mind that someone would release an album with two tracks on it, let alone with slightly different versions of the one song.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 01 Mar 2010, 23:58
Completely surprised that no one mentioned this (

Don't be hating on Attack Attack dogg DON'T BE HATING
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Tergon on 02 Mar 2010, 00:54
My brother's first CD purchase was an AC/DC's Greatest Hits compliation.  When I look back at Astrolounge and Chef Aid and compare, I have to wonder, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: a pack of wolves on 02 Mar 2010, 02:56
I am so proud of my ridiculous first music purchase.

Yeah, that's pretty damn cool.

The first album I ever had was The Best Dance Album in the World...Ever! Part 3. It had The Shamen, Reel 2 Real featuring The Mad Stuntman, 2 Unlimited, Snap!, Snow, Doop, The Grid... it was a fucking good choice, basically.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 02 Mar 2010, 05:07
I think the first music I ever owned would be something I snagged second-hand off of one of my siblings, I am thinking Use Your Illusion or something,

then CD's it was pretty much the same thing, whatever I could get off of my brother or sister, most likely one of the first two Silverchair albums or some sampler CD from Hopeless or Nitro records with the fucking Nobodys on it or some shit

the first CD I actually would've paid cash money for was probably Running With Scissors by Weird Al or a Frenzal Rhomb album.

Honestly I'm not proud of any of that per se, but I'm certainly not ashamed, even if early Silverchair were part of the same post-grunge milieu that cranked out turds like Creed and Nickelback and Frenzal Rhomb were sub-NOFX comedy punk bullshit, there was still some social currency to be had from owning an album with a song called "Get Fucked You Fucking Fuckwit" when you are in Year 7.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: StaedlerMars on 02 Mar 2010, 05:55
a challenger appears (
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 02 Mar 2010, 05:56
Fix yo link, doggfish
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: JD on 02 Mar 2010, 06:56
He meant this
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: nufan on 02 Mar 2010, 07:57
a challenger appears (

Oh my shitting shit fuck. This. THIS. FOR EVER THIS. Favourite comment: "This is the result of every kid getting a trophy even though they suck the balls".

Second favourite comment: "Four blossoming careers in the food service industry".

Anyway, my first CD was Avril Lavinge, the one with Sk8r Boi on it and I regret it more than anything else in my life.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: pinkpiche on 02 Mar 2010, 07:59
Yup that is pretty bad.

This was my first CD


It's Smurfs - Smurfs Party in Danish..
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 02 Mar 2010, 17:15

Still the source of 80% of my German vocabulary.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Eris on 02 Mar 2010, 20:24
It's Smurfs - Smurfs Party in Danish..

I had Smurfin' USA on vinyl when I was a kid. Fuck Smurfs Party, Smurfin' USA was where it was at.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Zingoleb on 02 Mar 2010, 21:38
Fuck, Khar, I'm listening to that right now.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: McTaggart on 03 Mar 2010, 00:08
I think my first album was How It Works by Bodyjar. I'm pretty ok with that.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: StaedlerMars on 03 Mar 2010, 05:12
Fix yo link, doggfish

fixed! not that you wanted it to be fixed.

trust me.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: look out! Ninjas! on 05 Mar 2010, 18:37
I own Songs About Jane by Maroon 5. It was a birthday gift. I don't listen to it much any more but I regret nothing.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Damnable Fiend on 05 Mar 2010, 23:08
First cd I ever bought I think was Meteora.  the first cd I ever owned was Fallen by Evanescence (a gift), which is about as bad.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Patrick on 06 Mar 2010, 00:08
Ouch, dude. Are you still on good terms with the person who gave you that CD?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 06 Mar 2010, 00:31
man bro no joke 8th grade, evanescence was the shit

then I realized A) all their songs are about God and 2) they suck ass

Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: SirJuggles on 06 Mar 2010, 00:58
Haha my (male) roommate is obsessed with Evanescence. He owns all their cd's, is a regular contributor on the band forums, and the other day celebrated "World Evanescence Day" with facebook posts and blasting their music on his ipod loud enough to be heard from across the room.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: RallyMonkey on 06 Mar 2010, 02:09
You need to get a new roommate.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: BeoPuppy on 06 Mar 2010, 10:10
Gothic rock has produced better bands, indeed.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: De_El on 06 Mar 2010, 12:04
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Damnable Fiend on 06 Mar 2010, 12:35

oh, and actually I'm not really on any terms at all with them anymore, now I think about it, they moved to rural Wales like a year later, and we lost contact.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 06 Mar 2010, 21:30



Have we ever had a goth rock thread? I would be rather excited about that.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 06 Mar 2010, 21:36
Also, for future reference, I was thinking of making my post this:



But vetoed the idea as unfunny. Was this a good call?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 07 Mar 2010, 00:18
Gothic Rock in a Worst Music Thread what what
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: The Duke on 17 Mar 2010, 19:44
First CD I ever got was Dark Side of the Moon. I liked Nickelback because I was a tween, but fuck, all I heard was the radio. Evanescence, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, all that sort of shit, but when I first heard "Breathe" it blew my fucking mind away and I ended up going into this, "Classic rock is the only true music! All modern music is the devil!" sort of mentality for about four years or so. The second was a Jimi Hendrix collection which sort of cemented this.


So how long have you and I been living the same life?
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: scarred on 18 Mar 2010, 00:29
Between Evanescence, Nickelback, and 3 Doors Down, I'd pick Evanescence, no question.

just sayin
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Alex C on 18 Mar 2010, 00:40
Have we ever had a goth rock thread? I would be rather excited about that.

I would enjoy one although I don't know how I'd really contribute. I rather like all the goth rock I've heard, but I don't really know anything about the genre and my experience with it is pretty limited.

Besides, I'd be forever grateful if someone could just explain to me how the fuck the world at large decided goths have no sense of humor whatsoever. The Bauhaus alone were entertaining as hell and there's no way someone could convince me bands like Christian Death came up with all of that stuff because they were navel gazing about being miserable all day. I guess the obvious answer would be a few stereotypical fans and people who jump to conclusions all the time, but I'd rather like to believe it's more nuanced than that. It bums me out when it turns out people are as dumb as I fear they might be.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: amok on 18 Mar 2010, 01:01
Nope that's pretty much it. Sorry
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Alex C on 18 Mar 2010, 01:24
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 18 Mar 2010, 02:06
The Bauhaus

No 'the', unless you're talking about the architects.

Goth music is all about theatre. Like theatre, it can be comic, tragic or both simultaneously. It bears a lot of similiarity to metal in the sense that (in my opinion) to truly appreciate both you need to be able to willingly suspend your higher critical faculties at points, and deal with the music both seriously and knowingly, though not with ironic detachment; it is critically important to engage. Ideally, you should be able to appreciate the music in a number of different ways depending on your mood and inclination. Every subculture of course attracts both poseurs, who adopt what they think are the subcultures modes of action and presentation as a gesture, and people who take the whole thing far too seriously, both of whom, in the case of goth culture, can often fit into the mopey stereotype. Not to mention, that you do get a few people who are attracted to goth culture because they are melancholic. However, central toa lot of goth music is the idea that wallowing in exaggerated melancholy and self-pity can be extremely enjoyable.

A lot of people are just in it for the boots and the hair though.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: David_Dovey on 18 Mar 2010, 04:36
Also the fact that goths are mad promiscuous
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 18 Mar 2010, 17:07
Unlike hipsters.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Alex C on 18 Mar 2010, 17:29
The Bauhaus

Ugh, I hate getting band names wrong. It's like realizing you've got something stuck in your teeth and everybody knows.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Theriandros on 24 Mar 2010, 13:36

Still the source of 80% of my German vocabulary.

From my perspective that is possibly the best first album possible.
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: KharBevNor on 24 Mar 2010, 18:00
You have some pretty fucking awesome perspectives
Title: Re: The Most Ungoodly
Post by: Theriandros on 25 Mar 2010, 13:26
TBH Mutter is their best album.

Now I regret even more that my first CD ever was a "Best of" disc for Weird Al.

(this is excluding a CD for an unknown local band that broke up a decade ago that I bought from)