Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: Slick on 14 Apr 2010, 10:46

Title: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 14 Apr 2010, 10:46
Take some delicious fries, mix them up with some cheese, and pour gravy on top! Poutine! Poutine is amazing, and it is one of the few things that fall into the category of 'distinctly canadian cuisine'. People from away often express disgust at this dish but I do not know why. Surely, gravy and potatoes is nothing new, and neither is cheese and potatoes, so I do not see why this dish sounds gross.
The poll is just there out of curiosity, but I am interested in what people think of poutine, and as well, if anybody has any particularly great variations of poutine. My friend's favorite was just the basic poutine topped with lots of chopped-up montreal smoked meat, which sounds delicious. My favorite comes from a truck-stop cafe back home, which makes a dish called "slops" (formerly the "heart attack") which is a poutine plus ground beef, fried mushrooms and onions, and dressing (dressing is something newfies are fond of, it is just dry stuffing that was never stuffed in a roast). That dish is one of my favorite things and it is tradition to go there as soon as it opens and gets slops and many cups of coffee and talk about life, music, and everything with an old friend whenever we are both in town.
Across Canada, wherever you find newfie expats, you will find newfie fries which are fries with gravy, dressing, onions, mushrooms, and peas. I think newfie fries are clearly inferior because they are lacking in cheese.

As a side question to those familiar with poutine, do you prefer curds or grated cheese? Purists demand curds, but frankly I really like the melty-stretchy effect of grated mozza most of the time.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: StaedlerMars on 14 Apr 2010, 11:38
god damnit poutine is delicious.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Dimmukane on 14 Apr 2010, 11:49
I do not think it sounds super gross, but I also do not like gravy at all.  Never tried it, obviously.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Barmymoo on 14 Apr 2010, 11:56
I haven't ever heard of it, but I'm going to need some clarification here before I make up my mind. Are we talking British gravy (brown liquid commonly made with meat stock but also available vegetarian) or American gravy (gluey grey lumps that look a bit like porridge)?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Alex C on 14 Apr 2010, 12:00
There is no American gravy. We have multiple kinds of gravy. Maybe you're thinking of sausage aka white or country gravy?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 14 Apr 2010, 12:02
Going by your description british gravy is used.

Anyway Poutine is Canada's gift to the world. It is so good.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: sean on 14 Apr 2010, 12:18
i didnt even know poutine existed! i probably would not like it though, i find gravy to be kind of yucky.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: McTaggart on 14 Apr 2010, 12:23
Not gonna lie, it sounds super gross. It should be noted though that I really dislike a lot of greasy food. I can't eat a chip roll and not feel awful, and since poutine is basically a chip roll plus cheese minus bread I can't see it going down well.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: evilbobthebob on 14 Apr 2010, 13:00
This is called poutine? When I was at primary and secondary school, a lot of the kids ate this. Well, until the healthy food things came along and plates of chips and gravy weren't considered a balanced diet. I've never seen it as particularly appetising.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Liz on 14 Apr 2010, 13:06
I have only had the terrible poutine from the Toronto Zoo, so I shall abstain from voting as there is no good option for me.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Van donk III on 14 Apr 2010, 13:07
ah, had never heard of it before even though it was a staple diet of my student days
this is what I know it as ( cheesy chip)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: StaedlerMars on 14 Apr 2010, 13:17
To contribute to the topic, when I was in montreal I went to what my brother claimed to be the 'best poutine place in town' and had some vegatable poutine, which seemed like it was just poutine but instead of meat based gravy it was made with vegetables. It was really delicious, really fatty, and probably not healthy at all.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 14 Apr 2010, 13:21
You can't just slap any old gravy and cheese on there. You gotta have brown gravy and you gotta have curds. Very few things make me more upset at a restaurant than asking for poutine and receiving some fries with gravy and a bunch of mozzarella haphazardly sprinkled over top of it. TEXTURE IS MASSIVE!!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 14 Apr 2010, 13:30
Gross. I'm not eating that.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: mberan42 on 14 Apr 2010, 13:32
My favorite comes from a truck-stop cafe back home, which makes a dish called "slops" (formerly the "heart attack") which is a poutine plus ground beef, fried mushrooms and onions, and dressing (dressing is something newfies are fond of, it is just dry stuffing that was never stuffed in a roast).

OH MY GOD THAT DISH SOUNDS AMAZING (caps to emphasize just how amazing).

Most of the time when there are dishes like this in the States it includes scrambled eggs. A typical American version/whatever is scrambled eggs, hash browns (thinly sliced potatoes cooked on a flat-top griddle), veggies (commonly: mushrooms, green peppers, onions), a fuckton of cheddar cheese and gravy. (Not turkey gravy, but the kind of gravy that goes with biscuits. Not cookies biscuits, but piping hot fresh-from-the-oven flaky cylinders of bread (well how the fuck would you describe American biscuits?)) Sometimes there's corned beef hash in there too. Lots of people put ketchup on it too. I can't eat eggs (allergic), but they always sound so damn good. I need to find a diner in Chicago that serves Poutine 'cause it sounds amazing and I could actually eat it.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Barmymoo on 14 Apr 2010, 13:48
I would describe American biscuits as deformed croissants.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 14 Apr 2010, 13:56
I like gravy, but I enjoy some quality chili more.  Cheese is alright in my book.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 14 Apr 2010, 14:07
Sausage gravy is what you're after matt. The really thick gelatinous stuff. And biscuits aren't deformed croissants! They are delicious! Pretty much the American version of poutine is the kind of hasbrowns you'd find at Waffle House (or elsewhere, but I'm pretty sure most people know what a Waffle House is.) Really, if it weren't for the gravy, I'd probably eat poutine, but I just really can not stand gravy.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: ackblom12 on 14 Apr 2010, 14:18
Man, Kat keeps telling me Sausage gravy is not gravy, that it's just "Alfredo sauce". She is a goddamn liar though.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: vegkitkat on 14 Apr 2010, 14:31
I had poutine last night.  It is my favorite drunk food.  Without it, my college experience would not have been half as awesome as it was.

I am a curds girl all the way.  Shredded cheese on poutine is just wrong.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Papersatan on 14 Apr 2010, 14:47
Man, Kat keeps telling me Sausage gravy is not gravy, that it's just "Alfredo sauce". She is a goddamn liar though.
Because it is:
flour and fat (make a roux)
milk (cook till thick)
Black pepper (season)
That is white sauce.  The only difference is white "gravy" uses pork fat. 

On the topic of poutine though I think it sounds great and I would love to try it.  My desire is further supported by the fact that of the 29 people who have taken this poll, no one has chosen "I've had it and don't like it"
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Scarychips on 14 Apr 2010, 14:54
I do not like Poutine at all. I've tried numerous times, I've seen people eat some, and it disgusts me completely. And I'm a Quebecois for god's sake!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 14 Apr 2010, 15:30
I'd rather stick with fries with shredded cheese and bacon because come on it has BACON.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 14 Apr 2010, 16:42
A&W makes some good poutine.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lunchbox on 14 Apr 2010, 17:08
It sounds delicious! I love chips (the thick steakhouse cut, not fries) and gravy, and cheese (delicious cheese!) could only be a welcome addition. Unfortunately when I was in BC I never found a place that sold it.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 14 Apr 2010, 18:42
Actually Kat a roux is used as the basis for Béchamel, Alfredo is a completely different sauce. The reason it becomes a gravy is the stock that's mixed in with it when you make a good country gravy, which if you do it right you make using the drippings in the iron skillet you just cooked your sausage in, or if you're really good you just straight up mix the sausage right in with it. Also you make the roux from the dripping plus the flour, instead of using butter, since the drippings provide all the oil you need to make the roux. It gets lumpy if you don't mix the roux well, which can be hard since most people just use a spatula with instead of a whisk, but in my opinion that just makes it all the better.

Getting back to the basic discussion I have had poutine many times and it is ultra delicious. Sausage Gravy with hash browns is definitely NOT the US equivalent, country style Buttermilk biscuits are closer to the British scone than they are to croissants, cookies are freaking cookies they are not biscuits you limey bastards, and why do we keep saying american equivalent? Canada is more NORTH America than the US, literally.

edited for typos, y'all.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 14 Apr 2010, 18:47
See now the sausage gravy actually sounds pretty good.  Here I was thinking something along the lines of turkey/mash potato gravy.  I should save some the next time I make biscuits and gravy.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lunchbox on 14 Apr 2010, 18:47
Man I hate bechamel sauce.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 14 Apr 2010, 18:47
A&W makes the best of the fast-food poutines, in my opinion. My dirty indulgence meal is a whistle dog (hot dog with bacon and cheese) and a poutine at A&W.

Lunchy clearly that just means you have to come back to Canada and travel further east. (p.s. that was in regards to poutine, not bechamel. I got post-blocked a couple times)

Phil-o, Kat did not say it was alfredo stephen said kat said it was alfredo kat said it was a white sauce, which it kind of is (there were more commas in that sentence which made it clearer as to who said what but I think I like it better this way).
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 14 Apr 2010, 18:51
I don't know how you missed Poutine in BC.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Alex C on 14 Apr 2010, 18:55
Because it is:
flour and fat (make a roux)
milk (cook till thick)
Black pepper (season)
That is white sauce.  The only difference is white "gravy" uses pork fat.  

On the topic of poutine though I think it sounds great and I would love to try it.  My desire is further supported by the fact that of the 29 people who have taken this poll, no one has chosen "I've had it and don't like it"

This is probably the most needlessly reductive thing I've seen outside of politics in a while. I mean, yeah, sauces can be divided up into a few major families, but that doesn't mean the white sauce put on fettucine alfredo is gonna taste the same as a sauce made with pork fat. There's the same general principles involved, certainly, and that's useful when deciding what kinda sauces might go well with something, but that doesn't mean that what fat you use doesn't matter. The whole concept of mother sauces is really only something you should keep in mind when you're stuck improvising.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 14 Apr 2010, 19:00
guys chill the fuck out country gravey is a relative of alfredo they are cousins no one said they taste the same except stephen who implied kat said it by misrepresenting her
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Candle on 14 Apr 2010, 19:13
poutine: it's fucking great most of the time, and when it's not it's still pretty good for junk food.


reference image ^
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 14 Apr 2010, 19:24
guys chill the fuck out country gravey is a relative of alfredo they are cousins no one said they taste the same except stephen who implied kat said it by misrepresenting her

Alfredo's actually an emulsion of cheese and butter, and is tossed directly with the pasta, easier than bechemel actually

(this is just for clarity sake, not to start another argument)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 14 Apr 2010, 19:28
fuckckkkkkkk youuuuuu phillllllllllll

(OK sorry we're all cool everybody's cool sorry for swearing and yelling)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Alex C on 14 Apr 2010, 19:28
slick gravy is important and this isn't over
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 14 Apr 2010, 19:30
Presently I am eating what I will call "Questionable Poutine". It is regular and sweet-potato fries, tossed with a 'white style' sausage and ground beef plus beer gravy and grated cheddar and mozza because I do not stock curds regularly. Also the sausage and ground beef is off course in there too.

edit: This is really what I love about the internet. There are so many different interpretations and understandings of things that are regional. Like, if you say gravy people interpret it differently based on where their from. Everyone has a different idea of what is and isn't gravy but we all like to eat food and talk about gravy, right?
I mean, this is not coming out as eloquently as I wanted but I love how things I take for granted, like gravey and bell peppers, are interpreted differently by people with whom I otherwise have perfectly intelligible conversations in a shared language.

edit the second: like, in meebo right now khar has no idea what we mean when we talk of gravy and phil is teaching a course on sauces. The world is ridiculous!

edit the third: guys this white-gravy poutine mess is like the best thing. Every time Canada and the U.S. get together to talk about important things they should eat this because it is like the perfect fusion of American biscuits & gravy and Canadian poutine and also there is beer in it which always helps important negotiations and discussions!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Jace on 14 Apr 2010, 20:18
More like POOtine, am I right?

(I might be right, I haven't had it and I don't trust canadian opinions of it)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 14 Apr 2010, 20:58
Everytime I read this thread title I feel like James is insulting me in Canadian French.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 14 Apr 2010, 21:50
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 14 Apr 2010, 23:39
I have not had proper poutine because (as far as I can tell) you can not get cheese curds in Australia but I have made it plenty of times with The Lady using soy cheese.

Also it is best with -prepare to have yr minds blown here- TATER TOTS

EDIT: fuck this thread I am so hungry now
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 14 Apr 2010, 23:46
look for cheese curds at the supermarket!!!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: KvP on 14 Apr 2010, 23:47
Motherfuckers didn't get me no poutine when I was in Tronno.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 14 Apr 2010, 23:48
shit Johnny why did I not think to look for food at a supermarket thank you so much
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 15 Apr 2010, 05:31
It is ridiculous that you got mediocre thai food but no poutine. I think at one point I was campaigning to go for poutine but no one was hungry, or maybe that was the other time I was in Toronto with Tania and Allison.

Also Harry yes I am insulting you.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 15 Apr 2010, 05:34

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Theriandros on 15 Apr 2010, 06:36
Just trying to clear up a few food misconceptions:

I would describe American biscuits as deformed croissants.

Either you've been eating ridiculously non-fluffy croissants or someone put far too many rising agents in your biscuits. An American biscuit is, well, this:

It's fluffy, layered, and extremely buttery, but thicker in texture than your average croissant.

Man, Kat keeps telling me Sausage gravy is not gravy, that it's just "Alfredo sauce". She is a goddamn liar though.
Because it is:
flour and fat (make a roux)
milk (cook till thick)
Black pepper (season)
That is white sauce.  The only difference is white "gravy" uses pork fat.

Yes, it is white gravy. However, alfredo sauce is a completely different thing, as it is primarily a combination of cream, butter, and cheese (usually something like Parmesan). Other seasonings are permitted, but the fats are primarily from milk as opposed to including meat drippings.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: StaedlerMars on 15 Apr 2010, 06:41


Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Theriandros on 15 Apr 2010, 06:43
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Cernunnos on 15 Apr 2010, 06:49
i really want to try this stuff
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: loco_banana on 15 Apr 2010, 06:50
The place I get it from has vegan brown ale gravy. Delicious. :D

And the frittes. Mmm, frittes.

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 15 Apr 2010, 06:51
Just trying to clear up a few food misconceptions:
I would describe American biscuits as deformed croissants.
Either you've been eating ridiculously non-fluffy croissants or someone put far too many rising agents in your biscuits. An American biscuit is, well, this:
It's fluffy, layered, and extremely buttery, but thicker in texture than your average croissant.

It's more like a deformed scone
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: allison on 15 Apr 2010, 06:51
James I have to tell you that I'm kind of angry with you because now I have to have junk food and I was trying not to have junk food. However, as soon as people say poutine I think of Smoke's Poutinerie ( and their incredible variations on poutine. I am going to be downtown tonight so I mean I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave to go get some. Come back to Toronto so we can go to Smoke's.

I am a purist. I like curd because of the texture and flavour, and because plain grated cheese reminds me of highschool cafeteria poutine and that was just unacceptable. I like brown gravy and I don't wanna hear the rest of you talking about your stupid gravy because gravy is disgusting on everything but poutine, where it just belongs. I also prefer more cheese to less gravy, but that is just me. Some people like to drown their fries.

Also what is this about A&W poutine? I have never ventured to try it but I suppose I will - all this time I've been eating New York Fries poutine! For fast food it is pretty good. I'm sure you all know about the abomination that is McPoutine - thank goodness it's only available in Quebec.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Barmymoo on 15 Apr 2010, 07:07
Hmm what was I thinking of then? I did know they were really scones.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Theriandros on 15 Apr 2010, 07:19
gravy is disgusting on everything but poutine

I think the judge will dismiss the charges now.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: KickThatBathProf on 15 Apr 2010, 07:22
i think we should be talking about pasties

they look like this


and they are delicious
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: allison on 15 Apr 2010, 07:32
Delete your post and get out.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Cernunnos on 15 Apr 2010, 07:36
gravy is disgusting on everything but poutine, where it just belongs.

This is so wrong
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 15 Apr 2010, 07:38
allison are you saying you do not enjoy roast dinners?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: allison on 15 Apr 2010, 07:51
dovey i love roast dinners i usually just skip the extra gravy

seriously guys i am trying to like gravy on other things but it takes time
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Theriandros on 15 Apr 2010, 07:53
Damn this thread for making me crave biscuits and peppery white gravy.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Ozymandias on 15 Apr 2010, 07:54
No it doesn't

It takes no time

Because it is gravy

You know how "gravy" means that everything is really chill and good? Do you know why? Because it's motherfucking gravy.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Katherine on 15 Apr 2010, 10:31
The place I get it from has vegan brown ale gravy. Delicious. :D
Where is this magical place?  I need to book a trip!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Drill King on 15 Apr 2010, 12:06
People haven't heard of poutine? It's like, the only notable thing about our country.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: allison on 15 Apr 2010, 12:07
Thanks for reinforcing stereotypes.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: KvP on 15 Apr 2010, 12:08
People haven't heard of poutine? It's like, the only notable thing about our country.
Other things Canada is notable for:
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: scarred on 15 Apr 2010, 12:11
A lot of films are shot in Vancouver!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 15 Apr 2010, 12:22
Don't count yourselves out, you also have hockey
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Drill King on 15 Apr 2010, 12:26
God guys, I am joking.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 15 Apr 2010, 13:25
Whatever I don't care, Nickelback is your fault HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Also, Kick, that is not a proper pastry, get out.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 15 Apr 2010, 14:08
James I have to tell you that I'm kind of angry with you because now I have to have junk food and I was trying not to have junk food.

You know what I have eaten today? Carrot sticks. Only carrot sticks.
Because the last two days have been nothing but bad so I feel like I shouldn't eat any greasy meat or loads of carbs like I usually do. I have eaten carrots.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Rizzo on 15 Apr 2010, 14:41
I tried some at Lord of the Fries in Melbourne and it was ok. I hate cheese though so I didn't really get into it. Gravy can be rad on chips but I prefer mustard or curry sauce.

Also, can you stop calling things wrong America? It's a scone. These are biscuits;
I don't give a damn about your regional variations, you are wrong. Biscuits are small, baked sugary snacks aka cookies (also an acceptable term). However, baked concoctions of flour and water in folded layers are SCONES. Although, I am intrigued to try one in a savory dish...
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Alex C on 15 Apr 2010, 14:46
I hate it when people are so insistent on regional variations of words. It genuinely makes me sad.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Alex C on 15 Apr 2010, 14:50
I mean, no offense to the UK or Australia, but it seems like you guys like to jam as many things as possible under as few words as possible, which is really kind of confusing.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Rizzo on 15 Apr 2010, 14:53
That's because your words are wrong.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Ozymandias on 15 Apr 2010, 14:53


What's pudding, England? Explain to me what pudding is.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: evilbobthebob on 15 Apr 2010, 15:14
Well...that depends. There's the general term "pudding" which is often used in place of dessert. There's savoury puddings, such as Black Pudding ( Then there are sweet puddings, like Sticky Toffee Pudding ( Generally, a pudding is meant to be warming and filling, because of the wonderful weather and quality housing we have here. Sweet puddings usually come with a nice thick custard.

Oh. And they're awesome.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: StaedlerMars on 15 Apr 2010, 15:57
I think that's the point he's trying to make.

Similar to: what's tea guys? What is tea?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 15 Apr 2010, 16:00
Whatever I don't care, Nickelback is your fault HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Also, Kick, that is not a proper pastry, get out.
Insane Clown Posse is your fault HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: evilbobthebob on 15 Apr 2010, 16:02
I think that's the point he's trying to make.

This is why I need to read threads before posting.

So, to completely derail the thread, what terrible trending music is the UK responsible for?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Rizzo on 15 Apr 2010, 16:04
Tea is a drink of brewed leaves and also the time when you eat your evening meal.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Van donk III on 15 Apr 2010, 16:21
That's because your words are wrong.

too true. For example:

Sidewalk = Footpath

It's a footpath. A sidewalk is something a crab does.

Sho' nuff.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 15 Apr 2010, 16:24
Whatever I don't care, Nickelback is your fault HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Also, Kick, that is not a proper pastry, get out.
Insane Clown Posse is your fault HAHAHAHAHAHA!

So? At least they aren't Nickelback.

And I do not see why you can't stop calling black pudding pudding, seeing as how it's sausage. Just call it black sausage or blood sausage. Things that are warming and filling are also casseroles, pizza, and mac and cheese, none of which is a pudding. Puddings are desserts! Delicious delicious desserts. Don't hate on us calling scones biscuits and biscuits cookies while you call sausages pudding.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Metope on 15 Apr 2010, 16:29
You guys are all wrong! Biscuits are called kjeks, scones don't really have a name and sausages are obviously named pølse.

(What I am saying is that you all basically speak different languages, there's no need to argue about things there's no proper answer to and no one will ever agree on)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Scarychips on 15 Apr 2010, 18:16
I hate cheese though so I didn't really get into it.

We should be best friends, Rizzo.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: scarred on 15 Apr 2010, 18:17
fuckin pudding

how does it work
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 15 Apr 2010, 19:22
shit Johnny why did I not think to look for food at a supermarket thank you so much

look man i didn't even realize you could get curds at the supermarket until last july

and could you plebeians please stop talking about Bread Differences, and could you brits stop harping on what americans call biscuits because it happens every fucking time we even begin to try talking about food and i'm fucking sick of it jesus christ just accept that they call one thing a biscuit and you call another thing a biscuit it's not like that's even the sole instance of that happening in the english language FOR GOD'S SAKE

I tried some at Lord of the Fries in Melbourne and it was ok. I hate cheese though so I didn't really get into it. Gravy can be rad on chips but I prefer mustard or curry sauce.

i cant even begin to describe the things wrong with this. i don't even know how you get a worldview that allows for hating cheese
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 15 Apr 2010, 19:23
what i'm saying is that either you are in this thread talking about poutine exclusively and how good poutine is or else

Delete your post and get out.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 15 Apr 2010, 19:24
*flips over table w/ elaborate pastry display, sweats, breathes heavily*
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 15 Apr 2010, 19:28
This is a story about the time when Our Lord and Moderator Johnny C expelled the non-poutine eaters from the poutine thread.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 15 Apr 2010, 20:03
i'm mostly just sick of the biscuit thing. it aggrieves me deeply
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 15 Apr 2010, 20:06
Are you saying that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a biscuit-eater to enter heaven?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 15 Apr 2010, 20:11
i'm saying that there's one type of person who will inherit the earth and it sure ain't the type of person who gets pedantic over the definition of "biscuit"
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 15 Apr 2010, 20:17
Ever try poutine with sweet potato fries instead? It is pretty great.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 16 Apr 2010, 01:33
i cant even begin to describe the things wrong with this. i don't even know how you get a worldview that allows for hating cheese

Lactose intolerance.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 16 Apr 2010, 02:40
intolerance isn't quite hatred!! sometimes it's just annoyance
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: KickThatBathProf on 16 Apr 2010, 03:23
Also, Kick, that is not a proper pastry, get out.

man i never said it was a pastry

i mean the shell is a pastry shell but thats like saying an entire apple pie is a pastry

they are called pasties maybe that's where you got confused
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: benji on 16 Apr 2010, 08:10
Pasties rock. My dad makes a mean Pastie.

I've never had the chance to try Poutine, but I can't really imagine it not being one of the best foods ever.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: benji on 16 Apr 2010, 08:34
Also, I wasn't going to post this after Johnny's tirade, but England, your empire is over. It's time to accept this. Rome had a nice little empire once, and it fell apart, and now there are how many Romance languages? I realize that you invented the language, but now most of it's native speakers are in other countries, and we're going to use it in ways that make sense to us. You can bitch about it and claim that all that other stuff isn't really English the way France does with French, or you can sack up, recognize that the sun has set, and think about how cool it is that language can still change.

The American Biscuit and the English Biscuit share a common ancestor, but our biscuits in more or less their modern form are a staple of Southern cuisine and have been since just after the civil war. If a southerner serves you something he calls a biscuit, it's fairly likely he made it the way his mama taught him, the way she learned from this old lady who lived in town and took care of her as a child, and the way she learned from her grand-daddy who learned it from his mama who started making it after she was freed, but still poor and in need of a cheep sort of bread. That's a pretty damn strong heritage for the definition of biscuit, and I don't see anyone really caring that someone from a country that they haven't been to thinks it more accurately resembles a scone. 
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 16 Apr 2010, 10:12
that post is acceptable because hopefully it will put this fucking stupid argument to rest forever
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 16 Apr 2010, 10:41
Until I make biscuits and gravy and post it to this thread tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 16 Apr 2010, 11:45
if you post it to this thread phil i'm just going to move it into the cooking thread
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 16 Apr 2010, 11:53
If you make french fry shaped biscuits and add cheese to your dish, I will consider that acceptable.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: allison on 16 Apr 2010, 12:04
dare you
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: mberan42 on 16 Apr 2010, 14:47
If a southerner serves you something he calls a biscuit, it's fairly likely he made it the way his mama taught him, the way she learned from this old lady who lived in town and took care of her as a child, and the way she learned from her grand-daddy who learned it from his mama who started making it after she was freed, but still poor and in need of a cheep sort of bread. That's a pretty damn strong heritage for the definition of biscuit, and I don't see anyone really caring that someone from a country that they haven't been to thinks it more accurately resembles a scone. 

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 16 Apr 2010, 15:21
If you make french fry shaped biscuits and add cheese to your dish, I will consider that acceptable.

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Barmymoo on 18 Apr 2010, 16:24
I had never heard of this poutine business and then today it came up in conversation and I could pretend to be all knowledgeable about it. Thanks, internet!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 18 Apr 2010, 16:53
I got lazy and didn't have any shortening, or buttermilk.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Rizzo on 20 Apr 2010, 04:31
I tried poutine with vegan cheese. Still like the gravy and dislike the cheese. Canada, your national food is ok. Better than stupid Wales and their rarebit/cheese on toast.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: öde on 20 Apr 2010, 05:14
Better than stupid Wales and their rarebit/cheese on toast.

Boo! One of the best foods ever!
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Theriandros on 20 Apr 2010, 09:10
Vegan cheese is a mockery of real cheese.

And yes, I've eaten milk-free cheese, and unless it's vastly improved in the last couple of years, I don't want to repeat the experience. I happen to be allergic to milk. Not lactose intolerant, but actually allergic.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 20 Apr 2010, 09:59
I've never had a satisfactory vegan cheese, but, however, nutritional yeast is delicious and can be used to get that cheese flavour into a dish.
Vegan cheese is some sort of nonsense made to look like cheese, nutritional yeast is delicious business and full of vitamins.

That said vegan cream cheese is pretty decent.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Rizzo on 21 Apr 2010, 01:07
I don't like cheese regardless. Vegan cheese always disappoints me cause they try and taste like cheese, which I don't like anyway.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: CardinalFang on 21 Apr 2010, 03:25
Poutine? Feh! In America we have this!


Saw it on Gizomodo and it included this link
free CASES of gravy! (
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Rizzo on 21 Apr 2010, 04:11
Dear god that looks horrific. Why is the sausage/gravy white?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 21 Apr 2010, 05:26
I heard that the convenience store at my old uni is getting one of those. It's rather terrifying.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Cernunnos on 21 Apr 2010, 05:46
oh my
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: benji on 21 Apr 2010, 07:16
Dear god that looks horrific. Why is the sausage/gravy white?

It's not sausage/gravy. It's sausage gravy, meaning gravy made from the runoff from cooking sausages in a similar way to beef gravy being made from the run off from cooking beef and turkey gravy made from the run off from cooking turkey. Sausage gravy is usually a sort of white, and while that machine looks kind of like a gross way to do it, biscuits with sausage gravy is one of the best damn breakfasts.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 21 Apr 2010, 09:20
Poutine? Feh! In America we have this!

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 21 Apr 2010, 09:20
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 21 Apr 2010, 09:21
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Barmymoo on 21 Apr 2010, 09:42
You know, the only person getting het up here is you.

Why don't you go take a time out?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 21 Apr 2010, 10:14
look poutine is a national goddamn treasure. it's a canadian icon. this would be like me coming into a thread about something britons hold dear, like The Queen or imperialism, and then talking about bryan adams
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: benji on 21 Apr 2010, 11:09
To be fare, Brian Adams always struck me as a little bit of a queen.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Theriandros on 21 Apr 2010, 12:21

would try
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 21 Apr 2010, 13:02
gravy dispenser

Oh god, that's not right, that's not right at all.  Granted I love their frozen biscuits and gravy meals, it still isn't right
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Blue Kitty on 23 Apr 2010, 18:24
Today I had some, it was pretty good.  It was a little different, adding some onions and bacon, but it was good.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 23 Apr 2010, 22:51

That Bob Evans is a multi-talented dude (
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 23 Apr 2010, 22:55
Bob Evans is called Owens west of the Mississippi.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Gemmwah on 24 Apr 2010, 10:46
So for poutine do you put the gravy on and then put cheese on top or do you do cheese and then gravy? or even cheese, gravy, and more cheese?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 24 Apr 2010, 11:25
Gravy then cheese
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 24 Apr 2010, 11:26
Fries, cheese, gravy. Typically adding more cheese or gravy to things is not a problem, though, so go nuts.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Gemmwah on 24 Apr 2010, 11:45
i've decided poutine isn't that great. at least not the way i made it today, anyway.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 24 Apr 2010, 12:01
better than Vegemite, which will always taste terrible
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 24 Apr 2010, 12:43
Thank you for trying anyways, Gemm! Can I ask the specifics on your cheese/gravy selections?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Joseph on 24 Apr 2010, 12:44
Gravy then cheese

Nah, cheese needs to go on first so that the gravy can do a proper melting job.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Gemmwah on 24 Apr 2010, 12:50
chicken gravy and goat's cheese, james. i'm willing to give it another go if it was made by somebody who knows what they're doing, though.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Joseph on 24 Apr 2010, 13:07
I feel that goats cheese just wouldn't have the right texture for it. Too soft. Really, if you can find cheese curds, they are the way to go. They get a bit melty, but stay nice, springy, and squeaky. They make a wonderful counterpart to cripsy french fries.

I also usually use beef gravy, but I imagine chicken gravy could be just fine. I've had poutine with miso gravy before, and that was certainly delicious.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 24 Apr 2010, 13:19
My goodness, goat's cheese! That is not the right choice but I guess that was not explained at all. Purists demand curds for sure, but lacking curds, go for grated mozzarella cheese (and maybe some cheddar).

Gravy's all gravy, baby. Whatever you got should be good.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: beat mouse on 24 Apr 2010, 14:53
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Gemmwah on 24 Apr 2010, 15:30
poutine made me chunder. not liking that at all. either i have a tremendously weak stomach or goat's cheese was REALLY the wrong choice. I am kinda lactose intolerant though so goat's cheese is the closest i can get to real cheese :(
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: look out! Ninjas! on 24 Apr 2010, 18:09
better than Vegemite, which will always taste terrible
It is amazing how sometimes even personal opinions can be SO WRONG.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 25 Apr 2010, 07:09
I have decided to stop being offended by my girlfriend's refusal to eat Vegemite because she, like many Canucks, is obsessed with dill-pickle flavoured things which are OK I guess but I really do not understand what all the fuss is about.

In other words, you can like pretty much anything if you've been conditioned to it from youth. See also: Pretty much any food originating from Scandinavia
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Metope on 25 Apr 2010, 09:09
What, really? We only eat food that's originated elsewhere because our own traditional food sucks. All of it seems to be based around rotting for a while before eating it.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 25 Apr 2010, 10:10
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: pwhodges on 25 Apr 2010, 23:56
The reindeer I've had would probably have been improved by a little rotting to tenderise it and add flavour.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 26 Apr 2010, 03:33
The most recent reindeer I ate would almost certainly have been improved if the restaurant had picked out all of the plastic wrapping it came in before cooking it.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 26 Apr 2010, 04:47
My brother used to work in a restaurant that specialised in serving fish. A couple of the kitchen hands were from south-east Asia, and they took some of the fish remains home to make fish sauce ( They did this by putting the fish remains in a garbage bag and burying the bag in their back garden for three months.

(Fish sauce is fantastic, though.)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: ViolentDove on 26 Apr 2010, 05:52
my girlfriend swears by fish sauce as a treatment for burns sustained while cooking. she will actually put fish sauce on a cotton bud and dab it on the burn, and says it stops it from blistering.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: look out! Ninjas! on 26 Apr 2010, 05:53
Do you cook this rakfisk at any point, or does it prep itself? And do you put anything else in there with it for extra flavour?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 26 Apr 2010, 07:19
Last time I had reindeer, it was served quickly fried after we cut it from the the beast hanging in my shed and served with simple gravy from the pan. Good times, those were, good times. That was such a long time ago now, though, maybe eight years?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Inlander on 26 Apr 2010, 07:42
Actually the last time I ate reindeer was later on that same trip to Finland and it was pretty tasty. I was on a train and there was this guy with a whole cured reindeer leg, just carryin' it around in his hand, cuttin' chunks off with a knife, givin' the chunks to people on the train to eat.

God I love the Finns.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: calenlass on 26 Apr 2010, 10:26
Is there reindeer poutine? Like, is that a thing that exists?
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 26 Apr 2010, 10:36
No I think we just got distracted by Norwegian cuisine.
Reindeer poutine probably has happened before though. It is a Quebecois dish and there are plenty of caribou in Quebec.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 26 Apr 2010, 12:48
If it makes brown gravy, it's poutinable.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Scarychips on 26 Apr 2010, 13:59
Now, That should be popularised.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 26 Apr 2010, 20:14

God Bless You English Language
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 26 Apr 2010, 22:25  :evil:
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: elizaknowswhatshesfor on 27 Apr 2010, 10:46
I have been eating this for YEARS & didn't know it was Candian or that it had a name. I'm happy to find out both of these things.

I am also super disturbed by the whole white gravy thing, if it was called sauce I feel it wouldn't upset me so much.

As for arguing about regional names for things, I was once being bullied & picked on at work (Not all the time, it was just that sort of atmosphere & it was my turn I gues) I dodged it by using the word "COB" which to me means a small bread roll, hopefully filled with bacon.
This started a massive argument about what it was called & could slip out unnoticed & smoke fags.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Slick on 27 Apr 2010, 13:36
Speaking of fags, my friend said to a guy, after being away in the military, "Can I hit you up for a fag?" and the guy thought he was threatening to beat him up and stayed away from him forever after that. Which was OK because that guy wasn't really a guy you ever really wanted to talk to anyways.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Zingoleb on 27 Apr 2010, 14:04
Kris speaks the truth. And we're not just talking about tenderizing by leaving it out in the shade for a day or so, we're talking actual decay. Take "rakfisk", for instance! Rakfisk is made by putting fish in a sealed barrel at some point in October and leaving it there until Christmas. That is the whole process! You put a fish in a barrel and leave it there for three months! When you take it out it smells so bad that the cutting board you slice it on has to be burned because the stench never, ever goes away.

Or what about lutefisk? Again with the fish, only this time you put it in lye until it takes on the texture and feel of fish jell-o. Then you hose it down with water so you don't die from the lye, and serve it up!

I have a pretty strong stomach but I actually feel kind of ill from this.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: elizaknowswhatshesfor on 30 Apr 2010, 05:02
Speaking of fags, my friend said to a guy, after being away in the military, "Can I hit you up for a fag?" and the guy thought he was threatening to beat him up and stayed away from him forever after that.

wow, I used a confusing multi meaning tearm in a post about confusing multi meaning tearms, nice.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: allison on 04 May 2010, 19:51
There is a new poutine place in Toronto called Poutini's. Will let you know how great it is (apparently it is really great).
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: mberan42 on 05 May 2010, 13:16
Wasn't there a video game character that used to yell "poutini!" in a high-pitched voice? I can hear it, but I can't see the character.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: scarred on 05 May 2010, 13:48
Jawas in general, dude.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 05 May 2010, 22:47
Jawas: Closet Canadians
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 06 May 2010, 06:22
it all makes sense now
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 06 May 2010, 11:49
*sells u as spare parts*  :evil:
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: mberan42 on 06 May 2010, 14:40

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Alex C on 08 May 2010, 18:26
Late to the party on this, but yeah, Jens and Kris weren't exaggerating at all. Minnesota has a ton of people of Norwegian descent, including one side of my family, yet the only uniquely Norwegian foods that I have ever really even heard of are lefse and lutefisk, with the latter only really persisting as a strange hybrid of practical joke/cultural icon as opposed to something that people actually eat. It's like all the Norwegians moved to Minnesota and just decided to eat whatever the Poles and Irish were having instead.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: beat mouse on 08 May 2010, 23:57
Potatoes are a much more appealing meal than rotten fish.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 09 May 2010, 08:00
I had pierogies for the first time last weekend and let me just take this opportunity to say FUCK YEAH PIEROGIES
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Johnny C on 09 May 2010, 08:14
in that case maybe you oughta hit regina after all
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Ballard on 09 May 2010, 10:03
Oh man Dovey I'm gonna show you the fuck around this summer.

Straight culinary tour of New York. With some overpriced raw denim boutiques in between meals.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: KharBevNor on 09 May 2010, 12:00
Raw denim? Is that some new drug craze.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: beat mouse on 09 May 2010, 18:06
I had pierogies for the first time last weekend and let me just take this opportunity to say FUCK YEAH PIEROGIES

maybe its just because i come from ukranian heritage but i was raised on perogies and based on the amount of room taken up by them in the grocery stores here, this shocks me both on moral and social levels. Did you have them with farmer sausage/sour cream/saur kraut/bacon/any of the above?

edit- i cannot continue my day without extrapolating on this subject, for those new to perogies or who wish to enhance their perogie experience, you can make even store-bought frozen perogies awesome with the following procedures:

1) begin by sauteing onions and garlic in butter, keep the heat low as you will be needing these for a while
2) you should have your perogie water boiling, timed so that when they are floating/done the boiling stage they can be transferred to your pan of onions and garlic to which you
3) add diced bacon/bacon bits to the pan as well, the desired effect is to give the perogies a solid crisp and browned shell
4) if you have saur kraut or keilbasa/farmer/garlic sausage, have some of this cut into bite-sized pieces and cooked up as well to serve with the above.
5) top with sour cream and chives

et voila (it is hard to google perogies with the desired accompaniments)

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: David_Dovey on 09 May 2010, 21:09
I had never even heard of pierogies before I met The Canadian Lady, they (like poutine!) are just not even on the radar here. Which is odd because it's not like we don't have a shitload of Slavs. Although apparently there is a specialty Polish store that sells frozen pierogies here.

I had em with sauerkraut and bacon and potato but I had run out of sour cream! I was bummed. The Lady brought them to me and they were leftover so they had been boiled already, so I quickly fried them until they were slightly crispy and golden brown amd ohhhh maaannnn I want some right now.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Cernunnos on 25 May 2010, 12:28

I had poutine over the weekend.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: JD on 27 May 2010, 22:16
A deep fryer
real cheese curds
homemade gravy

guess who has two thumbs and all of these.

(my mom)
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: est on 28 May 2010, 03:43
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Zingoleb on 09 Nov 2012, 07:52
See? See?

Poutine haters are in the minority, and therefore incorrect.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Lines on 09 Nov 2012, 07:56
Food elitist.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: The Seldom Killer on 09 Nov 2012, 08:07
I will not be swayed by the cynical and craven actions of an elitist poutine voting block in the furtherance of their terrible agenda.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Pilchard123 on 09 Nov 2012, 08:10

Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Zingoleb on 09 Nov 2012, 08:18
how the fuck is that guy still walking
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Nikolai on 09 Nov 2012, 08:27
I'm seriously debating requesting cheese curds for Christmas from my in-laws back in Wisconsin so I can make poutine when I get home. I'd have to say poutine is definitely in the top three things I miss about Canada.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Pilchard123 on 09 Nov 2012, 08:29
how the fuck is that guy still walking

I think it was an advert for something. Possibly along the lines of "don't get drunk/do drugs/fall down stairs".
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Carl-E on 09 Nov 2012, 10:26
I used to be able to do stuff like that.  Not to that extent, but there's an art to doing  good pratfall down a flight of stairs. 

I am nowhere near flexible enough to do it anymore.  Not to mention the bruising...
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: jwhouk on 09 Nov 2012, 14:38
Just had "poor man's poutine" - crinkle cut fries and Wisconsin cheese curds from Culver's, mixed together sans gravy.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Carl-E on 09 Nov 2012, 18:50
Easier to eat while driving anyway...
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Bluesummers on 09 Nov 2012, 19:36
A pokemonesque starch evolution, courtesy of Loldwell:


My wife has insisted I try poutine, but she wants me to get the "most authentic kind", meaning we'd have to drive up to where the rest of her family lives, in New Brunswick.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: Jace on 09 Nov 2012, 21:37
how the fuck is that guy still walking

He's a stuntman, you can see based on the way he falls that he is rolling using his shoulders a lot.
Title: Re: Poutine!
Post by: pwhodges on 09 Nov 2012, 23:18
When I used to do somersaults, I did them on grass...