Fun Stuff => CLIKC => Topic started by: xTheFreeMason on 01 Jun 2011, 03:33

Title: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: xTheFreeMason on 01 Jun 2011, 03:33
I sometimes feel that I'm the only person in the UK that's excited about Duke Nukem Forever. Surely you guys are? Badass one liners and copious sexual references are something that every QC fan likes, right?

Or maybe some of you played the original Duke Nukem games? In which case good for you. I wasn't born when the first one came out. Do you feel old now?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tiogyr on 01 Jun 2011, 06:26
It's difficult to get excited for a game that has been in development hell since 1997.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blyss on 01 Jun 2011, 06:29
I played the first one, and the following titles.  Not particularly excited for this one.  There are plenty of other titles out and coming out for me to part with my cash.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 01 Jun 2011, 11:48
even if you weren't around for the first one you can go back to it with the magic of modern technology.

But yeah what the two above me said.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: ackblom12 on 01 Jun 2011, 13:40
Fuck you guys this is going to be great.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 01 Jun 2011, 17:18
i'll believe it when i see it

i'm just bummed that Gearbox has been working on this and whatever their new game is, instead of Borderlands 2

because that's something to look forward to, i tell you what
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: est on 02 Jun 2011, 02:39
Not overly excited for this.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blue Kitty on 02 Jun 2011, 08:58
I just don't know. Even though Gearbox is making it I still can't muster up any ounce of caring for Duke Nukem.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tom on 02 Jun 2011, 14:57
This is on my probably won't be stuffed to play list, right next to FFXIII-2 (apparently listening to user feedback =/= scrapping glorified rock paper scissors combat).
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tiogyr on 03 Jun 2011, 05:57
This is on my probably won't be stuffed to play list, right next to FFXIII-2 (apparently listening to user feedback =/= scrapping glorified rock paper scissors combat).

Oh yeah, was FFXIII the one that reduced combat to basically "Spam Attack To Win"?

EDIT for relevant thread content:

Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Buttfranklin on 03 Jun 2011, 11:32
Downloading the demo!  I'll let you chummios know how it goes.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Ozymandias on 03 Jun 2011, 12:04
Everyone in this thread but Steve sucks.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Buttfranklin on 03 Jun 2011, 12:49
Well, I played the demo for the 360.

It went... Okay.

The graphics are nice, the chuckles are good, but the enemies are pretty boring and the weapons just feel clunky and ineffective.  The only weapons that seemed to pack any kick were the shrink ray and the shotgun.

The humor was nice, though!  At one point you have to knock down some planks to get into a mine and the Duke remark, "A crowbar would really come in handy right about now."  There were other good laughs, but the Half Life fan that I am liked that one.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 03 Jun 2011, 14:16
I remember picking up a PC Gamer in '97 that had a showcase of all the upcoming FPS games that were soon to battle it out in the marketplace. Frontrunners were SiN, Quake 2, and Daikatana. There was a 2-page spread for Duke Nukem Forever, with prelim screenshots and everything. A single page was given to Half-Life. Daikatana was deemed the most promising of the pack, given its lofty ambitions (sidekicks with their own personalities and preferences! Swordplay! Choices!)

I'm not 11 anymore, though. I'm 95% sure that Painkiller will have given me everything that this game offers, in a leaner, more fun package. Pass.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: LTK on 03 Jun 2011, 16:10
I guess the problem with this game is that, when it got around to being released, its target audience had grown out of it.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 03 Jun 2011, 21:58
Everyone in this thread but Steve sucks.
Including you?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: satsugaikaze on 04 Jun 2011, 06:04
I gotta be honest here

Looking forward more to Serious Sam 3.

Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 05 Jun 2011, 13:01
I've heard a lot of toxic stuff around the demo. Has anybody played it?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: SilentJ on 06 Jun 2011, 00:29
I played it Saturday night.

Oh man, I'm excited.  I love the visceral thrill of these games.  I know they're not going to be the best.  But god dammit they're going over the top with everything and I'm going to love it all.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: LeeC on 06 Jun 2011, 11:12
I remember playing the old games, the trailers look over the top. Some how I have a feeling that if I get this game I will be hit in the head with a rolling pin by my girlfriend haha.

I have a feeling this will be one of those all hype releases, but hey you never know.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: ackblom12 on 06 Jun 2011, 11:17
Fuck you guys this is going to be great.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 06 Jun 2011, 11:28
One pretty good explanation for the ambivalence this is causing me that someone else expressed is that the Duke Nukem of the 90's was a fun character who was an amalgamation of a number of different references from the era, particularly the golden age of slightly sleazy beefcake action (Schwarzenegger, They Live, etc). It's been so long that the Duke Nukem of Forever doesn't really reference anything but Duke Nukem, and it's kinda lame.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: TheEvilDog on 12 Jun 2011, 08:25
Its the video game version of Chinese Democracy.

I kinda want to play it, but at the same time part of me is screaming no. Loudly. Right into my ear. Via several megaphones and a surround sound system.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Buttfranklin on 12 Jun 2011, 21:48
I've heard a lot of toxic stuff around the demo. Has anybody played it?
I feel like my last post was just an echo in an empty chamber...  :cry:

But to recap:  the controls are clunky, the enemies are uninspired, the weapons are boring and feel weak, and overall it's just boring.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: est on 13 Jun 2011, 21:42
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: est on 13 Jun 2011, 21:43
Kuchera fights the good fight.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 13 Jun 2011, 22:28
DNF Duke Nukem is practically a marty stu character tailored specifically to Jim Sterling and even he hates this game.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 13 Jun 2011, 22:44
Hey wanna see some NSFW concept art (

Also here's a video of the thing that creeps the shit out of even hardcore dickheads like Jim Sterling. It is pretty fucked and you will regret watching it (, almost as much as people will regret buying this game.

Man I remember when I thought Gearbox was cool
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 14 Jun 2011, 00:35
I think Gearbox just glued together what 3D Realms had and polished it a little.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 14 Jun 2011, 00:43
I guess it's a good thing it's been nearly 15 years or else this whole boring maps and regenerating health bullshit would be upsetting. Still, the fact that the game is that tone deaf is pretty depressing. Even a dopey ass franchise like Duke deserves better than that.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: maxusy3k on 14 Jun 2011, 11:29
I wonder how quickly and how far Gearbox will work to distance themselves from this now.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: LeeC on 14 Jun 2011, 12:41
somehow I knew this would happen but damn.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blue Kitty on 14 Jun 2011, 12:43
Yeah, called it
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: LeeC on 14 Jun 2011, 12:59
I kind of felt like this game development was the arc of the covenant.  Was a great thing but later lost by its creators.  Once it is found and opened by others it kills the franchise and no one would dare open it again.

Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: est on 14 Jun 2011, 16:44
Another review, pretty much the same as the last:
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 14 Jun 2011, 17:26
A little bit disorienting that Jim Sterling blasts the game's misogyny and Gerstmann just about handwaves it.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 14 Jun 2011, 21:33
weird. he says it's creepy, offensive, and sociopathic, but you're right about it seeming like handwaving. i got the feeling he was trying to say that it was so patently awful that it's obvious to anyone who plays it and thus seems barely even worthwhile to even point out? not that that's really an excuse.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Caleb on 15 Jun 2011, 07:40
It really seems like it could have been really easy to make this game.

Just like include the magic weapon backpack that lets you carry 10 different weapons and not have any regenerating health.

Or even just have an option not to have regen health.

Shit man.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tiogyr on 15 Jun 2011, 08:12
Does anyone have that "Manly Men Doing Manly Things" comic where Captain Badass is having to talk Duke off a ledge, with Duke crying about how "nobody understands" him?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 15 Jun 2011, 08:16
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 15 Jun 2011, 08:58
Yeah, that comic definitely occurred to me as I kept reading reviews commenting on how Duke seems like a pathetic sociopath now more ever.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blue Kitty on 15 Jun 2011, 09:08
For a comic called Manly Men Doing Manly Things, it really tugs at the heart strings
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Caleb on 15 Jun 2011, 09:55
I don't get why they tried so hard to have little jokes in cut scenes and stuff.

I was watching a lets play of this game and it just doesn't seem like a Duke game at all.

It's like all the stupid humor and crap in the original game was something you could stop and look at if you wanted or you could simply just run through the levels killing aliens and exploding stuff.

The way that this game like STOPS all the action just to make lame jokes is stupid as hell.

And the level design from the stuff I saw was insanely linear.  Like it was fun in the original duke to almost get lost in the branching ways you could get through a level.

Now there is no reason to.

Physics puzzles???  Really?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 15 Jun 2011, 10:04
Where is Ackbloom? we need some sort of dissenting opinion in here
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tiogyr on 15 Jun 2011, 11:16
For a comic called Manly Men Doing Manly Things, it really tugs at the heart strings

This would have been a much better game, for sure.


Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: snalin on 15 Jun 2011, 13:22
I tried the original dn3d the other day (too young to have played it the first time around), and it was pretty damn cool. Not a great game, really - I got lost something bad and I don't really have the patience for looking for more than 5 minutes for the way out before I look up a walkthrough, and there were some places where you were taking heavy damage without feeling that you would've done better if you were more skilled, but still a good game. Looking at TotalBiscuit's first impression video, this doesn't look great at all. For someone like me who didn't play the originals a lot, the jokes wouldn't make any sense, and there's a lot of... standing around. Which isn't great in any game.

It feels like they've tried to make the game in the style that was the shit just before cover based combat became what everybody started doing (like, uh, I guess Doom 3), but felt the need to build it around a gimmick character. I hope the new Serious same games don't suffer the same problem.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: LeeC on 15 Jun 2011, 15:27
wow the meta score on steam gives it a 59/100.  that has to be one the lowest scored games ive seen on steam.  Especially that it was just launched with so much hype.

so question for those who have played it.

Is it bad like watching a bad movie when your bored and it entertains you?


is it bad like it should be burned and never allowed to see the light of day?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 15 Jun 2011, 16:02
Pretty obviously the latter. The forced to stand around thing is really, really awful and seems to highlight the worst excesses of the original game. The humor in Duke 3d was never particularly funny and was never very tasteful-- at best, Duke was just quoting Army of Darkness ad nauseum and at worst the infestation thing was pretty disgusting even if was presented as largely a flimsy excuse to riff off of Aliens. The impregnation thing never needed to be elaborated upon or made more explicit and just parking the player in front of it feels rather like a crazy person pulling you aside so they can show you the turd they just finished bronzing.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: satsugaikaze on 15 Jun 2011, 19:04
<- Waiting for the parody series to deliver a better gameplay experience lol
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: J on 16 Jun 2011, 01:09
duke nukem is a parody series
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tom on 16 Jun 2011, 01:31
that was the joke
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 16 Jun 2011, 14:22
Please, watch this. (
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 16 Jun 2011, 15:00
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Ozymandias on 16 Jun 2011, 15:05
Alright, yeah, I got as far as wallboob slapping. This shouldn't have been made.  :psyduck:
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 16 Jun 2011, 17:19
the long stretches of total silence are so telling
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blue Kitty on 16 Jun 2011, 19:44
Why did I agree to be here for this?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 16 Jun 2011, 22:06
I am going to be playing this soon and it is gonna be terrible but I don't care.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 16 Jun 2011, 22:08
Did you all not see the thing, the thing that I posted earlier
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 16 Jun 2011, 22:15
This is Daikatana bad

Which is apropos as DNF is a Daikatana contemporary.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 16 Jun 2011, 23:02
It's not even the "humor", it's everything else. Somebody designed this, intentionally.

These levels are so sparse, this is worse than Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 16 Jun 2011, 23:21
honestly i'd feel a li'l more comfortable if you just decided to wipe your ass with that money instead
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 16 Jun 2011, 23:22
I'm not actually paying for it.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 16 Jun 2011, 23:23
i kinda figured, but still
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 16 Jun 2011, 23:25
I've been able to watch this, mostly just because I've got Deus Ex minimized and the Liberty Island theme is a soothing counterbalance
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 16 Jun 2011, 23:33
I just don't understand why this couldn't have been essentially a big budget Serious Sam with strippers and pig cops. There's enough of us sick of chest high walls that it probably wouldn't have had to be a very complicated game map wise.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Alex C on 16 Jun 2011, 23:35
I'm not saying that it would be a good game, mind, just maybe better than the one they released.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 16 Jun 2011, 23:39
No Serious Sam and Painkiller were good because they were giddy throwbacks to the kind of game Duke was. DNF is completely lacking in everything that made old-school (or new school or any school) FPSes fun
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 16 Jun 2011, 23:42
i kinda figured, but still
I'll draw some money on my toilet paper next time I get the chance.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blyss on 17 Jun 2011, 06:46
It almost looks like they spent more time on Duke smoking in the menu, than they did on the rest of the game.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 17 Jun 2011, 22:03
oh my god this game is so bad
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: JD on 17 Jun 2011, 23:16
Okay yeah this game was a waste of money I did not spend
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Josefbugman on 18 Jun 2011, 02:00
So, why the big fuss?

I mean, who is this chap in the sungoggles?
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: TheEvilDog on 18 Jun 2011, 06:08
Worst piece of shit I've played in a long time.
Okay yeah this game was a waste of money I did not spend
oh my god this game is so bad

So I take it the game is great. [/sarcasm]
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: pwhodges on 18 Jun 2011, 09:18
The school report phrase is: "could do better", I guess.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Josefbugman on 18 Jun 2011, 12:07
From what I heard it was more "does not play well with others".
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 18 Jun 2011, 12:32
"Dear Mr. or Mrs. Nukem,

We had to remove your child Duke from class  today because he punched susie in the face, peed in the fish tank, burned down the chalk board, and now we don't even know where his teacher is. She's just gone.

Please come pick him up and never come back. We won't press charges if you just leave forever."
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Gemmwah on 19 Jun 2011, 16:39
fuck you guys i love this game
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tiogyr on 19 Jun 2011, 17:40
It's not even the "humor", it's everything else. Somebody designed this, intentionally.

These levels are so sparse, this is worse than Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

Hey now, that game was actually able to be salvaged after ten years of bug fixes by the fanbase (as in, that one guy that actually went around fixing the game crashing/breaking bugs and publishing patches for people that were still playing). Nowhere near as much fun a vampire game series as we got with the Legacy of Kain (which said "fuck Earth settings, let's just go balls out and create an entirely separate fictional world to do this in").

This game, though? I don't think anyone is going to bother.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: ackblom12 on 19 Jun 2011, 17:58
Legacy of Kain was good for exactly one game, Bloodlines was actually a fantastic game outside of the bugs and sparseness as Jon mentioned. Easily one of the best RPGs ever made I'd say even before the major fan patching. Some of the fan patching is kind of questionable just due to flavor and balance reasons, but overall it is pretty excellent.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Josefbugman on 20 Jun 2011, 01:30
Agreed on that score, VTMB is one of the few RPG's that I've wanted to play more than once.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: look out! Ninjas! on 20 Jun 2011, 02:35
yeah, up until about halfway through chinatown it's a worthy successor to Deus Ex
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tiogyr on 20 Jun 2011, 08:14
Legacy of Kain was good for exactly one game

I'd say the ones I actually got around to playing were all pretty damn good, actually (the first Blood Omen, the Soul Reaver games were all fun and then there was Defiance, which was still fun even if there wasn't any real risk of losing the game at any point).
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Josefbugman on 20 Jun 2011, 12:27
It is one of my greatest regrets that I am unlikely to see another game that I enjoyed as much as Vampire...

I mean it actually managed to explain things in such so that I became interested in White Wolf.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Felrender on 20 Jun 2011, 12:40
fuck you guys i love this game

enjoy being a horrible broken person who like terrible things
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 20 Jun 2011, 13:33
fuck you guys i love this game
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tom on 20 Jun 2011, 14:44
Well, it's certainly no: "Me so horny. That sounds racist, but it's true."
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: KvP on 20 Jun 2011, 14:51
More like Fail to the King
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 20 Jun 2011, 15:43
try "i've got balls of fail" which is actually a line in the game
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 20 Jun 2011, 15:43
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 20 Jun 2011, 15:44
the one feature this game is actually missing is the ability to, at will, bring your pistol to your temple and fire, which would then erase the disk and purge all evidence from your hard drive
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Tom on 20 Jun 2011, 16:09
I wish ff xiii had that too
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Josefbugman on 20 Jun 2011, 16:10
A great deal of games could be improved by having a "suicide" button.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 20 Jun 2011, 16:50
the late, great mitch hedberg, after a joke that didn't work:

"that joke's gonna be awesome because i'm gonna take all the words out and add new ones. that joke will be fixed."

Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: TheEvilDog on 20 Jun 2011, 18:31
So I'm guessing that on a scale of one to ten, most people would rate DNF as "Throw it into the fire and let it be Hell's problem now."

Or maybe it should have stayed in development hell
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Johnny C on 20 Jun 2011, 21:21
what i'm saying is that it's ironic that a game that turned out like duke nukem forever has the gall to use the word "abortion" anywhere in it
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Blue Kitty on 23 Jun 2011, 13:44
Is Duke Nukem Forever more fun with another person? (
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: LeeC on 23 Jun 2011, 14:04
Is Duke Nukem Forever more fun with another person? (
i only got a minute and 14 seconds into that video before I laughed myself to death.  I feel like getting the game, get drunk and invite my friend over to play.
Title: Re: Hail to the king? Anyone?
Post by: Damnable Fiend on 23 Jun 2011, 17:48
Shadows of the Damned seems like what this game should have been, humour-wise.