Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: jwhouk on 26 Aug 2012, 03:59

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 26 Aug 2012, 03:59
So, here's your thread, boss.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TheEvilDog on 26 Aug 2012, 08:48
I can see some words being said by Tai by the end of the week, and not necessarily kind words either.

Either that or Hannelore and Faye are following them, disguised as shrubbery, tiptoeing after Tai and Dora as they walk down the street (of course, Hanners' would be a highly realistic, self cleaning polymer designed by her father because its Hanners).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 26 Aug 2012, 14:44
By the end of the week, the duo will be doing some serious revaluation.

Or go to the Goth Club.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: FunkyTuba on 26 Aug 2012, 15:00
Hanners sees them from afar and has a major squeeee reaction.  Her ovaries each pop out an unhaploidized oocyte and ends up pregnant with twins.

Hey, it could happen...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 26 Aug 2012, 16:51
Hanners sees them from afar and has a major squeeee reaction.  Her ovaries each pop out an unhaploidized oocyte and ends up pregnant with twins.

Hey, it could happen...

Goddammit, what was Hannerdad doing?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Renewman on 26 Aug 2012, 22:05
Ha! I find it funny Jeph is now addressing the very thing we were all complaining about last week with Dora not knowing anything about Tai. I'm trying my best to keep a ho-hum attitude through this current arc but the whole Tai/Dora thing comes across very kitschy and forced at least imo.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: J on 26 Aug 2012, 22:30
the more i look at it, the more ridiculous dora's shirt gets.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Kugai on 26 Aug 2012, 22:33

Cute, bwushing widdle Tai   :-D

Dora, ya still got ot it would appear.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 26 Aug 2012, 22:41
Goodness, it appears that Dora has recovered from her little slips of last week without dire consequences WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED.

Ha! I find it funny Jeph is now addressing the very thing we were all complaining about last week with Dora not knowing anything about Tai.

It would be pretty hard not to address - it's not like it's an obscure detail that Jeph hadn't though of. I'm sure he didn't bring it up today just to appease us.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: foolsguinea on 26 Aug 2012, 22:53
Uh, Jeph is going to fix the number at the top of the image, right? Because that was confusing.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 26 Aug 2012, 23:22
Yeah, I can't be the only one who saw that, hit previous hoping for a double comic and was disappointed when I found out it was just a typo.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 26 Aug 2012, 23:32
Wow... seems Dora wasn't as oblivious as we all thought she was...

... can someone check on Satan? I have a feeling he might be needing a VERY WARM winter coat sometime soon. °O
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 27 Aug 2012, 00:22
Okay, so I'm actually finding this very interesting. Curiouser and curiouser, even.

Yeah, Tai isn't having the ideal time on this date; her image of Dora as sanctified, as inviolate small-business-owning super-hot goth Muse on a pedestal, is being shattered and the dust ground into sand, absolutely. Which is an Unpleasant Discovery, certainly, but we also learned that Dora is, in fact, quietly interested.

So what matters here is how Tai reacts. If she can't handle the dissolution of her illusions about Dora, she'll have to call off the whole idea of a relationship, epic kiss or no, though I think she'll handle it humanely (and all the more heartbreaking for it.) BUT, if she can get past that, and remain interested in Dora the human who inspired the muse, then this could be in it for the long haul. Blushing at being called sexy is a good sign.

Dora, on the other hand, is kind of working the Bianchi charm, at long last. I hope she's not planning to Sven this date, have it be a sex-and-then-drop type of thing; lust is totally a good basis to start a relationship, but it's not a foundation. Then again, she wants to get to know Tai. Good news, on that front.

I'm reminded of hodges' comment, that relationships are built on misunderstanding--I think, and it's borne true in my experience, that they're often built on surviving such. If that's the case, Dora and Tai could be looking at a long, long incumbency as a couple.

Finally, good job Tai, you like the right dubstep. You are an acceptable dubstep cultist. Skrillex is a prick, fuck that gargbage.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 27 Aug 2012, 00:38
Smooth, Dora. :D

I feel like the quicker Tai gets over comparing herself to Marten, the better. The much, much better.

Compliment "sexy" apparently overrides insult "little", as well. :P
And redhead... technically neutral, probably a compliment.

Edit: Damn you homophones and homonyms! A compliment is quite different from a complement!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 27 Aug 2012, 00:44
Finally, good job Tai, you like the right dubstep. You are an acceptable dubstep cultist. Skrillex is a prick, fuck that gargbage.

Oh damn, missed that gem. And it is totally thus.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Aug 2012, 00:54
Tai was realistic about Dora having issues, given that everybody does.

She may be idealizing Dora as a father figure, though.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: VonKleist on 27 Aug 2012, 01:34
hehehe, I might be warming up to old Tora.

That was kind of a weird mix of sexy and endearing! YOu know, the good kind of weird :)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 27 Aug 2012, 02:07
A thought: Would it be weird if Dora WAS like Sven when it comes to girls? And Tai was her "Faye" moment?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 27 Aug 2012, 02:28
Better, Dora, much better. "Little" isn't so much of an insult for girls, and it's a bit too late ( for Tai to object.

I know it is wrong, but there is something about Sonny Moore that makes me want to hurt him. And brostep is pretty much a sucky thing.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: VonKleist on 27 Aug 2012, 02:43

Yay, for digging that one up. Never fails to make me chuckle. "Ow, my cheekth" xD
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 27 Aug 2012, 02:45
Oh dear. I knew which comic that was going to be before I even hovered over the link, maybe I need a break?

But since it's been brought up, is anyone else noticing the parallels between Dora's attitude then and now?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 27 Aug 2012, 04:14
It's kind of interesting that Tai felt compelled to apologise for talking about something Marten might have talked about, even though it is such a big part of Tai's life.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: J on 27 Aug 2012, 04:35
Yeah, Tai isn't having the ideal time on this date; her image of Dora as sanctified, as inviolate small-business-owning super-hot goth Muse on a pedestal, is being shattered and the dust ground into sand, absolutely.

if i'm not mistaken, sand is typically much coarser than dust, consisting of much much larger particles. so shouldn't that be the other way around?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TinPenguin on 27 Aug 2012, 04:47
I don't know what bubble tea is, but it looks like pondwater with tadpoles.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: VonKleist on 27 Aug 2012, 04:57
That´s probably why they mostly sell it in non-transparent containers here.

Heh. Maybe you could sell Moet with Caviar in too rich folks.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 27 Aug 2012, 05:07
Tai was realistic about Dora having issues, given that everybody does.

She may be idealizing Dora as a father figure, though.

Father figure? :psyduck:

At any rate, the foot in mouth is over so far (though Dora probably didn't realize at all what she said last strip).

Even natural with no screw ups, still looking too sisterly for me though.  Again, not sure if that will ever change.

And now that I think Dora is lying or anything, but how do strips and strips of cute little butch girl (who is not necessarily my type) go to sexy little redhead?  A kiss that suddenly changes your entire perception of a person?  Now that this needs to be discussed really.  But, it almost looking like Dora was going in to ruffle Tai's hair.  Tai AND Dora must take different meaning to hair ruffling...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: techkid on 27 Aug 2012, 05:32
Well, that seems to be a healthier turn...

Had to chuckle at Tai's "overheating problem" in the last panel as well (so flustered that steam started to form).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: J on 27 Aug 2012, 05:45
I don't know what bubble tea is, but it looks like pondwater with tadpoles.

it's a sort of fruit juice/tea concoction which may or may not contain milk. the 'bubbles' at the bottom are little spherical bits of tapioca which give the drinker something to chew on and/or shoot from the straw like a blow gun. some places offer other options besides tapioca as well, including small bits of fruit. i recommend trying it some time if you get the chance.
Title: Ugh
Post by: Hinterfiend on 27 Aug 2012, 08:20
I'm waiting to see more of the other relationships.

"Yes, let's do talk about the man we both screwed over to get to this point. Me by being super insecure and neurotic through the whole relationship and now seeming to be over it all in just a matter of days. And you, his boss, who claimed to be a his friend but constantly harassed him about whether we were broken up, and once we were didn't even play it all off as jokes but rather JUMPED at the opportunity to hook up with me as SOON AS YOU WERE TOLD. Yep. his first real relationship in some time and I'm over it, but he's totally cool with us together, and aren't we just so cute in our quirky ways? We're totally not being dicks or anything." ~ Dora.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Boxilar on 27 Aug 2012, 08:35
Several times folks have brought up the Faye/Sven parallels in the Dora/Tai dynamic. At this point, it's reminding me more of Marten/Dora/Faye, with Dora as Marten, Marten as Faye and Tai as Dora. The difference of course being that Marten and Dora were actually a couple and thier relationship is over. Still, Tai seems to be worrying about how she compares to Marten, either out of insecurity or a lingering sense of guilt.

It was still a cute strip, though.
Title: Re: Ugh
Post by: Madmartigan on 27 Aug 2012, 10:03
I'm waiting to see more of the other relationships.

"Yes, let's do talk about the man we both screwed over to get to this point. Me by being super insecure and neurotic through the whole relationship and now seeming to be over it all in just a matter of days. And you, his boss, who claimed to be a his friend but constantly harassed him about whether we were broken up, and once we were didn't even play it all off as jokes but rather JUMPED at the opportunity to hook up with me as SOON AS YOU WERE TOLD. Yep. his first real relationship in some time and I'm over it, but he's totally cool with us together, and aren't we just so cute in our quirky ways? We're totally not being dicks or anything." ~ Dora.

Calm down.  It has been at least a month or two QC time...

Now, did I like seeing Tai's "not even bother to hide it" I wanna bone your girlfriend moments?  Nope.  Not particularly.  That's what has pretty always rubbed me the wrong way about her.  Even joking about it, which she wasn't, isn't cool.  She made no secret about what she wanted and I guess, if you took it to the extreme, she did jump on Dora as soon as it was pretty much over with Marten.  That's just poor planning on her part.

But be real.  Marten and Dora are both pretty much over it.  Does it suck it didn't work with Marten? Yea.  But QC isn't exactly or hasn't been a mainstay for solid relationships.  At least, between characters routinely in the story.  Marten/Dora is over though.  Both are over it.  Get over it.

And no, I don't particularly see this out of left field romantic attraction for Dora all of a sudden and I've and others, have beaten that story to death ad nauseam. 

However.  It remains quite awkward for them both to be talking about Marten.  Once again, this arc just feels weird. 
But again.  Dora/Marten are over.  They aren't being dicks.  They are just incredibly strange around each other.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Aug 2012, 11:09
In reality, Tai respected the relationship (

I hope Tai is not just a rebound.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: ink slinger on 27 Aug 2012, 11:12
Geez, that's a surprising amount of talk about the ex on the first date! Of course, they're all a part of the same social group, so I guess it would almost be weirder if Marten's name didn't come up at least once or twice. (But only almost.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Aug 2012, 11:22
The Principle of Maximum Awkwardness would require it anyway.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 27 Aug 2012, 11:28
A question for the archive-savvy: has any first date in QC ever gone well? I seem to recall Angus and Faye's first date having awkwardness all around, too.

I think mentioning Marten, especially casually and not obsessively, is actually good: they acknowledge the relationship without stressing over it. If it keeps coming up, weird, but this is pretty innocent.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 27 Aug 2012, 11:36
If you're talking about the date at the "little Italian place" in which F n A talked about their aspirations vs. reality, I thought that seemed like a nice little first date that strengthened any bond those two characters seemed to have. Faye's anxiety attack and the resulting underpants incident were later that night.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jmucchiello on 27 Aug 2012, 13:20
Ladies, please stop talking about Marten. Thank you.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 27 Aug 2012, 13:49
And, as proof that we have a lot of closet country music fans in here, the results of our latest poll:

Date Week Two - And the Resolution will be?
Dora and Tai in bed!    2 (4.8%)
Hugs but no sex.    9 (21.4%)
Fast forward six weeks. No one will say ANYTHING about what happened.    1 (2.4%)
Not even Dora or Tai, who have suddenly disappeared from the strip.    0 (0%)
No one even acknowledges that either of them exist.    0 (0%)
They run off to New Hampshire and get married. The End.    0 (0%)
It ends. Badly.    4 (9.5%)
A week of all the other relationships in QC (Faye/Angus, Wil/Penelope, Steve/Cosette)    7 (16.7%)
Something happens to Hannelore. We all laugh, then d'awwww about it.    3 (7.1%)
MOAR PINTSIZE!!!!!11!!!!    0 (0%)
Something happens to Marigold. We all laugh.    3 (7.1%)
Mandatory Meme Option (Waffles, Spathe Ham, Banana Smoothies, etc.)    0 (0%)
We find out why Clinton is so scared of Claire!    2 (4.8%)
I'm just here for the party, and I ain't leavin' til they throw me out.    11 (26.2%) (Gretchen Wilson approves.)

Total Members Voted: 42
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 27 Aug 2012, 14:16
Even natural with no screw ups, still looking too sisterly for me though.  Again, not sure if that will ever change.

And now that I think Dora is lying or anything, but how do strips and strips of cute little butch girl (who is not necessarily my type) go to sexy little redhead?  A kiss that suddenly changes your entire perception of a person?  Now that this needs to be discussed really.  But, it almost looking like Dora was going in to ruffle Tai's hair.  Tai AND Dora must take different meaning to hair ruffling...

Butbutbut hair ruffling is so cute~ You've gtta admit, it's absolutely adorable~ :3

"Yes, let's do talk about the man we both screwed over to get to this point. Me by being super insecure and neurotic through the whole relationship and now seeming to be over it all in just a matter of days. And you, his boss, who claimed to be a his friend but constantly harassed him about whether we were broken up, and once we were didn't even play it all off as jokes but rather JUMPED at the opportunity to hook up with me as SOON AS YOU WERE TOLD. Yep. his first real relationship in some time and I'm over it, but he's totally cool with us together, and aren't we just so cute in our quirky ways? We're totally not being dicks or anything." ~ Dora.

I'd reply with all the scathing sarcasm I could muster, but Madmartigan said it better than I ever could, and I'm not enough of an archive ninja to find a strip that shows it's been far longer than a few days.

And, as proof that we have a lot of closet country music fans in here, the results of our latest poll:

Date Week Two - And the Resolution will be?
Dora and Tai in bed!    2 (4.8%)
Hugs but no sex.    9 (21.4%)
Fast forward six weeks. No one will say ANYTHING about what happened.    1 (2.4%)
Not even Dora or Tai, who have suddenly disappeared from the strip.    0 (0%)
No one even acknowledges that either of them exist.    0 (0%)
They run off to New Hampshire and get married. The End.    0 (0%)
It ends. Badly.    4 (9.5%)
A week of all the other relationships in QC (Faye/Angus, Wil/Penelope, Steve/Cosette)    7 (16.7%)
Something happens to Hannelore. We all laugh, then d'awwww about it.    3 (7.1%)
MOAR PINTSIZE!!!!!11!!!!    0 (0%)
Something happens to Marigold. We all laugh.    3 (7.1%)
Mandatory Meme Option (Waffles, Spathe Ham, Banana Smoothies, etc.)    0 (0%)
We find out why Clinton is so scared of Claire!    2 (4.8%)
I'm just here for the party, and I ain't leavin' til they throw me out.    11 (26.2%) (Gretchen Wilson approves.)

Total Members Voted: 42

That's a country song? :psyduck: I thought it was just the "IDK" option.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 27 Aug 2012, 14:37
Hair ruffling is cute.  If it is your grammy doing it.

From my experience, I always associate hair ruffling with indirect, usually unintentional condensation.  As if they're treating you like a kid.  I find it incredibly annoying when people do that.  I'm like, I'm in my bloody 20s dammit! :psyduck:

Which goes back to point of sisterly relations.  I still can't see beyond Dora's treatment of Tai as a cute little butch sister.  The sudden sexy redhead remark seems out of place from Dora. :-\
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 27 Aug 2012, 14:49
Hair ruffling is cute.  If it is your grammy doing it.

From my experience, I always associate hair ruffling with indirect, usually unintentional condensation.  As if they're treating you like a kid.  I find it incredibly annoying when people do that.  I'm like, I'm in my bloody 20s dammit! :psyduck:

Which goes back to point of sisterly relations.  I still can't see beyond Dora's treatment of Tai as a cute little butch sister.  The sudden sexy redhead remark seems out of place from Dora. :-\

Aah. All right, I guess people associate things like that differently. I don't see much of a difference between hair ruffling, hair stroking, and the like. It all strikes me as cute and fairly intimate. But meh, that's just me.

Oh gosh. I just realized. If Jeph shows those two in post-coitus, it's gonna majorly squick out a good chunk of the readers, isn't it? "Cute little butch sister smexytimes" isn't what most people want to get out of a comic strip xD
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 27 Aug 2012, 16:21
Ladies, please stop talking about Marten. Thank you.

Yes, please stop talking about Marten Lawrence. How that dude manages to keep getting movie roles is beyond me.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: beanzilla on 27 Aug 2012, 17:35
Hair ruffling is cute.  If it is your grammy doing it.

From my experience, I always associate hair ruffling with indirect, usually unintentional condensation.  As if they're treating you like a kid.  I find it incredibly annoying when people do that.  I'm like, I'm in my bloody 20s dammit! :psyduck:

Which goes back to point of sisterly relations.  I still can't see beyond Dora's treatment of Tai as a cute little butch sister.  The sudden sexy redhead remark seems out of place from Dora. :-\

I'll be honest, thinking about condensation occurring because of hair-ruffling makes me feel kind of gross.   :psyduck:

But, assuming you were thinking of condescension, I would generally agree, but sometimes it can be used as an act of endearment.  :-P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Redball on 27 Aug 2012, 17:53
My wife's hair would grow in curly after chemos. So did that of a woman I sang with. I enjoyed running my hand across the heads of both. Both accepted it as a loving gesture.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 27 Aug 2012, 18:11
From my experience, I always associate hair ruffling with indirect, usually unintentional condensation. 

Condescension n. 1. an act or instance of showing/implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority (condescending). 2. behavior that is patronizing or condescending. 3. voluntary assumption of equality with a person regarded as inferior.


Sorry, but after reading a few threads in different forums with spelling mistakes, this one just tripped my inner grammar nazi. I apologize.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 27 Aug 2012, 18:39
I was aware of the spelling error, right when I stepped out the door and it annoyed me.  Then I went to the gym and forgot.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 27 Aug 2012, 19:38
Hey, I Godwin'ed my own thread! Where's my "achievement unlocked" badge?  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: CrowFairy on 27 Aug 2012, 19:55
"Cute little butch sister smexytimes"

That is like the major issue I have with Tai/Dora. Dora doesn't seem sexually interested in Tai, so I didn't even think about that. AUGH. WHY does this feel so incestuous???
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 27 Aug 2012, 19:56
( (

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 27 Aug 2012, 20:27
"Cute little butch sister smexytimes"

That is like the major issue I have with Tai/Dora. Dora doesn't seem sexually interested in Tai, so I didn't even think about that. AUGH. WHY does this feel so incestuous???

Gonna feel so dirty when/if the smex strip happens. So very very dirty. 
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 27 Aug 2012, 22:56
Ha, Pintsize in panel 3 is great.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 27 Aug 2012, 23:07
We need another "SEE? HE'S SERIOUSLY OK WITH IT PEOPLE!!!! GOD!" poll option this week ;P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Boxilar on 27 Aug 2012, 23:09
Estimate incoming hyperventilating post by member with less than 10 posts declaring Faye and Angus "DONE!!!" In T minus 30...29...28...27,  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 27 Aug 2012, 23:27
FAYA NAD AGNUG DONE FOR EVARRRR!!!!!!!1111111oneeleven
(Hehe... you guessed my posts wrong!)

Seriously, though. When did Marten switch to anime-face? (1st panel) °O
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Kugai on 27 Aug 2012, 23:33
That's probably been added to 101 Uses For An AntroPC

Marten in a Nunnery

Parr for the course?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 27 Aug 2012, 23:36
Ein bier, bitte!

Great name for a beer.

And I kinda feel bad that the forum watching has almost become as entertaining as the comic reading. Very negative space-ish.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Near Lurker on 27 Aug 2012, 23:41
I'm trying to come up with something witty to say involving either Hamlet or Les Misérables, but all I can think of is Cosette digging up her "uncle" Fauchelevant's skull with a bell tied to it.  Does that count as witty?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Aug 2012, 04:30
Is it a bad sign that the last panel brought up memories of "nunsploitation" flicks that used to show up on late night TV?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 28 Aug 2012, 05:57
Date Week Two - And the Resolution will be?

Dora and Tai in bed!    2 (4.3%)
Hugs but no sex.    12 (25.5%)
Fast forward six weeks. No one will say ANYTHING about what happened.    1 (2.1%)
Not even Dora or Tai, who have suddenly disappeared from the strip.    1 (2.1%)
No one even acknowledges that either of them exist.    1 (2.1%)
They run off to New Hampshire and get married. The End.    0 (0%)
It ends. Badly.    4 (8.5%)
A week of all the other relationships in QC (Faye/Angus, Wil/Penelope, Steve/Cosette)    7 (14.9%)
Something happens to Hannelore. We all laugh, then d'awwww about it.    3 (6.4%)
MOAR PINTSIZE!!!!!11!!!!    0 (0%)
Something happens to Marigold. We all laugh.    3 (6.4%)
Mandatory Meme Option (Waffles, Spathe Ham, Banana Smoothies, etc.)    0 (0%)
We find out why Clinton is so scared of Claire!    2 (4.3%)
I'm just here for the party, and I ain't leavin' til they throw me out.    11 (23.4%)  - See, I mention that it's a country music lyric and suddenly everyone stops voting for it.

Total Members Voted: 47
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rcs on 28 Aug 2012, 06:16
Yay for the puppy option. Marten needs a puppy. Just because PUPPIES! Seriously, though it's kind of surprising that only one character has a pet, not counting holoponies or bitey snakes. Momo would be an excellent puppy owner too. She's very conscientious and caring.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 28 Aug 2012, 06:17
Pintsize would likely kill a puppy if Marten got one.  That, or try to transform it into a Chimera.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rcs on 28 Aug 2012, 06:21
I don't think Pintsize is malicious or cruel, I think he just likes to push shock buttons. Has he ever harmed another living creature that we know of?
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 28 Aug 2012, 06:42
People really are asking Marten if he's ok with it too much. I'm just glad he has some conviction behind it, otherwise he might have easily started second-guessing himself by now.

And if I recently reported a post, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to click back into this window and I hit the report button. :(
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 28 Aug 2012, 07:03
I don't think Pintsize is malicious or cruel, I think he just likes to push shock buttons. Has he ever harmed another living creature that we know of?

Mieville ( established fairly quickly who was boss.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: SomeCanadianWeirdo on 28 Aug 2012, 07:15
Nice to see Angus, we haven't seen much of him lately.  It's fun to see Pintsize actually being kind of cute here, instead of his normal pain in the butt mode.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rcs on 28 Aug 2012, 07:22
Ha, I forgot about that. But, Marten's reservations aside, do you think Pintsize would have harmed Mieville, or just tried to order him around like a servant? With a namesake like Mieville, it would be a mistake to take him too lightly.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 28 Aug 2012, 07:35
it's kind of surprising that only one character has a pet,

Two.  Dora and Sven both have cats.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rcs on 28 Aug 2012, 07:45
Ok, I forgot about that one too. I should know better than to rely on my memory at my age.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Aug 2012, 07:50
Marten does seem distracted, though.  I mean, using Pintsize as an endtable? 

The little guy's just not that stable...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 28 Aug 2012, 07:53
Safe to say though if Marten hadn't had the bump in the hay too brief fling with Padma he'd probably have a problem with it.

I think he REALLY f-in liked Padma though.  That kinda quashed any lingering romantic pull for Dora.  Not that he couldn't feel it again. But for now it is gone and I dunno why forumites and QCities continue to question it.  Though I guess it IS reasonable for them to.  I think Faye really liked them together and really cares for Marten and that's why she keeps asking.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: melstav on 28 Aug 2012, 08:11
I think Faye's comment about moving to a nunnery is especially ironic, given that it was common slang in Elisabethan England for a brothel. (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Vurogj on 28 Aug 2012, 11:31
I think Faye's comment about moving to a nunnery is especially ironic, given that it was common slang in Elisabethan England for a brothel. (
Even more ironic given her ancestors' employment record? (Archive divers will know the strip I'm referring to and may even link if they are kind)
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 28 Aug 2012, 11:37
The "SEE? MARTEN'S SERIOUSLY OK WITH IT PEOPLE!!!! GOD!" one was horribly, horribly tempting. But I couldn't resist the callback to Pintsize's crash-and-burn relationship with Mr. Pink Robot :3
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 28 Aug 2012, 11:46
We know they're not called "Whitakers" for a reason, but she was told by her grandma about "Yankee seamen".
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TinPenguin on 28 Aug 2012, 13:19
If Tai continues to compare herself to Marten, we might find ourselves in a repeat of the "I WILL NOT GROW A PENIS FOR YOU" incident.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jmucchiello on 28 Aug 2012, 14:07
WHY does this feel so incestuous???
It feels incestuous? Why? When was Dora Tai's guardian? I just don't see that at all.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 28 Aug 2012, 14:37
WHY does this feel so incestuous???
It feels incestuous? Why? When was Dora Tai's guardian? I just don't see that at all.

Not guardian. Some people see more of a sisterly relationship between them than a romantic one. Sister-on-sister is incest.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: bhtooefr on 28 Aug 2012, 14:43
Also, I don't think it was the kiss that changed Dora's mind about Tai, it was this ( - the blush likely meant to signal that.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 28 Aug 2012, 14:58
I don't see the incest either. Not only are they not actually related (which does tend to make a whole lot of difference when defining or identifying incest), but also it's not like Dora and Tai haven't flirted and cuddled a bit before.

On a related note, Twitter!:
Quote from: @albertkinng
@jephjacques are u going to turn your comic on a gay strip? I’m no homophobic but I wasn’t looking for that kind of comic. Don’t mess it up!

In the spirit of this, I would like to invite any fellow GWS fans to join me in boycotting that comic if, say, Zach's next relationship is heterosexual. Cause if depicting a single lesbian relationship as a main focus of the comic means that the comic is now entirely gay, then it must work the other way round too, and we need to stop Danielle Corsetto before she renounces the diversity of her characters' sexualities which has turned the comic from merely highly entertaining into culturally necessary! :P

(in my opinion)

(EDIT:- Ok evidently I don't follow GWS closely enough.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 28 Aug 2012, 15:25
Ha, I forgot about that. But, Marten's reservations aside, do you think Pintsize would have harmed Mieville, or just tried to order him around like a servant? With a namesake like Mieville, it would be a mistake to take him too lightly.

IIRC, Mieville actually "asserted his dominance" over Pintsize when they first met.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 28 Aug 2012, 15:38
On a related note, Twitter!:
Quote from: @albertkinng
@jephjacques are u going to turn your comic on a gay strip? I’m no homophobic but I wasn’t looking for that kind of comic. Don’t mess it up!
As a general rule, in all comments of the form: "I am not a <racist,sexist,homophobe etc.>, but <racist,sexist,homophobic etc. statement>", everything up to and including the word "but"  should be disregarded as bogus.

Faye would look very odd with a shaved head, and unless there is a shaolin-style martial-arts nunnery around, I don't think she has the vocation. Marten though... Yeah, I could buy him as a monastic.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 28 Aug 2012, 16:09
I don't see the incest either. Not only are they not actually related (which does tend to make a whole lot of difference when defining or identifying incest), but also it's not like Dora and Tai haven't flirted and cuddled a bit before.

That is not the point some of us are making.  They are clearly not related.  And it isn't that it appears "incestuous" as some put it.

The fact is that, from my general perspective and reading of the comic and understanding (however small compared to their creator) was that everything between Dora and Tai was sisterly.  Not from Tai's perspective, no.  However, everything I read from Dora seemed to be no real romantic or sexual interest.  It seemed far more platonic and sisterly.

Hence the "cute little butch girls aren't really my type" comment from a long while back, the sisterlyish head pats, etc.  As for the flirting.  I just took it as one of Dora's general quirks.  Again, I always saw it as Tai being the cute little butch sister Dora could bond with over their mutual interest in females as they are the only two introduced as mains that float that way.  I just cannot for the life of me see beyond that type of relationship right now and the lack of true chemistry I see.  All I've seen so far is Tai very smoothly flirting, pursuing, and lavishing attention on Dora and recognizing her successes, hence the blushing.

Hence why it'd be really strange and out there if we get the booty call strip.  But I guess different strokes for different folks.  Just can't buy their relationship.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 28 Aug 2012, 16:15
The term Faye used was "friendcestuous". You consider a person to be closer to a family member than you do a potential love interest.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 28 Aug 2012, 16:38
On a related note, Twitter!:
Quote from: @albertkinng
@jephjacques are u going to turn your comic on a gay strip? I’m no homophobic but I wasn’t looking for that kind of comic. Don’t mess it up!

In the spirit of this, I would like to invite any fellow GWS fans to join me in boycotting that comic if, say, Zack's next relationship is heterosexual ...

I trust I am correct in interpreting that as facetious.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 28 Aug 2012, 17:30
If they were serious they would've spelled Zach's name correctly.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: quix0te on 28 Aug 2012, 18:13
Safe to say though if Marten hadn't had the bump in the hay too brief fling with Padma he'd probably have a problem with it.

I think he REALLY f-in liked Padma though.  That kinda quashed any lingering romantic pull for Dora.  Not that he couldn't feel it again. But for now it is gone and I dunno why forumites and QCities continue to question it.  Though I guess it IS reasonable for them to.  I think Faye really liked them together and really cares for Marten and that's why she keeps asking.
Speaking from experience, having an unsuccessful rebound relationship doesn't necessarily speed the recovery process.  Although, I've discovered I process breakups significantly differently than most people. 
Honestly, Marten can say "I'm fine with it" as often as he likes.  Maybe he is.  But saying it doesn't make it so. It might just mean he doesn't want to acknowledge it bothers him, for any number of possible reasons.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 28 Aug 2012, 18:17
Honestly, Marten can say "I'm fine with it" as often as he likes.  It doesn't make it so. It just means he doesn't want to acknowledge it bothers him, for any number of possible reasons.

But, in the same vein, we can't be certain that he doesn't mean it. It's really a guessing game at this point. Until we get Word of God from Jeph, or something absolutely concrete from Marten, we can't know for sure whether he's honestly okay with it or not.

That's the beauty of it, though, isn't it? You can't know a QC character's true intentions much better than you can a real person's~
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 28 Aug 2012, 18:56
Interlude - The most amusing reaction to Tai/Dora?

Angus is uncomfortable... in the pants.    3 (18.8%)
Faye, who is questioning Marten's reaction -and Angus's.    0 (0%)
Hannelore, who is still wondering what to do with the hose.    1 (6.3%)
Pintsize, who knows this sexy girl robot... or at least he THINKS she's a girl...    2 (12.5%)
Marigold, who's too busy fragging newbies in WOW.    0 (0%)
Tai, who is wondering where the barista babe version went.    0 (0%)
Dora, who is still floating oblivious above us all.    0 (0%)
Emily, who's still waiting for her banana smoothie.    1 (6.3%)
Claire, who's wondering when everyone finds out her little "secret"...    0 (0%)
Gabby, who's still having a bad hair day.    0 (0%)
Spaceship, who still can't find his virtual pants!    0 (0%)
Shelby, who likes to play in the rain.    1 (6.3%)
Roswell, who doesn't.    1 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 16
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Near Lurker on 28 Aug 2012, 19:54
Again, though, I kind of get the feeling Angus is onto something.  Marten's hiding it, but as I've said, he definitely seems a little too interested in their date.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 28 Aug 2012, 20:17
Again, though, I kind of get the feeling Angus is onto something.  Marten's hiding it, but as I've said, he definitely seems a little too interested in their date.

Just because you're interested in whats going on with other people's lives right this instance doesn't mean you have sinister motives for it.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 28 Aug 2012, 20:33
As a general rule, in all comments of the form: "I am not a <racist,sexist,homophobe etc.>, but <racist,sexist,homophobic etc. statement>", everything up to and including the word "but"  should be disregarded as bogus.
It's basically the equivalent of "no offense". When you hear it, you know someone's going to say something that might be pretty horrible, hoping their disclaimer makes it sound ok.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 28 Aug 2012, 21:13
As a general rule, in all comments of the form: "I am not a <racist,sexist,homophobe etc.>, but <racist,sexist,homophobic etc. statement>", everything up to and including the word "but"  should be disregarded as bogus.
It's basically the equivalent of "no offense". When you hear it, you know someone's going to say something that might be pretty horrible, hoping their disclaimer makes it sound ok.

Also, "jk". For some reason, some people seem to assume that tacking "jk" on the end of extremely offensive posts negates the offensiveness. Idungeddit  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 28 Aug 2012, 21:23
Putting a smiley at the end of your sentence does the same thing. Works every time.

Also like those people who park blatantly illegally, and put their hazard lights on.

"Gonna give this clown a ticke- No, wait. Hazards. Carry on."
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Shjade on 28 Aug 2012, 21:53
Putting a smiley at the end of your sentence does the same thing. Works every time.

Also like those people who park blatantly illegally, and put their hazard lights on.

"Gonna give this clown a ticke- No, wait. Hazards. Carry on."

I was under the impression hazard lights are used in that situation so that it is clear to anyone approaching that the car is not moving, in case they weren't paying close attention and they're parked in, say, the middle of the lane.

That is the whole point of hazard lights, isn't it?
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 28 Aug 2012, 22:56
If they were serious they would've spelled Zach's name correctly.

That'll teach me to rely on my overcrowded memory early in the morning.

But yes, I was being sarcastic.
I do think that GWS is a necessary part of our culture though. That part was serious.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: techkid on 28 Aug 2012, 22:58
Honestly, Marten can say "I'm fine with it" as often as he likes.  It doesn't make it so. It just means he doesn't want to acknowledge it bothers him, for any number of possible reasons.

But, in the same vein, we can't be certain that he doesn't mean it. It's really a guessing game at this point. Until we get Word of God from Jeph, or something absolutely concrete from Marten, we can't know for sure whether he's honestly okay with it or not.

That's the beauty of it, though, isn't it? You can't know a QC character's true intentions much better than you can a real person's~
I have to agree with you on that. I mean, can you honestly tell when a real person is masking their feelings towards something. I mean, a person can be frustrated to the point of tears, but still manage to put on a smile when they see friends or family. Pulling the old "just a bit tired" also helps.

Is Marten over Dora? Probably not. Is he happy that Dora is moving on in her love life? I'd say yes. Marten might not be happy that he and Dora are no longer together, but he's not yet been shown to be stupid enough to sabotage her relationship with Tai to "win her back" (I hate comparing a girl to a prize, but when you think about the sort of guy that would ruin a girl's love life in the hopes she'd come back to him, he totally would).

Hope Jeph doesn't have me eating those words...

As a general rule, in all comments of the form: "I am not a <racist,sexist,homophobe etc.>, but <racist,sexist,homophobic etc. statement>", everything up to and including the word "but"  should be disregarded as bogus.
It's basically the equivalent of "no offense". When you hear it, you know someone's going to say something that might be pretty horrible, hoping their disclaimer makes it sound ok.

Also, "jk". For some reason, some people seem to assume that tacking "jk" on the end of extremely offensive posts negates the offensiveness. Idungeddit  :psyduck:
You hear it a lot on talk-back radio (my dad's past 50, and slipped into "grandpa mode" already). Saying "I'm not [whatever group I'm about to slander]-ist, but..." translates directly to "I totally am, but I want to appear to be more opinionated by saying I'm not."

You either totally believe in the ideas of equality, or you might as well wrap it up with:

"I'm not Human-ist, but those goddamned humans are everywhere! Even on the Internet!"

Which, in the absolute sense, is also equality. :angel:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 28 Aug 2012, 23:19
Wait wait wait. I have a question as to how to properly phrase what 'I'm not homophobic but...' guy might have been trying to say. If someone doesn't prefer to read about gay relationships and are hetero, that automatically makes them homophobic? I think there's a bit of a disconnect - I'm not sure it's really fair to label someone homophobic if they're accepting of homosexuality, but don't necessarily feel comfortable with displays or stories of such, be it irl or in media of some kind.

Sometimes things that are different from what people are used to do make people uncomfortable. It's not necessarily because they dislike said thing, or that they don't accept it.

EDIT: Take me, for instance. I have no issues with homosexuality, I want them to have the same rights as everyone else, the whole shebang. But when I pick up my romance novels, or read comics, or most anything else, I rarely get stories with gay pairings. I'm generally more comfortable reading about hetero relationships, and I assume it's because it's what I relate to most. That's not to say that I get upset or anything when it comes up, or that it makes me stop reading something just because it's present, and that not to say that I don't enjoy a good gay romance story. I just find that I have to be in a certain mood or mindset to actively hunt out said stories.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 28 Aug 2012, 23:32
It's not politically correct to say so, but the Internet neighborhood really went downhill when the humans started moving in. Face it, they don't take care of their servers, they spew trash all over Usenet, and wherever you see a lot of humans there's a lot of crime.

Quote from: Akima
Faye would look very odd with a shaved head, and unless there is a shaolin-style martial-arts nunnery around, I don't think she has the vocation.

Warrior nuns are a fascinating idea. She did express interest in joining a beer-brewing order (389).

What did Twitter-guy mean about making it a "gay comic"? Does that mean a webcomic that falls in love with other webcomics of the same sex?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 28 Aug 2012, 23:49
EDIT: Take me, for instance. I have no issues with homosexuality, I want them to have the same rights as everyone else, the whole shebang. But when I pick up my romance novels, or read comics, or most anything else, I rarely get stories with gay pairings. I'm generally more comfortable reading about hetero relationships, and I assume it's because it's what I relate to most. That's not to say that I get upset or anything when it comes up, or that it makes me stop reading something just because it's present, and that not to say that I don't enjoy a good gay romance story. I just find that I have to be in a certain mood or mindset to actively hunt out said stories.

Don't fucking worry about it. You can be perfectly fine in one respect, yet be completely repulsed in another. How people see you however is a different matter entirely.

As someone told me once: Look at the Kink Community. The Kink Community has the worst juxtaposition out there: They are both tolerant and intolerant at the same time!!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Y on 29 Aug 2012, 00:21
EDIT: Take me, for instance. I have no issues with homosexuality, I want them to have the same rights as everyone else, the whole shebang. But when I pick up my romance novels, or read comics, or most anything else, I rarely get stories with gay pairings. I'm generally more comfortable reading about hetero relationships, and I assume it's because it's what I relate to most. That's not to say that I get upset or anything when it comes up, or that it makes me stop reading something just because it's present, and that not to say that I don't enjoy a good gay romance story. I just find that I have to be in a certain mood or mindset to actively hunt out said stories.

The difference is how much identify with the persons in the novel, if you read a book it might feel you're there. Depending how deep your imagination, you might even replace yourself with one of the persons. it might not be the same as going to the holodeck, but I heard people say it's some kind of hallucination like daydreams.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 29 Aug 2012, 01:41
Ha!  Puns FTW...

(Oh, er, comic)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 29 Aug 2012, 01:42
The Puns! the Bad puns are EVERYWHERE!

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 29 Aug 2012, 01:45
Hm... not EVERY one (tattoo) has a story I would think. I know some people that have basically just gotten addicted. (and most of the stuff looks crappy as all hell... °O)

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 29 Aug 2012, 01:46
A TAI-ger! GET IT?????

oh god someone help me

Should've gone with the Lesbian angle.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: 0kamisama on 29 Aug 2012, 02:04
Really, Tai? The campy Adam West "Batman" show?

I keep trying to like you, Tai... but...

... it's the CAMPY Batman! You can do better, Tai!
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TinPenguin on 29 Aug 2012, 02:10
I don't see the incest either. Not only are they not actually related (which does tend to make a whole lot of difference when defining or identifying incest), but also it's not like Dora and Tai haven't flirted and cuddled a bit before.

That is not the point some of us are making.  They are clearly not related.  And it isn't that it appears "incestuous" as some put it.

The fact is that, from my general perspective and reading of the comic and understanding (however small compared to their creator) was that everything between Dora and Tai was sisterly.  Not from Tai's perspective, no.  However, everything I read from Dora seemed to be no real romantic or sexual interest.  It seemed far more platonic and sisterly.

That it still not the point, though. Just because other people perceive a relationship as platonic, doesn't mean they themselves see it that way. Tai and Dora clearly don't see each other as sisterly, and judging by the amount of flirting that's passed between them, they never have.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 29 Aug 2012, 02:18

Wait wait wait. I have a question as to how to properly phrase what 'I'm not homophobic but...' guy might have been trying to say. If someone doesn't prefer to read about gay relationships and are hetero, that automatically makes them homophobic? I think there's a bit of a disconnect - I'm not sure it's really fair to label someone homophobic if they're accepting of homosexuality, but don't necessarily feel comfortable with displays or stories of such, be it irl or in media of some kind.

Sometimes things that are different from what people are used to do make people uncomfortable. It's not necessarily because they dislike said thing, or that they don't accept it.

For what it's worth, "reading about gay love makes me uncomfortable" fits at the very least a loose definition of homophobia (see Wikipedia (, "Definitions [of homophobia] refer variably to (...) aversion (...)").

Anyway, I think you are mixing up two quite different things in your post. Saying "I'm not reading this and that because I can't relate to it and it bores me" is different to saying "I'm not reading this and that because it makes me uncomfortable".


By the way, am I the only who literally had 10 tries before successfully solving the registration captcha? At some point I was already wondering myself if I might be a spambot  :roll:

Edit: fixed spelling and stuff
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 29 Aug 2012, 02:19
Really, Tai? The campy Adam West "Batman" show?

I keep trying to like you, Tai... but...

... it's the CAMPY Batman! You can do better, Tai!

Campy batman is great, I much prefer him over Christian Sandpaper throat. Bale
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: techkid on 29 Aug 2012, 02:34
Wait wait wait. I have a question as to how to properly phrase what 'I'm not homophobic but...' guy might have been trying to say. If someone doesn't prefer to read about gay relationships and are hetero, that automatically makes them homophobic? I think there's a bit of a disconnect - I'm not sure it's really fair to label someone homophobic if they're accepting of homosexuality, but don't necessarily feel comfortable with displays or stories of such, be it irl or in media of some kind.

Sometimes things that are different from what people are used to do make people uncomfortable. It's not necessarily because they dislike said thing, or that they don't accept it.

EDIT: Take me, for instance. I have no issues with homosexuality, I want them to have the same rights as everyone else, the whole shebang. But when I pick up my romance novels, or read comics, or most anything else, I rarely get stories with gay pairings. I'm generally more comfortable reading about hetero relationships, and I assume it's because it's what I relate to most. That's not to say that I get upset or anything when it comes up, or that it makes me stop reading something just because it's present, and that not to say that I don't enjoy a good gay romance story. I just find that I have to be in a certain mood or mindset to actively hunt out said stories.
And that's cool. Just because you're tolerant, doesn't mean you have to immerse yourself in their world. I don't actively pursue specifically gay comics, movies, books, whatever, but I respect people's right to access them equally. In the same way, I will not stop reading a book or comic, or watch a show or movie, because of a sudden gay pairing. If it's a good story, then whatever.

I have some good friends who are gay. They're great people, and I treat them as well as I do any other friend. I'll shake their hand or pat them on the back for doing something good, in the same way I'll clip them upside the head for being a dang ol' fool. And I tell them that. I won't go and see them and their partner making out, but I don't care what they do behind closed doors. Just don't get me involved.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 29 Aug 2012, 02:37
If someone doesn't prefer to read about gay relationships and are hetero, that automatically makes them homophobic?
Nope, but tweeting "Don't mess [the comic] up!" ( at the even the possibility that a gay relationship might be depicted, pretty much does.

I'm amazed that Tai has even seen the Adam West Batman. Is it still shown in the USA? I don't think it's ever been shown on Australian TV in my lifetime, and I'm pretty certain it hasn't since I've lived in Australia. I've seen the odd clip, but never even one whole episode.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 29 Aug 2012, 02:40
By the way, am I the only who literally had 10 tries before successfully solving the registration captcha? At some point I was already wondering myself if I might be a spambot  :roll:

I hate captchas myself; but I hate spammers more, so it stays in place.  I've set it to "medium" difficulty - the software provides two harder levels!  Note that a new spammer/spambot tries to register about every 15 minutes, so it really matters to have an effective way of keeping them out. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: techkid on 29 Aug 2012, 02:51
If someone doesn't prefer to read about gay relationships and are hetero, that automatically makes them homophobic?
Nope, but tweeting "Don't mess [the comic] up!" ( at the even the possibility that a gay relationship might be depicted, pretty much does.

I'm amazed that Tai has even seen the Adam West Batman. Is it still shown in the USA? I don't think it's ever been shown on Australian TV in my lifetime, and I'm pretty certain it hasn't since I've lived in Australia. I've seen the odd clip, but never even one whole episode.
It's been years since it's been aired here in Australia. I never really enjoyed the show even when I was a kid, but I think Channel 9 (if you're in the Sydney area) might have aired it... 5-10 years ago? I dunno.

It's been a couple of years since I ever really cared about TV at all, though. The Internet is my preferred idiot box of choice.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 29 Aug 2012, 02:54
I've set it to "medium" difficulty - the software provides two harder levels!

Level=hard - #000000 text on #000010 background
Level=chuck_norris - there is no text, you need to guess the numbers correctly.

(which brings me to my absolute favorite captcha implementation - Click on Chuck (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 29 Aug 2012, 03:40
... it's the CAMPY Batman! You can do better, Tai!

Hey! I loved that show when I was a kid.
Not sure if I'd dare watch it now... don't want to spoil it.

I'm amazed that Tai has even seen the Adam West Batman. Is it still shown in the USA? I don't think it's ever been shown on Australian TV in my lifetime, and I'm pretty certain it hasn't since I've lived in Australia. I've seen the odd clip, but never even one whole episode.

It may or may not have been shown since you've lived in Australia, but it definitely aired while I was at school. I can't really narrow it down too much, but definitely before 1986. No idea when they stopped airing it.

Just thinking about those cheesy POW! graphics with the brass glissando effects makes me grin.

na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na batmaaaaaaaan
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 29 Aug 2012, 04:08
I've set it to "medium" difficulty - the software provides two harder levels!

Level=hard - #000000 text on #000010 background
Level=chuck_norris - there is no text, you need to guess the numbers correctly.

(which brings me to my absolute favorite captcha implementation - Click on Chuck (
Ok that is definitely the best capcha. But the principle can be extended, no? How about a Kevin Bacon based scheme? Or, better yet, a Kevin bacon game based scheme; click on the face with the Bacon Number of exactly one.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 29 Aug 2012, 05:26
Campy Batman is the best Batman.  Of course, I watched it when it was new, and I was a kid.  When Nickelodian reaired them a few years ago (OK, 20 or so) my my girls saw a few.  They held up pretty well!  And it was amazing how many famous screen actors agreed to be villains...

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 29 Aug 2012, 06:05
And yet, there were some of us out there who thought the star and POW meant something else entirely...  (

(Geez, why do I keep Godwin'ing my own thread?)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: SomeCanadianWeirdo on 29 Aug 2012, 07:07
An elbow tattoo like that would be a real pain for the tattooist to do.  And if I understand correctly rather painful for the client, since it's on a bony parit o f the body. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: sitnspin on 29 Aug 2012, 07:50
And yet, there were some of us out there who thought the star and POW meant something else entirely...  (

(Geez, why do I keep Godwin'ing my own thread?)

The Star of David is six-pointed, Tai's tat is five-pointed. Important distinction.

Honestly, I have never seen the "campy" Batman, but then I haven't really watched tv since I was 8 or so and I was never into the superhero thing.

Elbows are a nuisance to tattoo for several reasons, but given that hers is mostly just a one solid color, that would cut down on the difficulty significantly. The lettering, however, might have been hard to pull off well.  Holding your elbow still for the duration would be quite uncomfortable, as well.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 29 Aug 2012, 08:42
I recall them airing old Batman eps in two- or three- hours blocks mid-morning on Sci-Fi*, back when I was in high school... so, something like a bit over 10 years ago.

*Sticking with the old spelling, as that's what it was called back then.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 29 Aug 2012, 09:18
Really, Tai? The campy Adam West "Batman" show?

I keep trying to like you, Tai... but...

... it's the CAMPY Batman! You can do better, Tai!

Oh man Tai.  I don't think I could be friends with you if you existed.  Campy Batman?  While hilarious....It is the single most insulting thing to the Batman universe outside of those horrible 90s incarnations.  C'mon.  Shoulda chosen Spiderman.  More relatable.

Shoulda just chosen the "Because I'm Batman!" path. 

I don't see the incest either. Not only are they not actually related (which does tend to make a whole lot of difference when defining or identifying incest), but also it's not like Dora and Tai haven't flirted and cuddled a bit before.

That is not the point some of us are making.  They are clearly not related.  And it isn't that it appears "incestuous" as some put it.

The fact is that, from my general perspective and reading of the comic and understanding (however small compared to their creator) was that everything between Dora and Tai was sisterly.  Not from Tai's perspective, no.  However, everything I read from Dora seemed to be no real romantic or sexual interest.  It seemed far more platonic and sisterly.

That it still not the point, though. Just because other people perceive a relationship as platonic, doesn't mean they themselves see it that way. Tai and Dora clearly don't see each other as sisterly, and judging by the amount of flirting that's passed between them, they never have.

Be my guest.  This is fiction.  The beauty of it is that we as readers are allowed some manner of our own perspective when reading something.

And who the hell ever said I though "THEY" saw each other as sisterly?  Did you even both reading what I've been saying?  I've said that Tai has always clearly viewed Dora sexually and romantically.  However, all the vibes I've ever gotten from Dora go more toward sisterly affections and flirty platonic interest as a confidant.  I'm sorry, but you may or may not be right.  The fact is that my interpretation of how Jeph set up Dora's characterization around Tai pre-outofleftfield dating was a sisterly vein.  And I will say it seems more a matter of convenience that this relationship is happening now.  That's not to insult it, just to question it's current believability at this point.  And I've yet to start believing it in the chemistry.

If Jeph how this last for any reasonable amount of time and convinces me otherwise, I'm all for it.  It will be a testament to his craft.  I just don't buy it right now from how I read all the stuff prior to this.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 29 Aug 2012, 09:29
Look, at least camp sixties batman knows it's camp and plays up to that. I'm nearly sure the movie-that-shall-not-be-named meant to take itself seriously. Or wanted to, anyway.
Not that I've seen more than about ten minutes total of it, in thirty second installments lest I vomit.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 29 Aug 2012, 09:31
I debated seeing the new movies at some point - until I heard Christian Bale's voice. Then it was a no-go. I can't take him seriously when he's talking like that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 29 Aug 2012, 09:44
I debated seeing the new movies at some point - until I heard Christian Bale's voice. Then it was a no-go. I can't take him seriously when he's talking like that.


You shouldn't let that give it the no-go.  It is really only bad in Dark Knight.  Batman Begins it is mostly fine and it is better in Dark Knight Rises.  Not like you have to hear long winded dialogue from Bale as Batman or anything.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 29 Aug 2012, 10:24
Campy batman is still on ITV4 in the weekdays in the UK
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: iduguphergrave on 29 Aug 2012, 11:48
I debated seeing the new movies at some point - until I heard Christian Bale's voice. Then it was a no-go. I can't take him seriously when he's talking like that.

You're missing out on three great movies because of someone's voice. Just so you know.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 29 Aug 2012, 12:01
Maybe Tai is a Prisoner Of War.

Imagine if Twitterguy had been an indie music obsessive and had said "I've got nothing against relationships, but I'm afraid you're making QC a relationship comic. Don't mess it up!". We would have believed he was OK with relationships.  (While disapproving of his telling Jeph what to do).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Shjade on 29 Aug 2012, 12:34
Oh man Tai.  I don't think I could be friends with you if you existed.  Campy Batman?  While hilarious....It is the single most insulting thing to the Batman universe outside of those horrible 90s incarnations.  C'mon.  Shoulda chosen Spiderman.  More relatable.

Shoulda just chosen the "Because I'm Batman!" path. 

I don't think you could be more wrong if you tried.

Really though, the All-Star or whatever series Batman with the whole I'M THE GODDAMN BATMAN thing is so much worse than campy series Batman.

Also, campy movie Batman, which was both campy and terrible. Or did you forget about the whole Schwarzenegger Mr. Freeze thing happening?

Adam West series Batman is fine.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 29 Aug 2012, 14:00
Oh man Tai.  I don't think I could be friends with you if you existed.  Campy Batman?  While hilarious....It is the single most insulting thing to the Batman universe outside of those horrible 90s incarnations.  C'mon.  Shoulda chosen Spiderman.  More relatable.

Shoulda just chosen the "Because I'm Batman!" path. 

I don't think you could be more wrong if you tried.

Really though, the All-Star or whatever series Batman with the whole I'M THE GODDAMN BATMAN thing is so much worse than campy series Batman.

Also, campy movie Batman, which was both campy and terrible. Or did you forget about the whole Schwarzenegger Mr. Freeze thing happening?

Adam West series Batman is fine.

All-Star series?  I have no clue what you're  talking about.  And I did mention the 90s abominations.  AKA, the horrible Clooney and Kilmer incarnations.  The Adam West series was terrible.

What I was mentioning was actually something a parody group on youtube does.  Called "How it should have Ended."  That's where the "Because I'm Batman" line came from. :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 29 Aug 2012, 14:06
Imagine if Twitterguy had been an indie music obsessive and had said "I've got nothing against relationships, but I'm afraid you're making QC a relationship comic. Don't mess it up!". We would have believed he was OK with relationships.  (While disapproving of his telling Jeph what to do).

Idk, sure, on an abstract level that seems like the same thing. In reality, though, there's certainly some reason to believe imaginary twitterguy when he says that he's ok with relationships (and if he's not, so what?), but to not believe real twitterguy.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 29 Aug 2012, 14:29
Fight to the death over West vs. Clooney vs. etc. if you want, but Yvonne Craig is and will always be Batgirl (seriously: Alicia who?) to this child of the early 1970s.

And (though I understand and respect the Eartha Kitt partisans), neither Pfeiffer nor Hathaway nor Berry can hold a can of catfood to Julie Newmar as the Feline Fatale.

So there.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 29 Aug 2012, 15:42
It is the single most insulting thing to the Batman universe outside of those horrible 90s incarnations.
Even I, admittedly nerdy but wholly uninterested in comic-book heroes, can refute that in two words: Rainbow Batman (
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 29 Aug 2012, 15:57
No, sorry, batman publicly endorsing anything, and using a bat-credit card to do it is still the single dumbest thing in bat-history. Other than every line Schwarzenegger … well, I guess "said" isn't the right word, as that would imply modulation, nuance and, just possibly, an indoor voice.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 29 Aug 2012, 15:59
No, sorry, batman publicly endorsing anything, and using a bat-credit card to do it is still the single dumbest thing in bat-history. Other than every line Schwarzenegger … well, I guess "said" isn't the right word, as that would imply modulation, nuance and, just possibly, an indoor voice.

Bat... the Bat.... BAT CREDIT CARD..
You have undone years of forced forgetfulness..
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 29 Aug 2012, 16:22
Ooh, forgot the batmobile made from chromed tissue paper and neon lights. Bue neon lights.
For stealth, I guess, since it blended in perfectly with neonchrome Gotham.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 29 Aug 2012, 16:29
Ooh, forgot the batmobile made from chromed tissue paper and neon lights. Bue neon lights.
For stealth, I guess, since it blended in perfectly with neonchrome Gotham.

Don't forget the super tight shots of "ass of steel" every time Clooney, Kilmer, and whoever the hell played Robin, suited up.  Ugh.  For DCs best superhero, there was/is a lot of horrid batman incarnations.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Fenriswolf on 29 Aug 2012, 17:36
Re: homophobia. If you are going to be completely put off reading a webcomic you previously enjoyed because of a queer relationship? Homophobic. If you read books with a romantic relationship as the primary premise and like that to be heterosexual? Not homophobic. If you are put off by any homosexual relationships being in the books you read? Sorry, but that is homophobic.

It's not the worst thing in the world so long as you genuinely support gay rights and do not react with distaste to gay people being in public/holding hands/kissing/actually becoming more prominent in mainstream media, but if any amount of non-straight relationships ruin your book reading/movie watching experience, that is homophobic.

As for "I'm not x, but-", in the very very uncommon instance where what you're about it say is more grey-area-maybe-not-bigoted you're just going to have to use a different phrase because that is OWNED by bigots.

/OPINIONS  :police:

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 29 Aug 2012, 19:07
Nah, I'm not put off by gay relationships popping up. I just don't personally find them as interesting most of the time, but I will read some occasionally. I don't mind light PDAs, either, so long as they're not making out int he street or something - I actually think it's rather cute. But then, that goes for any couple, gay or straight - I don't like watching -anyone- play tonsil-hockey or feeling each other up in public.

Oh, and I may have been a bit overdramatic in saying that Bale's voice is why I haven't watched the movies. I really just aren't interested in them, nor am I much of a movie-person in general.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: PersianParadox on 29 Aug 2012, 19:17
I'd never actually noticed Tai's tattoo before. Does anybody know in which strip it first appeared?
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 29 Aug 2012, 19:36
Ok, I don't have much of an opinion on the '60s Batman TV series, because I've never seen it properly. From what I have seen, it looks, if not good, then at least really influential, in that it basically provides textbook examples of all the superhero tropes that, say, sketch comedy groups and sometimes serious TV shows now parody or make light of.
But if there's one thing I can definitely say I like about it, it would be the hilarious cartoony shapes with the word "POW!" in them.

You go, Tai. :D
I'm betting that if she were to ever get into a fight, she would want to elbow the person JUST so that she could feel like she was Batman. :P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 29 Aug 2012, 19:38
I'd never actually noticed Tai's tattoo before. Does anybody know in which strip it first appeared?

Very first strip she was in. (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 29 Aug 2012, 19:54
And (though I understand and respect the Eartha Kitt partisans), neither Pfeiffer nor Hathaway nor Berry can hold a can of catfood to Julie Newmar as the Feline Fatale.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.  Julie was indeed a sight for a young boy's sore... eyes, but the first time I heard Eartha purrr.... well, I was a goner.  I think I was 9 or so. 

And though Nicholson did a good job (I've not seen Ledger), Cesar Romero will always be the definitive Joker.  Something about that face...
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 29 Aug 2012, 21:07
Ooh, forgot the batmobile made from chromed tissue paper and neon lights. Bue neon lights.
For stealth, I guess, since it blended in perfectly with neonchrome Gotham.

Don't forget the super tight shots of "ass of steel" every time Clooney, Kilmer, and whoever the hell played Robin, suited up.  Ugh.  For DCs best superhero, there was/is a lot of horrid batman incarnations.

You mean the nipples.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: 0kamisama on 29 Aug 2012, 23:14
I just remember seeing a few episodes of the old Campy Batman a few years ago and the acting and the awkward timing of the actions just turned me off. Not to say that the latest Nolan Batman movies are perfect (seriously, why are there next to no positive female roles?), but the 60's BAtman was an influential source for the horror of the Joel Schumaker films...

But to waste more of your time, I'll let Bat-Mite elaborate on the matter at hand: (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 30 Aug 2012, 00:23
What kind of panties is Dora wearing to have them ride up like that?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Vurogj on 30 Aug 2012, 00:25
What kind of panties is Dora wearing to have them ride up like that?
I'm pretty sure that's just her tattoo.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TRVA123 on 30 Aug 2012, 00:34
I was really hoping that Dora's lipstick would transfer to Tai's lips after the kiss...
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 30 Aug 2012, 00:35
Hahaha, Tai's face in the second-to-last panel is PRICELESS. ;D
And further art-related kudos to Jeph for the amazing sunset effect in Tai's windows. It took me about ten seconds to stop looking at that and concentrate on the rest of the comic.

(Good thing it was already established that Dora's kisses are extremely discombobulating.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 30 Aug 2012, 00:46
That kiss looks kinda awkward, to be honest.

Also I'm getting a kind of SM-vibe here. Dora being the dom and Tai the sub.

Hope this doesn't count as shipping. I've met couples that got started with the dom-sub-stuff because one of them liked being controlled by the other's sexual appeal just a liiiiittle too much. And unless Tai is goofing around she really DOES respond in that way to Dora's advances.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Kugai on 30 Aug 2012, 00:57
Loved it

Tai totally caught offguard and completely flummoxed.  I bet that that's a new experience for the legendary Tai_Fighter   :-D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pendrake on 30 Aug 2012, 01:43
[It has been quite a while since I last posted, RL has been an weighty grindstone turning-in-place on my back, in recent months :-( .]

In any case, for comic #2264... (

1. While I have not finalized my opinion over Dora & Tai's budding romance, I do enjoy that we do have a definitive romance going on since Marten & Padma's more-of-fling (nor does Marigold's "moobing" it up with Francis York does not count, to me).

2. It is good to see both Dora and Tai being happier too, albeit in different ways.

3. Also, "butt-grabs LOL"? :evil:

4. @Soulsynger...  I would not think it be a dom-sub sexual relationship between Dora & Tai, but more of a personality interaction.  Dora, being older, far more experienced than her years, and a small-business owner, tends to shape a more "dominant" personality; not necessarily even consciously, but instinctively/naturally.  And Tai, despite her bold nature, is still the young collegiate trying to find what she really wants, tends to be somewhat "submissive" (loosely termed) simply because she does not know or is still impressionable, not because she is the type to roll over (quite the opposite for Tai's character).  But as Dora has said, we know very little about Tai's depth of character.

5. [post edit add]: I also think the kiss is "supposed" to look awkward since it probably is meant to show Tai being caught off-guard by it.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: no one special on 30 Aug 2012, 01:53
All this talk of the 60's Batman (of which I saw every SINGLE episode as a kid when they were re-run in the 80's) and no pictures of the most absolutely scrumptious campy Catwoman of them all?? 




You're welcome.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 30 Aug 2012, 02:05
Black lipstick blackout? It's like Poison Ivy (obligatory Batman reference). Without the poison. Or the ivy.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 30 Aug 2012, 02:07
[ ... ]
4. @Soulsynger...  I would not think it be a dom-sub sexual relationship between Dora & Tai, but more of a personality interaction.  Dora, being older, far more experienced than her years, and a small-business owner, tends to shape a more "dominant" personality; not necessarily even consciously, but instinctively/naturally.  And Tai, despite her bold nature, is still the young collegiate trying to find what she really wants, tends to be somewhat "submissive" (loosely termed) simply because she does not know or is still impressionable, not because she is the type to roll over (quite the opposite for Tai's character).  But as Dora has said, we know very little about Tai's depth of character.
[ ... ]

Good to hear from you, Drake. :)

I agree, being the sub would be way out of character for Tai. But that's only as far as we know her NOW. People have been known to change under certain influences. Of course it's all speculation...
And I agree that Dora exhibits an indirect tendency towards being dominant in what she does. Could this - as well - change over the course of her therapy when she learns to slowly let go of parts of her controlling personality?

@no one special:
Eurgh... the 60's just aren't aesthetically pleasing to my eyes... brrrr.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TinPenguin on 30 Aug 2012, 02:30
I'd never actually noticed Tai's tattoo before. Does anybody know in which strip it first appeared?

Very first strip she was in. (

Hm, I wonder if Jeph always knew the backstory behind the tattoo and has been waiting all this time for a chance to explain it, or whether he just thought a "POW" tattoo was funny and added the significance later.

And further art-related kudos to Jeph for the amazing sunset effect in Tai's windows. It took me about ten seconds to stop looking at that and concentrate on the rest of the comic.

Either that or Tai's kitchen is on fire.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Skewbrow on 30 Aug 2012, 02:36
Hmm. We have seen what Faye can do with her patent Vulcan Boob SquishTM. We have seen subjects exposed to a Dora Kiss before, but this is the first amnesia case IIRC. Must be the combination of a Dora Kiss and a butt grab?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 30 Aug 2012, 02:50
I am slowly warming to the whole Dora/Tai thing, it seems less.. forced now,

Of course we just need to wait and see, but people saying stuff looks awkward.. it's a comic, its blatantly drawn to evoke surprise from one character, of course it would seem awkward.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Renewman on 30 Aug 2012, 04:41
I am slowly warming to the whole Dora/Tai thing, it seems less.. forced now,

Nah, it still seems forced and like it's pandering to the audience of people wanting to see Tai/Dora get together. Plus the whole, "Buh! My mind goes blank everytime Dora even breathes on me!" schtick is getting quite old now. Step it up Jeph.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 30 Aug 2012, 04:43
Yes thank you for twisting my own words, I appreciate having my opinion corrected,

I said it seems LESS forced, it still seems at moments it's forced in to make it work, but it's drifting away less and less.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 30 Aug 2012, 04:55
Plus the whole, "Buh! My mind goes blank everytime Dora even breathes on me!" schtick is getting quite old now. Step it up Jeph.

Oh, c'mon. We have just barely seen the end of their first date. How soon would you have expected the tai fighter to get over her dora-crush?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tai Fanboi on 30 Aug 2012, 04:57
Huh...  so that's what the tattoo means.  For some reason I always figured it was just a mashup of the pow block and invincibility star from Super Mario to be hoenst. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Renewman on 30 Aug 2012, 05:00
Yes thank you for twisting my own words, I appreciate having my opinion corrected,

I said it seems LESS forced, it still seems at moments it's forced in to make it work, but it's drifting away less and less.

Calm down there spanky! Thinking a little highly of yourself. I only stated my opinion. In no way or form of my statement did I even make a minute attempt to tell you your opinion was wrong. "Nah" is not a hard rebuttal of your statement. Also, in my opinion, it still feels as forced as the first strip of the arc. Happy?

Plus the whole, "Buh! My mind goes blank everytime Dora even breathes on me!" schtick is getting quite old now. Step it up Jeph.

Oh, c'mon. We have just barely seen the end of their first date. How soon would you have expected the tai fighter to get over her dora-crush?

To maybe act like an adult? You can be all mushy/gaga over someone but at this point the first time Tai did it, it could be seen as cute. Now it's just annoying.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 30 Aug 2012, 05:09
Oh come on, everyone! You gotta think more pink! ... That means you *Jerry Seinfeld voice* ... Renewman...

No but really. This is a comic. Whatever claim towards realism there is has fallen apart the moment they saw each other's outfits at the beginning of the arc. °O
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 06:03
Yes thank you for twisting my own words, I appreciate having my opinion corrected,

I said it seems LESS forced, it still seems at moments it's forced in to make it work, but it's drifting away less and less.

Calm down there spanky! Thinking a little highly of yourself. I only stated my opinion. In no way or form of my statement did I even make a minute attempt to tell you your opinion was wrong. "Nah" is not a hard rebuttal of your statement. Also, in my opinion, it still feels as forced as the first strip of the arc. Happy?

Plus the whole, "Buh! My mind goes blank everytime Dora even breathes on me!" schtick is getting quite old now. Step it up Jeph.
Oh, c'mon. We have just barely seen the end of their first date. How soon would you have expected the tai fighter to get over her dora-crush?

To maybe act like an adult? You can be all mushy/gaga over someone but at this point the first time Tai did it, it could be seen as cute. Now it's just annoying.

You aren't alone brother.  I'll give Tai this "Ohmigod I'm obsessed with Dora and I'm finally getting on that" shtick for just a bit longer.  It is a matter of getting something she always wanted (which will always irk me the wrong way).  You are right she's like a high schooler though in her first relationship.  Just another one of those personality differences I don't totally get in the overall "right for each other thing."

I'll admit to maybe seeing what I wanna see during this week's strips as it seems less strained, but for me it just seems like a lot of Dora trying to appease Tai or doing a lot of things for her benefit.  At any rate.  Still a LONG ways for believability.

That said.  A legit poll option for next week should be how long before a fuck up.  This is QC now.  Fuck ups tend to happen fairly early on.  Still no real one for Dora/Tai on this first date.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 30 Aug 2012, 06:22
In no way or form of my statement did I even make a minute attempt to tell you your opinion was wrong. "Nah" is not a hard rebuttal of your statement.
If I gave an opinion, and someone just said "Nah, <a direct, completely unqualified, contradiction of my opinion>.", I think I'd be pretty sure they were telling me that my opinion was wrong. And as for calling someone "Spanky", like what, a dog?  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Sorflakne on 30 Aug 2012, 06:23
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: idontunderstand on 30 Aug 2012, 06:26
Haha Dora just completely bends over and grabs her ass, then tells her that she won't come inside and that they should wait. She's completely the femme fatale in this relationship. Tai will do whatever she wants now.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 30 Aug 2012, 06:29
This is a comic. Whatever claim towards realism there is has fallen apart the moment they saw each other's outfits at the beginning of the arc. °O

 :-D you bring my thoughts to the Internet.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 30 Aug 2012, 06:34
In no way or form of my statement did I even make a minute attempt to tell you your opinion was wrong. "Nah" is not a hard rebuttal of your statement.
If I gave an opinion, and someone just said "Nah, <a direct, completely unqualified, contradiction of my opinion>.", I think I'd be pretty sure they were telling me that my opinion was wrong. And as for calling someone "Spanky", like what, a dog?  :psyduck:

Eh, if he wasn't going out his way to say i was wrong in any way at all, he would not have quoted my post.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Aug 2012, 07:07
Sorry, there are two things I refuse to do with this strip:

1. Ship
2. Bet on when a relationship ####s up.

The first, because the boss (Jeph) says he doesn't want it; the second, because the boss is the one in charge of it.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: techkid on 30 Aug 2012, 07:14
Sorry, there are two things I refuse to do with this strip:

1. Ship
2. Bet on when a relationship ####s up.

The first, because the boss (Jeph) says he doesn't want it; the second, because the boss is the one in charge of it.
Gotta agree with you on that. As vocal and vehement as we might get on the boards, we are all just passengers on this ride. What we want, wish or think is not going to affect the outcome (except maybe by coincidence)...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Aug 2012, 08:07
And as for calling someone "Spanky", like what, a dog?  :psyduck:

Spanky was one of the kids. 


The dog was Petey. 

Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 30 Aug 2012, 08:28
In no way or form of my statement did I even make a minute attempt to tell you your opinion was wrong. "Nah" is not a hard rebuttal of your statement.
If I gave an opinion, and someone just said "Nah, <a direct, completely unqualified, contradiction of my opinion>.", I think I'd be pretty sure they were telling me that my opinion was wrong. And as for calling someone "Spanky", like what, a dog?  :psyduck:

Eh, if he wasn't going out his way to say i was wrong in any way at all, he would not have quoted my post.
I read it as more "I disagree" rather than "you should not think that way".
To maybe act like an adult? You can be all mushy/gaga over someone but at this point the first time Tai did it, it could be seen as cute. Now it's just annoying.
Act like an adult?  We still don't know how old Tai is, but there's a lot of indication that she's a college student, maybe 21 or 22.  Technically an adult...but not really.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 30 Aug 2012, 09:09
I'm in the camp where it still feels forced. They just don't seem to really 'click', in my mind.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 30 Aug 2012, 09:12
I wonder if the large number of crack pairing fanfics I've read has desensitized me to weird/unlikely pairings. 'Cause thinking about it, I'd quickly support most any pairing, so long as there was at least a bit of buildup, and Jeph wrote it seriously.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 09:22
I wonder if the large number of crack pairing fanfics I've read has desensitized me to weird/unlikely pairings. 'Cause thinking about it, I'd quickly support most any pairing, so long as there was at least a bit of buildup, and Jeph wrote it seriously.

Depends.  What kinda strange we talkin?  Manbat with girl?  Fish girl with college kid? Animal people?  Harry Potter and oh god, Bellatrix? :psyduck:
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 30 Aug 2012, 09:25
I wonder if the large number of crack pairing fanfics I've read has desensitized me to weird/unlikely pairings. 'Cause thinking about it, I'd quickly support most any pairing, so long as there was at least a bit of buildup, and Jeph wrote it seriously.

Depends.  What kinda strange we talkin?  Manbat with girl?  Fish girl with college kid? Animal people?  Harry Potter and oh god, Bellatrix? :psyduck:

Mostly just unlikely pairings, like characters who never actually interact in a series. But there have been some weird ones mixed in xD I think there was this one that involved the anthropomorphic personification of Iceland and a refrigerator.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Aug 2012, 09:31
Why would that be strange?
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 30 Aug 2012, 09:48
I think there was this one that involved the anthropomorphic personification of Iceland and a refrigerator.

That is indeed strange. As a rule of thumb, Iceland doesn't date smaller devices.

(or so I've heard)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: idontunderstand on 30 Aug 2012, 10:05
The best fanfic I've seen was set in the Harry Potter universe, the pairing was between the giant squid in the lake outside Hogwarts, and Hogwarts. No, not the staff, the actual castle.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 30 Aug 2012, 10:15
The best fanfic I've seen was set in the Harry Potter universe, the pairing was between the giant squid in the lake outside Hogwarts, and Hogwarts. No, not the staff, the actual castle.
"And that, kids, is the real reason you never want to go down that third floor corridor. Fluffy and the Philospoher's Stone were just decoys."
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TheEvilDog on 30 Aug 2012, 10:32
Yeah, the more I see it, the more I know its going to crash and burn at some stage.

Why do I think that?

Because if a character is happy, there is no conflict, which leads to no drama, which leads to a boring character, or pair of characters if its a relationship.

Although that might be the evil part of me being mean.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 30 Aug 2012, 10:53
I could point out an alternative...Dora and Tai simply just being pushed to being background characters, like Wil and Pizza Girl (and to a lesser extent, Steve and Cosette), who we don't see often but who seem to be in a happy and stable relationship.  I'm not saying that's better for the readers, or even that it's not much worse, but hey, it's possible.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 10:54
Yeah, the more I see it, the more I know its going to crash and burn at some stage.

Why do I think that?

Because if a character is happy, there is no conflict, which leads to no drama, which leads to a boring character, or pair of characters if its a relationship.

Although that might be the evil part of me being mean.

Oh no, you are right to a point.  Who wants to read a perfect or perfectly happy couple?  Particularly in a comic that is hopefully years away from being completed?  It would be kinda boring.  But then again, Jeph is a marvelous writer.  As long as he doesn't force the couple in the strip repeatedly, it should be fine.  Though Tai's in too deep could be grating until it relaxes a bit more to the norm.

I mean, Faye/Angus hasn't gotten old yet.  Then again, Jeph doesn't overload us with their gooey gooey mush moments.  Then again, they are a marvelous match and the set up for their relationship was far more believable.  And I think it will also be the measure of success and happiness in a relationship for the comic.

I could point out an alternative...Dora and Tai simply just being pushed to being background characters, like Wil and Pizza Girl (and to a lesser extent, Steve and Cosette), who we don't see often but who seem to be in a happy and stable relationship.  I'm not saying that's better for the readers, or even that it's not much worse, but hey, it's possible.

I dunno though.  CoD is a central location of the comic though.  And unless Marten's band finally takes off, he'll be at the library for awhile.  Those are two main locations in the comic.  Dora seems like a comic mainstay.  Been here since almost the very beginning.  Tai, not so much.  I could see Tai being written out of the story far more easily than Dora.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TinPenguin on 30 Aug 2012, 11:03
Worth bearing in mind that it's possible for the relationship to be pushed into the background while keeping the characters in the foreground.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rambleon on 30 Aug 2012, 12:48
Those strips with Dora and Tai are really... boring. And I don't know why but I feel like I'm reading a drama written by teenagers or something.
Did you ever see "Dawson's Creek"... it is totally the same. People talking all the time about their feeling and blah blah...  I can't believe this is the same Dora.  It is like it's the first time they are on a date. :-\

Please bring back good ol' Sven, Steve and crazy Hannelore stories.   :cry:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 30 Aug 2012, 12:51
Yeah, the more I see it, the more I know its going to crash and burn at some stage.

Why do I think that?

Because if a character is happy, there is no conflict, which leads to no drama, which leads to a boring character, or pair of characters if its a relationship.

Although that might be the evil part of me being mean.

I'm reminded of what one of my friends claimed happens to some gay marriages; after fighting for so long to earn the right to get married, the relationship sometimes goes bad and they divorce. They've been together for one cause and once thats achieved, they have no idea where to take the relationship next.

Of course something inside of me is thinking there will be a big bombshell that nobody would ever guess or fathom.....
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Aug 2012, 13:07
People talking all the time about their feeling and blah blah...

Well, it's a thing people do, you know, so in a slice-of-life comic it's not that surprising.

It is like it's the first time they are on a date. :-\

Indeed, because it is the first time they are on a date.

As for bringing back other characters, well, they do come back, in turn.  It's the huge variety of characters that can turn up that keeps this comic alive and on its toes.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rambleon on 30 Aug 2012, 13:17
Please don't answer as if I was trolling.

I just miss the fun and sarcastic strips. This is so conventional drama for the moment.

And for information, when I wrote "It is like it's the first time they are on a date", I meant "ever". Of course it is the first time they are on a date together (ok, now I'm a trolling a bit, but come on...)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Aug 2012, 13:49
Certainly I wasn't thinking of you as trolling; but one of the attractions of this comic is its variety - and that means that from time to time different people will like bits of it more or less.  If you're looking for a specific kind of strip, then this comic won't always give you that; on the other hand, if you appreciate the variety, then most of the time it's there.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Aug 2012, 13:57
Dora has been in relationships but we don't know how much actual dating she's done. At a guess, the alpha goth types "swept her off her feet". She was the weird kid in high school, so probably didn't get past the high school stage of development while she was in high school.

It's not a first date unless someone's clothes are on fire (

What is xD? It sounds interesting but Google is less helpful than usual trying to find it.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: michael28 on 30 Aug 2012, 14:15
Still saying, it's all about Jephs desire to draw more girls kissing and grabbing each others butts. ... maybe we'll get some tongue-action.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Aug 2012, 14:23
What is xD?

Emoticon/smiley ( for laughing with screwed-up eyes.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Aug 2012, 14:33
Interlude - The most amusing reaction to Tai/Dora?

Angus is uncomfortable... in the pants.    7 (14.9%)
Faye, who is questioning Marten's reaction -and Angus's.    2 (4.3%)
Hannelore, who is still wondering what to do with the hose.    7 (14.9%)
Pintsize, who knows this sexy girl robot... or at least he THINKS she's a girl...    4 (8.5%)
Marigold, who's too busy fragging newbies in WOW.    1 (2.1%)
Tai, who is wondering where the barista babe version went.    2 (4.3%)
Dora, who is still floating oblivious above us all.    0 (0%)
Emily, who's still waiting for her banana smoothie.    3 (6.4%)
Claire, who's wondering when everyone finds out her little "secret"...    1 (2.1%)
Gabby, who's still having a bad hair day.    0 (0%)
Spaceship, who still can't find his virtual pants!    2 (4.3%)
Shelby, who likes to play in the rain.    3 (6.4%)
Roswell, who doesn't.    2 (4.3%)

Total Members Voted: 47
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jmucchiello on 30 Aug 2012, 14:59
The fact is that, from my general perspective and reading of the comic and understanding (however small compared to their creator) was that everything between Dora and Tai was sisterly.
That's the part I don't see. I always saw Dora's head pats and such as flirtatious. I never said you felt they were related. Or that they look like sisters. I'm saying they've always FLIRTED around one another. They've never seemed like sisters to me. You seem to disagree with their pairing because you've familiarized them into some kind of sisterhood. I've always seen both of them as independent entities who flirt with one another.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 30 Aug 2012, 15:04
So, could we have a discussion on how natural people feel Tai and Dora's relationship is, and whether it will work? I'm really not getting a good feel for people's opinions, there.  :roll:
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 15:09
The fact is that, from my general perspective and reading of the comic and understanding (however small compared to their creator) was that everything between Dora and Tai was sisterly.
That's the part I don't see. I always saw Dora's head pats and such as flirtatious. I never said you felt they were related. Or that they look like sisters. I'm saying they've always FLIRTED around one another. They've never seemed like sisters to me. You seem to disagree with their pairing because you've familiarized them into some kind of sisterhood. I've always seen both of them as independent entities who flirt with one another.

Fair enough.  I have familiarized them into a quasi-sisterhood, at least on Dora's end.  As I said before, I think the whole flirting thing with Dora early on was the whole "I think butch girls are cute, but not my type" and the like as close confidants who share an interest in girls (how much from Dora's end remains to be seen).  Not entirely sisterly maybe, but enough where I just don't see a real mutual sexual and romantic attraction from both sides.

But this has been beaten to death.  I don't think we'll get a good read on where this is going for at least a month or two of actual time.  This mini arc has maybe a week, at least I hope so I don't grow bored, before we see some other stuff.

We never did figure out if Padma ever responded to Marten's text did we?  God that text was awkward.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jmucchiello on 30 Aug 2012, 15:17
It is the single most insulting thing to the Batman universe outside of those horrible 90s incarnations.
Even I, admittedly nerdy but wholly uninterested in comic-book heroes, can refute that in two words: Rainbow Batman (
Rainbow Batman was in a comic? Awesome. That makes his appearance on the Batman: The Brave and The Bold cartoon an homage, not just some crazy idea. B:TBATB cartoon plays Batman somewhat straight in a campy universe and is the most awesome incarnation of Batman ever. It is sadly no longer on TV.

West's Batman is on US cable, the HUB airs it like twice a day.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Aug 2012, 15:30
We never did figure out if Padma ever responded to Marten's text did we?  God that text was awkward.

She answered (
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 30 Aug 2012, 15:52
Harry Potter and oh god, Bellatrix? :psyduck:
That would be le strange, all right.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Aug 2012, 16:01
She did, but I can't quite remember where it was in the strip archives. Lemme look.

EDIT: Found it - "She says she's doing okay, and she's sorry it didn't work out." (

EDIT 2: #@#$!@# NINJA'ED by the mod.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 16:02
We never did figure out if Padma ever responded to Marten's text did we?  God that text was awkward.

She answered (

Damn.  I totally forgot that.  So hard to keep track of things you read when you read a hundred different stories in a given month. 

Bah.  This comic needs Hanners again.  Can't stand going without my Hanners fix.  Always something lacking in the strip when Hanners isn't around.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Aug 2012, 16:05
Harry Potter and oh god, Bellatrix? :psyduck:
That would be le strange, all right.

"Your PunPal(tm) account is overdrawn. Please deposit more into your account before continuing."
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Aug 2012, 16:06
Bah.  This comic needs Hanners again.  Can't stand going without my Hanners fix.  Always something lacking in the strip when Hanners isn't around.

Don't worry, it's in her contract. She needs to be in 30% of the strips or she becomes a free agent.  :angel:
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: ummmkay on 30 Aug 2012, 16:36
Harry Potter and oh god, Bellatrix? :psyduck:
That would be le strange, all right.

burst out laughing at this! akima, i appreciate you.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: iduguphergrave on 30 Aug 2012, 19:41
Had to go with the kiss/buttgrab for the moment-of-the-date, but if that wasn't there I'd have gone with Tai's comment about liking Euro-dubstep rather than American. God we fail at dubstep  :-(
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 30 Aug 2012, 19:42
But to waste more of your time, I'll let Bat-Mite elaborate on the matter at hand: (

I watched this. To be honest, I enjoyed it more than I had expected. Very nice way for a series to go out.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 21:44
But to waste more of your time, I'll let Bat-Mite elaborate on the matter at hand: (

I watched this. To be honest, I enjoyed it more than I had expected. Very nice way for a series to go out.

And there's only one way to really stop talking about Batman.

The best moment of an animated Batman series. Ever.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 30 Aug 2012, 21:51

For some reason, today's hit me right on the funny bone.

And I'm not totally surprised that Tai has reacted in this way.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Schmorgluck on 30 Aug 2012, 21:56
Mostly just unlikely pairings, like characters who never actually interact in a series.
I, for one, is a shameless shipper of Abby+Elliott, even though they never met, because hey, why the hell not? At least it's not totally baseless, since we know Elliott is Abby's type.

Anyway, what's with girls freaking out over first time and asking for Marten every time (okay, it's only the second time it happens, but still).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Aug 2012, 22:00
Let's hope he keeps things contained better than last time...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Aug 2012, 22:12
What will happen to the QC universe if someone invents the idea of "boundaries"?

Jeph doesn't do this kind of obvious repetition, but I did imagine Dora barging in on them.

Tai goes to an employee for comfort and not a classmate or other friend? Marten's a great choice, but why would he be first in line?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 30 Aug 2012, 22:13
Tai, little lockpick extraordinaire.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 30 Aug 2012, 22:15
All I'm thinking is, that girl has absolutely -no- freakin' boundaries. I don't care how good a friend someone is, I don't let myself into someone's house unless they give me explicit direction to, on a case-by-case basis.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 30 Aug 2012, 22:18
I agree with Is It Cold In Here, I'm sensing a pattern of people coming to Marten for advice cause Marten is nice about everything.

At least there's no reason for Dora to barge in this time.
And hopefully Marten has learned from his past mistake with the boxers.

Ooh! Maybe this is a good time for Marten to give Tai the "cliff notes" on Dora, so to speak! :P
(unless, like Faye, Dora's cliff notes are several volumes long and guarded by ferocious creatures)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: iduguphergrave on 30 Aug 2012, 22:24
I think someone's in loooooooove  :-D

(or maybe just thinks she is)

Tai goes to an employee for comfort and not a classmate or other friend? Marten's a great choice, but why would he be first in line?

There's a strip from a ways back in which Tai made it clear she considers her and Marten friends rather than just boss and employee. Since then you can tell Marten has made more of an effort to include her in other areas of his life, reflected in Tais growing presence in the comic.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Aug 2012, 22:26
I think that's probably why Tai has come to Marten rather than anyone else.  He may be an employee, but he's also a brotherly type figure to her, and as Dora's last close companion, it's only natural for Tai to want to talk to him about her. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 30 Aug 2012, 22:29
All I'm thinking is, that girl has absolutely -no- freakin' boundaries. I don't care how good a friend someone is, I don't let myself into someone's house unless they give me explicit direction to, on a case-by-case basis.

Well, this is QC.  Boundaries are less of a factor here.  Pintsize proves that.  It is strange though.

And I gotta say, I'd feel very uncomfortable giving relationship advice or just talking about relationship advice with a co-worker/friend when that relationship advice is my ex.  Just rubs me the wrong way.  Maybe others are a better people than I and would willingly give it, but I honestly don't think I could do it and personally don't view it as fair to ask such things of a person.  Maybe I just have a different set of boundaries, but....Ugh.  Just no.

Then again, I had a friend who went out with a girl and after a relatively messyish breakup, she started asking him dating advice and what to do to get some other bloke or some such.  Just smells of...wrongness to me.  If there is a boundary, it should be there.  Plus, "cliff notes" on Dora smacks of cheating.  You gotta do your own heavy lifting.

But I'm jumping ahead of myself.  We aren't even sure what Tai wants to talk about relating to Dora but.

Urghgh.  These types of "lemme ask you about your ex who's now 'dating' me" just annoys me.

Agreed with Is It Cold In Here.  Isn't there ANYONE Tai can talk to first at least?  C'mon.

And I wonder what it will be.  A sudden realization of the spacey things/stares of Dora during the date?  Or an issue with taking it slow? 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Boxilar on 30 Aug 2012, 22:43
Let's hope he keeps things contained better than last time...

On the upside, Dora is at least 30 minutes away, and Tai has pants on.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: St.Clair on 30 Aug 2012, 22:57

-- most of the characters in this comic
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Hypster on 30 Aug 2012, 23:02
We don't really know anything about Tai's other friends. The only time we hear about them is when Tai is talking about drugs and sex, so I think it's reasonable to assume that she doesn't have much interaction with them outside of those activities. Tai seems like she's going for a real relationship with Dora so it makes sense she would want to have this conversation with a mature person.
edit: I do agree that having a conversation about your romantic interest with their semi-recent ex is a little weird.

Also, I missed the W when I was typing "when Tai" so it read "hen Tai". I giggled.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Near Lurker on 30 Aug 2012, 23:16
...well, this seems like the worst idea ever.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Aug 2012, 23:28
For it to be the worst idea ever, Pintsize would have to be involved.

Oh, no. Think about purple elephants.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 30 Aug 2012, 23:31
What song is Marten's ringtone?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 30 Aug 2012, 23:33
I assume that all the horror at Tai approaching Marten for advice is coming from the same people who are also horrified at (and/or in denial of) the idea of Marten being fine with Tai and Dora dating.

As the objections would seem to disappear if you accept that Marten is happy for them, I don't see anything new coming out of this latest line of discussion.

Beyond that, it seems perfectly natural for just the reasons Carl-E has described. He is a mature friend and he knows Dora as well as, if not better than, anyone else Tai knows and with whom Tai would be comfortable speaking on this topic.

As for the song... I assume that someone will jump in with its name soon. I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened already, actually.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 30 Aug 2012, 23:47
I love that half of you are all mad about Tai letting herself in, when god forbid when Hanners first entered the comic properly thats all she ever did, infact you were more likely to find Hanners at the apartment than any other character, and sure Pintsize would have let her come in. but he's an anthropc, he does have no right to let people into the household.

Anyway i think Tai freaking out about this is alright actually, I mean when it comes to proper terms she's never had a proper girlfriend who is 100% monogamous, so.., I wanna see how this pans out..

Oh wait, its Friday, Blech.

Also i believe the song is WILCO - I am trying to break your heart,

But i could be wrong.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: WAYF on 30 Aug 2012, 23:49
...I guess it's Wilco with "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart"?

I mean, there could be more than one song with that title (and those lyrics in its chorus), but given that it occupied ALL TEN of the search results on the first Google page searching for 'I am trying to break your heart lyrics', I'm gonna go with Wilco. :P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 30 Aug 2012, 23:55
but he's an anthropc, he does have no right to let people into the household.

Is that so? I thought that the QC-verse has established quasi-human rights for anthropcs? Also, why the heck would Pintsize care if he has the right to let Hanners in or not  :-D

Anyway, don't get upset about this little invasion of privacy. We know that the universal rule of the QC-verse is that things sometimes happen for amusement value alone, and I guess this is one of those instances. Tai COULD have just called, or come in the morning, or talked to Marten at work, like most sane people would, but where would be the fun in that??
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 30 Aug 2012, 23:59
I find nothing wrong with it, i was merely proposing a logical statement for people who analyze QC with logic,

Where when i read QC my logic jumps the first unicorn plane to Non-existence peninsula, the fact that she's already in his apartment isn't particularly surprising to me,

Either way, I wonder if Faye's in the other room, god forbid there has to be one joke about this sorta situation happening before.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: SJCrew on 31 Aug 2012, 00:02
Poor Marten. The lengths he has to go through to be friends with everyone. :P
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mothykins on 31 Aug 2012, 00:02
Guys. Common. I'm starting to think some of you are just taking any chance you can find to hate on Tai.

We don't know any of Tai's other classmates/friends, outside of the QC social circle. And who is she closest with in that circle? Marten. Why would Jeph have her talking to some person we've literally never seen when there's a perfectly good Marten laying around?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 31 Aug 2012, 00:03
Tai goes to an employee for comfort and not a classmate or other friend? Marten's a great choice, but why would he be first in line?
Where else would she go? From a story-telling point of view, no other friend has been presented, and Tai is closer to Marten than Faye, Hannelore, Penny, or any other character. Otherwise? The faculty-member she was sleeping with eons ago? That would be an awkward conversation. To the polyamorous drama-club in her hall of residence? She's ready to move on from that.

And yes, Hanners has been mysteriously appearing in other people's apartments since forever. And Faye and Angus were so addled that they accidentally entered Hanners' apartment and made out on her sofa. The locks just don't work in that building.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 31 Aug 2012, 00:05
Poor Marten. The lengths he has to go through to be friends with everyone. :P

Kinda represents real life, some people really have to go to great lengths to be friends with people...

But that's why friendship is rewarding.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 31 Aug 2012, 00:10
If Marten ends up sticking out of his boxers again this time I'm gonna burst.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 31 Aug 2012, 00:37
I'd say that Jeph has signalled that this won't happen by having Tai remark on his boxers already.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 31 Aug 2012, 00:40
Is there anyone left that hasn't seen Marten in boxers?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Hypster on 31 Aug 2012, 00:55
Is there anyone left that hasn't seen Marten in boxers?
Which is surprising now that I think about it, considering how often she's slept over or broken in. But I don't think she's seen him in his skivvies.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 31 Aug 2012, 00:55
Is there anyone left that hasn't seen Marten in boxers?

Depends on who was or wasn't in the street during his "sex-with-Padma" ordeal.

From what we've seen the library interns and Momo haven't yet. Also Dave and Marigold and Space Station Lieutenant... oh wait, rhetorical question, nvm. ^^

Hanners? [ ... ]
Wasn't she in CoD when Marten showed up in Boxers after a night with Padma?

If Marten ends up sticking out of his boxers again this time I'm gonna burst.
I just took another look at his boxers and he'd have to be VERY well endowed to dip out of those with anything but his legs. ...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 31 Aug 2012, 01:05
I always assumed that he had poked out of the little window in the front.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 31 Aug 2012, 01:29
I always assumed that he had poked out of the little window in the front.
I don't think that's possible without a certain ... woodiness.  
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 31 Aug 2012, 01:46
I always assumed that he had poked out of the little window in the front.
I don't think that's possible without a certain ... woodiness.

I can tell you, it sure is. Simply requires a bit of mis-alignment on the skivvies part, and off he goes.

(also, having a bit of a woody situation directly after waking up is not unheard of)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Hypster on 31 Aug 2012, 01:49
Hanners? [ ... ]
Wasn't she in CoD when Marten showed up in Boxers after a night with Padma?
Nope (, just Dora and Raven.
oh god i just spent so much time reading QC
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: TinPenguin on 31 Aug 2012, 01:51
Every lesbian needs a wacky straight friend she can go to for relationship advice and fashion tips.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: pwhodges on 31 Aug 2012, 01:54
Please bring back good ol' Sven, Steve and crazy Hannelore stories.   :cry:

Jeph has tweeted about something like this ( only a few hours ago (and some following tweets).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: idontunderstand on 31 Aug 2012, 02:18
I just assumed that the reason Tai came to Marten is that she wanted to talk to Marten, nobody else. I figure it's because she wants to make sure he's really ok with it.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 31 Aug 2012, 03:16
At least there's no reason for Dora to barge in this time.

Ooo, but given her tendencies, she might see Tai looking to Marten as a threat. She might get it in her head that Marten might expose some long lost secret, or worse. Maybe she wet the bed once with Marten in it......
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Abyssalin on 31 Aug 2012, 03:27
But tai is 100% lesbian so she and marten is impossible..

But then again

Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr_Rose on 31 Aug 2012, 03:34
Hey, maybe that's it? Dora wasn't ever really mad at Marten; she just saw Faye (her friend! Hers! Not some boy's!) mostly naked in someone else's arms and flipped her lid. Then she had to irrationalise it and Marten was the only available target.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Renewman on 31 Aug 2012, 04:25
Really? Are we seriously getting ready to have another late night Marten talk? Jeez man, this is seriously getting cliche.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Border Reiver on 31 Aug 2012, 04:29
I was just half expecting him to wake up to the ring, and see her sitting  at the end of the bed...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: xLeitix on 31 Aug 2012, 04:40
Really? Are we seriously getting ready to have another late night Marten talk? Jeez man, this is seriously getting cliche.

No wonder the dude is so passive. If you can never get a freakin' night's sleep, you just have to dreamwalk through your life.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Soulsynger on 31 Aug 2012, 04:43
Really? Are we seriously getting ready to have another late night Marten talk? Jeez man, this is seriously getting cliche.
No wonder the dude is so passive. If you can never get a freakin' night's sleep, you just have to dreamwalk through your life.

He should make a schedule.
Mon - Faye
Tue - Tai
Wed - Sleep
Thu - Pintsize
Fri - Hanners
Sat - Open spot.
Sun - Sleep
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 31 Aug 2012, 05:01
You know darn well Pintsize will grab the "open spot" and "sleep" nights.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 31 Aug 2012, 05:49
I just assumed that the reason Tai came to Marten is that she wanted to talk to Marten, nobody else. I figure it's because she wants to make sure he's really ok with it.

If it's only to make sure "again" (face palm) that he's ok with (c'mon, he'd have to explode at some point being asked again) I have no problem.

To Tova.  Not trying to vilify Tai.  Maybe I'm just old fashioned, more introverted, private about relationship affairs, that asking a recent ex of her new date buddy is a little in bad taste.  I mean.  Can he escape Dora at all anymore?  Or put another way, does he constantly have to be hammered about a relationship he used to have with someone he deeply cared about?  I don't think I could stand the nagging.  And again, doesn't seem fair to ask the ex.  It isn't something I would do, only mature friend or not.  (I mean, I guess she's not close enough to Faye then?  Seems like I'd be asking the one person for advice who has the most stable relationship in the comic.)

Being fine with your ex dating your friend/boss has nothing to do with showing just a bit of class of not having that friend at your beck and call for everything related to your ex.  Even if I'm over it, I don't want to be constantly reminded that after just a few short months (if it has been that long) she's gotten over her issues enough to date seriously again and maybe with the issues that broke us up. 

I mean.  I'd give a pep talk sure.  General relational advice?  Yea.  Advice specifically for Dora?  No.

So, what advice should Marten give? "Watch out if Dora starts to flirt with anyone else. Next time you disagree with her, she'll probably dump you and start dating them! Oh, and she likes to be fucked in the ear."

That's kind funny.  Though if you think about it, it does paint Dora as highly hypocritical for their breakup reasoning.

Really? Are we seriously getting ready to have another late night Marten talk? Jeez man, this is seriously getting cliche.

I'm starting to think Marten should just give in already.  Time to become a therapist of his own and start getting paid for all these late night Marty talks.  Call it "A Time to Talk with Marty."  He can have his own reality TV show too!

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 31 Aug 2012, 09:02
Tai goes to an employee for comfort and not a classmate or other friend? Marten's a great choice, but why would he be first in line?
Where else would she go? From a story-telling point of view, no other friend has been presented, and Tai is closer to Marten than Faye, Hannelore, Penny, or any other character. Otherwise? The faculty-member she was sleeping with eons ago? That would be an awkward conversation. To the polyamorous drama-club in her hall of residence? She's ready to move on from that.

Jeph doesn't seem to consider it bad story-telling to introduce new characters, and if Tai hasn't made a Trusted Good Friend in all her time at college, that's a bit of characterization that deserves a line of dialog or two (M, blinking: "Don't you have anyone else to ask?", T, looking lost: "No").

Don't women prefer other women for relationship advice? Tai also works with a female who has a more objective point of view, a social protocol database, and access to every psychology and relationship book ever digitized on the Internet or in a college library.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 31 Aug 2012, 09:14
To be fair, Tai can have plenty of friends, but she probably spends more time with Marten (assuming full time, 40 hours a week, or about a third of the time she's awake, not to mention the times they hang out outside of work), and they talk a lot, so she probably trusts him the most of any of her friends.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 31 Aug 2012, 09:53
To be fair, Tai can have plenty of friends, but she probably spends more time with Marten (assuming full time, 40 hours a week, or about a third of the time she's awake, not to mention the times they hang out outside of work), and they talk a lot, so she probably trusts him the most of any of her friends.

I get that it is a matter of trust, but is it really fair to keep coming to the ex, who is only an ex because of Dora's deep relationship scaring?  I mean, good on Tai she thinks so highly of Marten and considers him a close confidant, but it just seems so incredibly strange, weird, and unbelievable to keep coming to the ex of your current gal pal.  I mean, he was brought up twice during their date.  And now he's the go to guy after.  Is that even really healthy for a relationship?  I don't know.  I'm just asking.  Because I've never had, met, or know of anyone in which the ex remained so integrated in a new relationship where there wasn't marriage and a kid involved.

I'll be even more put off by their relationship if Dora comes to him next.  That just smacks of awfulness.  Marten could have his feelings reprogrammed to the point he never remembers romantic interest in Dora and it'd still feel messed up.

And yea.  I'm aware they're still friends, but it is realistic to believe there'll always be "what if" thoughts in Marten's heads even if he is over her.  Just normal human emotion right there.  Which is why I really think Tai should be consulting someone else.

Again, she may not have the level of trust or familiarity with Faye, but again.  Her relationship with Angus seems like the barometer of relational success so far.  Plus, she knows Dora as well as Marten does.

Pretty much agreed with Is it cold in here.  Would make for good dialogue to at least know for sure Marten is the only one. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: semotus on 31 Aug 2012, 09:54
Tai goes to an employee for comfort and not a classmate or other friend? Marten's a great choice, but why would he be first in line?
Where else would she go? From a story-telling point of view, no other friend has been presented, and Tai is closer to Marten than Faye, Hannelore, Penny, or any other character. Otherwise? The faculty-member she was sleeping with eons ago? That would be an awkward conversation. To the polyamorous drama-club in her hall of residence? She's ready to move on from that.

Jeph doesn't seem to consider it bad story-telling to introduce new characters, and if Tai hasn't made a Trusted Good Friend in all her time at college, that's a bit of characterization that deserves a line of dialog or two (M, blinking: "Don't you have anyone else to ask?", T, looking lost: "No").

Don't women prefer other women for relationship advice? Tai also works with a female who has a more objective point of view, a social protocol database, and access to every psychology and relationship book ever digitized on the Internet or in a college library.


Personal preference, but I usually confide in male friends if I need advice on women, because I've found it's much more likely to be a brief, matter-of-fact conversation that ends with "That sucks, let's go do some shit now." The few times I've ever talked to women about my problems it's devolved into "How could you keep dating someone who was so mean??" a long story of their own relationship drama, how they totally understand my feelings, etc etc etc. One time a female friend blocked the door and said she wouldn't let me leave until I promised to break up with X person. No thank you.

There's also the possibility that Tai might just not get on with girls that well. She mentioned that she used to be made fun of by them in grade/high school. Other gay women are probably more on her wavelength, but (also from personal experience) it's possible that those friendships devolved into the polyamorous drama in the first place.

I do think this should be addressed, though. Coming to him with worries over Dora is in extremely poor taste, and her not having any close friends outside of Marten would probably explain a lot.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 31 Aug 2012, 09:59
At least there's no reason for Dora to barge in this time.
Maybe she wet the bed once with Marten in it......

Well, she did bleed on him once. Not exactly the same, but originates from the same general area  :psyduck:

(Fixed some formatting - Method)
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 31 Aug 2012, 10:24
At least there's no reason for Dora to barge in this time.
Maybe she wet the bed once with Marten in it......

Well, she did bleed on him once. Not exactly the same, but originates from the same general area  :psyduck:

(Fixed some formatting - Method)

Someone needs to archive-fu that.  I don't remember that one.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 31 Aug 2012, 10:49
Enjoy! (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 31 Aug 2012, 10:54
Enjoy! (

Oh yea.  Farting on your lover.  The true show of love and commitment to someone.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 31 Aug 2012, 11:00
Enjoy! (

Oh yea.  Farting on your lover.  The true show of love and commitment to someone.

Perhaps a way of marking territory?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 31 Aug 2012, 11:24


Personal preference, but I usually confide in male friends if I need advice on women, because I've found it's much more likely to be a brief, matter-of-fact conversation that ends with "That sucks, let's go do some shit now."

Welcome, new person!

That was also a good point you made about Tai's emotional history.

(Formatting fix again. It's ok for me to edit someone else's post if I'm just adding a bracket, right? - Method)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Sidhekin on 31 Aug 2012, 11:50
We don't need to guess about Tai's female friends.  C'mon, have you collectively forgotten Tai's floor?

Sure, we've only seen Bailey ( (as far as I recall), but oh, the stories we've heard ...

She probably figures, better Dora's ex than her own – at least he's not totally stupid.  8-)
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: uh oh on 31 Aug 2012, 15:29
I'll be even more put off by their relationship if Dora comes to him next.  That just smacks of awfulness.  Marten could have his feelings reprogrammed to the point he never remembers romantic interest in Dora and it'd still feel messed up.

For some reason I don't think Dora'll come to Martin about this. She's known everyone else in the circle of friends longer than Tai has, so she has more options, and I think that may be a boundary Dora won't want to cross. And she knows Martin well enough to figure out the gist of what he'd say anyways so she'd probably pick someone else to talk to.

That is, if she feels the need to to talk to anyone right away. I get the vibe that all Dora's worrying about right now is not worrying about anything; maybe the "I shouldn't be dating anybody" thing or something will rear its head in awhile, but I feel like she's worked to bury that for the time being.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Skewbrow on 31 Aug 2012, 15:38
Dora may want to talk about this with her therapist. If she feels that she needs another person to reflect her thoughts and feelings from.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Akima on 31 Aug 2012, 15:46
Jeph doesn't seem to consider it bad story-telling to introduce new characters, and if Tai hasn't made a Trusted Good Friend in all her time at college, that's a bit of characterization that deserves a line of dialog or two (M, blinking: "Don't you have anyone else to ask?", T, looking lost: "No").
Jeph certainly has no problem introducing new characters, but introducing one and promoting them instantly to BFF out of the blue would seem forced IMHO. Valid point about Tai character development opportunity though.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 31 Aug 2012, 15:56
Jeph doesn't seem to consider it bad story-telling to introduce new characters, and if Tai hasn't made a Trusted Good Friend in all her time at college, that's a bit of characterization that deserves a line of dialog or two (M, blinking: "Don't you have anyone else to ask?", T, looking lost: "No").
Jeph certainly has no problem introducing new characters, but introducing one and promoting them instantly to BFF out of the blue would seem forced IMHO. Valid point about Tai character development opportunity though.

In my opinion, you don't need a BFF to talk shop about relationship troubles.  You just need someone you know and trust to some extent, has a level head, experience, and willingness to give advice.  Again, I go back to Faye.  In reality, she's the queen of issues before starting a relationship.  And behind that tough exterior, I have a feeling she'd be able to give the same advice Marten would.

And honestly, I don't know what Tai would expect Marten to say.  Sure he has a book of knowledge of Dora, but...if Tai is serious about Dora, Tai should develop her own book.  Not steal experiences from Marten.  That's rude.  Unless she just wants more confirmation from Marten.  If that's the case, I have a feeling he'll finally fly off the handle.  I mean, dude's sick and tired of it.  He could just lash out and tell her does have a problem, whether it's true or not.  I mean, a person can only take so much nagging.  I would most certainly be sick and tired of hearing about my ex and my boss/friends issues.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 31 Aug 2012, 16:37
Is there anyone left that hasn't seen Marten in boxers?

I don't think so Tim. (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 31 Aug 2012, 16:40
Enjoy! (

Oh yea.  Farting on your lover.  The true show of love and commitment to someone.

Perhaps a way of marking territory?

No, thats where you pee on them. Like how animals do it. Or bottle it and use it like how hunters do. (

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 31 Aug 2012, 18:12
I, uh, I bow to your experience.
(Smiles, nods, backs slowly away.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: DSL on 31 Aug 2012, 18:20
So ... you assign ringtones to your contacts on your cellphone. As far as I know (which ain't), I can't make your cellphone (or MO-bile, for our non-North American friends) ring a certain way to let you know it's me.

So Marten assigned that ringtone to Tai, which means he has some sort of subconscious opinion of Tai's intentions toward Dora, possibly predating the breakup.

My theory goes out the window if it's Tai messing with Marten's phone when he leaves it unguarded at work. Or if it's Pintsize.

Or maybe that's just the default ringtone Marten sets for all his callers, the poor schlep.

Guess I'll have to wait and see what Jeph depicts.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 31 Aug 2012, 18:37
Is there anyone left that hasn't seen Marten in boxers?

I don't think so Tim. (

I'm thinking Tai doesn't have a pair of pink boxers like Marten's. 

Unless she was wearing them under the pink granny dress...   

What?  You don't want to wear a darker color, they'd show through! 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: quix0te on 31 Aug 2012, 18:57
What will happen to the QC universe if someone invents the idea of "boundaries"?

Jeph doesn't do this kind of obvious repetition, but I did imagine Dora barging in on them.

Tai goes to an employee for comfort and not a classmate or other friend? Marten's a great choice, but why would he be first in line?
THATS the reason you think he might not be a great choice for talking over her date, he's an employee?  8P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 31 Aug 2012, 19:01
So ... you assign ringtones to your contacts on your cellphone. As far as I know (which ain't), I can't make your cellphone (or MO-bile, for our non-North American friends) ring a certain way to let you know it's me.

So Marten assigned that ringtone to Tai, which means he has some sort of subconscious opinion of Tai's intentions toward Dora, possibly predating the breakup.

My theory goes out the window if it's Tai messing with Marten's phone when he leaves it unguarded at work. Or if it's Pintsize.

Or maybe that's just the default ringtone Marten sets for all his callers, the poor schlep.

Guess I'll have to wait and see what Jeph depicts.

Man would Marten be a depressing poor emo schlep if that was his personal ringtone for everyone.  I can see Pintsize uploading it and then locking him out from changing it and Marten not bothering to change it.  It would fit.  Certainly doesn't seem new or once it rang we'd have a "Goddammit Tai/Pintsize!"

It is an interesting theory but I doubt there's anything behind it other than niggling at Marten or Jeph's "Marten will never find happiness" thing.  Or it is just a sad song Jeph likes and means nothing.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Redball on 31 Aug 2012, 20:07
Oh yea.  Farting on your lover.  The true show of love and commitment to someone.
In my experience, you get used to your lover's or spouses' stinks after a while. They get kind of innocuous. Not that you don't complain, just that you don't go opening windows or leave the room. Love and commitment? Sort of.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: jwhouk on 31 Aug 2012, 21:19
The BEST part of Tai & Dora's First Date?

The clothing mixup at the start.    3 (8.1%)
Memories of piercings past.    0 (0%)
MY PUSSY RULES!    8 (21.6%)
"Will Torrent For Cash"    1 (2.7%)
Supportive Parents for Tai    0 (0%)
"I don't care if you bring home a boy or a girl or whatever, those pants are RIDICULOUS."    4 (10.8%)
Catching your dad checking out your girlfriend.    0 (0%)
...He only goes for tall women! (MAYBE I'LL WEAR PLATFORMS)    5 (13.5%)
Herrell's for desert?    0 (0%)
...Uh, maybe Bubble Tea instead?    1 (2.7%)
Tai prefers Euro dubstep to "Skrillexy American Stuff"    1 (2.7%)
Right now you're just the sexy little redhead who works at the library.    0 (0%)
Fact: I apparently get super flustered when you call me sexy.    2 (5.4%)
The POW on her elbow - Nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BAT-MAAAANNNN!    2 (5.4%)
Em-POW-ering? (Oh god, the bad pun never occurred to her)    2 (5.4%)
Kiss and buttgrab!    7 (18.9%)
"How did we get here? Last thing I remember, we were having dinner."    1 (2.7%)

Total Members Voted: 37
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Schmorgluck on 31 Aug 2012, 22:09
In my opinion, you don't need a BFF to talk shop about relationship troubles.  You just need someone you know and trust to some extent, has a level head, experience, and willingness to give advice.  Again, I go back to Faye.  In reality, she's the queen of issues before starting a relationship.  And behind that tough exterior, I have a feeling she'd be able to give the same advice Marten would.
Yeah, as long as she's not involved and not in smartass mode, Faye is pretty level-headed on relationship issues. And yeah, you're right, what she would tell Tai is probably pretty similar to what Marten would tell. That's an interesting obvservation, that highlights how, no matter what, Faye and Marten are really BFF.

As for the idea that Tai has nobody else to talk to, it bears interesting implications. She seems to have mixed levels of maturity in various domains, and would preferably go to someone older for advice on relationship matters. Plus, really, Marten has shown to be really reliable and thoughtful and selfless (most of the time, at least). It may be uncomfortable to him at times, but really, if I were him, I'd feel honored that my friends put such a level of trust in me.

As for whom Dora could talk about it to, well, there's still Faye, but it's also the perfect setup to be introduced to her therapist.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Tova on 31 Aug 2012, 22:15
I was just about to say that Dora would be more likely to go to Faye than to Marten, but got ninja'd.

To Madmartigan: having read your post, I do see what you're saying, but I think that at the end of the day it would have to come down to the individual involved. Would they find it upsetting or generally negative to have that kind of discussion, or not?

It's kind of hard to say whether Tai has made that judgement call herself, and obviously people here will have varying opinions on the topic themselves. I personally think that Marten will be comfortable with it, but I guess we will see. I've been wrong before.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Omega Entity on 31 Aug 2012, 22:54
... but it's also the perfect setup to be introduced to her therapist.

We've already met her therapist. (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 31 Aug 2012, 23:00
THATS the reason you think he might not be a great choice for talking over her date, he's an employee?  8P

I said he is a great choice. He's level-headed, compassionate, and decent. However, asking a subordinate for relationship advice would be considered unusual in our world or in any world where relationships can be described without pushpins and colored string.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Method of Madness on 31 Aug 2012, 23:59
I'd only say that's the case if you aren't friends outside of work.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: cesariojpn on 01 Sep 2012, 01:23
Or maybe that's just the default ringtone Marten sets for all his callers, the poor schlep.

I have this one. ( From this scene. (
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: chickabiddybex on 01 Sep 2012, 03:01
I think Tai's being a bit insensitive. Going out with your friend's ex is one thing, but asking that friend for advice? I think that's just rubbing his face in it.
Also, doesn't Tai have any of her own friends? I get that she's friends with Marten but they're "good work pals" at best and I'm sure she has other people to talk to that she's closer to.

Don't get me wrong - I like Tai! I just don't think this is realistic.

(yes, the comic strip with anthropcs and space travel is unrealistic! :P)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: rambleon on 01 Sep 2012, 06:59
Please bring back good ol' Sven, Steve and crazy Hannelore stories.   :cry:

Jeph has tweeted about something like this ( only a few hours ago (and some following tweets).

I understand his reaction, it is logic and wouldn't expect another answer if I had sent an email to ask him to change his scenario.  But here I am just discussing about the current strips on a forum; I think there is not better place for that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 01 Sep 2012, 12:08
Welcome, new people!

Characters should be realistic in a drama, and only somewhat exaggerated in a comedy. QC is both, so it's fair to debate whether the characters are acting realistically. Humans in a weird environment are still humans, and we are here to overanalyze.

There is a premise to the strip that nobody in it understands boundaries, so in context it may be realistic.

It is important, due to some raw nerves here from previous incidents, to phrase hopes about the comic ("I wish for more Mieville", e.g.) so that they can't be mistaken for telling Jeph what to do.
Title: Re: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: billydaking on 02 Sep 2012, 17:07
I think Tai's being a bit insensitive. Going out with your friend's ex is one thing, but asking that friend for advice? I think that's just rubbing his face in it.
Also, doesn't Tai have any of her own friends? I get that she's friends with Marten but they're "good work pals" at best and I'm sure she has other people to talk to that she's closer to.

Don't get me wrong - I like Tai! I just don't think this is realistic.

(yes, the comic strip with anthropcs and space travel is unrealistic! :P)

It is realistic when said ex has obviously moved on and has already dated/had a fling with somebody else and has time and again given Tai his okay. You're forgetting that Marten gave advice to Dora about Tai, and Tai knows this. Also, I think you have a complete misread on Marten and Tai's friendship. "Good work pals" rarely hang out together on weekends and normally do not join somebody's circle of friends. I've been working for 20 years, and I've had "good work pals," and those relationships really do not continue after the job is over outside of professional networking, unless they've actually evolved into a real friendship.

The biggest thing I think people are missing is that Tai is still a college student living in a college environment, which in any era is simply a bizzaro society where 90 percent of the people walking around are within 4 years of age of each other and are experiencing their first breath of independence. Whatever friends she has there isn't going to have the perspective Tai needs with what she needs to talk about Dora. Tai has occasionally talked about the drama of her relationships in college; Dora is something else to her. She's an older woman who owns her own business, so it's not surprising that Tai may feel a bit out of her depth, despite her attraction to Dora.  It's also not surprising that Tai is going to talk about those issues with somebody who (a) already encouraged her and Dora to get together, (b) is coming from a similar perspective of Dora, and (c) is the only one of that group of friends she knows well enough to trust to talk about it. I don't buy the idea that Tai can talk to Faye about this, especially since Faye, from Tai's perspective, is probably Dora's best friend, and Tai doesn't know her that well yet.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 02 Sep 2012, 18:43
Not a lot of good sources for relationship advice (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Madmartigan on 03 Sep 2012, 06:50
Not a lot of good sources for relationship advice (

Oh man those are bad options.  But Faye's comment about herself was before her continued success with Angus.

Still don't think it is all that realistic to be so involved in asking your supposedly good friend about advice for his ex.  I certainly wouldn't.  But again, I suppose this all comes down to what one thinks is socially acceptable and what kind of boundaries each person has.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2261-65 (27-31 August 2012) Weekly Comics Discussion Thread
Post by: Carl-E on 03 Sep 2012, 07:13
Tai has no boundaries. 

Hell, locked doors don't even slow her down!