Thank you Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
Puny humans?
welp, an entire storyline just shoved its way into my head unbidden. I can't tell if it's a good or terrible idea though.
They talk to hand dryers about...well you can take this into two different dirty jokes.
So, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?
So, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?
Hannelore is a bumblebee (
Emily reminded me of Hanners more than a little.
(, definitely not. At minimum it would be amazingly cool to have the night lit up like the day for a while, but it would also be a good idea to remind a few folks that the universe is still bigger than their egos….
Hannelore may also be a praying mantis (, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?
Hannelore is a bumblebee (
Emily reminded me of Hanners more than a little.
(My beetle)
hahah tonight's comic is going to provoke so many groans
Sometimes four out of four people are Beatles.
Hey, the pun was there, somebody was going to use it.
Darkling beetles, I take it? The reason I have these is I kept seeing them at work and looked them up because they were so cool looking and found out they make good pets.(My beetle)
That is a pretty beetle!
I like beetles, they're cute. And also fascinating biologically, since there are so many different kinds in all shapes and colours. My dad's kind of a beetle expert, so I have more or less been brought up looking at all kinds of beetles. I even bred one kind of common black beetle in a terrarium for a while, but that got out of hand, since after a while, there were more grubs (correct word?) in the terrarium than the stuff I used to cover the floor. Then I set them free.
Emily's behaviour really reminds me of Hannelore looking at kitty pictures all night - that's what she did once, right? This could really also have been Hanners, except I suspect beetles are on her list of animals that are not to be trusted.
I don't get the new strip.
I don't get the new strip.
She's an AI; Dale's companion. She doesn't have a physical body, so she projects herself using the AR of the glasses.
And the NOPE was because of her maid uniform, something she doesn't wear usually but wanna surprise him.
15 days?
Marigold told Hannelore that Dale left, and Hanners called in a favor to get Station to fuck with Dale.
Darkling beetles, I take it?Yup. Tenebrio molitor, I didn't know how they were called in English, though.
She's an AI; Dale's companion. She doesn't have a physical body, so she projects herself using the AR of the glasses.
And the NOPE was because of her maid uniform, something she doesn't wear usually but wanna surprise him.
Maybe the Glasses AI customized itself based on searches done by Dale. So now he woke up to the beginning of what he saw yesterday.
The beetles I have are related.Darkling beetles, I take it?Yup. Tenebrio molitor, I didn't know how they were called in English, though.
I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going ...Ghost hentai? I think I might've seen that one. :wink:
There is a non-zero chance that a few bacteria (assuming they have some earth-style protections like sporulation) would actually survive a nova and be blasted into space on chunks of planetary debris.(
It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".
I hope no lifeforms are too close. Even bacteria. All part of the performance Art that is the Universe, I know, but still.
I'm going with K1D's theory.
It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".
It's gonna be frustrating to watch people speculate about this story since it's already written and I don't think anyone will guess right.
There is a non-zero chance that a few bacteria (assuming they have some earth-style protections like sporulation) would actually survive a nova and be blasted into space on chunks of planetary debris.(
It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".
I hope no lifeforms are too close. Even bacteria. All part of the performance Art that is the Universe, I know, but still.
I think it would be interesting to find one.
As regards whether Dale's "maid" is visible or not, since he apparently doesn't see her until he puts his glasses on, she is presumably part of the AR overlay. Of course, a smart enough AR system, would know that with his head covered he can't see anything, so exclude things from his vision, unless he's enabled a specific mode for that purpose (eg an AR "X-Ray" mode for seeing inside of operating equipment).
Maybe the Glasses AI customized itself based on searches done by Dale. So now he woke up to the beginning of what he saw yesterday.
Zebediah, unless Mr. Jacques has already done so, I believe you have named the projection.
There's absolutely no chest present, just pure flat dude chest rocking.
There's absolutely no chest present, just pure flat dude chest rocking.Either you're looking at a different picture from me, or you've a very limited idea of the real-life range of sizes of women's chests.
We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.
I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)
Oh, regarding Monday's comic, the odds of Marten secretly being a scone ( are one in six.Now you've done it! Tomorrow's comic will be four panels of Marten eating a scone. :-D
wait, 15 people before dale spurned her? You think for such a nerd centric product, the denial rate would be much lower......
If Dale's glasses have the processing power to host an AI personality, why didn't he have one already? Couldn't afford adoption fees?
Ghost in A Shell.
A guess: djinni/genie. In these stories, he problem is often getting the djinni back into the bottle.
That person happens to beMarigoldClinton.
I'm guessing the AI played sweet with every other person, so it seems odd she'd be rejected that much. Although I'd be creeped out if I saw a blue maid in my room calling me, "Master."For real. I think my response would have been, "that depends. If I accept, can you drop the whole "master" schtick? Because that's creepy as heck". I would have been downright relieved when she showed her real personality.
Ah, that was a misunderstanding. I didn't mean this one. I meant the ones that were interrupted before this. And it's only my impression that they were, anyway. Maybe Jeph likes to have several storylines at once and will come back to them.Who knows? It could be part of a bigger storyline that he is working on, culminating in some weird, unlikely way. Either that, or I'm just making it all up. Hint: it's more than 50% likely to be the latter...
For the record, I dont get why Dale is wearing glasses WHILE SLEEPING.
Thats highly impractical.
Well, Harriet is about that sweary. Probably from too much exposure to Yelling Bird.I didn't really mean that it was literally Harriet, but she seems to have a similar personality.
I really don't think it's Harriet, though - Harriet has broader shoulders and isn't quite that flat-chested.
one shouldn't insult various sets of bosoms, or their owners just as a general sense. 'Cause that makes you a dick.
More like the next 10-100 if our current stellar model is accurate.
It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".
And when you say "soon", you mean within the next million years or so.
Nobel Laureate Charles Townes announced evidence that 15 consecutive years of stellar contraction has now observed to be occurring by UC Berkeley's Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI) atop Mt. Wilson Observatory in Southern California. Reported on June 9, 2009, the star has shrunk 15% since 1993 with an increasing rate.
According to the university, Betelgeuse's radius is about 5.5 A.U.s, and the star's radius has shrunk by a distance equal to half an astronomical unit, or about the orbit of Venus. Some theorists have speculated that this behavior is expected for a star at the beginning of the gravitational collapse at the end of its life. The mass of Betelgeuse puts it in range to become a neutron star or possibly a black hole.
I think my response would have been, "that depends. If I accept, can you drop the whole "master" schtick? Because that's creepy as heck". I would have been downright relieved when she showed her real personality.You phrased it right - as a question. That maid thing might have been her real personality. Can't say I'm too keen on either one, though the second isn't nearly as irritating as the first.
And, re: the transphobic slur against Jeannie...
And, re: the transphobic slur against Jeannie...
Is trap a slur? I mean, it means crossdresser. And it'd be rude to, say, call Claire a crossdresser because it would imply she's a guy who likes to dress up. But it's not really the word is it, just people using it wrong?
Also, just noticed the Rukia poster on Dale's wall, revealing good taste in anime girls and bad taste in anime.
Thinking about it some more, a piece of software that shows up unannounced and displays a "personal assistant"? Bonzi Buddy? :psyduck:
When all those OS "upgrades" came out the first thing I ever did was deactivate every extra "feature" and then spend the rest of the time trying to find the functions I used but that were now hidden or removed.
Is it still rude if you add "delicious" to it? Delicious trap?
Is it still rude if you add "delicious" to it? Delicious trap?
I bet she modified her behavior, and possibly her appearance based on whether or not she wanted to "reject" a potential meat bag companion. "Hmmm this one's search history... oh hell. No way I'm working with this one... creepy otaku... how to drive.. oh! Right!" *load TankGirlProjection.hif*
It did! Mine was a pup!
Merry Maid
Examples: Angus has an audition in New York, Dale applies at CoD, Tai and Claire desperately want to set up someone, Marigold and Dale have "bonding time"Don't forget the Crying Emily arc.
Advice to Dale
Advice to Dale
I'm thinking Pintsize may already know her.
...and fear her as well. :o
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it. I don't want to have to keep a magnifying glass with my computer. Please be considerate of other people. I don't think anyone likes having to deal with it. :/ We have the spoiler tag and slightly bigger small fonts. It's just kinda mean to make it so hard on everyone. :(
That aside, I for one welcome our new AI overlord. :angel:
Anyway I Dale have never met Pintsize or Marten does he?
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it. I don't want to have to keep a magnifying glass with my computer. Please be considerate of other people. I don't think anyone likes having to deal with it. :/ We have the spoiler tag and slightly bigger small fonts. It's just kinda mean to make it so hard on everyone. :(
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it.
The "Crying Emily" arc really went as far as it could. It was a one-joke arc, and if it had gone on any longer it would have gotten old in a hurry. We gave peas a chance - time to move on.
Is trap a slur?
Expanding boob gag? All class, all the way. :roll:
I could just disable the font size tag - then you'd all be sorry! If you want to hide something, use a spoiler tag (or don't type it!).
I could just disable the font size tag - then you'd all be sorry! If you want to hide something, use a spoiler tag (or don't type it!).
Would it be possible to limit the size reduction to 6pt?
Butts. It would involve butts. Right?Expanding boob gag? All class, all the way. :roll:
It could be worse - it can always be worse.
Well, I seem to have found a surefire method for adjusting waist size upward.
Well, I seem to have found a surefire method for adjusting waist size upward.
I call my method "Cake"
Hmm. Thinking about it, life as a Glasses holographic companion AI must be hard. If you're given a choice between being a companion AI with a chassis which enables it to do things on its own, maybe even working on a job, like Momo, and becoming a holographic image on the glasses of some dude, so you can't go anywhere without him, can't even interact with your surroundings, I feel like that is the choice between a real life on your own and servitude. I'm slightly uncomfortable with that idea.What if they find it better to be free to swim in the net instead of sharing the physical world with meatbags?
Maybe AIs which choose to become a holographic companion AI hope that their companions will buy them a chassis when they got used to eachother. Some kind of "trial companionship". I can't imagine that this would be viable on long term.
Thought: What is worse from the perspective of others, having a maid AI in your glasses dressed in Maid Lingerie with small breasts or one with large breasts?
Also that would mean if you covered your eyes she wouldn't see you but you could see her. Very interesting possibilities for interacting with such an AI.So BlueMeido is like a Reverse Bugblatter Beast of Traal? :-D
$750/day paid beta testing?
My scam alarm is going off.
Also that would mean if you covered your eyes she wouldn't see you but you could see her. Very interesting possibilities for interacting with such an AI.So BlueMeido is like a Reverse Bugblatter Beast of Traal? :-D
She's gone from being crass to flat-out insulting him?That's exactly what I thought!
Forget opting out...I'd just leave my glasses in a drawer for two days.
Unless he needs them to see.
...I just realized ya'll don't know I wear glasses.
...I just realized ya'll don't know I wear glasses.
How sure are you that we don't live in them?
The gal has ISSUES.
Starting with indentured servitude. What I'd call "slavery". ICKY for anyone involved.
As I said before, some serious ethical issues here.
The gal has ISSUES.She must have lost a bet.
Starting with indentured servitude. What I'd call "slavery". ICKY for anyone involved.
As I said before, some serious ethical issues here.
"Schlong"? Oy gevalt! What kind of meshuggeneh chose BlueMeido for the role of companion AI? I bet Dale ends up with bupkes.Do you speak fluent yiddish or have you just stumbled upon a page serving foulmouthed polyglots?
Since your avatar does, I would actually have imagined you with glasses!
Although making assumptions about someone's appearance due to his forum avatar is silly, of course,
"Schlong"? Oy gevalt! What kind of meshuggeneh chose BlueMeido for the role of companion AI? I bet Dale ends up with bupkes.
I don't actually have an 18th-centiry naval gun on my head.I may or may not be a giant inflatable spider.
I do not, in fact, own a monocle.You rent one?
Thought, what is Jeannie is ACTUALLY the test? She's not a beta program at all, it's a psychological study and it's her job to be as abrasive to any one she "partners" with as possible for the duration of the study period and collect data on the subject and their reactions.
Thought, what is Jeannie is ACTUALLY the test? She's not a beta program at all, it's a psychological study and it's her job to be as abrasive to any one she "partners" with as possible for the duration of the study period and collect data on the subject and their reactions.
Intriguing idea, but the problem with that is that there are some big ethical rules and regs that go into psychological study. This might be a bit of an issue given the potential privacy violations involved.
My avatar is a reasonable "cartoon me", though of course I'm not dating Batman.
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?
Is it getting to be time for another week of "you as your avatar"?Was that a thing?
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?
Market research is nothing more than false info that is steadfastly held up as "the gospel" by idiots who paid stupid amounts of money to get a degree that entitles them to a position that requires a stupid money compensation.
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?
Market research is nothing more than false info that is steadfastly held up as "the gospel" by idiots who paid stupid amounts of money to get a degree that entitles them to a position that requires a stupid money compensation.
Marketing is one of the most misunderstood things outside of people who work in marketing. Of course, I'm sure that when you called marketing people idiots holding on to false beliefs to justify being paid, you weren't expecting someone who reads it to actually work in marketing.
Something about blowing and being hot, perhaps.They talk to hand dryers about...well you can take this into two different dirty jokes.
I cannot think of any dirty jokes. But they could talk about bacon.
What, no Volkswagen jokes?They were so obvious everyone Jetta'd away.
I cross referenced the tags blue_skin and maid on Danbooru and got none that looked similar to QCs, and a good number that weren't safe to post.We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.
I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)
Gimme a minute here.....
I now know what to say the next time I grab an ass. (If that happens soon enough for me to remember it... :-\)Unless they touch their skull to his.
Edit: I was reading up on Google Glass the other and they make sound by vibrating your skull instead of standard speakers so... No one will be able to see or hear Dale's maid ghost.
Just because marketing people are human and aren't 100% spot on every time, doesn't make the field as a whole stupid.Fixed.
Okay, why the hell didn't Momo give Marigold a talking to in the bathroom about how much of an ass she was being and force her to stay to at least verify (or as we know, challenge) her assumptions!?
I cross referenced the tags blue_skin and maid on Danbooru and got none that looked similar to QCs, and a good number that weren't safe to post.We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.
I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)
Gimme a minute here.....
Southern Belles are a lot like the Sith. Lots of back stabbing, evil and they utterly rule everything around them through fear.From my limited experience interacting your American southern belles .... Bene Gesserit .... would seem more apropos.
Are these the same ladies who can crinkle up into the sweetest smile and say "Bless your heart" in a way that is clearly understood to mean: "Fuck you. And you and all your progeny and their progeny and while we're at it, the memories of all your ancestors can go to hell by the most expedient route and burn there beyond forever"?They're downright terrifying.
Yep! The male version is "He's a good old boy" basically the idea is they're going to slam you, then say something pleasant to make that more socially acceptable.Yeah, old guys are pretty dangerous when it comes to talking about young people. They do make things sound nicer than the Southern Belles, because you can't hear the venom as well. They have some sort of confuse ray they put out so you don't know if you're being insulted or not.
[...] They have some sort of confuse ray [...]
Fact: All people who share Method and I's first name actually form a low level hive mind. We are coming for you all.
But what about the Mustachioed Eric Conspiracy?I don't have a mustache.
Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.Damn straight!
Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.Damn straight!
In no way did I insinuate the italic text. Part of being a friend is telling a friend when they're an ass- preferably away from company which OH WAIT sounds a lot like a bathroom. Then when she's physically (judging by the contortion of Momos body) dragging you off in her misplaced huff, you turn that around and say something more than "but-", especially if you were previously willing to threaten electrocution just to force diner food intake.Okay, why the hell didn't Momo give Marigold a talking to in the bathroom about how much of an ass she was being and force her to stay to at least verify (or as we know, challenge) her assumptions!?
Because she's her friend, not her controller; sometimes you have to use your judgement to decide what's for the best at that moment.
Accommodating the feelings of others (while maintaining one's own integrity and using sound judgment about when it's necessary to risk offense) is fundamental to living with other people.Emphatic agreement to both parts.
Momo had options between being pulled along and coercion. Her social protocol database probably includes indirect wheedles ("Please, Marigold, I haven't finished my Eel Special!") and various levels of assertiveness (have you ever heard a Southern US woman making a determined point?).
I'm having a hard time picturing you as a Southern Belle.Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.Damn straight!
No, I got it. However, while you may be production oriented, I am archive oriented.Joke flew over your head *Harisen HIT!!*I cross referenced the tags blue_skin and maid on Danbooru and got none that looked similar to QCs, and a good number that weren't safe to post.We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.Gimme a minute here.....
I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)
I'm having a hard time picturing you as a Southern Belle.Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.Damn straight!
Great. Now I have a mental image of a disembodied moustache waving its handlebars in the air, squealing "HELP MEEEEEE! ("there's an entire story arc of that on another webcomic i read.....