Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: westrim on 14 Jul 2013, 15:42

Title: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: westrim on 14 Jul 2013, 15:42
New thread, enjoy.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Tova on 14 Jul 2013, 15:49
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 14 Jul 2013, 16:13
Puny humans?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 14 Jul 2013, 16:46

I think you mean... victims.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 14 Jul 2013, 16:47
Social protocols of world domination.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 14 Jul 2013, 17:42
Your plastic pal who's fun to be with.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 14 Jul 2013, 17:46
Thank you Sirius Cybernetics Corporation

"Ready!  AIM!!! FIRE!!!!!"
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Rghfrgl on 14 Jul 2013, 18:17
 They talk to hand dryers about...well you can take this into two different dirty jokes.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 14 Jul 2013, 18:46
Thank you Sirius Cybernetics Corporation

Their elevators are great!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 14 Jul 2013, 19:27
And always glad to be of service.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: FunkyTuba on 14 Jul 2013, 20:27
Puny humans?

Delicious humans!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: jwhouk on 14 Jul 2013, 21:43
We're in trouble:
Quote from: '@jephjacques (Jeph Twitter)'
welp, an entire storyline just shoved its way into my head unbidden. I can't tell if it's a good or terrible idea though.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: westrim on 14 Jul 2013, 22:40
I often wonder about the alternate ways he might have plotted different events, but asking is probably futile because if he ever revealed some of the ideas he considered there would be way too many people inclined to complain instead of appreciating the insight.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 14 Jul 2013, 23:41
They talk to hand dryers about...well you can take this into two different dirty jokes.

I cannot think of any dirty jokes. But they could talk about bacon.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 15 Jul 2013, 00:06
So, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 15 Jul 2013, 00:15
You'll Kafka ( ask her!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sorflakne on 15 Jul 2013, 00:16
Beetle people are scarier than crab people.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 15 Jul 2013, 00:29
Aaand I have a new signature.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 15 Jul 2013, 00:31
When the revolution comes, people who make Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy robot jokes will be first against the wall. (See you all there)

Also Emily is still one of my favorite things ever. I really want to see her square off with Raven.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: henri bemis on 15 Jul 2013, 01:03
Which of you are beetles?   There are at least two in this thread! :-o
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 15 Jul 2013, 01:11
So, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?

Hannelore is a bumblebee (

Emily reminded me of Hanners more than a little.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 15 Jul 2013, 01:11
Oh, silly Emily, that doesn't make sense at all! If 1/4 people were secretly beetles, then how would they be counted as part of the 25% of known life forms?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 15 Jul 2013, 01:20
emily, hennelore, & raven should hang out and be weird & cute & silly together.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: TinPenguin on 15 Jul 2013, 01:38

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Arancaytar on 15 Jul 2013, 01:59
Any time you're with three friends, check around if one of them has an exoskeleton.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Boxilar on 15 Jul 2013, 03:08
So, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?

Hannelore is a bumblebee (

Emily reminded me of Hanners more than a little.

Emily id like Hannelore and Padma somehow had a child. All the whimsy of Hanners, all the obviousness of Padma.
(Given he implied state of biological/genetic engineering in the QC  'verse, this is not as far fetched as it seems.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Tulpa on 15 Jul 2013, 03:29
Today's comic is relevant to my interests. (
 (My beetle)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Border Reiver on 15 Jul 2013, 04:39
What, no Volkswagen jokes?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mad Cat on 15 Jul 2013, 04:59
And there's a 75% chance that any idea that Em comes up with will be sheer lunacy.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 15 Jul 2013, 05:49
Well, if you've joined the army to get away from your girlfriend, and you've been assigned to a back-of-beyond ZI base with a gourmand sergeant who is alternately a father figure and physical nemesis ... you might be a Beetle.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 15 Jul 2013, 05:51
Sometimes four out of four people are Beatles.

Hey, the pun was there, somebody was going to use it.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 15 Jul 2013, 05:56
We don't want to wring this dry of its ...

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 15 Jul 2013, 06:42
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 15 Jul 2013, 06:59
No, definitely not. At minimum it would be amazingly cool to have the night lit up like the day for a while, but it would also be a good idea to remind a few folks that the universe is still bigger than their egos….
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: quix0te on 15 Jul 2013, 07:01
Yep.  I could use more Emily in my QC.  One of the sweeter characters.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: celticgeek on 15 Jul 2013, 07:41
I found a little beetle, so that beetle was his name,
And I called him Alexander and he answered just the same.
I put him in a matchbox, and I kept him all the day...

Beetle (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesium133 on 15 Jul 2013, 07:54
So, (...comic), Hannelore's a beetle, then?

Hannelore is a bumblebee (

Emily reminded me of Hanners more than a little.
Hannelore may also be a praying mantis (

Raven may not be a beetle, but she has one (

edit -- I suppose I should make a pun jar donation for that. Seeing the current state of the squirrel, I'll throw in some peanuts and refill the water bottle with holy water.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 15 Jul 2013, 08:46
(My beetle)

That is a pretty beetle!
I like beetles, they're cute. And also fascinating biologically, since there are so many different kinds in all shapes and colours. My dad's kind of a beetle expert, so I have more or less been brought up looking at all kinds of beetles. I even bred one kind of common black beetle in a terrarium for a while, but that got out of hand, since after a while, there were more grubs (correct word?) in the terrarium than the stuff I used to cover the floor. Then I set them free.

Emily's behaviour really reminds me of Hannelore looking at kitty pictures all night - that's what she did once, right? This could really also have been Hanners, except I suspect beetles are on her list of animals that are not to be trusted.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Skewbrow on 15 Jul 2013, 09:33

No. It would be just so cool to see a supernova pop "relatively" near by in our time. If only it would oblige. May be the next cycle?

I mean, hopefully it already has blown up. IIRC it's something like 600 lys away.

... and I was gonna make the same response to beetlejuice  :x
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Rghfrgl on 15 Jul 2013, 09:46
hahah tonight's comic is going to provoke so many groans

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Barmymoo on 15 Jul 2013, 10:08
I looked up the stats and by my calculations it's more like 1 in 5, which is still pretty good odds. Plus they suspect there are millions more species of beetle than we've discovered. So I guess it's more like 1 in 3.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 15 Jul 2013, 10:09
Cue discussion (in appropriate circles, that is) of what actually is a species, really.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: St.Clair on 15 Jul 2013, 12:44
Sometimes four out of four people are Beatles.

Hey, the pun was there, somebody was going to use it.

"Beat" me to it.  :-P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 15 Jul 2013, 13:01
No more puns! Have Mersey!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 15 Jul 2013, 13:08
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 15 Jul 2013, 14:02
Not a whole lot of love in here for the benign Elder Gods of Alpha Orionis.

Then again, I hear the place is a real armpit.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 15 Jul 2013, 14:26
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 15 Jul 2013, 14:47
The thing about the benign Elder Gods is that we only have their word for it that they're benign. That's the oldest con in the book.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Tulpa on 15 Jul 2013, 17:27
(My beetle)

That is a pretty beetle!
I like beetles, they're cute. And also fascinating biologically, since there are so many different kinds in all shapes and colours. My dad's kind of a beetle expert, so I have more or less been brought up looking at all kinds of beetles. I even bred one kind of common black beetle in a terrarium for a while, but that got out of hand, since after a while, there were more grubs (correct word?) in the terrarium than the stuff I used to cover the floor. Then I set them free.

Emily's behaviour really reminds me of Hannelore looking at kitty pictures all night - that's what she did once, right? This could really also have been Hanners, except I suspect beetles are on her list of animals that are not to be trusted.
Darkling beetles, I take it? The reason I have these is I kept seeing them at work and looked them up because they were so cool looking and found out they make good pets.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 15 Jul 2013, 22:41
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 15 Jul 2013, 22:49
I don't get the new strip.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Rghfrgl on 15 Jul 2013, 22:50
Not the maid Dale was hoping to wake up to. (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: K1dmor on 15 Jul 2013, 22:52
I don't get the new strip.

 She's an AI; Dale's companion. She doesn't have a physical body, so she projects herself using the AR of the glasses.
 And the NOPE was because of her maid uniform, something she doesn't wear usually but wanna surprise him.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Overkillengine on 15 Jul 2013, 23:03
I don't get the new strip.

 She's an AI; Dale's companion. She doesn't have a physical body, so she projects herself using the AR of the glasses.
 And the NOPE was because of her maid uniform, something she doesn't wear usually but wanna surprise him.

Or it is the first time she has made her self known to him as an entity other than as his glasses.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 15 Jul 2013, 23:24
I'm going with K1D's theory.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Masterpiece on 15 Jul 2013, 23:32
If this 15 day arch is going to be about Dale, then I'm going to be super excited
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Wimblesaurus on 15 Jul 2013, 23:34
Two theories.

A.  Marigold told Hannelore that Dale left, and Hanners called in a favor to get Station to fuck with Dale.

B.  Dale was associated with the creation of Station's AI.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 15 Jul 2013, 23:35
15 days?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: KOK on 15 Jul 2013, 23:37
So, in order not to see what is projected on his glasses, he covers his head with the duvet?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 15 Jul 2013, 23:39
15 days?

Jeph prewrote the next 15 strips.

KOK, I think that would be an automatic reaction. People are used to being able to hide what they see by covering their eyes.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 15 Jul 2013, 23:43
That doesn't mean they're about the same thing.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: K1dmor on 15 Jul 2013, 23:48
 When he finished the first 10, he said they're part of one story: Tweet (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sorflakne on 15 Jul 2013, 23:51
Now I really want a pair of Dale's glasses.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 15 Jul 2013, 23:52
Dale,  you are officially awesome.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Toe on 16 Jul 2013, 01:08
Maybe it triggered a flashback (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Delator on 16 Jul 2013, 01:46
Marigold told Hannelore that Dale left, and Hanners called in a favor to get Station to fuck with Dale.

I think it's much more likely that Marigold simply hacked Dale's glasses herself.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: St.Clair on 16 Jul 2013, 01:50
Or Momo did.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 16 Jul 2013, 02:42
Bluemeido can't be projected by the glasses, or Dale hiding his head would have cut her off. In fact, if she interfaced through his glasses, there would be no need for her to be visible to us at all. Perhaps it is a "translation convention" like our being able to see Gaius Baltar's "Head Six".
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 16 Jul 2013, 02:46
Maybe the Glasses AI customized itself based on searches done by Dale. So now he woke up to the beginning of what he saw yesterday.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 16 Jul 2013, 03:02
Darkling beetles, I take it?
Yup. Tenebrio molitor, I didn't know how they were called in English, though.

 She's an AI; Dale's companion. She doesn't have a physical body, so she projects herself using the AR of the glasses.
 And the NOPE was because of her maid uniform, something she doesn't wear usually but wanna surprise him.

To me, the new comic did not make much sense either, but this is a good theory. I'm going with that.

Maybe the Glasses AI customized itself based on searches done by Dale. So now he woke up to the beginning of what he saw yesterday.

I just saw this. That makes a lot of sense, too!  :-D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 16 Jul 2013, 03:32

It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".

I hope no lifeforms are too close. Even bacteria. All part of the performance Art that is the Universe, I know, but still.
Title: concerning #2491
Post by: Skaltura on 16 Jul 2013, 03:44
I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going ...
Title: Re: concerning #2491
Post by: Tulpa on 16 Jul 2013, 03:56
Or he just doesn't want to wake up this morning?

Darkling beetles, I take it?
Yup. Tenebrio molitor, I didn't know how they were called in English, though.
The beetles I have are related.

I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going ...
Ghost hentai? I think I might've seen that one. :wink:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 16 Jul 2013, 04:17

It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".

I hope no lifeforms are too close. Even bacteria. All part of the performance Art that is the Universe, I know, but still.
There is a non-zero chance that a few bacteria (assuming they have some earth-style protections like sporulation) would actually survive a nova and be blasted into space on chunks of planetary debris.
I think it would be interesting to find one.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Border Reiver on 16 Jul 2013, 04:27
I'm going with K1D's theory.

I will as well, because it makes sense ATM.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: KOK on 16 Jul 2013, 04:41

It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".

And when you say "soon", you mean within the next million years or so.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 16 Jul 2013, 04:56
Also tweeted by Jeph:

Quote from: Jeph Jaques on Twitter
It's gonna be frustrating to watch people speculate about this story since it's already written and I don't think anyone will guess right.

Don't know where this is going, but my guess right now is that Dale has never seen this particular function of his glasses before. Whoever or whatever Jeannie turns out to be, he hasn't met her until now.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 16 Jul 2013, 05:31
Dammnit Zeb, now I have the I Dream of Jeannie theme stuck in my head....
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Border Reiver on 16 Jul 2013, 05:33
Zebediah, unless Mr. Jacques has alreadydone so, I believe you have named the projection.

You are now responsible for the care and feeding thereof.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: jwhouk on 16 Jul 2013, 07:00
I'm voting for AI interface, and this is the first time it has greeted him as such.

And there's a whole bunch of reasons why she didn't dissipate when he ducked back under his pillows, but the simplest one suggests that she's not being projected from his glasses.

Also - I suspect "turning on his glasses" had absolutely nothing to do with her. In fact, the glasses might be the reason why he got the glasses in the first place - so she couldn't see her anymore.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 16 Jul 2013, 07:05
Oooor she's entirely within his glasses, as any good AR overlay should be, and we're just seeing the world partially from his PoV for a moment.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 16 Jul 2013, 07:17
So Jeph tweets it's gonna be "frustrating" watching everyone speculate on how this story will go, since he has it written already.

In his shoes, I would find it entertaining as hell.

EDIT: Nothing stopping him from tweaking it, I suppose ... but I hope for his sake and the sake of the strip he resists, unless it's to resolve any dissatisfaction of his own with what's already in the can.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: TimO on 16 Jul 2013, 07:51

It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".

I hope no lifeforms are too close. Even bacteria. All part of the performance Art that is the Universe, I know, but still.
There is a non-zero chance that a few bacteria (assuming they have some earth-style protections like sporulation) would actually survive a nova and be blasted into space on chunks of planetary debris.
I think it would be interesting to find one.

... assuming that we aren't already the remnants of one!

Luckily, Betelgeuse is far enough away to not be a problem from a survival point-of-view.  30 parsecs is probably far enough to be safe, and Betelgeuse is a good 200 or so, so that's a pretty good margin of safety. :-D

It would be rather cool to see a super nova from this close up, but I'd be happy with one in this Galaxy, a bit closer than SN1987A was, or even that dim, but visible in the northern hemisphere!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: TimO on 16 Jul 2013, 07:55
As regards whether Dale's "maid" is visible or not, since he apparently doesn't see her until he puts his glasses on, she is presumably part of the AR overlay.  Of course, a smart enough AR system, would know that with his head covered he can't see anything, so exclude things from his vision, unless he's enabled a specific mode for that purpose (eg an AR "X-Ray" mode for seeing inside of operating equipment).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: SJCrew on 16 Jul 2013, 09:03
Another one of those laugh-out-loud comics. Thanks for the morning kneeslapper, Jeph.  :lol:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Masterpiece on 16 Jul 2013, 09:35
Am I the only one who doesn't know why todays comic is supposed to be funny?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 09:39
Nope. That's not to say it's not, but I'm not sure why it is.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: jesslc on 16 Jul 2013, 10:20
As regards whether Dale's "maid" is visible or not, since he apparently doesn't see her until he puts his glasses on, she is presumably part of the AR overlay.  Of course, a smart enough AR system, would know that with his head covered he can't see anything, so exclude things from his vision, unless he's enabled a specific mode for that purpose (eg an AR "X-Ray" mode for seeing inside of operating equipment).

Actually we have no idea if she's there before he put his glasses on or not. In panel 2 his eyes are still closed, and she would be standing off screen in panels 1, 2 and 3. But I think the flow from panel 3 to panel 4 is meant to imply that she shows up when he turns his glasses on.

Personally I like ankhtahr's hypothesis:
Maybe the Glasses AI customized itself based on searches done by Dale. So now he woke up to the beginning of what he saw yesterday.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 16 Jul 2013, 11:44
A crackpot hypothesis about the last panel - the reason Jeannie doesn't want him to turn over is because it will block her projection.

Zebediah, unless Mr. Jacques has already done so, I believe you have named the projection.

Zebediah, you're not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Emoroffle on 16 Jul 2013, 12:45
I've been in Dale's situation before. Though in my case it involved powerful prescription drugs. I should probably mention that yes they had been prescribed to me.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mad Cat on 16 Jul 2013, 13:33
So… Dale's Anthro PC is entirely virtual and runs as a software agent in his glasses.

… and looks incredibly like Momo.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Ikestorm on 16 Jul 2013, 13:34
Pretty sure the maid is a trap- There's absolutely no chest present, just pure flat dude chest rocking.

Would explain Dale's reaction, and would fit into Jeph's writing style of not giving a fuck about sexuality, only interesting characters.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 16 Jul 2013, 13:40
As a courtesy, I'll assume that you don't know that the word you used is derogatory. Please note this forum is LGTBQI friendly and as such we'd rather not have such words around here, because real people are being hurt.

Also, sorry if this constitutes backseat modding already.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 16 Jul 2013, 14:39
There's absolutely no chest present, just pure flat dude chest rocking.

Either you're looking at a different picture from me, or you've a very limited idea of the real-life range of sizes of women's chests.

As for your first remark, I don't see that a projection can be other than it appears to be, by its very nature (and, as Loki said, to bring up that thought in human company is likely to be offensive).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Emoroffle on 16 Jul 2013, 14:49
Yep, there's definitely boobs there. Speaking for us small chested girls out there I say "fer shame".
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 16 Jul 2013, 16:41
There is a ghost in Dales shell   :-D

So, when can we expect the Betelgeuseians to arrive?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 18:03
Ghost in D Shell.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 16 Jul 2013, 18:16
We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.

I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 16 Jul 2013, 18:27
Welcome, Perfectly Reasonable!

She may be blue because she's a hologram: Jeph's holographic projections are blue.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: FunkyTuba on 16 Jul 2013, 19:35
There's absolutely no chest present, just pure flat dude chest rocking.
Either you're looking at a different picture from me, or you've a very limited idea of the real-life range of sizes of women's chests.

Welcome Ikestorm!

Here's a NSFW (at least in most US workplaces) tutorial on how to draw women's chests...

It might be enlightening to the casual reader and useful to anyone interested in drawing anatomy.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 19:57
Oh, regarding Monday's comic, the odds of Marten secretly being a scone ( are one in six.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 16 Jul 2013, 20:02
We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.

I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)

Gimme a minute here.....
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Toe on 16 Jul 2013, 20:24
Could be a new feature introduced by a firmware update for his glasses. I mean, if firmware updates can give Momo & Pintsize thumbs, why not?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesium133 on 16 Jul 2013, 21:01
Oh, regarding Monday's comic, the odds of Marten secretly being a scone ( are one in six.
Now you've done it! Tomorrow's comic will be four panels of Marten eating a scone.  :-D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 16 Jul 2013, 21:05
With animation in the forth panel.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: St.Clair on 16 Jul 2013, 21:22
... well okay then.
I suppose I should have expected something like this, but I really didn't.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 21:26
I'm getting a broken image.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 16 Jul 2013, 21:39
well, that explains that
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesium133 on 16 Jul 2013, 21:45
So the maid AI is basically a computerized version of Harriet?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 21:47
Who's Harriet again?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesium133 on 16 Jul 2013, 21:49
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 21:59
Oh yeah. Then I guess she is.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Game and Watch Forever on 16 Jul 2013, 22:01
Oh boy... can't wait until Dale has another run-in with Marigold and his virtual new friend gets the opportunity to get acquainted with her and Momo. Not saying iI think it's going to happen in this arc, but it's certainly one of those things that's begging to happen.

Also, if Harriet somehow managed to upload her brain into the actual QC Universe, let's hope to the gods that Yelling Bird doesn't manage the same. He'd probably rival Pintsize...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Emoroffle on 16 Jul 2013, 22:02
I'm surprised she didn't change into a t-shirt and jeans then light up a holographic cig.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 16 Jul 2013, 22:03
Harriet's made cameos in universe, or at least her doppelganger has. But I don't think this new character can be seen outside Dale's glasses.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 16 Jul 2013, 22:40
it wouldn't be all that surprising if she could interface with other machines, such as momo for example. i imagine the two of them having some sort of heated screaming argument, while dale tries in vein to calm things down & marigold just stands there being confused.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sorflakne on 16 Jul 2013, 23:01
Now I really want a pair of Dale's glasses.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Delator on 16 Jul 2013, 23:16
"Everyone else opted out on me."

Gee, with that attitude, I wonder why??  :roll:

Already waiting for this arc to be over...two weeks is it?? *sigh*

She's averaging a curse word per sentence. Classy. Clearly in Beta.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 16 Jul 2013, 23:19
If Dale's glasses have the processing power to host an AI personality, why didn't he have one already? Couldn't afford adoption fees?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 16 Jul 2013, 23:38
Man, Dale, you just cannot escape the tsuntsun. First Marigold is in the diner lobbying to change her last name to Langley Soryu, and now this AI maid that is making the strip title a shameful mockery of truth. Tsunderes errywhere.  :psyduck:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: FunkyTuba on 16 Jul 2013, 23:50
This is gonna be awesome. *pops some corn*
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 17 Jul 2013, 00:01
I want those glasses now more that ever. :3
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 17 Jul 2013, 00:07
Wait, 15 people before Dale spurned her? You think for such a nerd centric product, the denial rate would be much lower......
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 17 Jul 2013, 00:09
So the virtual maid is an anthroPC for poor people? The fanservice of a anthropc maid without the gropping?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 17 Jul 2013, 00:25
wait, 15 people before dale spurned her? You think for such a nerd centric product, the denial rate would be much lower......

Anything starting with "Congratulation! You have been chosen..." Sounds very suspect on the internet. Of course some people do send money expecting to get rich with a lotto in Zimbabue or install a suspicious software to get new emoticons but I hope most people aren't that gulible...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 17 Jul 2013, 00:55
I have several family members who fall for shit like that. I've become the family virus remover. :facepalm:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: TimO on 17 Jul 2013, 01:19
If Dale's glasses have the processing power to host an AI personality, why didn't he have one already? Couldn't afford adoption fees?

The second panel does say "... virtual companion service", so that could imply she's not running on his glasses, but remotely, and is just being projected by his glasses.  I imagine we'll find out shortly.

I'm guessing that someone else may be able to see her, as others have said, Momo and/or Pintsize could be amusing.  If she becomes more than a transient character, that'll have to change however (switch to a full sized "real" body, like Momo did?)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 17 Jul 2013, 01:26
yeah, i'd assume she's running on a server somewhere, rather than on the glasses themselves.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 17 Jul 2013, 01:29
Ghost in A Shell.

Jest saying. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

In other news I think I might be in love with Jeannie... I do love an abrasive personality, and she swears almost enough to fit in with the people around me normally!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ChaoSera on 17 Jul 2013, 01:51
Since I assume you're talking about the hologram, where'd you get that name from?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: KOK on 17 Jul 2013, 02:09
A guess: djinni/genie. In these stories, he problem is often getting the djinni back into the bottle.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: slydon on 17 Jul 2013, 02:18
Congratulations, Dale!
You've just won Virtual Schizophrenia!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 17 Jul 2013, 02:27
Fear the glasses when they come bearing gifts...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 17 Jul 2013, 02:54
A guess: djinni/genie. In these stories, he problem is often getting the djinni back into the bottle.

I thought it was taken from I Dream of Jeannie (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Masterpiece on 17 Jul 2013, 03:12
I like Jeannie as a name. But we could always start a poll to determine her name...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 17 Jul 2013, 03:23
Why am I suddenly thinking of where QC and A Girl And Her Fed could cross over?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 17 Jul 2013, 03:41
Aha! I know where this is going now! Dale can't figure out how to opt-out of Jeannie after opting in, and goes to a local authorized tech support person for help. That person  happens to be Marigold.  :-D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 17 Jul 2013, 03:49
That person  happens to be Marigold Clinton.

Because reasons.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 17 Jul 2013, 03:50
Do I just imagine this or has Jeph lately started a lot of different (potential) story arcs and left them off right in the middle? I mean, often its funnier just suggesting something than actually going through with it and in some instances I'm glad he didnt't, but still I feel that lately this has happened more often.
Examples: Angus has an audition in New York, Dale applies at CoD, Tai and Claire desperately want to set up someone, Marigold and Dale have "bonding time" 
Ok, I can easily see that the third one probably only served the purpose of supplying a few gags, but I am sort of surprised that the other ones are just left hanging like that. Although I suppose this whole digital maid thing (in my opinion, her attire is demeaning. No wonder she is in such a mood) might lead back to Marigold somehow.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 17 Jul 2013, 03:55
Remember that Jeph says he has three weeks worth of scripts already written (and validated by a critic he trusts!), so abandonment of the story seems unlikely.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 17 Jul 2013, 04:02
Ah, that was a misunderstanding. I didn't mean this one. I meant the ones that were interrupted before this. And it's only my impression that they were, anyway. Maybe Jeph likes to have several storylines at once and will come back to them.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Welu on 17 Jul 2013, 04:07
I'm really liking seeing more of Dale.

I'm guessing the AI played sweet with every other person, so it seems odd she'd be rejected that much. Although I'd be creeped out if I saw a blue maid in my room calling me, "Master."
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Border Reiver on 17 Jul 2013, 04:19
Two questions,:

a.  If Dale goes off to pee, and doesn't take his glasses off, is his new friend going to follow; and
b.  How did Yelling Bird get uploaded into a computer program?

I mean seriously, that avatar swears more than my Battery on ex....
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: judemorrigan on 17 Jul 2013, 04:27
I'm guessing the AI played sweet with every other person, so it seems odd she'd be rejected that much. Although I'd be creeped out if I saw a blue maid in my room calling me, "Master."
For real.  I think my response would have been, "that depends.  If I accept, can you drop the whole "master" schtick?  Because that's creepy as heck".  I would have been downright relieved when she showed her real personality.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: snubnose on 17 Jul 2013, 04:41
For the record, I dont get why Dale is wearing glasses WHILE SLEEPING.

Thats highly impractical.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: techkid on 17 Jul 2013, 04:49
Ah, that was a misunderstanding. I didn't mean this one. I meant the ones that were interrupted before this. And it's only my impression that they were, anyway. Maybe Jeph likes to have several storylines at once and will come back to them.
Who knows? It could be part of a bigger storyline that he is working on, culminating in some weird, unlikely way. Either that, or I'm just making it all up. Hint: it's more than 50% likely to be the latter...

Jeph does have a large group of people in his cast. Of course, the more people there are, the more things there are going on around them. We'll see what goes on in the coming weeks.

Dang, does she have a mouth on her. But then, in any customer service role, there is generally a LOT of swearwords piling up behind people's smiles. Just imagine her language if Dale had declined :evil:.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: LordVaughn on 17 Jul 2013, 04:50
For the record, I dont get why Dale is wearing glasses WHILE SLEEPING.

Thats highly impractical.

He wasn't. He woke up and put them on. Saw her, and hid under the covers last comic.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 17 Jul 2013, 04:59
Well, Harriet is about that sweary. Probably from too much exposure to Yelling Bird.

I really don't think it's Harriet, though - Harriet has broader shoulders and isn't quite that flat-chested.

(And, re: the transphobic slur against Jeannie... just because Jeannie is flat-chested, doesn't say anything about her gender (I am making the assumption that she identifies as female, though). Two things to consider here: plenty of cis adult women are that flat-chested (I happen to prefer the flatter chests myself), and Jeannie being a hologram (and can presumably alter her appearance at will) that is presumably working a paying job, and especially given her speech patterns when trying to get Dale to agree to the beta, she may be intentionally presenting as somewhat immature in appearance to appeal to a segment of the population that is sexually attracted to immature-appearing females (which, we're talking about AR glasses here, so there's a fair amount of overlap between technophiles and otaku).)

And now, because of that slur, and thinking about how a (holographic) AI could even be trans, I've now got questions for the trans* discussion resulting from comic thread.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Overkillengine on 17 Jul 2013, 05:52
I find the profanity to already be an upgrade.

Not that I have had any past observations of servile and overly sweet behavior masking all sorts of bad intentions or anything.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Black Sword on 17 Jul 2013, 06:07
So... how much anime has J^2 been gorging on lately? Because this is pretty classical. I'm still busting a gut laughing!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: TheBiscuit on 17 Jul 2013, 06:15
I would actually be moderately happy with an AI companion that could sometimes be grouchy and foul mouthed. I wouldn't want that to be the only mood it could have, but I'd like if it could have a nice wide range of behaviour.  I wouldn't accept any subservient 'master' crap, either. If it's working for me then it needs to do what I damn well tell it, but it doesn't need to act like a slave all the time. As long as it follows instructions, it can be as irreverent as it wants.

Sensitive types please note: I'm using the pronoun 'it' because in my hypothetical example, it doesn't have a gender or even a name yet. I'm not referring to the one in the maid in the strip as 'it'.

I think the example from today's strip is possibly a little too grouchy, considering that Dale isn't responsible for all her troubles. She could balance out the grouchyness just a bit better. Hopefully she will if she becomes a recurring character.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesium133 on 17 Jul 2013, 06:32
Thinking about it some more, a piece of software that shows up unannounced and displays a "personal assistant"? Bonzi Buddy?  :psyduck:

Well, Harriet is about that sweary. Probably from too much exposure to Yelling Bird.

I really don't think it's Harriet, though - Harriet has broader shoulders and isn't quite that flat-chested.
I didn't really mean that it was literally Harriet, but she seems to have a similar personality.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 17 Jul 2013, 06:46
Can't we ALL unite as one and agree that bosoms, be they flat or full are rad? and one shouldn't insult various sets of bosoms, or their owners just as a general sense. 'Cause that makes you a dick.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 17 Jul 2013, 07:08
one shouldn't insult various sets of bosoms, or their owners just as a general sense. 'Cause that makes you a dick.

That anyways.

Also, to each his/her own.

Rather flat for me!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 17 Jul 2013, 07:35

It's going to happen soon. Expanding and contracting like that, "she's gonna blow!!".

And when you say "soon", you mean within the next million years or so.
More like the next 10-100 if our current stellar model is accurate.

Nobel Laureate Charles Townes announced evidence that 15 consecutive years of stellar contraction has now observed to be occurring by UC Berkeley's Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI) atop Mt. Wilson Observatory in Southern California. Reported on June 9, 2009, the star has shrunk 15% since 1993 with an increasing rate.

According to the university, Betelgeuse's radius is about 5.5 A.U.s, and the star's radius has shrunk by a distance equal to half an astronomical unit, or about the orbit of Venus. Some theorists have speculated that this behavior is expected for a star at the beginning of the gravitational collapse at the end of its life. The mass of Betelgeuse puts it in range to become a neutron star or possibly a black hole.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 17 Jul 2013, 08:10
I think my response would have been, "that depends.  If I accept, can you drop the whole "master" schtick?  Because that's creepy as heck".  I would have been downright relieved when she showed her real personality.
You phrased it right - as a question. That maid thing might have been her real personality. Can't say I'm too keen on either one, though the second isn't nearly as irritating as the first.

How much right would I have to ask a thinking creature to modify its behaviour around me if I found it irritating? About as much as it would have of asking me, I guess. There's a power imbalance though - she doesn't get to veto a client (or does she?) while I get to reject her.

All sorts of ethical issues here.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 17 Jul 2013, 08:21
I bet she modified her behavior, and possibly her appearance based on whether or not she wanted to "reject" a potential meat bag companion. "Hmmm this one's search history... oh hell. No way I'm working with this one... creepy otaku... how to drive.. oh! Right!" *load TankGirlProjection.hif*
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 17 Jul 2013, 08:26
It's already been established that AnthroPCs can end their relationships with humans at will, so I don't see why a holographic AI would have different rights. (Then again, lawyers and judges interpret things in amazingly illogical ways sometimes...)

Anyway, from what we know of AI society, Jeannie more than likely chose this mode of employment, and can quit or change clients if she wants to.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Overkillengine on 17 Jul 2013, 09:07
That actually might be part of her reason for seeming so aggravated; she chose the job, and was irritated no one was biting on the offer. You'll notice none of her ire seems to be directed at Dale thus far.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 17 Jul 2013, 09:40
I guess hardcore otakus already have anime anthropcs, why would they want a virtual one when they already have tangible anime girls? Marigold have a loli anthroPC.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Rghfrgl on 17 Jul 2013, 09:47
And, re: the transphobic slur against Jeannie...

Is trap a slur? I mean, it means crossdresser. And it'd be rude to, say, call Claire a crossdresser because it would imply she's a guy who likes to dress up. But it's not really the word is it, just people using it wrong?

Also, just noticed the Rukia poster on Dale's wall, revealing good taste in anime girls and bad taste in anime.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 17 Jul 2013, 10:02 know, I'll just let someone else get that easy serve. I'll be in the bunker.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 17 Jul 2013, 10:04
I take offence in that word, when it is used in that way, and it doesn't even affect me. To me using the term "trap" on people says a lot about the opinion of other people of the user. It on one hand stands for the position that the only purpose of people of the other gender is to please oneself, on the other hand it stands for disregarding any right of trans* people. The word is a symbol for people who feel "led on" by others to think that "they are of a different gender than they really are". And that is something that just makes me feel sick.

Edit: Thanks Garand…
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 17 Jul 2013, 10:18
Actually, if you think about it, it's not just transphobic, it's rooted in a homophobic basis (well, it could be heterophobic if a lesbian called someone a trap).

To expand on ankhtahr's post, from everything I've seen of the term's use... basically, it's claiming that anyone assigned male at birth, presenting as female (whether they identify as female or not), is trying to "trap" straight cis men into having "gay" sex (or lesbian cis women into having "straight" sex, but let's face it, the communities in which "trap" is used, it's all straight cis men), or at least being sexually attracted to someone with genitals typical of a male.

I hope I don't need to explain why that's a rather horrible slur. (Although, it's actually not just transphobic, given that it does affect crossdressers as well, as Rghfrgl points out. But, "transphobic" is probably the easiest category to put it in.)

(Hell, most slurs start out as relatively neutral words, and later get negative meaning assigned to them. This one starts out as negative.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 17 Jul 2013, 10:35
A day late, but I think I know where Dale's "NOPE" came from...

Anyone else remember the annoyingly helpful paperclip in MS Word? 

I think if the paperclip had alternative personalities, it may have been more amusing, at least. 

Of course, the main problem with it was that most of its suggestions had nothing to do with what you were trying to do... but the annoyingly helpful attitude just made it worse. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 17 Jul 2013, 10:46
It did! Mine was a pup!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 17 Jul 2013, 11:29
Roboclippy FTW!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Thrudd on 17 Jul 2013, 12:05
When all those OS "upgrades" came out the first thing I ever did was deactivate every extra "feature" and then spend the rest of the time trying to find the functions I used but that were now hidden or removed.
I had actually forgotten about that misbegotten bit of plagiarism.
I am glad I got out of computers early on..... [yeah right .....] :meh:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 17 Jul 2013, 12:11
Oh come on,  the best part of getting a new system is figuring it out and bending it to your will =P
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 17 Jul 2013, 12:13
And, re: the transphobic slur against Jeannie...

Is trap a slur? I mean, it means crossdresser. And it'd be rude to, say, call Claire a crossdresser because it would imply she's a guy who likes to dress up. But it's not really the word is it, just people using it wrong?

Also, just noticed the Rukia poster on Dale's wall, revealing good taste in anime girls and bad taste in anime.

Is it still rude if you add "delicious" to it? Delicious trap?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Storel on 17 Jul 2013, 12:15
Thinking about it some more, a piece of software that shows up unannounced and displays a "personal assistant"? Bonzi Buddy?  :psyduck:

My immediate reaction to seeing this comment was "Clippy! ("  :roll:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 17 Jul 2013, 12:17
When all those OS "upgrades" came out the first thing I ever did was deactivate every extra "feature" and then spend the rest of the time trying to find the functions I used but that were now hidden or removed.

The new version of Opera has had all the features that made Opera distinctive removed for you (even bookmarks, FFS, which Mosaic already had in 1993), and it's no good looking for them, because no, they really are not there any more.

They've killed it at a stroke, as there is now no reason even to use it instead of Chrome.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Valdís on 17 Jul 2013, 12:34
Is it still rude if you add "delicious" to it? Delicious trap?

If you called me a "hot crossdresser" then your attraction doesn't take away from the insult inherent to being misgendered or the claim of being out to deceive people, no.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 17 Jul 2013, 13:18
Is it still rude if you add "delicious" to it? Delicious trap?

It's only not rude if you aren't referring to a person but to an actual trap. So you could call a mousetrap baited with carrot cake a "delicious trap" and nobody would take offense.

Except the mice, and possibly the carrots.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 17 Jul 2013, 14:04
I bet she modified her behavior, and possibly her appearance based on whether or not she wanted to "reject" a potential meat bag companion. "Hmmm this one's search history... oh hell. No way I'm working with this one... creepy otaku... how to drive.. oh! Right!" *load TankGirlProjection.hif*

i would totally approve a tank girl themed robo-asistant.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Barmymoo on 17 Jul 2013, 14:07
I was about to say "except the mice" but you beat me to it. Maybe a mouse trap MADE of carrot cake might not offend anyone - except, as you say, the carrots.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: CrowFairy on 17 Jul 2013, 14:26
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it. I don't want to have to keep a magnifying glass with my computer. Please be considerate of other people. I don't think anyone likes having to deal with it. :/ We have the spoiler tag and slightly bigger small fonts. It's just kinda mean to make it so hard on everyone. :(

That aside, I for one welcome our new AI overlord. :angel:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 17 Jul 2013, 14:30
Control + scrollwheel

Or pinch zoom
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: MillionDollar Belt Sander on 17 Jul 2013, 14:45
Merry Maid is my new favorite character.    :-D

I will ship her with Winslow.   
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 17 Jul 2013, 15:08
It did! Mine was a pup!

...who was every bit as annoying. 

Quote from: I don't recall who

Outfit's wrong, and now so's the attitude...

Merry Maid

That would be great, if it weren't for the cease and desist order from the Merry Maids housecleaning service corporation. 

Besides, her name needs to be something Japanesque... not necessarily Japanese, just something to indicate her Anime origins. 

You know, like "Godzilla". 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: MillionDollar Belt Sander on 17 Jul 2013, 15:26
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: celticgeek on 17 Jul 2013, 15:29
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 17 Jul 2013, 16:06
Advice to Dale

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 17 Jul 2013, 16:26
Examples: Angus has an audition in New York, Dale applies at CoD, Tai and Claire desperately want to set up someone, Marigold and Dale have "bonding time" 
Don't forget the Crying Emily arc.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 17 Jul 2013, 16:42
The "Crying Emily" arc really went as far as it could. It was a one-joke arc, and if it had gone on any longer it would have gotten old in a hurry. We gave peas a chance - time to move on.

I don't think the other arcs are necessarily abandoned, just on hold. The Angus arc, in particular, I expect to see again.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 17 Jul 2013, 17:30
Give Jeph a couple of years, he'll get it all sorted out. 

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Tulpa on 17 Jul 2013, 18:46
I now know what to say the next time I grab an ass. (If that happens soon enough for me to remember it...  :-\)

Edit: I was reading up on Google Glass the other and they make sound by vibrating your skull instead of standard speakers so... No one will be able to see or hear Dale's maid ghost, yet he has to talk to her.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: jwhouk on 17 Jul 2013, 18:52
Advice to Dale


I'm thinking Pintsize may already know her.

...and fear her as well. :o
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 17 Jul 2013, 19:03
Iiiiiinteresting, this isn't her appearance of choice. Which means that all the things I speculated about, re: AIs having free will regarding their appearance, are false at least to an extent.

And she seems to like that she can give herself breast augmentation on the fly.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 17 Jul 2013, 20:01
Well, this is probably her job. So her appearance would at least be in part be determined by her 'dress code'. In this case set by what some algorithm determined would be attractive to Dale, or other prospective testers.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: CrowFairy on 17 Jul 2013, 20:16
I'm not gonna lie--I'd love to be able to make my boobs change size at will. I wonder if her outfit will change as his search history does.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 17 Jul 2013, 20:21
Regarding her name, Akima suggested 'BluMeido'. I'm good with that.

The cool thing about a holographic AI companion is there's no cost for a chassis. Remember otaku spend all their money on manga and anime. And pocki.

Also since only you see her, nobody else has to know what she looks like. (You perv, you...)

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sorflakne on 17 Jul 2013, 20:33
Hm, here all she wanted was bigger boobs.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 17 Jul 2013, 20:51
Advice to Dale


I'm thinking Pintsize may already know her.

...and fear her as well. :o

What if she IS Pintsize?

Anyway I Dale have never met Pintsize or Marten does he?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 17 Jul 2013, 20:55
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it. I don't want to have to keep a magnifying glass with my computer. Please be considerate of other people. I don't think anyone likes having to deal with it. :/ We have the spoiler tag and slightly bigger small fonts. It's just kinda mean to make it so hard on everyone. :(

That aside, I for one welcome our new AI overlord. :angel:

i usually just copy-paste it into the address bar for reading
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Emoroffle on 17 Jul 2013, 22:09
I think Jeph is trolling Dale. I envy her ability to make changes like that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: KOK on 17 Jul 2013, 22:28

Anyway I Dale have never met Pintsize or Marten does he?

Marten and Dale met in the strip that introduced Dale.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 17 Jul 2013, 23:08
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it. I don't want to have to keep a magnifying glass with my computer. Please be considerate of other people. I don't think anyone likes having to deal with it. :/ We have the spoiler tag and slightly bigger small fonts. It's just kinda mean to make it so hard on everyone. :(

Use the quote button and the post is "deconstructed" to normal font levels, minimized text and all.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 17 Jul 2013, 23:12
It's still really annoying.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 17 Jul 2013, 23:56
I could just disable the font size tag - then you'd all be sorry!  If you want to hide something, use a spoiler tag (or don't type it!).

OK, so I use small fonts, too - but 8pt is small enough to provide a change of focus.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: KOK on 18 Jul 2013, 00:02
Hey, um... This is off-topic, but I thought most of us agreed a while back not to use the obscenely tiny fonts? It's such a pain in the butt to have to try to highlight the words or hit the quote button. Especially when there are this many posts with it to deal with. :/ I'm interested in seeing what people have to say, and I'm pretty sure no one has the visual capacity to actually read it without having to sit and find a different way to look at it.

I can read it. But I completely overlooked at until you pointed it out.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 18 Jul 2013, 00:18
The "Crying Emily" arc really went as far as it could. It was a one-joke arc, and if it had gone on any longer it would have gotten old in a hurry. We gave peas a chance - time to move on.

I don't consider "girl is not able to make a joke, thus breaks out in tears without any mention of an explanation or satisfying conclusion" to be a finished arc.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 18 Jul 2013, 01:03
Man, I'm not sure if this arc is going to involve Dale realizing that Marigold is the tsundere meido he truly needs, BluMeido tries to teach Dale how to treat the ladies, or Marigold steals his AR glasses and uses them with the help of BluMeido to create a world of anime that subsequently cripplingly blinds her.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 18 Jul 2013, 01:39
Is trap a slur?

The Long answer: Yes.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 18 Jul 2013, 02:49
Expanding boob gag? All class, all the way. :roll:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Border Reiver on 18 Jul 2013, 04:24
Expanding boob gag? All class, all the way. :roll:

It could be worse - it can always be worse.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Redball on 18 Jul 2013, 06:12
I could just disable the font size tag - then you'd all be sorry!  If you want to hide something, use a spoiler tag (or don't type it!).

Would it be possible to limit the size reduction to 6pt?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: snubnose on 18 Jul 2013, 07:46
You dont want bigger than 6pt boobs ?   :-P

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 18 Jul 2013, 08:03
I could just disable the font size tag - then you'd all be sorry!  If you want to hide something, use a spoiler tag (or don't type it!).

Would it be possible to limit the size reduction to 6pt?

I'd have to program that as a mod, rather than just use a setting.

Alternatively, I could disable the font size but add in just [large] and [small] options.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 18 Jul 2013, 08:33
NB many browsers (Firefox for sure, and I'm pretty certain safari does too) have a "minimum font size" setting that will override the size of rendered HTML text….
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Barmymoo on 18 Jul 2013, 09:12
I wish I could adjust the size of my breasts. Mostly they would be smaller, but some of my clothes are too big so maybe I'd increase them to fit the shirt instead of wearing baggy shirts? Can we have the same setting for leg length and diameter of waist?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 18 Jul 2013, 10:01
Well, I seem to have found a surefire method for adjusting waist size upward.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 18 Jul 2013, 10:12
A delicious method!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: judemorrigan on 18 Jul 2013, 10:17
Expanding boob gag? All class, all the way. :roll:

It could be worse - it can always be worse.
Butts.  It would involve butts.  Right?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 18 Jul 2013, 10:18
Well, I seem to have found a surefire method for adjusting waist size upward.

I call my method "Cake"
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 18 Jul 2013, 10:22
I love that method! But for me it mostly increases the butt size...  :lol:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 18 Jul 2013, 10:23
Well, I seem to have found a surefire method for adjusting waist size upward.

I call my method "Cake"

Ice cream is a much better method, since it is liquid it doesn't stay in stomach!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 18 Jul 2013, 10:29
Your methods have some madness to them. I like that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 18 Jul 2013, 10:32
The Ice Cream theory is decent, but I've been working with Berkley to produce a hybrid theorem.

Ice Cream Cake.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mad Cat on 18 Jul 2013, 10:33
Whenever I hit some of that tiny font crap, I just use my text to speech synthesis system to read it to me.

The only technical reason for a gynoid (female android) to have bigger boobs is greater battery capacity. For what possible technical reason could a hologram with a female avatar need bigger boobs?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 18 Jul 2013, 10:36
Who needs a technical reason? Maybe she just likes them like that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 18 Jul 2013, 10:47
The physical appearance of an AnthroPC or a holographic avatar is all about social interaction with humans. Big boobs are a proven method of increasing social interaction with certain types of humans.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 18 Jul 2013, 11:17
Hmm. Thinking about it, life as a Glasses holographic companion AI must be hard. If you're given a choice between being a companion AI with a chassis which enables it to do things on its own, maybe even working on a job, like Momo, and becoming a holographic image on the glasses of some dude, so you can't go anywhere without him, can't even interact with your surroundings, I feel like that is the choice between a real life on your own and servitude. I'm slightly uncomfortable with that idea.

Maybe AIs which choose to become a holographic companion AI hope that their companions will buy them a chassis when they got used to eachother. Some kind of "trial companionship". I can't imagine that this would be viable on long term.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 18 Jul 2013, 11:32
Also, this is a beta. So, could be the first time that personal holographic AIs have been exposed to the general public. (We know that holographic AIs have been portrayed in QC before, with Spaceship and Station, but that wasn't a personal-scale, and that wasn't to the general public.)

I mean, Dale, who's clearly into technology to the point of wearing AR glasses during all waking hours, and in a society with AI rights, didn't know what she was.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 18 Jul 2013, 13:34
Idea: the programmers couldn't agree on a boob size and left it as a variable, which the AI then experimented with because it was the only change she could make.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 18 Jul 2013, 14:06
Just so long as she doesn't go Seven of Nine on Dale, I think he'll be OK with her.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 18 Jul 2013, 15:09
Thought: What is worse from the perspective of others, having a maid AI in your glasses dressed in Maid Lingerie with small breasts or one with large breasts?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 18 Jul 2013, 19:41
I've never cared much for Dale. He delivers pizza, plays WoW, and annoys Marigold. Whom I like. But now BluMeido is about to make his life more interesting. This can only be a good thing. Especially if she decides to interfere with his interactions with Marigold.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Jazzmaster on 18 Jul 2013, 20:49
I wonder what he'll spend that money on.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 18 Jul 2013, 21:25
AdBlock Glasses Premium?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: T on 18 Jul 2013, 21:28
Hmm. Thinking about it, life as a Glasses holographic companion AI must be hard. If you're given a choice between being a companion AI with a chassis which enables it to do things on its own, maybe even working on a job, like Momo, and becoming a holographic image on the glasses of some dude, so you can't go anywhere without him, can't even interact with your surroundings, I feel like that is the choice between a real life on your own and servitude. I'm slightly uncomfortable with that idea.

Maybe AIs which choose to become a holographic companion AI hope that their companions will buy them a chassis when they got used to eachother. Some kind of "trial companionship". I can't imagine that this would be viable on long term.
What if they find it better to be free to swim in the net instead of sharing the physical world with meatbags?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mustang6172 on 18 Jul 2013, 21:47
Either put on the glasses, or start eating trash can!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 18 Jul 2013, 22:00
$750/day paid beta testing?

My scam alarm is going off.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 18 Jul 2013, 22:07
Hahaha. I like Jeannie more every day!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sorflakne on 18 Jul 2013, 22:18
Damn, I wish I could get paid $1200 for testing a computer program.

Also...fucko.  I'm gonna have to remember that one.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Schmee on 18 Jul 2013, 22:23
Wait, so what happens to BluMeido/Jeannie when Dale takes off his glasses? She says that it will prevent her from seeing him naked(i.e. her hologram won't be projected anymore), but is she actually stored in his glasses, or in the cloud somewhere? Is she just deactivated?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: St.Clair on 18 Jul 2013, 22:27
The glasses contain a camera, which sees what the wearer sees.  Therefore...

(Also, her image isn't projected; it is only visible to the wearer, part of the Augmented Reality.  Which means that, depending on how far and/or silly Jeph wants to go with this, we could be getting updated-for-the-21st versions of all those classic sitcom gags about an "imaginary" supernatural/alien friend that only the protagonist can see and hear, much to the confusion of ... just about everyone else.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 18 Jul 2013, 23:14
Thought: What is worse from the perspective of others, having a maid AI in your glasses dressed in Maid Lingerie with small breasts or one with large breasts?

Small breasts. I mean, if you're gonna perv on a holo-meido, you can at least perv on fat titties, man; as the poet Ray Smuckles once said, they are "the truffles of the lady-body community!"

Ideally, though, the holo-meido gets her own agency in this, as we see with Blu/Jeannie/Companion here.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 18 Jul 2013, 23:49
I think we can agree that tastes on boobs are different.

(click to show/hide)

But seriously, tastes are different.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 18 Jul 2013, 23:52
 What do gynoids talk about in the bathroom?

Androids    - 12 (9.7%)
Related models    - 2 (1.6%)
The use of information database crawlers to identify unfamiliar terminology    - 4 (3.2%)
World Domination    - 20 (16.1%)
Gossip    - 9 (7.3%)
The latest celebrity events in Robot Weekly    - 4 (3.2%)
The new technologies doomed to never be implemented in Popular Robot    - 4 (3.2%)
Gynoids known to them who may expose their circuitry with or without a currency exchange    - 22 (17.7%)
Their assorted bugs, glitches, and hardare failures.    - 16 (12.9%)
Social protocols    - 19 (15.3%)
Something not mentioned    - 8 (6.5%)
Nothing    - 4 (3.2%)

Total Members Voted: 72
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Daniel Patrick Moynihan on 18 Jul 2013, 23:57
Wait... How would she see his junk?  Unless he looked in the mirror with the glasses on, there's no visual input for her to use.  Station/Spaceship must have enough cameras to manage, but Dale's bathroom?

Also that would mean if you covered your eyes she wouldn't see you but you could see her.  Very interesting possibilities for interacting with such an AI.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 19 Jul 2013, 00:06
The punch line of this arc?

She's Malware sent by Marigold.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 19 Jul 2013, 00:08
Also that would mean if you covered your eyes she wouldn't see you but you could see her.  Very interesting possibilities for interacting with such an AI.
So BlueMeido is like a Reverse Bugblatter Beast of Traal? :-D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: HiFranc on 19 Jul 2013, 00:16
$750/day paid beta testing?

My scam alarm is going off.

Or the developers know that you would earn it?  What if they feared that they hadn't got the personality profiles quite right.  I suspect Dale would find time with Marvin ( relaxing after BlueMeido.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Delator on 19 Jul 2013, 00:18
She's gone from being crass to flat-out insulting him?

Forget opting out...I'd just leave my glasses in a drawer for two days.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 19 Jul 2013, 00:31
Also that would mean if you covered your eyes she wouldn't see you but you could see her.  Very interesting possibilities for interacting with such an AI.
So BlueMeido is like a Reverse Bugblatter Beast of Traal? :-D

Take a cookie for that reference.

Yeah Jeannie's a little abrasive though, gotta wonder why she's doing this gig. Maybe she's got bills and lost her chassis?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 19 Jul 2013, 01:15
She's gone from being crass to flat-out insulting him?

Forget opting out...I'd just leave my glasses in a drawer for two days.
That's exactly what I thought!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 19 Jul 2013, 01:23
Unless he needs them to see.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Delator on 19 Jul 2013, 01:37
Unless he needs them to see.

I wear contacts, but I still have a pair of glasses lying around for the odd emergency.

Anybody who needs vision correction and doesn't have a backup handy is asking for trouble.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 19 Jul 2013, 01:44
...I just realized ya'll don't know I wear glasses.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mlle Germain on 19 Jul 2013, 02:05
Since your avatar does, I would actually have imagined you with glasses!

Although making assumptions about someone's appearance due to his forum avatar is silly, of course,
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: rschill on 19 Jul 2013, 02:50
...I just realized ya'll don't know I wear glasses.

How sure are you that we don't live in them? 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 19 Jul 2013, 02:59
Honestly, ever since I stopped doing high-risk activities (read: being a kid in K-12 school), I haven't bothered to care where my backup pair of glasses is.

Of course, I don't actually need them to function, it's just that my right eye experiences significant strain when focusing on something without them (even though I'm not actually able to use it for anything other than peripheral vision).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 19 Jul 2013, 03:04
The gal has ISSUES.
Starting with indentured servitude. What I'd call "slavery". ICKY for anyone involved.
As I said before, some serious ethical issues here.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 19 Jul 2013, 03:06
...I just realized ya'll don't know I wear glasses.

How sure are you that we don't live in them?

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 19 Jul 2013, 03:06
Interestingly, she phrased it as, "if you go the whole 2 days".

Sounds like there's an out that she's not telling Dale. (Or, this is a post-CFAA universe, and violating the ToS isn't a felony.)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: rschill on 19 Jul 2013, 03:31
The gal has ISSUES.
Starting with indentured servitude. What I'd call "slavery". ICKY for anyone involved.
As I said before, some serious ethical issues here.

Did she mean "have to" as in being forced to by a person or other entity or did she mean it as in the same way as I "have to" send off  money for the power bill and go to work (wearing cloths other than what I prefer) later today. 

The maid outfit is a lot more demeaning than what I have to wear though, but then there isn't an algorithm telling my employers that the customers would most likely prefer it. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 19 Jul 2013, 03:53
"Schlong"? Oy gevalt! What kind of meshuggeneh chose BlueMeido for the role of companion AI? I bet Dale ends up with bupkes.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sidhekin on 19 Jul 2013, 05:02
The gal has ISSUES.
Starting with indentured servitude. What I'd call "slavery". ICKY for anyone involved.
As I said before, some serious ethical issues here.
She must have lost a bet.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Skewbrow on 19 Jul 2013, 05:08
"Schlong"? Oy gevalt! What kind of meshuggeneh chose BlueMeido for the role of companion AI? I bet Dale ends up with bupkes.
Do you speak fluent yiddish or have you just stumbled upon a page serving foulmouthed polyglots?

Ok. I did google up "meshuggen", when Marten discussed the band Meshuggah while showing his new guitar to Faye,
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Madmartigan on 19 Jul 2013, 06:12
The female AI version of Pintsize.  Only with a bit of Marvin from Hitch Hiker's Guide thrown in. Scary.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: muon on 19 Jul 2013, 06:18
Since your avatar does, I would actually have imagined you with glasses!

Although making assumptions about someone's appearance due to his forum avatar is silly, of course,

Yep, I definitely don't look like my avatar, although I certainly wouldn't mind being as cute as Claire.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: westrim on 19 Jul 2013, 07:18
My avatar is a mask, concealing and revealing my identity at the same time.

Pretty deep, eh?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 19 Jul 2013, 07:23
"Schlong"? Oy gevalt! What kind of meshuggeneh chose BlueMeido for the role of companion AI? I bet Dale ends up with bupkes.

Oh please, "schlong" has long been part of common American usage. 

Unlike "meshuggeneh", which my grandfather defined for me as "a poisen from Michigan"...

And my avatar was chosen for attitude, not verisimilitude. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 19 Jul 2013, 07:32
I don't actually have an 18th-century naval gun on my head.

EDIT to fix spelling
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: snubnose on 19 Jul 2013, 07:53
To be honest, I find the nose of that hologram annoying. It only shows up once you see her from the side. Otherwise its "invisible". Thats kind of irritating, really.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 19 Jul 2013, 08:10
I have to admit that I've chosen Steve from this era because of his beard, which is similar to mine. Not because of his personality, which isn't similar to mine.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesium133 on 19 Jul 2013, 08:19
I don't actually have an 18th-centiry naval gun on my head.
I may or may not be a giant inflatable spider.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Zebediah on 19 Jul 2013, 08:48
I am probably not an eternal bandicoot. Although I haven't actually done any of the tests that would verify that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: celticgeek on 19 Jul 2013, 08:54
My avatar looks almost, but not quite, exactly unlike me.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sidhekin on 19 Jul 2013, 09:19
Mine is a quick self-portrait.

... more than a decade old ...
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: bhtooefr on 19 Jul 2013, 09:25
I'm not actually an Apple IIGS with an iPhone 3GS-style logo taped over it.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 19 Jul 2013, 09:31
I refuse to believe that.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Valdís on 19 Jul 2013, 09:44
My avatar is accurate for like.. 11 year old me. Still a blonde Swedish girl, but my hair has gotten longer. I don't really have a red hooded-cape, though. :oops:
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Masterpiece on 19 Jul 2013, 09:57
Dale has a similar hairstyle and beard to mine. But he's way nerdier than I am.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Neko_Ali on 19 Jul 2013, 11:03
I am totally in truth two sitting faeries. That's a photograph taken last year. *nodnods*
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Rghfrgl on 19 Jul 2013, 11:23
 I am, in fact, NOT a adorable blonde girl.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: rschill on 19 Jul 2013, 11:25
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 19 Jul 2013, 11:34
I do not, in fact, own a monocle.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Blackjoker on 19 Jul 2013, 11:35
on the subject of avatars, mine is just based off of one of my favorite characters from an anime series.

To be honest, I kind of wonder if the ai here might actually be intentionally trying to sabotage this. I can see the reason for it, anthroPCs have physical bodies, easier to see them as 'human' or at least deserving of rights when they're also ambulatory, with an AI being just a program it's easier to dismiss their rights and threaten them. That or she could just have a bad attitude and is taking it out on Dale.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 19 Jul 2013, 11:35
I do not, in fact, own a monocle.
You rent one?

Re the AI -- interesting that there could be the AI equivalent of shitty jobs to have ... We have seen that not all AI's are satisfied with their lines of work. We've seen the possibility that not all AIs are good at their jobs, and that some have ethical lapses, some are unmotivated ...  and some are Pintsize. I am interested to see where Jeph takes the next couple of weeks with an AI that sees through Dale's eye(glasse)s and is not shy about passing judgment on what she sees.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 19 Jul 2013, 11:51
Thought, what is Jeannie is ACTUALLY the test? She's not a beta program at all, it's a psychological study and it's her job to be as abrasive to any one she "partners" with as possible for the duration of the study period and collect data on the subject and their reactions.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 19 Jul 2013, 14:30
I am not (usually) climbing out of a cupboard. My previous avatar though...well, I'm a touch crazy at times. A smidge.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 19 Jul 2013, 14:38
*Hands Ms Powers another Magazine*
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Blackjoker on 19 Jul 2013, 15:40
Thought, what is Jeannie is ACTUALLY the test? She's not a beta program at all, it's a psychological study and it's her job to be as abrasive to any one she "partners" with as possible for the duration of the study period and collect data on the subject and their reactions.

Intriguing idea, but the problem with that is that there are some big ethical rules and regs that go into psychological study. This might be a bit of an issue given the potential privacy violations involved.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 19 Jul 2013, 15:48
Judging from Faye's therapist, ethics rules may be looser in the QC universe.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: MillionDollar Belt Sander on 19 Jul 2013, 15:53
Maidzilla is Yelling Bird reduced to a digital file and stored online while they rebuild his body.   He attempted to fuck a blast-furnace while drunk on Scotch you see.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: SageJiraiya on 19 Jul 2013, 15:57
Re: comic

At the moment I think the new virtua-anthroPC is just gonna be an excellent means of getting to know Dale better. I look forward to learning more about his character.

Re: avatar

I am in fact a non-physical being without a form of any kind. I exist in an infinite 2-dimensional plane lacking color or depth.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 19 Jul 2013, 16:12
Thought, what is Jeannie is ACTUALLY the test? She's not a beta program at all, it's a psychological study and it's her job to be as abrasive to any one she "partners" with as possible for the duration of the study period and collect data on the subject and their reactions.

Intriguing idea, but the problem with that is that there are some big ethical rules and regs that go into psychological study. This might be a bit of an issue given the potential privacy violations involved.

Those were probably located in that long winded agreement she failed to read.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 19 Jul 2013, 16:27
nah, unfortunately the apa doesn't let you get away with that kind of trickery. that whole 'informed consent' thing is actually a real bitch to maintain in psychological research, since so many experiments (i'm sorry, studies) rely on the subject (i'm sorry, participant) not knowing what's going on.

*sigh*, we're just not allowed to be evil anymore (
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Rimwolf on 19 Jul 2013, 18:05
"I'm only doin' it 'cause I have to." -- I hope we find out why she has to.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: J on 19 Jul 2013, 18:26
maybe she's in debt & the loan sharks are gonna break her digits.

first the 0s, then the 1s.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 19 Jul 2013, 18:38
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 19 Jul 2013, 20:15
My avatar is a reasonable "cartoon me", though of course I'm not dating Batman.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DrBear on 19 Jul 2013, 22:21
Didn't know the discussion has gone to avatars as I just changed mine from a state-themed one to this Doctor Bear from a guest QC. It seems oddly appropriate, except for the housedress. I prefer orange.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 19 Jul 2013, 22:36
My avatar is a reasonable "cartoon me", though of course I'm not dating Batman.

That's just what someone dating Batman would say.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 19 Jul 2013, 22:53
Re : Avatar - what you see is what you get. Though I'm one of those people who look completely different depending on camera angle and lighting.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 20 Jul 2013, 00:05
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?

Market research is nothing more than false info that is steadfastly held up as "the gospel" by idiots who paid stupid amounts of money to get a degree that entitles them to a position that requires a stupid money compensation.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Perfectly Reasonable on 20 Jul 2013, 01:10
Waydaminnit... It never occurred to me to wonder how BluMeido sees what she sees.

As for me, I wear glasses (as you'll see when my avatar is up) and if I mislay them, I can't look for them until I find them.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: techkid on 20 Jul 2013, 04:15
On avatars: I find similarities (similar beard ("the kind of beard worn by people who weren't cut out by nature to be beard-wearers"), magical abilities and luck in my natural profession), but also differences (no WIZZARD hat, homicidal Luggage, nor have I saved the world (not even by accident)).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 20 Jul 2013, 04:30
A a matter of fact, I do have long brown-ish hair. And the aforementioned glasses.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ankhtahr on 20 Jul 2013, 04:35
Hmm. Somehow I had imagined you more like this:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 20 Jul 2013, 04:48
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Loki on 20 Jul 2013, 05:55

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: celticgeek on 20 Jul 2013, 08:12
Is it getting to be time for another week of "you as your avatar"?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: FunkyTuba on 20 Jul 2013, 08:22
The avatar over there is a reasonable representation of me when in 10th grade the band director said "So... we've got five baritone players and only one tuba player this year. Since you're the least senior baritone....."

It's about the only drawing I've done that turned out good enough to use for anything, so I use it everywhere :D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 20 Jul 2013, 09:49
Is it getting to be time for another week of "you as your avatar"?
Was that a thing?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: celticgeek on 20 Jul 2013, 09:56
Yes.  I will have to check and see when the last one was. 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 20 Jul 2013, 12:44
What's the range of a tuba?

About twenty yards.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Kugai on 20 Jul 2013, 12:51
With or without a tail wind?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Emperor Norton on 20 Jul 2013, 13:30
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?

Market research is nothing more than false info that is steadfastly held up as "the gospel" by idiots who paid stupid amounts of money to get a degree that entitles them to a position that requires a stupid money compensation.

Marketing is one of the most misunderstood things outside of people who work in marketing. Of course, I'm sure that when you called marketing people idiots holding on to false beliefs to justify being paid, you weren't expecting someone who reads it to actually work in marketing.

(I never went to school for it though, I have a degree in electronics, I fell into a marketing position, and had to learn by doing)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Nepiophage on 20 Jul 2013, 14:01
My avatar is a recent photograph.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 20 Jul 2013, 15:07
Emperor Norton, was that directed at me as well?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 20 Jul 2013, 18:28
How do you fix a broken tuba? 

Wait for it.....

with a tuba glue.  [rimshot]
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 20 Jul 2013, 20:11
Maybe it's just market research. Then again, isn't market research just psychology of profit?

Market research is nothing more than false info that is steadfastly held up as "the gospel" by idiots who paid stupid amounts of money to get a degree that entitles them to a position that requires a stupid money compensation.

Marketing is one of the most misunderstood things outside of people who work in marketing. Of course, I'm sure that when you called marketing people idiots holding on to false beliefs to justify being paid, you weren't expecting someone who reads it to actually work in marketing.

New Coke, Crystal Pepsi, XBox One.......
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 20 Jul 2013, 22:39
Hell, just turn off your ad blocker. You'll wonder what the hell those people were smoking by the end of the day.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Emperor Norton on 20 Jul 2013, 23:17
Just because some marketing people blow ass at it, doesn't make the field as a whole stupid.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: westrim on 21 Jul 2013, 00:04
I mostly haven't gotten around to posting all week, so excuse the mega post!

I was kind of bummed that no one discussed the way I wrote the poll... Also, I was surprised at one of the two that eventually got the most votes. The other was entirely expected.

This storyline seems quite odd, especially since we never got resolution for the last time we saw Dale.

I want to stay as far away from existential terminology arguing as I do from the Zimmerman case, but I feel compelled to say that I find being offended by what people say (when they do not intend harm) about as ridiculous as being offended by what people are. I've been around enough gay people that talk about cigarettes, black people that talk about a modified form of the Spanish word for black, and 4chan which has many discussions about characters with sexes other than their apparent gender that even if I have no desire to use the terms, the morality of them is about as subjective as that of homosexuality and I see no objective reason to be offended by either or accommodate others subjective feelings on either (at least, not on the internet). I find blanket declarations about Actual People They Don't Know like this one (,29111.msg1172789.html#msg1172789) far more offensive, and one person barely blinked.

Small fonts and off standard fonts, objectively hard on the eyes. Interesting how many people responded to the initial post but missed what Loli already said was a pain and the larger point that needing to do ANYTHING to read the text was excessive.

I once changed my avatar and manner of speaking to Kim Jong Un for a bit due to a comment someone made, but no one commented on my great humor so I switched back.

Yes, my avatar references a place which references my name, which I will not tell you. It is a place which is deep.

They talk to hand dryers about...well you can take this into two different dirty jokes.

I cannot think of any dirty jokes. But they could talk about bacon.
Something about blowing and being hot, perhaps.

What, no Volkswagen jokes?
They were so obvious everyone Jetta'd away.

We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.

I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)

Gimme a minute here.....
I cross referenced the tags blue_skin and maid on Danbooru and got none that looked similar to QCs, and a good number that weren't safe to post.

The only anime I've heard of with maid main characters are Mahoromatic, whose character was pretty normal (aside from being a combat android serving the son of the man that sacrificed himself to save her for the remainder of her operational time but tosses any porn she finds) *breath*, Maid Sama! whose character is a High School student president and working an afterschool job at a maid cafe, and Emma, whose character is... Emma, a Victorian maid in Victorian times and her forbidden romances.

I now know what to say the next time I grab an ass. (If that happens soon enough for me to remember it...  :-\)

Edit: I was reading up on Google Glass the other and they make sound by vibrating your skull instead of standard speakers so... No one will be able to see or hear Dale's maid ghost.
Unless they touch their skull to his.

Just because marketing people are human and aren't 100% spot on every time, doesn't make the field as a whole stupid.

So yeah, few will probably read that and none will probably respond to it, but at least I got to say it. I want to respond to the previous week as well, but those then both elevate to near certainty so I'll bite my tongue...

Okay, why the hell didn't Momo give Marigold a talking to in the bathroom about how much of an ass she was being and force her to stay to at least verify (or as we know, challenge) her assumptions!?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: pwhodges on 21 Jul 2013, 00:49
Okay, why the hell didn't Momo give Marigold a talking to in the bathroom about how much of an ass she was being and force her to stay to at least verify (or as we know, challenge) her assumptions!?

Because she's her friend, not her controller; sometimes you have to use your judgement to decide what's for the best at that moment.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 21 Jul 2013, 01:11
..and sometimes, even the best judgement of an AI can be pretty far off the mark! 
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 21 Jul 2013, 10:46
Accommodating the feelings of others (while maintaining one's own integrity and using sound judgment about when it's necessary to risk offense) is fundamental to living with other people.

Momo had options between being pulled along and coercion. Her social protocol database probably includes indirect wheedles ("Please, Marigold, I haven't finished my Eel Special!") and various levels of assertiveness (have you ever heard a Southern US woman making a determined point?).
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 21 Jul 2013, 11:45
Yes I have and if you haven't I'd challenge whether or not you've A. been to The South* and B. are passing all of your knowledge of The South off of "Gone With the Wind"

*The South is a place, north, east and west are just directions.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 21 Jul 2013, 13:56
Non-US readers, imagine someone barely raising her voice and still cutting through every conversation in the room, with the confidence of someone who can't even conceive the idea someone might disobey.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 21 Jul 2013, 14:18
Southern Belles are a lot like the Sith. Lots of back stabbing, evil and they utterly rule everything around them through fear.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: jwhouk on 21 Jul 2013, 17:47
Now, now. Not all of them are like that.

Some of them have outlets that keep them from reaching Sith level.

A few friends of mine from Nashville are fortunate they have Predators hockey, for example.  :-D
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 21 Jul 2013, 19:24
Are these the same ladies who can crinkle up into the sweetest smile and say "Bless your heart" in a way that is clearly understood to mean: "Fuck you. And you and all your progeny and their progeny and while we're at it, the memories of all your ancestors can go to hell by the most expedient route and burn there beyond forever"?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 21 Jul 2013, 19:55
Yep! The male version is "He's a good old boy" basically the idea is they're going to slam you, then say something pleasant to make that more socially acceptable.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Redball on 21 Jul 2013, 20:04
Where's Loli when we need her?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: cesariojpn on 22 Jul 2013, 00:23
We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.

I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)

Gimme a minute here.....
I cross referenced the tags blue_skin and maid on Danbooru and got none that looked similar to QCs, and a good number that weren't safe to post.

Joke flew over your head *Harisen HIT!!*
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Thrudd on 22 Jul 2013, 08:52
Southern Belles are a lot like the Sith. Lots of back stabbing, evil and they utterly rule everything around them through fear.
From my limited experience interacting your American southern belles .... Bene Gesserit .... would seem more apropos.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: CrowFairy on 22 Jul 2013, 12:16
Hey, I was in The Middle of Nowhere (C), Kentucky, all weekend; sorry, lol.

And you guys seem to have not met what I call Southern Firecrackers (TM). If we think we're right and absolutely have something to say about it, we will. People recoil in fear when I'm angry at someone and making it known to them. A Southern girl is much more dangerous than you think.

Are these the same ladies who can crinkle up into the sweetest smile and say "Bless your heart" in a way that is clearly understood to mean: "Fuck you. And you and all your progeny and their progeny and while we're at it, the memories of all your ancestors can go to hell by the most expedient route and burn there beyond forever"?
They're downright terrifying.

Some of us say it sincerely, though. You have to dance around carefully when someone says that diabolical phrase.

Southern Belles are like Sith, but I promise that the South isn't that much like "Li'l Abner." There aren't as many Southern Belles as you think, because they camouflage really well. They look like normal people, but they are not.

Yep! The male version is "He's a good old boy" basically the idea is they're going to slam you, then say something pleasant to make that more socially acceptable.
Yeah, old guys are pretty dangerous when it comes to talking about young people. They do make things sound nicer than the Southern Belles, because you can't hear the venom as well. They have some sort of confuse ray they put out so you don't know if you're being insulted or not.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Pilchard123 on 22 Jul 2013, 13:15
[...] They have some sort of confuse ray [...]

NORTHENER is confused!
NORTHERNER hurt itself in its confusion!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 22 Jul 2013, 19:51
No, not Northerner. "Damned Yankee" or in the deep South, "Damyankee"
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 22 Jul 2013, 20:32
Fact: Garand and I have the same first name.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 22 Jul 2013, 23:15
Fact: All people who share Method and I's first name actually form a low level hive mind. We are coming for you all.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: ZoeB on 23 Jul 2013, 04:41
Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Sidhekin on 23 Jul 2013, 05:08
Is that the "Galactic Up"?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 23 Jul 2013, 06:03
Fact: All people who share Method and I's first name actually form a low level hive mind. We are coming for you all.

Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 23 Jul 2013, 06:27
Ah yes, I'm going to enjoy the fireworks when the Dave Conspiracy finally confronts the Gary Hive; I have a specially constructed bunker just for the occasion.

Specially in that none of the crew were ever named Gary or Dave, not in the sense that it has any outstanding features beyond those of a normal luxury command bunker.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Nepiophage on 26 Jul 2013, 12:17
But what about the Mustachioed Eric Conspiracy?
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Mr_Rose on 26 Jul 2013, 12:19
Automatic shavers. Without the antennae, they're powerless.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Carl-E on 26 Jul 2013, 16:50
Great.  Now I have a mental image of a disembodied moustache waving its handlebars in the air, squealing "HELP MEEEEEE! ("
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Method of Madness on 26 Jul 2013, 22:23
But what about the Mustachioed Eric Conspiracy?
I don't have a mustache.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: Akima on 27 Jul 2013, 00:26
Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.
Damn straight!
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: DSL on 27 Jul 2013, 09:33
Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.
Damn straight!

That's going to vary seasonally at certain latitudes, in relation to the ecliptic.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: westrim on 27 Jul 2013, 16:08
Okay, why the hell didn't Momo give Marigold a talking to in the bathroom about how much of an ass she was being and force her to stay to at least verify (or as we know, challenge) her assumptions!?

Because she's her friend, not her controller; sometimes you have to use your judgement to decide what's for the best at that moment.
In no way did I insinuate the italic text. Part of being a friend is telling a friend when they're an ass- preferably away from company which OH WAIT sounds a lot like a bathroom. Then when she's physically (judging by the contortion of Momos body) dragging you off in her misplaced huff, you turn that around and say something more than "but-", especially if you were previously willing to threaten electrocution just to force diner food intake.

Accommodating the feelings of others (while maintaining one's own integrity and using sound judgment about when it's necessary to risk offense) is fundamental to living with other people.

Momo had options between being pulled along and coercion. Her social protocol database probably includes indirect wheedles ("Please, Marigold, I haven't finished my Eel Special!") and various levels of assertiveness (have you ever heard a Southern US woman making a determined point?).
Emphatic agreement to both parts.

Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.
Damn straight!
I'm having a hard time picturing you as a Southern Belle.

We know Dale has at least one anime poster on his walls.
I don't know of any blue skinned maids in anime. (Or at least there's no porn of them yet.)
Gimme a minute here.....
I cross referenced the tags blue_skin and maid on Danbooru and got none that looked similar to QCs, and a good number that weren't safe to post.
Joke flew over your head *Harisen HIT!!*
No, I got it. However, while you may be production oriented, I am archive oriented.
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: GarandMarine on 27 Jul 2013, 17:06

Anyone who lives above the equator is a Northerner.
Damn straight!
I'm having a hard time picturing you as a Southern Belle.

Nay sir! An Australian belle! Which is actually kinda similar when you think about it given the ranching culture, heat and various local versions of rednecks (aka bogans) endemic to both places (not to say either the lovely Zoe or Akima are bogans of course)
Title: Re: WCDT: 2490-2494 (15-19 July, 2013)
Post by: mtmerrick on 27 Jul 2013, 17:21
Great.  Now I have a mental image of a disembodied moustache waving its handlebars in the air, squealing "HELP MEEEEEE! ("
there's an entire story arc of that on another webcomic i read.....

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